• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Sorcerer Weekly Interview 1

It's 9:30 in the morning. Spike wakes up and yawns. Today he's going to have an interview with Jason live on podcast. Spike notices Elfman, Lisanna, and Mirajane are not in the room. He figures they left an hour ago to continue with their training. Lucy isn't in the room either. He figures she went to work.

"I hope they have a good day." Spike goes to the bathroom to freshen up for the day.

Wendy and Carla come back into the room with breakfast. They woke up an hour ago and left Spike undisturbed in his slumber.

"Spike, are you here?" Wendy shouts Spike's name.

"Yes! I'm taking a shower," Spike replies.

Wendy sighs in relief. She thought Spike would have left her for the interview. Carla looks up at Wendy.

"Something troubling you, Wendy?"

"Well, I want to spend time with Spike before he goes for his interview. Who knows how long he'll be there."

"Well, according to the letter, the interview is long overdue. Jason wanted to do a story on Spike ever since meeting him during the Fairy Tail Endurance Race."

"You think we may have another this year, Carla?"

"I highly doubt that, Wendy. Maybe next year. We didn't have one when we returned to the guild after our seven-year slumber."

Wendy sighs a bit. "You're right. I can't help but miss some festivities we had before going away for seven years."

"I understand. Perhaps during Spike's interview, we could continue with our training and honing our skills."

"Okay, Carla."

Spike finishes taking his shower. He comes out of the bathroom to see Wendy and Carla having breakfast.

"Hey, did any of you know what happened with the others?" Spike asks Wendy and Carla.

"Elfman, Mirajane, and Lisanna decided to go back to their training. Lucy went to work," Carla replies.

"Carla and I brought you breakfast, Spike," Wendy pats on the seat at the table for Spike to sit.

Spike complies and sits with Wendy at the table. "So, I don't know how long I may be gone for the interview. If you two want, you can head back to Magnolia or to Lamia Scale to work with Sherria."

"I'm not sure..," Wendy doesn't want to leave Spike's side. She's worried about Spike being all alone while she does her thing.

"Wendy, I can teleport to you in an instant. I don't want you and Carla feeling bored while I go have my interview."

"That's true. Sorry, it's just. I love spending much time with you, and I would hate to have you think you're all alone when you want to be with friends and family."

"I admire your love for me, Wendy. Trust me when I say this. I won't be bothered being alone. I'm never alone," Spike places his claw on his Fairy Tail Emblem. "Fairy Tail is always with me as long as I bear the emblem on my chest."

"Alright then," Wendy kisses Spike's cheek. "We'll see you later. Carla and I will be heading to the Lamia Scale Guildhall to find some work."

"Have fun with your interview, Spike."

"I will, Carla."

Spike, Wendy, and Carla enjoy their breakfast together in the room. Spike packs his belongings and uses his fire breath to teleport them back to the apartment in Magnolia. Wendy and Carla gather their things and hug Spike. Wendy and Carla walk off to the train station while Spike flies around Crocus, looking for the Sorcerer Weekly HQ.

After ten minutes of flying around, Spike sees Lucy talking with Jason outside a building. Spike lands in front of the two.

"Morning, am I late?" Spike asks Jason.

"No, you're early!" Jason shouts in excitement. "The podcast doesn't start in an hour. Please, come with us," Jason leads Lucy and Spike into the podcast room. "Lucy, I need you to ensure that we stay on the air during the interview session."

"Yes, sir. Should I retrieve your notes about the questions you have in store for Spike?"

"Yes. Also, I hope you don't mind. I'm planning to have you on the air until I run out of questions."

"I don't mind. I was waiting patiently until the time was right," Spike calmly replies.

"Thanks, buddy. It's an honor to have a live podcast interview with a real dragon."

"You must be feeling real special about it. Considering right after the Endurance Race, I was told you ran after Gajeel, Natsu, Gray, and Jet."

"They didn't seem tired and kept on running. Still to this day, I didn't get the glamour shootout with those guys," Jason said, remembering the guys outrunning him after a three-mile chase.

Spike chuckles. "Bummer."

Lucy returns with a notebook of questions Jason will be asking. "Here you go, Jason."

"Thanks, Lucy," Jason starts rereading his questions.

"You want anything, Spike? Like a snack or drink?" Lucy asks.

"I'm good, Sis. Thank you, Lucy," Spike smiles.

