• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Dragon King Festival

Spike arrives next to Lucy and Lucy? "What the hell is going on?"

"Aaaaaaah! A dragon!" Future Lucy shrieks.

"Lucy, you know me, right?" Spike looks at Future Lucy. She's wearing a black and white hoodie cloak.

"Who are you?" Future Lucy asks.

Spike turns to the other Lucy. "I am so confused."

"This Lucy is from the future," Lucy confirms.

"The future? Then that means.., oh no..," Spike turns to see the madness. Royal Soldiers are incoming, five wizards battling Wendy, Loke, Natsu, and Panther Lily. "Who are they?"

"The Hungry Wolf Knights. They've been giving us trouble all day, and we need to get to the Princess!" Lucy explains.

"Lucy, why does this dragon bear the Fairy Tail Emblem?" Future Lucy asks.

"Seriously, I can't believe you don't know anything about Spike the Fairy. Fairy Dragon. He's been living with me ever since he came to Earth Land!"

"Lucy, the Future Lucy is from an alternate timeline where I'm not a Fairy Tail Wizard," Spike explains.

Future Lucy gasps. She's amazed that Spike understands more on time concepts than the others. She's also confused as to how the dragon knows about the laws of time.

"That's enough!" Spike roars, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Spike!" Wendy happily shouts.

"Hey, Spike!" Natsu is happy to see Spike.

"Hey! Did we win?!" Happy asks.

"Fairy Tail is number one again. Now, Hungry Wolf Knights. End this senseless conflict and let them through."

"Hey, I heard word that you got stabbed in the back. How did you recover so quickly?" A Royal Soldier asks.

"What?" Natsu and Wendy furiously say in unison.

"Another lawbreaker? No matter, he opposes as a threat to the Kingdom," Kama, the leader of the Hungry Wolf Knights, says. "I'll take it upon myself to execute this lawbreaker."

"Do I look like a lawbreaker to you? Or do you abuse your authority and pretend to be God?" Spike questions their authority.

"I uphold my decrees as an Executioner. I am not God," Kama said.

"Anyone who's helping these criminals is an accomplice and must face the same justice as the criminals," Cosmos said.

"Let's see if he likes acid!" Neppa said, drinking his acid bottle.

"You don't want me maaaad," Uosuke said.

"Let's bury him in ashes," Kamika said.

All of a sudden. Shadows emerge from the floor and start engulfing the Hungry Wolf Knights and Royal Soldiers. The shadows pull them in like quicksand. They are unable to stop the shadows from consuming them through the floors.

"What the hell?" Spike asks after the Royal Soldiers and Hungry Wolf Knights sunk.

"Spike!" Wendy hugs Spike. "What did you mean by getting stabbed in the back?"

"While fighting Minerva with Kagura and Erza, Minerva grabbed one of Erza's swords, switched positions with me, and stabbed me in the back. On my left side, that is," Spike explains.

"She's going to pay!" Natsu gets sidetracked.

"Erza already made sure of it. Now, I have some questions for you," Spike points at Future Lucy. "Why are you here? It's obvious you come from a different timeline."

"You see.., huh?" Future Lucy stares down the hallway to see shadow mass. A man emerges from the shadows smiling.

"Shadows can reach beyond the present to both the past and future. And, into the hearts of men," The man said. "It seems we meet again, Natsu Dragneel. I traveled quite a ways from the distant future. I'm Rogue." Rogue's right hair is black while his left is white. Rogue appears to have only one eye.

"No way. How can you be Rogue?" Natsu asks.

"He's from the future. He just said it," Spike explains to Natsu.

"He's the same Rogue from Sabertooth?" Wendy asks.

"You came from the future too?" Lucy asks.

"So.., I'm not the only one," Future Lucy said.

"Why are you here?" Happy asks Future Rogue.

"Why did you come back? What do you want?" Carla asks.

"All I want is to use the Eclipse," Future Rogue calmly answers.

"What's that going to do?" Lucy asks.

"It can save us all if we tap into its hidden power," Future Rogue said. "As you know, it can be used for time travel but, it can serve as a defense weapon known as the Eclipse Weapon. That is the only way in defeating the 10,000 dragons."

"I'm not buying it," Spike said.

"Spike, you don't know the severity of the situation. We're nearing an apocalypse!" Natsu said.

"Yea. Future Lucy informed us of 10,000 Dragons coming our way," Wendy informs.

"From where? Wouldn't you two be able to smell other dragons if they were nearby?" Spike questions the 10,000 dragons theory.

"Spike, I was there. I've seen it obliterated everyone and...and..," Future Lucy gets emotional, reliving the final moments of Natsu when he fought the dragons.

"We can win the battle before it begins!" Lucy said.

"I'm not buying it, and here's why. Earlier today in my battle, I wailed so loud cause I sensed something corrupted and massive. Only I and Fairy Rage sensed it. No one else. Not even Gajeel and Laxus, who are Dragon Slayers."

"Then it could be the Eclipse Gate. It did absorb all your magic energy the other day," Natsu said.

"With the Eclipse Cannon, are we going to be okay?" Wendy asks.

"Afraid not. You see, I've come from seven years in the future, a time where the world you know it will cease to exist. The dragons will destroy everything and rule the ashes."

"They're going to take over?" Natsu asks.

"But, what happened to the people who'll survive the attack?" Wendy asks.

"In my time, not even 10% of the human race remains. Furthermore, our Eclipse has only but a fraction compared to yours to wield. Which means this is humanity's last chance. We stop them now or die," Future Rogue explains.

"I don't buy it. I still don't. Do you expect me to believe that dragons are underground or something? I've seen the catacombs. Where else would they come from?" Spike asks.

Future Rogue sighs. "From your world." Everyone gasps and looks at Spike. "Your dragons came to our world and annihilated everyone within hours. We have to make our stand. You and along with the 9,999 dragons must die."

"Now, I know you are lying," Spike is getting intimidating.

"The one known as Twilight Sparkle created the portal to unleash the dragons. I prefer to say a painful truth than a beautiful lie. You are a disgrace to your friends and guild," Future Rogue sternly says. "You brought a monster and doomed us all."

"Hey! Don't blame Spike for all this!" Natsu defends Spike.

"My boyfriend would never do such a thing!" Wendy defends Spike.

"It's because of him; my future is in disarray. I'm here to deliver justice. Even if it means killing him in this timeline."

"I won't let you!" Wendy angrily shouts at Future Rogue, spreading her arms out as a sign of shielding Spike.

"There is one other that doomed us; she was selfish and helped solidify humanity's fate. She's the reason why the Eclipse Two didn't activate in my future. Because of her actions, in my timeline, the gate remains shut. 90% of humanity is gone."

"Who did it?" Natsu is losing his patience.

"It's you! Lucy Heartfillia!" Future Rogue unleashes his Shadow Blast.

Natsu tries to intercede the attack but causes it to shift a little. Spike conjures his metallic flame shield, but the shadow blast penetrates through the shield, hitting Spike on the left side of his chest, piercing the stab wound Minerva gave him earlier. Future Lucy sacrifices herself, saving the current Lucy.

"Spike!" Wendy rushes over to Spike. She becomes angry and sad to see Spike coughing out blood.

"Lucy!" Natsu turns to Future Rogue.

"Dammit, it hit the wound Sherria recovered for me," Spike coughs more blood.

"Try not to move," Wendy uses her healing magic on Spike.

"I didn't do it. I didn't close the gate," Future Lucy sees her past self and Happy coming to her. "I would never do that."

"I know you didn't," Lucy said to her future self. "I promise I won't either, and no matter what. Why didn't you protect yourself!?"

"If you die, things would have played out differently for the future of this timeline," Future Lucy explains. "I thought I never get the chance to see my friends again, and I did one last time. I learned that I had another one in this timeline. That's enough to make up for the hell I've been through."

"Wendy! Heal Future Lucy!" Happy shouts.

"I'm afraid that wound is severe. It's too damaged," Carla said.

"Lucy, please hang in there," Happy is in tears. "We need you."

"I'm not the Lucy, you know. I'm from a different timeline, a whole other world. There's no reason for you to cry," Future Lucy puts a hand on Happy's cheek. "The me of this time gets to keep living with her friends, so you don't need to be sad," Future Lucy is in tears as well.

"We are sad! We don't care what world you come from! No matter what anyone says, you're still our Lucy! You're our friend and we love you! I don't ever want to lose you! So, of course, we're sad! How can we not be!" Happy continues to cry.

Wendy finishes healing Spike and becomes teary. Spike couldn't believe that he witness a death of Lucy. Future Lucy. It'll scar him for the rest of his life. Natsu becomes teary; seeing Future Lucy die in front of him made him snap. Natsu turns to Future Rogue, wanting to end his life for taking Future Lucy's.

"Hey, can you let me see your guild mark?" Future Lucy asks Lucy. Lucy shows her future self the emblem. She sees her future self no longer bearing the Fairy Tail Emblem on her right hand and becomes emotional. Lucy figures that Future Lucy removed it since the guild no longer exists in the future. "I wish I could have-" Future Lucy dies in Lucy's arms.

"How can you forget that she closed the gate?" Future Rogue angrily asks.

"How about I close yours," Spike is eager to fight Rogue.

"Is that a threat? You're still the reason behind the oncoming dragons," Future Rogue reminds everyone of Spike's actions.

"No. I don't make threats. I keep my promises," Spike said. He powers up.

"Spike, go. This asshole is mine!" Natsu's body is ablaze. "I'm not going to let anyone steal Lucy's future. Not even you!"

"Understood," Spike nods. "Let's go, everyone!" Spike grabs Lucy's and Wendy's hands to start moving. Loke, Happy, Carla, and Panther Lily follow pursuit.

"You're not going anywhere!" Future Rogue tries to go after Lucy and Spike but, Natsu gets in his way and delivers a Fire Dragon Iron Fist at Future Rogue, keeping him occupied while the others escape.

