• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Searching for Answers

Spike, Lucy, Natsu, and Happy explain what they experienced. The ambush by the Zodiac Spirits and how they want true freedom. None of Lucy's Zodiacs had any memory besides being contracted to her. Yukino is worried about her Zodiacs.

"Fairy Rage. What's your intake?" Erza asks.

"Something wicked powerful must have altered the Zodiacs' physique and demeanor. I want to say something happened within the Celestial Spirit World. A few days ago, Yukino's Zodiacs were fine when bringing the fight to King Shark."

"Crazy theory. You think it's Twilight Sparkle?" Happy asks Spike.

"No way in hell this is Twilight's doing. She's not powerful enough to pull a stunt like this. For Twilight to become a threat, she needs years of studying and practicing."

"Is it a possibility?" Lucy turns to Spike.

"Not likely. If we were in Equestria, it would have been Twilight since magic flows differently over there than here."

"If not her, who else would have done such a thing to the Zodiacs?" Yukino said, hoping that any of her friends in Fairy Tail could come up with an answer.

"Only time will tell, Yukino."

"Hmm..," Makarov closes his eyes. "I fear that the Zodiacs' doing is more than defiance. It's a revolt."

"Maybe I can call Grandpa Crux. Perhaps he may have answers as to why the Zodiacs are the way they are," Lucy grabs her Silver Gate Key.

"But when you summoned him earlier, Virgo beat him up and forced his gate to close," Happy said.

"I know he'll find a way. Open Gate of the Southern Cross! Crux!" Lucy Silver Gate Key activates, but instead of Grandpa Crux coming out, Horologium comes out instead. "Wait.., what? I summoned Crux, not you."

"Coming here is extremely dangerous, so I had this gentleman bring me. He said in continuous snoring," Horologium speaks for Crux.

Erza, Gray, Natsu, Happy, Spike, Lucy, Yukino, Makarov, Mirajane, Juvia, Elfman, Wendy, Carla, Gajeel, and Panther Lily gather around Grandpa Crux since he has vital information.

"We're back!" Levy shouts while Team Shadow Gear enters the guildhall.

"Please tell me the kitchen is open," Droy said. He's sweaty and hungry.

"I can use a bite to eat after that gig," Jet said.

"Hello!" Droy shouts to his guildmates.

"Is something wrong, you guys?" Levy asks her friends.

Erza turns to Team Shadow Gear. She shushes them while Lucy asks Grandpa Crux about the status in the Celestial Spirit World.

"At first, everything was so peaceful, and then all of a sudden, a rebellion began to spread like wildfire. Contracts between Zodiac Spirits and their keyholders became null void. There was no warning for this, much less any matter of reason given. They've been running amuck ever since. Destroying the Celestial World and sending us Silver Keys into hiding, fearing for our lives."

"What about old Mustache Face?" Natsu asks Crux.

"Who?" Spike is confused.

"He's the Celestial Spirit King, Spike. He has a big mustache," Wendy explains.

"Thanks for letting me know, Wendy," Spike said.

"Can the Celestial Spirit King restore order, somehow?" Gray asks Grandpa Crux.

"Perhaps he could if anyone knew where he was. He disappeared without any kind of trace," Crux answers.

"You mean you haven't even seen him since? That's bad," Lucy becomes worried about the Celestial Spirit King.

"Whatever happened to the Celestial Spirit King may have a rippling effect on the Zodiac Spirits."

"And, Loke spoke about true freedom," Natsu said.

"Liberum?" Crux understood what true freedom meant while the others are puzzled by it.

Yukino brought a book with her she believes could be vital. Levy takes the book and examines it. It has a few entries about Liberum. Jet asks Yukino about the book. Yukino explains that she's done some investigating on her own and came across the title of the book.

Grandpa Crux tells everyone that Liberum is a ritual that Celestial Spirits can perform. When the ritual is activated, a Celestial Spirit can obtain freedom. Levy found out that by using the Celestial Globe, a Celestial Spirit would be able to break the chains that tether to the Gate Keys.

"I say that we should storm in and kick their butts until they remember who they were," Natsu said.

"Fighting is not the solution, moron," Gray said.

"Hey! At least I'm coming up with a plan! What are you thinking about, Ice Breath!" Natsu retorts at Gray.

"The Celestial Globe that the ritual requires, do you know where it could be found?" Makarov asks Levy and Crux.

"I'm afraid I do not. Hopefully, it's not in the hands of those rebellious spirits," Crux answers. "That could be tragic."

