• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Solo Mission Aftermath

"No way," Gajeel said in utter shock after hearing the whole story from Erza and the others that spied and traveled with Spike on his first solo mission.

"Are there any survivors from the gruesome attack?" Panther Lily asks. He can't believe that a member of the Preying Mantis Guild brainwashed hundreds of Exceeds to use as guinea pigs for a mental assault.

"Besides Queen Shagotte and some younglings, we can only hope others had fled from Cabal's mind control spell," Erza said. She, like the others, is distraught by the turn of events that transpired in New Extalia.

"We want to say that the new town we've gone to was an illusion created by Cabal as well. We are not sure about the other Exceeds we saw that interact with the people a while ago," Gray said. He's angry that Cabal used his friends to create calamity for the innocents.

"This is quite a predicament. An ingenious tactic to wear down our strongest forces," Makarov said. He's drinking his mug of beer after hearing the explanation.

"Any idea who would devise such strategies, Master?" Lucy asks Master Makarov.

"I wish I knew, my children. We're dealing with a dark guild with some familiar faces. There could be possibilities of a returning villain or someone new stepping up to the plate since Zeref is no longer an influence. We will have to wait and see what happens next. Also, we will be cautious with all jobs on the board. I fear some jobs are mendacious for us to fall into another trap. As of now, no one is allowed to go on solo missions. That includes S-Class Wizards. Either go as a group or stay put."

"Understood, Makarov. We will prepare for any outcome when we go to work," Erza said, speaking for her friends and any other member of Fairy Tail around in the guildhall.

"So, no info about the Holy Knights?" Natsu asks Gajeel and his team.

"I want to say that the previous building of the Magic Council's base of operations had the information. We went through every scroll, book, archive, and file to find a trace of the Holy Knights," Levy said.

"We found nothing, Natsu," Lucy finishes Levy's comment. She sighs sadly, hoping to find any glimmer of hope.

"Has anyone seen my mom?" Erza asks. She hasn't seen Irene since her and her friends' arrival a while ago.

"Irene informed me of private matters to attend to; she disclosed any information. I can only hope it's about the Holy Knights. Her story about them arriving at the Alvarez Empire does make sense to investigate there, cataloging all the resources to find any traces of the whereabouts of the Holy Knights," Makarov says. He finishes drinking his beer.

"I hope that's the case. I have never seen so many dead cats since that awful timeline I created out of jealousy," Happy said, though it was more people than Exceeds.

Fairy Rage arrives in the guildhall. He sees his friends by the bar next to Master Makarov. He goes to the stool and sits down.

"Hey, Rage. How is Carla doing?" Happy asks, knowing the outcome of what Fairy Rage will say, but still, he feels the need to ask.

"She's broken, Happy. Carla is devastated by much of her kin corroded by her hands and everyone else's except for Spike and me when Cabal possessed the Exceeds. I feel guilty that I didn't alert any of you to withhold the attack of the hellhounds. I sensed manipulation matter, but I didn't know how to describe it at the time. You, her, Lily, Samuel, and possibly a few others are now the last of your kind. It's a heavy blow, and it sucks!" Fairy Rage sighs deeply. "I'm here to grab food to bring back to Carla. I don't want my Carla to embrace depression."

"Well, tell Carla we found survivors!" Romeo said to Fairy Rage with excitement.

"What?" Fairy Rage is happy to hear the great news. Perhaps a spark could help Carla become better.

"Queen Shagotte and a few younglings are with Millianna. Also, several other Exceeds have escaped the wrath of Cabal's mind possession spell!" Romeo shouts with pride.

"Wow. I'm sure Carla will be happy. Now, I need to ask of you. How is my brother doing?"

"Broken as well," Erza painfully says. She's upset that Spike's nightmare correlates to the events of the Exceeds' demise.

"Well, I hope he pulls through with Wendy by his side." Fairy Rage turns to Mirajane. "Whatever is on the menu, I'm taking."

"Understood, Rage. I'll get back to you when it's ready," Mirajane and Lisanna start preparing food Rage and Carla would want to eat to enlighten the mood.

Irene returns to the guildhall. She sees her daughter and Rage with Master Makarov. "Erza, how was your day today?" She comes to the bar and sits on a stool next to Makarov.

"Terrible, mother." Erza sadly says. She sheds a tear at what transpired by her hands.

"How so?" Irene is curious to know what has dismayed her daughter.

"It envisions Spike's nightmare to a certain degree."

"What..?" Irene is in shock. "What happened?" Irene is now serious. Her motherly instincts are craving to know what occurred.

