• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Tartaros Aftermath

After hearing Natsu's cries, Spike decides to check on him. Erza suggests that everyone else find their friends and regroup.

Spike flies and concentrates on the flare marking he'd shot Natsu and finds him crying near a crater where his dad, Igneel, is resting. A chunk of his body and arm are missing, signaling that his death is near.

"Natsu," Spike places his claw on Natsu's shoulder.

Natsu doesn't acknowledge Spike while his emotions run wild. He cries in the presence of his dad after watching him fall in defeat by the claws of Acnologia. Spike backs away a bit, giving Natsu much-needed space to grieve.

Spike looks up to see four dragons flying in the skies. "Hey, Rage. Which one you think it's Grandeeney?" Silence reign. Spike sadly sighs. "I forgot. Rage sacrificed himself to resurrect Erza."

It's the dawn of a new day on Magnolia. Four dragons land while every Fairy Tail Wizard and some from Sabertooth gathers. Spike is next to Wendy, holding her hand.

"Grandeeney, you're back," Wendy said in tears of joy.

Grandeeney is a white dragon covered in tissue similar to bird feathers. Her feet resemble bird talons as well. Her head is covered in what appears to be fur, and her skull is somewhat broad and flat. Her fur extends down the neck and to the upper chest. "Yes, child. We returned at last, and Acnologia has been repelled," Grandeeny replies. She's happy to see Wendy once more. "I see you met someone you like."

"This is Spike. He's my boyfriend."

"Spike the Fairy. Son of Amy the Amethyst Dragon."

"Amy. She's a dear friend of mine, Spike," Grandeeney said.

"What?!" Spike and Wendy say in unison.

"A kind-hearted dragon with a loving heart for humans. Do you intend on marrying Wendy someday, Spike?" Grandeeney asks.

Spike clutches Wendy's hand. "Yes, I do. Wendy and I confessed our love for each other long ago."

"You have my blessings, Spike," Grandeeney smiles.

"Thank you," Spike smiles.

"Man! It feels good to have a pack of dragons on our side!" Jet happily says.

"Yea, I'll say," Droy agrees with Jet.

"Weren't their thousands of those Face things out there?" Romeo asks.

"They were, but these dragons knocked them out," Macao said.

"Freaking amazing," Wakaba said in awe.

"I'm proud of you for destroying that Face, Wendy," Grandeeney said.

"Thanks but, Carla did the hard part."

Gajeel stares at Metalicana. Metalicana stares back at Gajeel.

"So, that's him. That's Metalicana," Panther Lily feasts his eyes on him.

Metalicana's body is silver, iron scales. It gives the impression that Metalicana is wearing armor. Metalicana's head is nearly square, and his lower jaw has the appearance of being hinged. His eyes are beady and circular with no pupils, black sclera; around his eyes are black markings that continue around the back of Metalicana's neck. Metalicana's wings are metallic that don't fold like other dragons.

"He's your dad?" Levy asks Gajeel.

"You still look like you swallowed rust," Metalicana rudely remarks.

"So do you!" Gajeel barks back.

"I don't get it. I remember killing you," Sting said. He's confused as to why Weisslogia is alive.

Weisslogia is a light-colored, bearded Dragon with feathery, Angel-Esque wings and has two comparably small antlers protruding from the top of his head. Weisslogia's underbelly is smooth, while the majority of his body, save for part of his feathery, windswept face. His spine is adorned with a trail of hair that starts from his head is covered with thick scales.

"How are you still alive?" Rogue asks Skiadrum.

Skiadrum is covered in pitch-black scales; atop his head, Skiadrum has two sharp horns and sports a small, pointed beard of shadows on his chin. Skiadrum has no visible pupils, and his eyes are red. Between his horns and running down his spine, Skiadrum has a mane of shadows as well as his wings. Because of the shadows, his body is composed of, Skiadrum has a constant stream of shadows emitting from his head, wings, spine, and tail.

"We altered your memories in order to help you grow strong," Weisslogia answers.

