• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Double Date

Spike and Fairy Rage walk back to the apartment after having a long bath at the bathhouse.

"Man, I wish I could have enjoyed those waters with Carla."

"Master Makarov's ruling or else face a penalty. Makarov has a sick mind for his punishment game," Spike reminds Fairy Rage.

Fairy Rage groans in defeat. "Still, there's so much I can't wait to experience with Carla."

Spike and Fairy Rage enter the apartment. They enter the room to see Lucy writing her novel. She apologizes for not knowing that Happy led her and her friends into interrupting Fairy Youth Squad's mission. Spike and Fairy Rage accept her apology. Fairy Rage informs Lucy that he doesn't have the long-distance awareness he once had within Spike. That is why he had no idea of Natsu's intrusion.

"Wait a minute," Lucy does a doubletake from hearing Fairy Rage's statement. "You don't have the awareness you once had no more?"

"I do have some awareness. However, it's in half. Other perks of mine have reduced since having a body of my own. It'll take me some time to readjust myself. I am as strong as Spike, but now I have more flaws to fix than before."

"That sucks," Lucy now imagines possibilities that could hinder many jobs or fights.

"Yea, well, I'm not complaining about it. What sucks was that Happy led Natsu, and I didn't sense it."

"Did you buy into Happy's excuse, Fairy Rage?" Spike asks.

"Well, you know the saying. Curiosity kills the cat."

"Agreed," Spike and Lucy said.

Spike, Fairy Rage, and Lucy talk about recent events and are looking for what the next day brings. It's 9:00 in the morning. Spike wakes up and sees Fairy Rage reading a magic book.

"Lucy took off on a job request with Erza, Irene, and Team Shadow Gear. Irene wanted to say hi, but you were asleep. She asked me to pass you the message."

"I'll have to reply to her later," Spike gets out of bed and fixes it. "You ate?"

"Not hungry. My appetite is different." Fairy Rage continues to read the magic book.

"Are you saying that cause you don't know how to cook?" Spike teases Fairy Rage a bit.

"I admit that I can't cook, but I'm telling you I'm not hungry."

Spike laughs a bit. "There are fruits and sandwiches in the fridge, dude," Spike grabs a bagel and adds butter on the bagel. He uses his fire breath to melt the butter.

"So, you staying home today, going on another job, or what?" Fairy Rage turns to Spike.

"I don't know yet," Spikes starts eating his bagel. "Maybe spend the day with Wendy. I owe her a day after fighting Acnologia," Spike smiles, thinking about the possibilities to do with Wendy today while eating his bagel.

"Whenever a brutal battle or war comes, she wants a day to be with you. I heard that statement many times on such occasions."

"To be fair, we work a lot. During the past year, we did spend time together. We were also training. Then for nearly ten months, we've gone our separate ways."

"I know. I had the privilege to watch your progress and every other Fairy Tail Wizard."

"You mean Carla," Spike smirks.

Fairy Rage blushes a bit but hides it from Spike. "I did watch her during my time with Death. The one thing that sucked was that I couldn't talk to you or her. I couldn't talk or do anything while being with Death. It sucked being a spectator."

"I'm happy for you, Rage. You and Carla make a great couple."

"So do you and Wendy. I've seen it, the memories, and well, hearing your thoughts about her."

"Thank you for not exploiting it."

"Yet." Fairy Rage laughs a bit.

"Please don't," Spike doesn't want Wendy to know his graphic thoughts.

"Just messing with you. However, I inquire that you teach me how to cook from time to time."

"Alright. At noon, I'll teach you how to cook."


Spike and Fairy Rage hear the door knocking. Spike answers the door, and his jaw drops. Fairy Rage comes by and does the same.

"Hello, boys," Wendy and Carla giggle at their lovers' reactions.

Carla is in her humanoid cat form. She's wearing a shimmering golden dress that sparkles, black tights, and black heels. Carla is also wearing a gold heartshaped-neckless. Wendy is wearing a shimmering silver dress that sparkles, black tights, and silver heels. She also has silver bows on her pigtail hair.

