• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Going Home

It's been three hours since the Seven Deadly Sins faced defeat at the hands of Popeye, Captain Sparrow, and the Small Coalition. Captain Sparrow is sailing his ship to recover his treasure. Spike is making the treats and entrees in the kitchen with Wendy, Carla, and Kagura.

"Rogue, you beat the Seven Deadly Sins!" Frosch is happy to see Rogue well and alive.

"We did, Frosch," Rogue pets Frosch.

"But, I didn't do anything to support," Frosch looks down in sadness.

"Did you cheered us on?" Yukino asks.

"Uh-huh," Frosch nods.

"Thanks for the support. You cheering us on gave us the motivation to win," Yukino said.

"Really? Yay!" Frosch smiles.

"Good job, Frosch," Rogue smiles.

"Think we'll hear from them, Popeye?" Lyon asks while standing near the wheel.

"Normally, yes. However, Squidward is the difference-maker. Judging from the Kraken's reaction, King Shark more likely pissed him off. I heard that Krabster got eaten by the Kraken?"

"Yes. Rogue and I witnessed it. It came close to devouring us," Lyon said, remembering the moment when the tentacle grabs Krabster and drags him to the depths of the seas.

"That was the first time I've seen the Kraken in Krack's Riverine. Now I know they exist; I should be more careful around its parks."

"Indeed," Lyon nods.

Gajeel is eating iron. He's with Romeo and Sherria. "Good job on defeating your sins."

"King Shark is a tough opponent. If it weren't for Yukino's Celestial Spirits, Juvia and I wouldn't stand a chance," Romeo said.

"I hope I never see my mom ever again. I hope the Kraken finish her off since I couldn't do it," Sherria said. She's drinking apple juice.

"So, how was it fighting alongside Fairy Demon Dragon?" Gajeel asks Sherria.

"Lovely," Sherria answers. "He came for me in the heap of trouble. Lyon was right. Spike was the catalyst for defeating my mother. He gave me the extra power to unleash my God Slayer Secret Art on her. I've never seen two demons on the same battlefield in my life. One being my biological mother, the other, my best friend's boyfriend."

"I know this was work and all but, you should come by to the guild and hang out. Wendy, Spike, Carla, and I will make you an honorary Fairy Youth member."

"Thanks, Romeo. I would appreciate that. One of these days, when I'm not working, I'll swing by and hang out for sure," Sherria smiles.

"So, how was it fighting Raphael?" Romeo asks Gajeel.

"That guy is tougher than my iron. He used Cassidy as a sword effectively. Cassidy's body is invincible. I don't think Fairy Dragon could snap him like a twig in his full-size dragon mode."

"What was shocking was Popeye one punching Kain Hikaru off of Finich Spinach," Sherria said.

"That's because he ate his spinach," Romeo said in which causes Sherria to gag.

"Besides the spinach, I wouldn't get into a bar fight with him. He's that strong in his old age," Gajeel said.

"Think he can beat Jura in a fight?" Romeo asks.

"I believe Jura would beat Popeye in a match. He is a Wizard Saint after all."

"That Wizard Saint lost to Fairy Dragon in a clean fight during the first day of the Grand Magic Games," Gajeel reminds Sherria.

"Spike is a dragon. That doesn't count."

"It won't count cause he lost. You wouldn't be saying that if Jura won the match," Romeo said.

"No comment," Sherria replies. She knows that would be the case if Jura would have defeated Spike the Fairy.

"Hey, feeling better, Sherria?" Juvia walks by to check on her.

"I am, Juvia. It feels like a burden is off my chest after many years of unanswered questions. I know who my family is. My cousin Sherry, my friends in Lamia Scale, and my friends in Fairy Tail. Mainly Wendy but, I'm starting to grow on Spike and Romeo."

"That's good, Sherria," Juvia sits down on a lounge chair.

"I wonder what Fairy Dragon is cooking," Gajeel said.

