• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Sun Village

Spike, Wendy, Erza, Lucy, Gray, Natsu, Happy, and Carla arrive in front of a pink-purplish trench covered in ice. The travel, thanks to Warrod, took half an hour.

"Hey, guys," Spike walks up to the ice. "Something is peculiar about the ice," Spike senses the magic of them.

"What do you mean by that?" Gray asks.

"The magic that's emitting, I can't help but say that I felt the presence of it before," Spike feels the texture of the ice.

"How is this possible?" Erza asks. "Fairy Rage, what's your intake?"

"We've felt the presence before. However, I am unable to draw any conclusions. Something else is amiss with the ice, and I can feel it."

"Alright, eyes peeled, we're going in the trench. The Sun Village has to be on the other side," Erza said.

Everyone walks into the icy trench. An hour later, everyone arrives at Sun Village. The buildings, streets, plant life, people, mountains. Everything in Sun Village, frozen in ice, just like what Warrod Sequen said earlier.

"It's hard to believe something can freeze an entire city and everything around it so perfectly," Lucy said in disbelief.

"Strange. Warrod said the people are frozen. I don't see anyone around," Erza said, looking around with her friends. "I wonder where they are."

"Look up."

"Wow, frozen giants," Spike said.

"Giants!" Natsu and Happy repeat the same word while gazing at the people frozen in ice. They are in shock to see people of that size.

"Judging from the giants' positioning, they were preparing for battle."

"Yes, I agree," Erza sees the giants' weaponry and formations. It does appear they were preparing for something.

Gray is in a trance, looking at the giants frozen in ice. It gives him bad memories during his youth. It reminds him of a painful event watching Master Ur using Ice Shell to seal a demon of Zeref imprisoned in ice. Deliora.

Lucy notices Gray in a trance and goes up to him. Gray brushes it off until Lucy realizes that Gray remembers one of his darkest hours in life.

"Alright then, time to unfreeze these guys!" Natsu goes to the heel of a giant and tries using his fire to melt the ice off. After ten minutes of increasing his flames, he gives up. Not a single drop of water fell. "This is crazy. I'm poot."

Gray and Spike walk up to the giant and place their hand on it.

"Now, the magic feels similar to something I sensed before. I can't remember what it feels like."

"It's odd that I can't remember the type of magic power to create this long-lasting effect. What are you feeling, Gray?"

"It's weird, Rage. I never felt ice like this before. The magic power it has is bizarre," Gray gets a feel to it.

"Spike, think you can melt the ice?" Lucy asks.

"I'm not sure my flames can melt the ice. I don't think melting the ice is the solution. I want to say the ice needs a cleansing."

"No way," Gray is getting a better feeling of the ice magic. "I think I do recognize the source of this magic power."

"Well, well, well, some uninvited guests," A man with a sniper rifle says. He's with two other guys. "Every job has its shockers."

"I didn't expect it to be kids and their pets," Another man wielding a sword says.

"Get lost! You dig?" Another man says with a giant fist mallet.

"Who are you?" Erza asks.

"The Treasure Hunting Trio, baby."

"The Sylph Labyrinth Guild."

"You dig?"

"Very well," Erza calmly replies.

"Why are you so calm? Aren't you surprised that another guild is here?" Happy asks out of curiosity.

"Nah, this stuff happens all the time," Natsu answers.

"Yep," Gray nods.

"I never heard of a treasure hunting guild before," Wendy said.

"Me neither," Spike replies.

"The title probably tells us everything we need to know," Lucy said.

"Sorry, kids, but we had dibs on the treasure here a while, now. Why don't you go find your own?"

"Not interested," Natsu said.

"I think we're fine staying here," Gray answers.

"Oh, you think so? I think you should leave unless you want to be target practice," He falls a bit from a warning shot from Spike.

"Sorry, you were saying something?" Spike laughs a bit while blowing out the smoke from his fingertip when he mimicked a gun movement.

"Crafty bastard," He gets up.

"Not looking for treasure and yet looking for trouble. That warning shot will be your last, you little half-pint."

"What are you punks doing out here anyway?"

"Spill it! You dig?"

"We came to free all the villagers," Happy gladly answers. "So, we're going to melt this crazy ice."

The three members of Sylph Labyrinth huddle together. They conclude that the Fairy Tail Guild is in their way of possession of the hidden treasure of the village.

"I'm sure you heard about the Eternal Flame that's burned in this village for centuries."

"Even the most novice treasure hunters know that the flames are considered an S-Class Treasure. It's totally legendary."

"You dig?"

"If you say you dig one more time, I'm going to dig your graves and carve your tombstones saying: we dig."

