• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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The Truth: Part 1

An hour later. Erza and Wendy return to their room.

"Did everything go...-" Carla sees the anger and frustrations written on Erza and Wendy's faces. "What happened?"

Erza tosses Happy on the couch in anger. Happy cried throughout the travel back, not wanting to reveal his dark truths to anyone, no matter how crucial they are to reverse the world he created.

"This one has a lot of explaining," Erza frustratedly expresses. She throws her sword away in anger.

"What's with the book, Wendy?" Carla turns to her.

"Answers. This book has magic power from this Tergeri guy. He's a Demon of Time," Wendy sounds upset and disappointed at Happy.

"WHAT?!" Carla is horrfied to hear a Demon that uses time magic.

"You heard me right," Wendy said. She places the book on the table. "Happy made a deal with a Demon."

Carla turns to Happy. "What did you do..?" Carla is sad about the news she's hearing from her friends.

"I screwed up!" Happy continues to cry. "Natsu! Lucy! Gray! Fairy Tail! I'm so sorry! I'm so so so so so so so so sorry!" Happy covers his face in shame.

Carla walks and sits with Happy on the couch. She rubs his back in the process. "I can see the remorse in your eyes, Happy. Do you regret it?"

"Yes, I regret-" For some reason, the room starts trembling like an earthquake. Happy stops talking, and the room stops quaking.

"An earthquake?" Wendy doesn't recall earthquakes happening in Magnolia.

"I don't know," Erza is not sure. She figures it's a side effect of the Faces detonation a year ago.

Happy sighs. All Happy want is to eat with Natsu and apologize for his blunder to the rest of his friends.

"Happy," Wendy turns to Happy. "What made you bargain with Tergeri?"

"We want honest answers, Happy. If you lie, we will know," Erza grabs a chair.

"You're going to hate me even more," Happy sobs.

"I promise you I won't," Carla comforting and reassuringly expresses. She calms Happy down from the crying.

"Yes, you will," Happy knows it in his heart. When he explains everything, hatred from his remaining friends will consume him.

"Happy, look at me," Carla grabs Happy's head, making him turn to her. "I promise I won't hate you."

Happy can feel Carla's warmth and embrace. He feels the love from her, but everything else is wrong. He looks at the stern faces of Erza and Wendy. They want answers.

"I'll repeat Wendy's question. What made you bargain with Tergeri?" Erza asks. She's suppressing her anger to focus on the task at hand.

Happy sighs and looks at Erza and Wendy. He walks to the book and opens it. "I was jealous of Fairy Rage," An image of Fairy Rage appears. A dragon with orange spikes while his scales are amethyst. His eyes are orange, while the Fairy Tail Emblem on his chest is black.

Carla is surprised to see a dragon projecting from the book. She's confused as to why Happy is jealous of a dragon. "Why on earth would you be jealous of a dragon?"

Happy frowns and sighs heavily. "That dragon fell in love with you, and you were in love with him," Happy's ears drop in sadness.

"What?! That's preposterous! Why would I fall in love with a dragon?" Carla is questioning how she would fall in love with Fairy Rage.

The book reveals many moments when Carla started falling in love with Fairy Rage. Fairy Rage talks within Spike's body with his straightforwardness and brutal honesty. Carla then sees how it transitions to a moment when Fairy Rage starts protecting his friends and those around him. Carla finds it funny that Fairy Rage is like her in many ways. Carla sees many moments of her other self hiding emotions whenever Spike eye's turn orange. The book reveals an iconic moment when she heard Fairy Rage sacrificing himself to revive Erza. Carla sees how devastated her other self felt.

"Wait, something just hit me," Carla turns to Erza. "Do you recall someone named Spike?"

"Spike Knightwalker. He wore a purple hooded assassin's uniform, black boots, a skull chain necklace, and dark purple jeans. He had a green mohawk and green eyes. From what I remembered, he was Erza Knightwalker's adopted son."

"What happened to him?" Happy asks. He knows that Spike Knightwalker is alive.., somewhat. He doesn't know the full extent.

"Natsu came and fought Spike Knightwalker when he saw me battling him and my counterpart. Natsu inadvertently went too far and incinerated Spike Knightwalker with his flames. Then I fought an angry mother of Erza Knightwalker to a standstill," Erza remembers that day like it was yesterday. Such a crushing blow to watch someone you love perish instantly.

