• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 6 - Taking Care of Business

Arc and Raven leave the office to meet with the Canterlot Town Council. Entering the Audience Chamber with Raven at his side, he turns to face the ponies that have assembled.

“My apologies for being a bit late. Paperwork and all that.”

A stallion with a white coat and an azure mane, in a light British accent nods understandingly! “Indeed. Completely understandable! After all, it's not every day one is told they must take over leading an entire nation! Oh, where ARE my manners?! I am Fancy Pants, and I represent the nobility in Canterlot. Hopefully we can get along.”

A stallion with a pale-yellow coat and a brown mane with a New Yorker accent looks over. “Yeah! No pressure and all! I'm Pony Joe, and I represent the chefs and bakers of this here town! You need donuts, I'm your pony!”

A gray stallion with a white and silver mane, exudes confidence! “Indeed. As long as you don't rock the boat too much, Equestria will stay dry! The name's Hoity Toity! A name you would do well to remember, Lord Regent, as I represent the fashion and theatrical side of Canterlot.”

Arc nods as he walks over to his throne. “I’ll… see what I can do.”

A mare with an azure blue coat and a navy blue and white mane steps forward. She appears nervous at the sight of Arc. “Um... hello sire. I'm Minuette, and I represent the common folk to the princesses.”

“Thank you all for coming. I'm Hero of Light Arc, and I was told the four of you gave the princesses invaluable insight in the past. Hopefully we can continue that trend as we navigate Equestria through these troubled times!”

Arc turns to Minuette.

“Minuette, I know this is rather short notice, but can you tell me the mood of the common ponies since this morning?”

“Yes, Lord Arc! Rumors had been circulating for the past few days that the princesses were somehow not themselves. Understandably, this caused quite a bit of panic! Fortunately, your speech this morning did wonders to calm their nerves. If I may be candid... they really just wanted to be assured that somepony was at the helm, so to speak!”

Arc turns to Fancy Pants.

“How are the aristocracy taking the news?”

“While they did not so easily fall prey to the rumors, they are responding well to the fact that an accomplished hero such as yourself is looking out for them right now.”

Hoity Toity nods. “My own constituents originally thought this was some kind of publicity stunt!”

Arc turns to Hoity Toity. “Believe me, I wish it was. I don't really have any experience acting as head of state, but I'll give it my best!”

Raven turns to Arc. “Pardon me, Lord Arc, but I believe the princesses made the right choice when they appointed you as the Hero of Light. They had faith that you would grow into the hero Equestria needed! You should have more faith in yourself!”

Pony Joe nods. “Your secretary is right Lord Arc! Equestria needs a leader right now!”

Hoity Toity frowns. “Do your best to remain sincere. My crowd can see a bad act a mile away!”

Minuette smiles weakly. “Yes! Us common ponies may not be as educated as the aristocracy, but that doesn't mean we’re easily deceived! All we want is to feel secure in our own land!”

Fancy Pants looks around at the others. “It appears all the social classes want the same thing when we get right down to it! All of us are nervous about the future and the impending doom of an invasion!”

Arc sighs. “War may very well be inevitable at this point. My military advisers tell me our enemies are pawing the ground at our borders as we speak.”

Hoity Toity’s eyes grow wide! “Are they now? What are your plans to meet this potential aggression?!”

“I'm hoping diplomacy will serve us well in the coming days. However, I have ordered the full might of the Equestrian military to be on high alert until further notice.”

Minuette looks up to Arc, sheepishly. “Lord Arc? I'm not sure if you know this or not, but there is talk amongst all the social classes that the only reason we’re not currently engaged in battle is because YOU are the Lord Regent.”

Fancy Pants nods in agreement. “Indeed! It is thought that our enemies fear the reputation of humans for their tenacity in battle!”

Pony Joe laughs! “Yeah! Your personal reputation for fearlessly taking on ANY opponent against all odds is most likely known to the leaders of the surrounding nations!”

Hoity Toity begrudgingly agrees. “Truer words were never spoken, Lord Arc.”

“Hold on a second! Are you all suggesting that the only reason the surrounding nations are preparing to fight is because they're worried I'll lead Equestria to battle against them?!”