"Spike, you need to warn the others of the upcoming dragon brawl," Loke said.

"What about you guys? I can't leave you alone," Spike replies.

"Don't worry about us. We'll be fine," Loke speaks for everyone.

"Alright," Spike relents.

"Here, before you go," Wendy kisses Spike. Spike returns the kiss. "I promise you when this is all over. We will spend quality time together."

"I'll hold you to it, literally," Spike teleports back to Erza and the others to inform the insane news.

"Good luck," Wendy said.

Spike appears next to Erza, Fairy Tail, and all the 113 guilds that participated in the preliminary round. Spike looks around at the center of Crocus.

"Spike, what happened?" Master Makarov asks.

"Hey, you reinjured yourself?" Sherria comes up to Spike.

"We have a situation. It's worse than Acnologia coming out of nowhere. Also, I was attacked by an asshole from the future. He pierced me in the same area where I got stabbed. Wendy healed me."

"Someone from the future attacked you?" Makarov is in shock.

"Yes," Spike nods. "Apparently, there supposed to be 10,000 dragons coming here. I have a hard time fathoming that possibility. Plus, Future Rogue said that I'm the cause of the dragons coming. He said that Twilight Sparkle unleashes the dragons to invade Earth Land. I have a hard time believing in it because of one technicality. Twilight doesn't have any magic strong enough to create a portal back. It was Discord that made the portal. Also, Twilight isn't here. She's back in Equestria cause I crippled her during Day 4 of the Grand Magic Games."

"You did. The Future Rogue is using you as a scapegoat for other purposes," Master Makarov said.

"Where are the others?" Erza asks.

"Lucy is with Loke, Wendy, Happy, Carla, and Panther Lily. Natsu is fighting Future Rogue as we speak. Why are all the guilds here?" Spike asks Erza.

"The King of Fiore is about to explain the details of our summoning," Makarov says.

Toma E. Fiora takes a deep breath. "Thank you all for coming. I hate to spoil the mood after this splendid display of wizardry we've seen today, but I'm afraid that Fiore's heart is in the claws of a dragon hoard."

"It has to do with that Fairy Dragon, isn't it!? A random wizard blurs out.

"It has to be him! Why else would these dragons come all this way!?" Another wizard shouts.

"The supposed Fairy Dragon is a scapegoat to lure all of us in one place to wipe us out!" Another wizard says.

More people start accusing Spike of all the dragon hoard news when Erza snaps. "Enough!" Erza silences the crowd; they stop backtalking about Spike. "Spike has nothing to do with the dragon hoard coming up! You should be ashamed of yourselves for accusing my brother! Who I fought, cried, shed blood, laugh, and smiled with! If any of you dares to lay a finger or spell on him, I'll cut your hands before piercing your heart!" Erza said. She scares everyone and decides to pay more attention to the King of Fiore.

"Even so, last time we fought a dragon, we lost seven years of our lives," Cana said.

"That was a special case, but still," Lisanna said.

"We can't take on an entire hoard," Cana sadly admits.

"I got my ass handed by Acnologia. I still have a hard time fathoming the hoard."

"What about what you sensed? Kagura mentioned you sensed something corrupted," Erza said.

"It was massive but, I can't really explain. What we sensed was corrupted. The only dragon that fits the bill is Acnologia, and we didn't sense him. Something is amiss."

"As we speak, the large-scale counter defense is underway at the castle, The Eclipse Cannon," The King of Fiore addresses.

"The Eclipse Cannon?" Lisanna asks.

"According to Future Rogue, Eclipse Cannon is powerful enough to wipe out all 10,000 dragons. I still have a hard time believing that," Spike does the arms cross.

"We will use it to wipe out the attacking dragons. All 10,000 of them all at once."

"By the way, do you know how they are supposed to pull that off?" Cana asks Spike.

"As you know, the Eclipse Gate has been absorbing magic for seven years in the Grand Magic Games. The seven-year gap of magic power is in the Eclipse Gate so, they plan on using all the energy for a direct attack on the hoard."

"I can sense your concerns, regrettably the sheer numbers of the dragons' forces. We expect that at most, a few hundred will survive the attack," The King of Fiore is worried that the wizards will abandon Crocus to save themselves.

"Yes, I would assume so," Master Makarov says.

"Spike, if the dragons do come, what's your motive then?" Erza asks.

"To bring down as much as I can. Dragons will have plenty of energy for me to feast, and I'll keep fighting till my dying breath. I'm not afraid of fighting them if it means saving my friends and family."

The wizards that were accusing Spike moments ago feel guilty after hearing he'll fight with them. Some apologies to him for their accusations.

"So, I implore you, you guild wizards! Please, lend Fiore your assistance in dealing with this crisis! You are the best hope we have for slaying any dragons the Eclipse cannot!" King Fiore lowers his head. "I beg of you.., don't let this Kingdom fall to ruin."

Everyone around starts cheering! Quatro Cerberus chants wild! Fairy Tail wholeheartedly accepts the job. Blue Pegasus, Mermaid Heel, Lamia Scale, Sabertooth, and all the other guilds are pumped up and ready to defeat any dragon that remains.

Toma E. Fiore starts crying after hearing everyone willing to fight for Fiore. "Thank you, all."

Erza turns to the Royal Soldier. "Our comrades are somewhere in the castle. We're going to need their help."

"They're safe. I was informed they recently joined Princess Hisui at the Eclipse Gate."

"Alright! Time for some more rampaging!" Gajeel excitedly says.

"Hey, mind lending me some energy? I'm going to need a little boost to take down any dragons that come our way," Spike asks his friends.

"Sure thing, Fairy Dragon," Gajeel said.

"I'll lend you some as well," Levy said.

"Have some Sky God energy," Sherria offers.

"Hey, Spike," Sting comes up to him. "Think you can handle white energy?"

"How about shadow energy?" Rogue comes up to him.

"Sky God, how about Lightning God?" Orga conjures his magic a bit.

"Everyone, lend Spike a fraction of your magic," Erza announces.

The King of Fiore and the Royal Army watch the fan-favorite of the Grand Magic Games; Spike stands in the middle.

"Here you go, Fairy Dragon! Let the parfume increase your strength!" Members of Blue Pegasus offer a portion of their combined magic and hits Spike.

"Here's our apology gift from the Grand Magic Games!" Members of Sabertooth offer a portion of their combined magic and hits Spike.

"Hey, you owe Jura a real rematch when this is over, or else, I'll spin you!" Members of Lamia Scale offer a portion of their combined magic and hits Spike.

"Show those dragons what WILD really means!" Members of Quatro Cerberus offer a portion of their combined magic and hits Spike.

"Here's some real girl-power! Show them that we don't back down from anything!" Members of Mermaid Heel offer a portion of their combined magic and hits Spike.

"Show them how Fairy Tail brings the fight, Spike!" Everyone from Fairy Tail offers a portion of their combined magic and hits Spike.

With all the magic that everyone offered, Spike consumes it all and becomes stronger by the second. The King of Fiore and the Royal Army are in awe, seeing everyone working together willingly and lending Fairy Dragon much-needed power to help defeat any dragon that remains from the Eclipse Cannon. The King cries in happiness to know that Fiore has a stronger chance of defeating the dragons now that Spike is getting powerful by the second.

"Thank you... Thank you..." Toma continues to thank everyone for their will to fight and defend Fiore. "I mean it..," Toma's voice starts changing. "Thank you... Pumpkins."

Everyone is stunned to hear the King's voice changing. They now know who the Pumpkin Head, Mato is. The bells start ringing throughout Crocus. It's the signal that a new day has arrived, July 7th of 791. Levy mentions that the dragons disappeared on the 7th, and Gajeel says that 10,000 are on their way on the same day.

Spike finishes consuming the magic energy everyone gave him. Spike's eyes are a blend of orange and green. He took control of Fairy Rage to sustain the immense magic energy.

"Wow, I don't think I ever felt this powerful. I feel like I can take down a hundred dragons with the combined magic everyone gave me."

"I see you've taken control of Fairy Rage," Gray said.

"I had to so I can sustain the combined magic energy properly. Believe when I say this, I can take down Acnologia with this kind of power."

"Don't get cocky, Spike. Don't let the power control your tactics in battle. Be ready for anything," Erza said.

"Point taken," Spike nods.

"Alright, kids. Fairy Tail will be guarding the center plaza," Makarov announces.

"What about the other guilds?" Warren asks.

"They'll be on standby throughout all of Crocus," Max Alors said.

Freed looks up at the night sky; he sees the moon turned red. "I don't think that moon is a good omen."

"I didn't even notice the moon," Evergreen said.

"Could the moon be what you sensed, Spike?" Bickslow asks.

"No. That's not it. As I mentioned, including Fairy Rage, we can't explain it properly."

All of a sudden, there are rumblings throughout all of Crocus. Everyone questions what the rumblings are. Everyone also senses magic coming from the castle. A loud dragon's roar echoes the city of Crocus. Everyone turns to see a dragon emerging from the castle's entrance. With the dragon's stomp, parts of Crocus are annihilated in an instant. Several buildings and homes are destroyed as well.

"What was that?!" Droy and Jet shout.

"A Dragon. That means they're here," Sting said.

Dragons march through the city of Crocus, everyone including Spike, is in awe and shock to see such behemoth dragons. The dragons roar so loud, houses and tall structures crumble.

"Everyone spread out! If we stick together, we'll be annihilated in an instant!" Makarov commands.

Several guilds spread throughout Crocus. A total of seven dragons emerge from the Castle's entrance. Future Rogue comes up to Lucy and the others after seeing the Eclipse Gate closing. The dragons emerged from the opening of the Eclipse Gate that's in front of the Castle.

"My ignorant subjects, listen and take heave!" Future Rogue raises his hands. "I hereby proclaim this the end of the Era of Human reign. I'm ushering a new age, the Era of Dragons! I order you to slaughter all the wizards in this city. I want every one of them dead," Future Rogue uses his Dragon Tamer Magic to take control of the seven dragons unleashed into Crocus. The dragons drift apart and start searching for any wizards in the city. One dragon takes Future Rogue to the skies. "I think I'll leave these pathetic souls to you, Zirconis."