"You little half-pint! I'm going to kill you and hang you on my Wall of Creatures!" The man with the Fist Mallet angrily shouts.

"Easy, big guy. We'll kill him, eventually."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Erza and Wendy said, now getting serious.

"Well, we're here for the Eternal Flame. Due to the giants guarding the Village of the Sun, no one has been able to get near it."

"With the big guys frozen solid, we hunters know a good opportunity when it knocks, you dig?"

"So now, we're taking the Eternal Flame and getting out when the getting's good."

"You can't! It's their guardian. It's the most sacred part of their village," Wendy protests. "If you take it away, it could destroy them."

"Doesn't sound like treasure hunters, just common thieves!" Lucy states.

Sylph Labrynith huddles together and defends their titles as treasure hunters regardless of what anyone says about them. They say the Fairy Tail Guild can say excuses and cases all they want, but it doesn't matter. They're getting their treasure no matter what it takes. Then the trio decides to go for the Eternal Flame before Fairy Tail buds in.

"Hate to break it to you. The flame is frozen solid just like everything else in the village," Gray said, hoping it'll displease the treasure hunting guild.

"Underestimating a treasure hunter on a mission is never a good idea. The ice won't be any trouble. We can melt it on our own with our secret treasure."

"You gonna make us guess? What is it?" Natsu asks, hoping it'll bait them into revealing their treasure.

"Liquid Moon Drip," The man with the sword smirks while holding a bottle with a little bit of moon drip water.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?" Gray and Natsu are in shock to hear someone has collected Moon Drip Water from Galuna Island.

"That's a blast from the past," Happy said in shock.

"And, it's just what we need," Lucy said. "Lyon used it to free Deliora."

"Uh, guys," Spike is trying to get his friends' attention.

The Sylph Labyrinth Guild makes a run for it. They are eager to get their hands on the Eternal Flames.

"I never knew it could be a liquid," Erza is amazed by the stunning revelation.

"Guys," Spike is trying to get his friends' attention again.

"Catch them! If we had that bottle, we can unfreeze the whole village and be done with this job!" Natsu shouts. Everyone except for Spike gasps.

"Move!" Erza commands. "They're going to use all of the Moon Drip!"

"GUYS!" Spike shouts. It did nothing for him as his friends sprinted after Sylph Labyrinth. Spike groans.

"If only those idiots would learn to pay close attention to you."

"They're not idiots, Rage. Their focus was on a quick fix when it's evident that little fluid will do nothing for the entire Sun Village. It's too small to do anything."

"You want to go after them?"

"No, they need to learn when to see the bigger picture."

"Even Wendy?"

"Even Wendy. Let's look around for clues. There could be something else that we're not seeing."


"I'm still here, you two. I heard every word that came out," Erza said. She sounds upset at the moment.

"Were you paying attention when Spike was trying to grab everyone's attention?"

"No," Erza said to Fairy Rage. "So, you think the Moon Drip is worthless, Spike?"

"Yes. It won't free everyone. It will unfreeze the size of my palm. Maybe less than that."

"Sorry that I gave the order for our friends to go after the treasure hunter guild. My mistake."

Spike sighs. "It's okay. We make mistakes at times."

"Let's have a look around, Spike."

"Okay, Sis."

Spike and Erza walk around the village to find any explicit detail that could be helpful. They notice how the giants are facing.

"Spike, look how the giants are facing together. Like Rage mentioned earlier, they were preparing for battle. That means their back turn is the location where the Eternal Flame is at."

"Perfect," Spike flies beside Erza while she runs. The two go into the forest.

"Spike, I see two giants with spears guarding a tall mountain."

"Sis, that's not a mountain. Those are the Eternal Flames," Erza and Spike stop to gaze at the frozen flames. Spike feels an eerie presence within the ice. "Sis, for some reason, the flames are eerie similar. The presence, I felt it before."

"Explain, Spike," Erza asks.

Spike puts his claw on the frozen fire. He reminisces a bit while concentrating on the presence. "Either than the familiar feeling of the ice, I know what the Eternal Flames are."

Erza's eyes lit up when Spike figured out what are the Eternal Flames. "What is it, Spike?"

"The Eternal Flames are..," Spike turns to Erza, and she's no longer an adult. Spike's jaws drop.

"Spike, what's wrong?" Erza asks, and she gasps. Her voice sounds like a child's voice. Her armor, her skirt, and boots are too big for her. It falls.

"Sis, something is horribly wrong," Spike flies next to her.

Erza looks in the reflection of the ice to see herself young again. "It can't be. It has to be some illusion. Like the ice has a bad omen for those who-" Erza sees Spike shaking his head.

