• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Making a Deal

"Hell?" Spike Knightwalker takes a whiff of the caves. "Damn, it stinks," He covers his nose.

"You expect Hell to smell pleasant?" Grogar glares into the eyes of Spike Knightwalker.

"No. I expected worse in Hell. Also, what do you mean by remains of Hell? I don't get it," Spike Knightwalker sees what the domains of Hell look like; Rusted doors for containment, odors that stench for miles on end, the ground is rough, rock pillar and spikes all around, tunnels that lead to darkness. "Alright, I'll bite. Why am I in Hell? I thought I atoned my sins and took my punishment all those years ago."

"No. You murdered thousands during your sadistic days. The Heavenly Father has decided you're not worthy of redemption. However, I'm willing to negotiate with the Heavenly Father if you help us reclaim Hell," Grogar entices Spike Knightwalker with a reasonable cause.

"Reclaim? I don't understand. What's going on?" Spike Knightwalker turns to Grogar.

"I'll show you," Grogar walks up to Spike Knightwalker and uses his magic to teleport Spike Knightwalker to the top of the mountain that was Canterlot. "My magic will enable us to be invisible from all other forms of magic. Now, tell me. What do you see?"

Spike Knightwalker looks around the mountain top to see beautiful colors covering the landscape. From afar, Spike Knightwalker sees a utopia. It has the tallest castle he'd ever laid eyes. "It's beautiful."

"Hell is not beautiful," Grogar corrects Spike Knightwalker.

"Then why are you showing me this?" Spike Knightwalker is confused.

"Do you remember the ones that tormented you?" Grogar hopes that triggering Spike Knightwalker's past will reawaken him.

"Remember? How can I forget?" Spike Knightwalker remembers the Celestials. A dark guild that tormented and scarred him in his youth. His demeanor changes as he remembers the lashings, the punishments, and slave labor.

"That dark guild you killed has changed the landscape of Hell."

"How is that possible?" Spike Knightwalker turns to Grogar.

"The one known as Twilight Sparkle has stolen a powerful relic of mine then locked it away. That relic strips creatures of their magic power. It's how I sustained my order upon the populous that enters Hell."

"So, you're saying that this relic was your way of ensuring absolute dominion over the sinners?"

"That is correct. Twilight Sparkle and her friends manipulated my relic to create this utopia. To avoid the punishments that Hell was supposed to give. I'm the Warden of Hell. Without that relic, I cannot affirm my absolute reign over sinners. There's supposed to be one Heaven and one Hell. If Hell turns into a Heaven."

"That means balance becomes one-sided," Spike Knightwalker finishes Grogar's statement.

"Precisely. Since you're the one that brought the Celestials into my domain, you should oblige to help me restore my order," Grogar commands in a firm tone.

"I don't think I have it in me. To turn back my ways," Spike Knightwalker looks down at himself.

"What do you mean by that?" Grogar looks at Spike Knightwalker differently.

"Can we discuss it elsewhere?" Spike Knightwalker doesn't feel comfortable discussing his tale out in the open.

"Very well," Grogar taps his middle orb sash and teleports back to the Diamond Dogs' caves. He commands every creature to leave him and the Knight alone. They flee from Grogar's presence at the booming voice of his command.

"After failing to defeat my counterpart, Spike the Fairy, I thought my life was over. I used to be a cruel, demented, heartless killing machine that went on a rampage, hunting dark guild wizards. For years, I ravage and relished their cries like a grim reaper, harvesting their souls," Spike Knightwalker sighs. "A lot has happened after King Jellal took control of Edolas. I was grateful for the mercy King Jellal decreed on my life. My mother's counterpart saw I had a heart like her brother, waiting to blossom, to turn me into the man I am. King Jellal allowed me to work on creating solar panels as the new usage for everyday living. Solar panels harness energy like magic but tenfold."

"What changed you completely?" Grogar wants Spike Knightwalker to go straight to the point.

"I opened my heart. King Jellal advised me to apologize to the citizens of Edolas and any wizard that somehow survived my massacre. I made a public service announcement to all of Edolas in the Royal City. Many surviving wizards and one remaining dark guild did not accept my apology proposal. So, I did the next best thing. I let them release all their anger upon me."

"You willingly allowed yourself to get pummeled by those wizards?" Grogar had hoped to summon the Spike Knightwalker he heard and saw from Spike's memories. Not this reformed Knightwalker.

