• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Dragon Cave Discoveries 2

It's 8:30 in the morning. Spike wakes up after having a good night's sleep. Wendy is still holding onto Spike in her sleep while Sherria is still asleep on Lucy's bed. Spike decides to go back to sleep; so he doesn't disturb his beloved.

It's now 9:30 in the morning. Spike wakes up at the same time as everyone else. They yawn and start stretching.

"Morning, Spike," Wendy kisses Spike's cheek.

"Morning, Wendy," Spike kisses Wendy's cheek.

"So, what's on today's agenda?" Sherria asks Spike and Wendy.

"I'm going to kick back and relax. After a successful mission of defeating not only the Seven Deadly Sins but also a Leviathan; It's time to have a day away from the action," Spike replies.

"I agree," Carla concurs. "Also, I want to keep reading that magic book about transformations," Carla hops off the bed and goes to the table where she left the book.

"Relaxing does seem nice. A day off wouldn't hurt," Wendy turns to Sherria. "What do you feel like doing?"

"Well," Sherria thinks for a sec. "I have to return to Lamia Scale and inform them about Jura's departure. I'm sure the Old Hag will spin me in anger before understanding," Sherria sighs, imagining the dizziness of what's yet to come. "Then, probably go on jobs with the other members of Lamia Scale and my cousin."

"Sounds good. Also, down the road, I'll be stopping by at Lamia Scale for work," Wendy said.

"That I'm looking forward to; what about you, Spike?" Sherria asks out of curiosity.

"Well, I'm not sure. I'll be doing my own thing, training, and going on different jobs with the other guilds."

"Fair enough," Sherria goes to the bathroom to freshen up for the day.

"Spike," Wendy holds his claw. "Wanna take a bath with me?"

Carla has her book and puts the earmuffs on. She wants to focus on her reading, to be more mindful of giving Wendy and Spike their space as Fairy Rage would whenever Spike does things with Wendy.

Spike and Wendy make the beds in the room. Sherria comes out feeling refreshed. She says her byes to Spike, Wendy, and Carla. Wendy hugs Sherria and watches her leave the room. Spike and Wendy go to the bathroom to freshen up for the day. They spend an hour together while enjoying each other's company.

Spike and Wendy come out of the bathroom feeling refreshed. That's when they hear knocking on the door.

"Huh, I wonder who that can be," Spike goes to the door and answers it. Four men in archaeological attires are at the door.

"Spike the Fairy. It's great seeing you again," Jean-Luc Neville greets and shakes Spike's hand.

"Likewise. I haven't seen you in months. So, what brings you into town?"

"I heard that you reside within this apartment complex from your fellow neighbors. Actually, I have important discoveries to discuss with you. May we come in?"

"Sure, come on in," Spike allows Jean-Luc Neville and his colleagues inside.

Carla looks up to see Jean-Luc Neville and his friends. She removes her earmuffs. Wendy is perplexed as to why Jean-Luc Neville and his friends are in the apartment. She wonders if there's a job they want Spike to embark on.

"Wendy, Carla, it's nice to see you once more since the Infinity Clock crisis."

"Nice to see you four thriving. So, what brings you here to Magnolia?" Carla asks.

"We've come to see Spike the Fairy. We believe we found a dragon cave."

"A what..?" Spike's jaw drops a bit.

"Well, a cave that housed dragons. You see, my fellow members and I are on our next quest to discover new truths that lie within Fiore. Since the Infinity Clock is no more until a century, maybe more has passed, I'm free to do what I'm pleased with my life. A few weeks ago, my colleagues and I uncovered a catacomb of different skeletons that resemble a dragon. After much digging and exploration, we uncover a dragon cave."

"What's in the dragon cave?" Wendy asks.

"Hieroglyphics. The history of dragons. Some say the first clan formed a special bond with us, humans. Then some dragons and humans co-existed before war broke out."

"Where is the dragon cave?" Spike asks Jean-Luc. He's eager to know if the cave belongs to his mother or family since he only met Zirconis twice.

"A three day's travel on foot. Three hours if we had some mode of transportation."

"I'll increase my size, and you navigate me. Wendy, Carla. Would you like to come with us?"

"I'm going with you. That's a no-brainer," Wendy hopes there are answers that Spike can find when they enter the dragon cave. Wendy holds Carla in her arms.

"Obviously, I'm going," Carla said.

