• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 12 - Wounds, Past and Present

The next morning, Arc and the others sit around a table in the cafeteria eating breakfast. Ashe turns to the young griffon sitting next to her.

“Did you sleep well last night, Lady Natalya?”

Natalya nods. “Yes, I did.”

Hammer looks to her sheepishly. “I hope I didn’t wake you up when I got back. After all, it was pretty late.”

“Only for a brief moment. Then I was out again.”

Luna looks to Arc. “So... what is on the agenda for today?”

“I need to head back to Equestria for a while. Going to be starting a very special… investigation into something.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow as she leans forward. “Oh? What are you looking for?”

“Just gathering information at this point.”

Celestia frowns. “On what subject?”

“The changelings.”

Hammer folds her arms over her chest. “Yeah, we really need to get that ball moving.”

Luna sighs. “And make sure there’s nothing more going on over there too.”

Ashe turns to Arc. “Might I be allowed to come as well?”

Arc appears confused. “What for?”

“Well... if the Changeling Kingdom truly is interested in making amends with Equestria, than as a representative of the Griffon Kingdom I would like to meet with them as well. With any luck, diplomatic ties could potentially be formed between our nations parallel to the existing ones with Equestria.”

Celestia smiles warmly. “Very hopeful of you, ambassador. However, you have to understand the long and tumultuous history between them and Equestria. Such a thing may not even be possible.”

“Even if I will most likely fail, I would still like to be given the opportunity to try.”

Luna shrugs. “Very commendable. But such a decision is up to Arc, I suppose.”

Arc put a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “I guess it couldn’t hurt for Ashe to try. That and I’m sure your government wouldn’t mind a report on their... progress.”

Natalya turns to him. “And me, sir?”

“While I’d like to bring you, I don’t think that would be such a good idea at the moment. After all, they could be trying to lull us into a false sense of security.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “But aren’t you two supposed to be together if at all possible?”

Luna looks to Ashe. “It’s only for a bit, after all. That and I don’t think griffon tradition took into account a fiancée having to conduct sensitive diplomatic acts with a hostile nation.”

Ashe nods soberly. “If Lord Arc will allow me to accompany him, I would be willing to let it go unreported as a ‘necessary separation’. No need for the powers that be to hear about it.”

Arc stands. “You have a deal. Now then, let’s get a move on. Meet me at my quarters after you’ve donned your armor, Ashe.

Ashe nods and playfully salutes. “Yes sir.”

A short time later they meet in Arc’s quarters. Ashe enters wearing her armor and carrying her sword and shield. Arc and Hammer are waiting for her clad in their own respective armors.

“Sorry for the wait.”

Arc chuckles. “It’s fine.”

Hammer shrugs. “Yeah, we just got finished getting ready ourselves anyways.”

Arc holds up his gauntlet. “Shall we be off?”

Ashe nods. “I’m ready, yes.”

Hammer grins as she checks her gun. “Me too.”

Powering up his crystals, Arc opens a portal. He then proceeds to step through with Ashe and Hammer. Reappearing in the master suite aboard the Lunar Destiny, Arc motions for them to follow him.

“Let’s get to the Bridge. The investigation team should be assembled and ready by now.”

Leading the way, Arc and company soon arrive at the Bridge. Flash Sentry is waiting for them with a dozen ponies. He salutes along with the others before speaking.

“Good morning, sir.”

“Morning. Can I assume this is our investigation team?”

Flash Sentry nods. “Yes sir.”

The colonel gestures to the leader before continuing.

“This is Fire Streak. He’ll be heading up the investigation for you.”

Arc looks to the stallion before him. “Good to meet you.”

Fire Streak salutes. “Likewise, sir.”

“Have you been briefed on the task ahead?”

“No, sir. All I was told was that it was both urgent and top secret.”

“Then I suppose I’ll have to bring you up to speed.”

Flash Sentry calls out from the main window. “Sir, your changeling escort is approaching the ship.”

Arc sighs. “Guess we’ll have to do the briefing on site.”

Fire Streak appears confused. “Sir?”

“The scene isn’t here. Follow me.”

Leading the group off the Bridge, Arc makes his way down the corridor, out the main hatch, and down the gangplank to where a changeling is waiting for them. They smile nervously at the sight of the group before addressing Arc.

“H-hello, sir. I’m here to transport you and your party to the scene as per the king’s orders.”


He turns to Fire Streak before continuing.

“Can I assume you and your team have everything you need?”

Fire Streak gestures to his team. “Yes sir. We have all the tools required in our saddlebags.”

Arc looks to the changeling. “Shall we be off?”

“Yes sir.”

Opening a portal, they motion for the others to follow. Arc steps through as Hammer turns to the group of ponies.

“Well, don’t just stand there! We’ve got a job to do!”

Nodding, they walk through as Ashe turns to Hammer and lowers her voice.

“So... are these creatures... friendly?”

Hammer sighs. “Well... kinda.”


“You gotta understand the we were at war with them just a short time ago.”

The pair step through together and find themselves in a large, well-furnished room. Thorax walks over to Arc and salutes.

“Welcome back, sir.”

Arc chuckles. “I’m not your superior officer anymore, Thorax. You don’t actually have to do that.”

“Sorry, sir. It’s just a habit at this point.”

Arc gestures at the ponies behind him as he continues.

“These are the investigators I mentioned would be coming. They’re here to see if any answers can be found in there as well as remove the bodies with your permission.”

Thorax nods fervently. “Yes, of course! Please do what you will with whatever you find in there!”

“We’ll get started as soon as I’ve brought the team up to speed on the situation.”

Turning to the ponies, he continues.

“Alright, here’s the situation. During a recent… deconstruction of this place, a secret room was found in the former queen’s suite. King Thorax contacted the border crossing facility, which is currently the ship we departed from, to inform them of what they found inside.”