"No way!" Lucy shouts.

"Zirconis!" Happy, Carla, Wendy, and Panther Lily are in shock. Spike's Uncle is one of the seven dragons that came through the Eclipse Gate.

Zirconis is hungry and would love to play with his prey. He lands in front of the Royal Army, Princess Hisui, Colonel Arcadios, Darton, and several others by the gate. Yukino and Mirajane are in shock to see Spike's Uncle.

A dragon lands in front of the Fairy Tail guild; its body consists of eternal flames and a skeleton facial feature. Everyone in Fairy Tail couldn't believe that a dragon like this exists.

"We are so dead!" Droy is afraid.

"That's a dragon?" Warren is in shock.

"Its entire body is covered in Fire!" Max Alors shout.

"Let's take it down!" Makarov shouts a war cry. "Follow my lead and go for its feet!"

"Spike wants!" Spike increases his size. The Flame Dragon in front watches the Spike grows.

"What? A dragon is here working for these humans!?" The Flame Dragon is irate. "Prepare to die!"

Spike is now a full-size dragon. The spikes on his back and tail become sharper. He gains muscle mass and gets ripped. Spike roars at the flame dragon.

"You dare roar at me! I am the dragon Atlas Flame. Prepare to taste my hellfire!"

"Bring it on! I'm Spike the Fairy, and I'm taking you down!" Spike stands on his feet and punches the Atlas Flame. Atlas Flame stumbles back a bit from the impact.

Atlas Flame stands and tackles Spike. He bites Spike's neck. Spike roars in pain a little and uses his fire breath to teleport the Atlas Flame behind him.

"What?" Atlas Flame turns around.

"Inferno Freezing Fist!" Spike punches Atlas Flame with his fire-ice magic. Atlas Flame doesn't feel the chills from the punch.

"You think combining two elements will help you? These flames are the fires of Hell! Nothing can put out my flames!" Atlas Flame decrees.

"I have only begun," Spike grabs Atlas Flame's tail and flies. He slams Atlas Flame on the ground.

"Have a sample of my hellfire!" Atlas Flames breathes his hellfire on Spike. To Atlas' surprise, he sees Spike eating the hellfire. "What the hell?"

"Hell is right. Hellfire Iron Rock Spike!" Spike places his claw on the ground and conjures a Hellfire Iron Rock Spike to rise from the ground, hitting Atlas Flames.

"Lucky hit. That won't happen again!"

"Juvia, now!" Gray powers up for a unison raid.

"Right, my Darling," Juvia powers up for a unison raid.

"Ice Make Geyser!" Gray unleashes his tower of ice spikes.

"Water Nebula!" Juvia unleashes waves of water rotate around each other hitting Gray's Geyser.

The combined attack hits Atlas Flame but does nothing to him. "Foolish humans. I am the mighty Atlas Flame. My fire consumes all that stands before me!" Spike jumps and grabs Atlas Flames from behind. "Get off of me!" Atlas Flames flies in the skies.

"I won't allow you to destroy my home!" Spike lets go of Atlas Flame. "Fairy Dragon! Ice Paladin Stri-" Spike's spell is cut off by Atlas Flame's Hellfire Fist in the gut. Spike roars in pain a little from the gut punch.

"Feel the burn, Fairy Dragon! What kind of stupid name is Fairy Dragon anyways?" Atlas Flame taunts Spike.

"It's a name given to me by my sister. Who is a Fairy Tail Wizard!" Spike's claws spark lightning. "Take this!" Spike punches Atlas Flame in the gut using his lightning. The Lightning Fist does little to Atlas Flame.

"What was that? I couldn't feel a thing!" Atlas tackles Spike to the ground and unloads punches on his face.

Master Makarov increases to his maximum size. "Hands off my child, demonic hellfire dragon!" Master Makarov tries to grab Atlas Flame to pry him off.

"There is nothing you can do!" Atlas Flame attacks Master Makarov, sending him hurtling back into a tall building. Every Fairy Tail member below flew during the impact. They couldn't believe that Makarov's power didn't faze the Flame Dragon.

"Round two!" Spike tackles Atlas Flame to the ground. "Let's see how you like it!" Spike punches Atlas Flame in the face left and right.

"I felt harder hits!" Atlas Flame shoves Spike into a building.

"Damn! Even with all that magic power, we gave to Spike. This dragon is more powerful than he!" Elfman said.

"He hasn't fully grown into a full-power dragon. He still has many years to reach that peak," Erza said.

"What can we do? Spike is our ace in the sleeve, and he can't do much!" Wakaba said.

"Find a weak point and exploit it," Erza answers.

"Fairy Dragon, I got your back! Iron Dragon Roooooooooooooar!" Gajeel unleashes his iron breath at Atlas Flame.

"My turn, Lightning Dragon Rooooooooooooooar!" Laxus unleashes his lightning breath at Atlas Flames.

The two breath attack combine into a powerhouse of lightning and iron. It stuns Atlas Flame a bit.

"My hellfire consumes lightning and iron! It is feeble. My hellfire can melt iron and lightning before it can tickle me."

During the fight between Atlas Flame and Fairy Tail, Natsu and Future Rogue have been battling on an Adamantium Dragon known as Motherglare.

"As I mentioned before, in seven years, dragons will reign supreme over this world, obliterating everything. However, it won't be ruled by these you see before you today," Future Rogue explains.

"So, the ones that are tearing stuff up ain't going to be in charge?" Natsu asks.

"That's right. Seven years from now, there will be only one creature that sits on top of the food chain. You've encountered him before; The Black Dragon Acnologia."

"There's no way in hell," Natsu retorts.

"Many wizards tried to take him down, but all were slain, and there were no more guilds to speak of. They've been eradicated. I created a spell for controlling dragons, but it had no effect on Acnologia. And now, he can only be defeated by dragons only by me!"

"That's the reason why you summon these dragons?" Natsu tries to attack Future Rogue. Future Rogue dodges each attack Natsu dish out.

"You're right again. I traveled seven years across time. My plan was to convince Princess Hisui to open the Eclipse and summon countless dragons through that portal. I only managed to get a few dragons before that meddlesome Lucy Heartfillia got in my way. Luckily, my Dragon Tamer Magic allowed me to take possession of the dragons that made it through."

"What about Spike and Twilight Sparkle?!" Natsu demands to know how they affected Future Rogue.

"I lied. I heard the story about Spike the Fairy mentioning the other world in my future and recently. I needed a compelling story in case Option A was a bust. I was hoping for everyone to turn on him and try to kill him. Acnologia doesn't stand a chance now. Once I slay him, I'll become the new Dragon King!"

"Are you mad? Spike is family within the Fairy Tail Guild! We would never do such a thing to him!" Natsu is fired up. "Now I'm ready to give you the thrashing you deserve."

"Oh, I've been dreaming for such power. It's within my grasp."

"I only smell seven dragons. Spike doesn't count cause you're not controlling him!"

"It doesn't matter. He's too weak to stop a dragon. After all, he's younger than most of you," Future Rogue retorts.

"Well, I have some rotten luck for you," Natsu powers up and strikes Motherglare's back with his Fire Dragon Iron Fist, hurting the dragon badly. Motherglare tries to recompose himself from falling.

"What are you doing?!" Future Rogue demands.

"Can you hear me?" Natsu roars. "Let's quit playing around and use our Dragon Slayer Magic!"

"Is that Natsu?" Lucy asks after hearing his shout.

"Oh, yea!" Happy cheers.

"I hear you," Sting said.

"There are seven dragons, and we got seven Dragon Slayers! We can do this! It's what we're born for; Our whole lives led to this day! Let's use our power and slay some freaking dragons! Who's with me!" Natsu leaps in the air. "I'm going Dragon Hunting!" Natsu hits Motherglare with his Fire Dragon Brilliant Flame, hurting the dragon even more.

"Seven Dragon Slayers? You're one Dragon Slayer short!" Future Rogue replies. "There are eight dragons," Future Rogue sneers.

"Eight?!" Natsu shouts. Everyone down below can hear Natsu's shock.

"I've sent one a few hours ago after my arrival!"

"Say what!?" Natsu wonders what dragon Future Rogue sent.

"He was willing to do my bidding, unlike the seven I've taken control of; However, I am in control with my Dragon Tamer Magic."

"Who did you sent!?" Natsu demands.

"A Dragon that will slay Acnologia in this time period. Or just weaken him long enough for the rest to finish the job for me. Who's going to handle the eighth dragon, huh?" Future Rogue laughs.

Natsu smiles. "I can hear the last one coming. We have enough to take down the surprising dragon."

Doranbolt brought Cobra the Poison Dragon Slayer into the fray. Lahar asks Cobra to help defeat the dragons in Crocus.

"I hear you up there, Natsu. Loud and clear," Cobra said.

"Arise, Leekips! Take your place among the dragons and show them how to kill these fools!"

The eighth dragon blinds everyone's vision in the skies. Natsu, Laxus, Gajeel, Cobra, Wendy, Sting, and Rogue sniffs the eighth dragon's scent; They find this dragon eerie similar for some reason. The eighth dragon has Amythesyt metallic scales, the center of his chest has scars, his tail is metallic. The eighth dragon has emerald eyes and spikes. He's massive and brolic.

Everyone down below looks up at the dragon now that they can see clearer. They are in shock to see the Leekips for the first time. Wendy is horrified to see who Leekips is. Gajeel and Laxus are stunned beyond belief. Sting and Rogue sense the immense power the dragon has. Cobra hears the thoughts of the dragon and still can't believe it. Natsu looks at Leekips and wonders why the hell he's working for Future Rogue.

"That's what I sensed..," Spike sees the dragon that he sensed a while ago during the final event of the Grand Magic Games.

