• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Spike vs Laxus

It's been two days since Spike, Wendy, Carla, and Romeo went on their first job together. Today is Wednesday in Magnolia. Spike is making sure he's packed for today's camping trip.

"You have everything you need, Spike?" Lucy asks.

"I do," Spike puts on his backpack. "I have everything I need. You going to be alright by yourself?"

"I'll be fine. I was used to living by myself before you came around," Lucy encouragingly smiles.

"Alright, then. I'll see you in a week, Lucy," Spike leaves the apartment.

"Have fun," Lucy waves. Then, she decides to work on her novel.

Spike flies to the guildhall to meet his friends. Citizens of Magnolia are taking photos of Spike while he's flying. Spike lands and sees Gajeel, Panther Lily, Elfman, Erza, Wendy, Carla, Gray, Juvia, and Romeo. All packed up and ready to go. Spike is more surprised to see Erza's wagon filled with luggage and suitcases.

"Sis, is all that necessary?" Spike is confused.

"Going camping to enjoy ourselves and train so, yes. It is all necessary as it'll be a light workout for me to pull this," Erza explains. "Though, I never seem to have enough wherever I travel."

"Wow," Spike is a bit speechless.

"Glad you can make it, Fairy Dragon. We've been waiting for you for a while now," Gajeel said. He's packed and ready to go.

"Should be fun, going back to the riverside of the East Forest," Panther Lily said. He remembers the first time the two trained together.

"Definitely," Spike said.

"Let's get moving," Erza said.

Spike, Wendy, Romeo, Elfman, Gray, Juvia, Erza, Panther Lily, and Gajeel leave the guildhall. They travel deep in the East Forest. Wendy, Spike, and Romeo were discussing their first job with everyone to kill some time. Erza had a good laugh with the Phantom of the Earwax mentioned. Juvia can't stop eyeballing Gray as he's stripped into his underwear. Elfman continues to brag about how manly camping will be. Gajeel can't wait to train with Spike the Fairy. Proper training to go one-on-one with since it's been seven years. Two hours later, the gang arrives by the riverside of the East Forest.

"Finally, we made it," Romeo said. He sits down to take a breather.

"So, we would have camped here seven years ago, Spike?" Wendy turns to Spike.

"Yea. Next to the river to fish for fresh fish. Near some bushes that sprout all sorts of berries and kiwis. This part of the forest was perfect when Panther Lily and I trained."

"I wished I never listened to Doranbolt and accepted his proposal when I should have waited for you a while longer."

"It's okay, Wendy. No worries. I know how you can make it up to me," Spike smiles.

"How?" Wendy looks at Spike's eyes.

"By bunking with me in my tent."

Wendy gasps. "Thought you never ask," Wendy hugs Spike.

"Wait, if you two are bunking, then who'll I be with?" Romeo asks.

"With me, kid. I'll teach you manly things," Elfman places his hand on Romeo's shoulder.

"Or with me, I don't have a bunkmate for the week," Gray said.

"I wanted to bunk with you, Gray, my love," Juvia pouts.

"It's alright, Juvia. You'll be bunking with me," Erza puts her arm around Juvia. Juvia whimpers a bit in defeat.

"So, I guess we should be setting up camp?" Romeo asks.

"Yep," Everyone nods.

"I'll grab the firewood," Elfman volunteers. "It's what a real man would do."

"Everyone else, pitch up your tents," Erza said.

Within an hour, everyone sets up their campsite. Elfman brings logs of firewood to the camp. Romeo and Spike are pitching up Elfman's tent since he was gathering the firewood. Wendy is with Juvia bringing in fresh water from the river, including fish. Gajeel and Panther Lily are making sure no vulcan creatures would be daring to come near them.

"There we go," Romeo said after pitching Elfman's tent.

"He nearly has a bigger tent than mine," Spike said.

"Big guy needs his space," Romeo said.

"Thanks for pitching it up for me, guys. You two are real men," Elfman places the logs on the ground. "A real man needs his space to stretch. So, who you want to bunk with, Romeo?"

"I think I'll bunk in with you, Elfman. You can give me some pointers of how to become stronger," Romeo said.

"Sweet. Get ready to learn manly life lessons," Elfman pats Romeo's head.

"Good job on the firewood, Elfman. Allow me to slice and dice," Erza requips her swords and slices the logs Elfman brought. "This'll do nicely for two nights."

