• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Searching for Answers: Part 2

Author's Note:

Well, this would have been the chapter to celebrate the third anniversary. I have not forgotten this story, but I had much on my plate. I will not stop writing chapters until this story is complete. I will say this much, there is much more left. Thank you for waiting and enjoy reading the chapter.

Fairy Rage and Carla vacate the train four hours after terminating Walker's life for being in an alliance with the Preying Mantis Guild and provoking severe trauma to their guildmates and loved ones; also for attempting to break Carla more with her memories of the Exceeds dying by her and her friends' onslaught. The duo hold hands and walk down the path mirroring the entrance to the forest near Astereae. Fairy Rage and Carla hope to find survivors hiding from Cabal's onslaught and brutal attacks; the forest reeks of decay since it's been sometime before the two departed after witnessing their masquerade dissipating after Cabal claimed victory over the battle.

Carla grips Rage's claw tighter, seeing her kin laid out by her hands as daunting memories return to torment her mind. She drops to her knees and sobs loudly, blaming herself for the atrocity she committed; Fairy Rage soothes her by rubbing her back, reminding Carla that all will be well and retribution will be in their grasp by extinguishing the Preying Mantis Guild.

Mosquitoes and flies hover over the deceased Exceeds, generating an irritating sound that annoys Carla; she bellows them to go away, leaving her species in peace. Fairy Rage suggests burying each of the fallen in honor of their lives. Carla nods and starts digging many tombs for every Exceed that fell on that fateful day.

After three hours, Fairy Rage and Carla gave the fallen a moment of silence before proceeding with their search and rescue operation; Carla swears on her life that the menacing punks will feel the wrath of Fairy Tail.

Fairy Rage and Carla resume walking the pathway to finding the demolished village, hoping to uncover a map with imperative data about other Exceeds' sites. Upon arrival, Carla and Fairy Rage see the cabins and houses scorched and wasted; many bodies not burned were devoured by vultures and other creatures, considering the bite marks on their sides and heads. The two dig another grave for those not eaten while Fairy Rage decides to burn the devoured Exceeds into ashes.

After an hour, Carla enters a cabin much larger than the rest and reviews a large sheet of paper on a table with inscriptions.

"Rage, come here!" Carla hollers to grab her lover's attention while she reads the descriptions.

"Coming!" Fairy Rage enters the cabin and sees Carla reading thoroughly; she examines sectors other Exceeds claimed as their territory.

"Rage, I believe we uncovered a lead to different regions Cabal doesn't know!" Carla gets excited; she yearns to welcome the surviving Exceeds that eluded the Preying Mantis Guild's causes!

Fairy Rage comes closer to the table and scrutinizes the supposed map. He reads the icons and definitions to the best of his knowledge. "Carla, those markings in red are territories wiped out." Fairy Rage painfully says, heavily frowning since he couldn't utter a smile and lie, giving Carla false hope.

"No.., NO!" Carla reread the map and acknowledged the areas circled in red marker meant forest sites. "Where do you see..?" Carla didn't see a note at the bottom of the sheet indicating the icons' representations.

"Stand aside." Fairy Rage slowly extends his right arm and pushes Carla slightly away to read the map better. "Alright." Fairy Rage points at the upper right corner, marked blue, near Clover Town. "There's a safe zone near the forests of Clover Town, the same place where Natsu scorched us and fried the Hydra."

"Let's go!" Carla grabs a few rations and leaves the cabin; she yearns to save more than to bury.

"Right behind you." Fairy Rage takes the map and follows Carla out of the cabin.

It's been a few hours since Ichiya gathered many Fairy Tail Wizards to venture on a quest to the Alvarez Empire; Ichiya anticipates the journey will take at least half a day at full speed without any issues. Spike is inside a private room, speaking with Princess Hisui about the upcoming Grand Magic Games and the visions planted in his brain.

"Silencing Cirlce!" Spike invokes a spiral around himself and Princess Hisui to repel anyone from hearing, especially his friends.

"So, what are you plotting for us to establish when the Grand Magic Games arrive? What's on your mind, Spike?" Princess Hisui desires to comprehend Spike's objective for the Preying Mantis Guild.

