• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Making Lunch

Twilight (Sci-Twi) is in the kitchen with the chicken. She uses her magic to levitate a cleaver knife and put it on the wooden cutting board. The chicken clucks profusely.

"Don't worry, you'll have a good sleep and won't feel a thing," Twilight uses her magic to put the chicken to sleep. "Now.., I..," Twilight uses her magic to levitate the cleaver once more and aims to chop the head off. "Okay, you can do this.., Twilight. Just a simple..." Twilight struggles to cleave the head off the chicken and groans loudly. "How do butchers do this all the time?!" Twilight lividly shouts and tosses the cleaver knife aside. She slumps to the floor. "I can't do this. Even when it sleeps!"

A clone of Discord checks on Twilight and notices the sleeping chicken on the wooden cutting board. "Need some assistance?"

"Can you take the head off a chicken?" Twilight asks. She closes her eyes due to disappointment.

"Well," The clone grabs the chicken's throat. "I've done many things in my life. Chopping the head of a sleeping creature should be easy."

"That's all you have to do, and I'll do the rest," Twilight regains her confidence.

"Alright," The clone of Discord grabs the chicken and the butcher knife. "One careful aim," The clone made sure he's aiming the chicken's head correctly. "Wham!" The clone shouts, connecting with the butcher's knife. Not only he missed the chicken's head, but he also cut off his eagle's claw. The clone is not bleeding, but taffy does pour and squirt out of his missing arm.

"How did you miss?!" Twilight is aghast after seeing Discord's claw running away from the kitchen.

"Hey! Get back here, thing!" The clone chases after his claw.

"Good grief," Twilight sighs and balls herself. Aria comes into the kitchen to see Twilight on the floor.

"What's wrong, Twilight?" Aria looks around the kitchen and sees the chicken Spike brought sleeping.

"Ooooh," Twilight sounds upset and disappointed with herself. "I came here to cook the chicken for Spike. He's suffering from hunger pains, and I can't do the simplest thing! I can't chop the chicken's head!"

Aria grabs the chicken and the butcher knife. She chops the head off the board and pushes the chicken's head into the garbage. Twilight flinches at how swiftly Aria does it.

"After the fallout from Canterlot High's Battle of the Bands, Adagio, Sonata, and I had to take part-time jobs before regaining our confidence to start singing for money. I used to work in a meat market. Doing this is nothing new to me."

"Wow," Twilight is amazed to hear that Aria has experience.

"If you ever bring livestock for Spike to eat, let me know, and I'll take care of the dirty work," Aria said. She knows most creatures don't have the stomach to perform what she did.

"Thank you," Twilight smiles.

Aria starts cleaning the chicken's body and removing the feathers. "I'll prepare this so you can cook it," Aria grabs the cutters and cleans them.

"How is Adagio doing? I haven't seen her in a while," Twilight wonders if Adagio is helping Gallus or working on creating an artificial limb.

"She's with Gallus and doing well. The two are in Castle Central devising the artificial limb as we speak. Adagio refuses to leave Gallus' side."

"Makes sense. Also, I wonder how the arm will look," Twilight imagines many different arm structures. Some wielding weapons, magic-based weapons, grappling hooks with the fingers, mini-launchers from the fingers.

"Only time will tell, Twilight," Aria continues to clean the chicken, ensuring no feather or fur is left. Only the skin. "You want to keep the chicken feet or not?"

"No," Twilight shakes her head. She knows Spike doesn't eat chicken feet. Aria chops them off.

As the two work together in the kitchen, Spike falls asleep to stop his belly from aching. Flurry Heart lays next to Spike in hopes of comforting him. Terax flies and lands on Chrysalis' back. He'll watch Spike from there. Garble and Smolder don't know what to do while watching Flurry Heart. Smolder tries not to become jealous over Flurry Heart's good intentions.

Two hours later. Princess Cadance returns from Fluttershy's cottage. She enters and smells something delicious that makes her mouth water. She trots to the kitchen and sees Twilight and Aria working together, adding spices to the chicken. The aroma of flesh sizzling with the stench of garlic and onions made her stomach growl.

"Wow, that smells good. Maybe I can have a nibble before I leave." Princess Cadance thought to herself while trotting to Spike and Twilight's room. A few minutes later, she enters the room to see Spike and Flurry Heart sleeping. "What did I miss?"

"Not much. Spike has been sleeping for a while now," Garble said.

"Flurry Heart has decided to comfort Spike the best way she can. It's adorable to see her sleeping with Spike," Chrysalis said.

"Not that adorable." Smolder thought to herself. She snorts a little, which catches Princess Cadance's attention.

"Something troubling you, Smolder?" Princess Cadance hopes there is no conflict between Smolder and her daughter.

"I'm mad that Fluttershy guilt-ridden Spike into submission. I can only imagine the horrors displayed in his mind," Smolder lies but does say a partial truth. In all honesty, she has fallen for Spike.

"Also, did any of you smell that aroma I smelt?" Princess Cadance asks out of curiosity.

"It smells good. However, I know it's for Spike. My sister and I failed to convert Spike into eating gemstones. There are foods we cannot digest."

"I'm with my brother. We won't start eating flesh as Guardian Dragon will. Well, more like Guardian Dragon resumes with his eating habits."

"Gemstones are too delicious to pass up," Garble licks his lips a little. He eats a red gemstone to satisfy himself.

"I do want to try, in all honesty. However, I fear devouring it all after tasting the flavor," Chrysalis sincerely says.

"Which is true. When mommy tastes something new, she will gorge. I've seen it happen five days after my birthday," Terax said. Chrysalis slightly blushes in embarrassment.

Princess Cadance giggles a bit. Hearing that from Chrysalis is new to her. Chrysalis is embarrassed since most Changelings couldn't stop talking about it in the Hive.