"So, the stupid apes won't be bothering us until we leave. Lily and I made sure of that," Gajeel claims. Somewhere in the East Forest, the Vulcans are riving in agony after having too many iron clubs on the head.

"So, what's day one? Relaxing with some training?" Panther Lily asks.

"I'm ready to throw down," Gajeel said.

"So am I," Elfman flexes his muscles. "A real man is ready for any challenges."

"Let's pick a partner to train for an hour," Gray suggests.

"I know who I'm choosing to be my partner," Gajeel chuckles and places his hand on Spike's head. "I've been waiting to train with him for a long time."

"Hey wait, I wanted to train with Fairy Dragon," Elfman said.

"Guys, everyone will have a turn. I'm going next after Gajeel," Erza said.

Spike couldn't help but laugh that his friends want to train with him. He smiles, knowing who his friends are. "We have plenty of time. Let's do it, Gajeel," Spike smirks.

"Awesome," Gajeel and Spike walk off a little to distance themselves from the campsite.

"In that case, let's start training, Gray, my love," Juvia grabs onto Gray's hand.

Gray sighs. "Fine. Remember, it's an hour, and we switch partners," Gray and Juvia walk over to the river.

"You and me, Wendy," Romeo said.

"Sure. Let's try hand-to-hand before using our magic," Wendy suggests.

"Sounds good. It should be fun," Romeo said.

"I guess I'll be training with you two," Erza said.

Panther Lily transforms into his battle form while holding his song sword, Elfman transforms into his beast form, and Erza requips into her Heaven's Wheel Armor.

"Let's take this brawl elsewhere, so we don't damage the campsite," Panther Lily said.

"Agreed," Erza and Elfman said in unison.

"Ready, Fairy Dragon. I won't be holding back," Gajeel said.

"I never thought you be the type to hold back," Spike said.

The two chuckle and engage in their sparring. Spike and Gajeel start with hand-to-claw close combat. Spike feels Gajeel's strikes are denser than he realizes.

"That's good, Fairy Dragon," Gajeel punches Spike's claw.

"Thanks," Spike punches at Gajeel, he catches his punch.

"Damn, you've grown stronger since we last brawled."

"That was seven years ago, Gajeel. Though we never got to finish that fight," Spike knees Gajeel into his gut.

Gajeel catches Spike's knee strike. "True. However, I was looking forward to fighting you during the S-Class Trials."

"Let's pick it up a notch," Spike's claw glows sparkling green. "Inferno Raging Fist!" Spike's claw is blazing in Sparkling Green Flames.

"Iron Dragon Club!" Gajeel's right arm turns into an iron club to punch Spike's Inferno Raging Fist.

"Good job interceding my attack, Gajeel."

"Likewise, Fairy Dragon. Iron Dragon Rooooooooar!" Gajeel uses a quick iron dragon breath attack at Spike.

Spike decides to consume the iron dragon breath attack. "Iron Fairy Dragon," Spike is conjuring his breath attack.

"Iron is not an energy!" Gajeel is confused.

"ROOOOOOAR!" Spike unleashes a Sparkling Green Iron Flame roar on Gajeel.

"Incredible..," Gajeel can't believe Spike converted his iron breath into his own. He takes the hit to feel how strong it is. "Such power..," Gajeel is holding his ground a bit from the attack. "Fairy Dragon, how were you able to consume my iron like that?"

"The iron breath is technically your flow of energy so, I figured I consume the energy flow. Now, I have some of your magic flowing in me," Spike places his claw on his chest.

"How long can you maintain the power you now have?" Gajeel asks.

"Until it dissolves," Spike answers. "Fairy Dragon Iron Claw," Spike's claw is now a sparkling green iron claw. "That's so cool," Spike said.

"No joke. You'll be a serious threat to anyone that opposes you. Which means more fun for us."

Gajeel and Spike clash once more. The two are going at it with hand-to-claw close combat as well as using their magic. Spike and Gajeel are having fun while giving each other some bruises on their bodies.

After an hour, everyone returns to camp. Wendy and Romeo are not that bruised up. Elfman couldn't handle Erza as he got the most bruises from the spar. Erza and Panther Lily are doing fine from their training session. Juvia and Gray come back after their workout. Spike and Gajeel come laughing from their hour of training.

