• Published 7th Jan 2021
  • 11,298 Views, 7,094 Comments

Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Act VII: A New Sense

Author's Note:

Characters for the play already revealed:

Suki - Wendy
Sara - Sherria
Darkness - Rogue
Richard - Rufus
Angelina - Kagura
Skeeter - Fairy Rage
Mika - Carla
Galvin - Spike
Titan - Orga
First Narrator - Yukino
Second Narrator - Lyon

The stage curtains rise, revealing a daytime background of open fields and a white palace far back. Suki continues to navigate everyone to the castle when Sara stops walking. She's unsure about visiting Chane.

"What's wrong?" Angelina sees Sara's demeanor changing while getting closer to Chane's palace.

"I have my standards about approaching Chane, especially when a favor will be owed down the line," Sara knows that Chane will want something in return for the relic or any info based on the artifact.

"They used to date long ago. However, Sara backed out of the relationship, deeming it pointless when Chane cared about good-looking women. Chane is picky when it comes to women," Suki informs Angelina and Galvin.

"You don't say," Angelina knows Chane will target her at first glance. She is not looking forward to meeting and greeting Chane.

"If I had my eyes, I would clobber him for looking at you like that, Angelina," Galvin said. "Also, to you, Suki," Galvin looks at Sara instead of Suki.

"I'm Sara, dumbass," Sara gets whacked by Suki. "OW!" Sara rubs her head from the impact.

"Not nice, Sara. I see that Chane's influence rubbed off on you," Suki said. She's upset at her sister for his continuing bad behavior toward Galvin due to his disability.

"Let's keep moving," Galvin wants to forget the reminders about his blindness.

"Well, do my eyes deceive me?" Chane approaches the girls. Chane is Eve's character. Chane wears a blue crushed velvet tunic with metallic jersey mesh sleeves and a lower front inset. White leather cuffs on the sleeves in front of the tunic. A brown leather belt wrapped around the waist. A jeweled, increscent gold crown. Black leather boots and black leggings.

"Oh, no," Sara facepalms herself. "It's him."

"Finally!" Ichiya shouts from the crowds. He finally sees one of his guildmates partaking in the show. Everyone around shushes him for the loud commotion.

"Sara, it's been a while," Chane sees Angelina and Suki. "Well, well, well," Chane approaches Suki first. "I see eyes on a beauty."

"I have a boyfriend, Chane," Suki grabs hold of Galvin's claw.

"Hey, I know you," Chane sees Galvin. He smiles widely. "You're the Mighty Galvin that slew a thousand armed thieves and took control of a train that nearly derailed with precious goods and spices!"

"Was," Galvin lowers his head.

"Was?" Chane is perplexed by Galvin's demeanor. "Dude, you're a living legend that walks among us! You're a great swordsman with a code of honor! What happened to you?"

Galvin removes his deep black sunglasses to reveal the scar he suffered from the claws of Skeeter, his brother. "I lost my vision. I lost everything because of my brother and the betrayal of my ex, Mika. I'm not the same swordsman, you know. I can't even defend myself from opposing threats, even you."

Chane is upset that his hero sounds depressing. He heard many stories of his victories, and that one defeat led him astray, feeling sadness due to a lost trait. "Come with me," Chane gets serious and grabs Galvin's claw. "There's something I want to present to you," Chane drags Galvin away from the girls. They follow him and Chane to where he wants to take him to.

The stage curtains descend. After a few moments, the stage curtains rise, revealing a garden with a white castle in the background. There are trees, bushes, birds, and fruits. Chane stops in front of the palace's yard.

"Wow," Suki, Sara, and Angelina say in awe. They see how beautiful the castle's garden is and decide to walk around and observe the beauty in all of its richness.

"I'll be back, Galvin," Suki said, reassuring Galvin that she'll be back. Galvin will take Suki's word since he can't see and read her body language.

"Mighty Galvin," Chane addresses Galvin as his title's name.

"I'm just Galvin, Chane. I'm not Mighty anymore," Galvin sadly sighs with his current condition.

"You still have much more in your arsenal," Chane reminds Galvin as his Angel did.

Galvin bitterly groans. "That's what my Angel said. Then, he told me to use what I have," Galvin kicks the air in front of him in anger. "I'm useless."

"No, you're not," Chane doubts that Galvin is useless. He believes Galvin has more than he realizes.

"You don't understand. I can't see. I can't see the beauty, what's around me, what my supposed girlfriend is wearing and looks like, or my potential opponents. Hell, I can't see any attack and the slightest sound scares me because the enemy can or is right behind me! Explain to me what I can do to turn the tides!" Galvin angrily shouts at the Chane.