"It's not a bad omen, Erza. Someone else is manipulating time matter."

"Why are you and Spike not affected by it?" Erza asks.

"It's way weaker compared to the effects of the Infinity Clock when it turned Spike into a baby. We're stronger now than at the time of the Infinity Clock crisis."

"Is there any way you can fix this!?" Erza grabs hold of Spike. "I don't want to stay like this!" Erza frantically imagines the worse case scenarios that pop into her mind. Being shorter than Wendy and thinking she's the older sister. Gray and Natsu get loads of payback from the times she clobbered them for misbehaving. The worse one comes to mind, not being close with her lover Jellal. Being young will cause Jellal to go away and find someone else. "PLEASE SPIKE! WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN LEARNING THAT CAN HELP ME!?! THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING YOU CAN DO!" Erza slides on the ice while holding onto Spike. The two roll down a steep hill.

After a few minutes of rolling down a steep hill, Spike and Erza crash into an icy bush. Spike is on his back while Erza lands on top of him. Unfortunately, the way they crashed, the two wind up kissing each other for a brief moment. The two pant and get off the bush.

"Uuuuuuuuuh," Spike and Erza cough. "That never happened. It's just a weird dream we had, and dreams are weird," Spike and Erza said in unison. Now they're talking in sync. "Stop that! Hey! Ugh," The two facepalm themselves.

"Nice routine. I bet the theatre can use a set of comedians."

"YOU'RE NOT HELPING!" Spike and Erza angrily yell at Fairy Rage.

Fairy Rage laughs. "Seriously. I'm not sure we can help you return to your normal age. The traits and magic that make you, you, are not missing. You're younger, and we didn't learn anything that can dispel an aging spell or omens."

"Damn," Erza sighs in defeat. "Now what?"

"Find the source that's causing the disruption with the aging and correct it."

"So, where to? Do you sense anything around you?" Erza asks.

"The ice we're on is making it harder for me to sense anything in particular."

"I might as well see where I am on magic power," Erza powers up and finds herself having a hard time conjuring her weapon. The sword of her choice is heavy, and she realizes her requip speed is reduced by half.

"That's not good," Spike said.

"Erza Titania and the baby dragon," Minerva smirks, knowing victory is in her grasp already. Erza and Spike turn to Minerva.

"You had me worried when you disappeared after the Grand Magic Games. Where have you been? Why are you here?" Erza asks.

Minerva is perplexed when she hears Erza saying she was worried. "That's rich, even for you. However," Minerva balls her fists. "I haven't forgotten the time you made me eat dirt!" Minerva powers up. "Now that the two of you are weaker, killing you should be easy!" Minerva rushes in with her Territory Explosion Magic.

Spike catches her strike in front of Erza. "Payback is a bitch!" Spike punches Minerva in the gut. She hurls back a bit.

"How is this possible?" Minerva recomposes herself. "Doriate, what the hell?" Minerva thought his magic would affect Spike's power.

"So, Doriate is the one behind the aging manipulation."

"Indeed he is. I'm surprised you are not affected by his magic power," Minerva powers up.

"I'm stronger now with time manipulations than before. You want my sister? You'll have to go through me," Spike powers up.

"Spike, we can do this together," Erza wants to fight Minerva.

"No, you'll only get in the way. You aren't as strong as you're used to be. I got this."

"Oh, it'll pain Erza even more, watching you die. Like a failed sister she was during the Grand Magic Games," Minerva laughs.

Erza wants to teach Minerva a lesson. She grits her teeth and balls her fists. Minerva reminded Erza the day she stabbed Spike in the back while relishing his suffering.

"Sis, I got this," Spike flies after Minerva.

"Come and meet your demise!" Minerva smiles wickedly.

"SPIKE NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Erza is afraid of losing Spike to Minerva. She's reliving the memory when Minerva stabs Spike in the back.

"Die!" Minerva uses her territory magic, but Spike kicks it out of her hand. "What?" Minerva underestimates Spike's quickness while relishing Erza's cries.

"Ice Spike!" Spike conjure and ice spike from the ground. The color of ice is not Sparkling Green. It's the same color as the village. "What the?"

Minerva doesn't take any damage and uses the ice spike as an advantage to leap in the skies to shoot territorial bombs at Spike. Spike crosses his arms, conjuring a metallic flame shield to take the hits. Minerva lunges down on Spike and shatters Spike's defense with her sheer strength.

"Typical," Minerva turns around to see Spike's conjuring a fireball.

"Inferno Heat Wave!" Spike presses his claws at Minerva, creating a heat cannon. Minerva uses her magic to switch places with Erza. Spike's eyes widen in horror.

