• Published 28th Nov 2011
  • 7,532 Views, 259 Comments

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust. - FoxofRarity

Even the best of Ponies like Twilight can fall to the Power of Lust. Leading to clashes with Friendship and Love Itself.

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When the Marine Dissuades the Prince

Joy of hidden Love and the Wraith of Lust

By. FoxofRarity

Chapter. 87

Disclaimer- My Little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.

So you’re having second thoughts Applejack.. Patience is our double edge, for time keeps me with you while time gets you closer to the one who can give you back your Dj Pon 3.” Chero whispers.

Applejack decides to stay silent and let Chero say whatever, it needs to say in order reassure her in a way only Chero knows how to do.

Of course, Chero notices Applejack’s silence. “You expect me to say that this is all just a cruel joke?? No Applejack, this is the reality where everything has a trade-off such as your curiosity taking your parents. And trading me for a mare that will do you good in the long run compared to me. Reality is loss and loss is reality. Either way, Applejack you will choose her...I know you will.”

Now Applejack can’t stay quiet anymore. “How can you be so sure!?”

Chero smirks. “I am and when have I ever led you down the wrong path.”

Applejack sighs seeing how right Chero is. “What's the point of arguing with you if ya always going to teach me a lesson?” *sigh* “Everything is changing and there is not a darn thing Ah can do about it. Heh, maybe...forget it. Ah just have to take your word for it.”

In the Crystal Empire.

“Tell me Gold Sky, your daughter Gilda who is her mother? For I wonder why she has not inherited any features from you? “ Princess Cadance asks with the intention to get the stallion to start talking and lead to a conversation while she leads him to the bakery.

Gold Sky doesn’t know if he should be happy to fulfill Cadance’s curiosity or afraid to grant her a change to hold any leverage over him. Still, she gave him her word and the word of a Immortal...well, the right Immortal that is has so much more weight than any mortal. “Her birth mother and birth father were fascist sympathizers during the Republic-Fasci war in the Griffon Republic. They committed suicide once Victory was certain for the Republic leaving a barely hatched Gilda alone, thank goodness she hasn’t hatched before they took the poison. I found her and I took her as my own flesh & blood.”

“So you didn’t mate with a Griffon?” Of course that question will be asked not out of genuineness but to continue this conversation.

“Well n-no-no, I-I did not mate with a Griffon your Majesty…”
“Um first name basis please.” Cadance interrupts.

Gold Sky clears his throat. “Of course my apologies you, err Cadance. As I was saying, I did not mate with a Griffon, she is adopted, albeit as she grew older she never asked the obvious and out of concern I subtly used my telepathy on her once. Finding no inclination that she believes she’s adopted.”

Cadance slows her pace. “You’re a very good father.”

“I wouldn’t say that Cadance but I have to ask you something if you don’t mind me asking.” The blind stallion pauses to await Cadance’s answer.

“Go ahead, I don’t mind at all.” Cadance assures.

“Uhm…” Gold Sky stalls to make sure that every word that’ll come out of his mouth is well thought of to prevent any offending of the Princess. “You are married and it must have been some time already with Prince Shining Armor. When will you two have a child?”

“Oh…” This is the first time Cadance has been asked that question thus to hear it come from her brother means a lot and she will cherish this moment even if he isn’t being brotherly in his asking of this question. “Well I feel I’m not ready for a child. I believe I will be a terrible mother that can’t even discipline her kid, and Shining Armor will be up to his ears chasing it and doing everything , while I screw up. Hmmm. Motherhood scares me a bit. Sure I’m old and age should give me all this experience but parenting, is something age has yet to teach me. Should I be laissez-faire, strict, a friend, a parent, philosophical, or look to others? Tell me, you’re a parent to a Griffon. They age slowly right? So tell me what kind of parent should I be? Huh!?” His sudden stop surprises her. “Gold Sky, what’s wrong?”

