• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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A New Day Part 1: New Beginnings

It's a new day in Ponyville. Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike wake up; they both scream and fall off the bed.

"Spike! You're a..." Twilight (Sci-Twi) pants a bit.

"Twilight! You're a..." Spike pants a bit.

"Oh, that's right," Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike say in unison. They sigh heavily, believing what they experienced yesterday was a complete hellish nightmare.

"I can't believe we left Pinkie Pie behind..," Twilight (Sci-Twi) groans a bit.

"I know. However, there's a Pinkie Pie in this reality. Ours couldn't steal her life away..," Spike sadly says.

"I know," Twilight (Sci-Twi) takes a deep breath. "Well, I guess we should explore the castle."

"Yea. There has to be a kitchen as well," Spike said.

Twilight (Sci-Twi) gets an idea. "Want to ride on my back?"

"Really?" Spike smiles a bit. Now that Twilight (Sci-Twi) is a unicorn riding on her back does seem fun.

"Of course. Things will be different, so let's embrace them together," Twilight uses her magic to levitate Spike onto her back.

"Hey! You're magic works similar to when you were human!"

"I'm thankful about that. Perhaps there are books here that can help me utilize my magic. Perhaps you can learn as well, like your counterpart."

"Fairy Dragon," Spike claps his claws excitedly.

"Let's eat and have a fun day in the castle!" Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike leave the room. Twilight (Sci-Twi) goes down the hallway, sightseeing what's around her. Spike sees how beautiful the interiors of the castle are. Twilight (Sci-Twi) bumps in Starlight Glimmer. "Whoops. Sorry, Starlight."

"It's alright, Twilight," Starlight smiles. "Hey, are you two hungry?"

"Yes," Spike and Twilight (Sci-Twi) nod.

"Follow me to the kitchen," Starlight trots down the hallway, leading Spike and Twilight (Sci-Twi).

Trixie is in the kitchen with Sunburst and Maud Pie. Trixie is making coffee while Sunburst is making hay fries and pancakes. Maud turns around and blinks a few times to make sure her eyes aren't deceiving her. Sunburst turns around and drops a tray of hay fries.

"Something happened?" Trixie turns around, and her jaw drops. "Impossible..."

"Now, before you jump to any conclusions, this is not our Twilight nor Spike. They're from the human world that Sunset Shimmer ran into yesterday," Starlight said before things go sour.

"It's true, lad and lassies," Rockhoof joins in the fray. "I saw the whole thing last night. I even learned a new word for this one," Rockhoof rubs Twilight's (Sci-Twi) head with his hoof. "Bastard. I have no idea what it means but sounds good."

"Uh..," Trixie and Sunburst are lost for words now that they understand where Twilight and Spike originated.

"So, does that mean my sister and her friends will have a second chance with this Twilight and Spike?" Maud asks.

"Yes," Starlight nods. "However, I think you two should explore the castle. Take things one step at a time."

"That's what I wanted to do with Spike today," Twilight (Sci-Twi) said.

"So, anything good to eat?" Spike asks.

"I can go for some bacon and eggs," Twilight (Sci-Twi) said.

"Same with me! Give me some bacon, please!" Spike rubs his belly with his claws.

"Uh.., we don't eat meat," Trixie confirms.

"Not every pony eats meat besides fish," Sunburst said.

"What!? No meat!?" Spike cringes a bit. "I need to look for some loose chickens and eat them."

"Raw?" Twilight (Sci-Twi) jokes a bit.

"If I have to!" Spike shouts.

"Uh.., have you tried eating a pancake?" Trixie asks.

"No. I used to be a dog so, there were some things I couldn't eat."

"Try pancakes then. You'll love it," Sunburst says.

"Okay," Spike gets off of Twilight's (Sci-Twi) back. He sits on an empty chair.

"This'll be an interesting day," Rockhoof said.

"Also, try not to use the new word you learn. There's a reason why we don't use the language in Equestria," Sunburst said.

"What? I can't say, bastard? It's not offending anyone, is it?" Rockhoof asks.

"It can be for certain creatures or friends you have," Trixie said.

"Now that's bullshit," Spike said.

"Lalalalalalalalalalalala!" Trixie covers her ears. "Trixie can't hear you! Lalalalalalalalalalalalala!" Trixie leaves the kitchen.

"I have some papers to grade," Sunburst leaves the kitchen.

"We don't use dirty language. Try to get in the habit of using less of it," Maud Pie leaves.

"I'll make breakfast for the three of you. Also, refrain from using any other curse words. Things are peaceful here, and there is no need for such language in our world."

"Alright, Starlight. Spike and I will not use such language unless it's accidental."

"Accidental?" Starlight turns to Twilight (Sci-Twi).

"Well, I was human, and being human, we tend to make mistakes. Sometimes, we say or do things. Especially during a rage burst."

"Oh boy," Starlight imagines what could happen if Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike slip those words out of their mouths.

"I'm going to me theatre. I'm sure the younglings and students have written their stories. I want to read them and see if they met my criteria from yesterday's class," Rockhoof leaves the kitchen after taking a bowl filled with fruits.

"See you at school," Starlight sighs. She hears the castle doors knocking. "Mind getting that, Rockhoof!" Starlight shouts.

"Sure thing, Lassie!" Rockhoof said while munching on an apple. He opens the door to see Pinkie Pie hopping.

