• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Unfortunate News

It's been three months since Makarov announced that Fairy Tail will compete in the Grand Magic Games. Everyone returns to the guildhall. Some are too exhausted from the training, some are overconfident with their magic power, and some aren't around. They enter inside to see Master Makarov looking heartbroken.

"What's wrong, Master?" Erza asks. She's worried about the expression written on Makarov's face.

"Hey, where is Mirajane?" Lisanna asks.

"Yea, she left us a month ago during our training," Elfman says.

"That was the same with Gajeel," Panther Lily says.

"And Laxus," Freed said in tears.

"As a matter of fact, where the hell is Spike?!" Natsu shouts.

"Yea, he was supposed to come during the final month of training," Gray said.

"Well, last five days due to a trip to the Celestial Spirit World." Lucy thought to herself.

Master Makarov sighs heavily. "It pains me to say this but, I must. There was an Acnologia sighting."

Everyone in the guildhall gasps in horror; Wendy is tearing up. Lucy, Erza, Natsu, Gray, and everyone is stunned beyond belief.

"No.., noo..," Wendy is on the verge of crying.

"Spike was attacked by Acnologia. I've sent Laxus, Gajeel, and Mirajane on a search party to locate Spike."

"When did this happen?!" Natsu shouts at Makarov.

Makarov sighs. "A month ago. Spike was attacked by Acnologia and disappeared."

Wendy cries uncontrollably. Lucy falls to her knees and sobs. Erza is in a trance after hearing the word about Spike. Natsu and Gray are livid. Everyone else in the guild is sadden by the news.

"However, while our comrades continue their search for Spike, we must carry on with our motives to become Fiore's Number One Guild."

Erza snaps out of her trance. "With all due respect, Master. Don't you think we should go searching for Spike?"

"I've sent our powerhouses to go look for him already. Who knows. By now, they found him and are on their way to Crocus as we speak. I have chosen the five who'll represent Fairy Tail."

"Choose me, Gramps! I need something to take my anger out!" Natsu is boiling in rage.

"You are my first selection, Natsu. Second is Gray Fullbuster. Third is Erza Scarlet. Fourth is Lucy Heartfillia. Fifth is Wendy Marvell. There the participants to represent Fairy Tail."

"ACNOLOGIA! SOMEDAY! I'LL SLAY YOOOOOU!" Natsu shouts angrily.

"If Spike were here, he will tell us to keep fighting for Fairy Tail," Elfman said.

"There's a lot he would say if one of us were in this situation," Lisanna said.

"More importantly, to not lose hope," Wendy said. She stops crying and stands tall. "The Grand Magic Games is ours, and Spike will come back to Fairy Tail!" Wendy proclaims.

"Yeah!" Everyone cheers.

It's 4:30 in the afternoon. Fairy Tail has arrived in the city of Crocus. Natsu, Wendy, Gray, Lucy, and Erza are more determined to win the Grand Magic Games than ever. They are hoping that Spike returns with Gajeel, Mirajane, and Laxus in one piece.

Makarov explains the reasons why Fairy Tail is competing in the Grand Magic Games and why it's vital to make the first Master of Fairy Tail, Mavis Vermillion, proud. Droy, Jet, Levy, Alzack, and Bisca explain to team Fairy Tail that the games are random and there's a curfew midnight tonight. Also, the first day of the Grand Magic Games is tomorrow.

Natsu, Happy, and Lucy decide to check Crocus a bit. Wendy and Carla want to check the flower maze they saw earlier. Erza decides to go to the Honeybone Inn and relax a bit. She still has Spike on her mind and worries about him even more. Erza sits on a bed and cries a bit. She wants Spike to be beside her. Either cheering her on or sparring with her or having fun. Any of those options will do it for Erza. She wishes for Spike's safety and return sooner than expected.