"It was an experiment of ours. One Igneel was against. We raised you both as Dragon Slayers, and to complete your upbringing, we gave you the experience of slaying dragons," Skiadrum explains.

"However, it's incorrect to say we're still alive," Weisslogia said.

"In the truest sense, we've been quite dead for some time," Grandeeny said.

"That can't be good," Happy said.

"Many years ago, Acnologia used his Dragon Slayer Magic to tear our spirit from our bodies. So, we have three reasons for residing with you," Grandeeny said. Wendy becomes worried. She, Sting, and Rogue gasps. Gajeel remains silent. "Please understand, we did it to beat Acnologia and prevent you from transforming. But, it was the only way we had to survive."

"You mean..," Wendy starts trembling in fear and sadness, knowing what's going to happen next.

"Now that we left your bodies, there's no way for us to return. The demonstration of power we just gave will also be our last," Skiadrum said. "We hope you understand why we had to remain hiding until the time was right."

"Even the mighty Igneel wasn't able to defeat Acnologia. However, it must be said that Igneel fought from the very brink of death," Metalicana said.

"Igneel saved me. I brought the fight to Acnologia for what he's done to my uncle and mother. He killed them, and I will slay Acnologia someday."

"Not alone, you're not," Gajeel said. He places his hand on Spike's shoulder.

"We're doing it together, Spike," Wendy said.

"I said you won't be losing me, Spike. I'm going to help you bring down Acnologia," Erza said.

"We wish you luck, Energy Maker Dragon," Skiadrum said.

"Our time has run out. This is goodbye, Wendy," Grandeeney said.

"No! Don't go!" Wendy tears up a bit.

"Sweet girl, the road you face is filled with peril, but I've seen you gained the strength to walk it. And, you're not alone."

"Please! A little more time with you," Wendy pleas.

"Let's see them off, kid. With our heads held high," Gajeel said, comforting Wendy.

"Farewell, humans. Once very long ago, there was terrible strife with between our kind and yours. It warms my heart cause in the end, we part in friendship," Grandeeny along with Metalicana, Weisslogia, and Skiadrum, flaps their wings; Getting ready to take off.

"The era of dragons has ended. We leave this world for you to protect," Weisslogia said.

"The power of man shall pave the future. For that, we are thankful," Skiadrum said.

"Spike, create a new era of dragons co-existing with humans. Let love be your guide to a greater future," Grandeeney said.

"I will!" Spike shouts, watching the dragons ascend in the skies.

"I love you, Wendy. Always and forever," Grandeeney ascends to the afterlife.

"You should get your face check out," Metalicana rudely says to Gajeel.

"Way to ruin the moment, you rust bucket!" Gajeel retorts. He watches Metalicana ascend to the afterlife. "I'll miss you too," Gajeel admits.

"Weisslogia, thanks for everything," Sting said, watching his dragon ascend to the afterlife.

"Rest well," Rogue said, watching his dragon ascend to the afterlife.

Remains of Igneel's body start ascending. Natsu continues to cry, wanting to speak with his father and having many of his questions answered.

"Cut it out with the damn waterworks, will you?" Igneel's spirit said. "C'mon, Natsu. I taught you what to do when you feel like this. Have you forgotten?"

"I remember," Natsu replies, tears still streaming on his face.

"Then prove it," Igneel commands. "Get on your feet!"

Natsu complies and stands up. "Okay."

"I've been with you every step of the way, and nothing has made me more proud than seeing what you've done! Keep growing. Know that I'll always live in your heart! Show me the fire that burns within you."

"I will," Natsu stands in formation. "I'm going to work even harder! I'm going to get even stronger! And when I do, I'M GOING TO TAKE DOWN ACNOLOGIAAAAAAA!" Natsu declares.

"That's the way, speak of the future! That's where the power of life truly lies."

Spike flies over to Natsu after hearing him proclaiming his promise to take down Acnologia. "Natsu."

Natsu turns around to see Spike. "Will you join me in taking down Acnologia?"