"Wow," Spike said in awe and amazement.

"Gorgeous." That is all Fairy Rage can say.

"Wanna go on a double date?" Wendy and Carla seductively say while winking at their lovers.

Spike and Fairy Rage's wings flap. That means it's a yes. Wendy and Carla laugh a little, grab their lovers' claws, and leave the apartment. A certain blue exceed is hovering from a rooftop and has binoculars. He's boiling red while watching Carla in an elegant, beautiful dress holding Fairy Rage's claw.

"That's my woman, you stealer!" Happy lividly thought to himself. He has decided to keep watch until Fairy Rage screws up or devises a plan to make him screw up his relationship. "She looks too good in that dress, and she's with the wrong guy!" Happy screams internally and keeps a distance away.

Wendy and Carla take Spike and Fairy Rage to South Gate Park to have a stroll around. Happy is hovering above a building two blocks away from the viewpoint. Fairy Rage and Spike couldn't keep their eyes off Carla and Wendy.

"So." Fairy Rage loses his train of thought. He has never experienced going on a date and knows how to handle the situation. "You look beautiful, Carla."

"Thank you," Carla smiles.

"You look as gorgeous as ever, Wendy," Spike compliments.

"Thanks, Spike. You'll always be as handsome as ever," Wendy smiles.

"So, what are the plans for the double date?"

"You'll see," Carla teases Fairy Rage a bit. Fairy Rage blushes a bit from Carla's seductive tone.

Happy from afar is clutching tightly to the binoculars. The way Carla expresses herself to Fairy Rage is getting the better of him again. "Why can't that be me instead of him?! WHY!?!"

Spike, Fairy Rage, Wendy, and Carla walk around South Gate Park for an hour, talking and enjoying each other's company. Wendy and Carla bring Spike and Fairy Rage to a different restaurant in Magnolia. They wanted to avoid going to 8-Island in case of another mishap interrupts their date. Carla and Fairy Rage comply with the arrangement. Carla remembers what Team Shadow Gear had done while Fairy Rage mentions every detail that happened like it was yesterday. A waiter takes the four to their table and gives them their menus.

Happy decides to get something to eat and sees Carla in the restaurant. He goes in and sees a table next to Carla and Fairy Rage. He asks the waiter and hopes that table is vacant. Indeed it is. The waiter takes Happy to the table.

"Hi, Carla!" Happy pretends he doesn't notice her being in the restaurant. He hopes she believes in his little white lie.

"Happy? What are you doing here?" Carla is perplexed.

"Why aren't you with Natsu?" Wendy asks.

"Natsu is busy with Laxus for some reason," Happy lies. However, Spike and Fairy Rage believe in his lie.

"Hmm, I guess Laxus pulled the trigger after all."

"What do you mean?" Carla turns to Fairy Rage.

"Laxus has decided to invoke his winning from the Grand Magic Games. To boss Natsu around for an entire day," Spike explains. Wendy gasps a bit. She remembers Spike hasn't invoked his winning.

"Thank you, Laxus. I can get away with this!" "So, with that said, I'm just lonely, and well, I needed to keep my mind occupied with something. Gray and the others are working, and I'm a little lonesome. Can I hang out with you?" Happy does the puppy's eyes in hopes of making Wendy and Carla submit to his cries.

"No." Fairy Rage rudely replies

"Huh?" Happy is surprised by the attitude of Fairy Rage. His plan is working.

"Rage, are you okay?" Carla asks Fairy Rage. It's not likely for him to rudely respond to Happy.

"Don't you find it coincidental that Happy is here? Yesterday, he led Natsu and scorched us along with the hydra. Now, he's here alone?"

"You do make a valid point. However, there are moments in life when friends do meet up at unexpected times," Spike explains. Happy is glad that Spike is not noticing his unprecedented timing.

"Well, considering that Happy did lead Natsu yesterday.., I'm not sure," Wendy sighs a little. She doesn't know what to do.

