• Published 28th Nov 2011
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Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust. - FoxofRarity

Even the best of Ponies like Twilight can fall to the Power of Lust. Leading to clashes with Friendship and Love Itself.

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Telepathic training for The One to master

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust

By. FoxofRarity

Chapter. 86

Disclaimer- My Little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.

Up above in the cover of clouds Meadow Flower awaits for her opportunity to make a certain gray mare pay for hurting the stallion waiting long for and still ends up losing the prize. “Humph, look at me letting my anger get the best of me...hey now that I think about, I don’t quite remember the last time I was mad. Well perhaps it’s a good thing I do this otherwise I may do something worse to her.”

As of right now Octavia and Twilight Sparkle continue enjoying each other’s company while
Meadow Flower with a small piece of cloud shakes it to have herself a drink of rain.
I also find myself having to be patient but this time I will get the prize!”


In the Crystal Empire.

“Mother when I was in bootcamp before becoming a Marine in the 501st Marine Corp, Colonel Shaw told me this proverb which allowed me to always find ways to defeat my enemies and to think up methods that are always out of the box. Ahem, soldiers when in desperate straits lose the sense of fair. If there is no place of refuge, they will stand firm. If they are in hostile country, they will show a stubborn front. If there is no help for them, they will fight hard. Dear Colonel Shaw opened my eyes so when he decided to grant me officer status and gave a squad to command in the test war game...my squad and I had the second highest score by one point that is.” Gilda chuckles.

Rarity hearing all of this gasps in astonishment to that proverb that opened Gilda’s eyes. “Say Darling do you think you can tell me something that you utilized to help you be a well seasoned fighter.”

Gilda thinks back to her training. “Well mother I can say this.” Before saying what she has say the griffon picks up Rarity’s left arm. “The shield not only stops attacks but also create attacks meaning combine your offense with your defense sort of what father did by decreasing the distance between your incoming hoof and his body. Deny your enemy the chance of having an opening while creating one of your own.” Gilda swings Rarity’s arm up and down as if the pony is welding a bronze shield. “Plus as father told me keep your arms up/ Block, reduce the power of the hit, take it, and keep going.”

“Ahhhh I get it now. You know darling you’ve help me more than you can imagine. I’m glad to know my dearest niece here taught me something…”Now Rarity has to address the shrouded elephant in the room. “Uhm darling I want to apologize for doing what I did to your father, I wanted to put myself to the ultimate test so I can become a better fighter and your father proved to me I still have a lot to learn. So can you please forgive me for what I did, because I know you’re upset.”

Gilda sighs and looks around the room for a bit. “I forgive you mother however that’s only because father is not upset at you but he better not stay blind. Now come here you.” The griffon ruffs up Rarity’s mane then for a tremendous no...UNREAL change of events, the Griffon begins grooming Rarity and act that was once only reserved for her dearest father. “But mother I have to confess something, the real reason why I’m not too receptive to lovely Lady Cobra is because, I’m, I’m, I’m afraid I won’t live up to her expectations that she will most likely derive from my father. I worked hard to be worth one’s admiration through my performance and strength but here with the Lady Cobra my performance and strength does not matter, there is nothing I can do to influence her. What she thinks of me will be final mother and what then when father & her have children…” *TING* “Wait! Can they have children?” Gilda now wonders.

“Uhhhh…” Now Rarity finds herself pondering to Gilda’s question then switches over to Cobra anatomy. “Well I think they can have children albeit I can take a guess and say it won’t be live births but eggs. Heh I can already see your father lying on the the egg to keep it warm or make a little harness to carry the egg or eggs under his wing despite not needing to!” Rarity chuckles at her own words. “Say Gilda wouldn’t it be nice to have a Toltecian Cobra little brother? Ahem still, you have to see the bigger picture darling. I am more than sure G knows how much your father loves you and if she does not accept you then he will not accept her.”