Seven hours later, Natsu, Happy, Gray, and Lucy arrive at the Honeybone Inn. Erza has been waiting for their return since it's nearly curfew hour. Wendy and Carla have not returned, which is making everyone worried. Elfman and Lisanna come with their room with supplements and food. Erza asks Lisanna to locate Wendy and Carla. With the curfew drawing near, Erza doesn't want another friend to disappear like Spike.

All of a sudden, the Inn rises while a hologram of a Pumpkin Head explains the scenery. The Pumpkin Head tells that there is 113 guilds competing in this year's Grand Magic Games. So to narrow it down for the Grand magic Games this year, there will be an elimination round right now. A race in the Labyrinth to the door of the coliseum. 8 teams will move on, and all five members must cross the finish line together otherwise it won't count.

"Guys look, a path for us to run into the Labyrinth," Lucy said, looking down at the pathway appearing before their very own eyes.

"Wendy isn't here," Natsu panics.

Elfman picks up Natsu, Gray, Erza, and Lucy and sprints into the Labyrinth. Lisanna and Happy decide to gather their friends and search for Wendy. Natsu, Erza, Gray, Elfman, and Lucy decide to map where they are going in the Labyrinth. There are so many twists and turns that can make anyone feel sick to their stomach and have dizziness. Team Fairy Tail runs into Twilight Orge, beats the crap out of them, and taken their map to add into theirs. The Labyrinth rotates which causes a lot of guilds to fall out of the Labyrinth. Team Fairy Tail holds on tightly and pulls themselves. They decide to beat any guild to add more pieces of their map into theirs.

While Team Fairy Tail continues the race, everyone else continues their search for Wendy and Carla. Happy and Lisanna are heading into the Royal Palace since it's the last area in Crocus to search for Wendy and Carla. The Royal Guard allows them to enter the maze in search of them. After a few minutes of searching, Lisanna and Happy found Wendy and Carla drained of magic energy and passed out. They carried them out of the flower maze when they hear the Sky Labyrinth Elimination Round is over.

Ten minutes later, a medical team arrives as well as Warren, Panther Lily, Max Alors, Alzack, and Bisca. Wendy and Carla don't look good, and they feel weak. The medical team decides to place Wendy and Carla in the infirmary within the coliseum.

The 8 teams that succeeded in winning the Sky labyrinth Elimination Round are being transferred to the coliseum to prepare for the first day of the Grand Magic Games. Warren uses his telepathy to let Team Fairy Tail know that they located Wendy and Carla. Erza informs Warren that her team secured a spot for the Grand Magic Games. They came in 8th place. They are being told by the Pumpkin Head they'll be transferring to the coliseum to put on their uniforms to represent their guild.

It is now 9:30 in the morning. Everyone is entering the coliseum to witness day one of the Grand Magic Games. Natsu, Gray, Erza, Lucy, and Elfman are suited up and ready to compete. They wish Spike was here to support them all the way. They are also worried about Wendy and Carla. They wonder who attacked them and why.

"Alright, chin up! We made it past the Sky Labyrinth Elimination Round, and we won't stop there," Erza said.

"A real man keeps pushing forward until we are in first place!" Elfman shouts.

"For Wendy," Natsu said.

"For Spike," Lucy said.

"For Fairy Tail. We bring the battle to them!" Gray shouts.

"Let's go! I'm all fired up!' Natsu shouts.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Grand Magic Games. I'm Lead Commentator Chapati Lola. I'll be handling the play-by-play while former council member Mr.Yajima provides commentary. Mr.Yajima, glad to have you with us, sir."

"Glad to be here."

"And, let's not forget our special guest, a member of Blue Pegasus and current holder of the title of Miss Fiore, the Ravishing Jenny Realight," Chapati announces.

"Blue Pegasus is bringing home the gold this year," Jenny proclaims.

"Ready?" Natsu asks.

"You know it," Gray answers.

Natsu, Erza, Gray, Lucy, and Elfman walk out of the tunnels first. Chapati announces that it's time to meet the competitors.