"You're welcome. If you need something, holla," Lucy steps away from Jason and Spike.

Spike mentally prepares himself for any question Jason has in mind and store. Spike closes his eyes and talks to himself, imagining that Fairy Rage is talking with him. It helps him cope a bit.

It's now noon, and Sorcerer Weekly is going live on the air. Jason and Spike have their mics activated for the session.

"Good afternoon! People of Fiore! I am Jason of Sorcerer Weekly, and I have a special guest for today's podcast! You all know him! He's the fan-favorite from the Grand Magic Games, Spike the Fairy!"

"It's good to be on the air; for those who somehow don't know me. I am Spike the Fairy. Fairy Dragon. It's an honor to be here with Jason of Sorcerer Weekly, live on the podcast."

"It's coooool to have you here, Spike!" Jason's excitement gets the better of him already.

"So, what's on your mind, Jason?" Spike asks to remind Jason of what he needs to do on the air.

"I'm hoping to give you an interview. It's long overdue since, well, you know. The seven-year gap between you and Fairy Tail went missing after I met you right before the start of the Fairy Tail Endurance Race. I hope you don't mind answering some questions on the air."

"I'll be happy to answer as many as I can."

Interview Session #1:

Jason: "So, what was your crowning achievement?"

Spike: "Wow. There are a lot of crowing achievements I made during my span in Fairy Tail."

Jason: "Name your top three."

Spike: "One of my crowning achievements happens to be during the time I was learning how to use magic. During my time in Equestria, dragons grow when their greed becomes erratic. However, my friends encouraged me to increase my size for the right reasons. My friends, Freed Justine and Levy McGarden, thought to change the concept of a dragon to increase its size. At the time, I mentioned that obsessions lead to possession. So, Levy told me to think about obsession with succession. So, I thought about what size to increase into, and I did it."

Jason: "Wow! So, what was the size you've chosen when you first tried it?"

Spike: "Laxus. I was inspired by Laxus' size to transform into."

Jason: "Coooool! So, what are the other two crowning achievements!"

Spike: "My second one is finding love. As you and many already know, I'm dating Wendy Marvell. The Sky Dragon Slayer."

Jason: "Ah, yes. I remember the day when we watched the girls switching into many dresses. Wendy was wearing a bridal dress while you wore a white suit."

Spike: "Yea," Spike nods. "You see, back in Equestria, someone had used my love for personal gain, and I was targeting the wrong age group to fall in love with. Luck struck big when I met Wendy for the first time during a coalition mission to defeat the Oracíon Seis."

Jason: "So, it was right after Wendy joined Fairy Tail that you two started hooking up?"

Spike: "No. Wendy and I took the time to get to know each other. The feeling we had for each other was there, but we were nervous about it. We didn't know when was the right time to say the three words; I love you. It was obvious I was in love with her, and she was in love with me. When we finally confessed on Tenrou Island, our love for each other blossomed immensely."

Jason: "Amazing. So, what is your third crowning achievement? Was it defeating Jura at the Grand Magic Games, solidifying that matchup as one of the greatest brawls in history?"

Spike: "No. Well, it's a day I will never forget. The funny thing about that day was I made a wish to fight Jura and Jura made a wish to fight me. The crowd booed the hell out of Mystogen and chanted my name. I'm glad the people chanted my name. It's thanks to them I got to fight Jura."

Jason: "I've seen the highlights. I wished I commentated on that matchup. That was a sight to behold, and I feel sorry for anyone that missed that extravaganza."

Spike: "As I mentioned. It's a day I will never forget. As for my third crowning achievement, it'll have to be defeating and destroying my demon once and for all."

Jason: "Demon? Are you talking about Tartaros?"

Spike: "Well, she's a former member of Tartaros. Her name in Equestria was Twilight Sparkle. When she joined Tartaros, she became Midnight Sparkle."

Jason: "Who was she?" Jason is curious to know who Twilight was for Spike.

Spike: "My foster mom. You see, it turns out that dragons have originated here in Earth Land, and many centuries ago, they migrated to Equus."

Jason: "Wait! That means you're.., you're..!"

Spike: "Yea," Spike nods. "I'm technically a resident of Earth Land all this time."

Jason: "COOOOOOOOOOL!!!!" Jason does a flip in the podcast in excitement. He can't believe he's speaking to a dragon that originated in Earth Land and not an alien.