Erza jumps out of the way, and her legs are scorched with Spike's heat cannon. Erza wails in agony. Her younger body is unable to withstand Spike's heat cannon blaster. She's suffering from third-degree burns.

Minerva laughs. "It's true. Love hurts, doesn't it?" Minerva menacing mocks Spike.

Spike rushes to Erza and sees she's in pain. "Sis," Spike's voice is trembling. "I'm sorry.., I'm so sorry..," Spike clutches Erza while Minerva laughs. He's shaking in regret for his attack as the image of striking his sister will haunt him for a long time.

"I.., forgive you.., accidents do happen..," Erza puts her hand on Spike's cheek. She pants from the attack.

"What a twist of turns. I was mocking Erza for failing to be a sister when you failed in being a brother that looks out for her," Minerva sinisterly laughs with satisfaction.

Spike uses his fire breath to teleport Erza to create some distance. His eyes are no longer green, it's a blend of orange and green; his breaths become angry snorts. Spike takes control of Fairy Rage.

"You just made a grave mistake." Spike turns to Minerva. Spike creates an ice scythe using the ice on the ground. "A Grave Mistake!" The ice scythe is Sparkling Orange-Green while maintaining its' original color from the village.

"Is that so?" Minerva scoffs. "Last time we fought, I stabbed you in the back. This time, I'm ripping your head off. By the way, that's a promise, not a threat."

"Ever heard of the Grim Reaper?" Spike powers up, using the ice around him to create a Sparkling Orange-Green Ice Cloak that conceals his body and face. "Feast your eyes on the Ice Reaper Dragon."

Minerva looks at the physique of Spike's Ice Reaper transformation. She steadies herself for any counterattack Spike has in mind. Ice Reaper Dragon feels the ice below and becomes one with it. His body merges with the ice. Minerva gulps a bit; it reminds her of Rogue's Shadow Magic.

"Ice Spears!" Spears from the ice below Minerva emerges, shooting at all corners. Minerva jumps and dodges each attack.

"How is this possible?" Minerva questions Spike's magic prowess within the ice. Minerva uses her Territory Magic to intercept the ice spears.

Spike rises from the ice and flies behind Minerva. He slashes at her with his Ice Scythe. Minerva turns around to counter with her Territory Explosion Orbs. Spike grabs the Territory Explosion Orbs and turns them into ice.

"What?!" Minerva is in shock.

"Have a taste of your own medicine, bitch! Ice Territory Explosion!" Spike uses Minerva's Territory Explosions against her. The ice shatters, causing severe damage to her clothes and skin.

Minerva falls to the ground hard. She looks at Spike in fear. Her magic is unable to damage him at the slightest. "What have I unleashed?" Minerva squeaks a bit while watching Spike conjuring his magic power.

Spike uses his Ice Scythe to draw a circle in the skies. Spike powers his fire breath. "Ice Reaper Dragon!" Spike takes a deep breath. "ROOOOOOOOOOOOOAR!" Spike unleashes his fire breath into the circle he drew in the skies. His flames turn into ice shards heading directly at Minerva.

"HE'S TRYING TO KILL ME!" Minerva screams in fear, gets up, and limps away. She uses her magic to create a Territory Shield to defend herself. The impact of the ice shards explodes on contact.

Spike swoops down using his ice scythe to slash at Minerva. Minerva has her back turn and feels the sharp end of the ice scythe impaling her back. The exact spot where she stabbed Spike during the Grand Magic Games.

Minerva drops to her knees, squealing in agonizing pain while holding herself. It's one of the most pains she endured in her life. "You.., monster..," Minerva pants. Tears stream on her face from the immense pain she's suffering.

Spike yanks his scythe out of Minerva's back hard, causing Minerva to shrill loudy while scattering some of her blood in the process. He looks at Minerva's eyes and places his Ice Scythe near her throat. "Your soul is-"

"WAIT!" Erza crawls her way from one of the giant's houses. She saw the whole event unfold.

"WHY?" Spike is still angry at Minerva for the stunt she pulled. "Why shouldn't I end this bitch's life? Give me one good reason why I shouldn't?"

Erza sees the malice in Spike's eyes like the time she saw Spike Knightwalker in Edolas. Minerva turns to Erza and back at Spike. Her fate is sealed, and she knows it.

"If you take her life, you're walking a similar path as Spike Knightwalker would."

Spike takes it to heart while looking at Minerva with the intent of ending her life. Minerva wonders who Spike Knightwalker is and how serious he is compared to Spike the Fairy.