"You know it," Spike offers his claw. "Brother."

Natsu grabs Spike's claw. "We have a lot of work to do. Now, let's head back to the guildhall."

"Uh.., about the guildhall," Spike whispers the news to Natsu's ear.

"WHAT?!" Natsu shouts so loud birds fly away from the echo.

A few hours later. Every Fairy Tail Wizard returns to what's left of their guildhall. Lucy informs Spike that she needs time alone to contemplate. Spike understands and watches her go to the apartment. Every citizen in Magnolia starts rebuilding their town.

"Well, so what now? Time to start rebuilding again?" Mirajane asks.

"I suppose," Master Makarov answers. He doesn't sound like himself.

"It's going to be tough. To do it all over again," Jet said.

"I shouldn't be here. I really don't have the right," Elfman sadly claims.

"This wasn't your fault, Elfman," Lisanna reassuringly said to comfort her brother.

"None of this is anyone's fault. Perhaps it's a signal. One to mark an end of an era," Makarov said. He's thinking about disbanding the guild.

"Makarov, can I speak with you, alone?" Spike asks Master Makarov.

Makarov sighs. "Sure. Don't follow us. That's an order," He said to his children.

Master Makarov and Spike walk away from the remnants of the guildhall. They walk to the South Gate Park, knowing they'll be left alone. Spike and Makarov sit at the park's bench.

"What's on your mind, Spike?"

"I know you have the intentions of disbanding the guild due to Tartaros' attack. I don't need Rage to figure that out based on your emotions."

"Condolences to you for losing Rage during the war," Makarov sincerely said.

"Thanks. However, you can't disband the guild. You can't disband the family, Makarov."

Master Makarov sighs. "I need to, Spike. Also, there's something I need to do that'll help. I don't want anyone to follow me."

"You gave your word to Princess Celestia that you and Fairy Tail will take care of me better than they."

"You're right..," Makarov remembers that night while celebrating a triumphant victory.

"I have an idea for keeping the guild together while you take care of business."

"What's your idea, Spike?" Makarov is intrigued.

"There's a clear fact due to me being a dragon. I'm going to outlive my friends. I ask of you to allow me to be the next Guild Master."

"You?" Makarov's jaws drop a bit. "You want the responsibility of being a Guild Master?"

"Yes. I can't be Fairy Dragon if the Fairy Tail Guild is disbanded. I won't speak about the Lumen Histoire to anyone. I'm going to need the experience to lead the next generation of Fairy Tail."

"You make a compelling case, Spike," Master Makarov looks at the blue skies. "Perhaps it is time that I step down as Master. I will tell you what the Lumen Histoire is. However, you mustn't tell anyone."

"Understood, Makarov," Spike nods.

Master Makarov reveals everything he knows about the Lumen Histoire to Spike and answered many questions. After an hour of explaining the full details, Spike will keep his mouth shut until he knows when to activate it. Makarov mentions that he has an insider who'll be wiping the memories of everyone else that knows about the Lumen Histoire.

"Come, it's time to announce to everyone who'll be their seventh master."

Master Makarov and Spike return to the remnants of the guildhall. Everyone is standing by, anxious to know what the two spoke. Makarov gets in front of everyone.

"The time has come, kids. After contemplating for a while, I have decided to step down as your Guild Master."

"What!?" Everyone except for Spike shouts.

"Makarov, who have you chosen?" Erza asks.

Makarov smiles. "Allow me to introduce you to your seventh master. Spike the Fairy."

"Spike!" Everyone shouts in unison. They are surprised to hear that Spike is going to be their new Guild Master.

"Spike made a compelling case during our conversation. While I was thinking about disbanding the guild, he refused to allow family to drift apart. I thought long and hard as to who'll be the next Guild Master."

"Why did you choose Spike, Master?" Mirajane asks.

"Spike is a dragon, and he'll outlive most of you. If not, all of you. It'll give him the experience to take the mantle. I bid you farewell, my children," Makarov leaves.