Fire Streak appears confused. “But what does that have to do with an investigation, sir?”

“A number of pony skeletons were found within locked in cages. I need them identified and the causes of death made known for a report so as to give their family’s cloture.”

“Very well, sir. We’ll do our best.”

Arc steps toward the opening. “This way.”

Walking down the secret passageway, Arc comes to the a fore mentioned room. Gesturing with a wave of his gauntlet, he speaks.

“Here is the scene.”

Fire Streak gasps as he looks around. “This is… abhorrent!”

Hammer grunts. “That it is. “

Ashe grimaces as she takes in her surroundings. “There… there are… just so many!”

Arc looks to Fire Streak. “Now then, I don’t care how long it takes to do this, but we need to know what happened here.”

Fire Streak turns to his subordinates. “All of you, pick a cage and get to work. Standard categorization practices. Leave nothing overlooked.”

They nod nervously and get to work as Fire Streak walks over to Arc and frowns.



“What… is all of this?”

Arc sighs as he leans against a wall. “I wish I knew.”

“Were there any survivors?”

“Just one.”

Hammer chimes in. “We took him to Ponyville Hospital for treatment. However, he’s still in pretty rough shape.”

“I’ll need to interview him to complete my report. Any idea when somepony can talk to him?”

Arc shrugs. “No time soon. It’s up to Doctor Horse though.”

“Can I get a preliminary declaration from you then, sir?”

“I suppose. Though admittedly I don’t really know that much.”

Fire Streak pulls out a notepad from his saddlebag. “Whenever you’re ready, sir.”

Arc points a finger at the end of the room. “The changelings tell us that he was found inside a slime filled cocoon over there.”

Hammer nods soberly. “King Thorax helped us take him to Ponyville Hospital where he personally opened the cocoon for the medical staff there.”

Fire Streak continues writing. “And his current condition as best you know?”

“Unconscious and critical. He appeared heavily emaciated and was completely unresponsive to stimuli.”

“His name?”

Arc frowns. “We’re… not actually sure yet. Like I said, he’s been unconscious pretty much since he was admitted.”

Fire Streak looks up, confused. “Pretty much?”

“In the name of national security, I ordered Doctor Horse to give him a stimulant so we could ask a couple of important questions.”

“Such as…?”

“Mostly regarding any other potential survivors. According to him though there were none. I didn’t ask his name back then as such a thing wasn’t exactly a priority at the time.”

“Anything else you can tell me, sir?”

“Just that he’ll need quite some time to recover. When we first got him out of the pod I had thought he was dead due to how thin he looked.”

Fire Streak puts away his notepad as he sighs. “I’ll notify the hospital regarding my investigation. They’ll call us at headquarters when the time is right.”

Ashe steps toward Fire Streak. “Excuse me, sir.”

“Yes ma’am?”

“Your uniform’s insignia is that of what Equestria calls the ‘Wonderbolts’, correct?”

“That’s right.”

Arc turns to him. “I’m assuming you and your team were sent here because they were the closest and could get here quickly.”

Fire Streak nods. “We were, yes. But rest assured that my team and I are fully qualified to perform these duties.”

Ashe gestures to the cages. “Please forgive me, sir. I didn’t intend for my words to be interpreted as condescending. It’s just that I was… concerned that these victims get the best care they can at this point.”

“And they will.”

Arc gestures to the rest of the investigators. “Good. Please carry on with your duties with the rest of your team.”

The stallion nods respectfully as Arc turns to Hammer.

“Keep your eyes open. Just in case.”

Hammer nods as she puts a hand on her gun. “Sure.”

She steps forward to observe the proceedings as Ashe moves to stand next to Arc.

“This is just…”


“Yes, sir?”

“I’m curious of something. Why did you want to come with us?”

“To speak to the new king of the changelings.”

“At a time like this?”

Ashe shrugs. “There aren’t exactly ‘good times’ to start diplomacy.”

Arc shrugs. “I suppose not.”

“That and I can help by interviewing the king if you’d like.”

“Go ahead. But I do have one request.”


“Try to help calm him down.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow, confused. “Calm him…”

“He still seems a bit nervous about this whole thing.”

Ashe lowers her voice as she leans in close. “Do you think he knew about it?”

Arc shrugs. “Anything is possible at this point. But you can try to figure that out for us if you’d like while I oversee things here.”

“I’ll try.”

Turning, Ashe walks back the way they came. Coming back to Chrysalis’ room she immediately spies Thorax pacing the floor nervously. Making her way over to him, she speaks.

“Um… your majesty?”

Thorax yelps instinctively. “Huh?! Oh! Right! Sorry, I keep forgetting I’m the king now.”

Ashe appears confused. “Forgetting?”

“I took over for Chrysalis when she… left.”

He looks over to the secret passage before continuing.

“And then this was discovered.”

“My apologies. I should probably start with introductions. My name is Ashe. Ambassador to Equestria for the Griffon Kingdom.”

“Yes, I’ve heard of your country before. Don’t worry, as the changelings have never left this continent.”

“Um… thanks.”

“We didn’t have the numbers or the resources. Believe me, I’d have known if we had.”

“What were you before though?”

“One of the former queen’s ‘wings’. It’s like a personal bodyguard.”

“So you were intimately involved with her daily affairs?”

“Yes, as was my brother Pharynx.”

Ashe looks around. “Is he here too?”

Thorax sighs. “He’s gone. Killed by the very queen that he had sworn to protect.”

“What?! Why?!”

“It was part of her plan to replace him with her new champion, Lord Arc.”

“That doesn’t make much sense.”