“Y-you are asking me for advice? Advice about parenting?? Cadance, I failed my own daughter. I am no one to give advice about parenting, much less to you oh Princess of Love. It will be very dishonoring to you. Perhaps you should ask the Cakes…” Once again he’s going to be interrupted.

“How many decades or should I say years did you spend raising her?” She asks.

Gold Sky compliments Cadance in persistence. “Thirty seven years before I failed her. Look be final, don’t relent or the child will capitalize on that weakness and don’t be a friend. For a friend has the tendency of bending the rules, just be a parent. That is all I’m telling you Cadance. Strict will good in a certain period...yes I think with some softness I told you enough. Now my second question is why did you kill that stag if only very few know of my consumption of meat.”

Cadance gasps. “How did you know it was me that hunted down the stag?” Also in her mind. "Oh my. Gilda is older than Shining Armor!"

“When magic is used against a stag it gives the meat distinct taste due to the blood evaporating thus a somewhat light hint of meta is present. I on the other hand or hoof prefer to kill it by going for the throat. Nevertheless, I thank you for going out of your way to do something that is really out of the norm for us Ponies so I can feel comfortable...Gilda told you didn’t she?”

Cadance chuckles while in her mind she’s quite happy to finally converse with him. He isn’t stuttering, the flow of his words is smooth, he shows no indication of being afraid, and more importantly they’re talking...talking as if they done so before. The Cerise mare now wishes she can hug him after he reluctantly, that is, gives her a sliver of parenting advice but of course that is out of the picture. “Yes she did. She did not want you to be uncomfortable in the time you’ll spend here. At first I was astonished that you eat meat then again I rule over ponies whose anatomy is crystal...but have you ever eaten pig before?”

Gold Sky nearly gags at the notion of consuming such foul animal. “Ugh pork! I don’t eat pork, it’s such a disgusting animal ugh! Sure most of the Griffons like it but I don’t, I don’t eat pork. Mostly stag, beef when I can find some on a good day, lamb shank when no one is looking, poultry...when Gilda isn’t around, and veal no thanks. So all and all, I prefer stag as my choice meat.” *Ting* “I will be most pleased if you don’t ask how I came about eating meat Cadance. However, if your curiosity gets the best of you I will be most honored to take you on a hunt and relish the most sublime venison that I can offer you.” Gold Sky realizes he’s being relaxed around the Mare he fears most in this world and surely she will decline his offer but still she sounds so lovely. “Does she really want to know me? From the way she speaks to me, it sounds nothing like my end is near. I think her word has weight, I think she is being kind to me...I feel no ill intention coming from her and I’m more than sure Lauren or Father will warn me. Cadance is kind…”

“Aww that is so sweet of you to offer me something like that. In fact since you offered and once your eyesight is restored I will like for you to take me on a hunt, of course I won’t eat...well…” Now that she thinks about it, food can bring two closer together for most part that is but with him he may be offering this to save his skin so food may not bring them closer together. Huh, Cadance is at an impasse here. “If I eat some meat that can really change the quite dreadful perspective he has of me or it may not.” Ooooh what will Shiny think when he finds out she has eaten meat? “He’ll tell me to brush my teeth twice with mouthwash .” So Cadance makes up her mind. “I think I will give it a taste Gold Sky but only the best uhhhh cut yes! Only the best cut...please season it too please, given this is will be the first time I’ll eat meat.” In her mind she tells herself she won’t regret this if she goes to the chemist first and pick up something that’ll keep her from vomiting.

“Are you sure Ca-Cadance??”

“Yes!” She says with a big smile that he can’t see. “I am very sure.”

“Well in that case I’ll do my best to provide you with the sublime.” He bows his head in reverence. “If this is what she wants then so be it. I pray this puts me more in her good graces so she won’t kill...maybe I’m wrong. Maybe I am, I pray I am, I don’t want to die until I know Gilda can find her way in the world.” *ting* “Say Cadance how long until we reach this bakery?”