Spike relents and drops his Ice Scythe. "I will not become that demented being that killed other wizards based on what he feels." Spike glares at Minerva, striking fear in her heart. "Go. If you dare strike Fairy Tail, I will turn you into a vegetable so you can live your life full of regret."

Minerva gets up and leaves. She knows she can't do anything to Spike the Fairy. She should have killed him during the Grand Magic Games. She needs more power. She needs to put Spike and Erza six feet under. Someday, she will have her revenge.

Spike removes the Ice Cloak he made and reverts to normal. His eyes are green once more, Spike sobs from nearly committing murder due to his anger. Erza crawls to Spike and hugs him. Letting him know she forgives him and is proud of doing the right thing.

"Spike wants!" Spike increases his size into Laxus' and puts Erza on her back.

"Spike, what are you doing?" Erza asks. She's confused with Spike's motives.

"Minerva mentioned a guy named Doriate. He has to be somewhere in the Sun Village. We're going to find him so I can kick his sorry ass for messing with Fairy Tail. I promise I won't kill him. I'll cripple him under submission."

"Okay, Spike. Please, go gentle," Erza calmly asks.

"Here," Spike places a Ring of Defense in Erza. She hears a click in her mind. "If Doriate targets you with his magic, you won't be affected by it."

"Thank you," Erza holds onto Spike as best as she can.

Spike takes flight in search of Doriate. What he and Erza see in the skies is Happy and Carla, flying for their lives while this fiend chases them.

"What is that!?" Erza points to it.

"It's dead meat," Spike flies after it. He places a Ring of Defense on himself in case the creature can use magic power. Spike conjures another Ice Scythe. This time, it's Sparking Green without the ice of the Sun Village. "HEEEEY!" Spike yells to grab its' attention.

The fiend turns. It's a purplish Cyclops Monster and shoots an Eye Beam at Spike. Spike does a barrel roll and slices the Cyclops' side. It falls to the ground.

"Thanks, Spike," Happy flies next to him.

"What happened to Erza?" Carla observes Erza's health and child-like appearance.

"She turned into a child by this Doriate guy. We're in search of him, so I can kick his ass and end the time manipulation spell he's using."

"Minerva was with him," Erza said.

"Whoa! Minerva was here!?" Happy said in terror.

"Yes, however, she was no match for Spike. Minerva is on the run knowing that she can't defeat Spike," Erza stretches the truth a bit. She doesn't want her friends to know that Spike nearly ended her life.

"Excuse me for a moment," Spike conjures ice missiles with his Sparkling Green Flames inside. He's aiming at the Cyclops. "Ice Paladin Strike! Launch!" Spike unleashes the missiles on the Cyclops. It explodes on contact, causing the Cyclops to flee from the scenery. Half of the Cyclops' body is scorched while the other half feels the cold. "Happy, Carla."

"Yes, Spike?" The two say in unison.

"I need you to take Erza and find Wendy."

"Wait, are you sure?" Carla asks.

"Why not teleport to Wendy?" Happy suggests.

"The ice magic here is throwing off my senses. Something peculiar about it that's making me blind to my flare markings. Something about the ice is familiar, though, and I'm getting closer to figuring it out."

"Alright," Happy grabs Erza.

"Be safe, Spike," Despite the Ring of Defense spell, Erza is still worried about Spike.

"I will, Sis. You get better," Spike takes off in one direction while Happy, Carla, and Erza take off in another.

A menacing wail echoes throughout Sun Village; it bothers Spike's eardrums. It sounds demonic in nature.

"That's a demon, Spike."

"Demon, demon..," Spike starts remembering the similarity of the ice magic to what he felt. "Rage! I think I know why the ice feels so familiar!"

"No freaking way." Fairy Rage understands Spike's logic.

"The ice! It's similar to Cherry Blendy's Demon Magic. Someone is an Ice Demon Slayer!"

"Perhaps the punk is going to outer regions of Fiore to spread chaos like a burnt offering ritual."

"I don't think I can reverse the damaged even if we were to tap into Fairy Demon Dragon."

"We already know someone who can take care of the ice. The one that inspired you for Maker Magic."

"Gray. Gray is the catalyst for uplifting the demonic ice. We gotta find him. This Doriate guy will have to wait a little longer," Spike flies to where the demonic wail came from.

Ten minutes later. Spike lands in front of Gray, Erza, Carla, and Happy. Spike turns to see a demon on the ground reverting to man. Spike sighs in relief now that Erza is back to normal. She still needs Wendy's healing magic.

"Where have you been?" Happy asks.

"Looking for Doriate at first, then I found out how the ice in the village can be uplifted."

