• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Fairy Tail's Plan of Action

"I am Colonel Arcadios, leader of the Sacred Cherry Blossom Knights. The Crocus Garrison Force of the Royal Army."

"I am Yukino Agria. Acting Sergeant of the Cherry Blossom Knights."

"Fairy Dragon. I'm terribly sorry for the loss of your uncle and mother. Rest to sure I have a proper method of taking out Acnologia," Arcadios said, leading the group.

"I will end Acnologia's reign someday. I'll put an end to him when I find him," Spike is determined, despite not yet being ready to fight him.

"For many years now, I've been working on a highly classified project. The success of this project can only be completed with the power of a Celestial Wizard. Luckily for us, Seargent Yukino is able to lend her assistance in this undertaking."

"Why does the project need a Celestial Wizard?" Spike asks.

"The answer to that question will reveal itself momentarily," Arcadios mentions that the Grand Magic Games is a ruse for absorbing Magic Power into the grand scheme of his project. Along the way, Arcadios apologizes to Lucy for a kidnapping attempt. Natsu realizes that the men that took Wendy and Carla were Arcadios doing, not Raven Tail.

"It was you!" Spike is livid.

"Yes. I ask for forgiveness for my aggressive demeanor of command. During the time, I didn't speculate having two Celestial Wizards in this year's Grand Magic Games. If I would have known, I would have taken a different course of action."

Arcadios and Yukino stop walking as they are in front of the Eclipse Gate. The same Gate that Zirconis talked about earlier. The Eclipse gate is massive, the center of the gate is decorated with the sun above and the moon below. The gate is green with twelve gate keyholes circling the sun.

"When the Sun and Moon intercept, we will use the Zodiac Celestial Keys to open this door. When we do, we will travel 400 years in the past and destroy Zeref before he gains immortality," Arcadios finishes explaining the classified project he's been working on for years.

"It's not going to work," Spike walks up to Arcadios.

"What do you mean it's not going to work?" Arcadios looks down at Spike.

"I know how time works. You change one moment in history; it can alter the future dramatically."

"I'm aware of the simple constructs of time."

"No, you don't. I've seen it first hand. One change can make today worse. I've been through many timelines when the world continues to change for the worse. There is one timeline that went into ruins. No life whatsoever. Not even signs of survivors. Do you want to defeat Zeref? We have to do it in the present. Otherwise, you're dooming us all."

"Time works mysteriously. What you say can be true but, what I say can also be true. There is no wrong answer with our theories of time," Arcadios said.

"Theories? I'm speaking the truth! I know what I saw!" Spike yells.

"We're going to proceed as plan. Three days from now, the Eclipse will be set on July 7th."

"The same day that our dragons vanished," Wendy said.

"Pretty major coincidence," Gajeel said.

"The Eclipse," Royal Soldiers surround Arcadios, Yukino, and everyone else.

"Stay right where you are!" A Royal Soldier demands.

"We're doing nothing wrong," Carla said.

"Is there a problem?" Natsu asks.

"What's going on?" Lucy is confused.

"You come here looking for a fight?!" Gray shouts.

"It would be wise for you to surrender quietly before things get messy, Colonel Arcardios."

"Defense Minister Darton, what is the meaning of this?"

"I'll show you messy," Spike threatens the Royal Soldiers.

"Don't even try, Fairy Dragon. Around here, it's not worth using magic," Darton says. "Also, I should be asking you that very same question, Arcadios. You are aware that revealing state secrets to outsiders is treason."

"You're making a mistake! These people and dragon are not outsiders. They are an essential component to the Eclipse Project!" Arcadios pleas his case to Darton.

"You do not have the authority to make such reckless decisions on your own, Colonel."

"I won't allow your opposition to jeopardize the safety of the kingdom. Call off your men and end this ridiculous foss immediately!"

"You are way out of line here! This plan of yours will alter history!" Darton yells at Arcadios.

"Spike wants!" Spike increases his size into a half-dragon. His fangs and spikes are sharper; he's ripped and brolic. "I'm going to destroy this door and preserve time!" Spike's claws are Sparkling Green.

"Wait! Don't use magic here!" Arcadios warns Spike.

The Eclipse Gate starts draining Spike's magic energy. Spike is unable to move while the Eclipse Gate continues to drain Spike.

"What's happening to him?!" Wendy horrifyingly asks, watching her boyfriend becoming weaker by the second.

"I'm sure by now Arcadios told you about the Eclipse Gate draining magic from wizards at the coliseum. However, if a wizard or in this case a dragon uses magic power, the Eclipse Gate will absorb all the magic until the dragon is dry," Darton explains. "That's why we don't use magic this close to the gate."

"Ah, crud," Gajeel said.

"Arrest the Celestial Wizards and Arcadios. As for the others, remove them at once!"

"I'm not going down without a fight!" Natsu tries using his Fire Dragon Iron Fist, but the Eclipse Gate drains him of his magic power. Natsu thought that the Eclipse Gate wouldn't be able to drain two dragons at the same time.

"You idiot! Weren't you paying attention!" Carla asks.

"Natsu is not a strong listener when it comes down to brute force," Happy answers for Natsu.

The Royal Soldiers arrest Yukino, Arcadios, and Lucy. Natsu drops to the floor, drained of magic energy. A few moments later, Spike drops to the floor, drained of magic energy as well. Darton is amazed to see how much magic power the Eclipse gate absorbed from the dragon. The Royal Soldiers escort Natsu, Gray, Wendy, Gajeel, Happy, Carla, Panther Lily, and Spike outside Mercurius.

"Natsu, Spike. Oh man..," Happy is worried about the two.

"They lost all of their power. It'll take them a while to reclaim it," Carla is worried about the two.