"A while ago, when I picked up a newspaper article about the Grand Magic Games, I saw the kingdom commenced a one-win victory to advance; the concept for my idea won't work. I need you to reinstate the points bracket of the eight teams competing."

"Hmm, I'm not sure; the Grand Magic Games have a rule about repeated formulas. It's my father's declaration to ensure that everything remains new year after year," Princess Hisui is doubtful due to her father's strict guidelines about the Grand Magic Games.

"It won't be for a team of five wizards but seven instead, thus adding two more days of exhilarating spectacle. We could have a thirty-minute trios match, more two-on-two tag team matches, a roulette wheel to determine the participants for the one-on-one battles, allowing a Wizard Saint to challenge anyone for an exhibition before the opening challenges for all teams, and team stipulation for wager rounds!" Spike says with excitement to entice Princess Hisui to speak about the Grand Magic Games idea with her father, hoping it'll satisfy him. Spike gets excited about the potential matchups for this year's Grand Magic Games if Toma E. Fiore greenlights his sentiments.

Princess Hisui wrote down every suggestion Spike had mentioned to make the bracket point system work. She starts jotting her ideas, such as color group eliminators based on foods, candies, fruits, etc. Spike's reason for the roulette wheel is to ensure he'll fight Zaronos and kill him during the confrontation, to ensure the future of Earth Land and prevent an apocalypse.

As the two work on various ideas for the Grand Magic Games, Natsu runs around the Christina with Happy, appreciating not suffering through motion sickness due to the new lacrima Ichiya installed for Dragon Slayers.

"I'm so glad we're not traveling by boat to the Alvarez Empire," Wendy satisfyingly says during the flight since leaving earlier in the morning and reminiscing the idea of riding Spike's back traveling across the lands during her daydreaming.

"I wonder what Spike and Princess Hisui are talking about in their private discussion," Lucy heard Spike enchanting his silencing circle and pondered if their meeting consisted of the future of the Grand Magic Games in a few months.

"He'll tell us eventually," Erza says, knowing not to meddle with Spike's business after he attempted to go on the solo mission, which went awry. She still regrets listening to Spike's darkest thoughts about her death and taking the blame for bringing a demon from one world to another. She stands next to Wendy, keeping a keen eye on Natsu and Happy antics of circling the Christina like a race track at a park.

"Well, this is boring," Laxus is tired of sitting around doing nothing for the past four hours; he already took in the sightseeing when the Christina departed.

"Tell me about it," Gajeel sits across from him inside the Christina, chowing on iron to uplift his boredom. "Can't even spar with anyone since we'll more likely to thrash the ship before it reaches our destination. One that the Fairy Dragon didn't mark with his flares when he went on that expedition to retrieve Makarov."

"It's not so bad. During the rescue mission, it took us ten days to reach the shores of Alakitasia and then another few days of travel to the Alvarez Empire. According to Ichiya, we'll be there before we know it," Gray said; he had removed his shirt and jacket to feel the coolness of flying on the Magic Bomber Christina.

"You got to clobbered heads while we were rebuilding the guildhall; it was boring, and I wished the Fairy Dragon had taken me with him," Gajeel admits his feelings during the boredom stretch he endured.

"So, how much longer until we reach Alakitasia?" Laxus turns to Mirajane walking by after talking with Jenny.

"We'll be making a pitstop by Caracole Island for rations and to stretch our legs. Ten hours is what Jenny projected of our arrival since the provisions inside the Magic Bomber won't be enough for anyone on board. We're forty minutes away from the island."

Juvia sits next to Gray while listening to the conversation; she wonders if the Alvarez Empire would harm her beloved and friends after the brutal warfare they endured weeks ago. "Let's hope the Alvarez Empire doesn't seek to retaliate after losing the war and beloved king."

"They won't think twice about initiating any attacks since the Alvarez Empire is not resilient after losing many soldiers, powerful wizards, and potency. I am curious about the newly established king they'll elect or have already elected as interim king," Irene interjects herself into the conversation, knowing how the kingdom flourishes with a ruler in command.