"Fairy Dragon continues to amaze me. He ate some of my iron and converted it into his attack," Gajeel sits down.

"Well, he did consume Hades' magic to defeat him back on Tenrou Island. It would make sense for him to consume your iron, Gajeel," Erza said.

"If the S-Class Trials were to continue, Spike would have easily dominated the competition," Elfman said.

"I guess so," Spike said. "It doesn't matter if I'm S-Class or not, as long as I'm a Fairy Tail Wizard and with my friends. That's all that matters to me."

Everyone in the camp hears the sound of agony as lightning is striking upward. Gajeel gets up and decides to investigate.

"Where are you going?" Panther Lily asks.

"To settle the score with Laxus," Gajeel runs and meets up with Natsu.

"Laxus is here?" Elfman runs off to see the fight between Gajeel and Laxus.

"Now this I have to see," Romeo gets up and leaves.

"If Gajeel sees Laxus, I'm sure that fire breather will see him as well," Referring to Natsu, and leaves the campsite to see if his theory is correct.

"Wait for me! Gray, my darling!" Juvia follows Gray.

"I better check on Gajeel for his sake," Panther Lily leaves the campsite.

Spike sighs. "Well, I guess it'll be us three," Spike sees that Erza is no longer around.

"I guess we can pull camping off for a while?" Wendy chuckles a bit.

"Yea. I'll teleport their things to the guildhall since they are more likely to forget to come back for it," Spike uses his fire breath to teleport everything to the guildhall except for his tent. He dismantles his tent and puts it away.

"I'm sorry it came to like this. Perhaps, another time," Wendy pats Spike's shoulders.

"Thanks. Next time, it'll be different," Spike smiles.

"So, guess we should head back to the guildhall?" Wendy asks.

"Yea," Spike nods.

Spike and Wendy pack up the rest of their things and leave the area. Hopefully, they'll be able to camp with friends another day where there are no distractions. As the two travel in the East Forest, they run into Laxus, Natsu, and Gajeel. They are getting ready to throw down.

"Wait, hold on," Wendy shouts to get everyone's attention.

"What for?" Natsu asks.

"If you guys are really going to go through with this, you gotta be sure it's a special occasion," Wendy pleas.

"Hey, Laxus," Spike waves at him.

"Sup, Fairy Dragon," Laxus replies.

"What I propose is the match takes place tomorrow," Wendy declares.

"Fine, so be it. A day's worth of preparation wouldn't hurt one bit," Natsu chuckles.

"When you're through with Natsu, I'm taking a shot at him," Gajeel proclaims.

"Fine, suit yourselves," Laxus walks away.

Everyone walks to the guildhall. Erza, Gray, Gajeel, Panther Lily, Elfman, Juvia, and Romeo are perplexed that their camping gear is at the guildhall. Spike explains that he teleported their belongings to the guildhall, knowing that they'll forget about it. Spike decides to go back to the apartment and tell Lucy about what transpired in less than a day.

It's now 3:00 in the afternoon. Spike enters the apartment and goes up the stairs. He hears Lucy talking to someone and becomes suspicious. It's a voice Spike has never heard before. He enters to see Lucy genuinely talking to a woman that has similar traits to Lucy.

"Hey, Spike. Why are you home so early?" Lucy asks.

"Uh, Laxus came into the fray in the East Forest and got everyone distracted. Tomorrow, there's going to be a brawl between Laxus and Natsu, then Laxus and Gajeel."

"Oh, how cute!" The woman next to Lucy hugs Spike wholeheartedly. "So cute, so cute, so cute!"

"Uh, who are you?" Spike asks while being hugged by her a lot.

"Allow me to introduce to you my younger sister, Spike. This is Michelle."

Michelle is a blonde girl wearing a long pink dress. She can't stop hugging Spike. "I can't believe I got to hug a real dragon," Michelle said in awe. She continues to hug Spike but, it's tighter this time.

"Glad...to...know...you...have...relatives," Spike is nearly out of oxygen. Michelle lets go of him, allowing him to breathe. "Much better."

"So, when's the fight?" Lucy asks Spike.

"Tomorrow," Spike gets on his bed.

"So, where would I sleep?" Michelle asks.

"Well, you can take my bed, and I'll sleep with Spike," Lucy said.

"Say what now?" Spike is startled by that statement.

