• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Finishing the Movie

It's been a week since Discord played the memories of Spike the Fairy's life leading up to the final conclusion of Day 4 when Discord gave Spike the magic card to travel to Equestria whenever he likes. Princess Luna, Discord, Sunset Shimmer, the Dazzlings, Discord's clones, even the Unity Seven are in shock after the revelation. During the week, Neighsay teleported his friends to visit Discord, and they watched the movie with him.

"Spike teleported the Spiral Vortex when fighting Midnight... The same vortex that spun the Storm King to his demise..," Discord couldn't believe it after watching it three times.

"That's wild," Yona said.

"Spike inadvertently saved all of us without knowing. Now, that's badass," Gallus said, doing the arms cross.

"Language," Princess Luna said. "We do not tolerate that language usage here. There's a reason why it's outlawed for so many years."

"My apologies," Gallus responds.

"Hey, their vocabulary in that Earth Land world is unique and different," Sandbar said.

"Now, that's home," Sunset affirms.

"We concur," Adagio said, speaking on behalf of the Dazzlings.

"Imagine Spike coming back with that kind of power?" Aria said.

Everyone shudders. The possibility of Spike the Fairy coming back with his insane magic power would make him a God. Not even Discord could defeat him.

"The way Spike utilizes his magic power, all of us combined will be nothing compared to the magic power on his finger," Neighsay said. "I don't think the Elements of Harmony has a chance against him."

"Ditto," A clone of Discord said.

"I bet Rainbow Dash would be immensely jealous of the adventures Spike endured," Sunset said.

"Let's see. A Fairy Tail Battle Royal, stopping six wizards and a gigantic magic power moving draining city, going into an opposite world, the S-Class Trials, Grimoire Hearts vs Fairy Tail, A Dragon King of the Apocalypse appearing and fighting it, an adventure with a church against the same guild, and the Grand Magic Games; yeah, Rainbow Dash and the others would be absolutely jealous," Discord confirms. "So, are we late for the Bar of Alliance meeting, Luna?"

"We have two days before going. I've been monitoring the calendar while watching and rewatching the movie."

"I can't believe that this Wendy has fallen in love with Spike. The two are perfect for each other. I bet Ember will be upset," Smolder said.

"Who knows. The question is, will the dragons want to be with Spike in the other world or choose to stay here and work things out?" Ocellus asks.

"I ain't leaving you guys. No way I'm doing that," Smolder said.

"Hey Discord, is there anything else Spike is doing that we can see?" Silverstream asks.

"No. I only took the memories right before I head back home. I didn't take it upon myself to see what Spike sees. Also, his Fairy Rage would have dispersed it."

"Fairy Rage is unbelievable. I would love to have an emotion having my back mentally," Sonata said, eating a taco.

"Please, don't talk with your mouth full. It's disgusting," Adagio implores.

"Here's someone disturbing. Spike Knightwalker," Sonata responds.

The others cringe just hearing the name. When Princess Luna heard that Spike Knightwalker explaining his origin, she couldn't believe that there was another her that was ruining an orphan's life.

"I wonder, was there a me there in Edolas?" Discord ponders on the thought.

"The thought that Spike Knightwalker killed off the bearers of the Elements of Harmony doppelgangers still scares me," Sunset said.

"I mean, they tortured him, and in return, they begged for mercy when they realized he overpowered them. That is a badass," Adagio said.

"Language," Princess Luna repeats.

"This is Discord's house. Discord, you want us to stop using the language?" Adagio turns to Discord.

"Only in my house. That's why it's chaos."

"Freaking sweet," Gallus relaxes and tries to come up with good phrases using bad language.

"Spike can use more than one element in his arsenal; that's cool," Sunset said.

"Fairy Tail could be the embodiment of friendship based on their family lifestyle," Silverstream said.

"Agreed," There was no hesitation for everyone to say.

"We can learn something from them cause of the way they treat each other. Even their pointless brawls help them get stronger and be more united," Neighsay said.

"So, who wants to rumble?" Gallus asks.

"Not now. Perhaps another time when the feeling is mutual," Adagio said. She likes Gallus' personality.