"Please?" Happy asks again.

"It's up to you, Rage," Carla said. She now has suspicions that Happy is indeed up to something.

"No, Happy. We're on a double date." Fairy Rage calmly replies. He knows Happy is up to something.

"Fine," Happy relents. "I guess I'll go elsewhere.., and.., and..," Happy's emotions cause a scene in the restaurant. Many people are looking at the commotion.

"Fine. Eat with us." "What a freaking baby."

"Thank you!" Happy's demeanor changes real quick. He grabs a chair and sits next to Carla and Wendy.

Carla sees that Fairy Rage is upset but is hiding it. She still has her ace up her sleeve. Happy is happy and orders a salmon breakfast fish. The double date becomes awkward with Happy in the midst. Instead of lovey-dovey talks, the conversations turn into reflecting on previous adventures.

After a half-hour since Spike and Fairy Rage didn't feel like eating, Happy decides to part ways and claims to find Natsu not busy with Laxus. In truth, Happy resumes spying on them again.

"Man, that was awkward," Spike admits.

"He's a troll. Happy is up to something. I just know it." Fairy Rage is irate. What's supposed to be his first date with his beloved has turned awry with Happy involving himself.

"Don't worry. I know how to," Carla rubs Fairy Rage's cheeks. "Make you feel all better. Follow me," Carla grabs Fairy Rage's claw.

Spike and Wendy follow Carla and Fairy Rage to the Rainbow Cherry Blossom Tree. Happy flies over to the Rainbow Cherry Blossom Tree and devises another scheme. He sees the Forest Vulcans nearby and flies in their direction.

Fairy Rage feels the tree for himself. He always imagined dancing with Carla in front of the tree. Hoping that it'll recreate a scene like the night Spike and Wendy danced in front of it.

"Shall we dance, my Marvelous Wendy?" Spike holds Wendy's hand.

"I thought you'll never ask," Wendy smiles and starts ballroom dancing with Spike.

Fairy Rage turns to see Carla offer her hand. His heart pounds rapidly.

"Care to dance with me?" Carla smiles. She waits patiently for Fairy Rage to accept.

"I-I-I never danced before." Fairy Rage is nervous. He doesn't know the first thing about dancing.

"Trust me," Carla grabs Fairy Rage's claw and pulls him close to her. "Follow my lead."

Fairy Rage is about to touch Carla's hip for the ballroom dance when the cries of Happy echo around everyone. Happy flies and crashes into Carla, crying.

"Happy, what's wrong?" Carla sees that Happy has some bruising.

Angry forest Vulcans storm into the Rainbow Cherry Blossom Tree park. They want a piece of Happy.

"Are you serious?!" Fairy Rage is pissed.

"Fairy Sky Dragon, Whirlwind Barrage!" Spike and Wendy press their hands forward for a unison raid attack. Sparkling Green Energy and Sky Dragon Winds circulate, creating a tornado that blows away the forest Vulcans.

"Well, they're taken care of," Spike said.

"Happy. What happened?" Wendy comes over to heal Happy.

"I thought I heard Natsu in the East Forest. I wanted to surprise him by tackling him, and that's when I realized I ticked off the Vulcans! They tried to beat me up and eat me!" Happy cries while Wendy heals him.

Carla soothes Happy while Wendy continues to heal him. Carla sees that Fairy Rage believes Happy is trying to interrupt their date. Two events caused by Happy are a coincidence. Still, any member of Fairy Tail in need is a priority. Fairy Rage flaps his wings. "Where are you going?"

"Medical supplies in case Happy needs more assistance." Fairy Rage lies and flies towards the guildhall.

"Carla is soothing me and stroking my head while Wendy heals me! This feels great. I need to plan this again down the road."

Fairy Rage lands in front of the guildhall and enters. He sees Laxus and flies up to him. "Hey, Laxus. Got a minute?"

"What's up, Rage?" Laxus drinks his mug of beer.

"Were you bossing Natsu today?"