Thorax sighs. “Chrysalis’ plan was to bring him into our ranks via mind altering techniques. At the time she thought it had worked. That she was controlling him. But in truth it was he whom was playing her for the fool.”

“So he broke free of her control?”

“Either that or he was never controlled in the first place. I kinda lean more toward the latter being the case though.”

“Are you sure?”

“Sure of what?”

“That he’s free of her control.”

“He has to be. She gave him an order and he was able to ignore it.”

Ashe puts a talon to her beak thoughtfully. “Unless that was her intent all along.”

Thorax raises an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“Is it possible that this is all just part of her plan? To pretend to be ousted and flee so as to be able to focus fully on whatever her real objective is?”

Thorax puts a hoof to his chin. “I never thought of that. It may be that she only pretended to not have control over Lord Arc. Then she could retake control at a later date and opportune time.”

“This is all theory though. He may be just fine as well. But we should probably get back to my original reason for coming up here.”

“Which was…?”

“To talk to you about our two nations.”

Thorax appears confused. “Oh?”

“As you probably already know, Equestria and the Griffon Kingdom have a peace treaty.”

Thorax nods. “As does the Changeling Nation with Equestria thanks to Chrysalis.”

“I was wondering if you’d be willing to talk about forming a similar treaty with the Griffon Kingdom.”

Thorax sighs. “At the moment we’re not really interested in forming any other agreements, no.”


“As you said yourself, the Griffon Kingdom is across the sea. We don’t really have any contact with griffons either here in Equestria nor there anyways. So for what purpose would such a treaty be made?”

Ashe looks away nervously. “I… really just wanted to extend the offer.”

Thorax turns to walk away. “Well, you can tell your superiors that our answer at the moment is ‘no’.”

Ashe steps forward. “Wait! There is another reason!”

Thorax looks over his shoulder. “I’m listening.”

“Forming a treaty with the Griffon Kingdom would show Equestria that you’re willing to make the effort toward peace. Be part of the international dialogue.”

“But we can’t offer any kind of goods or services.”

“I understand that. You’re just getting started with your new nation, after all. However, I could advise you on other ways to increase trust between your kind and the ponies of this land.”

Thorax turns around. “That… would actually be of use to us. But I can’t promise that we’ll ally ourselves with the Griffon Kingdom in the future.”

“Then I’ll just have to show you how useful I can be. Tell me, what do you need the most right now?”

“Equestria’s already supplied us with everything that we need for the moment.”

“Come now. There has to be something.”

“Well… I suppose the a fore mentioned offer of information would be of use.”

Ashe grins. “Great! What do you want to know?!”

“First, I need your word that everything spoken of here will be kept confidential.”

Ashe nods. “Of course.”

Thorax looks around and lowers his voice. “I… need some advice on how to be a king.”

“How to lead?”

Thorax grimaces. “I’m not exactly the most… persuasive changeling around.”

“But you were second to Queen Chrysalis, weren’t you?”

“Both my brother and I were, yes.”

“How did you do it back then?”

“I usually left things like that to Pharynx. He was always much more… assertive than I was.”

“Let’s try a bit of role play then.”

Thorax raises an eyebrow. “Try what now?”

“Role play. It’s like acting with a scenario in mind.”

“Well, okay. If you think it could help.”

“Let’s say that I came before you with a problem, like… we’re low on food and need more. So I walk in and address you. Like this…”

Turning away for a few moments, Ashe turns back to Thorax and bows respectfully.

“Good day, King Thorax.”

Thorax waves a hoof. “Oh, you don’t have to call me that. Or bow either.”

Ashe frowns. “That’s a problem.”

“What is?”

“You’re the king! Your subjects are supposed to be respectful to you! And bowing is a part of that!”

“Okay, let’s try this again.”

Ashe turns around to ‘restart’ her act. Bowing, she speaks.

“Good day, King Thorax.”

Thorax nods to her soberly. “What brings you before me today?”

“Our nation is running low on food. What shall we do to remedy this situation?”

“Um… I don’t know. What do you think?”

Ashe shakes her head. “No, no! A king can’t ever say ‘I don’t know’!”

“But I really don’t know.”

“Then you should say something like ‘what are our options’. Or make a potential suggestion of your own.”

Thorax nods. “Okay, let’s continue.”

He clears his throat before speaking again.

“What are our options to fix this problem?”

“We could send teams out to search for food, ask Equestria for international aide, or look into raising our own.”

Thorax puts a hoof to his chin. “The third idea sounds like the best to me.”

“But you need to get more information on it before committing to an idea. Ask questions and make sure it will actually work first.”

“Alright. How could we go about raising our own food?”

“I don’t know, sire. Do we have seeds, water, and fertile soil?”

“Just the fertile soil and water.”

“Then how can we grow anything, your majesty?”

Thorax groans. “I see what you mean. And growing food would take a long time too.”

Ashe nods. “Right.”

“What are your recommendations?”

“In the short term we could request food be sent to us from Equestria. However, we need to become more self-sustaining in the future as well.”

“We could ask for seeds from the ponies as well. That could be one of our long term goals.”

“Yes sire. But there is still the matter of repayment.”

Thorax sighs. “Right. They won’t want to keep feeding and giving us other needs forever, after all.”

“Perhaps we could work out a trade agreement with them, your highness.”

“Trade agreement?”

Ashe nods. “Yes, sire. They provide us with food and other tangible goods. In return, we export our own products.”

Thorax shrugs. “All we have at the moment is limited quantities of nutrient fluid.”

“Could that be adapted for pony use?”

“It’d have to be tested. We’re not fully sure how such a thing would work on them biologically.”

Ashe puts a talon to her beak thoughtfully. “Tested.”

Thorax appears hopeful. “You have an idea?”

“Can I assume Equestria doesn’t understand your physiology?”