"You bastards. You'll rue the day messing with Fairy Tail," Gajeel said.

"You must understand that my intention was not to harm anyone. But, there's simply too much at stake. I'll have you know that his majesty is extremely fond of the Fairy Tail Guild. If you manage to claim victory in the Grand Magic Games, I shall grant you a private audience with him. The King is a rather kind-hearted man. Who knows, he may be persuaded into pardoning your comrade. I wish you the best of luck," Darton says, he leaves Fairy Tail alone and goes back to headquarters.

"I got Salamander," Gajeel picks up Natsu.

"I got Spike," Wendy sighs and picks him up. "He's going to be pissed off when he hears about Lucy in custody."

An hour later, the gang arrives back at the bar. Erza becomes worried about Spike and Natsu. Gajeel and Gray explain the whole situation about Lucy, the Eclipse Gate, and Spike's origin. Everyone in the guild reacted differently to all three categories.

"Master, what should we do?" Erza asks.

"We can't afford reckless action against the kingdom. However, we should consider Lucy as a hostage until this Eclipse Project is called off."

"Ooooh," Spike wakes up. "What happened?" Spike falls off the table and lands on his back. "Ow."

"You okay?" Laxus checks on him.

"I'm fine. A little drained and dizzy is all," Spike rubs the back of his head.

"One thing that bothers me is, why they let us go free since we know about the Eclipse Gate?" Gajeel said.

"If the guilds happen to find out why all of a sudden Gray, Gajeel, Natsu, Wendy, and I are missing. Key players that helped elevate Fairy Tail to the top, the Kingdom would be facing every guild in Fiore, a headache they don't need," Spike answers Gajeel's question.

"There could be riots with the crowd and displeasure, putting the games at risk," Panther Lily said.

"What was the justification of Lucy's capture? The Royal Army isn't known for taking citizens without reason." Erza asks.

"Lucy's capture is to gather the Zodiac Gate Keys. They got two from Yukino. They now have ten from Lucy by now. If you guys were listening, they needed the twelve Gate Keys to activate the Eclipse Gate. If only we knew about its defense mechanism, Spike and I could have destroyed it. We can't get close enough and, I believe it can absorb long-range magic attacks."

"Spike, is it true about time travel? Gajeel was explicit about the information you spoke of," Makarov asks.

"Yes. I've been on an adventure with time and space. Changing the littlest detail has a massive effect on the future. I've seen countless futures, and all of them are not pretty. Their goal is to kill Zeref. I respect the idea but, time travel is not the answer. It could be the end of us all. We need to destroy the Eclipse Gate before we are wiped out by time itself."

"Time could do that!" Natsu shrieks.

"Yes. Changing the past will create a new branch of time. As for the old one, it gets erased. Along with all the memories."

"So, what shall we do about this, Master?" Erza asks.

"We can't charge headlong into conflict like we usually do. It's too risky. However, we are not cowards, and we won't let them get away with this!" Master Makarov declares. "We are Fairy Tail!"

"Now, before anything else, we should start planning for the final day of the Grand Magic Games," Mavis Vermillion shows up. "After hearing from that handsome man earlier," Mavis refers to Discord. "Fairy Tail won't be competing with two teams. Also, we can't trust what the King says about Lucy Heartfillia's predicament."

"I wholeheartedly agree, First Master," Makarov turns to Mavis. "We need to conduct our team to participate in the Grand Magic Games and a second team to rescue Lucy."

"I want to go rescue Lucy!" Natsu volunteers to be part of the second team.

"I should go as well," Mirajane said.

"Same with me," Wendy concurs.

"The Exceed squad are joining the team," Happy speaks for Carla and Panther Lily.

"Our Grand Magic Games team will be Erza, Gray, Gajeel, and Laxus," Makarov commands.

"What about the fifth member, Gramps?" Gray asks.

"I'm trying to decide if Spike should go with the search team or become the fifth member. He is one of our most strongest assets in Fairy Tail, and he has a lot of unique abilities to get Lucy out."

"This is tough. The people may want to see me more than any other member, knowing that Fairy Tail will be only one team instead of two. On the flip side, I can be more useful in getting Lucy out. Mavis, you make the call."

"From what I've seen, you'll definitely even the playing field and can help Laxus and Gajeel by replenishing their magic power. You've proven to everyone that you can pull off impressive feats of magic power. Your teleportation magic can be useful in battle. Pinpointing wizards around to strike them down. On the other hand, you go in with the rescue team, locate Lucy and teleport everyone back here. Fairy Rage, what do you think about this?"

"It's a quick operation if Spike were to go with the rescue team, Master Mavis. However, winning the games is the more priority, in case they have an ambush waiting. We're not fully recovered from the Eclipse Gate Magic absorption. It is possible that the Royal Army may have similar weaponry to nullify magic based on the Eclipse Gate's design. In other words, I believe we should be the fifth member of Team Fairy Tail. It'll keep suspicions with the Royal Army at minimum. If word got out that Fairy Dragon is storming through the Royal Soldiers and trying to get Lucy out, it may put our team at risk during the Grand Magic Games."

"I agree. As much as I hate to admit it, this is the best course of action for me."

"Then, we have our teams set," Mavis said.

"Indeed. Spike, after we rescue Lucy, we will destroy the Eclipse Gate and prevent time from erasing us."

"Understood, Master Makarov."

"Gray and Erza, head on over to the Honeycomb Inn. We have much to discuss for the final day of the Grand Magic Games."

"Understood, First Master," Erza said.

"Fine by me," Gray said.

"Let's go," Mavis Vermillion says. She, Erza, and Gray follow Laxus, Gajeel, and Spike to the Honeycomb Inn.

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