"Natsu took off with Gray and Warren on a different mission. I overheard that Happy decided to go on a solo mission. He called it an espionage mission of some sort."

"Espionage?" Fairy Rage pictures himself with his left eye twitching. He doesn't want to show that he's beyond pissed.

"It's what I heard. Honestly, it's a load of crap. I don't know what the blue cat is doing."

Fairy Rage takes a deep breath. "You know when Natsu will be back?"

"No. Why not teleport to Natsu?" Laxus asks Rage.

"My magic is a bit different from Spike. Spike is busy today with Wendy."

"Young love, I supposed. Well, see you later," Laxus goes back to his drinking.

"See you around." Fairy Rage calmly flies out of the guildhall. His eyes flare in anger.

Spike, Wendy, and Carla are back at the apartment. Happy still has some bruising on his face. Wendy's healing magic didn't fix him entirely, and she's perplexed about her magic.

"I don't understand. Why is my Sky Magic failing me? I can easily heal any wound," Wendy is upset that Happy still has bruises on his body.

"I guess your healing magic is deteriorating, and we need to be more cautious," Spike said.

"How are you feeling, Happy?" Carla asks Happy.

"A little better," Happy replies. "I still ache from the beating."

Wendy grabs Spike and takes him to a different room in the apartment. "I'm sorry that the double date didn't go as planned. Carla and I had everything thought out."

"It's alright. I guess things in life don't turn out the way we expect. I guess Rage must endure an awkward first date like you and I had."

"We enjoyed our time for most of it before Carla interrupted the cuddling. This. It's a whole another level."

"I know. I'm grateful for the thought you and Carla had. Perhaps another day will be perfect."

Fairy Rage comes into the apartment after finding out they were not by the Rainbow Cherry Blossom Tree. Happy see Fairy Rage and gulps a little. He starts to sweat.

"Rage, are you okay?" Carla asks Rage. She sees Fairy Rage's eyes flaring.

"I will be. When I have five minutes with Happy." Fairy Rage's claws ignite in orange-black flames.

"AH!" Happy flinches from Fairy Rage's outburst. Spike and Wendy come over to see Fairy Rage pissed off.

"What's wrong, Rage?" Spike asks his brother.

"This little troll lied and ruined our date!" Fairy Rage yells. It's not often for him to lose his cool.

"WHAT?!" Spike, Wendy, and Carla shout in shock. They turn to Happy.

"Happy, is this true?" Carla looks into the eyes of Happy.

"He lied about Laxus bossing Natsu around and the Vulcans beating him up. The only reason why they chased him was that Happy called them names. The bruises are probably not real but painted. Camouflage to make it real."

Wendy gasps. She had doubted her magic capabilities. "Happy, is that true?"

Happy is silent and sees the window open. "Later!" Happy spreads his wings and takes off.

"GRAAAAAH!" Fairy Rage shoots his orange-black flames at Happy. It hits Happy's rear end as he flies out the window.

"AAAAAAAAAAH!" Happy screams and falls to the ground. He rolls into the water route in front of the apartment to cool off the fire.

Fairy Rage angrily pants. His anger did get the better of him. "Sorry, you had to see me like that.

"Rage?" Carla walks up to him. She's worried about him.

"It's best that you and Wendy go. I am in no mood to do anything."

"Are you-" Fairy Rage cuts Carla's speech.

"I wish to be alone. I'm not in the mood or can think straight after what I pulled." Fairy Rage sighs and lays on Spike's bed. He goes to sleep early.

Carla looks down. Wendy tells Spike she'll comfort Carla and will plan another double date in the future. Spike tells Wendy he'll see her in a few days.

Hours later. It's 7:30 at night. Happy is walking in the streets of Magnolia, trying to wait for the right time to return to the guildhall, knowing that Wendy and Carla are probably there. Happy doesn't have what it takes to confront anyone in the guildhall about questioning his actions. He doesn't want to get an earful from Lucy and Erza.