"It seems we would know if it's in their possession," Erza said.

"If they had it, I don't think they'll reveal themselves to Lucy," Droy said.

"Yea, they would have started or ended the ritual by now," Jet noted.

"That is a valid point. There's no reason for them to show up if they're really independent," Gray said shirtless.

"Have you been able to find any more information about the Liberum, Levy?" Erza asks.

"There's pages and pages about the Liberum. Unfortunately, the ink in these pages are too old and faded to tell what most of it says," Levy answers while reading the book.

"I wonder if we can find another book that can tell us more about Liberum," Erza said.

"Sis, I know where we can find a book about Liberum," Spike walks up to Erza.

"Where, Spike?" Erza turns to Spike.

"The Magic Library," Spike answers.

"Yea! The Library of Sorcery should have the answers we need."

Master Makarov ponders a bit and how the recent activity of the Zodiacs is linking up with the weather phenomenons on Earth Land. Makarov entrusts Erza to create the teams to find evidence on the sort.

"Alright, we'll split into teams of two. Cana and I. Wendy and Carla. Gray and Juvia. Gajeel and Lily. Mira and Elfman. If we spread out, we can cast a wide network of relevant information. Spike, hit everyone with your flare marking."

"On it, Sis," Spike shoots flare markings on each of his friends.

"Now that Spike placed flare markings on you, he can check in on you guys from time to time until Warren returns from his job. Then we can use Warren's telepathy to relay what we found among the teams. Spike, Natsu, Yukino, Levy, Happy, and Lucy will head to the Library of Sorcery."

"Aye, Sir!" Happy is pumped up.

"I love being a bookworm!" Levy excitedly expresses.

"Are you fired up, Natsu?" Yukino turns to Natsu. Apparently, Natsu, Grandpa Crux, and Horologium are long gone.

"Hey!" Happy turns to see Natsu vanished.

"He's gone!" Levy said in shock.

"Of course. Natsu is going with his plan to beat them up," Spike said.

"That nitwit will be the death of me!" Master Makarov angrily shouts.

"Alright, I'll teleport us to the library, and we'll begin our search," Spike uses his fire breath to teleport Levy, Lucy, Happy, and Yukino to the Library of Sorcery. He blows a kiss to Wendy before teleporting himself to the library.

"I am so glad you have that ability, Spike. Saves us the trouble of traveling all this way to be here," Happy said.

"You're welcome. We need to find out all we can about Liberum before it's too late."

"Spike. You and Happy bring Levy, Yukino, and me books so we can scan through them with our Gale-Force Reading Glasses," Lucy said.

"You got it," Spike flies to search for books.

"Aye, Sir!" Happy flies to search for books.

Within the hour, Spike and Happy gave the girls books for them to scan through and read. Piles of books are stacked around them. Not one of them contains any information about Liberum. Spike and Happy continue to go through the list Levy made and retrieve any other book that can be helpful.

"Happy, do you hear that rumbling?" Spike asks.

"Yea. What is it?" Happy looks around.

Spike and Happy hear the girls screaming and crashing. The two soar down to check on Levy, Lucy, and Yukino.

"Hey! Are you three okay down there?" Happy asks.

"Look out!" Lucy warns her friends. Virgo uses her whip to attack them.

"Oh, it's you," Spike sees Virgo.

"What do you want, Virgo!" Lucy demands.

"Who? Me? To give you punishment, of course," Virgo uses her explosion magic, causing Lucy, Levy, and Yukino to run away from it.

"I got her," Spike powers up.

"Be careful not to hurt her!" Lucy doesn't want her friends to fight each other like this.

"I'll do what I can. Find that book!" Spike commands his friends to search the book that has crucial information on Liberum.

"So, I get to punish a dragon. This is retribution, lizard!" Virgo says.

"This is payback for knocking me out!" Spike dodges Virgo's explosions. "Meteor Rain!" Spike conjures Sparkling Green Flame Orbs and shoots them at Virgo.

"My my, what an interesting technique," Virgo jumps out of the way. "But futile," Virgo smirks until the orb hits and explodes on her. She's a bit burnt. "You deserve a good spanking for that! I'll use my whip for extra flare!" Virgo uses her whip to lash Spike left and right.

Spike flies around the lashings. While Spike distracts Virgo, Lucy, Levy, and Yukino continue to scan through many books as they can. Lucy wants to try and reason with Virgo into stopping the conflict. She can't concentrate with the fear that Spike may hurt Virgo unintentionally.

