• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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A New Day Part 2: The Hive

Chrysalis wakes up after a good night's sleep. It's 8:00 in the morning.

"Wow, that may have been the best sleep I had in ages," Chrysalis said. She observes her room. The last time, it was dark and hollow. Now, it's green, filled with life.

Thorax and Pharynx come into Chrysalis' room to check on her.

"Morning, my Queen," Pharnyx bows.

Chrysalis sighs. "I'm not your Queen anymore, Pharynx. I am Chrysalis."

"Whoa, she has changed. I thought you were pranking me, brother," Pharynx turns to Thorax.

"Since when have I ever kid around?" Thorax asks.

"Huh, good point. Forgive me, Chrysalis. It's.., an adjustment seeing you without your crown and knowing you're not using your prestigious title anymore."

"It's a new season for me, Pharynx," Chrysalis gets up. "How has the Hive been since I departed?"

"The Hive is getting better. Every Changeling is engaging with each other, especially during the newer activities Thorax devised," Pharynx answers.

"And Pharynx has been training the Hive to get them back in shape. We will be a peaceful colony, but we do need to be efficient when it comes to certain creatures that do want to invade our territory," Thorax answers.

Chrysalis sighs heavily.

"What's wrong, Chrysalis?" Pharynx asks.

"I'm different than all of you. I've accepted turning a new leaf, but it doesn't feel right with me. I don't know why..," Chrysalis turns the other way.

"You know," Pharynx walks up to her. "It took me a long while to accept how things will be before getting my new transformation. You need to find the inner passion that'll help you turn for the better. That's what I did."

Chrysalis groans a little and turns away.

"I'm guessing poor choice of words," Thorax said.

"Was I that difficult to change?" Pharynx asks Thorax.

"Not like this. You were more stubborn with how things used to be. Chrysalis just accepted it but hasn't fully embraced it. We should show her around, allow her to see the new normal."

"Very well, Thorax."

"Chrysalis, it's time that my brother and I showed you what you've missed out on," Thorax calmly says.

Chrysalis gets up. "Lead the way..."

Thorax and Pharynx show Chrysalis what happened ever since she left. The Changelings see Chrysalis for the first time in a long time and feel differently. Some are happy to see her in the Hive again, and some aren't sure of her presence. Chrysalis looks around at each colorful Changeling and sees them enjoying life for the first time in ages. The one goal she couldn't accomplish during her reign.

"You've done well, King Thorax..," Chrysalis looks down in shame.

"Thorax will do. You don't have to address me as King Thorax."

Chrysalis sighs and notices a small theatre that Changelings partake in, an area for swing-dancing, craft time, a buffet session, and much more activities for the Changelings to try. She remembers her day when the Changelings would either patrol, train, and hunt for food.

"Wow, things have taken a turn, huh?" Chrysalis looks around.

"Yes," Thorax trots beside her. "Every Changeling is um..," Thorax coughs. "Well.., uh..," Thorax coughs again, trying not to sound awkward in front of Chrysalis.

"Will you spill it out already!" Chrysalis demands Thorax and pants angrily. The other Changelings around flinch due to Chrysalis' outburst.

Thorax takes a deep breath. "Sorry. I was trying not to make it awkward for you."

"Just say it," Chrysalis holds her anger back.

"While the Changelings were under the oppression, no one expressed what they wanted to do or try. It was up to me to fill the gaps of what's missing in everyday life."

"However, during the time of Thorax's reign, I was like you, Chrysalis. Unwilling to change and keep my assertiveness. I wasn't going to let the silly, frilly, softie new life as Changelings affect me."

"I'm trying to change you nitwit!" Chrysalis angrily yells at Pharynx.

"Poor choice of words, bro," Thorax whispers in Pharynx's ear.

"Duly noted," Pharynx whispers in Thorax's ear.

Chrysalis walks away from the two. She decides to see if there's a quiet spot in the Hive for her to be alone. Chrysalis finds the training area of the Hive and sees it quite active. It's similar to how they trained when hunting for food. The training is more for team tactical and defense. Chrysalis goes back to her room to reconcile.

"What's my purpose?" Chrysalis lies on her bed. "What is there for me now that I returned? What am I supposed to do? How can I transform like the rest of them!?" Chrysalis groans in anger. "What is it that I need to do?"

Two hours later. Thorax and Pharynx decide to check on Chrysalis after giving her space. Chrysalis continues to ask questions that she doesn't have answers.

"Chrysalis?" Thorax approaches.

Chrysalis sighs. "Leave me alone..," Chrysalis looks away.

"I have the answer to one of your questions," Pharynx says.

"So, answer this. How can I transform like every Changeling else?"

"Finding your inner peace and where you stand with the Hive. It will take you some time to figure out. Believe me, when I say this, every Changeling wants you in the Hive," Pharynx said. He smiles to show that he's serious about his claim.

"Inner peace..?" Chrysalis sadly sighs. "That will take me a while."

"Take all the time you need. I would suggest coming to our Feelings Forum. Open up and express yourself. It'll do you wonders and get closer to the Hive," Thorax advises.

"I'll think about it. Mind giving me some love to consume since targeting the plant life is not an option?"

"Oh, sure," Thorax and Pharynx give some love for Chrysalis to digest.

"Thanks," Chrysalis gets up. "I'm going to observe more on the Hive and try to reconnect with some Changelings on my own. I'll come for you when I'm ready for the Feelings Forum," Chrysalis leaves her room.

"Do you know what her purpose is for the Hive, Pharynx?"

"I have some notions for her purpose with the Hive."

"Liiiiiike?" Thorax wants a real answer.

"Replacing you as ruler of the Hive."

"Ha ha ha, very funny, Pharynx," Thorax sarcastically said.

"Since when do I joke around?"

"When you make me hit myself when we were younger."

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