• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Grand Magic Games: Day 4, Proposal

It's been an hour since Day 4 of the Grand Magic Games came to an end. Natsu proved that he could defeat both Sting and Rogue in a two-on-one battle. With Fairy Tail Team A scoring 10 points, these are the current standings of the Grand Magic Games:

  1. Fairy Tail Team B - 65 points
  2. Fairy Tail Team A - 45 points
  3. Mermaid Heel - 42 points
  4. Sabertooth - 37 points
  5. Celestials - 37 points
  6. Lamia Scale - 28 points
  7. Blue Pegasus - 27 points
  8. Quatro Puppy - 14 points

Shining Armor locates the infirmary to have Celestia and Twilight rest. Celestia is fine despite losing her wing and horn. Twilight is pale and covered in bruises. Celestia decides to have a word with Shining Armor and Discord outside the room. Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash remain in the room, hoping that Twilight wakes up from the gruesome attack.

"We still need to bring Spike back to Equestria but, I have to honor my word in battle. Any suggestions?"

"Let Spike go," Discord advises.

"If we do that, Equestria is doomed," Shining Armor said.

"You know what, if it weren't for me, Spike would be dead, and Equestria would have still be doomed if the dragons were to find out that ponies were the ones that killed a dragon," Discord irately proclaims. "Equestria was doomed from the moment Twilight and her so-called friends destroyed their friendship with Spike."

Princess Celestia and Shining Armor sigh heavily. They know Discord is right and can't deny it. It's official. They have to return to Equestria empty-handed.

"So, how should we address this?" Shining Armor asks Discord.

"I have an idea. It's a long shot but, it's more suited than erasing one's mind to have their way," Discord refers to Twilight's brilliant idea.

"What do you have in mind?" Celestia asks.

"Get the girls except for Twilight and follow me," Discord calmly said.

Shining Armor goes into the room and tells the girls to follow him, Celestia, and Discord. They leave the infirmary and follow Discord to where he's leading them.

It's 7:30 at night. Everyone, including Lucy, is at the Sun Bar celebrating. Spike is sitting with Natsu, Gray, Wendy, Lucy, and Erza.

"I feel so happy now. It's like, a burden is off my chest."

"I'm so happy for you, Spike," Wendy kisses Spike's cheek.

"Dude, I thought Fairy Demon Dragon was a one-time thing?" Gray said shirtless.

"The transformation exists now. Spike can tap into it and control it better. It has to be pure hatred and rage to activate Fairy Demon Dragon."

"Woooow," Everyone around the table says in shock.

"I hate Twilight, and I hated the fact she tried to erase my memory. It was the push that triggered Fairy Demon Dragon."

"Since now you have control of it, please use it only when it's necessary," Wendy pleas.

"Of course. I won't abuse that power."

"Despite Twilight using that memory-erase spell, it was weak. Spike and I acted like it was a big deal. I guess ponies from Equestria when they come to Earth Land, their magic power increases but not to our standards."

"Agreed. I fought Celestia, and she was nothing. She may be a goddess in her land but here is different."

"I wished I could have scorched them!" Natsu shouts.

"I wanted to freeze them!" Gray shouts.

"Everyone here wanted a shot at them. I'm glad I had mine against Rainbow Dash," Lucy said.

"I concur. I wish I would have done more to Rainbow Dash," Juvia said.

Makarov drinks his chug of beer when he hears the door open. Spike looks up and sees Celestia, Shining Armor, Discord, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy walking in.

"Them again!" Natsu angrily shouts.

"I got these fools!" Gray shouts. He and Natsu are about to attack them.

Discord snaps his fingers, and a brick wall appears in front of the two. Gray and Natsu collide with the brick wall.

"Man, that hurt," Gray said with a bump on his head.

"Aye," Natsu concurs.

"We didn't come looking for trouble. We're here to talk," Discord said, speaking for everyone.

"Master, say the word, and we'll beat these punks!" Lucy said, getting ready to summon Loke.

Master Makarov sighs. "Let them speak."

"What!?" Everyone said in unison.

"Thank you," Discord sits across from Master Makarov.

"Who are you?" Makarov asks.

"My name is Discord. I'm Spike's friend that sent him here by granting his wish."

"Are you still going to try and bring me back to Equestria?"

"No. You won your right to stay here. You fought for it. Also, we don't have the magic power to force you. Well, they don't. I'm just the bridge for them to get here."

