• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Dancing Under the Stars

It's now 8:30 in the morning. Spike wakes up and takes his medicine. Two more days until he can use magic. Lucy is awake and getting ready.

"Morning, Spike. How are you feeling?" Lucy smiles.

"I'm fine. Thanks for asking. Two more days and, I can use magic again." Spike slightly smiles.

"I'm glad that Porlyusica was able to give you medicine to fight off Hades' side effect."

"No kidding. It sucks that I can't be useful on jobs for the next while. I wonder what we will do today."

"Well, you can still be helpful, Spike. Never doubt yourself due to the circumstance you're in."

"Thanks for the advice, Lucy. So, what you thought about Fairy Rage Dragon?" Spike asks, wanting to see Lucy's reaction.

"He's cool. When you told the guild about Fairy Rage Dragon, we couldn't believe that Master Hades gave you a powerup unintentionally. I know that Fairy Rage will be a big help for us in the future. What has most of us worried is the warning he told you."

"It still bothers me, and he is unable to say any more information about it."

"Well, all we can do is wait until the time comes to strike and prevent the powerful guild from taking something away from you," Lucy tosses a banana to Spike. "Ready to go on a job?"

Spike eats the banana. "You know it. Also, I can't wait to see Wendy again."

"Of course you can't," Lucy chuckles. She and Spike leaves the apartment.

Spike and Lucy walk to the guildhall and see how people turn away for some reason, calling the Fairy Tail Guild a bunch of weaklings while trying not to offend Spike in fear that he'll eat them for breakfast. Spike doesn't care much about the insults as much as it would have. He's grown past the insult names unless it's to make an enemy of Fairy Tail.

"You think someday people will respect the Fairy Tail Guild name again, Spike?"

"They will. We're back home, and eventually, they'll notice that we're stronger than ever," Spike answers.

Lucy and Spike enter the guildhall after a long walk and sees Natsu and Happy looking at the job board. Happy picks out a job that requires capturing Velveno for 4,000,000 Jewels. Lucy walks behind them.

"Oh, right. Now we're talking. I'm broke, and a huge cash injection is just what the doctor ordered," Lucy smiles.

"Hey, Lucy," Said Natsu.

"Hey, Spike. Can you use your magic yet?" Happy asks.

"In two days, I will. I don't want to go through the side effects. So, what kind of job is it?" Spike asks.

"This guy named Velveno. The bounty is with 4,000,000 Jewels. He's more valuable now than he was seven years ago?" Happy said.

"Please explain. I'm missing the mark a bit."

"Seven years ago, we were supposed to take this job, and it would have been your very first one but, you and Lucy took off, and we had to drop the job," Happy explains.

"Oooh, I remember now. Lucy and I took out the Naked Mummies Guild. Though, to be fair. They were monkeys. I expected to see actual mummies."

"Hmm, I wonder who the client is?" Lucy takes a look at the flier.

"Uh, some guy called Count Balsa Mico. Sounds like a sour name," Natsu said.

"Count Basla Mico? Rumor has it that Velveno is going to make a huge appearance at the ball that the Balsa Mico is throwing this year," Macao says after overhearing the job request.

"What the heck are you talking about?" Natsu asks Macao.

"They throw a big fancy party every seven years. It's very exclusive. You gotta be a wizard to get through the door," Wakaba explains. "The next one is happening this Saturday."

"Alright, let's crash this rich guy's party this weekend and walk out four million Jewel richer," Happy said.

"Alright, I'm all fired up!" Natsu said, about to take off when Lucy stops them.

"If we're going to this high-class ball, we gotta work on our dance routine."

"Our dancing?" Natsu is in shock. Happy gasps.

"Yea, let me show you," Lucy takes Natsu and Happy outside.

Spike imagines dancing with Wendy. He decides to see how ballroom dancing is done since it's different than with ponies. Wendy, Romeo, and several other guildmates come outside to watch Lucy's instructions. Spike sits by a makeshift bleacher and watches Lucy dance with Natsu. Natsu accidentally steps on Lucy's foot. Gray comes by thinking it's a game. Gray takes his shirt off, and Lucy kicks Gray away, telling him he's disqualified. Erza comes out telling Natsu and Lucy that she's the Dancing Demon.

"You were?" Natsu is scared of what Erza can do to him in ballroom dancing.

"Requip!" Erza changes into her light blue ballroom practice dress and takes Natsu for a spin. Natsu spins at immense speeds in different ballroom dancing positions that he feels like throwing up.

"Poor Natsu," Spike said.

"Definitely, Erza was telling the truth about the Dancing Demon nickname," Happy said.

"I can teach Natsu. He'll be a pro in no time," Lisanna said.

"If you don't mind, I like to take a break now," Natsu said, too exhausted from the spinning.

Lisanna takes a spin with Natsu. This time, Natsu is going at faster speeds with the different ballroom dance positions. Elfman mocks Natsu and tells him to be a man. Erza decides to dance with Elfman, which causes him to suffer the same fate as Natsu.

Wendy walks up to Spike after seeing how much fun ballroom dancing is. "Hey, Spike. Want to dance with me?" Wendy smiles at Spike.

Spike blushes and nods. He takes Wendy's hand and starts ballroom dancing with her. Spike imagines wearing a suit for the occasion while Wendy is enjoying herself dancing with Spike. Happy and Carla start ballroom dancing. Moments later, everyone starts to ballroom dance. Capricorn uses his power to dance with Lucy. After an hour of ballroom dancing with each other, Natsu claims that it's time to get moving.