Erza explained the whole story in detail to her mother. Irene is heartbroken to hear that her son, Spike is in disarray due to how similar his nightmare has revealed upon the Exceeds. Cabal, a member of the Preying Mantis Guild, devises a cerebral attack to wear down Spike and create a guilty conscience over a near extinction.

"Where is my son now?" Irene asks Erza and her friends.

"Home," Lucy answers. "Spike is at our apartment."

"I've heard about changelings during my day. One that uses taming magic, that's new to me unless someone else is behind the shadows, orchestrating the events. Do any of you know someone who is a master of illusions?"

"Lamar is locked up in prison. Fairy Dragon, Erza, Lily, and I apprehended him during a train raiding. He and his Chameleon Guild were good until they got caught. Besides Lamar, we don't know any other who uses illusion magic," Gajeel said. "Plus, no reports about his escape. I've checked the records to be sure."

"Has to be someone new," Panther Lily said. "Rage, did you feel anything besides the Exceeds different outlook?"

"I couldn't tell. I'm still adjusting to my new body, and the perks I once had have reduced tremendously. I'm still practicing using my senses to determine the fullness of manipulating matter. When I was in Spike, I would inform any of you immediately. Now, it's harder, especially with time of the essence."

"That sucks," Happy said. Happy was hoping that Fairy Rage was getting better and improving his senses.

"Don't remind me. I'm trying my best to get back to where I was before Spike ate the time sphere Acnologia spat out."

"So, what were you doing, mom?" Erza asks. She and the others want to know what Irene did.

"I finally apologized to Princess Hisui and King Toma E. Fiore about my actions and explained that I'm anew. It's been on my to-do list. After an earache, I walked to speak with the Archbishop. I asked him many questions about the Holy Knights. Not even the Zentopian Church had any info about the Holy Knights. Now, I'll need to go on a trip to the Alvarez Empire to search for any documented clues about the Holy Knights' whereabouts. Hopefully, they have something stored in their archives."

"Very clever to ask the Archbishop and Zentopia about the Holy Knights. It's a darn shame they have no recollection of them," Makarov said. "Irene, even though you outclass me in magic power, I must refrain you from going out alone. I fear that some members of the Preying Mantis Guild could be more omnipotent than you."

"Although I would reject your command, you are the Guild Master and knows what is best. I will comply with your decree. I will take my family with me on the journey. In three days, we'll set sail."

"What a relief! I'm avoiding boats!" Natsu shouts with glee.

"However, Natsu. You still have many jobs to complete, which will require traveling by transportation since Spike will more likely not accompany you for the next while," Master Makarov painfully reminds Natsu of his motion sickness.

"AW CRAP!!" Natsu is now fearful of his motion sickness already. He wishes Spike would send him motion relief pills when he goes to Hargeon.

"From the sails, that took days," Erza said.

"I know. However, if the Alvarez Empire were to see Spike flying, it could be a disastrous fallout. Also, I doubt he remembers how to fly there," Irene states. Honestly, she doesn't know if Spike placed a flare marking near the Alvarez Empire.

"Everyone in the Alvarez Empire would be extremely nervous, especially with the word about two Fairy Dragons ending Acnologia's reign of tyranny. I say you are making the right call, Irene."

"Thanks," Irene said.

"Rage, I want you to stay with us when Irene goes to the Alvarez Empire. I know Spike will go on the trip, and having a backup Dragon on standby in case the Preying Mantis Guild attacks will be much-appreciated," Master Makarov decrees.

"If Carla decides to go with Wendy, I'm going. If she stays, I'm staying. Carla went through a whole year without me, Master. Her wish is to be with me through the end of time. I'm keeping that promise. Also, don't even try to use Freed to put an enchantment on me. He knows better from his experience with Spike during the S-Class Trials."

"I still feel the burns back at the beach," Freed remembers when Spike scorched him and Bickslow for his stunt to keep everyone on board the ship.

"It still hurts, ya know," Bickslow said to Fairy Rage.

"I didn't do it. That was Spike. Though, seeing the memories was hilarious."

"Which begs to differ," Natsu turns to Master Makarov. "When will we have another S-Class Trials, Gramps?"

"Hmm," Master Makarov ponders a bit. It has been too long since the last S-Class Trials. The S-Class Trials didn't end due to the invasion of Grimoire Hearts. "I'll give it some thought, Natsu. The same goes for the other events before the seven-year nap."

Everyone cheers loudly after hearing what Makarov said. That means the Rainbow Cherry Blossom Party, the Endurance Race, and other festivities will return since it's been many years. Irene wonders how she will partake in any of the events. She orders a cup of coffee to go.

