• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Chrysalis & Starlight Glimmer

Three days after the Bar of Alliance Meeting, Chrysalis thought long and hard to approach Starlight Glimmer. Terax rests on Chrysalis' back while she paces herself in her room. Thorax comes to check on Chrysalis.

"Hey, is everything alright?"

Chrysalis sighs. "I'm trying to figure out how to approach Starlight Glimmer. I crossed out the demented ideas of doing so."

"I see. Well, Ocellus told me that school ends at 3:30. Why not visit Starlight and Castle of Friendship at 4:00?"

"Simple, huh?" Chrysalis groans. "Why is it difficult to think logically?"

"You're slowly becoming anew, Chrysalis. Like my brother, it takes time. I'm sure you'll be..," Thorax looks into the eyes of Chrysalis. She doesn't have the patience of a long speech. Thorax gulps and steps back, giving Chrysalis some space. "Right. In due time, things become a norm."

Chrysalis rolls her eyes. "In due time."

Terax slowly wakes up. "Mommy, are you-"

"I'm fine, son. Mommy needs some silence."

Terax goes back to sleep so Chrysalis can have her silence. Pharynx walks by to see his brother sweating a bit.

"Not again." Pharynx notices as of late, Chrysalis' stare causes Thorax to become afraid. "Chrysalis, what's wrong?"

"Trying to find solutions the hard way instead of an easy way. I haven't spoken to Starlight Glimmer in a long time. I vengefully plotted to take down Equestria, and in return, I failed. She's the catalyst of my demise as Queen of the Hive."

"You still planned to become friends with Starlight Glimmer?" Pharynx asks.

"Yes," Chrysalis sighs heavily. "Making friends sure is difficult for me. Even during the meeting, I couldn't bat an eye at Starlight Glimmer while she watched and listened."

"It's a hard pill to swallow. I believe you can overcome the impossible, Chrysalis," Pharynx said.

"I know Terax believes in you as well," Thorax chimes.

Chrysalis turns to her sleeping son and slightly nods, agreeing with Thorax's claim. "I'll be back at the Hive later," Chrysalis thought about leaving Terax in the room. "No. I need to take him. I promised he won't be left alone." Chrysalis leaves and ensures that Terax is safe on her back as she flies.

Starlight Glimmer is in her office with Discord talking about future field trips with the students depending on the class subject. It's 3:35 in the afternoon with students leaving the school.

"So, what else do you have in mind, Headmare Glimmer? My class field trips on taking the students into the wilderness to test their friendship is a go ever since I tried it out last semester with the Unity Seven and my previous classes."

"I'm thinking about having students go to different kingdoms to befriend other creatures that refuse friendships due to some irregularity. As an assignment to ensure that friendship is for everybody."

"Interesting intake, Headmare Glimmer," Discord drinks a barrel of hot chocolate milk with marshmallows inside.

"Cana's creativity in drinking has you hooked, huh?" Starlight chuckles a bit.

"Made me question my drinking abilities. After barrels, I'm going to ante-up with tanks of chocolate milk. So, anything else that comes to mind?"

"Well, I've thought about becoming friends with Chrysalis since she turned a new leaf. The problem is, she may have a hard time looking at me. During the meeting, she wouldn't look at me. I know I helped change the Changelings, leaving Chrysalis as the last remaining Changeling unchanged."

"I would imagine Chrysalis wanting to strangle you with her magic. However, she's a mother with that kid, Terax. Yea, I think that's his name," Discord eats a lightbulb to help him remember. "So, have you thought about enrolling Spike and Twilight (Sci-Twi) into the school?"

"I have. However, Spike and Twilight (Sci-Twi) are still having difficulties adjusting their lives. Another thing that worries me is the return of our Twilight. What kind of madness she's putting herself into, and how would she react to seeing another Spike and Twilight?"

"Well, Former Princess Twilight Sparkle will have her wings relinquished by my magic. That includes her horn. That way, she won't use magic of any sort. How are Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike doing after Ponyville watched their memories?"