"We'll have to wait. I expect Spike's cookies for the party," Romeo claims.

"Oooooh, I would want to eat a mountain pile of Spike's cookies," Sherria images sitting on a cookie mountain, eating her heart's desire.

Spike is adding the final touches to his last entree. Wendy and Carla are finishing baking a cake. Kagura gathers the drinks and brings them to the living room. Like days ago, when Kagura and Spike were in the kitchen, she relishes the time cooking with Spike and making sure she doesn't imagine Simon.

"Okay, the wings are done. Homemade pizza is done. Spinach pasta is done. The steaks are done," Spike is checking off his list.

"The desserts are done, Spike," Wendy boops Spike's nose, leaving vanilla icing on it.

Spike chuckles. "Good to know. Plus, I still have a few dozen of my cookies for snacks."

"All the drinks are on the table, Spike," Kagura said.

"Thanks for your help with marinating the wings and making the tomato sauce for the pizza, Kagura."

"You're welcome, Spike," Kagura smiles. She couldn't help herself to image Spike as Simon when she was younger.

"I'll bring the cookies to the living room," Carla said while picking up the boxes.

"Thanks," Spike said. He watches Carla flying to the living room. Spike, Kagura, and Wendy take the entrees to the other table in the living room. Spike sees everyone lounging and talking to each other. "Hmm, I wonder if Popeye got some music for us to listen and dance to."

"Let's find out," Wendy said.

"Man! That smells good," Gajeel said. He gets up from the couch.

"Help yourself, Gajeel. I'm going to talk with Popeye for a second," Spike goes to the steering wheel of Finich Spinach.

"How long till we arrive in Hargeon?" Lyon asks.

"A day's tops. I've sailed more than twenty-four hours straight many times in my lifetime. Doing so won't hurt. Plus, I'm expecting my nephews to arrive when we get there. I promised them to show them the curves around the seven seas. You, Sailors, need your rest after battling the Seven Deadly Sins."

"Excuse me, Popeye," Spike interrupts their conversation. "Do you have speakers for music?"

"Aye, there in the closet. I have music for you folks, as well as a few board games and Twister. Have fun. Did you make any spinach-based foods, lad?" Popeye asks.

"Spinach pasta, Popeye."

"Excellent! You need to make more of it for yourself. I'm telling you, spinach will make you grow stronger," Popeye flexes his muscles.

"I will. I'll remember to say that to my friends in the Fairy Tail Guildhall," Spike said.

"Good, Sailor. Enjoy yourself," Popeye continues to sail Finich Spinach.

"We will," Spike goes to the closet and takes out the board games, Twister floormat, spinner, and the speakers for music.

"Wait, this guy has Twister?" Romeo looks at the game mat.

"Yea. I guess Popeye's Sailors and Nephews must have a game night for these occasions."

"Sounds like fun," Sherria said.

"Sounds boring," Gajeel said.

"I want to play. Will you play with me, Rogue?" Frosch looks up at Rogue.

"Sure, little buddy," Rogue nods to make Frosch happy.

Spike places the Twister mat on the floor and the spinner as well. Wendy, Sherria, Romeo, Carla, Rogue, Juvia, Frosch, and Yukino decides to play the game and see how it works out. It turns out the game is more fun than they realize while getting into weird and awkward positions. Lyon sits and watches Juvia standing in different positions.

For two hours, everyone playing has lots of fun and laughter. Gajeel, Lyon, and Popeye are eating their food while enjoying the music displayed on the radio. After playing Twister, they start eating and drinking while enjoying each other's company. They dance to many different songs while Gajeel eats his iron, not wanting to dance or partake in most of the fun. Sherria is at peace, knowing who her family is. The thoughts of her mother are gone with the wind.

It's 9:30 at night. Everyone is going to their sleeping quarters to rest after the party. Popeye is eating the rest of the spinach pasta since the other food that was made is devoured. He sails the rest of the way to Hargeon.