Chane takes a deep breath. "Galvin, I am King in these lands you're standing on, and I must inform my people of potential threats or upcoming events. However, at times, seeing potential dangers doesn't happen. You must feel the circumstance around you."

"Feel?" Galvin questions Chane's statement. He's unsure about Chane's metaphor.

"Yes. Months ago, I felt something unsteady and unstable. My kingdom was going through an earthquake of record-breaking magnitude."

"What does that have to do with my circumstances?" Galvin is confused about the story, interrupting the moral lesson given to him.

"Allow me to finish," Chane takes a deep breath. "After I felt the earthquake, I informed my people to go into protocols. One time, there was vibrant movement shifting from side to side when a bear arrived to disrupt an annual picnic. I didn't see the bear but felt its movement, which gave me preparations to eradicate the bear from the premises. The idea I'm indicating to you is using your other senses. Since you lost one, you should heighten another for your advantage."

"My senses?" Galvin is still confused about Chane's motives. He can't sense what is around him.

"Yes. Tell me, what do you feel?" Chane asks Galvin.

"Sadness. Depression," Galvin replies.

"No, no, no, no, no, no," Chane waves his hands in disagreement. "What do you feel? No emotion but touch."

"Well," Galvin uses his arms and waves around to feel something sharp and pull his arms away. "Ah, thorn bush!"


"Dude, not cool," Galvin suspects Chane of letting him look like a fool in front of a King.

"Try feeling something else," Chane walks around Galvin and stomps on the ground.

"I feel something stomping," Galvin turns to try and grab Chane but grabs a light pole instead. "This feels smooth, and yet," Galvin taps a bit. "Metallic."

"That'll be the light pole of the garden," Chane informs. "Tell me, what else do you feel?"

"Well, I feel the marble stones under my feet; my tail feels a bush that bears some fruit. I can't tell what it is. Also, I'm feeling footsteps coming closer to me," Galvin grabs Sara's arm and slams her in front of him on the ground.

"OW!" Sara painfully shouts. She rubs her backside. "That hurt, you jackass!"

"How did I?" What Galvin did was an instinct like the times he would fight in battle.

"Well, aren't you going to apologize, jackass?" Sara rudely says.

"Sara!" Suki approaches her. "Galvin doesn't know what he's doing and-" Suki blushes a bit. She sees Galvin's claw on her shoulder.

"It's alright. It was my fault in the first place. I felt something drawing near, and I sprung into action. Almost like it was an instinct of some sort."

"No, Mighty Galvin. You used your sense to feel what's around you and took action. Sometimes, your eyes can betray you. Feel what's around you and utilize it to your advantage."

"Do my ears deceive me? Or is the King speaking wisdom?" Sara is amazed to hear King Chane speaking wisdom. She sees him as a changed man.

"He's serious. The look on his face reveals leadership with understanding and passion," Angelina confirms. "A King would speak motivation to help anyone in need. From the story you mentioned, it turns out he matured wholeheartedly."

"Feel the different vibrations around you to understand the surrounding areas better. You'll need to be patient at times to calculate your next move," Chane places his hand on Galvin's shoulder. "Never lose hope when you have more than you realize. You lost one ability, but you can always gain more with what you have. Remember to hone your abilities, Mighty Galvin."

"Thanks," Galvin removes Chane's hand from him to give him a proper handshake. It succeeds on the first try. "I won't forget your wise words."

"I know you won't," Chane smiles at his favorite hero of all time.

"Chane," Suki approaches him.

"Yes, Suki?" Chane turns to look at the beauty of Suki. He wants to hold and kiss her; King Chane longs to have a Queen by his side.

"Thanks for helping Galvin, Chane," Suki said.

"You're welcome," Chane is about to lean a small kiss on Suki when Angelina stops him by grabbing his face.

"Don't even think about it," Angelina shoves King Chane a bit.

"Rude," Chane rubs his beautiful face from the shove.

"Chane," Sara confronts him.

"Sara. I guess you want to hook up again?" Chane gets closer to Sara's face.

"No, you creep!" Sara steps back. "As much as we appreciate your wisdom for jackass here," Sara is waiting for Galvin's apology. She'll continue to call Galvin a jackass until he apologizes.

"Sorry," Galvin apologizes, but it sounded sarcastic for the moment.

"Look, my sister and me were attacked by Monika in search of the relics. We lost the Gaia Staff," Suki explains.

"WHAT?! THE GAIA STAFF IS GONE?!" Chane frantically panics. "TO THE VAULT!" Chane hightails to the palace while everyone else follows. Suki grabs Galvin's claw to lead him where to go. The stage curtains descend.

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