"As I mentioned, still struggling to adjust their lives. However, they can walk freely without being constantly watched. Ponies in Ponyville welcome Twilight (Sci-Twi) more and apologize for their grotesque behavior towards her. As for Spike, more ponies are opening up to him and wanting to befriend him. How's Sunset Shimmer?"

"She's getting better. I expect another month or so before she returns to the School of Friendship. Princess Luna is helping battle her nightmares from her counterpart. The Dazzlings are helping Sunset and engaging in activities back home. I have given the Dazzlings homework and some private tutoring to catch up on what they're missing."

"Thanks for doing that, Discord. Also, after hearing what Starswirl the Bearded has uncovered, I want to take a class with me to see what he deciphers."

"Count me in. I'm not missing out on what the bearded one has to say. Also, you should take my class when the time comes. I'll head on over to Ember's chambers to have a brief discussion of the matter."

"Thanks, Discord," Starlight looks at the time. "I better head home and check on Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike. Also, to prepare another day of sessions with Trixie."

"See you tomorrow, Headmare Glimmer," Discord snaps his claw to teleport back home.

Starlight Glimmer gathers her things and leaves her office. She trots out of the school.

As Chrysalis flies at a steady pace, she reflects her time of rejecting Starlight's friendship when the Changelings reformed right before her very eyes. How she vowed vengeance, not even Starlight can escape.

Chrysalis sighs. "Wow, looking back, I was stubborn like a Royal Brat."

Terax slowly wakes up. He sees the blue skies and clouds. "Am I dreaming again? Like a dream inside of a dream?"

"No, Terax. I'm flying us to Ponyville," Chrysalis responds.

"Why are we heading there, mommy?"

"I thought now would be a good time for you to play with the baby dragon," Chrysalis lied to Terax. Her instinct was to lie. "Crap. I was supposed to tell the truth. Ugh."

"Yay!" Terax becomes happy to know that he'll be playing with Spike.

"Okay, I got lucky. An uninvited playdate arrival. Just need to find Starlight and ask if it is okay that Spike plays with him."

Starlight Glimmer enters the Castle of Friendship with Trixie, Sunburst, Maud, and Rockhoof.

"So, what shall we do for my class tomorrow, Starlight? Another team exercise or something more constructive?" Trixie asks.

"Something more constructive for sure. How did your classes go, Sunburst, Maud, and Rockhoof?"

"Fine, lassie. The students are eager to know more of me tales and apply the knowledge in today's world. Yona enjoys me tales more than any other student I have," Rockhoof replies.

"Gallus is having a hard time concentrating in my class since the Dazzlings haven't shown up to school," Maud replies. "Some students wind up sleeping in my classes which causes some to fail my tests."

"Why haven't you reported to me about students falling asleep in your class, Maud?" Starlight asks.

"It provides me with ingenious ideas on tackling those who lack concentration," Maud calmly replies.

"Alright, I'll trust you with exercises you have devised, Maud."

"Thanks, Starlight," Maud goes to her room.

"Students are having a blast in my classes, Starlight. Going deeper in the understanding and why keeping in touch with friends far and wide are valuable. I'm planning on having a family day at the School of Friendship if you don't mind."

"Not at all. A family day sounds wonderful," Starlight said. "That's the thing the school needs," Starlight hears the door knocking. "I'll get that," Starlight trots to the door.

Chrysalis takes a deep breath while some ponies stare at her awkwardly. They're eager to know what the Former Queen wants. Starlight opens the door to see Chrysalis with a wicked smile that speaks malice; Starlight gulps a bit seeing her smile.

"Chrysalis.., what a," Starlight takes a deep breath to compose herself. "What a nice surprise."

"Yea..," Chrysalis tries not to sound demented towards Starlight, trying her best to speak calmly.

"So.., uh.., what brings you here to the castle?"

"I..," Chrysalis takes a deep breath. "I thought about the offer you proposed to me a long time ago."

"You have?" Starlight is in shock. She remembers offering Friendship to Chrysalis instead of watching her plot vengeance and fleeing from the Hive.

"Yes," Chrysalis slightly nods.

Terax wakes up and yawns. He hops down from her back and walks up to the front leg of Chrysalis. "Hi, is the dragon around?"

