• Member Since 9th Nov, 2015


I like reeding and gaming but mostly ponys [] edit .... and memes

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  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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A young changeling named Zuro leaves his home to live a life as a pony. At the Summer Sun Celebration he meets a pegasus mare named Angel and develops love for her. After Queen Chrysalis and the rest of her subjects attacked Canterlot Zuro is placed on trial for suspicion of playing part in the invasion.

What will become of this peaceful changeling?

Chapters (19)

Meet Level Ledger, your average, well-read unicorn colt. He has a talent with numbers and systems, which is why Pegasus Air was so interested in acquiring his talents. They use him to make sure their books are balanced. Both the legal ones...and the ones that'll never see the light of day.

Meet Midnight Song, your not-average, well-trained Thestral mare. Everything she sets out to do, she accomplishes with aplomb. When she rises a little too quickly through the Day Guard's ranks, her superiors decide she needs to cool off and learn a bit about how to be a mature member of the Guard. Not a bad idea, seeing as she's a massive flirt.

When Level's rent goes up, he needs to take a roommate or risk being thrown out into the street. A twist of fate will see these two souls coming together and having the time of their lives.

Now, if only one of them could tell the truth to save their life...

A collab fic worked on by myself and Ausbrony. We liked the setting of Las Pegasus and the villains of Pegasus Air a lot, so we put our heads and characters together, and this came from our efforts.

In lieu of a list of dates, I will simply say that this story tends to get featured every time I update it for a short while at least. And I am very happy about that fact.~

Chapters (111)

I woke up to a burning building coming down on top of me.

Oh yeah, that isn't even the half of it. There's these freaky Technicolor horses everywhere too and a few of them were dressed in golden armour.

They bound me, dragged me to the castle and hooked me up to some chains. Currently I'm being interrogated by a white unicorn... guard. Whatever it's called.

Well, it's not like it could get much worse, right?

Rated teen for suggestive situations and bad language


Found some cover art.

Sorry to whomever made this, but the source website was taken down or something, so I'm really not sure who to credit.

Finally found the name of the artist: Blaz Portenta

I got featured a couple times. Yeah, I'm surprised too.

Chapters (23)

Available as a book!

It is a fact that horses have served mankind for thousands of years, in times of war and in times of peace. Your horse – a chestnut mare named Zayna – helps you to earn your primary source of income, in the form of a riding school.

But then, a freak occurrence dumps you both in a strange new land populated by talking ponies. At first, they are a bit hostile due to a misunderstanding — but that's nothing when you realise it's not just ponies who can talk here.

As it turns out, horses can as well.


Featured on Equestria Daily.

This is NOT an Anonymous in Equestria story.

First two chapters edited by Shin Guyviroth.

Special thanks to Shachza and Alticron for their assistance.

Rated Teen for suggestive themes.

Chapters (8)

Trolls and dragons stalk the plain
Seek for mischief they may wreak
Hush now child, they seek in vain
We are gentle, but not weak

When the night seems cold and frightening
And you know not what to do
They will be there, fast as lightning
So no harm can come to you

Do not dread the sun descending
Know that they are always near
And their vigil never ending
And they face the things we fear

For they are our good protectors
They are strong, and kind, and brave
While the Lance does still protect us
Little children can sleep safe

- Crystal Empire nursery rhyme, author unknown

After a thousand years of absence, the Crystal Empire has been freed from Sombra's curse and returned to the world. The crystal ponies can finally live free from fear and slavery, but their once mighty nation has dwindled to a mere shadow of its former glory. Still, their tribe was never known for a lack of tenacity, and with their chains broken at long last, the crystal ponies are willing to face any challenges the world might throw at them.

I these difficult times, the young crystal pony Ruby Chip has risen to knighthood, and proven herself to be worthy of joining the legendary Order of the Crystal Lance. It seems like she has achieved everything she ever dreamed of, but then she starts being plagued by dark and frightening visions from the Empire's troubled past.
To make matters worse, Ruby fears that the Order might come into conflict with the Empire's new ruler. As a former officer of Equestria's military, Prince Shining Armor is not very fond of the way the Empire's armies are run and organized, and sees them in dire need of modernization. It remains to be seen if the traditional warrior caste of the Empire still has a place in the military force he seeks to create.

Very soon, Ruby and her brothers and sisters in arms will have to prove that they are more than a misplaced remnant of a long gone era, and show that the knights of the Empire can still fulfill their sworn duty as champions and protectors.

However, whether or not Ruby herself will be ready to be the pony others need her to be, that is another question altogether.

Chapters (12)

Featured 6/7/2015 ~ 6/10/2015
Featured 9/9/15

(Was rewritten under orders from a moderator due to the infamous Dropbear incident, said it was a carbon-copy of his work but honestly how many times can you describe something and not have people say you copied them?)

Greetings...outsiders...my name is Skolas, Kell of Kells, the Rabid, the Wolf Kell. But to those that actually know who I am then my name is Ian, scrub lord in the department of game creation and sadly the newest resident to this new land called Equestria...sounds like a strange European band.

