• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Finding the Key

It's the dawn of a new day in Magnolia. Spike wakes up on the floor next to Lisanna, Elfman, and Mirajane after having an awesome party last night. He goes to the kitchen to see what's in the fridge.

"Hmm, I can make pancakes and sausages for breakfast," Spike takes the sausages out of the fridge and looks for the pancake mix in the closet. He starts making breakfast for Elfman, Lisanna, and Mirajane.

It's now 8:15 in the morning. The aroma of pancakes and sausages wakes up Elfman, Mirajane, and Lisanna.

"Man, that smells good," Elfman said.

"Smells delicious," Lisanna said.

"Wait, if you two are not cooking, that means Spike's in the kitchen."

Mirajane, Elfman, and Lisanna go into the kitchen to see Spike finishing making pancakes and sausages. They watch him prepare the table in the kitchen as well.

"Morning, you three. Had a good night's sleep?" Spike smiles.

"I had a manly sleep and dream! It was manly!" Elfman shouts.

"Sleeping on the floor is something I haven't done in a long time but, it was fun last night. I'll say yes, I did have a good sleep," Mirajane said.

"I had fun cuddling my favorite dragon in my sleep," Lisanna said.

"Please don't say that around Wendy. She may kill me," Spike said while he closes his eyes.

"My lips are sealed," Lisanna said. "Since you are making breakfast for us."

"Which you didn't have to do, Spike. You're in our house. You're our guest," Mirajane said.

"I would have whipped us pancakes and sausages," Elfman said. "A real man cooking for his honored guest."

"I'm doing this out of my appreciation and gratitude for allowing me to bunk with you, lot. With what transpired yesterday, I believe it may not be over. Also, being away from home to protect Lucy's identity is a sacrifice I'm willing to pay. Hopefully, those chumps never come back and take Lucy."

"Agreed, they'll be dead if they harm Lucy," Mirajane, Lisanna, and Elfman said in unison.

"No one messes with Fairy Tail. They'll get their just desserts," Elfman said.

Spike brings the plate of pancakes to the table with a bowl of sausages. He goes to the fridge to take out apple juice and grape juice.

"Thank you, Spike," Lisanna sits at the table.

"You're welcome, Lisanna," Spike smiles.

"Since you enjoyed our cooking last night, Spike. Let's see how yours fare," Mirajane said while taking a seat at the table.

"I'm eager to know how it tastes since Lucy brags about your cooking," Elfman said, taking his seat at the table.

"I think you'll enjoy it as much as Lucy have," Spike said. He sits and puts three sausages and two slices of pancakes on his plate. "Want syrup?"

"Yes, please," Elfman, Mirajane, and Lisanna said in unison.

Spike puts syrup on his plate then passes it to Mirajane. She puts the amount she wants and passes it to Lisanna. Lisanna adds lots of syrup to her plate and gives it to Elfman. Elfman puts just enough on his plate. Spike watches Elfman, Lisanna, and Mirajane take the first bite of their pancake and fall in love with the flavor.

"Ooooooooooh my, Spike," Lisanna is enjoying the pancake. "This is so goooood," Lisanna savors the flavor.

"Now, this is a meal for a real man!" Elfman starts gorging on his plate.

"Spike, if you want to make extra money, you can cook for the guildhall. Your cooking is off the charts," Mirajane takes another bite of her pancake.

Spike chuckles. "I'm glad you enjoy my cooking. Soon, I'll be baking a special treat for the entire guild."

"Oooooh, what would that be?" Lisanna becomes excited.

"My freshly baked homemade triple-decker nut-crazy vanilla cream cookies," Spike answers. Spike hears loud gasps in the kitchen.

"That sounds manly!" Elfman shouts.

"My heart skipped a beat," Lisanna puts her hand on her chest.

"Lucy said that seven years ago. Before the whole anima thing came in fruition."

"I want to try one. It sounds heavenly," Mirajane said. She imagines the flavor and sweetness of the cookie.

"There'll be a day for it," Spike said. "Right now, let's eat and see how our friends are doing at the guildhall."

"Sounds good to me," Mirajane said.

Spike, Elfman, Mirajane, and Lisanna eat their breakfast while enjoying each other's company. They laugh and share stories in the kitchen. After breakfast, Mirajane and Lisanna offer to clean the dishes. Spike goes to the bathroom and freshens up for the day. Half an hour later, everyone leaves and goes to the guildhall.

It's 10:00 in the morning in Magnolia. Spike, Elfman, Lisanna, and Mirajane arrive at the guildhall to see everyone in disarray. Cana is still trying to use her fortune-telling to conduct the next phase of operations. Lucy looks depressed, Natsu is ready for a fight.