"Let's go."

Spike heads outside and stands on all fours. Many people come by to take pictures. They know Spike will increase his size and want to remember the transformation for many years to come.

"Spike wants!" Spike increases into a full-size dragon. Many people in Magnolia are in awe and take pictures. Jean-Luc, his colleagues, Wendy, and Carla hop on Spike's back. Spike takes off, and a gush of wind hurls many people away. The people didn't mind and should have known better. For some, it was worth it.

"Alright, Fairy Dragon. From here, go straight until I say otherwise," Jean-Luc said. He's holding onto Spike near his shoulder.

"Got it," Spike flies straight and out of Magnolia. "Can it be my mother's cave? Are her remains within the cave? Can Wendy use her Milky Way Spell for me to see her? Oh please, let this cave be where she conceived me!"

Jean-Luc continues to navigate Spike throughout the land of Fiore. His colleagues are in awe of the beauty of Fiore. Being high up, especially riding on Spike, is breathtaking. Wendy and Carla enjoy the scenery; however, they are worried that the dragon cave may not be for Spike to find any answers for his family.

Throughout the flight, Spike couldn't help but talk to himself. He imagined talking with Fairy Rage about the travel and the possibility of seeing his mother in the dragon cave. Jean-Luc tells Spike to land. There are beautiful green fields, a riverine, and several caves. Everyone hops off of Spike, allowing him to revert to his size. A man that looks like a tree approaches them.

"Spike, Wendy, Carla. It's nice seeing you once more," Warrod Sequen said. He's wearing his formal attire and backpack.

"Hi, Warrod!" Wendy is happy to see Warrod again.

"What brings you out here?" Carla asks.

"I'm on my way to the newly established Magic Council. Why are you kids doing out here?" Warrod asks out of curiosity.

"We're here looking for a dragon cave Jean-Luc and his buddies have found," Spike answers.

"Jean-Luc Neville. I heard a lot about you. It's an honor to meet you," Warrod offers his hand.

"Kindly, Sir," Jean-Luc shakes Warrod's hand. "Will you like to join us in uncovering some mysteries before you go to the newly established Magic Council?"

"It'll be an honor," Warrod smiles. "I'm hoping it'll have answers to perhaps defeat Acnologia."

"So, which cave is it, Jean-Luc?" Spike turns to him.

"Well," Jean-Luc takes out a map. "It's a thirty-minute hike from here."

"Where are we?" Wendy asks.

"This is Eden's Forest. Everywhere you go, lavished in green. Many trees bear fruits of all kinds. The water within the river is clean, and the fish that swim is a great source of nutrition. It is one forest my magic hasn't touched."

"Wow," Spike, Wendy, and Carla say in unison. They now understand why the forest is called Eden's Forest.

Jean-Luc leads everyone to the cave he and his colleagues remember. On the way there, Wendy holds onto Spike's claw. Warrod and Jean-Luc talk about their previous venture with the Fairy Tail Guild.

After the thirty-minute walk, there's a dragon-size entry into the cave. Spike feels a ton of energy from the entrance and goes in on instinct. Everyone follows him inside.

Spike looks around and sees the hieroglyphics. "Wow."

"Impressive, right?" Jean-Luc said. He lights a lantern to see the rest of the hieroglyphics within the cave.

"Hey, Spike. Is this your dragon egg?" Wendy points to the dragon egg on the wall. It's purple with polka dots on it.

Spike walks up to Wendy and sees the dragon egg. His eyes widen in shock. "Y-Yes..."

"Are you sure?" Carla asks.

Spike nods. "I remember my dragon egg when I hatched."

"My word, the hieroglyphics depict a great struggle," Warrod said. He's looking at what appears to be the Eclipse Gate, the Infinity Clock as the gigantic fish, and Acnologia.

"From what my friends and I have uncovered, the hieroglyphics tell us that the dragons sent their younglings through time. However, the gong of the Infinity Clock sent the younglings to another dimension."

"Equestria," Spike informs Jean-Luc. "Dragon eggs were sent to Equestria since I'm from there. Born here, hatched there."

"Wow. Now, I'm in shock, Fairy Dragon. You answered what we could not."

"Spike, what do you sense?" Warrod asks. He remembers Spike's statement about feeling tons of energy.

"A lot of energy. I can devour the energy and never run out of it. Like an infinite supply."