"Why wouldn't they?" Panther Lily is curious about Irene's statement about how the Alvarez Empire flourishes.

"Although they would fear Natsu due to news spreading wildly like fire, the one that slain Acnologia is more fearsome than Zeref due to many glaring issues regarding occult prowess. Also, understanding my son's stature in magic power would send shivers down anyone's spine, making them decide instantly to cower in fear against someone who can absorb magic and turn it into a weapon or transform into a full-size Dragon, capable of unleashing carnage since God Serena is deceased. There are no other Dragon Slayers within the empire; therefore, they have every reason to submit to our whims or, in this case, accept the offer for peace with Princess Hisui."

"That would make sense, considering you aligned yourself with us as a Fairy Tail Wizard, giving the Alvarez Empire a more justifiable reason to accept the offer. Hopefully, they have enough evidence to pinpoint the Holy Knights Clan's whereabouts to continue our investigation," Panther Lily responds, imagining the outcome once Fairy Tail arrives at their doorsteps.

"So," Cana belches after drinking her bottle of liquor. "How would the empire respond to your transgression of aligning yourself to the guild?"

"I expect my allies to resent me for bearing the emblem that shamed the kingdom; I also expect some groups attempting to lynch me for betraying Zeref and letting him die instead of saving him. Things can go awry or unnoticed if we get escorted to the conference room undetected; however, I highly doubt we'll receive a warm welcome, especially my decision to become a Fairy Tail Wizard."

Half an hour later, Ichiya announces the descent to Caracole Island; he wants to showcase his cooking expertise to his colleagues and have a victory over the Fairy Tail Guild later tonight. Caracle Island was restored thanks to Brandish, who made people build a statue in her glory for the restoration. The people remembered the Fairy Tail Guild and offered free services for beating up unauthorized military personnel; also, they are huge fans of the Fairy Dragon.

Princess Hisui takes a deep breath, enjoying the new world outside Mercurius' walls. She sees different people and feels like a regular among them, not using her royal status to make herself known. It's refreshing to understand the minds of people for study and utilize her experiences when she becomes Queen of Fiore.

"Alright, everyone," Ichiya poses, acting like a chaperone. "Take the time to relax, enjoy some festivities, spar if you must; know that we're here for three hours, allowing the Magic Bomber Christina to recharge for smooth sailing the rest of the way. If you don't return, the Fairy Dragon will teleport you, and then we'll continue from there," Ichiya looks for the tanning booth on Caracole Island.

"Let's go swimming, Happy!" Natus is wearing his swimming trunks, running towards the beach.

"Aye, Sir!" Happy complies excitedly, flying towards the beach with Natsu to swim in the waters.

"Sounds like fun," Spike thought about swimming when he felt Gajeel's hand on his shoulder.

"Fairy Dragon, you and I are training," Gajeel wants to spar with Spike since it's been too long. "What do you say?"

Wendy wanted to enjoy the waters with Spike; however, seeing Spike's demeanor changing, she sighed, knowing Spike would comply.

"You're on!" A sparkling green aura engulfs Spike's body, accepting Gajeel's proposal in engaging a friendly spar.

Gajeel and Spike move away from the group. Laxus follows since he wants a crack at the Fairy Dragon once Gajeel finishes. Panther Lily, Erza, Irene, and Wendy follow them towards the east side of the beach to get away from the populous so they won't get whiplashed by the carnage Gajeel and Spike may unleash on each other.

Gray wanted to grab a bite, and Juvia followed Gray like a magnet. Princess Hisui, Lucy, Cana, and Mirajane decided to explore and buy a few souvenirs. Princess Hisui wants to explore the island like a tourist would to understand life outside the castle's walls. Lucy had a bad experience on Caracole Island when she came on a rescue mission and wanted to remember Caracole Island as a fun experience. Cana wanted to try every liquor, beer, and alcohol in every pub around the island. Mirajane desired to buy gifts for Lisanna and Elfman since they didn't join the journey.

Spike and Gajeel set up a perimeter so the tourists wouldn't intervene and get injured during their spar. Laxus, Erza, Irene, Panther Lily, and Wendy are standing by to watch the two spar while keeping crowd control since people don't know how to behave.

