• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Second Date

It's been a week of intense training since returning from Equestria. Spike is outside, lying on the grass. It's 10:30 at night. Wendy comes out of the tent to check on Spike.

"Hey, Spike," Wendy sits on the grass with Spike.

"Hi, Wendy," Spike smiles.

During the week, Spike and Wendy have been training with each other more and improving on their unison raid attacks. They've been getting closer together.

"What's on your mind, Spike?" Wendy asks.

Spike sits up. "I'm thinking about the future of the guild and us. It's been a while since we went on a date."

"A date?" Wendy gets an idea and keeps it to herself.

"Yea. I love being with my friends and family. However, I do want to make time for you. We've been on one date and many jobs together. As well as fighting many battles and wars."

"You're forgetting the times we spent together alone, silly," Wendy replies.

Spike chuckles. "Those were hangouts. The best ones I have with you."

"Many more are coming, Spike. More memories to make," Wendy holds Spike's claw.

"I know," Spike leans in and kisses Wendy's lips.

Wendy and Spike hold each other while kissing each other. Their kiss is interrupted by the sounds of chips munching loudly. Wendy and Spike turn to see Sherria eating.

"Sorry," Sherria goes back in her tent.

Spike and Wendy sigh. They look at the night sky together. After a while, the two decide to call it a night and go to sleep.

The next day. It's 8:30 in the morning. Spike wakes up and sees his friends packing up.

"Where are you off too?" Spike asks.

"Off to work, Fairy Dragon. Panther Lily and I need to make some Jewels. Don't worry. We'll continue our training along the way," Gajeel grabs his bag. He and Panther Lily leave.

"Good luck, Gajeel, and Panther Lily!" Spike waves bye to them.

"Same goes for me," Erza said. "I need to earn Jewels to sustain myself. I'm off to Mermaid Heel for a while."

"Take care, Sis," Spike can tell it's a bit hard for Erza to leave Spike. She tries not to think about it.

"I need to go back to Lamia Scale," Sherria leaves with her belongings. "See you next time, guys."

"Be safe!" Wendy said.

"I'm going to meet up with my dad. I miss him," Romeo said. "Thanks to Warren, my dad is at Hargeon."

"If you run into Popeye, tell him I say hi," Spike said.

"Will do," Romeo gather his belongings and leave.

Elfman finishes taking down his tent and starts packing. Lisanna helps Elfman with packing up the other things.

"We're going to either Lamia Scale or Sabertooth to apply for jobs since we're in the clear thanks to you," Mirajane informs Spike.

"Have fun with the job you choose," Spike throws the thumbs up.

"We will. Also, as you instructed, we will make room to train. If you ever want to hang with us, don't hesitate. We would love you with us."

"Don't worry. I'll make the time. See you three around," Spike starts taking down his tent. He wants to relax a bit in Magnolia. Maybe work with Mr.Yajima at the 8-Island Restaurant again.

Lucy is thinking about pursuing her dream to be a writer and train hard during the year. She'll go with Spike to the apartment.

"Hey, mind if we come to the apartment with you?" Wendy and Carla ask.

"Sure," Spike and Lucy reply.

After packing up, Spike uses his fire breath to teleport everyone in front of the apartment. The Landlady comes by and reminds Lucy and Spike they don't have to pay rent for the rest of the year. Lucy sighs in relief. She's forgotten about not paying rent for the rest of the year.

Spike, Lucy, Wendy, and Carla head up to the apartment; Spike throws himself on his bed.

"Aaaaaaaaaaah, much better."

Wendy does the same. She and Spike have a good laugh.

"Those two are inseparable. I'm so happy for Wendy and Spike." Carla thought to herself. She's seeing how the two are growing by the day. "I miss Fairy Rage."

Lucy is taking a bath and contemplates what to do next. She wants to pursue her dream as a writer but, she doesn't want Spike to feel abandoned. A lot of mixed feelings are rushing in her head. After her bath, Wendy and Carla go in to take theirs. Lucy walks up to Spike.

"Mind if we have a private chat?"

"Sure," Spike wants to know what Lucy has in mind. Spike and Lucy walk into another room to have their private discussion. "What's on your mind?"

"I'm thinking about leaving Magnolia for a while; to pursue my dream as a writer since the guildhall is no more until its due date. Also, I don't want to leave you and make you think I'm abandoning you."

"You should go and follow your dream. I'll keep the apartment safe and sound until you come back. All I ask is during the year, we train a bit and spend some time together."

"That's a done deal, Spike," Lucy smiles. "Thank you, Spike," Lucy hugs Spike. She starts packing up.

"You're welcome. You've given me a place to stay when I first arrived in Magnolia."

"It was the right thing to do since you didn't know where you'll be sleeping, Spike," Lucy replies.