"Oh my, what happened?" Mirajane asks.

"We got our asses handed last night by the Legion Platoon," Romeo answers.

"The what?" Spike is confused.

"You gotta be kidding me. Zentopia attacked us?" Elfman said in disbelief.

"The same three guys that Spike shooed off yesterday, they came last night, attacked us, and took Lucy's clock piece," Levy said.

"Byro came with his octopus and took out Gildarts last night," Natsu said.

"You freaking kidding me?" Elfman said in shock.

"That's horrible," Lisanna said in shock.

"They just made an enemy of Fairy Tail. Now we gotta put them in place," Spike said.

"We will do just that," Gray said.

"So, what's the next step of our operations?" Mirajane said.

"I'm thinking about paying a visit to my old home. Perhaps there are some clues about the clock piece there," Lucy said.

"I'm coming with you," Spike said. "In case those punks decide to make a trip to see you again."

"We're going as well," Erza said.

"Alright, let's get going," Lucy and Michelle lead her friends to her old mansion.

The trip to Lucy's mansion took three hours of travel time. During the travel, Lucy and Natsu tell Spike everything that happened and what they discussed last night. Spike believes he can take down Byro if he increases his size.

"Wow, you came from here?" Spike said in awe. He sees how huge the mansion is.

"It's super clean, too," Happy said.

"Gotta keep the residence in topnotch for potential buyers," Carla said.

"Apparently, that hasn't been easy for buyers. People checked it out, but no one has been able to buy it," Lucy said.

"Yet," Spike answers.

Wendy gets the suspicion that Spike may want to buy the property in the future.

"Yeah, right, Spike. No one can afford to live in a place like this, Spike," Gray said.

"Such good memories. The house always reminded me of a beautiful palace out of a storybook. I had so much fun here," Michelle said in happiness.

"Wait, you've been here before?" Lucy asks.

Michelle breaks down in tears after hearing Lucy's question. "We used to play together all the time!"

"Good job being the older sibling, Lucy," Gray, Natsu, and Happy said in unison.

"That's right, sorry. I remember," Lucy replies to calm down Michelle.

"You remember the pretty clothes you made for me?" Michelle asks.

"Sure, I remember," Lucy is clueless.

"You made clothes?" Wendy asks Lucy.

"I never imagine you were the handy-type," Carla said.

"I bet you two must have been adorable," Erza said.

"She used to make the cutest outfits from counter paper and flowers," Michelle said, making Lucy freak out a bit.

"Oh, wow," Gray chuckles.

"How would you make clothes out of paper and flowers?" Natsu asks Gray.

"Well, uh?" Natsu and Gray think pervertedly with the idea of paper clothes and flowers.

"Don't be creepy!" Lucy kicks the two.

Spike and Wendy laugh. Lucy, Michelle, Erza, Natsu, Gray, Spike, Happy, Carla, and Wendy enter the mansion. Now that everyone is in the lobby, Erza starts speaking.

"Now, do you think you can finally be serious? Is that too much to ask?" Erza said, scaring the likes out of Natsu and Gray.

"No, Ma'am," Natsu, Gray, and Happy said in unison.

"Okay, where do you think we should get started?" Wendy asks.

"Yes. What type of clues should we be looking for?" Carla asks.

"The first order of business is splitting into teams of two and scour every room top to bottom. We're looking for old clocks, anything related to clocks. If anything reminds you of the inscription, take note of it. Any literature written in any formality, anything out of the ordinary. Clues may present themselves in any form, so keep an open eye," Erza said.

"Will do," Everyone said in unison.

"I'll search the upper floors of this place. Fairy Rage, do you have awareness behind me?"

"I do but, it's either a physical presence or magical presence. Anything else is a no so, in this case, for finding any clues, you don't have eyes on the back of your head. Now, if the clock piece presents magic within then, I'll say yes. Right now, I don't sense anything magical so, it could be in stasis."

"Alright, thanks for the info," Spike said.

"Ah, don't mention it. Glad to help any way I can."

"Let's start searching," Erza said.

"I'm coming with you to the upper floors, Spike," Wendy said.

"Alright then," Spike smiles. "When we get up there, we'll split to look at two different rooms at a time."

Spike, Wendy, and Carla go search the upper floors of the mansion. Lucy and Michelle go to the attic to search. Natsu and Happy check the main floor. Gray and Erza search the hallways and different rooms on the second floor.

After an hour of searching, Lucy calls everyone to meet in her father's office. Lucy tells everyone about a clue she found thanks to her Celestial Spirit. The book Lucy found is called To My Daughter. The title is misleading and can prove to be a hidden message of some sort. Natsu and Happy arrive in the room bored and hungry fifteen minutes later.