"Yes. It did reawaken my PTSD, but I refused to acknowledge it. I somehow didn't die. I was expecting to die right then and there, to be honest. One member showed mercy even though I didn't deserve it. Her name is Wendy. She sought the good in my eyes and the burdens and shame I have with it. We have a family. I'm a father of two."

"That's why you can't go back?" Grogar is disappointed. His effort for summoning the sadistic, malicious, hellbent, raging machine was all for nothing.

"I love my family wholeheartedly. I love my wife, my son, my daughter. I'll do anything for them. After I received mercy, I slowly gained the trust of the surviving wizards and created a new future to uphold."

"You're willing to do anything for them, and yet. Are you refusing to help me to help your family?"

"What?" Spike Knightwalker looks into the eyes of Grogar.

"If I cease control of Hell entirely, you can kiss your family goodbye. Once Hell turns into Heaven, there is no afterlife, and all life ceased to exist!" Grogar snorts, making his statement bold.

"I.., I..," Spike Knightwalker loses his train of thought.

"May I remind you that you're the one that sent those souls here! They've been plotting on means to escape my Hell to come for you. To bring Armaggedon."

"Armaggedon..," Spike Knightwalker trembles with the possibility.

Grogar sees the fear produced by Spike Knightwalker and takes it a bit further. "The utopia you saw is a means of building their army, a Legion of Doom for vengeance against the one that sent them here."

Spike Knightwalker starts panting. He remembers the Celestials' doing for harnessing the Elements of Fiendship to create a weapon of mass destruction. "This can't be happening..," Spike Knightwalker covers his face in shame.

"Unless things get resolved, our line of existence is in jeopardy. God is willing to forgive your sins if you help me. However, I need the Lieutenant you once were. I need your brilliance and sadistic, malicious, hellbent killing machine you were once were."

"I'm willing to help, but I refuse to be that man. I departed from him," Spike Knightwalker put his foot down, making his statement clear.

Grogar's eyes glow yellowish-black. "I wasn't talking to you."

"Huh?" Spike Knightwalker sees Grogar's eye color change. From red into the glowing eyes.

"I'm talking to Spike Knightwalker, the son of the Fairy Hunter!" Grogar shoots his magic at Spike Knightwalker; He screams in agony. His screams cease. "Spike Knightwalker, are you there?"

Spike Knightwalker's malevolent laughter makes Grogar smile. "I'm here. I'm free from the burden of holding back my true nature. I can feel the magic flowing through me like in Edolas."

Spike Knightwalker's mind

"What's happening?" Spike Knightwalker is shackled to a wall within his mind.

Vile laughter is all Spike Knightwalker can hear. An image of himself with red eyes instead of green eyes is in front of him.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" Spike Knightwalker struggles to get free. The shackles are custom-made by Grogar's magic restrainer.

"I'm you. The old you that you locked away," Sadistic Knightwalker replies.

"LET ME OUT!" Spike Knightwalker demands.

"It's futile. You sucked up to King Jellal instead of ending his life to reinstate King Faust. We could have resumed killing those wizards. Instead, you happen to marry one of them. Especially a freaking Fairy Tail Wizard. I despise your kids and wife. You're not taking my fun away ever again."

"You have no hope!" Spike Knightwalker knows his plans will fail. As long as good triumphs, evil will meet its demise.

"Says the one who can't control his mind. Well, I'm in control. Hell needs me to reinstate the order. I'm going to enjoy watching the Celestials beg for mercy before I end their pitiful lives once more."

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Spike Knightwalker shouts.

Diamond Dogs' Caves

Sadistic Spike Knightwalker looks at Grogar. "I have a few questions."

"Ask away."

"Have they turned into animals like you?" Sadistic Spike Knightwalker asks.

"Yes. However, their new form has allowed them to use magic to greater extents."

"Two, what technology do we have? I need to see where we stand in weaponry to make modifications. With magic flowing smoothly, I think I can create bio-tech-magic weaponry that no other has seen before."

"We scavenge some tech from the Storm Nation. Feel free to create different usages for your content."

"Three, you want them dead or badly wounded that they'll never pose a threat?"

"They die, they come back. If you can cripple them, it'll do wonders for more inflicting punishment. I would advise on keeping them alive."

Sadistic Spike Knightwalker smirks. "Let me know when the invasion takes place. I assume we'll need time to develop our army."

"Trust me. It'll be soon to exact more punishment on those that scarred your childhood. Especially, Twilight Sparkle and her friends," Grogar sinisterly laugh. "Do we have an agreement?"

Sadistic Spike Knightwalker sneers. "Yes, we do. I look forward to creating calamity upon them."

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