• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Recovery Process: Part 1

Day 1

Audio Log #1:

Hello, my name is Doctor Psyche. I'm here with my fellow doctors and nurses in the C.E.W. Crystal Empire Ward. Today, I have two patients since a demon known as Midnight Sparkle has slaughtered many ponies I had under my care. Nurse Blue Shield is with Pegasus Number One, Cozy Glow. Initially, I would have Ms.Rarity's number restarted; however, she is a survivor of Canterlot Ward. Therefore, she'll remain as Unicorn Number 3428. When I receive newer patients as Unicorns, they'll be the ones to start with the starting numbers. As of now, many creatures far and wide are constructing United Equestria. I, for one, will not participate in that venture in life. I still have my duty to uphold for any pony whenever they are needed.

<End of Recording>

Audio Log #2:

Within the building of C.E.W., the rooms structured nicely. The conditions are better than what I had in Canterlot. The beds, lounge rooms, research laboratories, mess hall; even the guards are more suitable than the Royal Guards. Even though Midnight Sparkle and Demon Tail are no more, you never know what other evils are lurking in every corner. Even though Unicorn Number 3428 conquered her demon, an anti-magic ring and straightjacket are enabled. I've issued a straightjacket for Pegasus Number One. Cozy Glow doesn't mind it as long as we figure out why she's manipulative and cunning. I believe something happened to her before meeting Lord Tirek that led her astray. It'll be my duty to draw out those memories and find the cause of her turning to darkness.

<End of Recording>

Audio Log #3:

I've decided to allow Unicorn Number 3428 to interact with Pegasus Number One. It appears the two have bonded with each other for some time. I'm monitoring the two from the camera room. Cozy Glow and Ms.Rarity are laughing and enjoying their time together. Before Midnight Sparkle possessed Rarity, Rarity was recovering quicker than most patients. It seems her transitional process has carried through. I will have a thorough interview with Unicorn Number 3428 in the next hour. My lunch break is drawing near.

<End of Recording>

Audio Log #4:

My name is Blue Shield. I've been observing Pegasus Number One for some time now; She's talkative and sounds genuine. I know what manipulative ponies sound like from my experiences working in Canterlot Ward. The tone, the way they move their eyes, and smile. Cozy Glow has not shown any manipulating matter. I asked several questions to Pegasus Number One, and Cozy told me she bonded with Ms.Rarity in her mind. Being part of Demon Tail had some perks; however, Ms.Rarity opened her mind and sought change. When Doctor Psyche told me Cozy's story a few days ago, I was shocked to see her filly side not wanting to witness any more bloodshed for power. Doctor Psyche will have a thorough interview with Pegasus Number One after his interview with Unicorn Number 3428.

<End of Recording>

Audio Log #5 Interview:

Doctor Psyche: "Hello, Ms.Rarity. How are you today?"

Rarity: "I'm great today, Doctor Psyche."

Doctor Psyche: "That's great. So, have you felt any traces of Midnight Sparkle since she fell?"

Rarity: "No. I even beat the stuffing out of Midnight Sparkle. I have no traces of Demon Curses within me. I'm pure free from Demonic Curses."

{Doctor Psyche is taking notes}

Doctor Psyche: "So no evil intent is flowing within you?"

Rarity: "I gave Midnight Sparkle a beating of a lifetime within my mind. I want no part of walking into a dark path from which I may not come out alive. Midnight Sparkle was petrified in stone and shattered. That is not what I want in my life. Also, while being held prisoner in my own body, Midnight Sparkle ran amuck, killing creatures left and right for power. All because she couldn't handle simple punishments and losing her entitlement. She wanted Fairy Dragon back in her life and didn't care about the repercussions and consequences as long as things go her way."

Doctor Psyche: {Takes a deep breath} "I lost many patients due to Midnight Sparkle's wrath. The elderly and fillies didn't elude Midnight's terror. A lot of my data was lost as well. It brings me joy to see you recovering so quickly."

Rarity: "My sister needs me. She longs for her big sister, and I haven't stepped up in my role as her older sister. I put my friends and career ahead instead of my time with her. I refuse to be a Midnight Rarity if my Sweetie Belle were to run from me due to my negligence."

Doctor Psyche: "We don't need another Midnight. One was enough."

Rarity: "So, how much longer until I can go home?"

Doctor Psyche: "Based on my judgments and the progress your making. I will say as early as tomorrow afternoon. I need to be sure of where you stand with another interview later tonight."

Rarity: {Takes a deep breath} "Alright, Doctor. Thank you for your time."

Doctor Psyche: "You're welcome. See you in a few hours."

{Doctor Psyche writes more notes about the interview and takes his leave}

<End of Recording>

Audio Log #5.5-1 Aftermath:

So, after my interview with Unicorn Number 3428, Ms.Rarity seems genuinely honest and normal. I read her body language and her eyes. There are no evil intentions and no signs of Demonic Curses. I say that Ms.Rarity is ready for society. However, I need to test and push some buttons of hers before confirming my belief. I need to see where Ms.Rarity stands with the current Spike. Will she see him as her friend or as an inescapable lust for love?