"I sense a spirit within the cave," Wendy kneels and uses her Milky Way spell.

"A spirit?" Warrod is interested in seeing the spirit Wendy is sensing. Jean-Luc and his colleagues wait and see who Wendy senses.

A towering dragoness roars. She has amethyst scales, orange belly scales, lapis lazuli spikes, and citrine eyes. She looks around and sees Wendy using Grandeeney's magic. Then her eyes are on Spike.

"Spike..," Amy sheds a tear.

"Mom!" Spike shed some tears of happiness wants to hug his mother. When he tries, he goes through her. Spike sighs, remembering that he can't hug spirits.

"Come here!" Amy. Despite being a spirit manages to lift Spike and hugs him dearly. "I waited a lifetime to hold my baby boy."

"Mom..," Spike pants and embraces his mother's love.

"I'm so happy, Spike. Zirconis told me so much about you," Amy holds Spike in her claw, meeting his eye level, smiling lovingly.

"He did?"

"Of course he did. I have to say he fulfilled his promise in terms of protecting you. I sense you have grown strong. As expected, since you're like Tyke the Energy Maker Dragon."

"I have so many questions. How many years can dragons live up to?"

Amy chuckles a bit. "Over a thousand years, Spike. I see you made friends with the humans and a daughter of Grandeeney."

"Wendy is my girlfriend, Mom," Spike smiles.

"So, that's Wendy," Amy watches Wendy still performing her spell.

"These are my friends I made during my time in Earth Land."

"Warrod Sequen," Warrod bows in respect of Spike's mother. He's astounded to see the mother of Spike the Fairy.

"Jean-Luc Neville," He does the same. "Your son was vital in stopping a dark guild from achieving complete nightmare around the world."

"Carla. I'm close friends with Wendy and Spike the Fairy."

"Nice to meet you all. Thank you for being in Spike's life," Amy smiles at them.

"I speak for Wendy since she's using the spell to bring you here; Wendy would say she's happy to meet the mother of Fairy Dragon."

"Fairy Dragon. That's amazing, Spike. I'm proud of you, Spike," Amy kisses Spike's cheek. Spike feels the kiss. "I do sense irregular magic flowing within you."

"Irregular magic?" Spike is confused.

"Magic not from this world. Tell me, have you tried consuming energy that your body couldn't maintain?"

"Well, I consumed poison energy I couldn't keep as well as demonic energies. I wind up puking it out."

"Do you possess magic power from the other world you went to?"

Spike thinks about what other magic power he would have when it struck him. "Aw crap," Spike facepalms himself.

"Please, don't hurt yourself, baby," Amy gets worried about Spike inflicting pain on himself.

Spike sighs heavily. "I have remnants of Twilight's magic power when she hatched me. The sole reason that I can use my fire breath for teleportation."

"Who is Twilight, and was she good to you?" Amy asks.

"Twilight, during her younger years, was like a mother to me until she matured and used me as a slave," Amy growls. She hates that her son was used as a slave. "You see," Spike explains in a summary of what he went through in Equestria that landed him in Earth Land. He explained that the dragons have decided to stay within the other world in fear of Acnologia.

"Acnologia," Amy has flashbacks of when Acnologia confronted her and slaughtered her. "That name still scares me."

"I fought him twice and lost both times. I will slay him but not by myself."

"Your friends. The remaining Dragon Slayers, I assume."

"Yes, Mom," Spike turns to Wendy. "I'm friends with five of them and dating one. Also, I know my friends will back me up in slaying the behemoth."

"Good. United together, you can take down any foe. Remember that even when you get angry."

"I will, Mom."

"Now, as for the irregular magic, it's time to get rid of it."

"How can I do that, Mom?" Spike wonders how to remove the magic given to him when he hatched.

"You can't. I can," Amy uses her magic to relinquish the irregular magic out of Spike. Warrod, Jean-Luc, Carla, and the others watch a twinkling purple magic sphere come out of Spike's mouth. She eats it to ensure no one can use it. "Ah, that was delicious."

Spike feels different knowing Twilight's magic no longer resides in him. He closes his eyes and uses his fire breath to teleport a magic book. His teleportation works. He uses his fire breath to teleport the magic book back to the apartment.

"My teleportation magic works."

"As it should. I removed Twilight's magic that was negating your ability to withhold any form of magic energy. Now, you can store all kinds without any side effects. No puking on any watch."