"Why are you here?" Makarov asks Discord another question.

"What Twilight and Princess Celestia said is a bit of the truth. Equestria could be on the brink of war because of their and my actions. I did impersonate Spike to answer a what-if question. What if he tells Celestia and Luna about everything he endured. Turns out that if Spike would have pulled through, he'll be in good hooves. I am the catalyst that ignited the Bar of Alliance. The reason for their existence is to create a better friendship than what pony kind was proposing. After learning about Spike's treatment in Equestria, all other Kingdoms that were affiliated with Equestria disbanded the peace and trust. For many months while I disguised myself as Spike, I said and done some things that hindered Twilight and her friends' lives. Now, with my impersonation exposed, things can become worse in Equestria. Without Spike in Equestria, things can go astray or not. The people behind me believe it'll go astray."

"I see. That's why you made the journey of coming all this way to retrieve our Fairy Dragon," Makarov drinks his beer.

"Yes," Discord nods.

"Spike made it clear that he wants to stay."

"Indeed. We saw how badly Spike wants to stay. We're not going to take him back. As I said, he earned the right to stay. We'll deal with the consequences back home."

"So why are you here now?" Spike asks.

"We've come to say goodbye. Also, they want to say their peace," Discord points to Pinkie, Rainbow, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack. "I have informed the Game Organizers that the Celestials are stepping down from the Grand Magic Games. They told me to tell you that on Day 5 of the Grand Magic Games, Fairy Tail will become one team and start with the 45 points Fairy Tail Team A has. For fairness since Fairy Tail Team B has the most points and will be hard to catch up to."

"Makes sense why they would go in that route. Also, to hype up the final battle of the Grand Magic Games. Thank you for informing me, Discord."

"My pleasure. You are a wise, humbled man. I wish you luck on becoming number one in Fiore."

"Spike," Rainbow Dash walks up to him. "I am terribly sorry for how I treated you compared to my friends in Equestria. It was blatant and disrespectful. I vow to never do that to any other creature as long as I live," Rainbow sounds sincere.

"Spike," Pinkie Pie places a sparkling gem cake on the table for him to eat. "I'm sorry for being neglectful to you for many years, pulling heinous pranks on you mercilessly, and forgetting your birthday. I made a Pinkie Promise to never forget who my friends are and be mindful of their feelings."

"Spike," Applejack walks up to Spike. "I'm sorry for using you as a tool in sporting, hogtying you for practice, taking you for granted, and laughing at your misery. It's wrong of me, and I should have never done that to a friend of mine."

Fluttershy walks up to Spike. "I'm sorry for being neglectful of you and deter our friendship. I care about all animals, even Discord, but I didn't care about you enough. I'm sorry for making you feel abandoned and not inviting you to any of my tea parties."

"Spikey-Wikey," Rarity walks up to him. "I'm sorry for taking advantage of your love for me as a gain. Sorry that I made you do my chores to please me. The truth is, I love you, and I was blind to see it. I know it may be a little late but, think you and I can be a happy, loving couple?"

"No! Spike is my boyfriend!" Wendy hugs Spike from behind.

"WHAT!?" Rarity panics. "No, no, no, no, no, you don't have even the-"

"Rarity!" Discord, Celestia, and Shining Armor shout to get her to stop talking.

Rarity pouts. "Sorry. It took me a while to see that I had the perfect boyfriend in front of me this whole time and, I chose upper-class stallions."

"Good luck finding your next lover. This dragon is mine," Wendy holds Spike even more.

"Sorry," Rarity said to Spike.

Spike takes it in. He takes all the apologies in and sighs heavily. "I forgive you."

"Really!?" Pinkie gets excited.

"But," Spike pauses Pinkie's excitement. "I'm not your friend no more. The Spike you knew is long gone. I am anew. I am Spike the Fairy. Fairy Dragon," Spike places his claw on his emblem. "I am a Fairy Tail Wizard."

"We wish you luck in your new life, Spike the Fairy," Princess Celestia said, laying her hand on Spike's cheek. Celestia chokes up a bit. "I'll.., I'll miss you," Celestia sheds a tear. She couldn't resist and hugs Spike. "I'm sorry that I wasn't more involved in your life. Perhaps another lifetime, I can be," Celestia slightly smiles.

