• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Small Coalition Day 1: Explanation

It's 9:30 at night. Spike is in the kitchen reheating the food he made earlier. Juvia and Gajeel are sitting at the table in the dining room, feeling defeated at the moment. Everyone else is wondering what went down.

"What happened to you two?" Lyon asks.

"What were you doing on a canoe in the first place?" Carla asks.

Juvia groans a little. "Gajeel and I took a job at Seaport Seashore. All Gajeel and I had to do were stop a mad man from rampaging and terrorizing the town."

"Sounds easy at first but, this wasn't no mad man. He was something different."

"How so, Gajeel?" Rogue asks.

"When Juvia and I arrived, the streets had pools of blood and limbs torn apart."

Everyone gasps hearing the story. They wonder what sick person would do such a thing. Spike remembers reading the journal that depicts a member of the Seven Deadly Sins, capable of tearing limbs apart.

"While we investigated Seasport Seashore for any survivors, we came across the mad man responsible for the carnage," Juvia said.

"However, this is no ordinary man. He's a shark with a humanoid body. Juvia and I brought the fight to him and were winning but, he had two friends that intervene and beat the lights out of us," Gajeel said.

"One of them took a strand of my hair and controlled my body like a puppet," Juvia remembers being in all sorts of pain.

"The other one was so angry his hits were tougher than my steel. He grabbed my Iron Dragon Club and threw me onto a canoe, knowing that I won't come back to fight," Gajeel looks down.

"The Shark and angry man beat me mercilessly while I was unable to defend myself. I was thrown onto the canoe Gajeel was on and drifted away. I was knocked out at the time until five hours later to see that Gajeel and I were lost in sea."

"So that's why you and Gajeel were on the canoe," Wendy said in shock.

"We were ambushed badly," Juvia said.

"I want a rematch against those scumbags," Gajeel slams his fist on the table a little.

Spike brings two big plates of food for Gajeel and Juvia. "You said a man shark was terrorizing the town, right?"

"Yes, Fairy Dragon," Gajeel starts eating.

"I have never been in a fight dominated by those three wizards while feeling incredibly helpless," Juvia said. "I too want a rematch," Juvia starts eating.

"Why did you ask about the man shark guy anyway?" Gajeel said, talking with his mouth full.

"I'll be right back," Spike goes to Popeye's office to bring his journal. He grabs the journal from the desk and brings it to the dining room. Spike sees Gajeel and Juvia falling in love with his cooking and continues to eat. "I found Popeye's office, and he left his journal in his office. I've been reading a bit about his encounters, and it depicts some members of the Seven Deadly Sins."

"It does?" Carla said.

"What does the journal read, Spike?" Kagura asks.

"The Seven Deadly Sins go by their actual number of sins; Pride, Gluttony, Lust, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, and Envy. The man shark you spoke of is a member of the Seven Deadly Sins. He goes by the name King Shark."

"King Shark!" Everyone said in unison. They are in shock.

"Pride belongs to King Shark. He's proud of who he is and where he comes from."

"That would explain his repeated statements. The guy kept saying King Shark is a Shark in almost every sentence," Gajeel said.

"In the journal, there are four confirmed members of the Seven Deadly Sins. Three are new recruits, and there is no documentation of the sort."

"Who are the remaining members of the Seven Deadly Sins, Spike?" Yukino asks.

"Wrath belongs to Raphael. The angrier he becomes, the stronger he is. Raphael is a swordsman and a weapon specialist of all kinds. He likes wearing red."

"That's the punk that threw me into the canoe, rendering me useless to continue the fight," Gajeel said while eating the chicken and broccoli.

"Gluttony is a new member, according to Popeye's journal. His name is.., oh my. Kain Hikaru!"

"No way! One of the Seven Kin of Purgatory is in the Seven Deadly Sins!?" Wendy and Carla said in shock.

"Wait, that chubby guy that possessed me was part of the Kin?" Juvia asks.