Fancy Pants turns to Arc. “We're not warriors or military masterminds, but that is our opinion, yes.”

Minuette responds in a worried tone. “You're not really going to do so, are you sire?!”

Arc shakes his head vehemently! “Certainly not! All I want is peace for Equestria! But by readying our military, I may have inadvertently provoked them!”

He quickly turns to Raven!

“Raven, go at once to my office and tell Kibitz to start writing letters that will be sent to the leaders of the surrounding nations! I want them to be assured that all I want is peace! Say that I will meet them one-on-one if need be at a location of their choosing if that would help!”

“Yes, Lord Arc. We'll get to work on it right away!”

Raven quickly walks toward Arc's office. He calls out after her.

“I'll read it myself before it goes out!”

“We're on it, Lord Arc!”

Raven enters to office. Arc turns back to the assembled Town Council.

“Thank you for your wise council. The four of you may have just saved countless lives from being lost in meaningless battles!”

Fancy Pants looks around. “Lord Arc, if I may... where is Captain Decimus today? He's usually present for our meetings.”

“I'm told he's inspecting the Rainbow Factory at the moment. He should be back any time now though.”

As if on cue the doors to the Audience Chamber burst open and Captain Decimus rushes in!

“I came as soon as I heard the news of...”

Captain Decimus' eyes grow large as he sees Arc sitting on Princess Luna's throne holding a royal scepter and wearing a crown!

Y-YOU?! What are you doing THERE?!”

“Didn't you hear? I'm the Lord Regent of Equestria while the princesses are bedridden.”

“WHAT?! But...”

He interrupts! “I'm told the Hero of Light is next in line to take the throne in the Order of Succession.”

Decimus nods angrily! “Well... yes, but... you’re not even a pony!”

“I don't recall the law saying the ruler of this land HAS to be an equine.”

Minuette appears confused. “A what?”

Fancy Pants turns to her. “It's a rather technical way of saying ‘pony’, Minuette.”

Captain Decimus smiles slyly! “I suppose not. However! It is VERY clear that Equestria's highest office can only be LEGITIMATELY held by a citizen of this land! If memory serves correctly, you were not BORN here!”

Hoity Toity turns to Arc. “Well Lord Arc, what do you have to say to these claims?”

“They are completely true. I was born on my home world of Earth, not Equestria.”

Pony Joe scoffs! “That shouldn't matter! A leader is a leader, no matter where they were born!”

Fancy Pants shakes his head. “I'm afraid Captain Decimus is correct, Lord Arc.”

Captain Decimus turns to Arc, smugly. “Don't worry about a thing, Hero of Light. I'll take good care of Equestria in the princess' stead.”

Arc nods. “Yes, I'm sure you would if given the chance. There's just one little detail you're overlooking.”

“Oh? And what would that be?”

“As per royal order, I AM a legal citizen of Equestria, with all the rights and responsibilities that come with it.”

Decimus narrows his eyes. “You can't be serious? ON WHO'S AUTHORITY?!”

“I was granted amnesty AND citizenship before I became the Hero of Light by Princess Cadance herself. If you check the records, I'm sure you will find that my citizenship is indeed legitimate.”

Decimus explodes! “WHAT?!?!?!?! But...!”

Pony Joe frowns at the captain. “Now look here Captain Decimus! I'm sure what Lord Arc is saying is the truth!”

Minuette nods. “If you would like, we can verify his claims by checking the Royal Archives.”

Decimus sighs dejectedly. “That... won't be necessary.

There is a long silence in the Audience Chamber.

“So... how was Cloudsdale?”

Decimus sneers. “Fine! Just a routine inspection! Now if all of you will excuse me, I'll take my leave.”

Captain Decimus turns to leave.

“Captain Decimus?”

The stallion angrily turns back to face Arc. “Yes?!”

“I’m told that you are quite the workaholic. Very diligent in your duties. That sort of thing. Tell me something... when was the last time you had a vacation?”

The captain looks to Arc, confused. “I... uh... can't really remember. Why do you ask?”

“You and I have much in common! We both work too much and don't really know how to rest!”

“Yes, yes! What are you getting at?!”