"I'm sure Spike is around. Would you like to come inside, Chrysalis?"

"Yes, Starlight," Chrysalis trots inside with Terax. Terax flies a bit, checking the interiors of the castle. "Don't fly off, Terax."

"I won't, mommy," Terax looks at the pretty crystal chandelier.

"So, uh, how have you been, Starlight?" Chrysalis nervously asks while trying not to sound awkward.

"Uh, fine, I suppose. Just another typical day at the School of Friendship," Starlight inadvertently bumps into Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike. The collision causes Spike to drop notes on today's session with magic practice. "Oh, sorry about that," Starlight uses her magic to levitate the notes in an orderly fashion.

"It's alright, Starlight," Twilight (Sci-Twi) calmly says.

Starlight gives the notes for Spike to carry. "There you go."

"Thanks, Starlight. Hey, Terax, what's up?"

"Nothing much, wanna play?" Terax asks.

"Sure," Spike puts the notes down and goes with Terax to a different room of the castle.

"Be careful, Terax," Chrysalis watches Terax going with Spike.

"Have fun, you two," Twilight (Sci-Twi) watches the two runoff. "Nice to see you again, Chrysalis."

"Likewise, Twilight," Chrysalis responds quicker to Twilight (Sci-Twi) than she has with Starlight.

"So, mind joining us for some tea?" Twilight (Sci-Twi) asks Chrysalis and Starlight.

"Sure," Chrysalis and Starlight say in unison. They follow Twilight (Sci-Twi) to the kitchen. Twilight (Sci-Twi) prepares the tea while Chrysalis and Starlight sit at the table, across from each other. The two try not to stare at each other for the time being, letting their thoughts do the talking and preparing for an unfortunate conversation.

"I see you're in good hooves in Ponyville, Twilight," Chrysalis says to break the ice.

"Well, I am and am not. The reason behind that I'm good is due to every pony in Ponyville now understanding where Spike and I come from and understand the terrors we witnessed. The reason I'm not is due to the eventual return of the other me at some point. I'm nowhere near as powerful as she. I know this Discord guy will take care of it but, other what-ifs could happen. I'm worried about that Twilight killing me and taking my Spike away from me for her sick agendas."

"Well," Chrysalis chokes on her words a bit after taking a look at Starlight Glimmer. "I could hold off that Twilight if she dares to defile another friendship that I'm having with you."

"Wow, Chrysalis. That's nice of you," Starlight smiles at the gesture Chrysalis has made.

Chrysalis looks down a bit. "Friends with this Twilight and getting possibly payback with the other? What is wrong with me?"

"Something troubling you, Chrysalis?" Twilight (Sci-Twi) brings a tray of tea to her friends.

Chrysalis sighs and uses her magic to levitate the cup of tea. "I don't get any nutrients from this cup of tea, nor it relaxes me as it does with other creatures. I'm struggling back home with the Hive. It's hard for me to find my place among the Changelings."

"Well, your son Terax is happy to be with you. You being a mother for that Changeling is something to be proud of," Twilight (Sci-Twi) reassuringly says.

"I was once a Queen of the Changelings. Now, reduced to being a mother of a youngling. A lot has changed for me throughout the year, Twilight."

"Perhaps, something bigger is on the horizon, Chrysalis. Something bigger than what you used to be. I don't know what it is but, I believe in it," Twilight (Sci-Twi) claims.

"You think so?" Chrysalis doubts a bit.

"I know so, Chrysalis. You have to believe in yourself as Terax believes you're a great mother," Twilight (Sci-Twi) responds with passion. "A while ago, I saw how you care for Terax. The good side of you is slowly developing into the new you; you meant to be."

After hearing Twilight (Sci-Twi)'s statement, Chrysalis turns to Starlight; No longer showing her any awkwardness of how she feels about her. Starlight takes a deep breath, preparing herself for any conversation she's about to have with Chrysalis.

"Starlight, I do want to be friends with you. I don't want to be the Chrysalis that was vengeful and filled with malice. I want to be a better Chrysalis than I used to be. It will take me time to develop but, I want you with me during my good days and bad, if you don't mind."