"No way..," Happy recalls Spike defeating Spike Knightwalker.

"I didn't understand how Edolas had a Spike Knightwaker until I heard that Demon of Time and you spoke about," Erza said.

Happy frowns. "In the correct timeline, you and Spike have a special brother-sister type relationship."

"We do?" Erza puts the pieces together and understands how the level of love would fair with Erza and Spike Knightwalker. It would have been the perfect reflection of two worlds.

"Yes. When Spike first came to Fairy Tail, he didn't have a last name. Spike explained his origins, and you told him you relate to him in more ways than another. You're the one who gave him a last name."

"Fairy?" Erza remembers Tergeri mentioning Spike the Fairy.

Happy nods. "That's correct. Spike took the name with pride, and everyone knows him as Spike the Fairy."

"How did I start a brother-sister relationship with Spike?" Erza is intrigued. The book reveals a moment when Spike and Erza were talking. The memory depicts where Erza reflects on her life as a slave for the Tower of Heaven project. It was after the talk that Erza confessed her love for Jellal. After that confession, Spike admits to having feelings for Erza the same way. "What?" Erza then sees Spike was out of his league in the age limit. Then the memory shows that her other self proposed a brother-sister bond to elevate the love. "Wow, I started it."

"If he flunked, who did he end up with?" Carla asks.

"With Wendy," Happy points at Wendy.

"Me? How?" On cue after Wendy's question, the book reveals the moment they met. For hours on end, the book reveals every moment Spike and Wendy held feelings for each other, grew as friends, confessed their love, and continued their relationship as a young couple. Many memories of love and embrace made Wendy cry in pure bliss, seeing how happy her other self was. Wendy sees how much her other self cared for Spike and how much Spike cares about her other self. "Wow," Wendy watches her other self having fun with Spike, battling, training, hanging out, and creating memories. "My handsome dragon," Wendy repeats what the memory displayed when Spike wore a suit to go on their first date. She saw Spike's emotions and personality. She cries, knowing she won't have any of those moments.

"Did I confess my love to Fairy Rage?" Carla asks the book. The book reveals a pivotal moment. It was after Spike and Wendy went out on their date. Carla sees her other self's demeanor change. While alone in Lucy and Spike's apartment, Carla spoke aloud. She wishes that Fairy Rage was still around to confess her love.

"What the?" Happy didn't know about this.

"As crazy as this sounds, I wanted you more in my life. You're nothing like the Tomcat that continues effortlessly to win my heart. You're protective, passionate, and not annoying or a nuisance. Always mindful of everything and ready to protect those you cherish. Every time I see your eyes glow orange, I know things are alright. I can never tell you how I feel without making a scene. Spike loves Wendy, and me talking to you out of love would put Spike and Wendy in a bad situation. I already ruined their first date. I refuse to ruin their relationship by how the peers view us. I'm hoping for us to be together as a couple. I guess I'll have to wait until I see you."

Happy's jaw drops after hearing that confession. Happy now knows how much Fairy Rage meant to Carla. Carla continues to watch herself speak more about Fairy Rage and how much she misses him. It then transitions to another moment about confession; after the defeat of Acnologia. Carla is more in shock that her other self has a humanoid form. Wendy and Erza are dumbfounded after seeing her humanoid form.

"While I grew within Spike's body, living each day with Fairy Tail, I admire the elegant voice you have every time you speak. Your personality and how much you cared about those you cherish. Also, how straightforward you can be with others. I find it hilarious when you scold some of our friends when they do idiotic things. Truth be told is, I love everything about you. I couldn't bring myself cause I didn't know how it would work or how us would work cause, at the time, I was in Spike's body. Now that I have a body of my own, I would love to spend my days with you. Sure, we'll move in with Spike and Wendy, but I want to be your boyfriend. Can I be your boyfriend?"

Carla is in tears of happiness. For a long time, she withheld her feelings about Fairy Rage. "Let me tell your something, Rage. I admire your straightforward talk and your awareness. You're willing to put your life on the line and care for others. I love your enthusiasm and personality; Truth be told. I loved you. I still love you. I wasn't sure how it was going to work as well. When you passed away, I was devastated. More so than Spike, but I hid it," Carla grasps Fairy Rage's claws. "I want to follow you to the end of time. I want to be your girlfriend."