"Fair enough," Gallus answers.

"Let me know when. I would like to try it," Smolder said.

"Yona would lay the smackdown on all of you. Yak tough!"

"Dragons are tougher than Yaks," Smolder smirks at Yona.

"Hippogriffs can fight. I have three Hippogriff sisters right here," Silverstream points to the Dazzlings.

"Actually, we were once Sirens. Our bodies coming back to Equestria manifested into a more suitable choice since we love flying and swimming," Adagio corrects Silverstream.

"Even so, we'll mop the floor with you," Aria said.

"Oh, is that so?" Gallus wants to throw down.

"Well, might as well call this the Equestrian Grand Magic Games since all creatures want a piece of the action," Neighsay said.

"Oh, c'mon," Sandbar jabs Neighsay. "I know you want to try it."

"Believe me, I do but, not at the moment."

"Changelings have the higher advantage," Ocellus smirks on the possibility of winning already.

"Griffins don't back down from no one," Gallus really wants to lay in on the smackdown.

"Alright, we need to set a date for this pointless brawl," Discord looks at the calendar. "Alright, how about one week from today before school starts?"

"Yea, the main event before going back to school," Neighsay said.

"So, I'll need you all to write your name, and we'll have the brawl in my basement. It'll be a Unity Fightclub," Discord conjures a clipboard and passes it so Aria.

"Yep, I'll be participating," Aria cracks her knuckles. She writes her name on the clipboard.

"I'll do it," Sonata draws an image of herself terrorizing a town with explosions in the midst.

Adagio rolls her eyes after seeing the drawing and writes her name down. She passes to Gallus. The two pause with a slight blush. Then Gallus writes his name down and passes the clipboard to Smolder.

"Ah, yeah. Time to show you, wimps, the strength of a dragon," Smolder writes her name and passes it to Yona.

"Yak will show how wimpy dragons are in this fight," Yona writes her name in big lettering than everyone else.

"Neighsay uses his magic to grab the clipboard and sighs. "Let's see how much fun this pointless brawl can be. If Spike and his Fairy Tail friends do it so often, it has to be fun," Neighsay signs the clipboard and passes it to Silverstream.

"Best promising brawl ever!" Silverstream signs her name and passes to Ocellus.

"I'll show you all why Changelings can be superior in this playful fight," Ocellus writes her name. She passes the clipboard to Sandbar.

"I'm so excited to feel a taste of one of Spike's activities in the guildhall of his," Sandbar writes his name.

"I'll take that," Sunset writes her name on the clipboard.

"I'll take that," Princess Luna uses her magic to sign her name. Discord is in shock to see Luna going forth with the idea. "Here you go, Discord," Princess Luna uses her magic to levitate the clipboard back to Discord's claw.

"Wow, everyone wants to participate. Are you guys sure? I was messing around and wasn't that serious with the idea."

"What's wrong?" Princess Luna trots up to Discord. "Afraid you'll lose to a girl?" Princess Luna gives Discord a smug look.

"No. That's not it," Discord looks into Luna's eyes and couldn't keep them off for a second. His heart beats a bit rapidly, being this close to Princess Luna. Sonata walks behind Discord and pulls his string. "I love you; will you love me?"

Everyone that heard what Discord said bursts into laughter. Sonata falls back from laughter; she didn't anticipate Discord saying that after the string was pulled. Princess Luna chuckles a little.

"I'll show you how much if you sign the paper and beat me," Princess Luna winks at Discord. She sees Discord blushing.

"I-I-I-okay," Discord signs the clipboard. He's the last combatant to sign up for the Unity Fightclub.

"So, one week from today, we're doing it?" Gallus asks Discord.

Discord coughs to get rid of his blush. "Yes. One week from today."

"By the way, are you four going to the School of Friendship?" Gallus asks Sunset and the Dazzlings.

"Yea. I can make new friends over there. Also, don't expect me to hang out with the current bearers of the Elements. After hearing what they did to Spike is beyond disgusting."

"The same is for us," Adagio said, speaking on behalf of the Dazzlings.

"I wonder who'll be my new friends and what I can learn at the school," Sonata said.