It's 8:30 in the morning. Everyone wakes up after hearing the alarms sounding off. They see Finich Spinach parking in Hargeon.

"We're home," Spike said.

"Good, I'm sick of boats!" Gajeel said, now getting motion sickness.

"I concur..," Rogue falls over, holding his stomach.

"Hope you Sailors had a good rest," Popeye said while lifting the treasure chest to the Wizards.

"We did. We partied hard after a hard-fought battle," Romeo said, speaking for everyone.

"For defeating the Seven Deadly Sins and helping my brother retrieving his ship, he wanted me to give this to you," Popeye opens the treasure chest revealing 5,000,000 Jewels as promised. "1.25 Million Jewels for each of the guilds."

"Thank you," Everyone except Gajeel and Rogue says in unison. Gajeel and Rogue are still going through motion sickness.

After the guilds split the reward, they leave Finich Spinach and walk to the train station to say their farewells.

"Aww, I hate saying bye," Sherria said to her friend Wendy.

"It's okay. We'll see you soon, Sherria," Wendy said.

"Definitely," Spike concurs.

"Man, I hate trains," Rogue complains. He doesn't want to receive another motion sickness for the ride.

"Here, Rogue," Wendy uses her Troia spell on Rogue. It'll help him relieve his motion sickness for the next while.

"Thanks, Wendy," Rogue graciously says.

"You're welcome," Wendy smiles.

"It was an honor cooking and training side-by-side, Spike," Kagura said. "Tell Erza I said hi for me."

"I will, Sis," Spike replies.

Kagura smiles and hugs Spike. "I'll see you another day. Until then, take care of yourself and your guild."

"I will!"

"Tell Gray that he's a coward for not showing up," Lyon asks Spike to deliver the message.

"I will. Though Gray would come after you for those remarks."

"I'll be too powerful for him by the time he shows his face," Lyon smirks.

"Take care, Gajeel. It was fun fighting and training with you," Rogue said.

"You too. Continue to get better and stronger, Rogue."

"I will. Hopefully, our paths may come across again. The same goes for you guys here," Rogue says.

"Take care, Romeo. Continue to work on your flames. They were vital against King Shark," Yukino says.

"I will. Those Zodiacs were cool in action," Romeo says.

"Have a safe travel," Carla says to everyone when the conductor says all aboard."

"You too," Frosch says.

Everyone except Fairy Tail gets on the train. Moments later, the train starts moving. Everyone onboard waves bye while Spike uses his fire breath to teleport his friends to the guildhall in Magnolia.

Spike's teleportation spell puts him and his friends in front of the doors of the guildhall. Romeo starts sweating like crazy because he's expecting an ass-kicking from his father for taking a job without his consent. He takes a deep breath and enters the guildhall doors.

"Hey! Look who's come back!" Mirajane shouts.

"Heavens, what took you and Juvia so long, Gajeel?" Makarov asks.

"Turns out the guy that was running amuck is a member of the Seven Deadly Sins," Gajeel answers.

"What?!" Makarov said in shock.

"If it weren't for the coalition job Fairy Tail went on, we would have been lost at sea," Juvia said.

"I knew I should have gone with you," Panther Lily said.

"I'm glad you didn't. King Shark would have eaten you," Gajeel said.

"Who's King Shark?" Panther Lily asks.

"He's Pride of the Seven Deadly Sins. His body withstood my iron, and I was no match for him," Gajeel said.

"Wow. That's unfortunate," Panther Lily imagines the battle and how horrible it went.

"The town was filled with pools of blood because King Shark not only killed but ate the civilians. There was no one in sight to rescue," Juvia explains. Some of her guildmates went silent after that statement.

"That's horrible," Master Makarov shakes his head. "Please tell me King Shark is no more."

"Funny thing about that, Master," Romeo walks up to Makarov.

"Romeoooo!" Macao, his father, calls him out after coming out of the bathroom. "You have some explaining to do," Macao grabs his mug of beer.