"Spike, it's for a little while. She is my sister after all," Lucy said.

"Very well. Who am I to complain when you allowed me to live with you. I just need to explain to Wendy so; she doesn't get any wrong ideas," Spike said.

"Of course. I would hate to see you two split up over something meaningless," Lucy replies.

"Thanks," Spike said.

"Since your a boy, where are you uh," Michelle tries not to sound awkward.

Spike sighs. "It appears when it needs to be. It's a quality feature of being a dragon and why we don't need to wear clothes. However, I will wear something on special occasions. Any other questions you have in your dirty little mind?"

"Nope," Michelle waves her hands in motion and blushes a bit.

"Lucy told me so much about you. Any way I can help you if those fiendish ponies were to come by?" Michelle asks.

"Actually, when they show up, I'll fry em for every act they inflicted pain and suffering on me. The fear route I embarked on with Panther Lily made me see that I can overcome anything in my way. If they try to bring me back to Equestria or try to do something drastic, they'll live to regret that decision as you don't mess with Fairy Tail."

"Wow, you sound like a cute little dragon knight," Michelle said in a childish tone.

Spike shudders a bit by hearing the word knight while it reminds him of Spike Knightwalker. He takes a deep breath.

"Uh.., thanks," Spike looks at Michelle.

"So, when will the fighting start?" Lucy asks.

"I want to say tomorrow morning or afternoon. I don't know," Spike answers.

"We'll go and find out," Lucy said. "Let's go, Michelle."

"See you later, handsome baby dragon," Michelle said.

"Oh boy," Spike said, hoping that Wendy doesn't get the wrong intentions.

Today is 8:30 on a Thursday morning. Laxus enters the South Gate Park. He wonders what is going on until the Thunder Legion explains that the town is in celebration of the return of Laxus. Spike walks with Lucy and Michelle to the South Gate Park. Spike sees Wendy and Carla and goes up to them.

"Hey, how are you two doing?" Spike smiles.

"I'm well, thanks for asking. I heard that the camping trip was a fail," Carla said.

"It was when everyone got distracted and left except for Wendy of course," Spike said, rubbing the back of his head.

"I'm good. I can't believe Lucy has a sister and didn't even know about it," Wendy said.

"Which brings me into telling you this," Spike explains the conditions he'll be facing with Michelle living in the apartment. Wendy understands and hopes that she and Spike can get an apartment together so no one would intrude on their privacy. "Thanks for understanding, Wendy."

"Thanks for explaining to me ahead of time," Wendy said.

"Though one of these days, you should look to get your own place, Spike. It'll do you some wonders," Carla said.

"I will when I have consistency in making money," Spike replies.

Jason is going around the South Gate Park, hyping everyone up about the exciting, excruciating potential battle between Laxus, Natsu, and Gajeel. He's happy to see Spike the Fairy after seven long years and asked him about the interview. Spike agrees and just needs a due date.

"This should be manly!" Elfman declares.

"Let's do this thing," Laxus said.

"Bring it," Natsu responds.

"I gotta warn you that I'm not going to hold back."

"I don't blame you, Laxus."

"You understand. If you don't survive this, it won't be my fault," Laxus warns Natsu.

"I can say the same for you, big guy," Natsu starts powering up.

Laxus powers up as well. Gajeel watches the two powering up and is anxious to get in the next fight. Every Fairy Tail Wizard and the people of Magnolia are getting excited to see the fight of the century. Some people couldn't keep their eyes open as fire and lighting blinds them. Natsu and Laxus continue to power up where they stand. Natsu throws the first punch and gets knocked out by Laxus. A TKO in a matter of seconds. Gajeel realizes that he's no match for Laxus and bails. Within mere moments, almost everyone leaves the South Gate Park to go on a manhunt for Gajeel.

"Hey, Laxus," Spike approaches him.

"Hey, Fairy Dragon. What's on your mind?" Laxus looks down at Spike.

"Allow me to be your next opponent," Spike powers up.

Jason gasps and realizes he's going to document a better fight while every Fairy Tail Wizard is on the hunt for Gajeel except a few. Wendy, Carla, Lucy, Michelle, Happy, and the Thunder Legion are going to witness a real fight of the century.

"Sure. I want to see what you're made of, brother."

Spike and Laxus power up while things are intensifying. Jason is ecstatic to see this fight. He leaps in joy as it'll be better than the quick instant TKO.