“It’s not likely, no.”

“Then how about exporting information?”

“How would we do that?”

“Ask your subjects for volunteers to be sent to Equestria in order to be studied. In return you could ask for food, your majesty.”

“It’s an interesting idea. I’ll have to contact Princess Twilight in Canterlot about it.”

Ashe smiles at him. “You see how we did that?”

“Did what?”

“Talked through a problem.”

“Kinda. But we didn’t come up with a firm solution to the food problem.”

“Sometimes it takes multiple meetings and many ideas though. That exercise there really only scratched the surface of what can be required to figure out the solution to a problem.”

“I think I understand it though. Ask for more information and other’s opinions.”

“But in all seriousness, you really should look at what you could export to balance the books.”

Thorax nods. “Your idea to export information might be worth looking into.”

“I’m sure Princess Twilight would be very interested in studying your new physiology.”

“And we too would like to know more about ourselves as well.”

“A very mutually beneficial partnership could be started with that. Perhaps sending along some of that nutrient solution for testing would be in order too. Equestria does all the lab work and you get whatever it is you want in trade.”

Thorax puts a hoof to his chin thoughtfully. “I think I’d ask for information in trade regarding how we can start growing our own food.”

“Good idea. I’m sure they’d be anxious to get started.”

“I’ll send a message to Canterlot regarding this just as soon as the investigation is complete.”

Ashe smiles at him. “Would you like me to mention it to Lord Arc?”

“If you’d like, sure. Just please be sure to wait for the right time. I’m sure he’s extremely busy at the moment.”

“Maybe I’d best direct it to Princess Twilight then when I get back to the ship then.”

“I’ll leave it up to you. Just let whomever know that I’ll await their response.”

Several hours later, Fire Streak approaches Arc and salutes.

“We’ve completed our investigation of the site, sir.”

Hammer looks over. “And every victim has been catalogued along with any items found with them?”

Fire Streak nods. “Yes ma’am. We’ve also carefully collected their remains to be transported back to Equestria for proper burial.”

Arc sighs. “Good. Bring them out of the secret room and line the body bags up so as to take a final count.”

“Right away, sir.”

Returning to the entrance of the secret room with Hammer, Arc spies Thorax and Ashe sitting on a couch talking. Walking over to them, he speaks.

“It looks like you two are getting along well.”

Thorax nods. “Yes sir. The ambassador was just advising me on how to be a better king to my nation.”

Ashe quickly chimes in. “And their future exports as well.”

“Just brainstorming, sir.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “That’s… good, I suppose.”

Hammer jerks a thumb toward the secret door behind them. “We just came to tell you two that the investigators have finished.”

Arc looks to the entrance of the secret room. “Right. They’ll be bringing out the bodies now so we can return them to Equestria.”

Thorax quickly stands. “Can I call for some of my subjects to aid you in that?”

Hammer shakes her head. “Nah. They got this.”

Thorax looks to Arc. “Very well. And I just want to again state that I’m very sorry for this whole ordeal, Lord Arc.”

“We don’t blame you for their deaths. Queen Chrysalis is the one we want.”

Hammer clenches a fist angrily as she looks at the body bags being brought out. “And we’re going to find that varmint!”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “That we will. After all, she can’t hide forever.”

Thorax looks to Arc soberly. “When you do, she’s all yours though, sir. I can categorically say that the Changeling Nation does NOT want her back.”

“Thank you. We’ll keep you appraised of any new information we uncover regarding this matter though.”

“That is appreciated, sir.”

Turning to Ashe, Thorax continues.

“Thank you for the talk, ambassador.”

“It was my pleasure, your majesty.”

A short time later Arc turns to the investigation team’s leader as they bring up the last body bag. “Are we ready to go?”

“Yes sir.”


Channeling power through his crystals, Arc opens a portal. Motioning for the others, they begin transferring the body bags through the swirling energies one by one. As the last one is passed through Arc turns to Ashe and Hammer.

“Time to go.”

Hammer sighs. “Alright. See you there.”

Ashe steps forward. “Right behind you.”

The pair step through together as Thorax looks to Arc.

“Is there anything else you need in this matter, sir?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, I believe that the investigation team got everything they needed. Go ahead and continue with your demolition project.”

“Sir, I… uh…”

“Was there something else?”

Thorax looks away nervously. “Just that… I’m very sorry that this happened. Please let me know if we can be of any further assistance.”

“I will.”

Stepping through his own portal, Arc reappears in his quarters within Canterlot Castle. Several medical staff members, along with Doctor Whooves, are busy putting the body bags on gurneys. The doctor looks to his staff as he points a hoof.

“Take the victims to the infirmary.”

Fire Streak calls out. “They will be held there until the investigation is complete.”

Hammer approaches the group. “I’ll lend you a hand.”

Ashe looks to Arc. “So what happens now?”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “The investigators will have to further examine the bodies, along with any personal effects found with them.”

“Is there anything that I can do to help?”

“I don’t think so, no. But how did things go with King Thorax?”

“Oh! Um… well… I didn’t really get the feeling he had anything to do with this event.”

“Then what were you two going on about?”

“Like he said, I was just trying to coach him on being a better leader. Being more… assertive and decisive.”

Arc shrugs. “Nothing wrong with that. But then again, I suppose going from a sergeant to a king in but a moment’s time doesn’t really help. Were you able to do anything for him?”

Ashe nods. “I think so, yes. However, someone should contact him soon regarding an exchange of information.”


“King Thorax is willing to allow the Equestrian scientists to study some of his subjects in return for sharing some of their knowledge with the changelings.”

Arc chuckles. “That should make Twilight happy.”

Ashe giggles. “I can’t wait to tell her about it.”