Arc leans forward on his throne. “Well, I recently returned from a long weekend to Dodge Junction's Cherry Festival! Oh, it's done WONDERS for my job performance! I was just thinking this is a perfect opportunity for you to go on vacation!”

Captain Decimus looks to Arc, incredulously! “What?! Vacation?! I can't just leave! Who will take care of guarding you during...?”

Arc interrupts him. “Come now Captain Decimus! Who would be crazy enough to try and kill me?!”

Minuette tuns to Arc. “I believe the Captain does raise a good point, Lord Arc. However, if you wish to remain unguarded, that is of course your choice.”

Fancy Pants looks to Arc. “One might also look at it this way. It might be wise for Captain Decimus to stay under wraps as it were.”

Hoity Toity turns to Captain Decimus. “Think of it this way Decimus. If you and the Lord Regent were to constantly be in the same place, that would make a would-be assassin's job that much easier!”

Minuette sighs. “Equestria can't afford to lose both of you at the same time!”

Pony Joe chuckles. “Yeah! Come on Captain! For the safety of Equestria, you probably should go on vacation!”

Arc nods! “Good, then it's settled! Captain Decimus, as Lord Regent I hereby order you to go on vacation somewhere outside of the city limits! After all, you've earned a bit of rest and relaxation! And don't worry about the bill, Canterlot will cover it! Now go... have fun... loosen up... take a load off! I'll take good care of Equestria in your absence. You can count on it!”

“B-But... the princesses...”

Arc smiles and waves the captain away. “The doctor is working on it. Out! Go! Have a good time!”

Decimus sighs. “Very well... Lord Arc. I will take my leave then.”

Arc waves as the captain turns to leave the Audience Chamber. “Have fun! Oh, how I envy you captain!”

The doors close behind Captain Decimus. He slowly walks down the corridor and mutters to himself.

"Arc, I’m not sure what you’re up to, but I’ll put a stop to it one way or another!”

Meanwhile back in the Audience Chamber, Arc mutters to himself.

“…and drop dead while you’re at it…”

Minuette looks up. “Our apologies Lord Arc. The good captain hasn't been himself since Princess Celestia left on her diplomatic mission.”

“I understand. Captain Decimus just wants what's best for everyone, right?”

Fancy Pants nods. “Indeed!”


Minuette sighs. “Yes. He's just wound too tight these days.”

Hoity Toity forces a smile and nods. “You were right to send him away! Everypony needs a rest at SOME point!”

“I couldn't agree more! Now if there isn't anything else of importance to discuss I have many other matters to attend to.”

Fancy Pants stands up. “Very well, Lord Arc. This meeting of the Canterlot Town Council is adjured!”

“Thank you all for your valuable insight. I hope to meet with you again soon.”

The Town Council bows and leaves the Audience Chamber as Arc returns to his office.

“How's that letter coming along you two? Time is of the essence!”

Raven looks up as he enters. “We've come up with a rough draft. Fancy a look, commander?”

“I'm sure you can add some of your human flair to it, sire!”

Arc sits down at his desk and picks up a quill. “I'll give it a shot. Let's see here...”

After much deliberation and revisions Raven nods.

“I think that should convey our desire to maintain Equestria's peaceful stance.”

Kibitz smiles and nods! “Agreed! If this doesn't convince them, I don't know what will!”

“Good! Raven, use this as a template and write letters to the leaders of Yakyakistan, The Changeling Empire, Abyssinia, and the Griffon Kingdom. I want them sent out as soon as possible!”

Raven nods as she accepts the paper. “I'll see to it, commander. Although I'm not sure how we can safely send this letter to the Changeling Empire. Queen Chrysalis has rebutted every attempt at communication over the years!”

“Don't worry about that. I'll think of some way to get it there. Is there anything else on my schedule for today, Kibitz?”

Kibitz pulls out a scroll and looks it over. “It appears you have taken care of everything on today's list! If I may say so, not bad for your first day!”

Arc looks out the window at the position of the sun. “I'll try to do better tomorrow. But for right now, I think it's suppertime!”

Raven holds up the letter with her magic. “We'll take care of this while you’re eating sir.”

“Might I suggest turning in early, sire? Sleep may soon be a precious commodity!”

“Yes... I believe you're right. I'll see you two in the morning.”

Arc leaves the office. Kibitz turns to his granddaughter.