Huh, Gilda didn’t think about that. “I thought father will end up being some love struck dude and will do anything to please her.”

“Oh don’t think like that Gilda, your father knows what most important to him…” Now Rarity will go out on a limb merely from what she’s observed. “As for the Lady Cobra, she will accept you because you are a piece of the stallion she loves.”

Gilda is now put to ease not to the words said by Rarity but through the confidence in the Unicorn’s voice. “You make it sound so simple mother. I guess you’re right, if she is going to be with father then she must accept me and I think better start getting to know her better...you know to keep father at ease. Uhhhh, well, you mother will you know I will always see you as that.”

“Oh darling no need to say more. Just be yourself around her and who knows you two may find some things in common like well I guess in regards to the three of you…” Rarity holds her breath before continuing. “Combat...Combat I mean of all things you can have in common with her such as chocolate or fine cooking it’s combat. Not that I don’t see anything wrong with that but you know very few can connect through combat.”

“I did with my brothers mother. I felt the might of their brotherhood and witnessed the bond shared between the troops under my command. Nonetheless, I get what you’re saying mother.” Gilda goes quiet for bit. “Mother if you’re going to continue training then I want to help after father is done training you that is.” Gilda offers.

“Thank you Darling.” Rarity perks her lips into a rather lovely smile.


In the bath.

The Lady Cobra bathes the blind stallion sitting in the tub. “I have to say my love you never cease to amaze me when it comes to your fighting ability now please tilt your head down so I can clean the back of your ears.”

“Is that necessary?” Gold Sky asks.
“Uhm maybe.” She replies.
“Ok I guess.” The stallion tilts his head down until a little thought emerges from the back of his mind. “Were you worried about me?”

G stops momentarily to pass her fingers through the stallion’s jet black hair. “I remember the last time I saw you, your hair was dark brown well anyway, I...sort of well...I wasn't worried at first but when I tasted Rarity’s sudden hormone change that is when I became worried for I know you did not anticipate that. But what does have me worried is your blindness.my love…”

“Oh...that.” Gold Sky moans. “I’m sorry G, I’m sorry I will not be of any use to you…” The Lady Cobra stops him in mid sentence.

“Don’t say that.. I love you for who you are and not what you can do for me. Also, I’ve tasted how your hormones change whenever you look at me from the corner of your eye. You feel guilty, tell me why.”

Gold Sky’s ears drop and do not rise after the soothing relief of warm water washes away the shampoo the Lady Cobra gently lathered onto his hair. “You already know why I feel guilt whenever I look upon you G. After what should be a sunset you still waited for the sunrise even after seeing the power of my steadfast faithfulness. I broke your heart when I had to choose one and here you are. G, I’m just going to say this...I don’t deserve you. Look at me and see what I’m doing. I am crawling back to you as if some spark can ignite between us...G...you deserve better. I broke your heart and if I can do it once then there is a chance I can do it again, I don’t want to hurt you G for I have a habit of hurting those dear to me especially my own daughter.of all beings. Besides I’m also a Killer.”

The Lady Cobra flickers her tongue at hearing the stallion she loves who moments ago was eager to start anew with is now expressing doubt on that barely blooming prospect. “I will always stand uhm so to speak, by my words. I understand the things you’ve done and I seem remember something that you have so carelessly forgotten.”

“Huh,what is that?” Gold Sky asks while turning his head to look at G but looks in the wrong direction.

“Over here.”

“Oh!” Gold Sky turns to the other direction.

“Ahem.” The Lady Cobra clears her throat. “Were you were not given a second chance? Are you here sitting before me, did you not reconnect with your daughter, are you not ready to show the world your unmeasurable rage for what they did to you? So tell me my dearest who are you to deny the prospect of a second chance between when you are living it.”

Gold Sky sighs to G’s sheer determination and her touching words, well perhaps this time he won’t hurt someone dear to him. “You really are dead set on this, hmmm, I don’t want to believe I’m crawling back you but you will say that I am not but still I need to hear it from you.”