Gajeel's arm turns into an iron club. "Ready, Fairy Dragon!"

"More than ready," Spike positions himself to catch Gajeel's iron club strike. He increases his size to match Laxus'.

Gajeel and Spike don't move, reading each other's body language to determine which will attack first. The waves coming to the shores serve as the bell chiming to start the matchup. Spike and Gajeel lunge at each other, roaring their warcries and combat in a close-quarter hand-to-claw battle. The two smirk devilishly as it reminds them of the times they've trained for the Grand Magic Games and during the year off.

"Iron Dragon Rooooooooooooar!" Gajeel is the first to unleash his iron breath attack at Spike.

"Fairy Dragon Sphere!" Spike extends his arms and conjures a sparkling green orb to absorb Gajeel's attack; it increases its' mass like a balloon. He's attempting to try a new spell when he devoured Walker's magic particles days ago.

"What is the Fairy Dragon thinking?" Gajeel thought for one second, then unleashed his wrath, not wanting the Fairy Dragon to gain an advantage during the spar. "Dragon Slayer Secret Art, Karma Demon Iron Spiral!" Gajeel transforms his legs into a giant drill, which rotates at high speed, heavily damaging and piercing Spike's orb, not allowing Spike to utilize the power contained.

Spike closed his eyes and focused on the mixture of magic within the orb as a sparkling green iron claw emerged from Spike's spell, catching Gajeel's drill.

"What the?!" Gajeel is stunned when his attack has foiled his plans.

Laxus, Erza, Panther Lily, Irene, and Wendy become awestruck when they see a shadowed clone stepping out of Spike's orb. It resembles Spike in every way, but his body consists of iron. It tosses Gajeel aside, causing him to crash into the sand, creating a crater.

"I'm impressed with Spike's tactical genius. He blended Shadow Walker's ability to procreate shadowed versions of himself infused with his opponent's magic power. This power can become deadly if he utilizes the full extent of Walker's capabilities in due time." Irene thought to herself while watching more iron shadow clones materializing from Spike's orb.

Wendy remembers Shadow Walker's presence and sensed his magic within Spike's sphere. She's happy to see Spike utilizing the power and can't wait to explore unison raids with the technique.

"That's sick, Fairy Dragon!" Gajeel gets back up and notices four iron shadow clones lunging at him. "Feeding frenzy!" He blurs and grabs one of the clones, attempting to bite its' head off when it explodes, causing Gajeel to crash into the sand.

"Interesting maneuver, Spike. Gajeel didn't suspect a trap, and you pulled an ingenious tactic of using your clones as bombs." Panther Lily thought to himself and expects Spike to create different breeds of magic clones for every attribute for defensive purposes, especially with Zaranos.

The multiple explosions from the clones caused Gajeel to suffer some bruising; his iron clubs received burnt markings and dents. Spike opens his eyes, allowing a shadowed clone, not consisting of iron, to enter his body, enabling him like a second soul similar to Fairy Rage. Spike hopes his idea will work during Gajeel's following attack sequence.

"Iron Dragon Shadow Mode!" Gajeel's body becomes iron, a black aura emitting all around him; his eyes turn purple. "You're going down, Fairy Dragon!" Gajeel submerges himself into the sand, moving like a shadow to attack Spike head-on.

Spike had manifested more iron-shaded clones to see if Gajeel's Iron Shadow Dragon form could not only devour his clones but replenish his magic power. Once the clones submerged in the sand, Gajeel attempted to consume them and worked. Gajeel emerges from the sand; his arm becomes an iron blade cloaked in shadows to slash at Spike. Spike's shadowed clone materializes, catching Gajeel's attack and defending the host from taking critical damage.

"WHOA!" Gajeel is stunned to see how the shadowed clone enacts Fairy Rage for defensive purposes; he wonders if Spike would create many clones for all attributes for magic potency.

The shadowed clone of Spike tosses Gajeel aside and reinserts itself into Spike's body. Gajeel lands on the sand, strategizing his next motive before Spike can counteract.