Mirajane and Lisanna pack up Fairy Rage's food in several trays since he is not specific about the food. Fairy Rage takes the food and uses his fire breath to teleport to Carla's room.

"I'll be back later," Irene takes her cup of coffee.

"Where are you heading, mom?" Erza asks.

"I'm going to see my son and comfort him. I haven't seen him in a while," Irene gets up and leaves the guildhall.

"Want to go with her, Erza?" Lucy asks. She trusts Erza in her apartment more than Natsu and Happy.

"I'll check on Spike later. Right now, I need to help Makarov devise the right teams for jobs they can go on. We need to be sure that none of them are deceiving us as the last one Spike took."

"Which won't be long. Also, I'll inform Gildarts to stay for a while. The guild can use Gildart's power to deal with this rising threat," Makarov said. He reaches for his calling card Gildarts handed him a year ago.

"Wanna go on a job, Lucy?" Natsu asks.

"What kind of a job are we talking about?" Lucy is nervous about venturing with her friends when the Preying Mantis Guild is out there, preparing to make their next move.

"Stopping bandits from robbing a cargo train," Gray said, holding the flier.

"Natsu's motion sickness won't come into the fray. I'll be flying him around the train for him to use his Dragon Slayer Magic," Happy said.

"That's brilliant, Happy!" Natsu said in shock.

"I gave Happy the idea in case you don't have the motion relief pills. Judging from your emotions earlier, you ran out of them," Panther Lily sees Natsu nodding. He knows Natsu exhausted his supply rather than rationalized it.

"Lily pulled through when Fairy Dragon and I fought the Chameleons on the train. Having Lily hover while the train is in motion helps," Gajeel confirms.

"Awesome! I'm fired-up now!" Natsu shouts in excitement.

Fairy Rage arrives inside Carla's room. Carla is still in her humanoid form, lying on the bed. She hasn't moved since she left the battlefield. All Carla sees is the Exceeds dead on the ground while holding onto one in her hands, how she attacked her kind without thought. Carla still wears her black tights, a red skirt, and a black shirt.

"Carla?" Fairy Rage calls her name, hoping to hear a response from his girlfriend.

Carla is silent. She hears Fairy Rage calling her name, but she's in her trance. She hears the Exceeds screaming in fear of death by her hands; How each of them died by her friends' hands as well.

Fairy Rage puts the food on the table and walks to the bed. He gets on and lies down behind Carla to hold her. Carla doesn't acknowledge Fairy Rage holding her. She feels the coldness around her when Cabal reveals his deception.

"Carla, please respond." Fairy Rage holds her tighter.

Carla snaps out of her daze when she feels the warmth of Fairy Rage. She sees his claws wrapped around her body and embraces them. She bursts into tears and cries her eyes outs. The pain is severe, and Rage blames himself for not informing his friends fast enough about Cabal's brainwashing on the Exceeds.

Irene arrives at Spike and Lucy's apartment. She walks up the stairs and notices the door to their apartment wide open. Wendy is in bed with Spike, who has cried himself to sleep. Irene closes the door and grabs a chair. She watches the two of them sleeping and decides to place her hand on Spike's forehead. She senses great turmoil within Spike.

"He's getting worse." Irene thought to herself. Then she feels an irregular presence. She pretends to be oblivious to the feeling until it decides to make its' move.

It makes a noise, indicating that it is coming closer. A small red and purple figure tries to enter Spike's nose when Irene grabs it. The figure makes a loud screeching sound causing Spike and Wendy to wake up. The two are startled when Irene chucks the figure away from Spike and Wendy. It rises from the impact.

"WALKER!" Irene growls. She points her staff at Walker, preparing to attack.

"WHO'S WALKER?!" Spike and Wendy shout. They don't know what's happening.

"Shadow Walker, to be precise," Walker is in a shadowed form that allows him to enter the minds of those asleep to mess with their state of slumber. Walker's appearance features a ghostly small humanoid shape but consists of wearing a druid's cloak attire. His eyes are red with purple pupils. "I'm surprised you remembered me, Irene."

"Are you with them?!" Irene refers to the Preying Mantis Guild.

"Why would I tell you about my business, Irene? Why do you care for that dinosaur?" Walker mocks Spike, which infuriates Wendy. Irene is ready to kill Walker but knows it's futile due to his magic. Walker can project shadowed physical images of himself.

"Choose your words wisely, asshole. You are messing with my son!" Irene is irate. She wants to kill Walker.

"As if you can kill me!" Walker laughs sinisterly. "Go on, give it your best shot!" Walker taunts Irene.

Spike gets out of his bed to confront the jackass mocking his mother. "You will rue this!" Spike warns Walker.