"Unfortunately, I'm going to sit this one out," Spike said.

"Whaaaaaaaaat?!" Everyone is surprised to hear Spike backing out. Wendy is upset to hear that and was looking forward to showing off her new dress for Spike.

"How come?" Erza asks.

"Porlyusica's advice on not taking any jobs until I finish taking my medicine. Also, if Velveno fights, I'm in no condition to fight. If he sees me unable to defend myself, he can take me and use that as his advantage."

"But what if-" Spike cuts off Natsu's speech.

"My mind is made up. I refuse to be a burden on this job. There'll be more jobs when I finish taking my medicine. I'll see you later, guys," Spike walks back to the apartment.

"Let's go," Erza said. She leads everyone to where the ball will be at.

It's 8:00 at night in Magnolia. Spike is under Cherry Blossom Tree, looking at the stars in the night sky. Spike wonders if he do the right thing earlier today.

"Of course I did. I had to. It sucks that I won't be dancing with Wendy tomorrow night. I wonder if she's upset with me or not?" Spike talks to himself. He knows that his friends are at the ball by now, preparing for tomorrow night's ambush on Velveno.

"Someone approaches." Fairy Rage warns Spike.

Spike gets up and hears footsteps coming closer. The Cherry Blossom petals turn into a rainbow, igniting the area, revealing Wendy coming up to Spike. She's wearing a pink dress, pink shoes, white gloves, white bows on pigtail hair. Spike is in shock at what he's seeing. Wendy smiles, looking at Spike.

"Hi, Spike. Lovely night we're having?"

"Y-Y-Yes..." "Wow." Spike is in awe as he sees his beautiful, marvelous girlfriend.

Wendy giggles a bit. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I could kiss you and dance with you now," Spike's imagination getting the better of him. He covers his mouth with his claws.

"It's okay, Spike. I would love to dance with you. Also, I want to be with you tomorrow since the others are getting that Velveno person."

"I'm not dressed..," Spike wants to present himself better for Wendy.

"Since when you're ever dressed?" Wendy chuckles which causes Spike to blush more. "You're fine just the way you are."

Spike gets on one knee in front of Wendy. "Shall we dance, milady?" Spike extends his claw to Wendy.

Wendy blushes a little, seeing this side of Spike. Yet, another one of her fantasies coming true. Spike smiles, seeing Wendy blush. Wendy takes his claw.

"Yes, my handsome dragon."

Spike and Wendy look at each other in the eyes. Without saying anything, they ballroom dance together. Magic is in the air as the rainbow petals from the Cherry Blossom Tree swirls around the two as they are ballroom dancing. Spike and Wendy saw but didn't say a word, just kept dancing during the beauty of the night. They move in circles in perfection, twirling in style and enjoying each other's company. They continue to dance like this for a few more minutes. The one thing that is missing is music but, they didn't care. After a minute of dancing, the two kiss each other lovingly for a long moment.

"That was beautiful," Wendy smiles at Spike.

"So are you, beautiful," Spike smiles at Wendy.

Spike and Wendy sit down by the Cherry Blossom Tree. They couldn't believe they danced while the rainbow petals swirled around them and did not interfere. The two hold hands and enjoy looking at the stars.

"Hey, want to come over and sleepover since I have the apartment to myself?"

"Sure, Spike. I want to pack a few things so I can stay over with you. Mind coming with me to the dorm."

"Sure, Wendy."

Spike follows Wendy to the girl's dorm and waits outside. Wendy changes her clothes and packs a few things. Carla hears the commotion and walks up to Wendy.

"Wendy, what are you doing?"

"Packing to sleepover at Spike's apartment. I'm going to be with him tonight and tomorrow."

Carla sighs. "Is that wise child?"

"Carla, I'm not going to change my mind on this. Also, when will I have another opportunity like this? His former friends could be on their way and try to take him back at any moment. What if they do, and we miss the chance to fight back?"

Carla nods. She understands the fear of those terrible creatures trying to find a way to get what they want, regardless of the consequences like any other dark guild. She looks at Wendy in her eyes and sees the determination in them to be with Spike and make every moment count.

"Very well, Wendy. Have fun with Spike. I'll swing by tomorrow to hang out."

"Thanks for understanding, Carla. Have a good night."

"You too," Carla smiles. Wendy hugs Carla and leaves the room.

Spike is outside looking at the moon. He thinks about Princess Luna a bit and wonders how every pony is doing during the past seven years. He doesn't care about Twilight nor her friends, and if they happen to show up, he'll be glad to burn them to a crisp with his newfound magic power.

Spike takes a deep breath and sees Wendy wearing her celestial spirit clothing. "Ready?"

"You know it," Wendy holds Spike's claw.

The two walk back to the apartment together. Spike and Wendy chat more about the dance and the possibilities that their friends blew up the ball trying to capture Velveno or Erza making the other ballroom dancers sick with her style of dancing tomorrow night.

It's now 9:00 at night in Magnolia. Spike and Wendy enter the apartment after saying hi to the Landlady. Wendy puts her backpack on Lucy's bed and sits on Spike's bed. Spike takes out some board games the two can play. He takes his medicine. Only one day to go. They played and laughed for the next two hours in the apartment. The two yawn and decides to go to bed. Wendy gets into her pajamas and waits to hold Spike in bed. Spike gets in bed, and the two fall asleep happily.

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