• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Invisible Friends

It's 10:30 in the morning in Magnolia. Spike wakes up and sees Lucy coming back home from a hectic job yesterday. Yesterday, Lucy, Natsu, Wendy, Happy, and Carla took on a job. The day before, Lucy told Spike what happened with Velveno, turns out it was a fairy tale romance between Velveno and Balsa Mico's daughter.

"So, how was work, Lucy?" Spike asks.

"Horrible. Some gang called the butt jiggle gang ruined our payday. They are a fart gang, and it's so disgusting. Also, Wendy somehow became their goddess," Lucy groans.

"That's weird. If I ever see that gang around my Wendy, I'll roast them and feed them to the sharks. No one gets to kiss my Wendy," Spike snorts.

"So, how are you feeling?" Lucy asks.

"Better. I can use magic again. I'm going to the guildhall and meet up with our friends."

"Have fun, Spike. I'll see you later," Lucy smiles.

Spike leaves the apartment and flies to the guildhall. Lucy overhears Happy reading her fiction about an invisible villain. Lucy becomes irate and takes the novel away from Happy and Natsu. Natsu and Happy offer a job to Lucy, but she declines, telling the two they can go on without her. Natsu states that she, Happy, and he are a team, then begs for food. Lucy kicks Happy and Natsu out of her apartment out of frustration.

"Those jerks. Mooching me for food..," Lucy sees a potion she made seven years ago. "Hey, that's right," She picks it up. "I made this potion right before I went to Tenrou Island with Cana and the others. It's supposed to make my skin super clear. I'll definitely use this while taking a hot bath."

Spike lands in front of the guildhall. He, Gray, and Erza are about to go inside.

"Hey, Spike. How are you feeling?" Gray asks.

Spike laughs. "Better, you stripper," Spike sees Gray stripped down to his underwear.

"Dammit, not again!" Gray shouts.

"Are you able to use magic?" Erza asks.

"Yea. I no longer need to take medication. I can use magic again," Spike smiles.

"It's true. I no longer have Hades' magic flowing through me. The medication uplifted the remains of him out of our system."

"Glad to hear it, Fairy Rage. I have to say, Spike. He's going to be a valued ally for our guild."

"He will be, Sis. Also, he'll come out when he has to or when I say Spike Rage instead of want. I'm in full control of myself. Rage wanted to let you know that Hades' magic is no longer inside of me."

"Good to know, Spike," Erza walks inside the guildhall with Gray and Spike.

"Hey, Spike," Wendy waves.

"Hey, Wendy," Spike walks up to Wendy and sits with her.

"I have to say, you two have grown closer together," Wakaba said, smoking his cigar.

"We sure have ever since we confessed our love to each other," Wendy said.

"Lucky dragon. I wanted to ask Wendy." Romeo thought to himself.

"Congrats. Never thought of you two becoming a couple so soon," Macao said.

"Thanks," Spike said. He flies and sits at the bar. "Hey, Mirajane."

"Hi, Spike. You hungry?" She smiles at Spike.

"Yes, I am. What's on today's menu?"

"Freshly made bread, chicken soup, and steak," Mirajane replies.

"Sounds good to me. I'll take it," Spike answers.

"Coming up," Mirajane starts cooking for Spike.

Natsu and Happy come inside the guildhall. They are starving. The two sit by the bar.

"Man, I can't believe Lucy kicked us out!" Natsu complains.

"What happened?" Spike turns to Natsu.

"We came by, read her invisible novel, asked for food, and she kicked us out! Literally kicked us out!" Natsu said.

"Yea, and she sounded ungrateful when we proposed a job to go on," Happy said.

"Serves you right," Carla said. "I heard you two clowns use Spike's and Lucy's apartment as a cheap hotel."

"Well, they are family to me. I guess they had bad timing with Lucy and going through her stuff without her consent. I do understand her frustrations after hearing a job go haywire by a farting gang."

Carla cringes when Spike mentions the gang that idolizes Wendy. Romeo sits next to Natsu by the bar.

"So, does Lucy kick the two of you out all the time?" Romeo asks.