“It’ll have to wait, as I should probably send you back to The Equinox pretty soon.”


“I’m sure you have lots of things to do there, what with this whole marriage thing coming together.”

“Yes, I suppose I do.”

“But don’t worry. I’ll mention your talks with her.”

A short time later Hammer returns and approaches Arc. Saluting, she speaks.

“All of the bodies have been properly transported to the morgue, sir.”

“Good. Now then, I want you to return to The Equinox with Ashe here. I’ll report to Princess Twilight what we saw.”

“Sure. But there is one thing I need to do before we go, sir.”

“Fine. What is it.”


Pushing Arc against a bookcase, Hammer knocks his helmet off and locks lips with him passionately for a time before pulling back and looking him in the eye as she grins.

“Now I can go.”

Arc chuckles as he leans down to pick up his helmet. “Dismissed.”

Opening a portal for the pair, Arc watches as they leave. Closing it behind them, he turns and walks down the corridor toward the infirmary. Doctor Whooves is signing documents along with Fire Streak. As they finish, Arc speaks.

“So you two are going to coordinate a more thorough investigation now?”

Fire Streak nods. “Yes sir. I’ll be checking the missing ponies reports and see if I can connect them to any of the cold case files.”

Doctor Whooves gestures to the back room. “And I’m going to be examining the bones in an effort to try and determine an official cause of death before writing my own report regarding the whole matter.”

Fire Streak bows his head. “With a bit of luck, we’ll be able to give somepony some cloture in their missing relative’s case.”

Arc sighs. “Good. I’ll let you two get to that. But I’d like to see the personal effects of the victims for myself.”

He turns to Fire Streak before continuing.

“Bring them to the Conference Room and organize them by victim. I’ll be there shortly with Princess Twilight.”

“Yes sir.”

Turning, Arc leaves the room and heads down the corridor. Approaching the Audience Chamber he looks to the officer on duty. Motioning to the door with a wave of his hand, he is immediately admitted. Twilight looks up from the throne for a moment before returning her gaze to the stallion standing before her.

“We will have to continue this talk later. It appears something urgent has come up.”

They bow and turn to leave as Arc approaches the throne. Twilight looks to the office and motions with a hoof.

“Shall we talk in private?”

Arc nods. “Yes, that’s probably for the best.”

Heading for the office, a guard opens the door for them. As it closes behind them Twilight looks to Arc nervously.

“Are you alright?!”

“Yes, Twilight. Nothing out of the ordinary happened.”

Twilight breathes a sigh of relief. “That’s good! How about we sit down and you can tell me all about it?”

Arc sighs. “That might be for the best.”

They walk over to the couch and sit down together. Arc looks to Twilight and smiles sadly.

“The victims of Chrysalis are officially back in Equestria. In the castle morgue to be exact.”

Twilight bows her head. “That’s good. And can I assume the effort to identify them has started?”

“Underway as we speak. Doctor Whooves is looking over the bones to try and come up with causes of death while Fire Streak will be going over the recovered personal effects in an effort to figure out whom they might have been.”

“That sounds like it’s going to be a long process.”

“Probably, yes.”

“Let me know if they need more resources. I want all of those ponies to be properly identified and laid to rest as per their families’ wishes.”

“As do I. I just wanted to tell you that I was back from The Badlands without incident. Well, that and do this.”

Leaning down, he gives Twilight a quick peck on the lips. Giggling, she looks up at him.

“Oh you can do better than that.”

Arc smirking. “How about this?”

Picking her up, Arc embraces Twilight as he locks lips with her. Pulling back, he continues.

“How was that?”

Twilight giggles sexily at him. “Much better.”

Arc smiles as he sets her down. “I aim to please.”

“Um… do you think I could see the item recovered from the scene?”

Arc nods. “Yes, I figured you would want to do that. Therefore, I told Fire Streak to set them out in the Conference Room, as I wanted to see them for myself.”

The pair stand and head for the door. Leaving the office, Twilight calls out to a nearby guard.

“Tell the officer in charge that I’m taking a short recess from audiences.”

“Yes, Princess Twilight.”

He runs ahead as Arc and Twilight walk toward the door. Leaving the chamber they walk down the corridor together. Twilight turns to him and smiles as she speaks.

“I am glad you’re back safely, Arc.”

“As am I. But the changelings made no attempts to hide anything nor made any kind of advances toward me or the investigation team.”

“Good. We need allies we can trust, after all.”

Arc turns to her. “About building trust. Ashe was able to convince King Thorax to allow some Equestrian scientist to study some of them.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Study?”

Arc nods. “Their bodies have changed significantly on the outside, and it stands to reason the same is true about their innards. We can study them in return for some information.”

“I’ll send a message to King Thorax later regarding the details of this partnership.”

“Alright. But you’ll need someone to head the investigation.”

Twilight sighs. “While I wish that was me, I’ll have to leave such a thing in the hooves of others.”

“We all have to let someone else help out sometimes though. None of us is a one man show. Well, one pony show, as the case may be.”

“I suppose not. However, I will be sure to keep up on what they find as best I’m able.”

Twilight looks to Arc before continuing.

“Hey. You okay?”

Arc nods. “Sure. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Well… coming face to face with so many dead bodies would make anypony a bit… squeamish”.

“I suppose so. But they were skeletons by this point. If they had been freshly dead or partially decomposed I think my reaction would have been a bit different.”

Twilight grimaces. “The state of the bodies actually has me quite worried.”

“How so?”

“Full decomposition down to a skeleton isn’t something that happens quickly. It’s slow and steady under normal circumstances.”

Arc sighs. “Imagine how those ponies felt as those around them died one by one. Lying there surrounded by the stench of rotting flesh as you too are dying.”

