• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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School of Friendship Week Four: Twilight's Class

Today is Thursday, 9:15 in the morning. Starlight is in her office, pondering how Twilight's class will go. Yesterday, Rockhoof's class was phenomenal with his stories and how everyone was engaged, wanting to learn more about Rockhoof and finding the inner strength to achieve anything. Discord walks into the office.

"How are you holding up, Starlight?" Discord (clone) asks.

Starlight sighs. "I hope that the class doesn't backfire on me. It's all I'm hoping for."

"Let's have some faith in Twilight to turn things around. She has become better in the school and opened up more to other creatures during class."

"Agreed. If I see it doesn't go well, I'll pull the class."

"Trust me, it's going to be a killer," Discord (clone) said.

"Hopefully," Starlight chuckles.

It's 9:25 in the morning. The Young Six and Neighsay are in the cafeteria having breakfast.

"So, any of you going to Twilight's class?" Neighsay asks.

"We didn't signup for the class to be active but, I guess I'll take a look at it," Smolder said.

"Yak will listen to what Twilight has to teach."

"If I had to say for everyone, we're going but, we have our suspicions, considering what Twilight and her friends have done to Professor Spike," Said Sandbar.

"Same," Gallus said. "Maybe it'll be as good as Rockhoof's class. I don't know..."

"After knowing what Twilight and her friends have done cause news spread like wildfire, I hope her lectures do teach what the Element of Harmony goes well. I wonder who else is going," Neighsay said.

"We will find out," Ocellus said.

"Twilight's class is starting at 10:00 today. After that, we get Discord's class again!" Silverstream cheers.

"I'll admit, Discord and Spike's classes have been very entertaining. The homework isn't complicated. The tests are fair, giving the understanding of group projects and working together."

"It is, Neighsay. We thought it be different when we first arrived but, it hasn't," Sandbar said.

It's 9:50 in the morning. Twilight is getting ready to teach the first lesson about the Elements of Harmony. Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy set up their sides to teach about the Elements. Cozy Glow is arranging the desks in the classroom.

"Thanks for the help, Cozy Glow," Twilight said.

"Anything for you, Princess. I know that this class will help bring friends closer together than any other class. The Elements of Harmony are crucial to everyday life as well. You teaching me in private has been most helpful and useful for any of my classes. I still would like to know about the magic hidden in the Elements."

"We'll get on topic another day. For today, I'll be teaching what the Elements are and going over the basics."

"Alright, I'm ready," Rainbow said.

"Me as well," Applejack said.

"This should be good and exciting than the dull classes Maud and Sunburst gives. No offense, Pinkie."

"None-taken, Rarity," Pinkie replies. "My side is clear to have a party!"

"Same. Hopefully, the students will enjoy seeing the animal."

"Oh, they will. I can't imagine no one showing up for class," Cozy Glow remarks.

Neighsay and the Young Six arrive early to class and sees that the seats are station on a rotating spinner, indicating that Twilight's friends will be teaching. Neighsay sits in the middle of the seats, formulating a circle around his friends. Twilight waits a while to see if any creature else will be showing. The school bell rings, but Twilight decides to wait five more minutes.

It's now 10:05, and Twilight decides to start the class. For a hundred signatures signed, it seems no one else wants to come to class today. Cozy sits near the Young Six and Neighsay, opening up her notebook to jot notes.

"Morning, Class. I'm Professor Twilight Sparkle. I'll be teaching you the core values of the Elements of Harmony and what they represent. From here and out, you'll have six instructors on each of the Elements of Harmony. Applejack for Honesty, Rainbow Dash for Loyalty, Pinkie Pie for Laughter, Rarity for Generosity, and Fluttershy for Kindness, and I'll be instructing the Element of Magic."

Twilight decides that Rainbow Dash should start by teaching the class about the Element of Loyalty. The seats rotate facing Rainbow Dash. She starts talking about how being Loyal is vital for a healthy friendship.

"So, were you Loyal to Spike when he was with you as a friend or disloyal to him?" Gallus asks.

"Let's not get off topic about Spike and me. I'm teaching why being Loyal is important," Rainbow proudly exclaims.

"But, you're avoiding the question. Were you Loyal to Spike?" Gallus smirks.

Rainbow sighs and grits her teeth to answer the question. "No. I haven't. But, I'm trying to teach you to always be Loyal to your friends and don't make the same mistakes as I have."

"Thank you for answering my question," Gallus said with a smile.

"Punk." Rainbow thought to herself. "Another thing you should know, being Loyal takes pride to go with the good and bad. Always be there for your friends through all things."

"Where were you when Spike needed a Loyal friend?" Gallus shrewdly asks.