Shining Armor walks up to Spike. "I'm sorry for not being more involved in your life and ask the important questions to you. The Crystal Empire and Crystal Ponies will miss their champion. Mom, Dad, Cadance, Luna, and Flurry heart will miss you. Thorax and Ember as well. I'm going to miss you, Spike. However, I'll be rooting for you in what you do, even if I have no idea what it is."

Spike nods. "Thank you for being honest and sincere with me. I hope you value your friendships. Like how Fairy Tail values everyone like family. Never take anyone for granted; you never know how important that person or creature is until it's too late."

"Trust me when we say this, we will," Discord speaks for everyone.

"So, what's going to happen to you all?" Happy asks.

"Holy Cow! A talking blue cat!" Discord, Celestia, Shining Armor, and the girls say in unison.

Princess Celestia takes a breath. "Due to Twilight's condition, we're taking her back home in a bit. As for what's going to happen, only fate will decide," Celestia turns to Makarov. "Thank you for keeping Spike in your care. Treat him better than we can."

"You have my word as a Guild's Master. I wish you luck in your world."

Discord uses his magic to teleport his friends to Twilight's room. Spike smiles. He's finally at peace knowing that he gets to stay. He goes back to celebrating with his friends.

Twilight is up and turns to see her friends in the room. "So, are we able to bring Spike back home for good?"

"No. Spike earned his right to stay. We're going home," Shining Armor said.

"No! We can't fail! We need to keep trying and-" Twilight's speech is interrupted by Princess Celestia. She slaps her hard in the face.

"Twilight! That is enough! If I would have known you'll be willing to erase Spike's mind, I would have said no to traveling all this way. You are going astray. There is a lot we need to discuss. As of now, I'm revoking your title as Princess of Friendship. You nearly destroyed another friendship on the same dragon in one lifetime. Discord, open the portal."

"As you wish, Princess," Discord snaps his fingers, and the same portal appears.

Shining Armor picks up Twilight. "Let's go home, Twily," Shining Armor forces Twilight to enter the portal.

Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie follow pursuit. Celestia turns to Discord.

"Coming Discord?"

"There's one thing I forgot to give to Spike. I'll be right behind you."

Princess Celestia nods and enters the portal. Discord closes the portal and teleports back to the Sun Bar. Unbeknown to them, A hooded man stops using his cloaking magic. He and the real Twilight Sparkle are together to continue the proposal.

"So, after analyzing the portal's magic, I have the magic power to recreate it. It's a one-way direction to the world you called Equestria. It'll be used on an artifact only once."

"By working for you, getting a boost in my magic power in this world, you'll honor your word on giving me Spike the Fairy?" Twilight asks.

"Indeed. I sensed untapped potential in you and one more. By helping us achieve our goal, you'll get your reward."

"When do we begin?" Twilight starts chuckling sinisterly.

"Soon. Right now, let's get you all healed up," The man whisks Twilight away from Crocus.

Discord arrives at the Sun Bar. He sees Spike talking to his friends. Spike sees him by the door and excuses himself for a moment. Spike goes outside of the Sun Bar.

"Discord, you need something?"

"Here," Discord gives Spike a magic card.

"What's this?" Spike examines it.

"My last gift to you. Breathe on it, it'll create a portal to Equestria, and only you have the power to come to Equestria and back to Earth Land anytime you want. As of now, I'm wiping my memory on finding this world. That way, no one can wish to come here. I do want to put my hand on your head, so I can see your history in this world and show it to the others that asked what you have been doing."

Spike uses his magic to teleport the magic card back to the apartment for safekeeping. He allows Discord to touch his head to gain his memories. Everything he's been through since coming to Earth land. After a few moments, Discord snaps his fingers, creating a portal back home.

"I do hope to see you soon. If not, I understand."

"Gonna need a little time to trust the idea. It's clever and deceitful, but clever."

"Fairy Rage got me. Using an idea to have you come back on your accord. However, the magic card can be used over and over. If Spike shreds it, that's the end of it. Period."

"Point taken."

"Bye, Discord!" Spike waves.

"Farewell, Spike the Fairy," Discord enters the portal, and it closes. On his way back to Equestria, Discord wipes all memory on finding the portal to Earth Land. His friends can know about Spike's life but, they won't be able to wish their way to Earth Land. His Chaos Magic made sure that this pathway is denied, forever.

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