Spike: "I've met my mom in Eden's Forest two months ago, and there are hieroglyphics that tell a story."

Jason: "Hey, that's awesome. I'm glad you met your biological mother, bro. So, what were you saying before mentioning the origins of dragons."

Spike: "Right. You see, Midnight Sparkle is a demon gone astray. All she wants is me back in her life. Before making my wish to come here, I used to be her slave."

Jason: "WHAT?!" Jason angrily responds.

Spike: "It turns out she received due punishment and couldn't handle it. Other events happened, but I will not go into full detail. To make a long story short. Midnight wanted me and her reputation in Equestria back. She refuses to accept change and demands to rewrite history to her liking."

Jason: "Damn, dude. That's brutal."

Spike: "I know. Midnight Sparkle succeeded in taking someone precious to me."

Jason: "Who?"

Spike: "Midnight Sparkle killed Erza in front of my friends and me after defeating Kyôka. Midnight pierced Erza's chest with her hand, killing her."

Jason: "That's impossible. Erza is still alive and around. I've seen her a month ago while doing a scoop with the newly Rune Knights."

Spike: "Well, that's because a piece of me sacrificed his life to resurrect Erza. You remember Fairy Rage, right?"

Jason: "Absolutely. He was vital during the Grand Magic Games. Always keeping a keen eye on your surroundings and making things hell for the other competitors."

Spike: "He sacrificed his life to bring Erza back to life. He learned the technique of resurrection. Since it took him months to grow a soul of his own, it was acceptable by death to take his instead of Erza's, and Fairy Rage gave Erza the power to fight Midnight Sparkle."

Jason sighs heavily and feels the sadness that came from Spike's mouth. He looks up in disbelief, hoping to interview Fairy Rage as well.

Jason: "Wow. Condolences to your loss, Spike. Wow.., that.., that.., that sucks."

Spike: "I know. However, I've moved on so far though I miss Fairy Rage every day. He was like a brother of mine to talk to whenever I wanted to. Even thinking to myself and he would respond."

Jason: "Wow, sounds like you had a deep bond with him."

Spike: "I did. However, I'm grateful for all Fairy Rage has done for Fairy Tail and me."

Jason: "How did you meet Fairy Rage? How did he come to life?"

Spike: "Well, I ate Master Hades' Abyss Magic and turned into Fairy Demon Dragon. I didn't puke all of the dark essences out of me. Because of that, the leftover particles took an emotion of mine and tried to possess me. However, being in stasis for seven years delayed and altered the reaction. Fairy Rage sprung into life late at night to warn me about Tartaros and Midnight Sparkle taking someone precious to me. Well, at the time, Fairy Rage said someone and a powerful guild is coming after me."

Jason: "Wow," Jason imagines the scenery Spike encountered.

Spike: "I went to Porlyusica, and she gave me medicine. After three days of taking the medicine, Fairy Rage stood around and became part of me. Letting me know he's there to help and not take over my life."

Jason: "That's a cool story about Fairy Rage's origins. Wow. I'm learning a lot from you already, and people all around are understanding more of your life. Tell me, how did you wind up in Fairy Tail?"

Spike: Spike chuckles a bit. "Well, after stepping into the vortex that Discord made for me, I wind up free-falling and crashing into Natsu's face. The next thing I know. I woke up in the Fairy Tail Guildhall; everyone had their eyes on me as they have never seen a baby dragon before. I told them my backstory, and they were pissed off of how Twilight and her friends were treating me. Interestingly enough, Erza stated that she can relate to me in more ways than another."

Jason: "How?" Jason is intrigued to know how Erza can relate to Spike.

Spike: "She told me her story about being enslaved for the Tower of Heaven project and having no last name."

Jason: "Wait. Hold up," Jason pauses for a second, putting two and two together. "You mean to tell me when you arrived at the Fairy Tail Guildhall for the first time, all you were known was Spike?"

Spike: "Yea," Spike nods. "All I was, was Spike. I had no last name."

Jason: "How did you wind up being Spike the Fairy?"

Spike: "Since I didn't have a last name at the time, Erza thought of one for me, and since then, it stuck. I loved it and embraced it with all my heart."

Jason: "What's your last name?"

Spike: "Fairy."

Jason: "COOOOOOOOL!" Jason shouts louder into the mic. "No wonder why people have called you Fairy Dragon!"