"Fairy Dragon Iron Shadow Blades!" Spike transforms his arms into sword blades like the Dorma Anim but with a shadowed iron. His arms glow black; the aura enables him to move swiftly with no heaviness of a real sword.

Laxus becomes excited to test Spike's new abilities to the limit; he decides to turn the sparring into a handicapped battle since there may be a scenario where Spike would have to fight multiple tough opponents rather than soldiers. "Lightning Dragon Heavenward Halberd!" Laxus shoots a massive lightning spear at Spike to divert his attention and anticipates Spike's counterattack.

"Heads up!" Wendy instinctively warns Spike of the inbounding attack from Laxus; she doesn't mean to intrude on the sparring.

"Fairy Dragon Sphere! Lightning Absorbtion!" Spike extends his shadowed arms and conjures a sparkling shadow orb that changes color due to Laxus' attack. "Lightning Shadow Claw!" Spike inserts his right arm into the sphere, extending his limb to grab Laxus, electrocuting him with darkened lightning shockwaves.

Laxus starts devouring the lightning particles when Spike alters his attack and infuses it with his magic, replenishing what he conjures and evading any side effects from Spike's grasp.

Gajeel and Laxus nod, attacking Spike simultaneously to train him to defend against two powerful opponents than one since it's a probability with the Preying Mantis Guild lurking and observing from afar. In a close hand-to-claw encounter, Gajeel and Laxus overwhelm Spike with their tenacity and ingenuity to use less magic power since Spike would absorb and create a countermeasure to oppose their offenses.

Spike would use his dragon breath to teleport Gajeel and Laxus into harming each other, using their offense to his advantage. Spike produced his iron and lightning clone to absorb their magic power, and to his surprise, the technique worked. It was only short-lived once Gajeel and Laxus used their strength to obliterate the clones, reclaiming their magic potency, which inadvertently punched Spike in the face. Irene took notes about Spike's new ability with Walker's shadowed projection to help him utilize the technique. She wrote about the weaknesses to show Spike about the adjustments to ensure victory.

"Lightning Dragon Roooooooar!" Laxus unleashes his lightning-breath attack.

"Iron Shadow Dragon Roooooooar!" Gajeel unleashes his iron shadow-breath attack.

Lightning and iron fused to create a devastating attack to overwhelm Spike; however, he's prepared to counterattack.

"Lightning Inferno Flame Rooooooooooar!" Spike unleashes his lightning-flames breath attack.

The combined energy clashed, causing the sand to whiplash and blind Panther Lily, Erza, Wendy, and Irene's eyes. After the sand dissipates, Wendy and Erza watch the spectacle between two Dragon Slayers versus Spike and how even the sparring has become. The battle grabs the attention of many bystanders, causing Irene and Panther Lily to repel their approach for their safety.

Erza steps into the battle, calling for a ceasefire to prevent civilians from getting injured. Spike, Laxus, and Gajeel end their combat, respectively.

"Wendy," Spike approaches Wendy with many black and blue bruises on his arms, chest, and stomach; he smiles at her, noting he needs a quick healing.

Wendy sighs. "Oh, you," She proceeds to uplift the bruises Spike received during the battle with her healing magic. "I think that'll be enough fighting for now, considering our soon-to-be arrival at the Alvarez Empire, which might send the rest of their forces to attack us for annihilating Zeref and most of their army."

"Fair enough, I had my exercise of the day," Spike relents to Wendy's statement about the possible continual warfare later tonight.

"Word of advice, Spike," Laxus approaches him. "Work on building your muscle mass; it'll do you wonders during close-quarter combat. Also, don't rely too much on channeling your opponent's strength for redirection; it'll be obvious for any wizard or soldier with combat experience. You're giftedly strong with your magic power, but work on the rest of your body."

"No kidding," Gajeel walks by Spike, intending to grab a bite to eat. "Although my body is iron, I would start working out if I were you. Zaranos is in a different league, and if you gain strength, you'll be more of a threat to anyone daring to stand in your way. C'mon, Lily, let's go."

"Right behind you," Panther Lily follows Gajeel and Laxus to the nearest booth for grub.

