• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Bar of Alliance Meeting: Reintroducing Familiar Faces

It's been a week since the last Bar of Alliance meeting at the Castle of Friendship. It's now 7:30 at night. Princess Cadance and Shining Armor are in the meeting room at the Crystal Castle.

"Shining, how are your parents doing?" Princess Cadance asks while tending to Flurry Heart.

"Better than ever, Cadance. However, mom and dad are worried about our Twilight and the trouble she's putting herself through."

"Understandable. How are you doing, Shining?"

"I'm fine, Cadance. The truth is, I'm happy Equestria will have Twilight and Spike. However, they are not the same Twilight and Spike we know. They're different. Completely different. The Crystal Ponies will have a hard time accepting that this Spike is not the Brave and Glorious."

"I know," Princess Cadance sighs. "It kinda makes me sad. I miss our Spike and Twilight when they were inseparable. I wish our Twilight would value Spike's happiness instead of going on this relentless pursuit."

"I know. However, I will say this Twilight and Spike are inseparable. Twilight is treating Spike as her son. Like a protective mother."

"She is?" Princess Cadance is surprised to know how this Twilight is treating Spike.

"Yes. In the other world, Spike used to be Twilight's pet. He used to be a dog, with now the transition of traveling into Equestria. Twilight no longer treats Spike as a pet."

"I'm so glad," Princess Cadance sighs in happiness.

"However, things are different with Twilight and Rarity," Shining said.

"How different are we talking about?"

"This Twilight is on bad terms with Rarity. According to her, Rarity tried to kiss Spike, and Twilight was offended by Rarity's motives. When I visited Twilight two nights ago, she told me that Rarity attempted to lure Spike into a relationship. Also, Rarity tried other methods of persuading Spike into loving her like Spike the Fairy used to. Twilight has warned Rarity of getting a restraining order if she were to try again."

"That is beyond wrong. How is everypony else around Twilight and Spike?"

"As far as I know, Cadance. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie opened up their friendship with Spike and Twilight. The two made vows of what not to do to Spike and in the presence of him and Twilight. Fluttershy would be more involved in Spike's life and not take his friendship for granted. As for Applejack, she would talk and invite Spike over to Sweet Apple Acres for a playdate with Apple Bloom."

"That's good to know, Shining. So, has Twilight and Spike decided on anything major to live their lives in Equestria?" Cadance asks.

"Inconclusive, Cadance. Twilight and Spike are trying to find their place in Equestria."

Discord arrives with Twilight (Sci-Twi), Spike, and Starlight Glimmer. Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike look around the interior of the meeting room. They see the Crystal Walls shining and sparkling in every corner of the room.

"Twilight! Spike!" Princess Cadance trots up to the two of them and hugs them.

"Cadance!" Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike return the hug. Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike shed some tears while holding on to them.

Two Crystal Guards escorts Thorax, Chrysalis while Terax is on her back, Ember, Prince Rutherford, and Gilda, to the meeting room. The two Crystal Guards gasps.

"The Brave and Glorious have returned!" The two Crystal Guards shout.

"Who are you talking about?" Spike is confused. He sees the two Crystal Guards bowing to him.

"Spike," Princess Cadance grabs his attention. "The other you was known as Spike the Brave and Glorious here in the Crystal Empire."

"He was..?" Spike is in shock.

"Yes," Princess Cadance nods. "You can claim the title if you wish. Fairy Dragon won't be returning to anytime soon."

"Can I think about it? It's my first time here, and I would like to know more about this world and how I can fit in."

"Of course," Princess Cadance respects his wishes.

Ember walks up to Spike. Spike looks up at Ember. He tilts his head a bit, a common reaction when he used to be a dog.

"Hello, Spike. I am Empress Ember. Ruler of the Dragon Lands."

"Hi, Ember. I'm guessing you were really close with Spike the Fairy?"

Ember sighs. "Yes." "I can't admit that I love him right now. He's different and younger..." Ember internally screams. She wanted to propose to Spike the Fairy when he grew older.

"Well, I hope we can be friends. There is a lot I need to know about dragons."

"We will be friends, Spike," Ember pats his head a bit.

"Hello, Spike," Thorax trots up to him.

"Uh, hello," Spike sees Thorax for the first time. He tilts his head a bit. "So, I'm guessing my counterpart was real close with you?"