"I accept your proposal, Chrysalis. Truth be told, I always dreamed that someday, you wanted to change for the better and not be lonely. Truth be told, if there was any creature I failed, it was you at the time. Instead of searching for you, I stood back and kept going with my friends. I am the only creature that walked in your hoofsteps as for losing a city to friendship. You and I are alike; we hated the other Twilight and wanted vengeance. In actuality, vengeance doesn't go anywhere. I learned that the hard way."

"How so, Starlight?" Chrysalis asks.

"I changed the fabric of space and time to prevent the other Twilight and her friends coming close together," Starlight said. She laughs a little at the stunned faces of Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Chrysalis.

"YOU DID WHAT!?!" Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Chrysalis say in shock and horror.

"Due to my interference, I created different timelines that led to many disasters. One timeline that the other Twilight dragged me into was desolate. No life among anything."

Chrysalis and Twilight (Sci-Twi) are silent after hearing that. Twilight (Sci-Twi) is glad that things are fine, while Chrysalis is horrified and impressed at the same time.

"Wow, that's bizarre, Starlight," Chrysalis looks up at the ceiling for a moment in disbelief of what she did.

"It's true. In Celestia's name, what I've done is true. It took me a while to become anew afterward."

"Wow, that's worse than Madam President Chrysalis did to the other Sunset Shimmer and her Changeling Project," Twilight (Sci-Twi) said.

"To think my counterpart devise a scheme to counter to my standards is an understatement. However, Sunset's counterpart taking full control and unleashing genocide, that's intense," Chrysalis said. "Yes, when I took over the other Twilight and her friends, the Princesses, and had them cocooned, I planned on depriving their love as a food resource for my Changelings. However, I didn't intend on killing the populous. That would have been wasted in a few weeks at best."

"Dear Lord Almighty," Twilight (Sci-Twi) said in horror. She imagines the horrors of being cocooned while having the love sucked out of her.

"That's an interesting name to claim," Chrysalis said.

"Oh right, well, where I'm from, we have biblical things we addressed. Starlight mentioned in Celestial's name; my friends and I have a different name to acclaim. However, I won't transition that name here cause I don't think he existed in this world as far as I'm concerned," Twilight (Sci-Twi) sighs. "Having to change my vocabulary is troublesome when at times, I need to swear to make myself feel better, and I can't do that!" Twilight (Sci-Twi) takes a sip of her tea to calm her nerves. "I have to try other methods to replace cursing."

"Well, according to Discord, he allows those words to be spoken in his household and only there," Starlight informs Twilight (Sci-Twi).

Twilight (Sci-Twi) takes a deep breath. "I wish I had easy access to his home for the times I need to swear."

Starlight drinks her cup of tea. "In due time, you'll be invited to Discord's home more often. There will be times that Sunset needs to get a hold of you and Spike."

"Makes me wonder how my Pinkie is doing. I wished I had some sort of communication to get to her. However, destroying the portal cut ties with the other world, so the journal would not prove to be the best option."

"My condolences to the friends and family you lost, Twilight. I'm not sure if I said that to you when I revealed my presence in front of every creature during the Bar of Alliance Meeting," Chrysalis said.

"Thanks," Twilight (Sci-Twi) sheds a tear. "I can only hope that Pinkie Pie found survivors and are fighting the Changelings."

"Twilight!" Spike shouts while recovering a journal that's glowing.

"What is it, Spike?" Twilight (Sci-Twi) turns to him.

"We found this weird book, and scribbles appear on the pages. Spike and I were looking for a book to draw pictures on, mommy," Terax informs his mother.

Starlight uses her magic to levitate the book to the table. She opens the book to read the inscribing. "Twilight, Spike. The message is for you."

"What does it say, Starlight?" Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike ask. They are eager to know what it says.