"Hmm, this is challenging," Erza said while rearranging some lettering into words. Her word is dead.

"What can the anagram display for us?" Gray arrange some letters into the spelling duo.

"Hey, you guys playing a game?" Natsu asks.

"No, we're not," Wendy replies.

"Please, be quiet," Erza asks.

"We're trying to concentrate here," Gray said.

"Is it some kind of puzzle?" Happy asks.

"Yes," Spike answers. Spike spells out dream using the letters on the floor.

"Sounds better than what Happy and I was doing. Can I try?" Natsu sneezes, messing up everyone's progress.

Carla flies up and slaps Natsu in the face. "You just ruined our train of thought!" Carla irately expresses.

"We were working so hard on it," Wendy said.

"Whoops, my bad," Natsu said.

Erza spawns her sword and cuts a few strands of Natsu's hair, scaring the life out of him. "I was on the verge of a huge breakthrough," Erza lividly states.

"Sis is pissed," Spike said.

"Remind me not to break her concentration," Gray said.

"I supposed we should start collecting the letters and try to solve the anagram," Carla sees a new word formed from Natsu's sneeze. "Wait, do you guys see what I see?" Everyone looks at the word Carla sees. Myth.

"Wow, that was close to my word. I don't think I would have thought that," Spike said.

Lucy's Celestial Spirit Crux appears and sees the word Myth. He tells Lucy and her friends to use the remaining letters to spell out the rest of the anagram. After a few minutes, the anagram reads Duo Great Myth. Lucy immediately knows what the anagram stands for. Two books written by Will Neville; Life of the Clockwork, which is in Lucy's apartment. The other book is Key of the Starry Heaven.

"Wait, hold up," Natsu pause for a second. "Isn't that a picture book?"

"It could reveal hidden clues and mysteries for the clock pieces," Spike said.

"Not only that Spike, but it's also an amazing work of art," Lucy said, holding the book.

"Well, whatever it is, I bet the word key is pretty important," Gray said.

"You guys think it could be another anagram?" Lucy asks.

"Possibly. I don't see why not," Spike said.

Carla stares at the image of the book thoroughly. The image of the little girl says one word directly at Carla. Don't. Carla gasps, leaving her in a petrified state.

"What's the matter?" Wendy asks Carla.

"Oh, I felt something."

"What is it, Fairy Rage?"

"A voice. A presence. I...I can't explain it. Something is wrong."

"Fairy Rage," Erza walks up to Spike. "What can you sense?"

"Magic, but it's faint. There's a presence here, and we should be on high alert."

"Alright, everyone, keep your guards up," Erza said.

"Would you be so kind as to hand over the book?" Samuel said.

"Who the hell are you?" Spike asks.

"It's one of the spirits of Lucy's house!" Happy freaks out a little.

"I don't find your jokes very amusing," Samuel said. The handle to the door enlarges and destroys the door into Jude Heartfillia's office.

"What's going on?" Natsu sees the debris and smoke coming from the entrance.

"The door handle just blew up," Gray said.

"What a rudimentary understanding. What happened was the handle expanded to twice its size which in turn broke down the door."

"Whoa, that's crazy," Happy sees Samuel for the first time.

"I don't believe it. Another exceed?" Carla said.

"I don't remember seeing this guy in Extalia," Happy said.

"He wasn't there. He must have been one of the eggs that was hatched when sent here many years ago," Carla said.

Samuel is a light blue exceed wearing a mitre with the Zentopia insignia on it, Gale-Force Reading Glasses, a red scarf adorned by a blue-colored ornament, white pants, and a dark-blue shirt.

"Tell us who you are!" Natsu demands.

"The brains of the Legion Platoon. The name's Samuel."

"So you clowns came snooping for us after all," Gray said, eager to fight.

"Give back what you stole from us!" Natsu demands Samuel of doing so.

"I'll pass," Samuel responds.

"Say what?!" Natsu replies angrily.

"I consider this an amazing feat-" Samuel hovers and gets shot down by Spike's flaming arrow.

"No tricks!" Spike's claw is in a C Formation.

"There's more to you than meets the eyes, Fairy Dragon," Samuel gets back up from the cheap shot. "As I was saying. I predicted you'll find a clue. I amaze myself with my calculations-" Samuel took his eye away from them to look at his book when he got shot with another flaming arrow. "Will you cut that out!" Samuel is fuming.

"Return what was taken from Lucy, right now Sammy!" Spike commands, his voice booms and echoes a bit.

"Don't call me by that name!" Samuel is losing his temper.