“How do you think he's planning to send that letter to the changeling queen?”

Raven shrugs. “I have no idea, but somehow I know he'll pull it off!”

Arc heads to the empty Dining Room. He sits down in an empty chair and looks around, sighing to himself. “It feels so... lonely here...”

Saffron emerges from the kitchen with Arc's supper. She sets the plate down in front of him.

“There you are, commander! I mean, Lord Arc!”

“Thank you Saffron. But... where is everyone else?”

“Your squad, Ember and Sereb were in here about an hour ago to grab a quick meal before going back to helping Lieutenant Flash Sentry check the entire castle's security.”

Arc nods. “I guess I should be happy they're so eager to help. That was a pretty big job I gave Flash Sentry after all.”

He begins to eat.

“Another wonderful meal!”

Saffron smiles happily. “Thank you! I'm glad you like it, sire! Well, if you'll excuse me, I must be getting back to the kitchen. Those dishes won't wash themselves!”

She returns to the kitchen as Sereb, Ember, and Sunburst enter the Dining Room and approach Arc.

“Come for a good meal, you three?”

Ember laughs! “Thanks, but we already ate. In any case, we've finished surveying the castle! I've gotta hand it to whomever designed this place! It's beautiful, while at the same time a fairly easily defended fortress!”

Sereb nods. “Indeed. You would be hard pressed to find a better defensible position than Canterlot Castle.”

“I too have already eaten sire. The purpose of my visit is to remind you that it is nearly time for you to finish lowering the sun and raise the moon.”

Arc nervously stands. “I understand what you're saying to me, but how exactly am I supposed to DO that?!”

Ember turns to the Lead Sage. “Yeah! As powerful as he may be, this seems a bit out of his league... ANYONE'S league, that is!”

“Would you please follow me, sire?”

Sunburst leads the group toward a dining room window that overlooks the western horizon. He gestures to the sun with his hoof.

“It appears the sun has reached its ‘limit’ as Princess Celestia calls it. Meaning, the sun has moved as far as it can without intervention.”

“So, am I supposed to intervene?”

“Yes. The sun needs a bit of a nudge, so to speak, to finish dropping below the horizon.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “You make it sound so simple.”

“Treat it like you would any other act of Telekinesis, Lord Arc. Concentrate on the sun and push it down.”

“Well okay. I'll try.”

Arc takes a deep breath and raises his hands toward the sun. It slowly moves below the horizon. The room is plunged into darkness, save for illumination that appears to come both from everywhere and nowhere. Ember looks to Arc, clearly astonished!

“Wow Arc! That was truly impressive!”

Sunburst nods. “Indeed! Even I thought you would have more trouble than you did! Since the founding of Equestria, nopony else has ever been able to accomplish such a feat alone! Other than the princesses themselves, of course! My apologies sire but I must know... how did it feel?!”

Arc thinks for a moment. “It was an... odd sensation. I can't truly put it into words, but the best I can do is to say it felt like... everything and nothing at the same time.”

Sereb frowns. “That sounds... unsettling.”


Arc nods. “Believe me, it was!”

He looks around the room.

“Uh, Sunburst... where is the light coming from?”

Sunburst looks at him, confused. “Why, from magic of course!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Thank you for clearing that up!”

“Let me elaborate. Many years ago, when the castle was newly built, the princesses imbued the entire structure with magic to give light where it was needed. The only rooms that do not have this feature are the Dormitories.”

Ember looks to the candles that line the corridor outside the dining room door. “What about the candles?”

Sunburst chuckles. “Mostly just for aesthetics. Princess Celestia is quite fond of them!”

Arc nods. “I've heard so much about her. Hopefully we can meet soon!”

“Yes sire, I hope so as well. However, right now you should concentrate on raising the moon before the populace begins to panic.”

Arc turns to look out the window at the ocean of stars. “Easier said than done, Sunburst.”

“Reach out with your magic. Princess Luna says that's how she does it! She FEELS the moon before she sees it. Think of it like reaching into a bag filled with many different things and feeling around for that one special item!”

Arc takes a deep breath. “Okay... here goes...”

He closes his eyes and again stretches out his hand as if reaching for something.

