• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Making a Decision

It's been three days since the downfall of Demon's Tail. Twilight (Sci-Twi) is reading a magic book while her son Spike flies around the room with energy wings he made for a test trial.

"Twilight! My magic is awesome!" Spike is excited about energy wings to fly like a real dragon. He disperses his energy wings.

"I'm glad, Spike," Twilight (Sci-Twi) smiles. She uses her magic to turn an apple into a pear. "Hey, Spike. I think I made my decision."

"You're going to accept Princess Celestia's proposal?" Spike asks. He lands next to Twilight (Sci-Twi).

"Yes," Twilight (Sci-Twi) nods. She starts writing a letter to Princess Celestia after thinking long and hard about it. She wants to improve her magic power and do something special with Spike as mother and son.

Starlight walks into the library to check on her friends. She sent the notifications to every student to return now that an evil tyrant is gone for good.

"Hey, you two," Starlight smiles.

"Hey, Starlight," Twilight (Sci-Twi) uses her magic to teleport the letter to Princess Celestia.

"How are you, Twilight? What about you, Spike?"

"I'm good. I'm practicing to be an Energy Maker Dragon as Spike the Fairy is, using my creativity as my weapon. I am taking the mantle as Brave and Glorious so, I need to be ready for anything when they call for me."

"I've decided to take on Celestia's proposal to become her student. However, there are foundations I want to discuss, so history doesn't repeat itself."

"Good. We don't need another Midnight terrorizing us."

"Yea," Twilight (Sci-Twi) nods. "I'll have Spike involved with what I do with my friends and teach him what Celestia will be teaching me."

"Good," Starlight smiles. "The School of Friendship will be reopening next week. I can't wait to have classes resume and every creature building their bonds."

"Trixie can't wait as well. We have much to perform for our students to engage," Trixie puts an arm on Starlight's shoulder.

"Starlight!" Sweetie Belle enters the Castle of Friendship. Starlight leaves the library to approach Sweetie Belle.

"So, what did your parents say?" Starlight asks.

"I have permission to live in the Castle of Friendship since.., well..," Sweetie Belle sadly sighs.

Starlight puts an arm on Sweetie Belle's back. "I know. That Rarity got shipped."

"I still can't believe she became a loony," Sweetie Belle thought Rarity would be more strong-willed and determined to leave Spike be. "I miss Rarity."

"I understand. Give it time, and your sister will come out of it," Starlight reassuringly says.

"Thanks," Sweetie Belle smiles a bit. Starlight takes her to a spare room in the castle.

A letter from Princess Celestia appears in front of Twilight (Sci-Twi). Twilight uses her magic and reads the letter.

"So, what did Princess Celestia say, Twilight?" Spike asks.

"She's coming to the castle to negotiate the proposal thoroughly. Princess Celestia will arrive in an hour, Spike."

"That's fantastic, Twilight!"

"It is, Spike," Twilight (Sci-Twi) pulls Spike to hug him. "We will grow stronger together."

"That we will!" Spike is excited.

Chrysalis and Terax arrive at the Castle of Friendship. Chrysalis knocks on the door.

"I got it!" Spike ignites his energy wings and flies to the door. He opens it."

"Hi, Spike!" Terax waves his hoof from Chrysalis' head.

"Hey, Buddy, come on in," Spike allows Chrysalis and Terax to enter the castle.

Twilight (Sci-Twi) trots to the castle doors to see Chrysalis and Terax. "Hey, you two."

"Hi," Terax waves at Twilight (Sci-Twi). "Ready to play, Spike?"

"Yea, let's go," Spike and Terax fly to the playroom of the castle.

"So, how's it going for you at the Hive, Chrysalis?"

"Going well, Twilight. Every Changeling that didn't fight loved my new appearance. I'm grateful that the Crystal Heart helped me change. I wished I was the one that defeated Midnight Sparkle for what she did to my son."

"I know the feeling. The other Sunset Shimmer held my son captive and wanted to play a cruel game. Do you have nightmares about it?"

"Sometimes," Chrysalis admits. "What makes me cope is seeing my son every time I wake up. He's given me purpose again."