"For that, I'll always be grateful for your kindness and generosity. I wish you luck with your career as a writer. Any idea where you're heading?"

"Crocus. I'm hoping that Jason of Sorcerer Weekly can take me in as a journalist."

"You know, still to this day, I haven't interviewed with the guy. If he asks for a scoop, use my name."

Lucy chuckles. "I will."

Spike sits on the bed as Lucy continues to pack her belongings. Lucy made sure she packed everything, including extra Jewels for the ride. After a few minutes, Lucy walks up to Spike.

"See you later, Spike," Lucy hugs him.

"See you soon, Sis," Spike hugs back.

Lucy leaves the apartment and informs the Landlady she'll return in a year. She's going to pursue her dream as a writer. The Landlady expects quality checks from her next year with a writer's salary.

Wendy and Carla come out of the bathroom after taking a long-needed bath. They don't see Lucy around.

"Spike, where's Lucy?" Carla asks.

"She's going to pursue her dream of becoming a writer. Lucy is on her way to Crocus. Lucy did promise to make time for her training and me when I visit her."

"So, that means you have the apartment to yourself!" Wendy is excited.

"Yea," Spike nods. "I have the apartment to myself until we rebuild the guildhall."

"Huh, you have a year of rent-free. So, what do you have in mind?" Carla asks.

"Well, I guess to relax and do some reading. I still have plenty of magic books to read from the Magic Library. First, it's my turn to take a bath," Spike goes to the bathroom.

Wendy couldn't help but smile more. She starts getting dressed, which catches Carla's attention.

"Have something in mind, Wendy?"

"Yea," Wendy puts on a white dress and black tights. "I figure it's been a while that Spike and I been on a date. Now that he has a place of his own for a while, I might as well enjoy every opportunity I have."

"What about training and working, Wendy? Are you going to get some jobs during the year or slack off?"

"Oh, don't worry, Carla. I'll go on some jobs with Lamia Scale. So I can be closer to my Sky Sister, Sherria. The only thing I have to worry about is training and buying food with Spike."

"I see you have everything planned out. So, don't worry about this date. I won't interfere. You and Spike go have fun."

"I will," Wendy puts on her white flats. "Are you going to be fine by yourself?"

"Well, I'll be reading some books Spike brought from the Magic Library. There could be certain magic for my liking to try and study. I want to combat and fight alongside you and Spike. The war we had against Midnight Sparkle, I was in hiding with Lector and Frosch when those infinite waves of soldiers kept coming to the Crystal Empire."

"I get it. You don't want to feel like a burden that needs protection."

Carla sighs. "Yes..," She lowers her head.

"Well," Wendy puts her hand on Carla's head. "No need to fret. You'll become strong and wiser with your training. Plus, I'll be there by your side."

"Thanks, Wendy," Carla smiles.

"You're welcome," Wendy hugs Carla.

Spike sighs while taking his bath. He still can't believe that Fairy Rage is gone. He hears his conscience and tries to hear Fairy Rage.

"I can't help but say that I miss you. You were a part of me for many months and a brother to me. I wonder if there is someone you had feelings for; I could never get into your mind the way you can access my memories."

After ten minutes, Spike finish taking his bath. He steps out of the bathroom to see Wendy in a gorgeous dress. His eyes lit up like a fireworks display.

"Hello, my Handsome Dragon," Wendy smiles. "Want to go on a date with me?"

"Yes!" There was no hesitation with Spike's answer.

Wendy chuckles and grabs Spike's claw. "Let's go."

Spike and Wendy leave the apartment. Carla flies to a shelf and grabs a magic book to read. Spike and Wendy walk down the street together while people take many pictures of Spike. Spike doesn't mind, but Wendy politely asks to leave them be. The people of Magnolia respect Wendy's wish and leave the two be.

Spike and Wendy decide to go to the Cherry Blossom Tree and sit in front. Wendy leans her head on Spike's shoulder.

"Thanks for staying with me in the apartment. I thought you and Carla would be on your way to the Lamia Scale Guildhall."

"I'm not leaving you, Spike. You don't wish your way out of one world of being alone to another."


"I want to be with you. With Midnight Sparkle gone for good, you have no demons to hold you back."

Spike smiles. "That is true. I'm grateful for the friends I have to call my family. I'm glad that after I said about a possible warning of our time in Equestria could be the difference-maker in Earth Land, everyone still came along."

"Any regrets on ripping the magic card Discord gave you?"

"Nope," Spike shakes his head. "There's a new Spike to take my place. He'll grow and become the protector the Crystal Empire needs. As well as battling any foe Equestria has to offer. My focus, my time, will be used here, in Earth Land. Building a foundation with you by my side."

Wendy kisses Spike's cheek. "Carla will be with our family."

Spike chuckles. "She'll be like an auntie or nanny for our kids."