<End of Recording>

Audio Log #6:

It appears I will have to wait a while before I conduct my interview with Pegasus Number One, Cozy Glow. She's asleep. She's muttering something about her parents, and her body language reveals she's getting flogged. I will have to wait for why she's reacting that way until that interview comes. Interestingly enough, she's not screaming.

<End of Recording>

Video Footage #1:

{On the footage, Cozy Glow is shown to be flogged repeatedly. However, there is no apparition of any whips and lashings. She's talking in her sleep}

Cozy Glow: "Dad! Mom! Stop! STOP!"

{The footage shows Cozy Glow falling out of her bed, screaming and crying}

<End of Recording>

Audio Log #7:

It's me, Blue Shield. Cozy Glow is suffering from a P.T.S.D, Otherwise known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I see Cozy Glow is reacting to morbid experiences; Her family must consist of abusive parents. I can see why she would be manipulative, trying to win those around her. She's searching to fill a void in her heart. A child yearns for love. I believe with her giving up her old ways and wanting to start anew, the trauma returns, and her demons come back to haunt her.

<End of Recording>

Audio Log #8 Interview:

Doctor Psyche: "Good evening, Ms.Rarity. How are you tonight?"

Rarity: "Not well. I heard my friend screaming a while ago. Something is terribly wrong! Did Midnight Sparkle somehow survive and haunt Cozy Glow for betraying her?!"

Doctor Psyche: "No. Midnight Sparkle didn't die. She's very much alive, just shattered and split apart. I don't think she has the magic capability to pose a threat to anyone. A spirit can't haunt unless it's dead. When you were in Canterlot Ward, Midnight Sparkle wasn't dead. She was alive but portrayed to be deceased."

Rarity: "Then.., what happened to my friend?"

Doctor Psyche: "It's concluded that Cozy Glow is suffering a P.T.S.D."

Rarity: "What is she suffering from?!" {Rarity's voice sounds frantic}

Doctor Psyche: "Daunting memories of her family. According to Nurse Blue Shield, Cozy Glow's body language speaks she's reliving the moments when her parents flogged her. As for reasons why it's undisclosed for now."

Rarity: "Please! Help her!" {Rarity sniffs}

Doctor Psyche: "I'll do all I can to help the young filly."

Rarity: "Thank you!" {Rarity sniffs}

Doctor Psyche: "Now, on a related note," {Doctor Psyche takes a deep breath} "Where do you stand with Spike? Do you want him to be your lover? You're loving Prince?"

Rarity: "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" {Rarity angrily shouts. Her demeanor has changed real quick} "I don't want to date him, kiss him on the lips, or have any sexual intercourse!"

Doctor Psyche: {Taking notes} "Are you sure? You do have an option on waiting for him to grow up."

Rarity: "I'm sure," {Rarity takes a breather} "I apologized to Spike for nearly violating him. Honestly, I'm out of my league for asking a minor. In truth, the Spike I knew was older in pony years. I was counting on his dragon years. As you know by now, dragons age differently than ponies. I screwed up all my chances to have the Spike I know and love. He has Wendy Marvell, and there's nothing I can do to change it."

Doctor Psyche: "If there was a way to change it all, would you take it?"

Rarity: "No. Spike was on the brink of suicide. I would have used Spike as my trophy husband. I wasn't a good mare back then, so I wouldn't be a good one with Spike. Honestly, if I were to do that, all of Equestria would be doomed, and what we have right now wouldn't be happening."

Doctor Psyche: {Taking notes} "True statement. You just showed me your humility and willingness to accept the reality of the situation. You've recovered quicker than any other patient I had."

Rarity: "I'm not trying to impress you, Doctor Psyche. I want to improve my well-being. Become a new Rarity. One that cherishes family."

Doctor Psyche: {Writing a slip and putting the stamp of approval. He grabs his walkie-talkie} "I need assistance. Please come to Room 104-C."

Rarity: "Wait, what is happening?"

Doctor Psyche: "I'm releasing you from my care."

Rarity: "WHAT!?" {Rarity sounds excited}

Doctor Psyche: "Out of all the patients I had, you've recovered quicker. In a way, I should thank Midnight Sparkle for opening your mind to a what-if scenario. What if you had gone astray to fulfill your heart's desire regardless of how everyone else feels."

Rarity: "I would hate to relive any scenario to that what-if. I witnessed Midnight Sparkle's onslaught and refused to follow that pattern in any way possible."

{Nurses come inside the room to remove Rarity's anti-magic ring and straightjacket. There are sounds of Rarity using her magic}

Doctor Psyche: "I hope to never see you again in my workplace."

Rarity: "You won't. I promise you that. There is one favor I would like to ask of you."

Doctor Psyche: "What is it?"

Rarity: "When Cozy Glow is released, contact me so I can take her home."

Doctor Psyche: "I'll pull some strings to allow it. However, my jurisdiction compels me to contact her real family or what's left if they survive. I'll allow you to come to get her if Cozy's family have perished."

Rarity: {Rarity sighs} "Sounds fair."

{Nurses escort Rarity out of the room. Doctor Psyche writes more notes and leaves the room}

<End of Recording>

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