Answering his question by having him sniff the air to which his ears perk in the direction of the bakery. Cadance leading him inside has him sit while she goes and buy the cookies. “Hmmm they smell good” Unbeknownst to the Immortals, a rather eye pleasing well for the most part mare walks in to the bakery looking for stallions she can sink her flirtatious fangs into.

This Unicorn of beige color with light brown hair with bangs covering her left eye notices the stallion with cloth covering his eyes. “This must be the stallion that’s causing all the fuss. A Alicorn like her majesty hmmmm, he looks like the complete package with a fat wallet and benefits from the Princess herself I bet. I just need to play my cards right and I’ll have him wrapped around hoof in no time, Then I can get rid of Flame Star who’s always good with his bits but this Alicorn is so much better. Well time to get what I want.” The beige Unicorn flicks her hair and takes her place right next to the stallion. “And here we go.” She passes her right hoof down his left arm creating a trail of goosebumps and from the inside send a chill down the spine of the stallion.
“Well hello there handsome, my name Virusa.” She made sure her voice was a bit sultry for what kind of a easy stallion does not like hearing that tune being whispered in their ear.

However, given the tone she used, Gold Sky instantly deduces her intentions for the tone is one he’ll hear from the Griffon mares that wanted to bed him back in the Republic. Thus she is what is called… “Away from me slag.”

“What!!” Virusa gasps. “What did you just call me!?”

At this moment Cadance finishes paying for the cookies turning around to witness Virusa stand before her brother with a cross expression on her face. “I want to see how brother will handle this in his blind state.

“I called you what you are. A mare whose value is but simply lying on her back to get what she wants as she wastes her prime years of youth & fertility along with going through stallions like tissues from a tissue box. Tell me Virus, is your clock already ticking or do you take me for a fool.” Gold Sky scolds the mare to get her away from him for the more time she’s here the more time he has to wait for those cookies.

“My name is Virusa!! Who do you think you are to talk to me like that huh! Like you’re too good for me!” The mare hisses at the stallion in an attempt to shame him.

“I very much am. For the mare I have my...eyes per se on is much, much more dignified, quite long, very smooth scales, and has a flickering tongue. Now she’s a mare who I will do anything to get her attention while you I will do anything to get you away from me. So Viruso you can take your ahem heavily wear and teared self away from me and try to snare some other poor sap that'll fall for your lies by presenting yourself as a prize when you’re only snakeoil.”

Heh, Cadance smirks for she thought that G was the only one with venom. “I better get over there before she does something unreasonable and gets herself to become a victim of her own idiocy.”

“It’s Virusa! Wait a minute!?? Did you just describe a Naga??” The mare’s anger switches to curiosity. “A Naga right??” Her mind pieces together the features he describes.

Taken back by the sudden question Gold Sky sucks back his venom and gentles his tone of voice. “Toltecian Cobra is what she really is and boy am I trying my best to woo her.”

Taking this in Virusa sits down to think about what she’s just heard and see that this stallion has an eye for a different kind of mare. “She’s, she’s a Cobra not a pony.”

“I know and so does she and we don’t care.”

Virusa sighs. “Okay, uhm have a nice day.” With that she leaves.

Surprised. Cadance did not think this will end as it did, rather she expected the mare to make a scene that’ll then prompt him to use his telepathy on her but overall, she’s pleased her killer of a brother shooed that mare away with his words then doing what he does best. “Here you are Gold Sky the cookies I promised you and yes I am a mare of my word. Haha, anywho who was that mare that was speaking to you? Oh here’s some milk too. I uhm didn’t know what kind of milk you liked so I just picked two percent.”

Pleased but mostly humbled by Cadance’s kindness Gold Sky motions with his hoof for Cadance to take a hold of it in order for her to guide it to the milk. “Thank you, Cadance. As for the mare she was just some mare who thought I’ll be a easy target to her silver tongue. She didn’t quite like the fact that I decent looking fellow like myself is vying for the heart of a mare whose slithery, slithey oh so lively. I believed something made her come a realization when I told her that.”

Cadance is happy to guide his hoof to his milk. “What sort of realization do you think she came to??”