Chrysalis sighs. "I'll never hear the end of it, huh?"

"It's funny, mommy," Terax laughs a bit. He remembers the reactions from all the other Changelings during his birthday party lunch.

"I can only imagine," Princess Cadance closes her eyes for a second when she hears hoofsteps coming closer.

Twilight comes into the room to check on Spike. She sees her friends in the room and trots to Spike's bed. Twilight smiles at Flurry Heart and Spike, cuddling each other. "Aw, cute." Twilight softly nudges Spike's head to wake him up. "Spike," Twilight said in a loving mothering tone.

Spike blinks a few times. "Twi-Twilight?" Spike yawns. "I'm so hungry..," Spike tears up from the hunger pains. He can no longer delay the inevitable.

"Come with me, Spike," Twilight uses her magic to hover Spike onto her back. She turns to her friends. "Thank you for watching him. It means a lot."

"Anytime," Princess Cadance uses magic to levitate Flurry Heart onto her back. She wakes up and notices the change of scenery.

Flurry Heart wakes up and yawns. She sees Spike riding on Twilight's back. "Is he going to feel better, mommy?"

"Yes, he will, Flurry Heart," Princess Cadance said. Flurry Heart gasps happily, knowing her best friend will no longer ache for food.

"Can we see?" Flurry Hearts wants to see Spike happily and eating right.

"Of course," Princess Cadance follows Spike to the kitchen. Chrysalis, Terax, Garble, and Smolder follow them to the kitchen.

Aria is adding the final touches to the chicken. She sees Twilight coming into the kitchen with all the others. Spike is smiling widely while his stomach growls loudly.

"Shhhhhhh," Spike pats his belly. "It's almost feeding time."

Aria brings the tray of chicken to the table for Spike to eat. Spike goes and sits at the table. His mouth waters with sensation while the other sniff and relish the flavor of the chicken. The chicken itself looks bronze coated in black pepper vinegar sauce.

"Wow, nice presentation," Spike said. It's been a long time since Spike saw a rotisserie chicken freshly made like this. He would go with Twilight and Shining Armor to the supermarket every week on Thursday back home. He whiffs the aroma of the chicken.

"Dig in, Spike," Twilight smiles. She's happy to see Spike happy again. She sits at the far end of the table, across from Spike's viewpoint.

"Thanks for the grub!" Spike grabs a chicken leg and pulls it off. He takes one bite and savors the flavor. He starts to become teary. "I missed this so much! Thank you, Twilight. Even you, Aria!" Spike continues to eat his heart out.

"You're welcome," Aria and Twilight respond in gladness.

Chrysalis decides to leave the room now that Spike is eating his fill. Terax is happy that Spike's eating well again. Flurry Heart is ecstatic to see Spike elated while enjoying his food. She asks her mother to take her home, not wanting to disturb Spike's mealtime. Princess Cadance informs Twilight and Spike that they're leaving. Spike talks with his mouth full of chicken, saying goodbye for now. Twilight reminds Spike not to chat with his mouth full of chicken. Garble and Smolder leave to go to the guildhall and inform their guild master and friends about Spike's progress since he's enjoying himself. Aria leaves to check on Adagio at Castle Central. She has a feeling Sonata is on her way there. Twilight thanks her for the help.

"Oh man," Spike is eating the chicken thighs. "This is delicious!"

"I'm so happy for you, Spike. I'm sorry that I couldn't feed you properly throughout the time," Twilight lowers her head in sadness.

Spike stops eating for a moment. "Twilight, it's not your fault. My food pallet is.., well.., different. Chocolate was poison to me, but I'm afraid that I'll somehow get sick with my dragon form. I'm not a veggie eater despite the number of times I tried it. Candy is okay. Same with ice cream, but it's not for me to have it every day. Like you, I have my trials of adjusting to our new home. What I dealt is one of them, especially running into Fluttershy when I buy the next livestock. I anticipate Fluttershy and me having altercations about the next chicken, pig, or maybe cow I will purchase."

"Well, know that I'm not mad at you when you struck Fluttershy when she did that STARE on you. I should have stepped in and put my f-hoof on the ground," Twilight nearly said foot. She's still adjusting to the Equestrian vocabulary. "Also, bring me with you when you're buying livestock so I can step in a prevent Fluttershy from making rash decisions. Especially what comes out of her mouth."

"I will, Twilight," Spike takes a deep breath. What Fluttershy said earlier is now forgotten by eating his chicken. He devours half of it and offers some to Twilight.

"Spike, you should take it. I'm fine, really," Twilight reassuringly says.

"I know you've been craving for this. I know you've been longing to taste chicken. I don't want to be selfish, mom," Spike smiles and walks up to Twilight. He gives Twilight a good portion of chicken on the plate.

In truth, Twilight has been itching to taste chicken. There are some foods Twilight yearns for that Equestria does not serve. She smiles at the chicken wing, thigh, and breast. "Thank you, Spike."

"You're welcome!" Now it's Spike's turn to watch those teary eyes watering on Twilight's face. She revels each bite of chicken with a little giggle. Oh, how much she missed eating something this delicious.

After ten minutes, Spike and Twilight put the leftover chicken in the fridge and cleaned the plates together. With Spike's hunger now content, he can focus on other duties such as training and spending time with friends. For now, after what he endured, Spike wants to be with Twilight for the rest of the day. Twilight informs Spike that she has another magic session with Princess Celestia and Luna. Spike still wants to go. He wants to show moral support and perhaps learn more about magic to add to his arsenal. Since Grogar is out there, plotting, scheming, and creating a long-term means of war, Spike wants to prepare himself for possibly taking down Grogar as Fairy Dragon would have confronted any enemy daring to strip happiness and freedom away.

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