"I already figured it out. I have the power to melt the ice," Gray said. He's shirtless.

"There's something else about the ice that you should know, Gray. It took me a while to discover why it's familiar to me."

The Cyclops returns and devours Doriate after he says the Netherworld Gate busted wide open due to Gray. Happy and Carla panics at first, then watches the Cyclops take off. It knows Spike will kill him if he makes a move. Erza is petrified when Doriate mentioned the Netherworld.

"Gray. Sis and I know where the Eternal Flames are at. I bet the others found it by now."

"Let's go," Gray, Happy, and Carla runs deeper in the forest while Spike carries Erza on his back.

Twenty minutes later. Gray, Spike, Carla, Happy, and Erza meet with Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, and Flare Corona of Raven Tail.

"Whoa, what happened with you guys?" Natsu asks.

"Erza! What happened?" Lucy is terrified to see Erza's legs scorched.

Spike puts Erza down on the ground for Wendy to heal her. "Minerva made an appearance today."

"Minerva!" Natsu, Wendy, and Lucy shriek a bit.

"Yes," Erza nods. "Was anyone here affected by time manipulations?"

"I was," Lucy raises her hand.

"Same with blonde," Flare said.

"Me as well," Wendy said while healing Erza.

"It sucked being a kid," Natsu said.

"Despite being a kid, I still defeated that demon, Doriate," Gray said.

"I turned into a kitten," Happy and Carla said.

"Spike wasn't affected by the magic and defeated Minerva at ease. He got his revenge during the fight. Minerva switched places with me, and I suffered from Spike's heat cannon attack. It was unavoidable."

"Whoa," Wendy imagines Fairy Rage kicking in.

"I turned into an Ice Reaper Dragon to defeat Minerva," Spike doesn't want to admit that he nearly killed Minerva. "Gray," Spike points to the Eternal Flames that looks like a mountain of spikes. "That's the Eternal Flames."

"On it," Gray walks up to it and places his hands on the Eternal Flames.

"What can you do, Gray?" Lucy asks.

"The ice is immune to my Maker Magic. However, I can channel the ice into my body. My theory is, once I can channel the ice within me, I can defuse the curse," Gray channels his magic energy to allow the ice flow into him.

Wendy finishes healing Erza. She's good as new and requips into new boots to wear. She also requips into her original attire.

"Thank you, Wendy," Erza smiles at Wendy.

"I'm happy to help," Wendy smiles at Erza.

"Spike, what did you discover? What were you able to figure out?" Erza asks.

"Oh, right. I didn't explain to any of you. Wendy, does the feeling of the ice seem familiar to you?"

"Uh-uh," Wendy shakes her head.

"Well, the reason why the ice is different is that it's demonic in nature. We dealt with a Sky Demon during our Small Coalition. Now, we're in the midst of dealing with an Ice Demon."

"ICE DEMON!" Everyone, including Gray, while he's channeling the ice, shouts in shock.

"There's no doubt about it. The resemblance is familiar even when I merged my body with it to move under Minerva."

"Wow..," Flare is in disbelief hearing that an Ice Demon froze her hometown.

"That's one discovery I made. The second discovery is the Eternal Flames itself. I know exactly what it is."

"You do?" Flare wonders what Spike knows about the Eternal Flames.

"When we spilled the Moon Drip on the ground, I heard a familiar voice. I have a feeling who it may be, Spike. Care to tell me who you think the Eternal Flame is?" Natsu asks Spike.

"There's no doubt about it," Spike turns to the Eternal Flames while it's radiant in purple flashes due to Gray's magic. Then the ice evaporates along with the Eternal Flames. "Uuuuuuuuuuuuh, was that supposed to happen?"

Everyone is astounded and disappointed. They watch the Eternal Flames vanish right before their eyes.

"I DON'T KNOW!!!" Gray panics. "I.., I.., I didn't mean to..," Gray pants as his plan backfired immediately.

Wendy shudders a bit. She's sensing a lot of magic power and residual thought energy.

"So, mind confirming what you sensed from the flames?" Natsu asks.

"Atlas Flames," Spike answers. He remembers the beating Atlas Flames gave him during the war of fighting dragons.

"A DRAGON!" Everyone except for Natsu and Wendy shouts in horror.

"Spike's, right," Wendy said, breaking the shock-fest. "I'm sensing residual thought energy. Stronger than Spike's uncle, Zirconis."

"Look!" Happy points at the altar of the Eternal Flames. It's igniting its flames. The flames look weak.

"Natsu, I bet if the flames had your fire, it can come back stronger than ever. That's probably the reason Warrod wanted you to tag along with Gray," Wendy said.