"Not all the time. We were supposed to ask to stay since it's also Spike's apartment ever since we first showed him Lucy's place. Though when Lucy makes us leave, we leave by hopping out the window."

"You know, you can always come here when you're hungry," Kinana suggests. Kinana is a short girl with violet-colored hair and green eyes, with a round face. Her attire consists of a light green dress.

"Wow. Are you sure you really want to make him that offer? She kicked him out cause he's a pig," Gray said.

"Be nice, Gray. Lucy has her reasons," Spike said, defending Lucy.

"Well, Lucy can try to be a little nicer to everybody once in a while. That's probably the reason why all the single guys in town call her the blonde beast," Happy said.

Some of the Fairy Tail Wizards laugh at that remark. Spike doesn't find it funny.

"You hit the nail on the head," Wakaba said, lifting his jug of beer.

"Yea, she's about as likely to start dating as Droy is to go vegetarian," Max Alors jokes.

"You can take the rich girl out of the mansion but not the other way around," Macao said.

"I have no idea what that means but, it sounded manly, so I'll go along with it," Elfman said.

"If you ask me, Lucy could stand to learn a thing or two about being a lady from Levy," Droy said.

"Yea, she's cute and delicate like a flower," Jet said.

"It's nice of you to say but, I don't know if delicate is in Lucy's vocabulary," Levy said. Everyone laughs a little except for Wendy and Spike.

"One more crack about Lucy and, I'll be cracking your skulls!" Spike said, raising his claw to the guys mocking Lucy. Spike's claw is ablaze with Sparkling Green Flames.

"Chill, dude. We're only messing around," Wakaba said.

"Yea, no need to get upset," Macao said.

"She's my roommate and friend. You mess with her, you mess with me."

"Sorry, Spike. That foolish behavior won't happen again. I won't make fun of a friend like that," Erza said.

Unbeknown to everyone, Lucy is in the guildhall but invisible. She's happy to know that Spike is standing up for her but, she feels compelled to mess around with everyone for mocking her. Lucy grabs a mug of beer and splashes it at Macao.

"Hey," Macao grabs Wakaba. "You got a problem, wise guy?"

"What? You're the one with the problem!" Wakaba retorts.

"Don't play dumb. Wasting booze is bad enough, but bathing me in it is suicide!" Macao gets angry.

"I think you had one too many, old pal!" Wakaba is ready to throw down.

"Fine, if it wasn't you, then who did it?!" Macao demands answers.

"Beats me!" Wakaba responds.

Lucy gets behind Jet and pulls his left ear hard.

"Aaaaah! That's my ear! Not a potato chip!" Jet punches Droy in the face.

Droy punches Jet in the face. "Eat my fist!"

"Sorry, not into eating fatty meat!" Jet retorts. He and Droy grab each other's collars.

Gray takes off his shirt. "Been a while since we had a pointless brawl!"

Some of the guys start fighting each other. Mirajane is confused about the situation. Spike says it's karma for cracking jokes about Lucy. Romeo says that his father spilled his drink and throws a temper tantrum. Freed is posing while Reedus is drawing. Due to Wakaba and Macao fighting each other, they ruin Reedus' portrait of Freed and throws a stool at them. Lucy blocks the stool attack with a chair, which winds up hitting Natsu while he's trying to eat. Natsu deflects the stool shot after getting hit and strikes Gray on the side of the head. Natsu and Gray start getting intensified and start beating each other up.

"Well, good thing they're doing my job. I was one more joke away from beating the stuffing out of them," Said Spike. Mirajane gives him his food. "Thanks, Mirajane."

"Anytime," She smiles.

"I wish they stop fighting," Wendy said.

"Just let them have at it, Wendy. If they tear the guildhall apart, then they'll rebuild it," Erza said.

"Here's your food, Erza," Kinana gives Erza her plate of food.

"Thanks," Erza tries to eat. She gets hit with a barrel first. "They'll tire themselves in a few," Erza gets hit with a chair in which is irritating her.

"You okay, Sis?" Spike asks.