Happy didn't know about that confession at Hargeon. He hits himself for allowing his emotions to take away Carla's happiness even more. Carla backs away from Happy. She's not angry but disappointed that Happy's jealousy took her and Wendy's lovers away.

"Happy. Did you realize what you've done?" Carla turns her back on Happy. She's holding her anger.

"I ruined two relationships and destroyed the world," Happy said. He's angry at himself for falling so low.

"You single-handily killed Fairy Tail and most of the world due to your jealousy! What do you have to say for yourself?!" Wendy lost her cool. Erza steps back from Wendy's sudden outburst.

"I'm sorry," Happy said in tears. "I WISH I CAN TAKE IT BACK!" Happy cries. "TERGERI! I SAID THE TRUTH! FIX THIS NOW!"

Purple eyes glow in the room. A manifestation of a man with two horns on each side of the head appears. He's wearing a time clock medallion and a black top hat. He consists of wearing a business suit with number all around it. White fog shrouds the room. Erza, Wendy, and Carla backed away from the Demon.

"Correction. The book revealed more about the truth than you."

"I told them. I told Carla, Wendy, and Erza how I was jealous!" Happy exclaims, tears hurting his eyes.

"Did you explain what happened before you met me?" Tergeri asks Happy.

Happy gulps. "No..."

"You're still in the darkness, Happy. The light needs to shine brightly to escape it."

"Wait!" Carla gets Tergeri's attention.

"What is it?"

"Can I request you take out Happy before he met you?" Carla wants to see if it's possible.

"No. Happy asked me to get rid of Fairy Rage, so you and he can become a couple. What you're asking violates my contract."

"How can Happy shine the light even further?" Erza asks Tergeri.

"He needs to tell the truth first. He cannot use the book to provide answers. It doesn't work like that. Using the book technically bypasses his duty to speak the truth, which won't work."

"What is it that Happy needs to explain?" Wendy asks Tergeri.

"I know what I need to say," Happy swallows his pride.

"What did you do that led to meeting with Tergeri?" Carla asks Happy.

Happy closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He opens them, knowing that it won't be easy. "I ruined a double date you and Wendy planned for Spike and Fairy Rage. A surprised double date."

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Carla, Wendy, and Erza shout in shock and anger.

"I lied to Natsu about going on an espionage solo mission. He believed that my job would be crucial and let me be. I noticed that you were wearing a gold dress and looked absolutely gorgeous. You and Wendy wore beautiful dresses, and I couldn't keep my eyes off you. I proceed into following you from afar with my binoculars. My intention during that day was to devise a scheme in hopes of making Carla break up with Fairy Rage. I watched how Carla teased Fairy Rage seductively a bit. It drove me mad. After an hour, Carla, Wendy, Spike, and Fairy Rage went to a restaurant, so I made my first move. Making Carla and the others believe that I was left out and abandoned. Fairy Rage did not like my approach one bit. I lied to the four of them about Natsu being busy with Laxus. A believable lie that everyone fell for; however, when I asked to join them, Fairy Rage said no. He was rude about it. Fairy Rage called it coincidental that I appeared when he, Carla, Wendy, and Spike was battling a hydra."

"What made it coincidental, Happy?" Wendy asks Happy.

"I stalked Carla the whole way without informing Natsu of my whereabouts. He stormed after me, got overly excited, and scorched the hydra in one blow. Fairy Youth Squad got scorched in the process. Before you ask, Fairy Youth Squad consists of Spike, Fairy Rage, Wendy, Romeo, Sherria, and Carla."

"Alright, that answers another question," Wendy said.

"Please, continue with your confession," Erza calmly says.

"After Fairy Rage's rejection, Spike intervenes and says that meeting up with familiar people can happen at any random time in life. Wendy was unsure, and I pleaded to stay. Rage still said no, and I acted like a baby to get what I wanted. I made a scene, and Fairy Rage relented, allowing me to join them for lunch. After lunch, I departed but kept watching, observing what was next during their double date. Carla and Wendy led Spike and Rage to the Rainbow Cherry Blossom Tree to dance during the day. I decided to enraged forest Vulcans into chasing me. I made fake bruises and cried my way into Carla's arms while the forest Vulcans were chasing me. Wendy and Spike combine their magic for a unison raid attack, blowing the Vulcans away from the Rainbow Cherry Blossom Tree with immense force. Fairy Rage was pissed that I interrupted the date due to my mishap."