"Wendy, what's wrong?" Lucy turns to Wendy. Wendy is in tears.

"It's Spike..," Wendy is trembling.

"What about him?" Mirajane asks.

Wendy turns, and that's all it takes to explain the severity of Leekips. Lucy, Mirajane, Happy, Carla, and Panther Lily are in shock after looking at Leekips.

"What are my orders, Rogue," Leekips bow to the Future Dragon King.

"Slay the Dragon Slayers!" Future Rogue demands.

"As you wish," Leekips sees Spike. "I'll start with him!" Leekips fly after Spike.

"What the?" Atlas Flame turns to see Leekips flying by. "Why are there two of the same dragons?"

"How?" Natsu is enraged.

"Let's just say he snapped and lost the will to live during my future!" Future Rogue engages in battle against Natsu.

"Wait! Leekips is-" Everyone in Fairy Tail is about to say when Leekips swoops and tackles Spike.

Spike snaps out of his trance and teleports Leekips behind. "Who are you?"

"Leekips is my name. Now, prepare to die!" Leekips arm turns into a Sparkling Iron Dragon Sword. Leekips roars and attacks Spike.

Spike conjures his metallic flame sword and fights Leekips. Motherglare lays eggs and shoots them down on the ground. Adamantium Dragons are hatched and ready for battle. Laxus said he'll take care of Atlas Flame. The Thunder Legion decides to help Laxus take care of Atlas Flame. Gajeel goes off to search for a dragon to slay. Mavis orders everyone else to take on the smaller dragons. Sting and Rogue separate to find a dragon to slay. Wendy decides to take on the challenge of fighting Zirconis despite him being Spike's Uncle. Cobra searches for a dragon to defeat. The remaining wizards take on the smaller dragons all around Crocus.

"What happened to you?!" Spike asks Leekips while battling him in the skies.

"It doesn't matter what happened to me. In the end, you'll lose it all."

"It'll never happen!" Spike roars and uses his Sparkling Orange-Green Fire breath on Leekips. Leekips consumes the fire breath and gags a bit. "So, you are me from the future!" Spike punches Leekips; his claw stings a bit.

"Yes. I am," Leekips grabs Spike's tail and yanks hard. It forces Spike to come closer to him. "Iron Sparkle Mace!" Leekips' claw turns into a spikey mace, punching Spike in the gut.

"OOOOOOOOOW!" Spike yells in pain.

"Oh, that didn't look good," Leekips grabs Spike's head and throws him down to the ground hard. "There, feeling better?" Leekips smirks.

"Why destroy me when you'll be destroyed as well?" Spike wheezes a bit.

"It doesn't matter what happens to me. Quit stalling and die!" Leekips claw turns into a Sparkle Iron Drill. Spike rolls out of the way, the drill nearly missing his skull.

While Spike and Leekips clash, Wendy is having a hard time facing Zirconis, knowing that he's Spike's Uncle. Zirconis laughs.

"Now, which little morsel to nibble on first?" Zirconis sees the Royal Army, Princess Hisui, Darton, Colonel Arcadios, Wendy, Lucy, Happy, Carla, Panther Lily, Mirajane, and Yukino. "Well, hello ladies," Zirconis is looking at Yukino and Lucy. "You two look tender and scrumptious. Still, cats do make good appetizers. Hah, the soldiers brought toothpicks for after my meal. How thoughtful."

"Zirconis, don't you recognize us? We spoke very recently," Wendy said.

"Uh, you're a real cutie-pie," Zirconis looks down at Wendy. "Perhaps I'll eat you first."

"It's no use, child. It's not him. The Zirconis we spoke to had been dead for centuries. He was just a ghost. This is not the dragon you've met," Carla informs Wendy.

"So, what now?" Wendy asks.

"I've never said this but, Natsu is right. Only Dragon Slayers can defeat these dragons. The only Dragon Slayer we have here is you. Now pull yourself together and save these people!"

"You know what, I've decided to eat all of you at the same time," Zirconis laughs. He hears the terrifying shrieks of everyone around him and screams of agony in the skies. Zirconis looks up. "Wow, two dragons have gone rogue and started killing each other. How unfortunate."

Spike is getting demolished by Leekips in battle. Leekips continues the onslaught using his Sparkle Iron Mace and his physical strength. No matter what Spike can unleash, the metallic scales repel anything that isn't original from the dragon. All the magic energy Spike consumed to become stronger is worthless against his future self. Leekips throws Spike to the ground.

"I'm all out of options. I must tap into Fairy Demon Dragon." Spike thought to himself. Leekips lands and shatters Spike's tail. Spike roars in pain.

"Don't worry; it'll be all over soon," Leekips flies in the sky and raises his claw.

Spike's body ignites in Sparkling Black Aura. "It will not!" Spike flies at Leekips.

"Too easy," Leekips side-rolls and grabs Spike. His claw digs into Spike's scales, piercing some organs of his. Spike roars in agony while he falls to the ground hard. "Now, where was I?" Leekips raises his claw.

"Before I gobble all of you, mind telling me who that dragon is? The one that's getting destroyed in battle," Zirconis said.

"That dragon is-" Wendy gets an idea. She turns to Zirconis. "That's your nephew, Spike!"

"What?" Zirconis grabs Wendy and pulls her closer to him, tightening the grip while Wendy is unable to move her arms.

"Wendy!" Carla, Lucy, Mirajane and Happy, shrieks.

"My nephew hasn't been hatched yet. He's still in his egg!" Zirconis is getting livid.

"I'm telling the truth. I used my Sky Dragon Magic to conjure your spirit. Your sister, Amy. The Amethyst Dragon is the one that conceived the egg," Zirconis loosens the grip a bit. "Spike has Jade spikes and Amethyst scales like your grandfather does."

"My nephew looks like Tyke the Energy Maker Dragon?" Zirconis asks.

"Yes," Wendy nods. "He's my boyfriend. He has your sister's heart for loving the humans."

Zirconis closes his eyes and sees her sister Amy from a few days ago.

400 years and 5 days ago.

Zirconis lands near the Eden Forest after eating a fatty family. "Okay, I need to lay off the fatty humans. Too much junk food can give me bad gas," Zirconis enters the cave in Eden Forest. "Amy, I'm home."

Amy, the Amethyst Dragon, is smiling lovingly at her egg. Amy has lapis lazuli spikes and citrine eyes. The egg is purple with purple dots on them.

"Welcome home, Zirconis," Amy's eyes are still on her egg.

"What happened to the father?" Zirconis asks.

"He died in battle last week," Amy sadly sighs. "I wish there wasn't a war because I see a world where we can get along with the humans."

"I'm sorry. So much bloodshed has shattered during this war."

"Why are you here? I thought you hated my idea."

"As much as I hate the idea of co-existing with my food, I still love you, sister. I can't bring myself into doing the one thing to end the nightmare."

"I know," Amy lowers her head, knowing what Zirconis means; Having her dead to end the war.

"The little guy needs his mother. I will not strip my nephew's happiness away from his loving family. It's a cruel fate worse than death. So, have you decided to come up with the name for the little guy?"

Amy smiles. "I have. My son will have a name that rhymes with Tyke. My son will be called Spike. The Energy Maker Dragon."

"Spike. I can't wait to teach Spike the great things like an uncle would."

"I need you to be more than an uncle, Zirconis. I need you to be a father, His father, to love and protect from all dangers. In case.., my life comes to an end," Amy sheds a tear.

"Hey, hey, don't cry. I promise you. I will protect Spike as a father would protect the young."

"Thank you," Amy hugs her brother.

Zirconis returns the hug. "I will sacrifice my life to protect my nephew."

The Present

A few moments have passed since Zirconis closed his eyes. He looks at Wendy. "You're Spike's girlfriend?"

"Yes," Wendy nods. "You're nephew is about to die at the claws of a corrupted dragon of the future. His name is Leekips. He's the future self of your nephew. He's trying to end his life."

"One last question. Does Spike have a loving family?" Zirconis asks.

"Yes, Spike has the greatest family in this time period. He's happy and loved."

"That's all I need to hear," Zirconis puts Wendy down. The Dragon Tamer Spell that Future Rogue placed on him is now broken. Zirconis takes flight.

"Is he going after Leekips?" Carla is lost for words for the stunt Wendy pulled.

"Yep. Zirconis is going to save Spike's life."

"In the meantime, you should help another Dragon Slayer slay a dragon," Carla advises.

"Right," Wendy runs off to help any of her comrades defeat a dragon.

"Hey, Lucy!" Happy get Lucy's attention.

"What's up?" Lucy turns to happy.

"I have an idea that can help turn the tides!"

"What are you thinking now, Tomcat?" Carla knows it's an idiotic plan anyway.

"Remember that Spike wanted to destroy the Eclipse Gate?"

"Yea. What would destroying the Eclipse Gate do now?" Lucy ponders a bit.

"If we destroy the Eclipse Gate, the dragons return 400 years to the past! Also, the Future Rogue would have never come here in the first place!"

"Happy, that's brilliant!" Carla is amazed by Happy's plan.

"If the Eclipse Gate is destroyed today, the dragons will have no access on coming to the future," Panther Lily noted.

"Exactly!" Happy said.

"Yukino, we need to summon our Celestial Spirits. They could be vital for destroying the Eclipse Gate."

"On it, Lucy," Yukino grabs her Celestial Keys.

Lucy and Yukino lock hands to summon all 12 Zodiac Spirits. Yukino and Lucy tell their spirits to destroy the Eclipse Gate. Princess Hisui watches the events unfolding in her city. So much carnage and chaos. She hopes that destroying the Eclipse Gate will end the madness.

Leekips conjures a Sparkling Inferno Iron Energy Blast. Capable enough to end Spike's life. Spike is bruised up with more scars on his body, he has an iron mace scar on his chest, a bloodied nose, and a black eye. Spike reverts to his size as the pain is too much to bear, especially when Leekips clawed him severely earlier.