"Spike wants!" Spike increases his size to match Laxus' size. Laxus sees that the size is in honor of him.

"I see you are my size, Fairy Dragon," Laxus said.

"Yes. The first time I saw you, and how powerful you were, I was inspired to become the same size you've shown fear but, I would use it to fight tougher opponents and defend my friends," Spike responds. "Now, getting ready to see something new," Spike conjures a fireball.

"I'm looking forward to seeing what you got," Laxus is getting excited.

"This is so cooooool! I feel sorry for anybody missing this extravaganza!" Jason shouts.

"Inferno Heat Wave!" Spike lowers the fireball and presses both his claws forward. Creating a heat cannon to launch at Laxus.

"Impressive, Spike. Not good enough," Laxus uses his Lightning Iron Fist to disperse the inferno heat wave attack.

"Fairy Dragon Iron Claw!" Spike's claw is now a sparkling green iron claw that conducts the lightning from Laxus. "Fairy Dragon Rooooooooar!" Spike unleashes a small fire breath attack on Laxus to stun him.

Laxus stands still from the attack and is impressed with Spike. He and Spike go hand-to-claw close quarters, kicking and punching each other. Jason is having a field day with the intense fighting generating from the two.

"Resounding through the air, the roar of thunder, plunge from the heavens and reap destruction!" Laxus raises his clenched fist in the air. "Raging Bolt!" A large bolt of lightning descends on Spike.

Spike consumes Laxus' Raging Bolt attack. "Much better," Spike smirks. "Lightning Inferno Flame!" Spike powers up. "Destructive Fist!" Spike's claw is ablaze with Sparkling Green Flames and Sparkling Green Lightning.

"Lighting Dragon Iron Fist!" Laxus counters with his fist. The two lightning fists connect, creating an explosion in between them.

Laxus and Spike have some burnt markings on their chest. Laxus uses his lightning to take flight while Spike uses his wings to fly. The two battle in the skies, trying to take advantage, punching each other in the face, knee striking at certain angles, even using their roar in the skies. Spike and Laxus land on the ground, smirking a bit from their fight.

"Let me take it up a notch, Spike," Laxus said.

"Bring it," Spike gets in position.

Laxus powers up and enters his Lightning Dragon Slayer transformation. Spike remembers the form from the Fairy Tail Battle Royale. Everyone remembers that day when Laxus lost control of himself.

"Laxus! Be careful!" Freed shouts.

"He's going to slay Spike," Bickslow said.

"I hope he doesn't," Evergreen said.

"Get ready, Spike. I'm not holding back!" Laxus powers up even more.

"I have something special for this, Laxus. Get ready," Spike powers up even more.

Sparkling Green Flames and Lightning skyrockets the area in pure magic power; everyone is in awe with the power coming from Laxus and Spike. Jason is scared to see where this part of the battle will lead off too.

"Spike Rage!" Spike's eye color changes from green to orange. The Sparkling Green Flames now turn into Sparkling Orange Flames. Spike's Fairy Tail Emblem turns from black to red.

"What the hell?!" Laxus is confused as he feels a different kind of magic energy coming from Spike the Fairy.

"Hello, Laxus. I am Fairy Rage Dragon. I was once Fairy Demon Dragon."

"No way," Laxus is in disbelief.

"Do not worry. I'm not here to kill you or anything like I've done to Master Hades. Spike is in control of his life. In this case, I'm giving you a dosage in this fight. Are you ready?"

"Fairy Dragon is full of surprises," Laxus repositions himself. "I'm ready."

Fairy Rage and Laxus clash. This time, the trees around the South Gate Park are annihilated in orange flames and lightning. Everyone takes cover as the two continue to brawl.

"Lightning Dragon Rooooooooooar!" Laxus unleashes a lightning breath attack on Fairy Rage Dragon.

Fairy Rage Dragon creates a sparkling metallic flame shield to defend himself. The Lightning Roar penetrates the shield a bit. Fairy Rage throws it at Laxus. Laxus dodges and hits Fairy Rage with a Lightning Dragon Iron Fist uppercut.

"Lightning Flame Sparkling Blitz!" Fairy Rage generates Sparkling Orange Lightning Flame Orbs all around Laxus.

"What's this?" Laxus looks around a bit.