Hearing the wisdom from his friends, Spike vows to get physically stronger by moving mountains, which Erza corrects by lifting stones first. Wendy promises Spike to be beside him and get more robust by training to show she's not a pushover.

With the people groaning about the copout with the infighting of three Dragons, they took some pictures of Spike and walked away. Wendy urges Spike to swim in the ocean; she even whispers a new swimsuit to wear. Spike's wings flap hard, showing he's excited and aroused by Wendy's enticing words. Erza finds it hilarious and requips into her black bikini bathing suit.

Irene stares into the wild blue yonder, imaging likely confrontations with the Alvarez Empire, most leading into dreadful combat situations with the wounds still fresh from the war. She takes a deep breath when Princess Hisui comes from behind with two bowls of mangos.

"You seemed distressed, Irene," Princess Hisui offers the second bowl to Irene. "What's on your mind?" She sounds formal with his question since she suffers from nightmares of being turned into a mouse in front of her dad weeks ago.

Irene accepts the bowl of mangos, eating one and savoring the flavor. "I'm unsure of our arrival when we approach the gates or land in the city square near the conference castle. Riding on the Magic Bomber Christina, I suspect many lieutenants and commanding officers initiate their defense protocols to eliminate a target."

"Well, the Fairy Dragon will protect us from their retribution; also, I believe they won't think twice if Spike increases his size, considering God Serena's demise and you becoming a Fairy Tail Wizard. Another thing, I don't believe the empire is willing to lose more than what they lost."

"We'll see how the events unfold when we arrive," Irene watches her son and Wendy getting into the waters, having a good time splashing each other. Natsu appears out of nowhere to give Spike a german suplex.

Princess Hisui mentally prepares herself to achieve the one task her father assigned her to create peace with the Alvarez Empire as a representative of Fiore. Princess Hisui asks Irene about possible interim Kings or Queens before electing a new ruler for the Alvarez Empire to have a better understanding when she confronts the nation during a conference room with the remaining members of the Spriggan 12. Irene named Ajeel, Yajeel, Kareem, Invel, Marin, Jacob, and Brandish for possible interim majesties and explained everything she knew of them.

It's been seven hours since Fairy Rage and Carla departed Astereae; they are resting by an outdoor venue near Oshibana. According to the map, Oshibana is one two-hour train ride to Clover Town. Carla has her head down at the table, reliving the moments she saw her kin laid waste and the anger she became when she slew Walker.

"Carla?" Fairy Rage is concerned about his girlfriend's state of mind, especially with the possibility of confronting another or new member of the Preying Mantis Guild.

"Hmm?" Carla diverts her attention to Fairy Rage, staring at his handsome, draconic figure.

Fairy Rage grabs Carla's hands, holding them lovingly with his claws. "Are you alright?"

Carla smiles at Fairy Rage, hoping it'll ease his heart about her stability. "More than ever, my handsome dragon. I'm just.., going through some emotional pain and hoping to find hundreds of survivors that fled from Cabal's advances."

"There must be at least a thousand that fled from his tyranny." Fairy Rage proclaims, hoping to soothe Carla's heart.

"I thought I heard familiar voices!" Bickslow said, approaching Carla and Fairy Rage by the table with Evergreen, Freed, and Gildarts. "Great to see you guys!"

"Greetings, Fairy Rage, and Carla; I hope we're not intruding on your date in Oshibana," Freed approaches the duo, leaning his sword at the table Carla and Fairy Rage are sitting.

"Any luck on finding any survivors?" Evergreen grabs a chair, pulling it towards the duo to sit. Bickslow retrieves a table nearby to join Carla and Rage.

"We have a map detailing a site where surviving Exceeds are hiding. After lunch, we'll take the train there and continue our investigation." Fairy Rage shows the map detailing the locations marked in red for wiped out, except for one in Clover Town marked blue, a nearly exact area where the hydra was roaming a few weeks ago.

"According to the Master's command, teams of three or more must accompany the travel since the Preying Mantis Guild is stalking Fairy Tail by the second, so, if you want to continue, we're coming as well," Gildarts says, speaking on behalf of the Thunder Legion.

"Are you serious?" Carla sounds disappointed with the idea of others tagging along on what was supposed to be a date-search-and-rescue mission without any interruptions from any of the Fairy Tail Wizards.