"Got it," Natsu conjures his breath attack. Happy picks Natsu to hover above the altar. "Fire Dragon Rooooooooooooar!" Natsu unleashes a heavy dosage of his fire on the altar. It ignites the Eternal Flames.

The Eternal Flames is larger in scale now. Flare cries at the beauty of the Guardian of the Sun Village. Wendy now knows for sure Spike is right. The voice and thought energy are the same. She uses her Milky Way spell to contact the dragon's spirit.

"Yea, there's no doubt about it," Spike senses the Eternal Flames thoroughly. "That's Atlas Flame."

"Hey, Uncle. How you've been?" Natsu smiles at Atlas Flame.

Atlas Flame dragon features appear on the altar. He looks at Natsu. "Son of Igneel. Aside from being imprisoned in ice, I've been good."

"It is Atlas Flame!" Gray jaw drops.

"I never forget a beating someone gives me," Spike said.

"I don't get it. The Eclipse Gate was destroyed and sent the dragons back 400 years ago," Carla said. She's confused like some of the others.

"Atlas Flame and my Uncle were sent back in time. However, anything could have happened 400 years ago that led to this," Spike explains. "This is current day Atlas Flame."

"That is correct, Son of Amy the Amethyst Dragon."

"I didn't know you were still alive. You must be ancient," Natsu said.

"Ancient, yes. Alive, no. Far from it, Natsu," Atlas Flame said.

"Atlas Flame been dead for centuries," Wendy confirms while using the Milky Way spell. "I used my Milky Way to give form of what remains of him."

"What?" Carla turns to Wendy.

"I thought as much. I don't recall dying, but I do remember the life, and this isn't what it felt like," Atlas Flame said.

"So, are you not all there or what?" Gray asks Atlas Flames.

"I don't have the perspective to say, but my memories are clouding me. However," Atlas Flames turn to Spike. "Fairy Dragon. I have a message for you from your mother."

"My.., mother..," Spike smiles a bit while shedding a tear.

"She's proud of what you are becoming. She believes you'll start anew with humanity and dragons in the new world. Do not fear or fret as long as you have friends and family by your side."

Spike takes the message to heart. He now has clarity from his mother. "Thank you, Atlas Flame."

"So, anything else you remember, Uncle?" Natsu asks.

"Not much. I don't remember this place and why I'm here, boy."

"Something doesn't add up. Zirconis had his memory in check, so why doesn't Atlas Flame has his?" Carla asks.

"It might have to do with the ice. As Spike mentioned, it's demonic ice, and something of that magnitude must have incredibly-strong willpower to leave residual thought power in its wake. However, the magic power is weak. Considering the length of time Atlas Flame was frozen, it would be evident that his memories would be damaged," Wendy explains.

"I've.., yes.., all around me. I didn't know what cold was until then," Atlas Flames said.

"About that, mind telling us how everything got like this?" Natsu asks.

"Please, Sir, I need to know," Flare said. "You see, I used to live here."

"His intentions were not evil, but he mistook me for something I am not," Atlas Flame answers.

"Did you say he?" Lucy wants more clarification.

"Yes. A single human being transformed this entire town into a tantrum."

"That man has to be the Ice Demon Slayer. I felt the presence of someone using Demonic Magic," Spike said.

"So, what did this guy think you were?" Flare asks Atlas Flame.

"He mistook me as a demon. Not the first that mistake has been made," Atlas Flame said.

"Of course, that makes complete sense." Fairy Rage sarcastically says.

"What is with you?" Spike asks Fairy Rage.

"Adding character that fits with me. It's not very often I'm like this."

"Fair enough," Spike replies.

"Fairy Dragon, get the second voice in check," Atlas Flame said.

"Very funny."

"Everything is fading.., who am I?" Atlas Flame is starting to have amnesia.

"Our diety! You're the Guardian of this village! Atlas Flame of the Titans!" Flare shouts. Atlas Flames look at Flare in confusion. She bows in front of Atlas Flame. "Hear my plea! I beg you! Warm this village with your light! Banish the ice! Be the Guardian you always were!" Flare cries a little. "I have no right to ask, but please, save my family."

Atlas Flames start regaining memory after hearing the prayer of Flare Corona. "Yes, I was a dragon once and died. Then, I became the Flame of the Titians. I created this village."

"You did? Nice! I'm glad it's coming back to you," Natsu said.