Some of the Fairy Tail Wizards become emotional watching Makarov leave. All eyes are on Spike. Eager to know what his first order of business.

Spike takes a deep breath. "My first order as Guild Master. I want each of you to relax. Take a few days off to unwind from what has transpired. There are things I need to contemplate."

"Okay, Master," Levy said.

"I am your Guild Master but don't address me as Master. Address me as to how ever seems fit with you. All of you."

"Can do, bro," Gajeel throws the thumbs up.

"You got it, Spike," Mirajane said.

"Come, Elfman. Let's go home," Lisanna said.

"Coming, Lisanna. Spike, about the guildhall, I'm-" Elfman sees Spike's claw up.

"It's okay, no need to fret. Take the time off to release your emotions and work on how you're going to improve yourself. Just like a real man."

"Will do, Spike," Elfman walks with Mirajane and Lisanna back home.

Every Fairy Tail Wizard goes home. To think and release their emotions. Spike flaps his wings and takes off to the Magnolia Hospital. He wants to check on the Thunder Legion's progress. Twenty minutes later, Spike arrives at the hospital. A nurse tells him what room the Thunder Legion is in. Spike walks to the second floor and opens the door. He sees Laxus hugging his friends.

"Fairy Dragon. Fairy Dragon is here!" Bickslow's Tikis announces.

"Hey, Spike. Glad to see you're doing well," Laxus said. He lets go of his friends.

"Thanks. How are you all doing?" Spike asks.

"Feeling a lot better, little buddy," Bickslow said.

"Terrific. Never better," Freed replies.

"Doing great, Spike," Evergreen said.

"I'm getting better. Thanks for dropping by," Laxus said.

"I'm also here to inform you the direction Fairy Tail is heading."

"Lay it on us, Spike. What's the deal?" Bickslow said, leaning against the wall in the room.

"Master Makarov renounce himself as Guild Master of the Fairy Tail Guild."

"What?" Evergreen and Bickslow said in shock. Freed is silent.

Laxus is in disbelief. Never in his life, he would hear his grandfather giving up his title as Guild Master a second time. "Who did Grandpa announce to be the next Guild Master?"

"Me," Spike answers.

The Thunder Legion jaws drop to the floor. Spike explains why Makarov chose him after contemplating. That he persuaded Makarov into choosing the next Guild Master going forward and not allowing family to drift apart.

"Who else doesn't know?" Laxus asks.

"Lucy, Natsu, Happy, Juvia, and Gray. I'll get to them soon."

"What's your first order of command, Spike?" Freed asks.

"Relax for a few days and unwind. Second, address me as to how ever seems fit with you. Don't call me Master. Not until I'm older."

"Fair enough, Spike," Evergreen said.

"I'll see you guys later," Spike flies out the window. He sees the devastation Tartaros had laid waste. Many buildings were destroyed as well as housing. He sees people rebuilding their homes.

An hour later. Spike notices Wendy and Lucy together by the South Gate Park. Lucy's Celestial Spirit Cancer gives Wendy her hairstyle back. She now has her long blue hair. He swoops down to see how the two are doing.

"Hey, Master," Lucy smiles.

"I'm guessing Wendy told you what transpired a while ago?" Spike asks Lucy.

"Yea. Wendy told me that Makarov relinquished his title as Master and passed the torch to you. I know you don't want to be called Master right now but, it's a thing when having a guild."

Spike chuckles a bit. "That's true."

"So, Spike. Want to come over since we're relaxing?" Wendy asks, hoping he'll say yes.

"I was going to ask of you to come over to the apartment," Spike said.

"Sure! I would love that!" Wendy smiles happily. "Mind if I bring Carla over?"

"Of course," Spike smiles.

"Okay, hopefully, the food is still good in our fridge," Lucy said, more ecstatic than earlier when she was grieving in the apartment.

"I'll grab Carla," Wendy runs off.

"I'll meet you at the apartment! There is one other I need to bring," Spike flaps his wings and takes off.