"Now's the time to meet our competitors. First up in 8th place, an old-school bunch of wild wizards from Magnolia. They have worked in freelance, and now they're wary to take back first place by force. It's Fairy Tail!" Chapati announces. The crowd in the coliseum boos Fairy Tail heavily. Team Fairy Tail is caught off guard with the boos from the fans. "Who would have thought they would have made it this far when they lose every year?"

"I'm proud of them, way to go, kiddos," Yajima throws his thumbs up in approval. "Now get out there and show them what you can do!"

Makarov and all of Fairy Tail sitting in the stands cheer loudly for their team. Nab Lasaro is waving a Fairy Tail flag to show support. Then all of a sudden, every single Fairy Tail member sees Mavis Vermillion and is in shock. Mavis Vermillion tells Makarov that she wanted to cheer on the Fairy Tail guild that's competing in the Grand Magic Games.

"Next up, the team that came in 7th place is Quatro Cerberus," Quatro Cerberus comes out bearing their guild's flag. "Now, coming in 6th place, the only guild that's powerful and beautiful, Mermaid Heel!" Mermaid Heel comes out bearing their flag. "In 5th place, give it up for Blue pegasus," Blue pegasus comes out. "Next in 4th place, it's Lamia Scale!" Lamia Scale comes out. "Now, to introduce our 3rd place contestant. Whoa! What a shocker! Give it up for Raven Tail!"

"What the hell are they doing here?!" Natsu is highly upset that a Dark Guild is participating in this year's Grand Magic Games.

"This is bad," Erza said. "Their Guild's Master is Makarov's son, Ivan."

"That means they're a dark guild..," Lucy is scared of them.

"I bet they are the ones who attacked Wendy and Carla last night," Gray said.

"No doubt about it," Elfman concurs.

Master Makarov is pissed off right now. Seeing Ivan's guild competing is unheard of. Unfortunately, Raven Tail is eligible enough to compete in the Grand Magic Games.

"Hold on. We still got two teams that made it through the qualifying round. Our first-place runner-up is.., Oh wow! What a surprise! This year's competition just got a whole lot interesting, folks!" Sparkling Green Lightning of the Fairy Tail Emblem appears. "It's Fairy Tail Team B!"

"Big, Sis!" Elfman is in shock.

"Gajeel?" Natsu is surprised.

"Laxus!" Gray said in shock.

"Spike!" Lucy and Erza cry out and hugs him tightly.

"Hugs too tight! Can't breathe!" Spike is getting squeezed by the hugs.

"Master," Lisanna turns to Makarov. Everyone else turns to him as Makarov couldn't help but smile.

"Sorry, I had to make up the story about an Acnologia sighting. Otherwise, we wouldn't have two teams competing," Makarov laughs victoriously.

Erza and Lucy let go of Spike, allowing him to breathe. They are so happy to see him well.

"I'm so glad you're okay after the Acnologia ambush," Lucy said.

"Huh? What are you talking about? Acnologia didn't ambush me," Spike said.

Erza picked up right away and suspects deception from Makarov. She sighs for now and will have a talk with the Master later today.

"Hey, look, even Mystogan's here," Natsu points at him.

Erza sees Mystogan and knows right away it's Jellal. Everyone else is puzzled that Fairy Tail has two teams competing. Yajima explains that the Grand Magic Games committee allowed each guild to have two teams to compete to improve their odds for the Grand Magic Games competition. Fairy Tail accomplish such a feat out of a hundred guilds and are reward with an advantage for the Grand Magic Games.

Seeing Spike in Fairy Tail Team B, Natsu is now more determined to beat everyone and secure first place for Fairy Tail as Fairy Tail Team A. Erza walks up to Jellal to learn about his motives Makarov told Jellal to impersonate Mystogan so he'll be able to scope around Crocus to find dark magic that relates to Zeref.

Chapati announces the 1st place team to qualify for the Grand Magic Games. Sabertooth comes out and hears the loudest cheer from the crowd. They are ready to rumble.

"Alright folks, it's time to start the Grand Magic games with our opening event!"

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