“She came well I don’t came to realization perhaps I’m getting ahead of myself. Ahem, I believe she now thinks that all stallions she may have her eyes on will now be vying for Lady Cobras for wives since all she can offer is just a night in bed and her value decreases with time thus she’ll try to settle down with any stallion she can get but I’m sure many know who she is and no stallion worth his salt will try to court her. Anywho, these cookies are amazing, I am honored for your kindness your...Cadance. Thank you.”

The Princess of Love smiles and already has in mind where to take him next. “Say after this will you like to take a walk with me through the park before we head back to the palace?”


In the Palace.

Prince Shining Armor performs his morning hourly trot around the corridors for cardio reasons. “Hmmm that Lady Cobra sure sure seems grabby on Gold Sky. Did he and Octavia get a divorce?? Well if they did I should not bring it up and instead marvel at how he’s with a quite lovely looking Lady Cobra. Heh, I remember that phase I had when I wanted to marry a Olemcan Monitor and if I was still in that phase right now I’ll be telling. Nice job getting a lovely Cobra like her...but Monitors are better, hehehehe.” Shining Armor laughs then spots a crystal guard with a bottle of water. “Thank you.” After a sip of water Shining Armor resumes his train of thought. “Well she’s nice and that slithering of hers is quite mesmerizing. Anyway, I never thought he’ll get a divorce but more importantly why is he training Rarity?? Is she planning to fight in some underground fight club for the rights of a fashion magazine?? Or is she doing this to learn self-defense which if she is then she has no better teacher than that lucky dude who’s with a beautiful Lady Cobra…” Shining Armor decides to finish his hourly trot while there’s six minutes left on the clock. “Can’t help but just feel a wee bit envious of him thanks to remembering that old phase of me.”

Shining Armor laughs to himself one more time. “Huh?” His left ear twitches to the sound of claws clacking on the crystal floor. “Gilda.” He’s quite quick to figure out whose footsteps are those. “It’s nice to meet you Gilda.”

The Griffon grins to her Uncle’s warm greeting. “Hello Uncle Shining Armor. I came here wondering if you had the time can you please show me around the palace because this is the third time I have to ask a palace guard to point me in a direction that I already didn't go through.”

“Sure I’ll show you around Gilda.” With a smile and getting a bigger one from his niece Shining Armor leads her around explaining the ins and out of the Palace. “It’s amazing that Gold Sky will adopt and raise a girl of a different species...then again I wanted to be with a mare of another species. Gilda just tells me everything about his character, or as Cadance says; he’s Love in its physical form. I wish she was truly from his flesh & blood.”

Listening to her Uncle explain the ins and outs of the palace, Gilda takes the time to take in Shining Armor’s voice. “This is my Uncle from the side of my Aunt. He’s quite normal when in term of being one of the rulers here and he acts as if he’s a equal to his subjects. Humph, that’s a nice trait for a ruler like him, perhaps that may be the reason Aunt Cadance married him. A stallion with power and a crown that still acts like he has bills to pay and looks forward to bargain day at the market.” Just then Gilda feels a presence appear next to her. “Huh...oh, it’s one of father’s guards.” Gilda says out loud thus grabbing Shining Armor’s attention.

“Your father’s guard?” Shining Armor turns around and lays his eyes on the cloaked bipedal creature. “Heh, you’re cloaked. Do you think you’re be kind enough to take off your cloak so I can get a better look at you?”

Gilda gasps at her Uncle’s request. “No! Uncle for your sake, you don’t want to see her without her cloak because if you do you will go insane…!” Wait. Gilda remembers Weytani being uncloaked when she defending father from Rarity. “Well uhm for the sake of others whose minds are not protected telepathically, it’s better if uhhh…” Uh oh. Gilda does not know the name of this Xenomorph. “Cynder!!” She looks at the Xenomorph praying she guessed right and to her utmost relief the cloaked Xenomorph nods. “If Cynder keeps her cloak on and please don’t mind her I think she’s only tagging along because she’s curious about the palace as well. Right Cynder?”