"I say let me turn him into a cat icicle," Gray said.

"Until I roast the cat," Natsu said.

"Ready, Erza?" Wendy asks.

"I am," Erza requips into her Lightning Empress Armor.

"Let's go! Ice-Make Lance!" Gray extends his arm forward, creating long ice lances at Samuel.

"Fire Dragon Roooooar!" Natsu unleashes his fire breath at Samuel.

"You'll get nothing more from us!" Erza unleashes her lightning at Samuel.

Dan Straight, a slim, young man with crimson-colored hair wearing thick armor, intervenes and shields the attack, protecting Samuel in the process. His shield redirects the attack.

Lucy panics as parts of her old home are demolished and scorched. Gray says that some guy blocked their combined attack and caused this.

"Some guy? I'm the spearhead of the Legion Platoon. My name is Dan Straight."

"Probably a ripoff of damn right," Happy said. Spike laughs a bit.

"My name is not humorous!" Dan Straight said. "Since you guys saw what my shield is capable of, if not, allow me to explain. It's called Ricochet. Get it? This baby takes any attack and sends it back at you."

"No, that's a powerful shield," Erza said.

"We gotta be careful what we hit him with," Wendy said.

"I have a way of fixing that," Spike said.

"So, you weren't lying. There is a Fairy Dragon. I'm willing to slay it like a true knight in shining armor," Dan Straight smirks.

"I'll floss my teeth with your spine for that remark!" Erza angrily states.

"Fire Dragon Brilliant Flames!" Natsu jumps at Dan Straight, unleashing a barrage of his flames at Dan Straight.

"Man, you're clueless," Dan Straight redirects the attack by using his shield. Everyone takes cover except for Spike. He eats some of Natsu's flames.

"Lucy Heartfillia," Samuel points at her. "She has the book we need."

"You're gonna have to get through me first, punk!" Spike said. "Lucy, run!"

"You're not going anywhere!" Dan Straight tosses his lance at Lucy, cutting her path.

Spike uses his fire breath to teleport the lance. It lands outside.

"Samuel! You didn't tell me he can teleport things!"

"Minor miscalculation. Coco, Sugarboy, and Mary Hughes didn't inform me of his teleportation magic."

"Great, I'm starting to fall in love with that Lucy Heartfillia chick, and my rage is skyrocketing thanks to that twerp," Dan Straight points at Spike the Fairy.

"Our objective is to get the book. That's what we intend on doing," Samuel said.

"Right! I'm still pretty lethal with my-" Spike uses his fire breath to teleport the shield outside the mansion during Dan Straight's monolog. "Ricochet..." Dan Straight's eyes widen in horror now that he's defenseless.

"So, what was that about slaying Spike?" Erza said. She requips into her Heaven's Wheel Armor and is pissed off.

"Okay, major miscalculations of this scenario!" Samuel walks back a little, fearing that the situation is out of hand.

Happy is wearing a referee's attire and has a bell. "Round three, fight!" Happy rings the bell.

Dan Straight waves his hand in motion. "You wouldn't harm a defenseless man! Would you?!"

"Let's take them down!" Natsu said.

Natsu, Gray, and Erza attack and give Samuel and Dan Straight a beating of a lifetime. For Erza, it was more personal when Dan Straight proclaims to slay Spike like a true knight in shining armor. After ten minutes of nonstop beating, Natsu, Erza, and Gray return to the others.

"Never disrespect my brother," Erza said.

"Man, that felt good," Natsu said in relief.

"Tell me about it, that was exactly what I needed to teach those chumps a lesson," Gray said in satisfaction.

"Anyone messing with Fairy Tail lives to regret it. I'm sure those two will remember that beating for the rest of their lives," Erza said.

"Let's go home, Sis," Spike said.

"Mind taking out the trash first?" Erza said.

Spike walks up to Samuel and Dan Straight. They are bruised, scorched, and freezing.

"You little monster," Dan Straight spits blood on the floor.

"I'm not a monster. I'm a dragon, a Fairy Dragon. Remember the name," Spike uses his fire breath to teleport Dan Straight and Samuel outside of the mansion. The two land near Dan Straight's weaponry.

"What now, genius?" Dan Straight asks.

"The book Lucy Heartfillia mentioned. The Key of Starry Heaven. Let's pick it up at our local library."

"Good idea. I don't want to be anywhere near that dragon unless Byro is with us," Dan Straight said.

"For once, I concur," Samuel said.

Spike, Erza, Wendy, Carla, Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Michelle, and Gray leave the mansion. They are on their way back to the guildhall after a successful mission on finding another clue to the clock mystery.

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