G smiles rather meekly that is. “You’re not crawling back to me Gold Sky, you just want to be with someone and yes, I am dead set on my intentions. Let there be a second chance once more, please let there be a second chance...for us.”

“Alright...just help me out of here and I will give us a chance.” So taking hold of the Lovely Cobra’s hand he super carefully steps out one leg at a time.

In G’s mind. “It’s official...this is the start of a new beginning.” With grace and constant reassurance with her words, G leads her love to the bed, helps him in then joins him. “Tell me just what do you see my Love?” She asks out of curiosity.

“A dim brightness, is all I see, I can’t see white or black just a dim brightness if that answers your question..” *yawn* “I need some rest.”

G flickers her tongue at him then smirks when seeing his arm moving around indicating he is looking for her. “Alright, I can use some rest too.” So with his arm over her and covered by his wing, G closes her eyes dozing off the warmth of Gold Sky’s love.


5:59 AM

Sister wake up. It’s time for your training...also can you please get me...I’m still blind.” Gold Sky telepathically communicates to the flawless Unicorn. “Also I may use some help with your magic so I won’t wake up G.”

Yes Brother.” Rarity replies. “Let me wash up first.” After that, Rarity quietly sneaks out of her room and carefully opens the door to the room her brother is residing in. “My. We wouldn’t want to wake up your lovely Cobra would we?” Rarity teases with a soft sly smile.

“Please don’t!! She looks quite nice when she’s asleep...OH! Wait let me just cover her with her fur coat, heh, she is trying hard to hide her shivering from me. How sweet of G, in her efforts to keep me from worrying about her.” Thanks to Rarity’s magic, the stallion is able be levitated from the sleeping Cobra.

Once out of the palace, Gold Sky uses his telepathy to see the world through Rarity’s eyes. “Tell me sister do you want to ask me what I have in store for your training or my thoughts about G? But choose wisely for as part of your training your choices will affect your outcome.”

“So I can only ask you one question?” Rarity asks then delves into her mind to find the pros and cons of which question she should ask brother while keeping her eyes on the road. “Con, picking one will keep me from learning about my training or the lovely cobra. Pro, picking one will teach me to choose wisely in regards to each choice’s consequences. Con I want to know more about my training! Pro, he is being lovey, lovey with the Lady Cobra and how!?? Did his contingency plans for Octavia involving scorching the earth that in the most improbable event of his return that from ashes he can move on or better yet can he ONLY move on for the Lady Cobra? Hmmm, they appear to have some kind of bond...I need to know more, for only I will break the information about her pregnancy to him plus consult with Lauren for the best course of action.” Thus Rarity makes up her mind. “G. Tell me, is there something forming between you two?”

The stallion meekly smiles indicating what is answer will be. “There is. G is a part of my life that I couldn’t go to because...well I trust you sister and I will put it plainly. I fell in love with two mares and I can only be with one. Each one brought something to that table I needed to have but what each one brought was unique to each one. Octavia gave me peace while G or Gilda which is her name but I digress for you can figure out the obvious reason why I call her G, ahem G gave me an unquestionable Love.”

Unquestionable Love?? “Brother just what do you mean by unquestionable Love?”

“Well for one you can stop looking at that rather disastrous hat.” Gold Sky points out.
“Oh my fashion sense is rubbing off on you!!” Rarity dotes with delight. “Anywho what do you mean by unquestionable Love?”

*sigh* “The thing about many and the keyword is many, mortal mares is that they don’t know what they want and will never be satisfied if they have what they perceived is what they wanted, i.e a husband. There is no stopping them from having the thought to abandon the stallion they’re with to be with another stallion they consider a better deal or to go behind the back of the stallion they’re with in order to get what they want or believe what they’re entitled to...such as a child...humph, I am fully aware of the nature of many of these mortal mares however, I was foolish enough to believe that by granting one immortality it will get rid of those notions. Boy was I wrong when Octavia gave in to them while I well I guess I finally know why Rainbow Dash called me pups to begin with uhm I am faithful to a fault.” For the first time he tells sister of the gray mare’s infidelity.