"Say your prayers, Spike. It's over," Leekips said.

"So, this is it? I am unable to defeat a hellfire dragon. I can't even defeat my future self in this conflict. How would I slay Acnologia and avenge my family's bloodline? Wendy, Lucy, Erza, Natsu, Gray, Happy, Carla, Gajeel, Laxus, and Fairy Tail. I love you all. I bid you adieu." Spike closes his eyes, getting ready to embrace death and possibly see his family in the afterlife.

"Iron Inferno Obliteration Blast!" Leekips is about to unleash the final blow when Zircornis makes the save and bites Leekips neck. "AAAAAAAAAAAH!"

"Back away from my nephew!" Zirconis grabs Leekips' tail and throws him down to the ground.

"Nephew? I am your nephew!" Leekips shouts.

"You are not! You are a lost cost and not from this time period. I will not have you end my nephew's life and strip his happiness away!"

"I'll kill you, traitor!" Leekips soar in the skies. "Rogue will not be pleased."

"Rogue is not my master. I bow to no one! Dragons are dominant! Not no wannabe Dragon King!" Zirconis declares.

"Die!" Leekips punches Zirconis with his Iron Mace Claw. Leekips realize just how strong Zirconis is.

"Was that supposed to hurt me?" Zirconis headbutts Leekips then unleashes his Jade fire breath at Leekips. Leekips hurls back hard. Zirconis wastes no time going after Leekips.

"I can't believe I lost possession of Zirconis!" Future Rogue lost control of Zirconis. "How is this possible?!"

"Hah," Natsu chuckles. "Zirconis is Spike's Uncle. He won't let anything bad happen to his nephew."

"You gotta be kidding me! Leekips never told me that!" Future Rogue takes his frustrations at Natsu. Future Rogue knocks Natsu off of Motherglare as he flies in the skies.

"Crap!" Natsu sees a dragon made of fire down below. "OH YEAH, BABY!"

While Natsu soars from the skies, Laxus and the Thunder Legion have been attacking Atlas Flame. He just used his Roaring Thunder punch on Atlas Flame, which does little to him.

"Damn, even a million volts at the Flame Dragon didn't do anything," Laxus said.

"Lightning is useless against fire. I'm afraid you aren't a match," Freed said.

"I wonder if there is a Water Dragon Slayer," Evergreen said.

"Spike could be the better matchup. But that future self of his got to him," Bickslow said.

"YOU'RE MINE NOW!" Natsu lands on the back of Atlas Flame.

"Natsu!" Laxus is in shock to see Natsu taking on a Flame Dragon.

"A real fire dragon! So cool!" Natsu is excited.

"Who are you, pest?" Atlas Flame demands.

"I'm Natsu Dragneel, and I'm the guy that's going to eat you!" Natsu starts consuming the Hellfire of Atlas Flame.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAT!" Laxus shouts in utter shock.

"That's crazy," The Thunder Legion says in unison.

"You? Eat me?" Atlas Flame is perplexed by Natsu's bold statement. "You can't be serious!"

"Oh, I'm dead serious! Your fire tastes delicious!" Natsu continues to eat the hellfire.

"Get off of me!" Atlas Flames tries to shake Natsu off of his body. He tries to flies into the ground in hopes of scraping Natsu off.

"No way!" Natsu replies by consuming more of Atlas Flame Hellfire.

"Natsu! What the hell do you think you're doing?" Laxus asks Natsu from afar.

"What does it look like; Getting this tasty dragon into my belly!"

"Okay?" Laxus doesn't think Natsu can pull it off.

"You and your guys should help another Dragon Slayer defeat a dragon. Wendy is doing the same! Her dragon happens to be Spike's Uncle, and he's bringing the fight to Leekips!"

"His Uncle is here?" Bickslow couldn't believe it.

"He's fighting Spike's future self? Then that means," Evergreen knows the outcome of Spike.

"Laxus, aide Gajeel against his dragon. We'll go look for Spike," Freed said.

"Alright, I'll go. If Spike's injured, make sure you protect him!"

"We will!" The Thunder Legion says in unison. They go searching for Spike while Laxus finds Gajeel's dragon.

"This'll be your final meal, you brat!" Atlas Flame declares. He powers up, intensifying the hellfire on his body. "You'll taste my fury!" Atlas Flame bashes his head into several buildings to get Natsu off of him. "How dare you lay your hands on me!" No matter how hard Atlas Flame tries to pry Natsu off of him, Natsu continues to consume his hellfire. Then, Atlas Flame starts to have a flashback. The position Natsu is on Atlas Flame is so familiar to him. "Is it even possible?" Atlas Flame shakes his head. "No.., that's ridiculous. But why does this human reminds me of.., him?" Atlas Flame pictures Natsu as the Fire Dragon King Igneel. "Boy."

"Huh?" Natsu stops his eating.

"You have some connection to Igneel, do you not?" Atlas Flame asks.

"Hold on just a second. Are you seriously trying to tell me you know Igneel?"

"He's King of the Fire Dragons and my friend."

"No way. I know him pretty well too. He's actually my dad!"

Atlas Flame couldn't believe he's meeting the Son of Igneel. "I'm honored to meet the Son of Igneel."

"Mind helping me out?"

"Of course. I'll help you out any way I can."

"I need you to take me to Motherglare. I have unfinished business with Future Rogue."

"Consider it done, Natsu Dragneel," Atlas Flame breaks the spell of Dragon Tamer. He's no longer under the will of Future Rogue. "Let's go!" Atlas Flame takes off.

Spike is on the ground, watching Atlas Flame attacking Motherglare in the skies. He watches his Uncle Zirconis battling Leekips.

"Iron Sparkle Flare Rooooooooooooar!" Leekips unleashes his iron-infused flames on Zirconis, pushing him back a bit.

"No dice, punk!" Zirconis punches Leekips in the face. Then he pulls Leekips to the ground. "I got something for you," Zirconis grabs a building and shoves it down Leekips mouth. Then he starts choking on him.

"Uncle.., please..," Leekips starts begging while choking.

"You are dead to me!" Zirconis shouts.

Leekips uses his fire breath to teleport Zirconis behind him. Leekips' arm turns into a Sparkle Iron Sword. He tries to stab Zirconis in the back. Zirconis grabs Leekips arm.

"Tsk tsk tsk. You think I'll fall for the ole stab in the back?"

"Let go!" Leekips demands.

"Okay," Zirconis simply complies. Leekips hesitates to take his arm back. Then Zirconis uses the momentum to force Leekips into chopping his arm off in one fell swoop.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! YOU BASTARD!" Leekips now only has one arm.

"You shouldn't let your guard down for anything, stupid. How dumb can you be?" Zirconis mocks Leekips.

"Energy Make," Zirconis is caught off guard. "Energy Arm Bar!" Leekips continues a new arm; it's metallic in structure. He flexes a bit with it. "What was that about letting my guard down?"

"Impressive. I'll have to remember that move when I'm kicking your butt."

Leekips charges at Zirconis, aiming to bite his neck. Zirconis grabs Leekips' wings and unleashes a Jade Energy Blast from his claw. The Energy Blast incinerates Leekips' wings, causing him to fall.

"Oh no, you don't!" Leekips uses his teleportation magic to appear above Zirconis. "You're mine now!"

"Got you where I want you," Zirconis smirks.

"What!" Leekips has fallen into a trap.

"I saw humans going to a dentist one day," Zirconis grabs Leekips and puts his claws in his mouth. "There's a technique called a root canal."

"No, no! You can't!" Leekips couldn't use his teleportation magic cause he needs to breathe the fire. Zirconis fingers prevent Leekips from closing his jaw.

"I will. Consider this your checkup!" Zirconis' sheer strength allows him to rip Leekips jaw apart. "It's been overdue," Zirconis laughs.

"Nooooooo! I can't unleash my fire!" Leekips can still talk but doesn't need to open or, in this case, use his mouth movements.

"There is one thing you should never ever do to my family. Strip their happiness away!" Zirconis powers up.

"I am your family! You wouldn't kill me, would you..?" Leekips is terrified of Zirconis.

"My nephew loves humans. He has a girlfriend and a loving family. As for you, you don't have much to live. You sided with the one who is trying to end my nephew's happiness and family. I'm keeping the promise I made to my sister, and you're making it harder for me to uphold it. Say your prayers."

"Wait! What are you doing!?" Leekips looks at Zirconis.

"Protecting my son!" Zicornis shouts. "Amethyst Spear!" Zirconis' aura is Amethyst like his sister's. "Lancer Archer!" Zirconis conjures many Amethyst Spears and launches all of them. The Amethyst Spears pierces Leekips body everywhere.

Leekips wails in agony. The spears punctured his vital organs that his metallic body parts couldn't protect. Leekips is slowly dying, and he couldn't get up even if he wanted to. He resorts to go with Option B now that his physical body is beyond repair.

Zirconis lands and picks up Spike. "Hey, little buddy. You don't look so good."

Spike smiles. "Hi, Zirconis," Spike steadies his breathing. "I got my ass kicked by my future self."

"You're girlfriend Wendy told me that."

"Can you take me to her? She has the magic power to heal me."

"Of course, I will," Zirconis takes flight.

Wendy and Laxus meet up with Gajeel, who is struggling to fight his dragon.

"What the hell are you two doing here?" Gajeel asks.

"Spike's Uncle Zirconis is fighting Future Spike!" Wendy said.

"No way. Spike's Uncle is here?" Gajeel is surprised.

"Natsu took my dragon. He's better off fighting against Atlas Flame than me."

"Three humans for the price of one fight? It's my lucky day," The Dark Dragon says.

"It's your day to be slain by us," Gajeel said.

"For Fairy Tail!" Laxus powers up.

"For Spike!" Wendy shouts.

"Let's bring this dragon down!" Gajeel, Wendy, and Laxus say in unison.

"Lightning Dragon Roooooooooooooooar!" Laxus unleashes his lightning breath at the dragon.