Twilight shudders. “Yes, I wouldn’t wish such a gruesome fate on anypony.”

Coming to the Conference Room doors, Arc motions for the guards outside of them to allow them access. Standing aside, they allow the pair to pass. On the table before them lies innumerable objects meticulously labeled and categorized for easy identification. Fire Streak bows respectfully at the sight and Twilight as he speaks.

“Hello, Princess Twilight. It is an honor to see you.”

“Thank you for your service in helping us in this matter. Hero of Light Arc tells me that you recovered quite a few items from the deceased.”

Fire Streak gestures with a hoof. “That we did, your highness.”

Arc nods soberly. “We’ve come to see them for ourselves.”

“Yes sir. I’ve also ordered the photographs we took of the scene upon arrival to be delivered as soon as they are ready.”

Twilight steps forward and puts her front hooves on the table. “There really are quite a few items here.”

Arc sighs as he looks down. “That there are.”

Fire Streak chimes in. “I’m currently in the middle of recording every item. After that, pictures will be taken of them before they, along with the items, are turned over to a specialized forensics team for further examination.”

Twilight gazes at the trinkets before her. “A good number of these appear hoof made.”

Fire Streak bows his head. “From my experience, such a thing is actually quite normal, your highness. You see, those held in captivity for an extended period of time generally have nothing but time on their hooves. So they usually turn to making things to take their minds off of their situation while in captivity.”

Arc picks up a small trinket. “This appears to be made out of a chunk of mane.”

“Yes, it’s probably a comfort object. Think of it like a stuffed animal, sir.”

Twilight gasps. “Wait! Were there foals among them?!”

Fire Streak nods soberly. “Yes, Princess Twilight.”

Arc frowns. “How many?”

“Six foal sized skeletons were recovered, sir.”

Arc puts the item down and grits his teeth. “Barbaric!”

Twilight looks to Fire Streak. “I want a copy of the full report sent to me right away. When it’s available, of course.”

Fire Streak bows. “Yes, Princess Twilight. I’ll see to it personally.”

Arc points to an item nearby. “What’s this?”

Fire Streak turns his head. “It appears to be a makeshift game board.”

Twilight sighs. “They were just trying to stay busy, I would imagine.”

Arc picks it up. “Looks like something foals would play with.”

Fire Streak walks over to him. “Adults are known to do the same in prisons. However, I can’t imagine the level of boredom those foals would have experienced being locked up as they were.”

Arc clenches a fist as he puts the board down. “And the cage sizes too.”

Twilight frowns. “Too small?”

Fire Streak nods. “It appeared that the cages were sized in such a way as to prevent too much movement. A full grown stallion would have barely been able to raise their head. While a foal could have just stood up if they kept their head down.”

Twilight seethes. “Imprisonment AND literal torture!”

Fire Streak looks over the table as he speaks. “While the investigation is of course still ongoing, I get the feeling that the victims most likely either starved to death or died from dehydration.”

Arc groans. “And neither is a pleasant way to go.”

“While I know it’s not pleasant to think about, it’s likely that the foals would have died first, sir. That is, unless the mares and stallions had given them part of their rations.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her forehead and turns away from the table. “I just… I can’t imagine how somepony could do this.”

Arc grits his teeth. “Me either. I mean, how could Chrysalis sleep in her bed knowing full well that there were ponies literally dying just on the other side of her wall?”

Fire Streak bows his head. “We may never have those answers though, sir. The best I can do at the moment is to see that they are laid to rest properly.”

Twilight looks over her shoulder at the table again. “Leave no stone unturned when…”

She stops talking and walks over to the end of the table. Pointing a hoof at a small box, Twilight continues.

“Wait. What is this?”

“It’s an evidence storage box designed to preserve waterlogged or fragile items. The lining is made of a special material that absorbs water from the item in an attempt to bring it to a state where it can properly examined.”

Arc walks over to join Twilight. “So what’s in there?”

Fire Streak looks over his clipboard. “A foal sized notebook. With luck we can dry it out enough to be able to read it.”

Arc nods soberly. “That might be the best stroke of luck we’ve had so far.”

Twilight looks to Fire Streak. “Maybe they’ll have their name in it!”

“Before you get your hopes up, your highness, this item was found lying next to a fully grown stallion.”

Arc points to the box. “But you’re sure that it’s foal size though, right?”

Fire Streak nods. “Yes, sir. It’s the kind of notebook one would use for school for taking light notes or doodling.”

Twilight reaches toward the box. “I’d like to see it.”

Fire Streak quickly steps forward and stops Twilight’s hoof. “Forgive me, Princess Twilight. While it is likely that the first few pages from the front should be dry enough to move, we really should let somepony trained in the art of handling damaged books deal with it, your highness.”

Twilight pushes his hoof away gently. “Not to worry. I’m fully capable of handling old, damaged, and wet books.”

Fire Streak appears surprised. “You are, princess?”

Twilight nods. “Yes. Some time ago I restored a number of heavily waterlogged books that Hero of Light Arc took from the grounds of a Griffon Kingdom library.”

Fire Streak gasps. “He took them?!”

Arc frowns. “Yes, I did. And you are hereby ordered to forget that you heard the princess say that.”

“Yes sir.”

Twilight nods. “It was a matter of preserving abandoned literature, sir. But let’s see what we come up with here, shall we?”

Opening the box, Twilight cautiously pulls the still slightly damp book from within with her magic. Looking it over carefully for a few moments, she slowly and judiciously opens the cover and looks at the first page.

“It’s a foal’s drawing.”

Arc looks over her shoulder. “Looks like a family picture.”

Fire Streak sighs. “It’s likely they all perished there.”

Twilight squints. “There’s some writing in here too. Mom… dad… and I can’t quite see the next one.”