"Yea. Do you miss Fairy Rage, Spike?"

"Yes. I think about Fairy Rage a lot. He was my brother that was always mindful of me and our surroundings. He would protect me and us like a brother. I wish I knew more about his feelings. I can't help but ask if there was someone he had eyes on during the time he's been around."

"If he did, I wonder who?"

"In another lifetime, we'll know the answer."

"Spike," Wendy looks at his eyes.

"Yes," Spike turns to Wendy.

Wendy leans in to kiss Spike. Spike and Wendy hold each other as they kiss lovingly. The two embrace while rolling on the grass. Wendy pins Spike again after they finish kissing.

"My Handsome Dragon," Wendy smiles.

"My Marvelous Wendy," Spike smiles.

Spike and Wendy get up and decide to go to a restaurant for brunch. They decide to go to Mr.Yajima's 8-Island Restaurant. Many people inside cheer for Spike due to their experience of tasting his cooking.

"Hello, Spike. Hello, Wendy. Nice to see the two of you in my restaurant," Mr.Yajima is in the process of making a BLT Sandwich for a hungry customer.

"Thanks," Spike and Wendy reply.

"So, you two have come to work in my restaurant?"

"Not today. Today, we're your paying customers for the brunch special," Spike said.

Many people groan in the restaurant. Spike and Wendy sit at a table together.

"Well, this is a nice surprise," Levy said. She's the waitress working with Mr.Yajima for the day.

"Levy, how are you?" Wendy asks.

"Great, working today and tomorrow before going back on my training. I assume you and Spike are on a date?"

"Yep," Spike nods. "We'll have the brunch special."

"Two orders of chocolate chip waffles and sweet potato fries. Coming up," Levy writes the order. "Anything to drink?"

"Chocolate milk for me," Spike said.

"Strawberry milk for me," Wendy said.

"Coming up," Levy brings the order to Mr.Yajima.

"If she's here, I wonder what Jet and Droy are doing," Spike said.

"Probably helping Mr.Yajima cook, cleaning dishes, or taking out the trash," Wendy suggests.

"Yea," Spike can't help but stare at Wendy. So beautiful and elegant in her eyes.

"So, after brunch, what do you want to do, Spike?"

"Cuddle a bit," Spike chuckles a bit.

Wendy smirks. "Sure thing."

Levy and Jet bring the food to Spike and Wendy's table. Spike and Wendy thank for their service and start eating. As they eat, some customers complain about the holdup of their orders. Mr.Yajima is getting overwhelmed.

"Huh, I wonder what the fuss is about?" Wendy said.

"Let's go find out," Spike finishes his waffle and goes to the counter.

"Please, everyone, calm down. We're working as fast as we can," Mr.Yajima tries to calm the situation.

Spike flies into the kitchen. "What's wrong, Mr.Yajima?"

"Chubby here keeps eating the food!" Jet points to Droy.

"I can't help it. I haven't eaten in three days," Droy said in tears. He's on the floor, and his uniform is dirtied and stained.

"That's horrible," Wendy comes into the kitchen.

"We've been in a tight situation which is why we're working," Jet explains.

"We're trying to work our way out of the jam," Levy said.

"Wendy, I think we may have to postpone this date of ours. Our friends need our help," Spike grabs an apron.

"Right," Wendy goes to the locker room, knowing her uniform is there.

"I want Droy out of the kitchen. He can sweep and take out the trash," Mr.Yajima said. With the lunch hour soon arriving, he's going to need the help.

Customers that are complaining now see Spike putting on a chef's hat. They relax and return to their seats. Mr.Yajima sighs in relief while Wendy comes out in her uniform. She takes the orders around the table while Spike cooks with Mr.Yajima. Levy and Jet bring the food to the tables and see the change in the atmosphere. With the customers now relaxed and enjoying their food, their work is going smoothly. Droy takes out the trash and sighs that he's no longer causing any disputes.

A few hours later. Mr.Yajima decides to close his restaurant early since there is no more food to cook. Many customers came today after learning that Spike the Fairy is cooking.

"That may have been the second busiest day working in my restaurant," Mr.Yajima starts counting the Jewels the restaurant made today.

"I need a bath," Spike said. He cooked a lot today.

"I need one too," Wendy went to a lot of tables and wrote so many orders, her hand is sore.

"Thanks for stepping in. You're a lifesaver," Jet says to Spike and Wendy.

"You're welcome," Wendy and Spike say in unison.

"You save my ass from being roasted," Droy said. He's eating a drumstick.

"Where did you get that?" Jet asks.

"From a plate that someone didn't finish," Droy answers.

"Dude," Spike and Jet cringe a bit. "Not cool."

"Sorry, I'm hungry."