Thorax nods. "Indeed. Spike the Fairy is the first friend I've ever made in Equestria. He showed me the ropes of building trust and love within a friendship. I'm hoping to be your friend."

"Sure, I don't see why not," Spike shakes Thorax's hoof.

Gilda, Prince Rutherford take their seats. They try not to bat an eye at Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike. They accepted the terms of moving on without them after Discord got exposed and told the truth. Now, it'll be difficult to readjust to their lives going forward.

"Mommy, who are they?" Terax points at Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike.

"New faces to call friends," Chrysalis answers.

Princess Cadance and Shining Armor do a doubletake when they hear Chrysalis' answer. They didn't think it'll take long for Chrysalis to accept friendship or change dramatically.

"Whoa," Twilight (Sci-Twi) walks up to Chrysalis. "I remember you, from that night I came with my son, Spike."

Chrysalis sighs. "I remember the other you when I was a different Changeling."

"Mommy is the best Changeling in the whole hive," Terax glees.

"Good to know, uh," Spike doesn't know who the youngling is.

"My name is Terax."

"I'm Spike. Nice to meet you."

"Likewise, Mr.Dragon."

"So, what do you mean when you were a different Changeling?" Twilight (Sci-Twi) asks out of curiosity.

"My motives were hatred, hunger, and greed. I've committed many heinous acts and atrocities. However, despite it all, I'm becoming a new Changeling, and during my days, like Thorax, he wasn't that bright-colored as you see now. He and many were like me. Now, like you and Spike, I'm finding where I belong within the Hive."

"Wow, we have something in common. Uh," Twilight (Sci-Twi) is trying not to sound awkward. "You want to be friends with me?" Twilight (Sci-Twi) extends her hoof.

Chrysalis is hesitant at first. She remembers what the other Twilight Sparkle has done to her, foiling her plans and ruining her. The back of her mind is telling her to have her revenge. She could do it now.

"Mommy," Terax taps on Chrysalis' back, snapping her from her vengeful thoughts.

"Yes, Terax?" Chrysalis turns to him.

"I want to be friends with the dragon. I want to hang out with him, considering I don't have many friends back at the Hive."

Chrysalis slightly smiles. Perhaps finding her inner peace is also being friends with an unfortunately familiar face. "Sure, Twilight. I'll be friends with you," In the back of Chrysalis' mind, she's imagining herself throwing up.

"Wonderful, we can also set some playdates for our sons," Twilight (Sci-Twi) suggests.

"Sure," Chrysalis said. She imagines herself rolling her eyes.

"Yay!" Terax cheers while standing on his two back hooves.

Princess Cadance and Shining Armor are dead silent. They witnessed their former enemy becoming friends with Twilight (Sci-Twi). Sure, it's not the Twilight they're used to seeing but, the image of Chrysalis and Twilight becoming friends is unheard of.

"So, what's the meeting about?" Gilda asks. She's eager to know what else to discuss during the meeting.

"The main topic is discussing Twilight and Spike; How society will see these two instead of former Princess Twilight Sparkle and Spike the Fairy," Princess Cadance answers.

"We're waiting for Princess Celestia and Luna to arrive to go in more detail. As for Chrysalis, she'll be the next topic after debriefing the first issue," Shining Armor says.

"Makes sense to Yak. Unicorn and dragon are different than what Yak is used to," Prince Rutherford exclaims.

Two Crystal Guards escort Princess Celestia, Luna, and Starswirl the Bearded into the meeting room. Then the two Crystal Guards leave the room to stand in attention outside.

"Thank you for waiting, every creature," Princess Celestia formally expresses.

"You're welcome," Everyone said.

"Please, take your seats. It's time to discuss," Shining Armor announces.

Every creature takes their seats. Princess Celestia and Luna are shocked to see Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike sitting next to Chrysalis. They wonder who the youngling next to Chrysalis is. Starswirl set his gaze at Ember, hoping to discuss more on their ancient history.

"Alright. Thank you, every creature, for coming this week. Our first topic of discussion is to reintroduce Twilight and Spike in society. As you all know, former Princess Twilight Sparkle is running amuck somewhere in Earth Land where Spike the Fairy resides. Most of our lands are aware of the downfall of Twilight Sparkle and Spike's departure," Princess Celestia addresses.