“Hmmm... well, I certainly feel SOMETHING! Not sure if it's the moon or not, but here goes...”

Arc appears to be straining himself, as if he were attempting to lift a very heavy load. After several minutes of trying the moon slowly rises over the horizon.

Ember claps! “Congratulations Arc! You did it!”

Sereb looks to him as the moon finishes rising. “Arc?”

Arc turns around breathing heavily, his face is covered in sweat. He looks to them and wordlessly offers a weak smile before collapsing to his hands and knees!

Ember steps forward to help her friend up, concern evident in her voice. “ARC!”

Arc leans heavily on Ember. “I... did it... somehow.”

Sunburst nods! “I'm very proud of you Lord Arc! Please get some rest now. We can talk about it in the morning.”

“Y-yes. Sereb...”

Sereb quickly walks over to Arc and lies down on the ground in front of him. Ember helps him onto the large wolf's back. Arc, unable to sit up properly, lies flat against Sereb's back.


Ember and Sunburst accompany Arc and Sereb back to his room. They carefully lay Arc down on his bed and help him remove his boots, gauntlets and pauldrons.

“S-sorry for... being such a... burden.”

Ember covers him with a blanket. “You're no such thing Arc! After all you've done for me, the least I can do is help you to bed once in a while!”

Sereb nods. “Indeed. I too consider it an honor to be allowed to bear you to your destination. Even if it is just to your room.”

Sunburst nods and turns toward the door. “Come. We should let him rest now.”

Ember gets under the covers with Arc. “See you two in the morning. My this is a comfortable bed!”

Sunburst turns and looks toward them, confused. “Um... miss? What are you doing?”

“Don't worry Sunburst. I always sleep next to Arc.”

Sunburst turns back to Arc! “Pardon me if I'm overstepping any boundaries sire, but I must protest! It is unbecoming for the leader of Equestria to be in such a... morally compromising position with somepony!”

Ember looks over to Sunburst, irritated! “What's the supposed to mean?! Arc's never even TRIED to do... ANYTHING to me! Besides... someone needs to keep him safe!”

Arc nods weakly. “I appreciate the thought Ember. Really, I do. But I think I'm probably safer here than anyone else could hope to be.”


“I really don't want anyone thinking you and I are anything other than good friends. Anything more than that would reflect badly on the princesses themselves.”

Sunburst breathes a sigh of relief! “Your personal life is, of course, your own business sire. Thank you for doing your best not to sully the princesses’ names or that of their position!”

“Ugh... fine!”

Ember angrily gets out of the bed.

“Thanks... Ember... sorry... about... this.”

Ember takes Arc's hand in her claw. “I... understand. You get some rest now, okay.”

Arc nods as he falls asleep. “Sereb... go... with... her...”

Sunburst nods. “Sleep well, Lord Arc.”

“We should be going as well, Ember.”

Ember nods, not taking her eyes off her sleeping friend. “Yes. I'm right behind you.”

Sereb leaves the room as Ember turns back to Arc. She looks at him fondly for a few moments before giving him a small kiss on his forehead.

“Rest now, my love. You've most certainly earned it.”

Sunburst and Sereb are outside the room waiting for Ember. He turns to walk down the hall as she leaves the room.

“Let me show the two of you to one of our guest quarters.”

Ember nods. “Y-yeah. I'm actually kinda tired myself.”

“As am I.”

Sunburst leads the pair to a door some distance away, pushing it open to reveal a rather large and quite posh looking room.

“I trust you will be comfortable here. Well, I'll let the two of you get some sleep now.”

Sereb nods. “Thank you.”

Sunburst leaves the room as Sereb walks over to a large rug at the foot of the bed and lies down. Ember climbs into bed slowly

“Good night Ember.”

Ember nods sadly. “Good night.”

She tosses and turns for well over an hour fitfully. Sereb raises his head.

“Is something wrong Ember?”

Ember stares up at the ceiling. “What makes you think something’s wrong?”

“That bed appears comfortable enough for anyone to be able to fall asleep in minutes. Tell me... what is troubling you?”

“Is it that obvious?”


Ember sighs and sits up. “This may sound a bit strange but... ever since I discovered I had feelings for Arc, hardly a night has gone by that I didn't spend by his side! We've gone on so many adventures together... experienced so much... seen things that no one else alive has!”