"Sky Dragon Rooooooooooooooooar!" Wendy unleashes her wind breath at the dragon.

"Iron Dragon Roooooooooooooooar!" Gajeel unleashes his iron breath at the dragon.

The roars combined into a unison raid dragon roar. It stuns the dragon causing it to fall back. Spike hears Wendy's attack and points down at the dragon.

"Finally, a challenge," The Dark Dragon claims. "I was getting bored with this iron wimp."

"I'll show you who the wimp is!" Gajeel raises his first at the dragon.

Zirconis lands in front of the Dark Dragon. "Hey, these humans are mine!" The Dark Dragon states.

"Buzz off, Clyde," Zirconis punches the Dark Dragon in the face. Zirconis strength causes Clyde to stumble back a bit. "Kid, I need you to heal your Spike," Zirconis puts Spike down.

"So, that's Spike's uncle," Laxus looks at Zirconis.

"That's him. I never knew how strong he is. Glad he's on our side," Gajeel said.

Wendy tends to Spike and heals his body. Gajeel and Laxus couldn't believe the injuries Spike suffered by the claws of his future self.

"So," Clyde comes from behind and tackles Zirconis. "You're working with the humans!? I will kill your sister Amy when I find her!"

Spike hears the dark dragon threatening to kill his mother. Sparkling Black Aura ignites his body while Wendy is recovering him.

"Spike, hold still, please," Wendy continues to heal him.

"No one is killing my mom and gets away with it!" Spike gets up while his eyes are pure black with white pupils. Spike's green spikes turn black while his purple scales turn the darkest purple. He grows in size while his claws and his teeth are sharper. His Fairy Tail emblem on his chest turns blood red.

"What is this?" Zirconis is in shock.

"Spike calls it Fairy Demon Dragon! When he's angry, he turns into that!" Wendy shouts.

"Demonic Dragons are common. What makes this one different than the others?" Clyde mocks Spike.

"The difference is, I obliterate anyone in this form. They either live with the regret or become BROKEN on the inside."

"I'm petrified," Clyde continues to mock Spike in his Fairy Demon Dragon mode.

Spike gets closer when he senses another dragon coming from behind. Leekips tackles Spike, spiraling in the air. Leekips is now a pure energy dragon with his physical body damaged beyond repair. Leekips essence is pure physical energy. No scales, no metal. His body consists of fire, water, lightning, air, and earth.

"How?" Spike grits his teeth. He punches Leekips and surprisingly does damage.

"This is Option B. Giving up my physical body for an energy maker body. My right arm is made of fire. My left arm is made of water. My tail is made of lightning. My wings are made of wind. The rest of me is made of earth. I have full control of the elements. As for the energy, I have an infinite flow that's around me!"

"Take this traitor!" Clyde uses his thorn thumb wings and jabs Zirconis' throat. "I'm going to kill you for working with the stupid humans!"

Zirconis coughs from the impact. "Humans aren't that bad," Zirconis attacks Clyde the Dark Dragon. "There are some good ones."

"Weak like your sister Amy. I'll kill the both of you!" Clyde continues his attack on Zirconis.

"Humans, leave this dragon to me. Go help your friends take care of the smaller ones or bigger ones."

"Right," Gajeel, Laxus, and Wendy say in unison. They get ambushed by smaller adamantium dragons. Wendy, Gajeel, and Laxus waste no time taking them out.

Leekips lets go of Spike. Spike lands and stares at Leekips. Leekips puts his left arm on the ground; his tail electrocutes the water but, Leekips grabs the water, creating a sphere in the process.

"Electrocution Shock Wave!" Leekips unleashes a water lightning shock cannon at Spike.

"Dark Energy Blast!" Spike unleashes a Sparkling Black Energy Blast vaporizing Leekips attack.

"Impossible!" Leekips rolls out of the way. Spike's attack blows up a mountain sky high. "How?"

"What? You don't have Fairy Rage in you? Or Fairy Demon Dragon?"

"What the hell is Fairy Rage!? Or Fairy Demon Dragon?!" Leekips has never seen this kind of power before.

"Fairy Rage is an emotion of me. Fairy Demon Dragon was born the moment after I ate Master Hades Abyss' Energy."

"How interesting. The good news is, they'll join you in the afterlife!" Leekips right arm turns into a flame sword while his left arm turns into a water sword.

"What is your purpose in killing me! Tell me!" Spike conjures a Dark Energy Saber and clashes with Leekips' swords. The two slash and dodge each maneuver.

"If I am unable to attain happiness, you shouldn't either!" Leekips angrily responds.

Spike claws Leekips chest. "Dark Explosion Cataclysm!" Sparkling Black Dark Explosions hits Leekips beneath his feet. Leekips loses his feet from the explosion.

"Dammit!" Leekips lands hard on the ground.

Spike conjures a Sparkling Black Fireball and hovers above Leekips. "Dark Inferno Wave!" The Sparkling Black Fireball grows in size.

"Elemental Wave Roooooooooooooooooar!" Leekips unleashes a fusion of fire, water, lightning, earth, and wind into a breath attack. It hits Spike, but his fireball consumes the energy from the roaring attack. "What!?" Leekips didn't anticipate that outcome.

"Hellrising Cannon!" Spike presses his claws and unleashes Sparkling Black Flames at Leekips. The blast evaporated his water arm, his windy wings, and decimated his lightning tail. His chests and legs melted from the blast. The only thing that wasn't snuffed out is his fire arm.

Leekips doesn't feel pain, but he can't regrow any of his limbs and body parts. Spike lands and relinquishes his Fairy Demon Dragon mode. He reverts to his size walks up to Leekips.

"What purpose do you serve by killing me? How does it help you?"

Leekips sighs. "I lost everything. The stupid humans kept my friends and me in captivity. The very next day, all hell broke loose. I couldn't save them; My family, my friends, my girlfriend, gone in an instant. By taking your happiness, you die, and a different you is born. You turn into me."

"How? How did they perish?" Spike asks.

"Thing is, I don't remember. All I remember is I met someone after the aftermath, and I lost the will to live."

"Fairy Rage, can you hear me?"

"Yea, I'm here. Need some assistance?"

"Can you enter Leekips' mind and see his memories?"

Leekips watches Spike talking to himself like a mad dragon. He thinks Spike is crazy for having a genuine conversation.

"Yea. That shouldn't be a problem. He's you from the future." Fairy Rage leaves Spike's mind and enters Leekips' mind. "Someone placed a memory blockage barrier in him and a possession spell. There's two of them."

"Wh-Whaat?" Leekips is in shock.

"Can you remove it?" Spike asks.

"Should be easy." Fairy Rage uses his magic to shatter the barrier and possession spells in Leekips' mind. It causes Leekips to have a migraine.

Leekips groans a bit. "Damn, I forgot what having a migraine feels like."

Fairy Rage returns to Spike's mind. "I did all I can do. He should remember what went down during his time."

"Can you remember how it happened?" Spike asks.

Leekips starts remembering what happened the day when all hell broke loose. He gasps. "I remember. I was possessed."

"By who?" Spike wants to know.

"Twilight Sparkle," Leekips answers.

Spike gasps. He covers his mouth. Spike would never think Twilight would do such a thing.

"In my time, Twilight Sparkle took possession of me and forced me into killing my friends.., my family.., and my girlfriend. She altered my memory into thinking someone else killed them. I joined the 10,000 dragons in killing most of humanity. She died in the process of my onslaught. When Rogue 'freed' me from Sparkle's possession, I lost the will to live. Everything I once have, gone forever. All I remember is seeing my friends in Fairy Tail burned or eaten alive. The screams are all I hear daily."

"That's horrible..," Spike is sad to hear the trauma Leekips endured.

"Where did the name Leekips came from?" Fairy Rage asks.

"I've eaten Gajeel during Sparkle's possession, and I gained his Iron Dragon Slaying Magic. After Rogue uplifted the possession curse, the first memory that came to me was eating Gajeel. So, I combined the name with mine but, I have it reversed. It gave me a new identity."

"Fairy Rage, you think Twilight is still in Earth Land?"

"I don't know. Twilight's magic and presence are off the grid. Tell me, why don't you have me?"

"Why I don't have Fairy Rage? Honestly, I don't know. At Tenrou Island, I was protecting the base camp while everyone else fought Master Hades."

"He never consumed Hades' Abyss Magic."

"No wonder why he panicked when he heard Fairy Demon Dragon and me. He didn't defeat Master Hades during the war of Fairy Tail and Grimoire Hearts."

"Thank you for freeing me," Leekips says. "For the first time in a long time, I have something to look forward to. All these years, I remained unhappy, and now, I can die in peace. All I can hope for is that my friends are not mad at me. If so, then I go to hell for killing and eating most of my friends while I was possessed. Either way, I'm at peace with it. You," Leekips uses his fire arm to point at Spike. "Let nothing stop you from anything. I allowed something to possess me and used me."

"I won't. I'll get stronger! You watch!" Spike says.

"I know you will," Leekips smiles and closes his eyes, taking his last breath.

"Ambush!" Fairy Rage warns Spike. Spike turns around to see many Adamantium Dragons.

"Fairy Machine Gun Leprechaun!" Evergreen waves her arms, releasing a torrent of energy needles at the Adamantium Dragons.

"Dark Écriture Absolute Shadow!" Freed's upper body becomes covered in dark armor. He moves at immense speeds taking down Adamantium Dragons with his sword.

"Let's rock, babies! Baryon Formation!" Bickslow's Tikis position themselves in a pentagonal pattern. A massive and powerful magical beam is generated from the center striking the rest of the Adamantium Dragons.

"Laxus is going to be happy to know that we found you," Evergreen said.

"Whoa! Did you defeat that dragon, Spike?" Bickslow asks. "Fairy Dragon Wins! Fairy Dragons Wins!" Bickslow's Tikis chants.

"Yea. Fairy Demon Dragon took down my future self," Spike confirms.