"I.., I have to go back," Lucy turns and starts running in the direction where Spike and Virgo are fighting at.

"Lucy," Yukino grabs Lucy's arm. "You have to sit this one out. Spike is entrusting us to find the Liberum book. You're emotions are getting the better of you."

Lucy sighs. It hurts her because it's the truth. However, she still needs to go and stop the conflict. "Sorry, I have to go back," Lucy presses onward to search for Spike and Virgo.

Spike continues to dodge the lashings from Virgo. Virgo grows tired of Spike's dodges and uses her explosion magic. Spike flies at her and grabs her hand before she snaps her fingers.

"Let go of me!" Virgo slaps Spike in the face repeatedly.

Spike headbutts Virgo and takes her whip. "I got something better, you sadist."

"Oh, yea? Like what?" Virgo wonders what Spike has in mind before punishing him.

"This!" Spike breathes his fire on Virgo as a distraction. Then he uses Virgo's whip to bind her and leave her hanging upside down.

"Hey! Let me go!" Virgo struggles angrily. The whip around her arms and legs is tied tightly.

"That's for slapping me and knocking me out. Plus, you chained my sister to a tree. I call this retribution," Spike flies in the direction where Lucy, Yukino, Happy, and Levy are.

Spike inadvertently bumps into Lucy as she's running. Their heads crash into each other.

"Ow.., my head..," Spike and Lucy say in unison while rubbing their heads.

"Spike! What happened to Virgo? What did you do?" Lucy frantically asks.

"Left her hanging," Spike chuckles a bit.

"Uh, what do you mean by that?" Lucy doesn't like the sound of it.

"Look, she's fine and unharmed. We need to find that book on Liberum."

Lucy sighs. "Okay," Lucy leads Spike to where the others are. Lucy hears Virgo's threats when she gets untied. Now, she knows what Spike meant by leaving her hanging.

Half an hour later, Lucy and Spike meet up with Levy, Happy, and Yukino. They are looking for the South Warehouse. Lucy summons Pyxis, a red bird with a compass on its head. Pyxis points down where the South Warehouse would be. Virgo emerges from the floor. She's pissed off at Spike for using her whip to bind her.

"I'm so going to lynch you, dragon," Virgo looks forward to hanging Spike.

"Spike, Levy! Go on. Yukino and I will handle Virgo."

"Alright, let's go, Spike," Levy starts running to the South Warehouse.

"Be careful, Sis," Spike refers to Lucy.

"Don't worry; I will be," Lucy arms herself with her whip.

While Lucy and Yukino fight Virgo, Spike and Levy are at the South Warehouse. Levy says to check every crate until either one finds the Celestial Globe. After ten minutes of searching, Levy finds the Celestial Globe.

"I found it, Spike!" Levy shouts.

"Nice!" Spike flies over to Levy. "It's like finding the Infinity Clock piece all over again."

Happy, Lucy, and Yukino arrive in the South Warehouse after Virgo ran away from their fight.

"Hey, did you two found it?" Lucy asks.

"Levy found the globe. Now, the Zodiacs won't be able to perform Liberum," Spike answers. Lucy, Happy, and Yukino are happy and relieved. "I'm going to teleport us back to the guildhall."

"Sorry, can't have you do that," Virgo uses her explosion magic on Spike and Levy. Levy and Spike hurl away due to the explosion. Lucy catches Spike while Happy catches Yukino. The explosion causes Spike to pass out a second time.

Natsu screams and lands on the floor hard. The distraction allowed Virgo to return to the Celestial Spirit World. Natsu was at the Celestial Spirit World. He was fighting Taurus and struggled to lay a hit on the guy. Natsu is puzzled about seeing Spike, Lucy, Levy, Yukino, and Happy in the same location.

Levy reveals there was much more to the Liberum ritual than the Zodiacs realize. She explains that the freedom they seek only last for twelve days. After twelve days, they'll cease to exist. Natsu, Lucy, Yukino, and Happy are stunned. Natsu asks about Spike when Levy explains that Virgo knocked him out with an explosion spell.

"We need to go back to the guildhall and explain the situation with Gramps," Natsu said.

"Erza will claim your soul for ditching us the way you did, Natsu," Lucy says while holding Spike.

Natsu sweats like crazy after hearing that statement. With no other choice, he gulps and goes back to the guildhall with Lucy, Spike, Levy, Yukino, and Happy.

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