Romeo gulps and walks up to his father. "Hey, dad..," Romeo sweats a bit. "I'm back home from work..."

"I see," Macao looks sternly at Romeo.

"I'm grounded, aren't I?" Romeo looks up at his dad's eyes.

Macao takes a deep breath. "You're not grounded, son."

"I'm sorry.., wait. What?" Romeo is surprised by his father's statement.

"You took on a job without me knowing. I am upset but, I came to the conclusion that you are growing into a young man and a capable wizard. I'm proud that you stood up to your enemies and came back victorious," Macao places his hand on Romeo's shoulder. "I want you to tell me everything. After that, you and I are going to do some father-son jobs and training."

"Sounds good, dad!" Romeo said excitedly.

"But first," Macao does the hand gesture that he wants the cut of Romeo's pay.

"Oh, right," Romeo gives his dad 125,000 Jewels.

"Now, we can get going," Macao leaves the guildhall with his son. He decides to train Romeo first.

"Hey, Mirajane," Spike flies over to Mirajane behind the bar.

"Yes, Spike?" Mirajane is cleaning a plate while smiling at Spike.

"Have you seen Natsu, Gray, Erza, and Lucy?" Spike asks.

"Lucy's home. As for the rest, they're on a job."

"Thanks, Mirajane," Spike flaps his wings.

"See you around, Fairy Dragon," Gajeel says.

"Definitely. Love you, Wendy."

"Love you too, Spike," Wendy kisses Spike's cheek. She watches Spike fly out of the guildhall.

Spike flies to the apartment and sees the Landlady coming out. "Hey, you got this month's rent?"

"Yes, I do," Spike gives the Landlady rent for the next two months.

"Perfect. I won't be bugging you and Lucy for the next two months. Such a smart dragon planning ahead of time," She said.

"Thanks. Have a good walk," Spike said.

"Have a good day, Fairy Dragon," The Landlady goes on her walk.

Spike enters the apartment and walks up the stairs. He opens the door to see Lucy writing her novel. "I'm home, Lucy!"

"Hi, Spike! Welcome home," Lucy stops writing and walks up to Spike. She hugs him and lets him go. "So, how was the adventure?"

"Well," Spike spends three hours telling his tale. Lucy is in shock to hear Kain Hikaru's name mentioned. What blew her mind wasn't Finich Spinach in action but Fairy Rage taking possession of the Kraken.

"Fairy Rage, is that true or Spike stretching the story?" Lucy asks. She made tea for her and Spike.

"King Shark's tamer magic opened the door for Squidward. If it weren't for that, I wouldn't be able to possess the Kraken. Lucy, we didn't know that Krakens existed, so seeing one was bizarre."

"For a job request that wasn't an S-Class, it felt like one," Spike said.

"So, what do you, Natsu, Happy, Gray, and Erza do while we were away?"

"We went on an S-Class Quest. Natsu and Gray were highly upset about not going on an adventure on the seas. Erza came to her senses. She wanted to go with you, Spike."

"Wow. What changed her mind?"

"Erza wanted you to gain experience with Wendy and Romeo. She saw you three as the future of Fairy Tail that needs to develop. It did pain her to see you go."

"I bet. Erza loves me as her brother."

"For the past few days, while you were gone, Erza did get worried. Not knowing what dangers you could be struggling with. Erza told me the taunt Minerva said about failing as a sister. That taunt did get to her during the time."

Spike imagines the feeling Erza went through. "When was the last time you saw Erza?"

"Yesterday, she should be around later today. Also, the guild now has a pool. We're going swimming later today," Lucy smiles.

"I'm in!" Spike shouts. His stomach growls. "After I eat."

"Sure thing. I'll make lunch," Lucy gets up and goes to the kitchen.

Author's Note:

This is the end of the mini-arc. On to the next arc. I had fun with this one. I may do more like this down the road for Spike in Earth Land.

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