"I wonder why he's here in the first place," Freed said.

"Future Rogue possessed him. In his time, he lost everything due to a possession spell by Twilight Sparkle."

"Say what..?" Evergreen is confused.

"Hold on? You mean that Sparkle girl you crippled?" Bickslow asks.

"The same girl that tormented your life daily?" Freed said.

"Yes. If she hung around during Leekips' timeline. There are speculations that Twilight is somewhere here in Earth Land. Plotting, scheming on a higher scale to ruin my life. She succeeded in ruining my future self's life by mentally scarring him and possessing him to kill everyone in Fairy Tail," The Thunder Legion are appalled after hearing the last statement.

"Well, that won't happen on our watch, Fairy Dragon," Evergreen said.

"The Thunder Legion got your back," Freed said.

"Let's go. I'm sure the others can use our help in defeating these smaller dragons."

"Agreed," Spike nods. He and the Thunder Legion go search for their friends or anyone that needs help.

Wendy and Laxus are fighting the Adamantium Dragons while Gajeel continues his feast on eating them, claiming it's the best iron he's tasted all night. Spike and the Thunder Legion catch up down the street.

"Flaming Arrows!" Spike shoots Sparkling Green Flaming Arrows from his claw in a C Formation, striking down the Adamantium Dragons all around.

"Spike!" Wendy runs up to him and hugs him. "I'm so glad you came!"

"You defeated Leekips?" Laxus asks.

"He's dead. Where's Zirconis?"

"He's fighting my dragon," Gajeel said.

Zirconis is still fighting Clyde the Dark Dragon in the skies. The two are evenly matched.

"We've been battling the smaller ones, trying to look for another dragon," Wendy explains.

"Alright, let's take down another dragon together," Spike leads the charge while mimicking his claws like guns to shoot any Adamantium Dragon that comes near them.

Rogue is having a hard time defeating the blue dragon. He tells him that he's sparing his life for the sake of the mission. The Shadow that is in Rogue's heart plagues him and telling him that he'll turn into an evil self. Sting comes to help Rogue; however, his dragon followed him. The two dragons talked about killing the humans right then and there. The two are standing back to back, getting ready to fight the two dragons.

"Fairy Dragon Rooooooooar!" Spike unleashes his fire breath at the blue dragon from behind.

"Lightning Dragon Rooooooooooar!" Laxus unleashes his lightning breath at the blue dragon.

"Iron Dragon Rooooooooooooar!" Gajeel unleashes his iron breath at the red dragon.

"Sky Dragon Rooooooooooooar!" Wendy unleashes her wind breath at the red dragon.

The two dragons felt the impact from the four. Sting and Rogue are happy to see Fairy Tail coming to their aide. Rogue and Sting nod now that they have a better chance at slaying their dragons. As for the Thunder Legion, the Adamantium Dragons make an appearance. The Thunder Legion attacks the Adamantium Dragons leaving Laxus alone to slay a dragon.

"Alright! Time to slay these dragons once and for all!" Sting shouts. "White Drive!" Sting taps into his Dragon Force.

"Shadow Drive!" Rogue taps into his Dragon Force.

Laxus taps into his Dragon Force, increasing his size like the time he did during the Fairy Tail Battle Royal. Spike increase into the Laxus' size. He has used a lot of magic energy in one night, battling his future self and taking a lot of punishment.

"How profound. An actual dragon working with the humans. I hate Amy's influence," Levia the Blue Dragon says.

"That's my mom, asshole!" Spike retorts.

"I'll savor the moment of stripping your life away!" Levia says.

"No, you won't! Resounding through the air, the roar of thunder plunge from the heavens and reap destruction! Raging Bolt!" After Laxus said his incantation. A large bolt of lightning descends on Levia. Levia stumbles from the impact.

"Shadow Dragon Roooooooaaar!" Rogue unleashes his shadow breath attack at Levia, Levia falls to the ground. It's pissing him off that Future Rogue told him not to kill present-day Rogue.

Wendy uses her enchantment to boost Gajeel and Sting's speed and strength, including herself. The trio moves around the Red Scissor Dragon.

"Iron Dragon Club!" Gajeel uses his iron club to strike the Red Scissors Dragon under the chin. It stung him a bit.

"Sky Dragon Wing Attack!" Furious winds hit the Red Scissors Dragon, lifting him a bit.

"White Dragon Roooooooooooaaar!" Sting unleashes his holy breath at the Red Scissors Dragon.

"Filthy humans! How dare you hurt me!" Scissor Runner shouts in pain a little.

"Special Delivery!" Zirconis has his claw on Clyde's throat, getting ready to slam him on Scissor Runner.

"Move!" Gajeel yells.

Gajeel, Wendy, Sting, Rogue, Laxus, and Spike moves out of the way. Zirconis slams Clyde on top of Scissor Runner's back, defeating Clyde in the process. As for Scissor Runner, he's defeated due to the heaviness of the impact from the slam.

"Zirconis! Are you mad!?" Levia glares at Zirconis.

"Nope. I'm happy that I took out this chump for disrespecting my sister. Those who dare disrespect her beliefs deal with me," Zirconis has multiple bruises and bleedings on his body.

Amid all the commotion, the Adamantium Dragons come from behind and attack Wendy, Sting, and Laxus in the process. The Adamantium Dragons can shoot a powerful magic beam from their mouths. Gajeel, Spike, and Rogue turn and unleash their roars at the Adamantium Dragons, vaporizing them in the process. Spike turns to see Wendy's injury and holds her. The Adamantium Dragon's attack pierces through Wendy's chest.

"Sting!" Rogue checks on Sting. Sting dies while Rogue picks him up. He was pierced through the stomach and lungs.

"Laxus, are you," Gajeel gasps and sees the hole in Laxus' chest. His heart is no longer there.

"Wendy!" Spike is in tears.

"Spike...," Wendy goes limp as she takes her final breath.

Spike grits his teeth as his anger take control. Spike immediately turns into Fairy Demon Dragon and attacks all the Adamantium Dragons that continue to come by ferociously. Rogue and Gajeel watch Spike destroying each one that appears.

The Adamantium Dragons start cornering a lot of wizards in Crocus, killing them one by one. Ultear is walking aimlessly during the amid of the situation in Crocus. She decides to use Arc of Time Magic to reset time depending on her lifespan. She screams in pain while enduring the Arc of Time spell to its fullest. She repents in the process cause, by using the spell, sacrifices years of her existence. After a few moments, the world gets a one-minute restart. Ultear is ashamed that her life only costs a minute for the spell.

"Special Delivery!" Zirconis has his claw on Clyde's throat, getting ready to slam him on Scissor Runner.

"Move!" Gajeel yells.

Gajeel, Wendy, Sting, Rogue, Laxus, and Spike moves out of the way. Zirconis slams Clyde on top of Scissor Runner's back, defeating Clyde in the process. As for Scissor Runner, he's defeated due to the heaviness of the impact from the slam.

"Zirconis! Are you mad!?" Levia glares at Zirconis.

"Nope. I'm happy that I took out this chump for disrespecting my sister. Those who dare disrespect her beliefs deal with me," Zirconis has multiple bruises and bleedings on his body.

"Hey, wait a minute, why do I feel a déjà vu moment?" Spike asks.

"Yea, I feel like we were ambushed by," Sting turns around. "Incoming!"

Laxus annihilates the incoming hoard of Adamantium Dragons with his lightning bolts attack. Sting wipes out another wave of Adamantium Dragons by shooting a beam of holy magic at them.

Wendy grasps her chest, thinking she was just attacked. "I feel weird."

"Where do you think you're going?" Levia angrily asks.

"I won't allow you to harm those humans," Zirconis said.

"Why not?" Levia questions Zirconis' statement.

"Those humans are my nephew's family. You mess with them; you mess with me too!"

"You're badly wounded. Taking care of you should be easy," Levia said.

"Bold statement from a wimp like you. I've taken down three dragons in one night."

"You're a disgrace to your kind. You are weak like your sister, Amy," Levia mentions.

"Prepare to die," Zirconis spits out blood and attacks Levia.

The wizards that got killed all around Crocus now know what to expect during the minute. They counter the attacks from the Adamantium Dragons and destroy them one by one. Each wizard couldn't believe how to know when the attack was coming.

Throughout the time everyone was fighting the Adamantium Dragons, the 12 Zodiac Spirits were trying all they can to destroy the Eclipse Gate. All the spirits had no luck on moving it or leaving a scratch on it. Lucy and Yukino are getting exhausted, exerting their magic energy in summoning all the Zodiac Spirits.

"I.., don't.., think.., I.., can.., keep.., this.., going..," Lucy is exhausted from using nearly all of her magic summoning her spirits.

Yukino is losing concentration while her Celestial Spirits continue to attack the Eclipse Gate. "We.., have.., to.., stay.., strong..," Yukino pants.

"All of us attacking this Gate, and we can't moove it an inch!" Taurus said.

"We have to keep trying!" Happy said.

"No matter what, we must destroy the Eclipse Gate to have a future," Carla said.

Natsu and Future Rogue continue their fight while Motherglare and Atlas Flame give everything they got against each other. Future Rogue is getting angrier that his dragons are getting defeated by Zirconis.

"I can't believe this! These so-called dragons are getting defeated by one measly Jade Dragon!"

"Don't you know that when you have family, it's harder losing a fight? Zirconis is Spike's Uncle; Atlas Flame is my Uncle. That is why we won't lose! Fire Dragon Brilliant Flame!" Natsu ignites his hands in flames and then brings them together, creating a fiery explosion at Future Rogue.

Future Rogue dodges the attack. "White Shadow Dragon, Haste!" Future Rogue generates white shadows from his hand and unleashes them at Natsu. "It doesn't matter. Eventually, they'll tire out, and that's when I'll slay them myself!"

"You couldn't beat me seven years ago! What are the chances of beating me now when I made a promise to defeat you and save the future!"