"I hear you," Twilight (Sci-Twi) said. "Spike is the reason why I have my sanity. I love him dearly, and after hearing and seeing what my counterpart has done, I refused to be anything like her."

"Good. I refuse to be the old me," Chrysalis said. "I'm grateful to have a friend like you."

"Wanna have some tea and cakes?" Twilight (Sci-Twi) offers.

"Sure," Chrysalis follows Twilight (Sci-Twi) to the kitchen.

Twilight (Sci-Twi) brews some tea and puts teacakes on the table. Chrysalis sits at the table. She sees Terax and Spike playing tag as they fly around. She smiles while watching the two get along. Starlight enters the kitchen with Sweetie Belle. The two see Chrysalis sitting at the table.

"Hey, Chrysalis," Sweetie Belle sits at the table.

"Hello, Sweetie Belle. Greetings, Starlight Glimmer."

"Nice to see you, Chrysalis. I reckon things are getting better at the Hive?"

"Yes, Starlight. I'm engaging more with the Changelings than during my time as Queen. I'm enjoying more within the Hive and watching my son grow."

"That's fantastic, Chrysalis," Starlight smiles. "My proposal for you still stands if you want to enroll at the School of Friendship."

"I'll talk to Terax to see if he wants to go. I don't want to attend and leave him behind. Not after I swore to him that I'll always be there for him."

"Fair enough."

Twilight (Sci-Twi) brings teacakes and tea to the table. She sees Starlight and Sweetie Belle. "Hey, you two. Want some tea and teacakes?"

"I'll have a teacake," Sweetie Belle said.

"I could go for some tea," Starlight said.

Twilight (Sci-Twi) gives a teacake to Chrysalis and Sweetie Belle. She then gives a cup of tea to Chrysalis and Starlight. Twilight (Sci-Twi) sits at the table and talks about the future of everyone while comforting Sweetie Belle, knowing about Rarity's situation.

Princess Celestia arrives at the castle and knocks on the door. Spike calls a timeout to answer the door from playing tag.

"Hello, Princess Celestia."

"Greetings, Spike," Princess Celestia smiles. "Where is Twilight?"

"She's in the kitchen. Last I saw her. She's with Chrysalis, Starlight, and Sweetie Belle."

The mention of Sweetie Belle's name triggers Celestia's emotions. Princess Celestia takes a deep breath. "Okay."

"Any word on Rarity?" Spike asks. He's curious to know due to the change of demeanor in Celestia's face.

"She's losing more of herself by the day. Talking to herself like she's having a conversation. In her mind and heart, according to my best doctors, Rarity wants you."

"Oh," Spike was hoping for good news. "Well, uh, come on in."

Princess Celestia enters the castle; Spike resumes the game with Terax and flies after him. Princess Celestia hears Twilight, Chrysalis, Starlight, and Sweetie Belle laughing in the kitchen. She drops her emotions and puts a big smile on her face.

"Twilight Sparkle," Princess Celestia calls her name. Twilight (Sci-Twi) turns and greets her friend.

"Hey, Celestia. Ready to talk?"

"Yes, my student," Princess Celestia smiles. Then it fades away when Sweetie Belle approaches her.

"Any word on my sister?" Sweetie Belle hopes for any slight news.

Princess Celestia slowly shakes her head. She frowns a bit. "Rarity has not gotten better since her arrival. She has become worse. Our best doctors are working on specialized procedures to get into her level of sanity to have a thorough conversation. She's still obsessed with Spike and wants a relationship with him."

"Is there a chance I can visit my sister?" Sweetie Belle asks.

"Not at the moment. I will inform you when you can visit Rarity. The same goes for her friends. I promise you that I'll do what I can to restore your sister's sanity. I refuse to allow another pony to go astray. I already made that mistake," Princess Celestia refers to Twilight before becoming Midnight Sparkle.

"Thank you," Sweetie Belle hugs the Princess. Hoping it'll make her feel better about her progress.

"Tag! You're it!" Spike shouts.

"Aw, man! You got me!" Terax shouts.