Cynder nods while pulling her hood forward a bit more as if to indicate she has no intention of removing her cloak.

“Cynder huh.” Shining Armor takes in the cloaked Xenomorph thinking it’s quite odd for a cloaked guard to have a name before coming to the realization that he does not know the names of any of the Crystal guards here while Gold Sky perhaps knows the names of all his guards. “Hmmm if he knows their names that shows how much he values them.” Now clearing his throat. “That’s a nice a name for you anywho can you talk?”

Cynder shakes her head then points to Gilda.
“She can’t per se, I mean she can talk yes but only father can understand them and I’m trying to understand them but mostly through their hand gestures..and head motions...in reality I don’t think I’ll ever be able to understand them. But one can try no!?” Gilda voice optimistically.

Shining Armor smiles to hear her optimistic tone at the end of her sentence. “Of course only he can understand them. Anyway, Gilda, I heard you were a Marine…:” Now Shining Armor has a background in a sort of militaristic field and likes to be kept up to date when his field evolves. However, he’s never experienced complete and utter militarization, much less hear how a soldier whose nowhere near water is called by a name associated with such. “I want to know what is that? A soldier, support, medical, or supplies??”

Gilda shakes her head. “No Uncle Shining Armor. A Marine is a soldier that goes in before the other to secure anything of value or location. Hence, we are trained the most, the hardest, and we can never get enough of it….” The Griffon remembers that part of her life especially when the Drill Sergeant was screaming in everybody else’s faces but with her and with only inches away from her face he will speak just above a whisper signifying he’s singling her out from the others. “We are serious to the point it can be confused with pride and sometimes we don’t see eye to eye with soldiers of the Grand Army but we have each others back.”

“Huuuuh…” Shining Armor nods in understanding. “So training was tough, wait!? Were you the only mare in the Marines??”


Shining Armor gasps at the notion of a mare like Gilda being surrounded by many stallions of different age ranges. “Were you not afraid of...you know...uhm...you know...a stallion doing something to you…??” He tries his best to maintain his composure and not think any other thoughts other than Gilda being the only mare in the Marines.

Gilda understands what Shining Armor is trying to imply. “No nothing happened. I was mostly left alone but earned their respect of the stallions once I showed I can carry my own weight. I rose quickly through the ranks reaching the rank of Major until the war came and General Sherman promoted me to Colonel where I led the entire 501st Marine Core. It was surreal that I mare will lead the hardest batch into battle and my brothers in arms will follow me without question into battle.”

“Have you ever lost a battle?” Shining Armor asks.

“Thank the Great Spirit no. I’ve lost no battle, due to either the Great Spirit being on my side or Mao the leader of the enemy being full of pride by sending his pawns to be put down by Republic spears. However, I did lose someone close...heh, I lost many brothers before but Jun-Park oh Jun-Park I wish it was someone else who took his please. But listen to me, how I much rather have some else die in his place...very selfish of me. The War had its toll on me and many of my brothers as well.” Gilda wipes her eye despite them being dry.

Of course most of what Gilda said flies over Shining Armor’s head for he is lost in astonishment to hear Gilda leading the 501st Marines and having their full respect. “Wow. I wonder if I can make it as a Marine…”

“Huh!?” Gilda gasps. “Uncle! You should be proud that only thing close to a military here in my father’s homeland is being a guard! I’ve seen what one can do to another with their own talons, a rock, their own helmets, and my fists. I cannot forget what I’ve seen...the dry blood on my sword...what one can do to another when running purely on survival instinct...what I did...I lost my...my...my...mind. All I wanted was the blood of my enemies. I wanted them to pay for killing Jun-Park I hated them!! I never hated anybody more than my enemies! But now looking back I see that I almost lost myself where once the war I’ll just be some hate filled soldier who will be alone and yearning for more blood to spill. I will always be a Marine and that’s how I want it. Only I. ”

*TING* The gravity of Gilda’s words finally hits Shining Armor like an awakening slap from reality but before he can speak Gilda continues.