"Dear Sunset, Twilight, and Spike,

I have found survivors. We're residing in your home with the backup generators; we have a small army. I figure out how to tame Sunset Shimmer without knocking her out from time to time. It's a bit crude but, what other choice do we have back home. Some friends of ours did survive the genocide. We're making progress while trying to find more survivors as we speak. There are not many pages left in this magic journal Sunset left behind. I'll keep the news at a minimum. Only good news, not the bad. I'll let you know how things transition in a few days or weeks. Depending on how smoothly things turn out to be.

Your friend,

Pinkie Pie."

Starlight finished reading the letter. Spike and Twilight (Sci-Twi) are relieved to know how Pinkie is doing. Twilight (Sci-Twi) will continue to hope for Pinkie's sake; she gets the job done on restoring what the Changelings have destroyed.

"Well, turns out the journal is still active," Chrysalis said.

"Not many pages, so I don't know how many entries we'll receive," Twilight (Sci-Twi) said.

"Have fun with Spike, Terax?" Chrysalis asks her son.

"Yes, mommy," Terax smiles. "Spike is fun and a great friend."

"That's good," Chrysalis drinks her cup of tea. Most of the time. It would taste bland, having no nutrients whatsoever. However, this cup has a taste on her tongue. A flavor she's not familiar with. "Twilight, what flavor is the tea?"

"Green Tea."

"So, that's what Green Tea tastes like," Chrysalis drinks more of the cup.

"Wait, you were able to taste the flavor?" Starlight asks out of curiosity.

Chrysalis nods. "Yes. The flavor is soothing," Chrysalis drinks more of her cup.

"Good," Starlight smiles. "It's a sign that you're coming closer to the transformation."

"Perhaps I need more days like this among my friends," Chrysalis said, finishing her cup of tea.

"How about twice a week, we have tea time. Us three talking while Spike and Terax go play and have fun?" Twilight (Sci-Twi) suggests to her friends.

"I don't mind, you Chrysalis?" Starlight turns to her.

"Please, mommy," Terax likes the sound of playing with Spike.

"I wasn't going to say no, son. So once every three days good?" Chrysalis asks.

"It's perfect; 4:00 in the afternoon here at the castle. The School day is over at 3:00. However, I do some extra work and leave around 3:30 to 3:45 most days. Do you still wish to come to the School of Friendship?"

"At the moment, no. I don't want to leave my son behind. When he's older, I'll attend school with him," Chrysalis rubs Terax's head.

"Sounds reasonable enough, Chrysalis," Starlight said.

"Ready to go home, Terax?" Chrysalis asks.

"Yes, mommy," Terax smiles at her mother. He flies onto her back.

"I bid you adieu, Starlight and Twilight," Chrysalis leaves the kitchen.

"Have a safe travel," Twilight (Sci-Twi), Spike, and Starlight say as they wave their friends' bye.

Chrysalis leaves the castle and flies to the Hive. Terax tells his mother everything he did with Spike. Starlight turns to Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike.

"Would the two of you like to enroll in the school?"

"No," Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike shake their heads. "We're still in the process of what we should do. Also, I'm keen on accepting Celestia's proposal or not. To take the mantle of my counterpart. However, there's a flaw if I were to take over."

"What's the flaw, Twilight?"

"Rarity; She still has eyes on my son, Spike, and as you know, I'm keen on getting a restraining order for her relentless pursuit of wanting to be Spike's girlfriend."

"She tried to kiss me mouth-to-mouth on separate occasions. I'm not ready for love like she is. When I do find someone, I want around my age or close to my age limit."

"Oh, right. Well, the Elements of Harmony still need their hosts to get it together, somehow," Starlight said. She hopes that Rarity gets herself together before she becomes the next pony to fall into insanity over Spike.

"Only time will tell. Twilight, I'm going to Sugarcube Corner. I want a milkshake."

"I'm going with you. Just in case she tries another stunt," Twilight (Sci-Twi) refers to Rarity.

"Okay," Spike gets on Twilight (Sci-Twi)'s back. "You coming, Starlight?"

"A milkshake does sound good," Starlight walks with Twilight (Sci-Twi) out of the castle.

"Say, I wonder if Pinkie knows about my birthday," Spike wonders.

"Knowing Pinkie Pie and her promises, expect a big one tomorrow," Starlight said.

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