Erza is sitting by a hill near a riverine. She's remembering the time she was tortured by Kyรดka as a prisoner, the time she was tortured during the Tower of Heaven as a child, and the moment Midnight Sparkle killed her. "Those memories will haunt me to my grave. They will always make me tremble. Betrayed. Bound. Beaten and shamed. Killed by the hands of that wretched demon. I had to watch Fairy Rage sacrifice himself to resurrect me. A piece of Spike, forever gone."

"Erza," Spike is hovering in front of her.

"Spike..," Erza looks up at him.

"What are you doing here alone?" Spike sits next to his sister.

"Reflecting on the horrors I've endured. The memories will leave a mental scar on me going forward, Spike."

"I can only imagine the horrors you've endured. One thing that'll forever scar me is losing you while I was hopeless to do anything about it," Spike looks down. "I couldn't fight Twilight in that battle. All I did was watch in horror while she dominated my friends and girlfriend. It made me feel weaker. I'm sorry for letting you down. I'm sorry for going after Acnologia when I should have stayed with you. I could have had more power to-uh.., to..," Spike sadly sighs. "I'm sorry that I didn't save you from Twilight's wrath."

"It's not your fault. You're not to blame for any of this. Twilight snuck up behind and took advantage after I defeated Kyรดka and Minerva finishing her."

"Do you hate me for bringing a monster like her here?" Spike asks a question that sounds regretful.

"No. I've never hated you, Spike. I loved you as a sister would. I still love you, bro," Erza pulls Spike into a hug. "Don't blame yourself due to the unknown."

"You're as strong as ever, Erza," Jellal said, walking past her from behind. "Continue to follow the path of light. Like you always have. We will follow the path of darkness. It is possible that our paths may cross again. When that day does come, I hope your light will wash out our shadows. Until then, move forward."

Erza and Spike get up and see Jellal heading towards the former members of the Oracรญon Seis. Erza smiles, knowing he and they have found their paths to redemption. Spike wonders if the former members are seeking redemption. Without Fairy Rage, he's unable to tell. The two watch them leave.

"Sis, want to come over to the apartment with me? Wendy and Carla are coming. I thought we can be together as a family."

"Sure, Spike. Let's go," Erza smiles more. The memories that scarred her a while ago have passed for now.

Spike and Erza walk together to his and Lucy's apartment. It's getting dark as the moon rises. The two runs into Lucy, Wendy, and Carla, carrying fresh food for the week in front of the apartment.

"Hey, you two," Lucy smiles.

"Hey, Lucy," Erza and Spike reply.

"So, ready to have a sleepover?" Lucy asks.

"Looking forward to it. Where's Natsu and Happy? I'm sure those two would like to come," Erza said.

"I'm sure those two are already upstairs sleeping on my bed," Lucy sighs a little but gets over it.

Lucy, Spike, Erza, Carla, and Wendy go up the stairs. They enter the room to see it empty. Lucy notices a letter on her desk and opens it. Spike, Wendy, and Carla bring the bags to the kitchen and stores food away. Lucy reads the letter.

"Wow, it's worse than Erza's handwriting," Lucy said while reading the print.

"What was that?" Erza said, glaring at Lucy.

"Uh, nothing!" Lucy reads the letter. "Lucy, Spike. Me and Happy are going on a training mission. Be back in a year or so. Tell everybody bye for us, will you? Thanks, Lucy. See you later," Lucy finishes reading the letter.

"Training for a year?" Spike puts that thought in mind.

"You're not suggesting the guild should do it, are you?" Carla asks Spike since he's the Master of the Guild now.

"I'm thinking about it. Everyone train harder and get stronger. Then regroup to build our new guildhall. Take some different jobs throughout the year as well. We got hit hard, so we should train hard as well. As for how long, I'm thinking about it."

"Well, no matter what, I'm training with you, Spike," Wendy said.

"Same here," Erza said. "I'm sure the others would want their fair share training with you as well."

"Definitely. For now, though, let's celebrate a new beginning moving forward."

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