“What!?” Rarity can not believe what she just heard. “Brother what d-d-do yo-you mean? Did you just say Octavia cheated on you?”

Gold Sky nods with a grunt confirming it.
Rarity changes her path and walks in a different direction while her vision shifts to the sky causing the stallion to come to a complete stop to prevent himself from bumping or tripping into something. “Just moments ago we were looking at the clouds talking about brother and the future. She never told me about this and she looked like the type that’ll never betray...it makes sense now. Octavia was only faithful until she wanted a better deal…or get what she wanted at his expense.”

“Sister I can’t see if all you’re going to look at is the sky, now get over what I just you told you and keep moving. You’re training is paramount above all else. Also...I’m afraid to move a muscle so please help me help you.”

“Yes…” Rarity shakes her head to clear her mind. “Yes, yes you’re right brother, as I cleared my mind before I have to clear it now.” Rarity resets her vision back on the road the two of them are treading upon. “Brother when I blinded you...uhm I know going blind is one of your greatest fears yet in just minutes you managed to control it how?”

Gold Sky slightly grins. “I didn’t, I just could not look like a coward in front of a certain mare.”

“Wait!? What!? You didn’t want to look like a coward in front of the Lovely Cobra!? Are for real!? I mean from my point of view it looks like she will understand your fear and will not think less of you.”

“Huh…” Gold Sky stops to take in Rarity’s words. “Perhaps or you are right. Still don’t blame me for having a characteristic mortal stallions have Rarity. Anywho we’re here at our destination, hmmm come I mean go where I or you I guess are looking at.”

“Under that tree?” Rarity asks. “Just how are we going to practice combat under here?”

Gold Sky chuckles. “Ah but you see Rarity there is more to combat than fighting. Combat is not just about fighting is it also about honing your senses. For while you may be up to my skill you still need to be aware of your surroundings.”

*TING* “So that’s why your ears were moving all over the place! You were relying on your sense of hearing, as for the wind you were using it to pick my scent or noise I might make…”

“Both.” Gold Sky interrupts.

“Well uhh both. Yes but I can deduce what your really meaning is have me hone in on my senses due to if Twilight were to lose her advantage during combat she will resort to using whatever she can use from environment.” Just then Rarity remembers Twilight on being on the verge of loss multiple times only to grasp victory by the end of the thread due to utilizing the environment.

“I’m sure you’re familiar with that. Now sit please and come under my wing. I will take you to the Battle of the Antietam Mountains, a battle I fought in the first Republic-Fasci war. And before I take you there I warn you all you will hear is the sound of metal, flesh, and screams.”

Rarity nods her head but realizes something. “Wait you warn me of that yet you don’t warn me of blood, stabbings, and other instances of gore.”
Gold Sky shrugs. “I guess I’m used to that and you will get used to it as well for the path you want me to take you down requires you too. Now...are you ready?”

*sigh* “I’m ready.”
Gold Sky with his telepathy takes her to the battle and she finds herself in the sinking a bit into the snow. “Okay I am here. But just what am I to find or what am I supposed to look to in order to hone in my senses?

Me sister. I will be saying your name. Learn to always keep one ear forward and the other to the side, switch of course. And don’t TUNNEL VISION!

Gold Sky walks into the ensuring battle saying Rarity’s name. “Very well, I have to hear him say my name amidst all this drowning noise...I can do this.” It won’t be easy that’s for sure still the metal clashing with metal is louder than expected and now she knows what he meant when he said flesh. “I never knew there is a pop when the spear or sword pierces the flesh.