"If I find the right crowd that's more like me, I'll be happy. You lot, I'm cool with," Aria said.

"It should be interesting since we are given a second opportunity, despite the law being a lie this whole time. I will admit it's great being home again," Adagio admits.

"It's great being with you," Gallus' words slip out when he meant to say it in thought. Adagio blushes a bit hearing that. "Uh, what I meant to say is, it's great being around you as a friend," Gallus sighs in relief with coming up with an excuse.

"Yea," Adagio nods. "It's cool having a griffin as a friend." "What makes Gallus so appealing? Is it his personality, his coolness? Why am I blushing, and why do I blush every time I see his handsome; No scratch that. His.., his..," Adagio loses her train of thought being close to and thinking about Gallus.

"Discord, are you going to use Spike's memory for any future classes of yours?" Neighsay asks.

"Oh, yea. There are quality lessons I can teach based on Spike's time in Earth Land. As for the subjects or class field trips, that will remain a mystery to you all."

"I hope you do another team project like the time when we went canoeing on a course. That was the best class so far," Silverstream said.

"The day when you six and I became friends. That's a memory I'll cherish for the rest of my days."

"Yona like Elfman. Yona want to be like Elfman. He's a Real Man while I'm a Real Yak! Yona hopes to find a real man to fall in love with."

"I did like that Gray guy but, I'm afraid Juvia will drown me," Sonata admits.

"Personally, that Kagura girl Spike saw would be my kind of woman," Neighsay admits. "What about you, Sandbar? Who do you like based on the memories we saw from Spike?"

"Well, I'll have to give it to Lisanna. She's super nice and fun," Sandbar answers.

"I like Natsu. He reminds me of my great great great great granddad for some reason. I'm not sure why," Smolder said.

"Who is that grandfather you speak of, Smolder?" Ocellus asks.

"I remember a carving of him from the caves back home but, I can't remember the name. Something to do with fire," Smolder tries to remember the carving.

"I like that Happy fellow," Silverstream says.

"The Exceed?" Everyone turns to Silverstream.

"He's funny and can fly. Plus, he's a cat! All the snuggies I can give to the Happy Blue Cat," Silverstream pictures snuggling Happy right now.

"What about you, Gallus?" Sandbar asks.

"Kinda hard to say." "Which Fairy Tail girl reminds me of Adagio?" Gallus thinks for a moment. "Erza. She's cool and gets serious when she needs to be."

"Wow, sounds like Adagio," Sonata chuckles.

Adagio coughs to conceal her blush. "As for me, Gajeel. He's cool; let no one tell him otherwise. What about you, Aria?"

"Hmm, Laxus would be my pick," Aria answers. "How about you, Ocellus?"

"Hmm. I would go with Loke even though he's a Celestial Spirit," Ocellus answers.

"Hey, Princess. Who would you go out with?" Neighsay asks.

"Rogue. Something about him speaks about Shadows, and I have a feeling he may like my night sky. What about you, Discord?"

"Mirajane. A She-Devil. Someone that can cook and knows how to smile. She'll be my kind of girl."

"Interesting," Princess Luna sounded like she was jealous.

"Anyway, I think we overdid our stay. Considering we've been here for three days straight," Neighsay said. He stretches out a bit.

"If Luna and I need you during the Bar of Alliance Meeting, we'll summon you seven."

"Sounds good, take care," Neighsay uses his medallion to teleport his friends back to the dorm.

"I better get going. Celestia must be losing herself doing my duties for a week straight," Luna leaves Discord's home and teleports back to Canterlot.

"Alright, I'm going to have to ask you Adagio, Aria, and Sunset to leave the living room. I need to have a long chat with Sonata about pulling my strings."

"Busted," Adagio laughs.

"You're in trouble," Aria teases Sonata.

"May your death be swift," Sunset said, going upstairs to her room with Aria and Adagio.

"Uh, I think I have terrible gas," Sonata tries to fake her displeasure and discomfort.

"Let's see how you like it when I pull your strings," Discord holds a string that is connected to Sonata's back somehow.

"No, wait!" Sonata pleas, but it was too late. Discord already pull the string.

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