"No wonder why he has a vendetta on us. We trashed his former guild," Gajeel said.

"Grimoire Hearts," Spike said, now remembering Bluenote Stinger and Azuma.

"He even cursed himself and made it harder for us to attack him," Gajeel admits.

"Who's the last one that Popeye has documented, Spike?" Romeo asks.

"Envy belongs to Bluto, The Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins. When he sees something he values, his power spikes up immensely. With possessions leading to obsessions. Popeye and Captain Sparrow's Archenemy."

"Lust, Greed, and Sloth are unknown until we encounter them," Kagura said.

"Juvia and I want in on your crusade."

"Of course, we're not going to say no," Lyon said.

"There is something you need to know first," Carla said.

Everyone on the ship explains to Gajeel and Juvia their mission for going after the Seven Deadly Sins. Their mission is to retrieve the Black Wing from the Seven Deadly Sins without causing much destruction.

"You know, I'm glad Salamander isn't on this job; he'll scorch that ship for sure," Gajeel said.

"That what we said," Romeo and Carla say in unison.

"So, is there a room for me to crash in?" Gajeel asks.

"The sleeping quarters have bunk beds, so expect a partner either above or below," Rogue answers.

"Fine by me," Gajeel gets up.

"Thanks for the food, Spike. It was delicious," Juvia said.

"You're welcome," Spike takes the dishes and starts cleaning them.

"I better get some rest," Juvia gets up.

"I'll show you where you'll be sleeping in, Lyon offers.

"Uh.., sure," Juvia follows Lyon to the bunk beds.

"Even though it's earlier, I think I'll go to bed," Romeo said. "I would rather be well-rested than tired if the Seven Deadly Sins make an appearance."

"Good call," Carla said.

"Okay, I'll go to bed as well," Wendy said.

"Spike, I'm going to be bunking with Wendy since Lyon has taken Juvia to bunk with."

"Whaaat?" Spike was hoping to sleep with Wendy.

"Don't worry, it's only for a short while," Sherria smiles. "C'mon Wendy, let's go," Sherria takes Wendy to one of the bunk beds in the sleeping quarters.

Spike sighs a little and puts the dishes away. Romeo goes with Yukino to a bunk bed area since Gajeel is with Rogue and Frosch. Kagura is behind Spike.

"That means you're bunking with me, Spike," Kagura gets Spike's name right. She came close of saying, Simon; again.

"Yea," Spike nods.

"We have a long day ahead tomorrow," Kagura said.

"Before we go to bed. There is one thing I must do," Spike places his claw on the floor and concentrates.

"What are you doing?" Kagura asks.

"Casting a protection ring," Spike's claw glows Sparkling Green. "Ring of Defense!" Spike conjures a Sparkling Green defense ring all around Serpent's Fang. The spell will last for ten hours.

"So, we're protected by all things outside of the Serpent's Fang?" Kagura asks.

"Yes, but only ten hours. I'm still studying this spell and other usages," Spike answers.

"That's cool, Spike," Kagura smiles. "Let's go."

Spike and Kagura go to their bunk beds. Spike goes to the top of the bunk bed while Kagura lays down on the lower bed.

"Wow, this brings back memories," Kagura said while taking off her boots.

"How so?" Spike asks Kagura.

"My brother and I shared bunk beds. He would go on the top while I lay on the bottom," Kagura sadly sighs. "I miss my brother."

"Still, sorry for your loss," Spike sincerely said.

"Thanks," Kagura sighs again. "Spending time with you helps me overcome the sadness that's left in my heart so, I want to say thank you for helping me in a way."

"You're welcome. Plus, tomorrow is another day, and we'll definitely hang out as much as possible before the fight comes."

"Yea," Kagura smiles a bit. "Night, Spike."

"Night, Sis. See you tomorrow."

Kagura sheds some tears but keeps herself calm. She goes to sleep.

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoy the easter eggs and surprises I planted in this story. Let me know what you think.

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