Sweetie Belle follows the voices and asks if she can play. Spike and Terax allow Sweetie Belle to play tag with them.

"Would you like some tea and teacakes, Celestia?" Twilight (Sci-Twi) offers some.

"Sure," Princess Celestia goes to the table. She sits next to Starlight. "Chrysalis, how are you?"

"I'm good, Princess. I'm enjoying my time with friends and family."

"Good," Princess Celestia is happy to see more of Chrysalis nowadays. From once being a tyrant into a humbled mother.

"How are things with you and your sister?" Chrysalis asks.

"Things are well. We're embracing the new normal. Especially with Dragons now having magic power. Luna and I have been watching new footage of Spike's memories leading up to the final confrontation days ago."

"It's cool that Spike allowed Discord to see into his memories more. We have movie night every other day at the Hive. The Changelings are creating a guild in honor of Fairy Tail."

"The Dragons are doing that as well," Starlight said.

"Griffons as well," Twilight (Sci-Twi) said.

"Every nation within the Bar of Alliance is doing it to strengthen relationships and help every creature." Princess Celestia confirms. She sips her cup of tea. "I admire the love and unity they are displaying."

"Likewise," Chrysalis said. "Yesterday, the Changelings invited the Griffons for a get-together. It was fun."

"Celestia," Twilight (Sci-Twi) turns to her.

"Yes, Twilight?"

"As your student, I will learn much from you. However, I want Spike to partake as well. I want him to be your student with me as well."

"Granted," Princess Celestia decrees. "I refuse to allow history to repeat itself. There is something I want you to do. You can bring Spike with you if you wish."

"What is it?" Twilight (Sci-Twi) is eager to know what Princess Celestia wants her to do.

"The Unity Seven spoke about the Treehouse of Harmony and the messager. I want you to visit and see if you have an encounter with the spirit. All you have to do is talk to the messager. Have a conversation."

"Anything in specific?" Twilight (Sci-Twi) asks, wanting to be sure what to ask.

"It'll come to you. I cannot tell you, my student."

"Very well. Also, thank you for accepting Spike as your student."

"It's a blunder on my end for not involving myself with Spike the Fairy when I had my chance. I refuse to make the same mistake. So, with that said and done, I'll have a schedule for you two to come to Canterlot Castle, and I'll do my best to teach the two of you about magic."

"Will Princess Luna be involved?" Twilight (Sci-Twi) asks.

"Princess Luna has her work cut out. Especially with who she'll be teaching for the next generation within Equestria."

"Alright then. So that means Spike and I will be living in Canterlot?"

"From time to time," Princess Celestia said. "I'll have a room set up for your and Spike's arrival."

"Thank you, Princess," Twilight (Sci-Twi) smiles.

"You're welcome. I better get going," Princess Celestia leaves the kitchen.

"Have a safe trip," Chrysalis said.

"See you next time, Princess," Starlight said.

"Well, I have pre-planning to do when I talk with the Spirit of the Tree of Harmony," Twilight (Sci-Twi) leaves the kitchen.

"I better get going," Chrysalis gets up. "Terax!" Chrysalis calls his name while leaving the kitchen. "It's time to go!"

Terax, Spike, and Sweetie Belle play a board game in the corridors. They are playing Eels and Escalators.

"Wait, Mom! I'm about to win! I have to roll the escalator dice cause if I get eels, I lose."

"Alright, one turn," Chrysalis watches Terax rolling the dice.

"Yes! Escalators!" Terax cheers, knowing he won. Then the dice roll on eels.

"Eels," Spike and Sweetie Belle said.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" Terax squeals. Sweetie Belle and Spike chuckle a bit.

"Alright, Terax. Time to go," Chrysalis uses her magic to lift Terax. She places him on her head.

"So, close! I was so close to winning the game!" Terax said.

"You'll win the next one. Take care, you two," Chrysalis leaves the Castle of Friendship and flies back to the Hive.

"Wanna play checkers, Spike?" Sweetie Belle asks.

"Sure," Spike replies.

Author's Note:

I will be upset if you don't get the easter egg.

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