“I can’t unsee things, unhear, undo, can’t save, can’t protect, can take back my orders, and I can never fully repair myself. You know why Uncle? Because that is what war does to one it damages us and we have to fight another war once the first one is finished...where the new Front is in the Mind.” Gilda points to her head. “I’m damaged...so please take heed of my words dear Uncle abandon your curiosity, maintain what is known as an Age of Innocence. For those who bring peace by marching forward with Republic shields and Spears...sometimes never find peace.”

Shining Armor’s shoulders buckle to the massive weight increase brought upon this gravitational revelation. “An Age of Innocence...how can she with so little words tell me everything that a wise pony with decades of living will say to desway a youngster from going down the wrong path...I think Gilda is older than me...but she has experienced it first hand especially when she said Jun-Park’s name. Curiosity about being Militaristic will probably lead me to make some stupid decisions.” *Sigh* “Tell me something I should know and what is most horrifying thing you’ve seen?”

Gilda feels her words had an impact on her Uncle and thus she plops down on her bottom followed by Shining Armor while Cynder clasps her hands in front of her while standing behind the Griffon. “The Republic lost two thirds of its entire military because of the war.. 501st Marines, Soldiers of the Grand Army of the Republic, 101st Airborne, and Rangers. So many Fathers, Husbands, and Sons died, and so many children, wives, children cried. Sixty six percent died and yet some females in the Republic like to say that the males have it easy in life like some sort of privilege or something, humph.”

“That many…!! That’s, that’s terrible and that’s only one war!?” Shining Armor gasp. “All four branches had to fight in that war!?”

“As for the horrifying part was seeing father fight.” Gilda swallows her saliva before in going on. “I thought I was well you know vicious I guess but father seeing him in his shiny silver armor being covered by who knows how much blood killing every enemy before him like he’s some kind of...I know shouldn’t compare my father to this but I have to so you can comprehend the horror I witnessed...he fought like a bloodthirsty demon where even before the body hits the ground he’s already slaughtered twenty more. Heh, I thought seeing father fight will be inspiring for me but it wasn’t, he truly is a killer. A killer who only kills the ones who need to be killed and I bet, I bet Uncle that one day, one day he’ll say if any either me or him have to kill, he'll say it’s better if he does the killing so I won’t.”

Being understanding of Gold Sky's intentions, Shining Armor fully what Gilda said about her father telling her to let him do the necessary killing. “Gilda he’s your father he knows what it means to kill and does not want you to do what he does. Perhaps maybe that’s why he f-f-fought hmmmm why did he fight anyway? Well no need to answer that I’ll ask him myself. Still Gilda it’s good to know you made it out of the war alive and just shown me who’s the tougher one between us. Also thank you for opening my eyes. Perhaps I’m just better off as Captain of the Guard.”

*TING* Gilda realizes she’s been quite straightforward with her Uncle and she cannot believe that. Still she thinks her father will be pleased that she is being open about her tour and its effect on her. “I can’t believe I’ve been quite open with you Uncle.”

Shining Armor blushes. “That’s a good thing right??”

Gilda nods. “Your perspective is needed for it is innocent Uncle and thank you for listening. I appreciate it.”

Shining Armor smiles and raises a arm. “Well then bring it in.”
“Oh Uncle.” Gilda embraces her uncle with a small smile on her face.

Cynder comprehends she witnessed a bonding between master’s daughter and the stallion without wings. “She looks happy.

Declaring farewell to the Prince, Gilda goes about on her own about the palace with that same small smile that’s ever increasing in size. “Oh...c’mon Cynder.” Well about in the palace with Cynder that is. “While father trains Rarity I will help myself here.”

Gilda takes a deep breath before looking at Cynder. “So what do you think Cynder? You want spend the day with me?”

Cynder nods.

“Good!” Gilda chirps. “This won’t be a one sided conversation.”


Author's Note:

My Dearest Readers I thank you for your patience.

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