Fire Streak looks to her. “Would you like a magnifying glass, your highness?”

Twilight nods. “Yes, please.”

Opening his satchel, Fire Streak procures a large magnifying glass. Giving it to Twilight, she again looks at the page.

“I can just make out two letters here. Looks like it says ‘F and B’.”

Arc groans. “Maybe the foal whom drew it was so young that they hadn’t learned how to spell their sibling’s name yet.”

Fire Streak sighs. “Probably. Judging from the quality of the drawing and the hoofwriting, it was most likely done by a very young foal.”

Twilight squints as she continues examining the paper. “There’s one more name here. But I can’t quite make it out.”

Arc appears hopeful. “A full name?”

Twilight nods. “Yes. Must be the foal’s, as that’s one of the first things they learn to spell in school.”

Arc steps forward. “Can I see it?”

Fire Streak grimaces. “That isn’t recommended, sir. Unless you have training in handling such things, that is.”

“I could hold it for you, Arc.”


Taking the magnifying glass from her, Arc leans in close as Twilight holds the notebook up for him to see. Carefully looking over the name for a long moment, he sighs.

“It’s too badly blurred to… wait!”

Leaning in close, he looks over the two smaller figures carefully. Frowning, he puts a hand to his chin and mutters to himself.

“Could it be?”

Fire Streak appears hopeful. “Did you find something, sir?”

Arc nods soberly. “Kinda. Well, think of it more like a hunch than anything concrete at this point.”

Twilight slowly closes the notebook. “What is it?”

Arc sets the magnifying glass down on the table and heads for the door. “I’ll be back in a bit. Both of you please wait here.”

As Arc leaves the room, Fire Streak looks to Twilight. She shrugs and carefully lays the notebook on the table. A short time later Arc returns with a nervous young mare following him. Closing the door, Arc speaks.

“Princess Twilight… Fire Streak… this is Cerulean Skies.”

Cerulean Skies waves a hoof shakily. “H-hello.”

Arc gestures to the table. “I’m sorry to bring you here on such short notice. But I have a theory and I’m hoping you can help set the record straight.”

“I’ll certainly try, sir.”

Arc gestures to the table. “Twilight, the notebook please.”

As Twilight begins the process of carefully opening the notebook, Arc continues.

“This item was just found this morning. I’d like you to look over a particular page and tell me it you can read it.”

Cerulean Skies nods. “Yes sir, I’ll do my best.”

Twilight carefully levitates the notebook toward the mare as Fire Streak gives her the magnifying glass. As soon as the page comes into view however, she gasps and stares at it in disbelief for several moments. Eventually Cerulean Skies turns to Arc, her face ashen.

“Where did you find this, sir?!”

“I’m sorry, but we can’t say right now.”

Fire Streak points a hoof at the page. “Can you read the name on the far right, miss?”

Cerulean Skies nods fervently. “Yes! It says ‘Cerulean Skies’!”

Twilight eyes grow wide. “So this is your notebook?!”

Cerulean Skies shakes her head. “No, your highness! It’s my older sister’s pad!”

Fire Streak gasps. “Are you absolutely certain, miss?!”

“There’s one way to know for sure!”

Arc turns to her. “How?”

“Turn to the last page! My sister wrote her name on the inside cover!”

Carefully and methodically turning the notebook over, Twilight slowly and calculatingly opens it to the last page. Cerulean Skies points a hoof at a spot.


Arc squints. “Fizzlepop Berrytwist?”

Twilight looks to Cerulean Skies. “Who’s that?”

“My sister’s real name!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You mean…?”

Cerulean Skies nods. “Tempest!”

“Her real name is Fizzlepop Berrytwist?!”

“Yes! Um… you might want to keep that to yourself though, sir. She never really liked that name.”

She looks to the items on the table before continuing.

“But I would like to know where this notebook was found. It may help lead us to our lost parents.”

Arc sighs. “Cerulean Skies, I… um… I think… that we need to tell Tempest about what we found here.”

Twilight quickly chimes in. “Before continuing the story, that is.”

Fire Streak looks to Arc. “Could you bring her here, please?”

Arc nods soberly. “Sure.”

Turning to Cerulean Skies, he continues.

“Let’s go.”

Cerulean Skies smiles and trots after him. “Right behind you, sir!”

Arc and Cerulean Skies leave the room. Opening a portal, Arc motions for her to step through. Reappearing in the Ponyville Hospital waiting room, Arc gestures for the mare to follow him. As they walk, she turns to him.

“Um… what are we doing here, sir?”

“This is where your sister is.”

Cerulean Skies gasps. “Oh my! Is she alright?!”

Arc nods. “Yes, she’s fine. Tempest has been staying here to watch over her… um… alleged former commanding officer.”

“You mean Captain Decimus?”

“Kinda. It’s really complicated.”

Coming to the now familiar door, Arc knocks lightly before entering. Looking to the bed, they spot Tempest sitting in a chair slumped over the bed. Cerulean Skies smiles and walks over to her as Arc hangs back. Putting a hoof on her sleeping sister’s shoulder, Cerulean Skies gently shakes her as she speaks.


Slowly opening her eyes, Tempest appears confused.

“Cerulean Skies? What… what are you doing here?”

Cerulean Skies gestures to Arc. “The Hero of Light brought me.”

Tempest raises an eyebrow as she sits up. “Why though? Thought I could use the company?”

“You could, I suppose. But that’s not actually why we’re here.”

“Then why…?”

Cerulean Skies grins as she interrupts Tempest. “They found something!”

Tempest frowns. “Found what?”

“Information on our parents!”

Tempest sits up so fast her chair falls over. “WHAT?!”

Arc nods. “It’s a possible lead, yes. I need you to come with me to Canterlot Castle and… look over what we found.”