"You have no future in my future. This is where it ends for you!" Future Rogue uses his White Shadow Dragon Vestment, sending multiple white shadow beams from the palm of his hands at Natsu.

"Even Frocsh?" Natsu dodges the attack left and right.

"Frocsh is dead. The day he died is unavoidable. That was when I become the dragon, you see."

"Frosch is here and alive. If he were to see you, Frosch would be terrified. From everything you have done and doing," Natsu said.

"One year from now, Frosch will die; it's set in stone."

"You couldn't do anything about it?" Natsu asks.

"It's set in stone. There was nothing I could have done," Future Rogue replies.

"So what! Frosch is alive now! That means he can still be saved!"

"That doesn't matter to me! The Rogue that used to waste time playing around with his cat is dead as well. The shadows will engulf him as they did to me. There's no point in changing the inevitable."

"Yes, you can! You can change that!" Natsu charges after Future Rogue.

"You don't understand. I'm still going to change everything. After all the pain and suffering I've seen, I know our only hope is through total destruction!" Future Rogue uses his White Dragon Vestment again on Natsu.

"That doesn't sound like hope to me! All you're going to do is cause more pain!"

"And that's the price that'll secure my future! No matter what it takes with what I have left! You want happiness for everyone, and it'll never happen!" Future Rogue relentlessly keeps adding buildup to his attack to ensure Natsu gets injured.

"I will never stop trying! I will never stop fighting for my future and everyone else's! The world we all live in is what we make of it! It's not just up to you to decide!"

"Natsu," Atlas Flame gives Natsu his hellfire to feed.

"No matter what's going to happen tomorrow, I'm going to keep fighting today. Dragon Slayer's Secret Art! Hellfire Sword Horn!" Natsu lights his entire body ablaze in hellfire and spears Future Rogue. The impact infused with hellfire is so fierce, Future Rogue and Motherglare are engulfed in flames, spiraling out of control.

Lucy and Yukino grew tired and had to close their Celestial Spirit's gates. The two pant heavily as they exerted all their magic energy. The Zodiac Spirits didn't leave a mark or dent on the Eclipse Gate. Yukino and Lucy now know how resilient the Eclipse Gate is.

"So now what?" Happy is all out of brilliant ideas.

"I have no clue. I don't think the Eclipse Gate has a weakness," Panther Lily said.

"The world as we know it; is lost for good," Princess Hisui says, giving up on hope a little.

"Do not give up, Princess. We'll find another way to solve this dilemma," Arcadios encouraging says.

"How?" Princess Hisui turns to Arcadios. She looks up after seeing an orange flare in the skies descending.

"Everyone! Move!" Arcadios commands after looking at what Princess Hisui saw.

Princess Hisui, Darton, Happy, Carla, Panther Lily, Lucy, Yukino, Mirajane, Arcadios, and everyone else takes cover.

"Hey guys, look up!" Wendy points at the orange flare from the skies.

"What is that?" Spike asks.

"Natsu. No doubt about it," Sting said.

"That's Natsu?" Rogue looks up.

"Yep. Always having the habit of making a scene," Laxus said.

"Eyes open, morons! Iron Dragon Lance!" Gajeel turns his arm into a large spearhead. "Demon Logs!" Gajeel shoots multiple steel spears at a hoard of Adamantium Dragons."

"Lightning Sky God! Sparkling Cyclone Tempest!" Spike conjures Sparkling Black Lightning and Wind from his claw and presses forwards, creating a hurricane that blew and shocked the Adamantium Dragons away.

"We gotta keep moving. The others could be running low on magic against these things," Rogue suggests.

"Right," Everyone around nods in agreement and keeps moving to help any of their comrades.

Due to Natsu's Fire Dragon Sword Horn attack, Future Rogue and Motherglare collide with the Eclipse Gate, destroying it beyond repair. Everyone around the Eclipse Gate gets up and cheers loudly. Natsu gets up and made sure that Future Rogue is down and out.

"Natsu destroyed the Eclipse Gate!" Happy cheers, happily.

"It's a good thing that the Eclipse Gate isn't dragon proof," Carla said.

"Natsu!" Lucy runs and hugs him. She cries in Natsu's arms.

"It's great to see you as well, Lucy."

After Natsu destroyed the Eclipse Gate, everyone in Crocus sees the Adamantium Dragons glowing. Spike looks up and sees Levia falling from the skies.

"Cheap shot," Levia said after getting poked in the eyes and blasted by Zirconis Jade Flames.

"I'll take any shot if it means protecting my family," Zirconis spits out blood after getting bruised during his battle.

Atlas Flame flies next to Zirconis. "Well, this is a shocker. I never thought you would stand by your sister's beliefs."

"I still don't. However, the exception is that my nephew lives in this time period."

"Nephew?" Atlas Flame is confused.

"His name is Spike. Spike the Fairy," Zirconis smiles proudly.

Atlas Flame gasps a bit. He swallows a little after hearing who Zirconis' nephew is. "I have a nephew as well. His name is Natsu Dragneel. His father is my best friend Igneel, the Fire Dragon King."

"You know, I still don't like Igneel but, I'm willing to make an exception since his kid is friends with mine."

"Energy Maker and Fire Dragons. Allow me to be your friend," Atlas Flame offers his hellfire claw.

"It'll be an honor. I'm sure Amy would love to see you again, Atlas," Zirconis said, shaking Atlas' hellfire claw.

Atlas Flame hides his blush and coughs. He and Zirconis start glowing. "I'll say my farewells to my nephew. You should too while you're at it," Atlas Flame flies to where Natsu is.

Zirconis looks down and sees Spike with his friends. He lands to look at his nephew. "Spike, my time has come."

Spike turns to look at Zirconis. "Thank you for everything."

"My pleasure. I promised your mother that I'll protect you like a father would, Spike. Just know that your mother would be very proud of you for co-existing with the humans. You have a great girlfriend and let nothing stop you from being happy," Zirconis picks Spike up and hugs him. "I'm not sure if I get the chance to do this, so I'm doing it now for your mom and me. Continue to live, get stronger, stay with your family."

"I will," Spike sheds some tears hugging his Uncle. "I'll miss you. It was nice having to know who you are and feeling you for the first time. I hope to see you soon someday."

"Maybe you will. Anything can happen when you put your mind to it. One thing I ask of you."

"Anything!" Spike shouts at Zirconis.

"Roar for me. I want to hear your roar," Zirconis puts Spike down.

Spike conjures a lot of his energy and roars loudly. Nothing demonic or anger came out. Spike's roar is the roar of victory that everyone in Crocus joined in. That roar and cheer in celebration to live another day.

"Perfect," Zirconis throws the thumbs up for Spike as he returns to the past.

"Natsu," Atlas Flames found Natsu.

"Hey, Uncle!" Natsu waves at Atlas Flames.

"I will never forget you, Natsu Dragneel. Keep that fire of yours burning," Atlas Flames returns to the past.

"Zirconis, wait until I tell my papa that you beat me up again!" Clyde said, remembering all the times Zirconis would pick on him when he was young while returning to the past.

The remaining Dragons and Adamantium Dragons return to the past. Natsu turns to see Future Rogue. Future Rogue tells Natsu about what happens one year from today about Frosch's fate and for him to be ready. Leekips' body returns to the future with Future Rogue. Future Lucy returns to the future where Spike was never a Fairy Tail Wizard.

Mavis saw everything unfold from above Crocus. "Seven Dragons Slayer and One Young Dragon versus eight Dragons. None of the Dragon Slayers slain a Dragon. The Young One defeated his future self. Two Dragons turned and broke free of Future Rogue's Dragon Tamer Spell. Atlas Flame and Zirconis."

"Man, if we couldn't defeat the dragons we fought, what are our chances against Acnologia?" Sting asks Rogue.

"No chance. You guys fought Acnologia. What was it like?" Rogue asks Gajeel, Laxus, Wendy, and Spike.

"Hell," Gajeel answers.

"Difficult. The dragon is a real monster," Laxus answers.

"One roar of his caused a portion of Tenrou Island's forest to die in an instant," Wendy answers, remembering that moment.

"Difficult. I had my ass handed by Acnologia. It was the sole purpose for me to train harder. Until two nights ago when I met my Uncle. He told me that Acnologia killed my mom and him. My mission is to someday slay Acnologia for killing my family."

"We'll be with you," Wendy places her arm around Spike.

"You ain't going at him alone," Gajeel said.

"You can count us two with you. Considering that Zirconis beat up our dragons," Sting said, speaking for Rogue.

"Agreed. When the time comes, Acnologia will fall," Rogue said.

"A truce," Sting offers his hand. "Sabertooth and Fairy Tail as allies and friends."

"Truce," Spike shakes Sting's hand.

Wendy, Gajeel, and Laxus shake hands with Sting and Rogue. Then they go searching for their friends and allies after winning the battle to live another day.

Author's Note:

Additional Information:

There are three time travelers from two different futures.

  1. Future Lucy's timeline doesn't feature Spike as a member of Fairy Tail. The Eclipse Gate can open more than one timeline including alternate timelines. That's why she's confused about seeing Spike for the first time.

    2. Future Rogue and Leekips' timeline features the dragon's destruction and the end of their happiness. Twilight Sparkle in that timeline thought about possessing Spike's mind and it worked. Twilight Sparkle made Spike kill and eat his friends and family. It backfired on her when Spike winded up killing her in the process. Spike made different decisions in the other timeline that led to devastation. There is no Fairy Rage and Fairy Demon Dragon due to the decisions he made in Future Rogue's timeline. With the memories forever scarring Spike, Future Rogue blocked all memories he suffered on July 7-10th 791. With the power Spike had even after eating Gajeel, it doesn't translate to a whole lot of power if he didn't train.

    3. Future Spike never went with Gajeel, Natsu, Wendy, Lucy, Gray, Happy, Carla, and Panther Lily to the dragon catacombs. He didn't know that Zirconis is his uncle.

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