"I'm so freaking dead. I'm so freaking dead. How can I explain my actions without revealing the truth about Fairy Rage stealing my love life." Happy sadly thought to himself. He knows what's coming and wants to avoid it.

Happy walks into a dark alley when he sees a man smiling widely, praising a hallelujah. "Excuse me, what are you so happy about?"

The man looks down at Happy. "I met someone who'll fulfill my heart's desire. Someone who'll eradicate the person in the way from stealing my beloved!"

The revelation from the man entices Happy. "Please explain what you mean by eradicating?"

"Well, in simpler terms, the guy will make sure someone you want to disappear, like being erased and not affecting the timestream much. My friend won't be stealing my bride! Yahooo!" The man walks off. He praises a hallelujah now that no one is standing between his love life.

Happy decides to follow where the man walked. Down the street, the lights got dimmer and dimmer. Buildings look distorted and rundown. Happy sees a building with flickering lights and white fog shrouding it. Happy feels disturbed about entering the building and starts having second thoughts. He could face his punishment like a man or eliminate Fairy Rage and have Carla all to himself. The way the man was speaking about erasing someone from time sounds too good to be true. Happy takes a deep breath and enters.

"Who enters my domain?"

Happy hears a sinister voice trickling down his spine. He gets instant goosebumps. The presence feels demonic. "My name is Happy."

"Happy?" A set of glowing purple eyes flashes in the white fog, staring at Happy. "What brings you here?"

"I.., uh..," Happy gulps a bit. "I heard a rumor about you erasing people."

The glowing purple eyes circulate Happy's position. "A Fairy Tail Wizard seeking my services? Why do you inquire about my services? Surely Fairy Tail is up for any task with any amount of Jewels."

Happy takes a deep breath. "Will you help me?"

"Of course, I'll help. What is your desire?" The voice speaks professionally despite sounding demonic.

"There's someone in the guild that wants to kill me and steal my lady."

"Who? I require specifics on my next target. To ensure I don't target the wrong wizard. After all, targeting the wrong target is bad for business."

"He goes by the name Fairy Rage. He attacked me earlier while I was with Carla," Happy shuts his eyes. He hopes that deceiving the demonic figure will give him the chance to be with Carla.

"Is that so? Well, no matter. I do not care about the cause of the issue. I care about eliminating my next target."

"So, that means..?" Happy looks at the pair of eyes, ascending.

"Yes, I accept your request. By tomorrow, the world will change. Fairy Rage will be no more. You'll have your beloved, and she'll never love the one known as Fairy Rage."

"Thank you!" Happy becomes excited. "Oh, and what is your name? You know mine, so it's fair I should know yours."

"Tergeri. Now. Before I set forth, do you wish to withdraw your request?"

"WHAT?!" Happy panics. "Why would I do that?!" Happy doesn't want his secret getting exposed. He knows it'll get him expelled from Fairy Tail.

"Well, not everyone is willing to have someone erased due to their selfishness. People and creatures have thought over their decisions and withdrew their requests. That is why I am asking you. When I complete my task, the world changes, and everything is set anew depending on the importance of the target's influence. Once I completed it, there's only one way to break the seal. Out of the darkness, the light shines."

Happy is confused about the riddle Tergeri said. Out of the darkness, the light shines. "What do you mean by that?"

"You can't be that stupid, can you?" Tergeri looks at Happy.

"Uuuuuuuuuuh..." Happy is having a brain fart.

"Typical." "What you do in the dark comes to light."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuh..." Happy is still confused.

"Okay. You still want me to go through?" Tergeri asks.

"YES!" Happy shouts. He doesn't want his secret to get exposed due to his jealousy.

"Very well. By tomorrow, the world will change, and you'll have Carla to yourself. Enjoy your new life."

Happy leaves the building feeling happy. He feels like the man that was praising a hallelujah. No worries for him, and he'll have Carla to himself. Happy decides to wear a tuxedo and give Carla a gorgeous gift, one she'll say yes to being his girlfriend. Then, it'll be her and Carla while Spike continues his relationship with Wendy. Nothing can go wrong from here.

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