And so there I was with my friends from college, we decided after much debating, coin flipping and two rounds of roshambo to go dress up as the characters of the game Destiny. I decided to go as Skolas because one I like the color blue, two cause I like the way he looks and three because I think he is a total badass as my friends either dressed up as their guardians, Omnigul and for some reason that creepy guy that only appears on Fridays that takes your crappy strange coins.

It was during this convention that all five of us went to that something strange happened, with my wallet full of cash from my job I went out to look for a souvenir to bring home, what I was not expecting to see was a small booth with a strange looking merchant. Of course I just had to buy something and seeing how my large cape had a clasp I might as well take the one that looks just like it, strange thing about my new clasp is that it looks like a unicorn's head with wings coming out of it...must be a strange sigil of some kind, eh at least it matches the colors.

Now this would have made my day a whole lot better if it wasn't for the fact that once I put on my new cape clasp and pocketed my wallet did my head started to feel light and everything began to turn blurry before everything went bright and then black. I wake up to find myself in the middle of nowhere with snow going for miles in every single direction.

I hate my life so much sometimes...

Destiny Characters belong to the owners of Destiny.

Rated T-M for Strong Language, Violence, References, Crude Humor and if I feel like making it Rated M, Naughty Times.

Looking for any alternative cover-art if you are interested of hunting for one for me. IF you do find me one that can work then you will get your name placed into each chapter as the man/woman for finding me a new cover.

Crossovers with: None so far

Chapters (12)

A young human called Alex is transported to Equestria without knowing how or why. After being discovered by Twilight Sparkle and her assistant Spike in the Everfree Forest, Alex soon learns that he is a very special case.
He now finds himself running for his life as everypony is out to get him.

Will Alex escape this ponified nightmare, or will he find himself as a prized catch?

This story was inspired by 'We will Catch You if we Can' by proto-alpha.

Chapters (27)

Celestia, the ever regal and gentle princess...

Celestia, who along her sister, rules over the land for eons...

Celestia, holder of unlimited knowledge and the power over the sun itself...

Is still a mare. And a very lonely mare.

She always wanted a foal to call her son, but she was a princess. Something desirable by many, approachable by none.
So what happens when Celestia finds a young colt?

Why she will adopt him of course. And she will love him forever.

Despite his cursing, senseless mumbling and apparent delirious mind.
Yes, she will love him, even if appearances can be deceiving...

Adam, the ever lazy and impulsive teen...

Adam, who wants nothing more than some peace and quiet, even if he's doing jack-shit to achieve anything...

Adam, holder of limited knowledge and power over his own laptop...

Is a pony. Or a colt, more precisely.

He was not always like that, though it doesn't change the fact that he is now. So, what will our human do in a foreign world, trapped in a foreign body?

Why he gets adopted of course.

And despite his cursing, senseless mumbling and apparent childish mind.
His adoptive 'Mother' will love him.

And why does her sister looks at him that way?

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to Beyond the Portal

After months of fear, and the near rebirth of the dreaded Old God Alp'tauum, the threat of the Sha has finally passed. With the aid of the Alliance, all six Sha have now been imprisoned. Equestria, in return, has joined the Alliance and sworn to aid them in their continued efforts against both the Horde and the Iron Horde.

Back on Equus, Kyle Slater finds himself juggling his responsibilities as a commander and his ties with his friends. On top of it all, he is still training Scootaloo in the ways of the Monk. But now that the Sha threat is gone, hopefully things will begin to calm down.

But with Equus now fully connected to the war-torn world of Azeroth, the door is open for new threats to emerge. Dark forces have set their sights on Equus, threatening the safety of the peaceful world once more. An ancient evil, locked away for millennia, has begun to stir.

And this time, the might of the Alliance may not be enough to stem the tide of darkness.


World of Warcraft Crossover

Featured on 1-21-2015!

Feel free to add me on Battletag - Firestar#1653. Just let me know who you are.

On hiatus due to lost interest in World of Warcraft. Will be resumed at some point.

Chapters (28)

Kyle Slater was your typical soldier in the Alliance army. He was one of the few Human monks, but aside from that there was nothing truly remarkable about him. However, when the Iron Horde began their initial invasion of Azeroth, the unstable Dark Portal hurled Kyle across the universe to an uncharted world.

This strange new world appeared friendly and inviting, but dark forces threatened its safety. Facing a familiar foe he had hoped to be defeated, Kyle was forced to rely on his strength and wits to survive. Still, he was a soldier of the Alliance. This wouldn't be a problem. He was prepared for anything.

Except, perhaps, colorful talking Ponies.


World of Warcraft crossover

Beware the comments - They contain spoilers.

First Fic attempt. Please let me know what you think and where I need to improve.

Featured 10-29-2014! Holy cow, you guys are awesome!

Goodfic Bin approved!

Chapters (50)