Clearly Rarity hears that one prompting her to move about in the battle. “Huh!?” A spear zooms past her. “Hone my senses and avoid the raging battle as well. Brother you are clever.” Rarity tells herself as her ears twitch in every direction to pick up brother’s voice. “Wha…” The white mare witnesses a Republic soldier bury a dagger into a fascist soldier’s jugular creating a geyser of blood that paints his face.

“Rarity.” Brother’s voice calls out to her.

Rarity travels about the battle using her all strength to drown out all the other noise but as she thought before that task is rather quite challenging or just plain impossible. So she ends up stopping and just stays still in the raging battle, questioning if she is really over her head here. “NO!” She must not even think of backsliding, for this is the only way she can match or out match Twilight Sparkle. However, Rarity’s curiosity of brother’s time as the Vanguard claws its way to the top when she hears brother’s voice except he isn’t saying her name. He is taking down fascist after fascist with ease…

“Rarity.” Her name refocuses her.
The white mare dodges the attacking griffons while keeping one ear looking for brother and the other scanning the environment. “Wait...let me try this.” Rarity plops down on her rump, closes her eyes, and focuses. For before she knew it the sound of metal, screams, and flesh begin lessening not completely but to the level of low hum. “I don’t know how long this will last but I must take advantage of it while I still can.” Rarity dashes forwards to find brother. “I am going to find him!” Without realizing it, she mows down Griffons unfortunate enough to be in her way. “I hear him!” Rarity finds she’s hearing brother clearer now but suddenly the low hum of the environment arounds starts getting louder meaning she will have to stop and refocus again but doing so here will be okay since she’s training however, she comes to see if she were to do so while fighting Twilight it will spell utter defeat. “Huh, I think get it now! Brother is training me to see the what I consider good won’t be good in combat! So what he said about one ear forward and the other to side is basically requiring me to adapt on the fly while in combat. Adaptability is what wins battles! Twilight does not adapt she only makes things after experiencing them thinking she can counter them! Adaptability is the same as creativity! I have to adapt!” With that, Rarity uses her magic to lift herself up in the air and spots brother. “Jump!”

FOUND YOU!” She tags him on the shoulder.

“I see now...no pun intended there sister. You realized you can’t hone your senses as sharply as I can sister but instead learned the most valuable listen you can learn in combat. Adaptability. Such as I when I saw that dragon skin can never be penetrated but their bones can be broken. Twilight our enemy creates contingencies to counter what she’s experienced but she does not adapt. Think about it, when you were turned into a child and was running on water did she freeze the water or did she waste time using what she already knows in her vast knowledge of magic. Or when I used the wind against her she relied on her armor to protect her vital organs instead of utilizing intangibility. You will have advantages over her Rarity you just need think fast, and be aware of your surroundings, I can’t believe you’ve accomplished this feat in so little time sister, huh you impress me.” Gold Sky smiles at her and ceases the telepathic link.

“I did it! I learned something!! AHAHAHA!” Rarity jumps out from under brother’s wing and celebrates her accomplishments and then before she knows it she teleports to the palace to find Gilda in order to share the news of her recent accomplishment. Leaving the blind stallion all alone.

“Uh sister...where are you…?? Rarity, you’re here are you??” The stallion nervously asks but recieves no answer. *Sniff, sniff* “Uh oh, I’m all alone...somebody help please…uhhh...Weytani...?” Gold Sky, with a mighty tremble moves one leg forward but then takes five steps back. “Ohhhh.” He groans. Another step is taken forward. “I’m going to be here all day…”