"Now, it's up to us all that we introduce Spike and Twilight within our homelands," Princess Luna states.

"Yak Yakistan is open to new pony and dragon. Yak warns that our country is indeed cold. Have baby dragon wear something toasty for his arrival," Prince Rutherford said. "I've mentioned to all Yaks that new pony and dragon are friends and should not be attacked."

"After explaining to Grampa Gruffs from last week's meeting, the Griffins will welcome this version of Twilight and Spike in open arms. As long as this Twilight doesn't become a deranged lunatic," Gilda glares at Twilight (Sci-Twi).

"I won't become what my counterpart is. I won't stoop down to that path. It wouldn't lead me to a brighter future," Twilight (Sci-Twi) says.

"Good. I'll hold you to it. History should not repeat itself," Gilda claims.

"During the week, Princesses. I have addressed the Hive that new changes are occurring. I mentioned the familiar faces of seeing Spike and Twilight."

"There was an uproar until I helped Thorax calm the quarrels within the Hive," Chrysalis noted. "The Changelings need to see Twilight and Spike for themselves. Twilight needs to earn the trust of the Changelings, all of them. Right now, she's beginning to earn my trust."

"That's fair, considering what my counterpart has possibly done to them," Twilight (Sci-Twi) said. She's thinking about the possibilities that her counterpart has done; that made them lose trust.

"The Dragons are in better relations with ponies. After addressing a new Twilight and Spike in the Dragon Lands, the Dragons are willing to welcome the new Twilight with open arms. As for Spike, some Dragons are willing to show him the ropes of what being a dragon is about. I am willing to teach Spike how to be a dragon. Smolder as well."

"Who's Smolder?" Spike asks.

"An orange dragon version of Scootaloo, Spike," Discord explains.

"Oh wow," Spike imagines Smolder's appearance.

"As for Equestria, I understand that you two haven't left Ponyville as much since you arrived," Princess Celestia states.

"That's correct, Celestia. Some ponies are glaring at me. Some have the intention of hurting me," Twilight (Sci-Twi) sadly says. She sighs heavily.

"It's hard explaining to some ponies about what transpired with us back home," Spike informs everyone.

"Discord, mind doing a showcase for the citizens of Ponyville?" Princess Luna asks.

"Of course. After Ponyville sees what Twilight and Spike endured, they'll be more open to them. I also advise the Crystal Ponies to partake in a movie event to understand that this Spike is not Spike the Brave and Glorious they come to call on."

"However, judging from the guards, they are more likely to accept this Spike as a notable replacement since Spike the Fairy won't be coming back any time soon," Shining Armor said.

"Which now brings us to our next topic, reintroducing Chrysalis to society," Princess Cadance addresses.

"As far as the Hive goes, Chrysalis needs more time to readjust her lifestyle," Thorax speaks up.

"I had many moments where I flipped out and caused a scene," Chrysalis sighs. "The Changelings are giving me space until I find inner peace to transform like the rest of them..."

"I love you, mommy," Terax hugs his mother.

"Same," Chrysalis slightly pats her son.

Flurry Heart flies and lands next to Terax. She giggles at him.

"Funny alicorn baby," Terax waves at Flurry Heart. He pokes her belly, which causes Flurry Heart to laugh.

Princess Cadance uses her magic to levitate Flurry Heart away from Terax. "Behave, Flurry," Princess Cadance said in a nurturing tone.

"The Griffins don't have any beef with Chrysalis so, she's in the clear when she wants to visit Griffin Stone," Gilda says.

"Changelings are welcome in Yak Yakistan. Yaks are at peace with all Changelings. Yaks are willing to give former Queen Bug; a benefit of a doubt."

"What about Pinkie Pie and her friends? Are they still exiled from your land?" Princess Celestia asks Prince Rutherford.

"Yak will think about it. Yak wants to see how the new baby dragon gets treated first. If Yak sees improvement, Yak will improvise and uplift the banishment."

"That's fair," Princess Luna said.

"Equestria will need some time accepting Chrysalis' friendship and trust. Chrysalis, you need to be friends with some ponies. It'll help boost your moral image," Princess Celestia states.

"I'm friends with Twilight Sparkle and Spike the Dragon. I guess I should accept Starlight Glimmer's proposal as well," Chrysalis imagines herself gulping at the thought of being friends with Starlight Glimmer.