"Detonate!" On cue, the Sparkling Orange Lightning Flame Orbs around Laxus explodes.

"This is amazing! I can't utter any more as this is a brilliant display of two dragons going at each other!" Jason hops around.

Laxus consumes the lightning particles from Fairy Rage's attack. His left hand is ablaze with his yellow lightning. His right hand is ablaze with orange lightning. "I'm coming for you, Fairy Rage!" Laxus powers up. He raises both of his hands in the air at his sides, creating a massive spear.

Fairy rage is excited to see this spell once more. "Bring it on!" Fairy Rage Dragon roars.

"NO! Not that spell, Laxus!" Freed realizes what Laxus is planning on doing.

"Wait, isn't it the same spell that he nearly killed Natsu with?" Lucy turns to Freed.

"Yes..," Freed replies.

Wendy is scared now. She doesn't want to see Spike die over a spar. Everyone watches closely to see what will Spike do.

"Lightning Dragon Heavenward Halberd!" Laxus shoots a massive, powerful lightning spear at Fairy Rage Dragon.

Fairy Rage extends his claw and catches the lightning spear. It fries his claws as the spell proves to be too powerful. Fairy Rage roars and redirects the attack at Laxus. Laxus jumps out of the way as it did little damage to him.

"Damn, never seen anyone do that before," Laxus looks at Fairy Rage and notices something different.

"I-I can't believe it. I've seen Gajeel take the hit for Natsu but, seeing someone grab onto the lightning spear and dish it back, I'm in complete shock," Freed said.

"He terrifies me. It makes me wonder what if Spike can slay Acnologia. Can he do it?" Bickslow said.

"The way Spike's fighting, reading his opponent's moves, and continues to grow, he can slay Acnologia in a few years," Evergreen said.

"Spike is downright terrifying if you ask me," Michelle said.

"Don't mess with the guy," Lucy said. "He's one to push himself in training physically and mentally."

Wendy looks up and wants the fight to end. Carla is appalled with Fairy Rage and Laxus' magic power.

"I have a special gift for you." Fairy Rage claps his claws together. He creates a metallic lightning flame sword. It's Sparkling Orange.

"No way," Laxus sees the full extent of Spike's capabilities and wonders what else Spike can achieve. He smiles.

"Lightning Flame Sword Slicer!" Fairy Rage flies in the air and slashes Sparkling Orange Lightning Flames at Laxus.

Laxus uses his lightning to maneuver the lightning flame sword slice attack and punches Fairy Rage on the head. Fairy Rage uses his sword to block the punch, but it shatters. Fairy Rage is on the ground from the punch and gets up. Fairy Rage reverts to Spike as his time expires. Spike's eye color and emblem return to normal.

"So, that's how long Fairy Rage can stay in control, huh?" Spike pants a bit.

"Seems I can take control for twenty minutes. The rest is up to you, Fairy Dragon." Fairy Rage goes to sleep.

"Hey, Spike?" Laxus shouts to get his attention and lands on the ground.

"Hey, want to call it a truce?" Spike offers his claw.

"Yea," Laxus shakes Spike's claw. "That was one exhilarating match. I look forward to a rematch. You developed so much in so little time, Spike."

"Thanks," Spike chuckles a bit.

"Fairy Rage proved to be an important ally to you, Spike. He is one tough opponent as well."

"So, where are you residing?" Spike asks.

"For now, just camping by the East Forest. In a while, though. I'll be moving."

"Mind if I come by and train with you a bit?"

"Sure. Come by next week, and we'll train. Take care of the Thunder Legion for me," Laxus leaves the South Gate Park.

"Can do," Spike salutes.

Wendy runs and hugs Spike from behind. "My hero, safe at last," Wendy smiles.

"Wendy, it was just a sparring. Nothing more or less," Spike said.

"Shuuuu, don't ruin the moment," Wendy said.

Jason couldn't believe what he seen and documented. He didn't dare to talk much throughout the fight. He'll do some editing before releasing the full fight to the public.

It's now 6:30 in Magnolia. Spike is with Wendy, Carla, Happy, Romeo, and several of his friends at the guildhall. They failed to locate Gajeel after he bailed a while ago. Panther Lily can't believe that Gajeel became a coward and fled. He hears the footsteps of Gajeel and heads outside the guildhall. Unfortunately, he sees three familiar faces walking to the guildhall.

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