"Thank you!" Spike feels happy knowing there won't be any setbacks when he consumes dark or poisonous energy.

"Remember Spike. You can consume energy that won't hurt you but, that doesn't make you invincible. You can still take damage from other wizards or creatures."

Spike nods in understanding. "Point taken, Mom."

"Before I go," Amy puts Spike on the ground. "There are a few things I want you to do."

"Anything!" Spike shouts. He's willing to do what his mother asks of him.

"One, live life happily. Two, don't take life for granted. Three, continue to grow strong physically, mentally, and spiritually. Four, create a new age of dragons co-existing with humans. I understand that hybrid dragons and dragonesses will apply in the future; however, build a future where our species doesn't die. Five, never lose hope even if there's a one percent chance."

Spike takes a deep breath. "I'm a Fairy Tail Wizard, Mom. There is no such thing as giving up or losing hope. We always find a way," Spike places his claw on his emblem.

"Great. Lastly, consume my energy essence."

"What?!" Spike is appalled by that last request.

"Spike, by consuming my energy essence, it'll unlock more of your potential. Also, it'll come to show that I'm always with you. My magic will be infused with yours. My final gift to you."

Spike tears up. He wishes to spend more time with his mother. To have a mother-son bond as any other child would. Amy smiles lovingly at her son. She understands the pain and sees how strong Spike is.

"Okay," Spike looks up at Amy. "What happens afterward?"

"I will return to the afterlife. You'll feel a power surge coursing through your body. Hone the skills as an Energy Maker Dragon and never lose sight of who you are."

"Alright," Spike cries in happiness. He looks up as his mother hugs him one last time.

"I love you, Spike."

"I love you too, Mom," Spike takes a deep breath and starts consuming Amy's energy essence. Spike feels his magic power multiplying tenfold.

"I'll always be with you, my son. Never forget who your family is," Amy kisses Spike's cheek right before she vanishes.

Spike cries in happiness after finishing consuming her energy essence. Wendy stops using her Milky Way spell and hugs Spike from behind. She heard everything that transpired. Spike is happy that he finally got to see his mother. Carla joins Wendy and hugs Spike. She is part of his family.

Warrod, Jean-Luc, and the others leave the cave, giving the three much-needed privacy for their special bond.

After a while, Spike gets up and turns to Wendy and Carla.

"How are you feeling?" Wendy asks.

"Happy. I've met my mom. I have a lot to uphold. One of them is living my life happily, and that'll be with you," Spike kisses Wendy. Wendy returns the kiss.

Carla gives the two space and smiles. She watches the two grow into a loving couple. Carla can't help but sigh quietly; she misses Fairy Rage's company.

"Thank you, Wendy," Spike smiles at Wendy.

"You're welcome, Spike," Wendy hugs Spike.

Spike, Wendy, and Carla leave the cave. They see Warrod, Jean-Luc, and his colleagues talking.

"Thank you for helping us uncover some truths we couldn't answer," Jean-Luc said.

"Thank you for showing me the cave. Thanks to you, I've met my mother. I will never forget this."

"Anytime, Fairy Dragon. Well, I bid you farewell. There are more mysteries to solve before we can settle."

"Thank you for inviting me, Jean-Luc. Hearing the requests of Spike's mother made me realize there is more to life. I wish to express the wisdom with the others at the new Magic Council building as well as newly established Magic Warfare Units," Warrod said.

"You're welcome. Hope to see you another day," Jean-Luc shakes Warrod's hand.

"Take care, Warrod. Hope to see you soon," Spike said.

"Likewise, Fairy Dragon. You kids take care," Warrod said.

"See you next time," Wendy said.

"Safe travels for each of you," Carla said.

Spike uses his fire breath to teleport Wendy, Carla, and himself back to the apartment. Spike, Wendy, and Carla go up the stairs and enter the apartment. They throw themselves on the bed.

"What a day," Spike chuckles.

"It's one I won't forget," Wendy lays on the bed. She grabs hold of Spike. "I'm a little tired and want to cuddle with my dragon."

"You do that, Wendy. I'm going back to my reading," Carla hops off the bed.

Spike gets comfy in Wendy's arms while Carla grabs her magic book and puts on her earmuffs. The book about transformations mentions a human form to turn into. She decides to read further in hopes of utilizing the form to use other spells in the long run.

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