Levy and Wendy go to the locker room to change their uniforms; Spike puts the chef hat and apron away. Mr.Yajima pays Spike, Wendy, Levy, Jet, and Droy for their servitude. Droy's eyes widen in shock.

"Uh, this is less than what I worked, Mr.Yajima," Droy received a total of 5500 Jewels. Everyone else got 10,000 Jewels.

"Well, considering you ate a good portion of the customers' food before it got delivered, I needed to take a cut from you to buy food for tomorrow's service. I would have had more food for the dinner special but ran out."

"You can have my check, Droy," Spike gives his earnings to Droy.

"Thank you, Master," Droy said in tears.

"Master?" Mr.Yajima is confused. "You kids are telling me that Spike is the new master of Fairy Tail?"

"Yep," Levy, Droy, Jet, and Wendy nods.

"He saved the guild from being disbanded over a week ago," Levy explains.

"Hmm, you'll need to confirm this with the new Magic Council arriving soon," Mr.Yajima said.

"Who'll be the new Magic Council, Mr.Yajima?" Spike asks.

"According to rumors I heard, the Ten Wizard Saints will become the new Magic Council."

"Wow," Spike, Wendy, Levy, Droy, and Jet said in awe and shock.

"It may take time for them all to come together. I want to say in a month, the new Magic Council will be established," Mr.Yajima said.

"Alright, if that's the case then, I'll fly by and inform them about me being the Guild Master of Fairy Tail."

"Good. So, when will you kids rebuild your guildhall?"

"In a year. Master Spike wants us to train for the year," Jet answers Mr.Yajima's question.

"I issued that decree cause we were hit hard without warning," Spike said.

"Good thinking. If you want advice, you may talk to me. I can provide some wisdom and encouragement.'

"Thank you, Mr.Yajmia. See you sometime during the week."

"As a customer or to work?"

"To work, Mr.Yajima. See you guys later," Spike grabs Wendy's hand and leaves together.

"Take care," Wendy waves bye to her friends.

Spike and Wendy walk back to the apartment. They didn't mind working together at the 8-Island Restaurant. They have many days ahead of themselves to spend time together. Ten minutes later, the two arrive at the apartment. Carla is reading a magic book about transformation magic.

"Hey, you two. How was your date?" Carla puts the book down.

"It was interesting," Spike answers.

"Interesting? What happened?" Carla asks.

"We'll tell you after our bath," Wendy replies. "Will you like to join me, Spike?"

"It'll be my honor," Spike smirks.

Carla gulps a bit. She hopes the two don't think of anything frisky. Wendy and Spike go to the bathroom together.

"Don't intrude. Don't intrude." Carla repeats herself. "Fairy Rage would shutdown while Spike does his business. Why can't I?" Carla sighs. She goes back to reading her magic book. Hopefully, the magic book can help her take her mind off of Spike and Wendy's bath.

Spike and Wendy take a long relaxing bath together and enjoy every minute of it. The two come out feeling relaxed. Carla was wearing earmuffs to help her concentrate on the magic book when Spike and Wendy took their bath. Spike and Wendy sit on the bed. Carla removes her earmuffs. Spike and Wendy tell Carla everything about their date, which results in a day working at the 8-Island Restaurant.

"Huh, Droy was eating the food like that? How unprofessional."

"Well, it turns out he and Team Shadow Gear are a bit tight with spending," Wendy said.

"Yea. I gave Droy my earnings since Mr.Yajima deduct his for eating the food and having to close shop early."

"That was nice of you, Spike," Carla said.

"It's the right thing to do. I'm sure if Makarov was around, he would have done the same."

"Or scolded Droy for eating his earnings," Carla said.

"I see Makarov doing that. Erza as well," Wendy imagines Erza using her sword into scaring Droy to do better.

"She would do that," Spike imagines Erza yelling and disciplining Droy for eating the customers' food.

"So, what's the agenda for tomorrow, Spike?" Carla asks.

"Some reading with the magic books and meditation. Something Fairy Rage and I would do on our accord."

"Sounds good. Wendy, what are you planning to do?"

"Go to Lamia Scale and see if I can find some work. Perhaps I get lucky and work with Sherria on a job."

"I'm coming along with you, Wendy."

"Sounds good. You wish to come, Spike?'

"I'll think about it."

"Sounds fair," Wendy said.

Spike, Wendy, and Carla hear the door knocking. Spike answers the door and sees Kagura and Erza holding each other. Wendy and Carla gasps. Erza and Kagura are tattered and bruised.

"What happened?!" Spike helps the two inside. Erza limps towards the bed and groans in pain.

"Hold still," Wendy uses her healing magic to help Erza's leg.

"We were ambushed," Kagura lays on the bed that belongs to Lucy.

"By who?" Carla asks.

"The remaining members of the Seven Deadly Sins. They want vengeance," Kagura answers.

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