*In the Crystal Palace during Rarity’s training*

The Lady Cobra awakens. *yawn* “Gold Sky my lov…huh?” His absence causes her roll over in which she hears the crunch of paper being crushed under her weight. “Oh I guess this will explain everything, hmmmmm. Well he’ll be busy and I don’t want to interfere. Oh my fur coat, hehe Gold Sky you worry about me despite your many attempts to hide it. Well I’ll just go to the kitchin and make some toast...I hope I don’t burn it this time.” Thus the Lovely Cobra with her fur coat buttoned on slithers out of her room and with some help from a Crystal Guard whom she thanks by giving his chin a light stroke with her causing him to melt, makes it to the kitchin. “Okay I found bread, seriously, wheat? Ugh! Ah, found the white bread thank goodness. Haha for a moment there I thought Gold Sky’s sister was one of those healthy food nuts.” Turning the dial on the toaster to three for what can go wrong if the dial is set to three? Most good things correlate with three no? Well that is what the Lady Cobra perceives, given her optimistic nature that’s kept her going her going for millennia. “Huh?” It does not take long for her to realize she is not alone for sitting at a small table with a hard boiled egg on a stand and cracking it by hitting it repeatedly with the back of a spoon is chef Gordon Ram. “Oh, good morning, uhm palace cook.” Truly G has no idea who the chef is.

“Cook...right...anyway.” Going along with the stride without an ounce of offense Gordon clears his throat to silence his curiosity to seeing a immortal handsome chap like Gold Sky being hitched to a big Lady Cobra...lovely Lady Cobra that is. “Tell me. How did a lass like you get sir of all stallions to put a ring on your finger?”

G flickers her tongue while a idea ‘tings’ in her head. “Well I’ll be happy to oblige in exchange for a nice meal that isn’t a hard boiled egg.”

Gordon chuckles. “I see your hubby does the cooking doesn’t he?”
G nods.

With her nod affirming his words, Gordon gets to work preparing the perfect egg some other delights. “Salt, salt, where’s that bloody salt.”

Now keeping her end of the bargain, G chooses her words rather carefully for she will be a utmost liar if she calls Gold Sky her hubby. “He returned from a decades long adventure while I visited from my faraway homeland. At first when I first met him I can see he was different from all the other ponies however, I couldn’t pinpoint why he was different as he couldn’t figure out how I caught the full attention of his eyes...we didn’t bond at first, I for one thought why should I. Then I saw him do things no other living being can do.” G gasps.

“And just what did the sir do to get this lass to have an enormous change of heart?” Gordon asks while chopping some thyme up.

How would G word this? “You know how you are a virtuoso in...cooking...well he is a virtuoso in…” One word. She just needs one world that will describe her dear Gold Sky’s killing capability. “Hunting...yes, he is a virtuoso in hunting. He provided my parents and my Cobra brethren with plenty of food.”

“Hmmm.” Gordon affirms. “That’s pretty generous of the sir to do for a lass who initially thought little of him.”

The nerve!! “Humph!” G flickers her tongue at the chef. “Believe me though when I say this...I worked hard to earn his heart...he is the Ultimate prize so to speak.”

“Ahh ok. You saw the error in your ways and redeemed yourself by being the mar...I mean...uhhh, how should I put this oh by being the WIFE a stallion like will need and want for the rest of his life. However, call me crazy but I don’t see a ring on your finger.” Gordon lowers the heat to a simmer.

Oh dear now G will have to lie this time, not that she’s bad at it but with Celestia she had time to ensure a proper delivery backed with a legitimate story. Thus time to make up a lie on the fly. “Yes, about that, ahem I lost it.”

All that can be heard is the chef’s scoff as he turns from the stove to lay his eyes on the Lady Cobra. “Seriously! You fra err bloody loose the one thing every mare wants! Say what about his? I don’t recall seeing a wedding band on his horn.”

In G’s head. “I much rather be washing Salamango...say I wonder how she’s doing?



Meanwhile in Canterlot.

The Royal Guard who touched Salamango carries buckets filled with fresh water and various bugs. In fact the guard has taken a great liking of Salamango and decided to take it upon himself to feed her. “Here you go, a bucket full of crickets, mealworms, and whatever oh! Also water.” The guard watches Salamango eat. “Oh you’re a precious girl! A very precious girl! Oh you’re so cute!!” The guard dotes while taking a moment to pause to sure make no one else but him is here with Salamango. “Hey can you keep a secret.”