"Oh, dearest me, a Dragon with a hissy-fit," Walker continues to insult Spike any way he can. "I'm so scared," He boops Spike's nose to piss him off. Spike starts consuming the energy essence of Walker's projection. Walker feels like he's getting dragged like a vacuum collecting dust particles. "Hey, what the hell?!"

Irene smirks. "I guess you never heard of the Energy Maker Dragon, huh, Walker?"

"Ah, shit! I can't believe this is happening to me!?!" Walker feels his projection getting consumed. One of his fears is to be eaten alive.

"Enjoy a real nightmare, prick," Irene taps her staff on the floor, allowing Walker to relive the moments in his mind constantly.

Walker screams, regretting his decision to mess with Spike mentally. Spike finishes consuming Walker's shadow and sits down. He feels strange.

"Spike, how are you feeling?" Wendy asks Spike. She's concerned about a possible new power.

"I feel weird. I feel like," Spike thinks about conjuring a fake clone of himself. One appears in front of him. The copy opens its eyes. "Hey, I think I can move freely while my body remains in stasis."

"Incredible. You have obtained Walker's projection magic. That'll come in handy for future encounters," Irene said. She thought Spike's body would become a shadow like Rogue's shadow magic.

Spike concentrates and dissolves the copy. He opens his eyes. "It will be helpful down the road. However, I need to start packing."

"What? Why?" Wendy doesn't like the sound of Spike leaving.

"Walker knows where I reside. That means Lucy's life is in jeopardy. Walker can spill the beans to the Preying Mantis Guild, so I need to sleep elsewhere. A place where they won't think of."

"Where are you going?" Irene asks Spike. She needs to know where to address the situation with Lucy later.

"Home," Spike replies. "There's a place I know where I can hide away from the Preying Mantis Guild. A location only a few know about."

Wendy ponders a bit when it comes to her. She gets out of bed and whispers the one location she knows, the cave within Eden's Forest. Irene remembers that forest. She knows how to find Spike.

"I'll be around the guildhall, being with you, mom, and the others. It's not like I'm leaving the guild. It's for to have a good night's rest or nap when I need it."

"Can you take me with you, Spike?" Wendy hopes Spike will say yes.

"I'll think about it for the long run. Right now, I need to prepare to take the essentials."

"I'll help. I'll put an enchantment so that only members of Fairy Tail can see you. It'll work the same as it was with the Alvarez Empire."

Spike smiles at Irene's gesture. It's comforting for Wendy to see Spike smile after what he encountered with Cabal's magic and assault. Since Irene says she'll make that enchantment, Spike tells Wendy that she can come with him. He'll need to teleport his bed. After packing up, Spike uses his fire breath to teleport the bed, his belongings, Irene, Wendy, and himself into his cave in Eden's Forest.

Carla stops crying. She holds onto Fairy Rage's claws for comfort. Fairy Rage uses his tail to rub Carla's sides to make her feel better. He has never seen this side of Carla and hopes this'll be the last of it.

"Carla, can you hear me?"

"Yes," Carla nods.

"I have great news about the Exceeds."

"...what..?" Carla was not expecting to hear good news. Only grave news.

"Queen Shagotte and a few younglings survived the carnage Cabal unleashed. Some Exceeds fled from his wrath. There are survivors out there. Queen Shagotte and the younglings are with Millianna and Mermaid Heel."

Carla's jaw drops in happiness. It's the best news she heard today. She turns over to meet Fairy Rage's orange eyes. She smiles at him. "Thank you for uplifting my spirit."

Fairy Rage's smile deteriorates. "I'm sorry that I didn't speak up. I sensed something manipulating the area, but I couldn't determine what it was when it was the Exceeds all this time. I'm sorry for letting you down."

"It's not your fault. If anything, we shouldn't convince you to spy on Spike. We should have taken your suggestion about leaving Spike alone. Perhaps, there wouldn't be much genocide..," Carla sadly sighs. "I don't know."

"I wish I could keep my perceptions and perks when I obtained this body. It sucks that I must climb back to the top of my game!" Fairy Rage groans angrily. Then he takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry that you went through that awful experience. I wish I could have stopped the carnage. I wish I could have teleported us away when I had the chance..."

Carla reaches Rage's cheek and holds them gently. "It's not your fault. We got ambushed by a threat who outsmarted us. We will have our retribution for the harm they inflicted on us. I know you'll tear their limbs off. I'll be there with you," Carla reassuringly says, kissing Rage on his nose.

Fairy Rage smiles. He holds Carla more. "Thank you."

Carla and Fairy Rage start getting frisky in bed with the kissing and cuddling. They roll around, enjoying each other's company, having the thrill of their life.

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