"Hey! I didn't become an instructor to answer questions about what I did wrong with Spike! I'm here to teach you not to make the same foolish decisions I made when being Loyal to one kind and not all!" Rainbow huffs.

"Okay, okay. Take a chill pill," Gallus said.

"One more crack like that, and I'll give you something else," Rainbow barks.

"I'll speak on behalf of my friend as he's sorry for his rude behavior," Neighsay said.

"You get one chance to behave in my class," Rainbow extends her hoof at Gallus. "Otherwise, I'll give you detention."

"Wow, talk about DĆ©jĆ  vu from Starlight's class," Smolder said.

"Yea, it's like the first day but reversed after hearing what the others say about Discord's and Spike's classes," Sandbar said.

"Please, proceed with your lecture," Neighsay said.

"Gladly," Rainbow takes a deep breath to calm her nerves. "Being Loyal is like rooting for a team you like. You in the high ends and low ends. Not everyone likes being around certain creatures, but those who do are considered loyal."

"Does being Loyal also means being friends with those who hate or don't like other creatures, or do you drop that friend?" Ocellus asks.

"Well, that depends on the hate or dislike," Rainbow answers.

"Then that's not being loyal," Gallus said.

"Excuse me?" Rainbow is getting irritated by Gallus.

"I concur with Gallus' statement. Yona heard that blue pegasus said that being Loyal must take in the good and bad. If you only their for good but neglect the bad, that's not loyal. That's following a crowd."

"Well, when you put it that way..," Rainbow is losing track. "I supposed that technically true. However, if a friend were to go astray, would any of you still be Loyal to that creature? I wouldn't."

"Yes," Neighsay answers. "I would help that friend of mine see the light and help him/her recover from the troubling issue. I would be there to help see a better tomorrow. You say that you wouldn't? What's wrong with you, Element of Loyalty?"

"Uh, nothing is wrong but seeing a friend do heinous crimes, terrorizing my friends and Equestria and don't change. That isn't a friend. That's a fiend."

"Says the pony that dunked ice water on a baby dragon," Smolder said. "From what Ember has told us in the Dragon Lands, what you and your friends did would consider being heinous crimes."

"I'm trying to change my ways. My friends are with me. Now, I have a rule. Any questions are allowed as long as it doesn't involve Spike, starting now!" Rainbow decrees.

Smolder sighs and rolls her eyes. "Whatever."

"Dash, let me take this one and teach about Honesty," The seats rotate to her. "As ya know, I'm Applejack. I'm the Element of Honesty. Now being Honest with friends can be helpful and sometimes hurtful. During the hurtful situations, it's to understand the deeper concept of the situation at hoof. For instance, Rainbow Dash is a prankster and hotheaded at times. However, she's proven to be a good friend."

"To ponies, that is," Smolder said.

"Give her time, and she can be the bestest friends with any creature, Smolder."

"Yeah, okay," Smolder doesn't believe that claim.

"To be honest, I know she will become great friends with another creature. The same goes for the rest of us," The girls nod in agreement. "Also, being honest with each other helps strengthen our relationship as friends."

Cozy Glow is jotting the tensions between the students and teachers and wonders how Friendship can help in this situation. Cozy raises her hoof.

"Yes, Cozy Glow," Applejack sighs in relief.

"I see that the tensions are rising. With the power of Friendship, how can you and your friends overcome the situation?"

"Well, we just need to talk things through. Also, my friends and I can admit that we did wrong and want to do better. I had my fair share of wrongful doings towards a friend. Well, he's no longer our friend, and we deserve it but, there is a thing in life called second chances. You honestly believe that we should have a second chance or continue to be demoralized of past actions?" Applejack speaks to everyone.

"Well, uh," Gallus rethinks his remarks a bit.

Smolder didn't see that question coming and rethinks based on what Ember has told her.

Neighsay looks at the ponies and answers. "I believe you need a second chance to redeem yourselves to become better. To atone from your decisions."

"Well put, Neighsay. Tell us, how did you come up with an exquisite answer," Twilight said.

"That's what I'm doing now, actually."

"Say what now?" Applejack, Rainbow, and Twilight said in unison.

"How?" Pinkie asks.

"Before becoming friends with Gallus, Smolder, Yona, Silverstream, Ocellus, and Sandbar, I was a hypocritical racist."

The Mane Six jaws drop hearing that. They couldn't believe that their student used to be a racist.

"You? A racist?" Rainbow points at Neighsay.

"Yes. I admit that. I had a problem with other creatures before I met my friends. They opened my eyes to see new things ever since I came here. The one regret I have is taking hold of the hatred of my forefathers from generation to generation. Always hating a kind out of spite. I recall you six performing play about hatred and why it shouldn't exist."

"That is correct. Uniting Earth Ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns to create Equestria," Twilight said.