Swallowing what she currently has in her mouth,, Salamongo quickly licks her lips to acknowledge the guard by shifting her heads towards his direction.
“You really are a beautiful girl and a really big gecko. A really big beautiful gecko.” He adds meaning to his confession by stroking Salamango’s neck as she resumes eating.

Funny how the Mortal Royal Guard says what Salamango really is while the Immortal Lady Cobra believes Salamango is a salamander.


“Uhm I lost his wedding too. I was cleaning it…” Cleaning it? “...Over the kitchen sink...you can figure out the rest.”

Gordon shakes his head in total dismay. “How much money did the hubby spend on your ring I wonder. Ahem here’s your breakfast.”

“Ahhh!” G is impressed with Gordon’s cooking. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome lass...I bet he loves it when you coil around him.”

“Oh you have no idea. Gordon, you have no idea how much he loves it.” G ends with a chuckle;.

“You have no idea”


From the Crystal Palace, Gilda chews out Rarity for leaving her blind father out there all by himself. “C’mon Aunt Rarity let’s go find him.”

“Not so fast my dear Gilda.” Cadance steps in without making the ever so slightest bit of noise.. “I’ll go find him and I will be very pleased if neither one of you disturbs me in my endeavor.”

Hearing the sudden seriousness in Cadance’s voice both mares nod in response for never has the Princess of Love spoken with such a tone that can make even Princess Celestia put her tail between her legs.

“She plans to make contact with him.” Gilda whispers to Rarity. “I think we should watch from a distance also do you think we should call Weytani?”

Rarity shakes her head. “I think Weytani is watching from a distance but c’mon my darling. Let’s see how Cadance’s intentions play out.”


Slowly but surely, Gold Sky carries on step by step but comes to a halt when he steps on something he does not know what it is. Just then.
The blind stallion freezes at picking up the scent of the mare he fears. In fact the grass is watered and receives some pre processed ahem ‘fertilizer’. “This is the end...my end has finally come and just when the prospect of being with G was being nurtured in my heart . At least my dearest Gilda isn’t here to witness my death. I’m coming Father...grant me a clean slate and protect my daughter.”

“Oh my…” Cadance gasps in disbelief. “Gold Sky I am here to lend you aid in your time of vulnerability...look I can see your afraid and you probably made your peace. But I standing under the gaze of the Great Spirit and Son, give you my word. That I will never harm you and even if I were just harm a hair on your head then may the Father and Son strike me down. You have my word bro err Gold Sky.”

And to ensure the validity of Cadance’s words Yahshua sends a warm breeze to pass through the blind stallion’s hair. “I-I-I ha-have your wo-word yes?”

“Yes.” Cadance extends her hoof. “Come. Please take my hoof, I want nothing more than to help you right now.”

*sigh* Well, he does have her word along with sensing Weytani nearby. “I am honored by your kindness your majesty and thank you.”Gold Sky takes her hoof sending massive jolts of Love into the cerise mare.

This is happening!! “ Cadance squeaks in her mind. “Now to start melting the ice I must do something that he really, really likes. Hmmmmm…?” Idea! “I say Gold Sky, if my memory serves me right, I remember a bakery just opened and they have the best cookies in the entire Crystal Empire.”

“Huh!?” Gold Sky’s ear perk up. “With your permission your majesty may we go there?”

“Of course also please call me by my first name from now on now come along.”
Cadance leads her brother to the bakery and if he was not blind Then he could have been the first…
To witness the biggest smile Cadance ever smiled.

For the Sister of Love leads the Brother of Love.


Author's Note:

My Dearest Readers I thank you for your patience. The next may be on google documents given the format. Again my Dearest Readers thank you for your patience.

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