"Ahem," Tergeri said, knowing that mishap is not the correct terminology.

"Rage was pissed that I interrupted the date intentionally," Happy sees Tergeri nodding with approval. "I explained that I thought I heard Natsu and tackled him, which caused the Vulcans to chase after me. Fairy Rage took off while I was lost in pleasure with Carla stroking my head. I was planning on doing it occasionally for that kind of attention. After a while, we were in the apartment. Wendy was highly upset with herself since my bruises didn't go away. She doubted her healing magic. When Fairy Rage came to the apartment, I was sweating cause he knew the truth. Carla asked if Fairy Rage was alright. He replies that he needed five minutes with me while his claws ignite in orange-black flames. Fairy Rage exposed my deception, and I tried to leave. He shot his flames at me, and I felt the pain. Hours later, I wanted to avoid going back to Fairy Tail, knowing that I'm in deep waters. I saw a guy smiling widely and praising a hallelujah. He explained to me that Tergeri was going to solve his problems. I was intrigued and wanted to avoid trouble, so I visited Tergeri. I lied to him about Fairy Rage wanting to kill me and take the love of my life. I told him I wanted Fairy Rage gone. He complied and gave me a warning right then and there to back away, and I refused. Tergeri told me that the world will change and start anew the next day."

Wendy imagines beating the stuffing out of Happy for what he did. He screwed her out of a happy life with a miserable one. Erza can't look at Happy the same. For what he pulled, Happy would be expelled from Fairy Tail. Carla is angry and has every right to be. Happy's selfishness destroyed the world around him and more. Happy wishes everyone will forget what he pulled.

Tergeri nods. "You succeeded in telling the truth to those impacted the most."

"So, what do I have to say?" Happy asks Tergeri. He wants to fix everything and set things right.

"Say my name backward and finish the sentence," Tergeri answers.

"Huh?" Happy is confused. He grabs a pen and paper and writes Tergeri's name backward. "No, way! Your name is I regret?" The room starts trembling again.

"That is my name. However, I prefer to have my name backwardly pronounced. So, finish your sentence."

"Wait, after he's done, what happens?" Erza asks Tergeri. She figures there's more after the incantation.

"Simple. Happy needs to say the truth a second time to make the timeline permanent."

"Oh, c'mon!" Happy whines.

"Or, you can choose to remain in this timeline. The choice is yours," Tergeri rudely claims.

"Fine!" Happy stomps hard on the floor in anger. "I REGRET MY DECISION TO HAVE FAIRY RAGE ERASED!" Happy shouts and pants. "I regret allowing my jealousy to kill my friends and family."

Tergeri lifts his clock medallion. The minute and hour hands start circulating in different directions. "Blink three times, and you'll be in the corrected timeline. The world will change around you in a flash."

"Where will I be?" Happy asks.

"The moment before you stepped into my domain. You'll return into yesterday's body with the memories of today's present."

"What will happen to us?" Carla asks. She wonders how it'll impact her and her friends moving forward.

"This timeline will be erased along with you. To the corrected timeline selves, it'll be nothing but a bad dream at best."

"What happened to Spike?" Wendy asks Tergeri.

Tergeri is silent. He knows what happened but would prefer to have it explained in the correct timeline.

Happy takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry for the trauma I caused you."

"If it helps, I accept your apology," Wendy said. She's still angry but refuses to let it out.

"Don't ever recreate this world, and I'll forgive you," Erza said. "If I see you're the cause of it, I'll knock sense into you."

"Bye," Carla said. She doesn't sound sad or mad. She sounded formal.

Happy blinks three times; The world around him changes within the blink of an eye. Happy is in a dark alley when he sees a man smiling widely, praising a hallelujah.

"Did I fix it?" Happy sprouts angelic wings and flies to the skies. He sees the beauty of Magnolia lights high in the sky and smiles widely. It's 8:00 at night. "YES! I FIXED IT! THINGS ARE BACK TO NORMAL!"

Happy instinctively flies to the guildhall to be with Natsu and his friends. Upon arrival. Happy enters the guildhall to see his friends looking highly upset. Wendy and Carla are furious with Happy while Natsu looks down at him.

"Care to explain your actions, Happy?" Natsu asks. His arms are crossed and displeased.

"Uh, oh," Happy now realizes he has to explain the whole truth a second time.

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