"I'm fine but-" A table hits Erza in the face. It agitates her so much she joins in the brawl.

Lucy sees that her antics went overboard and tries to get out of the way. Gray shoves Natsu towards a wall, hitting Lucy in the process. Natsu hears and smells Lucy for some reason. He sniffs Lucy's scent and gets closer.

"It is you," Natsu grabs her, but his hand placement was an accidental grab which causes Lucy to gasp.

"Watch where you're touching, perv!" Lucy slaps Natsu hard in the face.

Everyone stops fighting after hearing Lucy shouting at Natsu. Everyone looks around the guildhall to see where she is.

"Lucy, where are you?" Spike asks.

"I'm by the wall next to Natsu," Lucy responds. She grabs a chair and sits in the middle. Some of the others freak, thinking she's a ghost. Mirajane decides to give Lucy some of her old clothes so everyone can see her a bit better.

"I bet Lucy heard you all cracking jokes about her," Spike said.

Gray, Happy, and Natsu freaks out. More so with Happy and Natsu since they frequently go to her apartment. The two throw themselves in front of Lucy and bows down in forgives and mercy. The others kept their cool and hope that they don't get scolded by Lucy for their remarks earlier.

"Does anyone find this weird?" Max Alors asks.

"Not really. I've seen stranger things happen," Spike answers.

"To be honest, I'm too confused to know what I'm thinking," Gray said.

Everyone stares at Lucy. "Hey, could you guys please not stare at me like that? It's embarrassing," Lucy asks.

"Creepy!" The guys say in unison.

"Thanks a lot!" Lucy retorts.

"Grrrraaaah!" Spike jumps up and clobbers the guys on their heads with his Inferno Raging Fist. "What did I say about cracking jokes on Lucy?"

"We're sorry!" The guys say in unison while having bumps on their heads.

"Huh, Spike wasn't fooling when he said he was one joke away of beating the stuffing out of them," Romeo said.

"Keeping his promise like a real man," Elfman chuckles while he throws the thumbs up but, he's one of the guys that has a bump on his head.

"I have never seen a potion do this before," Mirajane said.

"Do you know how to change back, Lucy?" Wendy asks.

"Well, actually, I was hoping someone here could help me with that," Lucy responds.

"If you ask me, you shouldn't worry about changing back. You should go on some jobs first. You're the perfect ninja assassin now," Natsu said.

"I'm not a freaking hitman!" Lucy shouts. "There has to be some way to fix this!"

"I'll fly to the East Forest and see if Porlyusica has any potions on fixing the invisibility," Spike said.

"Alright, and we'll do our part in trying to help Lucy the best way we can," Erza said.

Spike leaves and flies to the East Forest. While Spike flies over to the East Forest, Natsu suggests using his fire to wear off the potion. Lucy isn't sure but, it's the only option they have. Romeo decides to help Natsu with the flame idea. Lucy says that she's better off waiting for Spike to return. Natsu and Romeo hit Lucy with their flame attack, which does nothing for Lucy either than giving her pain.

After a few moments, Reedus decides to color Lucy's body into a more stylish figure. Unfortunately, Reedus color Lucy's eyelids. When Lucy opens her eyes, it's shallow, and everyone freaks a little. Then Reedus decides to try other faces since Lucy's face is a canvas. Then all of a sudden, everyone takes turns drawing all sorts of faces. Some of the drawings are comedic.

"Wait until I tell Spike that you guys have been drawing comedic faces on my face! I bet he'll unleash Fairy Rage on you!" Lucy angrily shouts.

Some of the guys panic after hearing that statement. They don't want to be the first to experience Fairy Rage Dragon. Some even bow down to Lucy, begging for forgiveness like a Goddess.

Meanwhile, Spike lands in front of Porlyusica's treehouse and knocks on the door. Porlyusica opens the door and sees Spike.

"Hello, Spike. I'm guessing the medication didn't work?"

"It worked. I can use magic."

"And I'm free from Hades' mind control."

"Who is that, Spike?" Porlyusica asks.

"That's Fairy Rage. When I absorbed Hades' magic, Fairy Rage came to life. He's my emotion with a mind."