"Then, do you know where the hatred went once we were united?" Neighsay asks.

"No?" Twilight shakes her head.

"To them," Neighsay points to Ocellus, Smolder, and Gallus. "No offense to you three, but I need to make my case."

"None-taken, Neighsay," Smolder, Ocellus, and Gallus said.

"What?! You're not offended for what he said and doing?" Rainbow asks.

"To be loyal with a friend, you gotta go through the good and bad and everything in between. Some things can be hurtful; being honest is one of them," Smolder said.

"We trust our friend, Neighsay. What he speaks is the truth," Ocellus transforms into the old changeling form. "Would you be friends with this?"

The girls flinch a bit and remember what those changelings have done to Canterlot. They weren't expecting to see that from Ocellus. Ocellus sighs and reverts to normal.

"And sometimes, the truth hurts. Rarity, remember how you denied me a dress because of the other changelings messing with you by being their old selves?"

"Yes, I remember. I did say I was sorry, though."

"You did. However, if I came to school like the old form changeling, would you be my friend?"

"Well, I.., uh..," Rarity stutters her wording and sighs. "If it weren't for the change, I would have problems. I'm sorry," Rarity looks down and feels ashamed of herself.

"I forgive you. As friendships continue to grow, it takes time. The same can be said for ponies and changelings when most ponies still fear us."

"I am sorry for how I reacted, Ocellus," Rarity sincerely apologizes.

"I forgive you."

"Neighsay has a point. Before the Bar of Alliance formed, every creature was against each other and hated each other. It's not only you but for us as well. What the Bar of Alliance has accomplished is creating peace and unity between nations. As for Friendship, we're still in the process of building it and with every pony. I'm sorry for being a hardhead on you, Rainbow. Hearing what you and your pals did to Professor Spike still makes me angry. I'll try to ask better questions from your class," Gallus said.

"Same with me. I'll admit that I wanted to scold you six for what you put Spike through but, it's not fair, and no one should ever be ridiculed due to past actions," Smolder said.

"As Professor Discord says, no creature should ever feel disgrace due to the history of their race," Neighsay quotes. "Every creature is different and unique."

The Young Six nods in agreement. They go up to their instructors and apologize for demoralizing them about what they have done to Spike. They vow to help every creature to stop scolding Twilight and her friends for what they have done. It's time to eliminate the hate and start healing. The bell rings. Neighsay and his friends leave and start chatting with every other creature to stop bringing hate onto Twilight and her friends.

"Golly, Twilight. For your first day of class, the seven are being loyal to each other, honest with each other, and showing the true means of Friendship by healing the open old wounds," Cozy said.

"Yea. Also, if Spike sees how everyone is giving us a second chance to becomes friends with every creature, he would turn around and allow us to be his friends again," Said Rainbow.

"So, Twilight. Can you teach me more about the Elements of Harmony and how powerful they can be?" Cozy Glow glees.

"Sure, and I'll go even more in-depth with the magic powers of the Elements. After school is over."

It's now 11:25 in the morning. Twilight and her friends wait eagerly for more students to arrive in their class. They waited a bit longer, but no one shows up. Twilight and her friends are puzzled by the situation.

"Uh, where is everyone else? Why aren't they coming?" Rainbow asks.

"Must be Discord's class or Spike's class. They are the more popular instructors of the School of Friendship," Pinkie said.

"Perhaps, you can teach me more about the Elements of Harmony now, Princess Twilight Sparkle?" Cozy asks.

"Sure, might as well. Also, why aren't you going to the other classes?" Twilight asks.

"I'm more interested in the Elements of Harmony. The other classes are not that important to me. Plus, learning from the Princess of Friendship will provide me with the most crucial teachings of my life. The Princess of Friendship with the aide of her friends to conquer all forms of evil. That's powerful. Imagine the magic of Friendship in each of us and so much magic power to stop maybe, just maybe, the most powerful villain in Equestria."

"The kid got spunk. I give Cozy credit for wanting to know more about us and our Friendship," Rainbow said.

"So, just to be clear, you want to stay and learn more about the Elements of Harmony, the power behind Friendship, and the history of Friendship for the remainder of the school year?" Twilight asks to be sure.

"Mmhmm!" Cozy nods. "I propose that if no creature comes to your class, you continue to teach me what's vital with the Elements of Harmony, the power of Friendship, and the history of Friendship. Along with certain artifacts and relics that can be useful for my understanding."

"Wow, you have that thought through," Twilight is impressed with Cozy.

"Of course. Other qualities are important, but without the Magic of Friendship, I believe everything will fall."

"Well put," Twilight said. "Let's begin your next lesson. How the Magic of Friendship defeated Lord Tirek."

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