Sereb nods. “Yes. I can tell, even from the short time I have known him that he leads a very hectic life.”

“You got that right! Now please don't tell anyone else this, but no matter how amazing our day was, I still looked forward to the night when we could be together. Just the two of us! I know my feelings in this matter are entirely selfish! But you see... I don't care! Someday when he’s... gone, and I take my place as Dragon Lord, I want to be able to think back to our time together an be able to remember everything!”

“Everything, Ember?

She nods fervently! “EVERYTHING! Our room, the feeling of comfort I get just by being near him, the love I feel whenever I snuggle up next to him, even his smell! The smallest of details... I don't want to lose even an iota of it!

Ember sighs heavily and flops back down on the bed,

“Sorry for going on and on about this. It must make you feel a bit uncomfortable to hear this about the one you share a Life Pact with.”

Sereb shakes his head. “It does not. However, it does make me a tad jealous, as I have yet to find a mate. Someone with whom I can share my deepest thoughts with. My apologies, but I cannot understand what you are going through right now.”

Ember closes her eyes. “Maybe someday you will, Sereb.”

Sereb closes his eyes. “One can but hope, Ember...”

Meanwhile, back in his room, Arc's sleep was far from peaceful. Rising from his bed, he looks around.

“What's that smell?!”

Arc quickly walks to his balcony door and throws back the curtains! He stares out at the sight before him, horrified!

“Oh no...”

Before him stretches Canterlot. The entire city appears to be aflame! He runs out onto the patio, coughing heavily due to the smoke!

“How could this have happened?!”

A voice behind him rings out.

“Do you REALLY want to know?”

He whirls around to face the voice!

“What?! YOU?!”

Arc finds himself face to face with The Dark One!

“Welcome to the party, Arc!”

Arc turns and walks quickly toward the castle. “I don't have time to deal with you right now! There's lives to save!”

The Dark One chuckles! He Blinks directly in Arc's path and shoves him hard toward the balcony railing! Arc angrily turns his head to look back at him!

“Grrr... what are you doing?!”

The Dark One grabs Arc's head and turns it back toward the city below. “Look down there! Do you see any movement?!”

Arc scans the streets quickly. “...no.”

The Dark One nods. “That is because every single pony down there... IS ALREADY DEAD!”

“Impossible! How?! Why did you...?”

“I did NOTHING! This is merely an illusion... a glimpse into the future of this land. Don't worry. No ‘precious’ lives have been lost... yet.”


The Dark One nods. “As Tempest has already informed you, there is a great and terrible evil coming to Equestria. Its intention is to return everything back to nothingness!”


“It finds the existence of everything and anything utterly abhorrent!”

Arc turns back toward the burning city! “This doesn't make any sense! I mean... why are you showing me all this?!”

“I tell you these things now as a courtesy. This IS going to happen! There is absolutely NOTHING you or anyone else can do to stop the inevitable advance of destiny!”

Arc turns back to face his enemy! “We'll see about that Dark One! Now I have one last thing to ask you.”


“Are you responsible for the existence of a shadowy creature named ‘Regret’?”

The Dark One nods. “I am. It was created to torment those with deep-seated regrets.”

“Why?! What would you gain by doing that?!”

The Dark One shakes his head. “My reasons are far beyond your understanding, mouse!

“You're sick!”

“Think whatever you will of me. Now go! Return to the waking world and enjoy the time you have left!”

Arc awakens back in his bed in Canterlot Castle. Bolting upright in bed, he finds himself covered in sweat! Breathing heavily, he does his best to collect his thoughts.

“It... was it all just a dream?!”

Arc jumps out of bed and rushes to the balcony! He quickly surveys the city below! All appears quiet and secure.

“It WAS just a dream.”

“That's not entirely accurate, Arc.”

Arc turns his head to see Tempest sitting on a stone bench just outside the balcony doors.

“You certainly didn't waste any time. Can I assume you're here to help Captain Decimus take the throne?”

Tempest shakes her head as she stands. “No. Believe it or not, I didn't come here to fight.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Wonderful. Then why DID you come?!”

“Because you and I... need to have a talk.”

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