"I have no interest in taking Spike's life. I'm here to help him any way I can. Give him a boost and protect his mind from mind trickery, manipulations, and memory erase spells."

"Interesting. So, why are you here?"

"I'm here to see if you have any potions or medicine that can help dissolve invisibility."

"Hmm, who's invisible?"

"Lucy, Porlyusica. She came to the guild invisible and wants to be normal again."

"I'll see if I have anything on invisibility," Porlyusica enters her home. "You're welcome to come in, Spike."

"Thanks," Spike enters the treehouse.

Back at the guildhall, Wendy and Carla return with Lucy's Celestial Spirits and the potion she used. Wendy gives the potion to Freed and Levy to solve. Happy suggests Lucy use Gemini to transform into Lucy. After the transformation, Happy puts a blanket on Lucy as Gemini talks friendly to everyone.

"Now, if she does this for the rest of her life, the problem is solved," Happy states.

"This is perfect! Nice work, Happy!" Natsu says.

"This doesn't solve anything call-for-brain!" Lucy retorts, removing the blanket in anger.

"Man, you really do look just like her, calling it crazy," Gray said.

"Mmhmm, I also copy her thoughts and abilities. Cool huh? And, I can maintain this form indefinitely," Gemini said.

"If that's the case, couldn't we say this is the real Lucy? That works for me," Max Alors said.

"It'll make all this a lot easier so, I'm down for it," Jet says.

"Yea, and this Lucy is friendly and far more ladylike than the old one was," Droy said.

"I'm still here! I'm telling Spike about this!" Lucy yells.

"Ah! No, please! We're just joking! We're sorry!" Jet, Droy, and Max say in unison.

"Sorry is not good enough! I'm tired of you making a joke out of me!"

Jet, Droy, and Max are on their knees, praying to Lucy for forgiveness. She said she'll think about it. Back at the treehouse in the East Forest, Porlyusica is brewing a potion.

"Alright, Spike. The potion I'm giving you will wear off any invisibility side effects. Lucy needs to take a bath twice in order to get the effects out," Porlyusica gives the potion to Spike.

"Thank you, Porlyusica. This'll help big time," Spike said.

"Now, hold on before you go. I'm coming with you. I have to give Makarov his medicine for the month."

"Alright then. Should I fly you to the guildhall, or you want to walk?"

"Hmm, flying on a dragon? If you fly at a steady pace, then yes."

Spike steps out of the treehouse. "Spike wants." Spike increases his size into a quarter dragon. His wingspan extends as he increased in size. He goes on all fours for Porlyusica to get on.

"I have to say, this is impressive, Spike."

"Thank you," Spike takes off and flies to the guildhall, taking his time getting there so, Porlyusica doesn't fall off.

Half an hour later, Spike lands and reverts to size. Porlyusica thanks Spike for the joyous ride. They enter the guildhall to see Lucy visible and hear everyone else invisible.

"What happened?" Spike and Porlyusica ask. They are stunned to see a turnaround.

"Uh, we figured a way to reverse it but, the potion spread onto everyone else, turning them invisible," Lucy nervously chuckles.

"Spike, use the potion in the Fairy Tail bathhouse and make sure everyone takes their bath twice to reverse the effects. I'm going to give Makarov his medicine now."

"Will do," Spike replies.

"And Spike, I have something to tell you," The guys see Lucy and know she's going to tell him about the jokes and mischievous behavior they were on Lucy.

"What is it?" Spike asks.

"They were super mean to me. Making jokes about me left and right, making me feel invisible, and they drew comedic faces on me!"

"You monster!" The guys say in fear.

"I'll take care of them later. For now, let's get everyone cured of the potion first."

Some of the guys that were making fun of Lucy and joking around now regret doing so. Erza pulls them to the bathhouse to get cured. The guys try to cling to the ground, not wanting to get beaten up by Fairy Rage Dragon.

"Please, have mercy! Fairy Demon Dragon!" The guys say in fear of getting pummeled by Spike. They now remember his remark earlier about cracking jokes on Lucy.

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