Spike: "Yea. It's a nickname that stood by with me. I don't mind people or wizards calling me Fairy Dragon instead of Spike the Fairy. Also, I'm a dragon with the Fairy Tail Emblem on my chest. It's pretty obvious to call me Fairy Dragon."

Jason: "How were you with people in Magnolia at the time?"

Spike: "People were amazed to see a dragon living among them. They took pictures of me to boast to their friends and family. The neighbors were stunned when I moved in with Lucy and couldn't contain their excitement. I have signed a few autographs and given the people something to remember for a long time. The Landlady was in shock to learn that a dragon is in her apartment building but didn't mind. I helped Lucy with rent, and we flourished together as roommates before having that brother-sister type bond."

Jason: Jason pouts a bit. "I wish to have a dragon as a roommate."

Spike: "Give me some time to build a family, and you'll have a dragon as a roommate soon."

Jason: "HOW SOON?!" Jason is exhilarated by the revelation.

Spike: "Thirty years. Giving my sons and daughters time to grow into the dragon they want to be. Be considerate of hybrids in the future."

Jason: "Oh, I will. And I know many people can't wait to co-exist with a new age of dragons!"

Spike: "I can't wait until that day comes. Until then, I still have a lot of growing to do as well as accomplishing my goals."

Jason: "What's one of those goals you wish to accomplish the most?"

Spike: Spike is serious when Jason asked him that. Jason can see in Spike's eyes that his tone changed real quick. Throughout the interview, Spike was more upbeat. "To slay Acnologia. He's the reason why Fairy Tail disappeared for seven long years, and he's the dragon that killed my uncle and mother."

Jason: "That's a tall order. You plan on slaying him yourself?"

Spike: Spike sighs. "No. I fought Acnologia twice, and he demolished me twice. I'm not a match for Acnologia, but my friends will help me slay the beast, once and for all."

Jason: "Hey, I wish you luck with that, and I hope to interview you for defeating Acnologia."

Spike: "Thanks," Spike looks down a bit. His tone sounds sad.

Jason: "So, I hear good things from you from my lovely assistant, Lucy. What do you have in store for Fairy Tail?"

Spike: "I urged my guild to train for the year. To come back stronger than before since we were hit hard by a powerful enemy. Tartaros nearly succeeded with their objective of rendering the world of its magic power. It's been two months and a few days since I made that decree. After this interview, I plan on going back on my training as well as hanging out with my friends."

Jason: "Last question before I let you go."

Spike: "What is it?"

Jason: "Will Fairy Tail defend their title at the Grand Magic Games next year?"

Spike: "No. Don't expect Fairy Tail to compete in the Grand Magic Games. Our training is our priority before rebuilding our Guildhall. Once that's established, we'll take the next steps from there."

Jason: "Aw, man," Jason sighs a bit. "Well, that'll conclude this session. Stick around to hear more excitement on Sorcerer Weekly."

<End of Session>

Lucy walks in with two bottles of water. She gives one to Spike and the other to Jason.

"Thanks, Lucy," Spike takes a sip of water.

"You're welcome," Lucy said.

"Wow. That's a lot to take in," Jason said. He's stunned and astounded about the info Spike gave him during the session. "Hey, I didn't go through the entire notebook but want to know if a later date for a follow-up session would be cool."

"Sure. I'll pop right in for the next session," Spike shoots a flare marking in the podcast.

"Thanks. Now, many people will know a bit of you even more and understand that you originated from here and migrated to that Equestria world you mentioned."

"Well, Fairy Tail knows about that and several guilds as well, so it's nothing new to them. Maybe Quatro Cerberus, but that's about it."

"Hey, Spike," Lucy turns to him. "I'm going to stay here in Crocus until after the Grand Magic Games."

"Sure thing, Lucy. I'll see you another day," Spike hugs Lucy.

"So, where are you heading, Spike?" Jason asks.

"Back to Magnolia or head on over to one of the other guilds for work," Spike flaps his wings. "Thanks for having me," Spike leaves the podcast and flies out of the building.

"Lucy, you can have the rest of the day off and work on your literature. I'll be here to work on the next photoshoot of Jenny from Blue Pegasus."

"Thanks, Jason. See you around," Lucy leaves the podcast.

Spike is flying out of Crocus and decides to visit his friends he hasn't kept in contact with in a long while.

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