"It's what Makarov demanded ever since Spike endured those terrible nightmares and the constant mental strikes the guild has on us," Bickslow answers Carla's question.

"Tell us, have you encountered any of the Preying Mantis Wizards during your trip?" Freed asks, hoping they did not and wouldn't since Carla is in disarray from the stories everyone had mentioned when Spike attempted to complete a solo mission.

"We have." Fairy Rage answers Freed's question, which validates the severity of the travel and Makarov's decree. "We've encountered a wizard who uses shadows similar to Rogue's. I fought him, and we tortured him. Carla beat the crap out of Walker, then we interrogated him. Apparently, their Guild Master has a personal vendetta against Fairy Tail due to an eight-year war. Also, Zaranos is not the only demon of the guild. Zaranos also has a brother who is a Changeling. He disguised himself to bring the red blade prop to shatter and possess my brother."

"That's horrible," Gildarts is angry for missing out again during a vital altercation with Zaranos. "So, where's Walker now?"

"I killed him," Carla said, smiling widely. Freed, Bickslow, Evergreen, and Gildarts become dumbfounded by Carla's response. She's displaying no remorse for her actions. "Walker was a catalyst that brought forth a decimation upon my people, my kin, my species," Carla's ears drop a little with the daunting memories of the deceased Exceeds returning.

"I'm sure by now you know what happened to us when we spied on Spike during his first-ever solo mission, right?" Fairy Rage asks his friends; the waiter returns to the table to give Carla her chicken caesar salad and Fairy Rage a hamburger with fries. "Thanks."

"Natsu and the others were saddened when they revealed the gruesome details about the onslaught of hellhounds, which were an illusion due to some hypnotism," Freed replies to Spike's question, asking the waiter to bring out menus for his friends and him.

"Walker cast the illusion on the Exceeds, and I didn't sense his presence. I felt manipulating matter and didn't attack the hellhounds with Spike. The others did with no hesitation to defeat Cabal and his supposed army. He laughed and claimed victory over us; indeed, he won that battle and scarred some of us." Fairy Rage nudges his head over to Carla, quietly sobbing while remembering the moment of horrific actualization.

Gildarts slams his left fist on the table, shattering it into many small cubits; he detests watching women cry due to iniquity from opposing guilds. "Those bastards will pay! I'll make them rue the day they mess with Fairy Tail!"

Everyone gets startled when Gildarts obliterates the table in anger; seeing this side of him ensures the demise of the Preying Mantis Guild.

"Where should we go after helping locate survivors?" Evergreen inquires about the plans of Carla and Fairy Rage.

"We deliver the Exceeds to the Mermaid Heel's Guildhall where Millianna resides. She's caring for Queen Shaggote and several younglings."

"After speaking with the survivors, hopefully, they'll pinpoint other zones on the map for us to search; then, we'll continue from there," Carla says, wiping the tears off her cheeks.

"Before exacting revenge on the Praying Mantis Guild, retrieving the surviving Exceeds is our top priority for the next three days. We intend on scouring the landscape, hoping to find others not in harm's way by Cabal's advances."

"We're with you," Freed speaks on behalf of the Thunder Legion and Gildarts since it matters to Carla about her transgression.

"We're here for you, Carla," Bickslow smiles, his tikis hovering around Carla, attempting to comfort her with soothing sounds.

"We got your backs; I want to encounter these fools that dare harm our friends!" Evergreen missed out on the action during the war weeks ago and wants to aid her friends during this expedition.

"I'm sure Makarov would approve this voyage, considering the possibility of meeting the Holy Knights Clan if they were out there in Clover Town," Gildarts said; he remembers what Makarov told him about finding evidence of their whereabouts if any clues were to materialize.

"Thank you," Carla smiles at her friends' love for building up a moment as a family would. She grimaces with an unfamiliar movement in her belly and ponders about the overextension of her ability. She's reluctant to change into her Exceed form.

Fairy Rage notices the demeanor written on Carla's face and hopes she reverts to her Exceed form so he can carry her in his arms during the travel after lunch.

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