"That's a good start," Princess Cadance said. "If you ever need somepony to talk to," Princess Cadance takes a deep breath. "Don't hesitate to reach out to my husband and me," Shining Armor is silent after hearing his wife's statement.

"I'll keep that in mind," Chrysalis said.

"The Dragons are here for you, Chrysalis," Ember said.

"Thanks," Chrysalis rubs Terax's back a bit.

"Now, there's something else that needs to be addressed. Starswirl, if you would."

"Right away, Celestia," Starswirl the Bearded coughs. "Empress Ember, I've done some deciphering within the Dragon Land's engravings. I discovered something incredible but, I need more information."

"What have you discovered?" Ember is intrigued to learn what Starswirled dug up.

"An Exodus project that details a drawn gate with dragon eggs and a black and blue dragon calling itself the Dragon King of the Apocalypse."

Everyone is silent except for Princess Luna and Celestia. They know what the Dragon King of the Apocalypse is. Acnologia.

"There's more to the hieroglyphics within my chambers ever since I became the Empress of Dragons. I'll be happy to show you since I have no idea what it reads."

"Perfect. I look forward to this expedition. I'm hoping to uncover the history of your kind, Ember."

"I'm sure your books could help encourage the younger generation of ponies and how to interact with dragons," Ember said.

"Indeed. So, when can I come?" Starswirled asks.

"In two weeks. I need to make preparations for your arrival. Hopefully, you can decipher the story of our race since what we know is vagued."

"Alright, that concludes the meeting, everyone. Thank you for coming."

Terax yawns. "Mommy, I'm sleepy."

"I'll put you to bed," Chrysalis said. She turns to Discord. "Mind teleporting us home?"

"Yes, Chrysalis. Also, when you feel that you're ready, come by to the School of Friendship to make more friends."

"I'll keep that in mind. I have a lot in mind right now," Chrysalis said. She made sure Terax is on her back when she gets up.

"Twilight, may I have a word with you in private?"

"Sure thing, Principal Celestia.., whoops. I meant to say, Princess Celestia," Twilight (Sci-Twi) corrects herself.

Princess Celestia chuckles. "No need to worry. Follow me," Princess Celestia leaves the meeting room. Twilight (Sci-Twi) follows her outside.

"So, what do you want to talk about, Princess Celestia?"

"I have a proposition for you. Would you like to become my student and learn the ways of Friendship?"

"Like my counterpart once did?" Twilight (Sci-Twi) asks in confusion.

"Yes. You take the mantle where she left off before going astray."

"How would I do that? I'm no expert in magic compared to her. I'm a beginner in an adult-size mare."

"I'm aware of your circumstances, Twilight. That is why I'm offering to teach you all I know. Help you reach new heights in the field of magic."

"Can I think about this? This sounds exciting and nerve-racking as well."

"Of course, Twilight. If you decide not to take the mantle, what would you like to do?"

Twilight (Sci-Twi) sighs. "Honestly, I don't know what I can do. I'm not sure what to do in the land of Equestria. If I decide to take your offer, will you teach Spike how to use magic? He wants to be as useful as Spike the Fairy."

"I'll see what I can do in terms of lending Spike some magic power," Princess Celestia formally expresses. "Anything else you have in mind, Twilight?"

"How would I reach you?" Twilight (Sci-Twi) asks.

"Like this," Princess Celestia puts her hoof on Twilight's forehead. She casts a spell to allow Twilight to send her mail.

"Uh, what did you just do?" Twilight (Sci-Twi) feels a bit different.

"I gave you the ability to send me letters. If you decide to become my personal student or not, you'll have the means of contacting me. I'll be happy to answer any of your questions."

"Thank you, Princi-Princess Celestia. This means a lot."

"Of course, Twilight," Princess Celestia smiles at Twilight (Sci-Twi).

"Twilight," Princess Cadance trots up to her. "Would you and Spike like to spend the night here in the Crystal Empire?"

"I would love that," Twilight (Sci-Twi) happily accepts Cadance's offer.

"Awesome. We're about to have dinner."

"Have any meats?" Twilight (Sci-Twi) nervously asks.

"No. Why?"

Twilight (Sci-Twi) sighs while her belly growls. "I want a burger."

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