"Hi, Rockhoof! Can I come in!" Pinkie excitedly asks.

"Uh..," Rockhoof isn't sure.

"Thanks!" Pinkie rushes in.

"The Lass is going to kill me. Better after school then now," Rockhoof trots to his theatre.

Pinkie rushes and scours in the castle, looking for Starlight. A few moments later, she smells the sweet aroma of chocolate chip and cinnamon pancakes. She runs into the kitchen and stands behind Starlight.

"Hi, Starlight!" Pinkie shouts, startling Starlight.

"Gaah! Pinkie. What are you doing here?" Starlight asks while catching her breath.

"I wanted to visit you and say that I'll be coming back to school in the next semester," Pinkie smiles. "So, uh, can I have a pancake?"

"Wait your turn, Pinkie," Spike said.

"Okie-Dokie-Lokie," Pinkie obliviously replies, then her eyes widen and slowly turn to the sound of Spike's voice. She gasps horridly. "Spike!" Pinkie turns to see Twilight (Sci-Twi). "Twilight!?" Pinkie growls at Twilight. "You-" Starlight covers Pinkie's mouth.

"They're not our Twilight and Spike. Remember the world Sunset Shimmer ran? The one filled with humans?"

"Mmhmm," Pinkie nods.

"That's the human Twilight and doggie Spike," Starlight informs Pinkie.

"You mean.., and they..," Pinkie notices that Spike doesn't have dragon wings and Twilight (Sci-Twi) doesn't have pegasus wings. "What happened?!" Pinkie is confused with the scenery.

"Well, uh..," Twilight (Sci-Twi) chokes a bit. Seeing Equestria's version of Pinkie Pie reminds her of her friend back home in Canterlot City.

"It's a long story. How do you feel about real-life horror?" Spike asks.

"I love horror! However, real-life horror. That's something I don't want to imagine," Pinkie pulls a bucket of popcorn from her hair and sits at the table. "Please, tell me your story."

"How did she?" Spike is confused with Equestria's Pinkie Pie's capabilities.

"It's Pinkie Pie. She can do whatever she wants," Twilight (Sci-Twi) says, watching Pinkie eating her popcorn.

"Please tell me the story," Pinkie Pie smiles widely.

"It's not a good one. So don't scream so loud that the castle trembles or glass shatters," Starlight said to Pinkie Pie. She brings the plate of pancakes for Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike.

"I'll Pinkie Promise. Cross my heart, hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye," Pinkie Pie does her usual ritual routine during the Pinkie Promise. "Alright, tell me what happened."

"Good, I need to go to the School of Friendship," Starlight leaves the kitchen.

"Well," Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike reveal to Pinkie everything they endured yesterday. They took two hours explaining the horrors and murders they witnessed, especially by Canterlot City's Sunset Shimmer. During the story, Pinkie Pie spills popcorn; Cried that her counterpart sister Maud Pie died as well as her friends.

"Wow..," Pinkie sniffs. "That's.., that's.., wow..," Pinkie can't describe what she's feeling. Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike understand the hurt Pinkie has. "And my counterpart has to watch that Sunset.., and somehow.., survive..?" Her mane deflates.

"If it were up to our Pinkie, she would have come. However, with what transpired when Sunset stole the life away from the other, Pinkie didn't want history to repeat itself," Twilight (Sci-Twi) sadly says.

"But, it would have been okay! I would live with it! Talking to myself, loving myself, two minds thinking alike!" Pinkie exclaims.

"Well, our Pinkie wasn't sure how you would feel, and she chose to stay behind. For all we know, there could be survivors out there that'll need her help," Twilight (Sci-Twi) replies. "Also, I promise Spike I would keep him safe. Knowing what happened to Equestria's Spike and Twilight, I guess you can call it a clean slate. A second chance to strive for friendship."

"Your Spike is a Fairy Dragon, and your Twilight is a deranged lunatic with an ongoing drive to get herself killed knowing that she'll fail," Spike said.

Pinkie Pie sighs heavily. "You're right about the clean slate, and believe me, I screwed up my friendship with Spike. I forgot and pranked him mercilessly while laughing at his misery. I thought for sure I wouldn't have a second chance of being friends with Spike. Now, I do have a second chance right in front of me. That if you want to be friends with me."

"You are one of my best friends back home, and I will love to be your friend as long as you don't make the same mistakes you had with Fairy Dragon."

"Deal!" Pinkie Pie shakes Spike's claw.

"Pinkie. Will you be my friend?" Twilight (Sci-Twi) asks.

"Of course! Silly. A new Twilight to become friends. I wonder if the Elements of Harmony will accept you as the bearer of magic."

"Elements of what?" Twilight (Sci-Twi) is confused about being a bearer.

"Harmony. My friends and I will have to start over with a lot of things for the new normal to kick in," Pinkie Pie starts devising ideas that'll work already.

"Well, Pinkie. Spike and I are going to explore our new home. Care to join us?" Twilight (Sci-Twi) asks.

Pinkie gasps. "No, no, no, Twilight. I should be your tour guide. I've been here so many times I know what each room is."

"Okay, even better. Spike, get on my back."

"Okay, Twilight," Spike gets on Twilight's (Sci-Twi) back.

"Follow me!" Confetti explodes behind Pinkie's back. She trots out of the kitchen to show Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike all the rooms in the castle.

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