"It pains me to see it suffer so; if I have a single drop of moisture in me, it would gleet me from my eyes," Atlas Flame said. "With what strength and spirit I have left and the fire I received from the Son of Igneel, I will burn this ice away! For I am more than Atlas Flame the Fire Dragon!" Atlas Flame ablaze his body on the altar, getting ready to melt the ice in the village. "I am Atlas Flame of the Titans!" Atlas Flames starts melting the demonic ice, and in the process, he remembers everything. "Boy, I need you to pay close attention; 400 years ago, your father fought the strongest, most vile demon in the book of Zeref. That monster's name is E.N.D; and, not even Igneel had the strength to slay it."

Natsu takes offense and wants to slay E.N.D; himself. Then Atlas Flame melts the entire ice of the Sun Village in a matter of moments. The town, the people, the plant life, and the colors are restored. Natsu no longer sees Atlas Flame. He sees large flames in movement while two Giants look down at everyone. Wendy confirms there is no trace of Atlas Flame. He gave everything to save the village. Flare Corona cries and thanks Atlas Flame for saving her friends and family in the Sun Village after seeing the effects unfold.

"Spike, I need you to tell me," Gray grabs a hold on him. "What was it like fighting a Demon Slayer?"

Spike takes a deep breath. "Terrifying and horrifying. Fighting a Demon Slayer leaves no room for cockiness or any room for laughter. I nearly died fighting the Sky Demon Slayer, Cherry Blendy. I'm was extremely happy that Sherria was the one who took her down and out. Wendy and I made it harder for her, but without a God Slayer, defeating a Demon Slayer will be harder. Even with my Fairy Demon Dragon mode, it wasn't enough to singlehandedly take her out."

"Flare?" One of the giants guarding the Eternal Flames looks down on her.

"I'm home," Flare smiles widely.

The giant escorts everyone to their village to have a celebrational feast. The giants that are freed from their icy prisons are happy to see Flare once more. They question why other humans, two cats, and a dragon are present. Flare explains everything to the giants. Her explanation, including what she's seen, took an hour. During the hour, it gave the giants time to prepare food to share. The Giants welcome Flare back with open arms and let her know that she'll always have a place within the village. Natsu and Happy are sitting on one of the giant's heads, laughing with the others after telling a pun.

"We owe you little people, big time," A giant graciously says.

"We're happy that we can help out," Gray said.

"Spike wants!" Spike increases his size to meet the level of the giants. He's a quarter size of a dragon.

"Hey, hey, not so little now," A giant puts an arm around Spike. "You gotta be one tough dragon in the lands, now."

"Yea, however, I'm not the strongest. I'm not there yet," Spike rubs the back of his head, being modest with himself.

"Here," A giant gives Spike a drumstick.

"I don't think I've ever eaten anything this big before. Even in this size," Spike holds the drumstick. He starts eating it while his friends start eating. Spike notices something peculiar about Erza. He shrinks down after eating to see what's up. "Sis?"

Erza is in a trance. She has the memory of Doriate repeating about the Netherworld Gate being opened. She inadvertently ignores Spike's call.

"Sis?" Spike pulls on Erza's skirt to grab her attention. Again, Erza inadvertently ignores Spike's call. "ERZA!" Spike and Fairy Rage yell. Everyone turns to Spike while Erza turns to Spike.

"Oh, sorry, Spike. Is something wrong?" Erza asks.

"You're edgy, and there is no way you can tell me you're not. What's on your mind?"

Erza sighs heavily. Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Wendy, Happy, and Carla come up to Erza. They are wondering what the fuss is about.

"It's what I heard from Doriate when Gray defeated him. The Netherworld Gate busted wide open..," Erza sighs.

"Yea, so, what about it?" Gray has no clue what the Succubus member spoke.

"The Netherworld Gate is Tartaros," Erza said. Everyone is dead silent after hearing the Dark Guild's name.

"I remember seeing the chart through Spike's memory. They're the only major Dark Guild left that oppose an extreme threat. Gray, was Doriate an actual demon?"

"Yes," Gray nods.

"The Ice Demon Slayer must have been searching for him and winded up freezing Atlas Flame instead."

"Who cares? We finish the job, so let's party hardy!" Natsu shouts.

"Aye!" Happy says.

"Yea, I don't see why not," Erza smiles a bit.

"You guys party without me," Spike said. He flaps his wings.

"Why is that?" Erza asks.

"Someone needs to inform the Master about Tartaros' awakening. Wouldn't you agree, Erza?" Spike said, sounding more mature than usual.

"Alright, if that is what you wish," Erza said.

"I'll see you around, Sis," Spike uses his fire breath to teleport back to the guildhall.

"Hey, where did Spike go?" Wendy asks Erza.

"He went to the guildhall to inform Makarov on what transpired," Erza said. "Though, I feel he's hiding something else in mind."

"Like what?" Lucy wonders what Erza means.

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