Tempest walks around the edge of the bed hurriedly. “Then let’s go!”

Cerulean Skies looks to the stallion lying on the bed. “What about Captain Decimus though?”

Tempest sighs. “The doctor says he’ll be out for a while longer. That and if he were awake right now he’d tell me to go.”

Arc opens a portal. “Shall we be off?”


Arc opens a portal and allows the two mares to go through first. Following them, the swirling energies collapse upon themselves leaving the hospital room silent as it was before. The stallion in the bed smiles slightly in his sleep but does not open his eyes. Meanwhile, Arc, Tempest, and Cerulean Skies reappear in Arc’s quarters in the castle. Tempest walks quickly toward the door and out into the corridor. Calling out to her sister, she does not look back.

“Give me the details!”

“Well… Hero of Light Arc brought me here to examine an item they found somewhere. “


“It’s classified at the moment.”

Tempest grits her teeth angrily. “It if means potentially finding our parents, it had better get unclassified, and quickly!”

“Sister, please! Rules are rules!”

Arc continues. “Cerulean Skies told me that the notebook in question is yours from years ago.”

Tempest looks over at her sister. “How can you be so sure?!”

“Because it had your name in the back.”

Arc nods. “Yeah. Fizzlepop Berrytwist, I believe.”

Tempest stops suddenly. Turning her head she looks to Arc, clearly furious.

“Do not… EVER… say that name again!”

“Okay, okay. Sheesh.”

Cerulean Skies whispers to Arc as they begin walking again. “As I said before, Tempest’s never liked that name. Even when we were little.”

“I believe that.”

Tempest snorts. “Cerulean Skies is the only one I’ve ever let call me by my birth name. Well, other than Decimus. And even then only when we were alone.”

Arc frowns. “Um, Tempest?”


“Where are we going?”

She stops dead in her tracks and looks suddenly embarrassed.

“I… don’t really know. The Audience Chamber, I would imagine.”

Arc points in the opposite direction. “It’s in the conference room.”

“Uh… which way was that again?”

“This way.”

Taking the lead, they make the short walk to their destination. Motioning for the guards to part, they are allowed entrance. As the doors are closed behind them, Tempest looks Twilight up and down before speaking.

“So you’re the newest princess, huh?”

Twilight nods and extends a hoof. “Yes. My name is…”

Tempest interrupts her. “…Twilight Sparkle.”

“Well, yes it is. But how did you know that?”

“Newspapers and radio reports. It’s not like you’re an unknown figure at this point, after all.”

“I… suppose not.”

Tempest walks toward the table. “But let’s get down to brass tacks. I want to see what this is all about.”

“Very well.”

Turning to the special case, Twilight carefully opens it and pulls out the notebook with her magic. Opening it to the first page, she displays the drawing. Tempest looks it over for a long moment before speaking.

“Now there’s a picture I haven’t seen in a long time.”

Cerulean Skies smiles. “Nor have I, sister.”

Fire Streak looks to Tempest. “So you’re saying that this is your old notebook?”

Tempest nods. “Yes, it is.”

Arc frowns. “I don’t get it. If it’s yours why write your name as ‘F.B.’?”

Cerulean Skies sighs. “Because I was the one whom drew that picture. You see, I was really little at the time and didn’t understand that it wasn’t mine.”

Tempest smirks and closes her eyes. “Yeah. I remember being so mad at you for doing that too.”

“But you kept it in there though.”

“After writing my name on the last page, yes.”

Twilight pipes up. “Would you like to see that?”

Tempest grimaces. “Not in the least.”

She turns to Arc before continuing.

“Now then, I would like you to tell me where you found this, and I mean NOW!”

Cerulean Skies grimaces. “But Tempest, it’s…!”

Arc interrupts her. “I’ll tell you, Tempest. However, you have to do something first.”

Tempest rolls her eyes. “You want me to sign a non-disclosure agreement, or something?”

“No. Just don’t fly off the handle and do something drastic.”

“When have I ever?”

Cerulean Skies puts a hoof on her chin. “Well, there was the time you…”

Tempest interrupts her. “Not a good time, Cerulean Skies!”

Twilight frowns. “Look, all Arc is saying is that this whole matter is part of an ongoing investigation that can’t be endangered by a single pony’s actions.”

Fire Streak nods. “It’s a matter of national security as well.”

Tempest rolls her eyes. “Fine. Whatever. Just give me the information and I’ll help out as best I can.”

Arc sighs. “Very well.”

He gestures to the items of the table before continuing.

“The notebook, along with all these other items, were found in a secret room in the changeling hive.”

Tempest raises an eyebrow. “Wait! You mean… in The Badlands?!”

Twilight nods. “Yes. You see, we were contacted by their new leader, King Thorax, about a hidden room that was found during demolition of their former hive.”

Arc picks up where Twilight left off. “Apparently they’re looking to start anew after Chrysalis’ departure. And that means getting rid of the old hive.”

Fire Streak taps the table. “There was a secret door in the former queen’s quarters that led to a small room nearby.”

Twilight sighs. “And in it were a large number of pony… skeletons.”

Tempest turns to Arc. “You mean… there were no survivors?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Other than that stallion back at the hospital, no.”

“That’s Decimus I tell you!”

“As far as I’m concerned, the jury’s still out on that one.”

Tempest looks back to the notebook in the box. “So what was this notebook doing with the skeletons?”

Cerulean Skies steps forward. “Tempest… I think you and I already know the answer to that question.”

There is a long pause as Tempest looks at the notebook silently. Turning to Fire Streak, she speaks.

“Did they have anything else on them?”

Fire Streak shakes his head. “Other than that, no.”

Tempest walks toward the door. “I want to see the crime scene for myself.”

Cerulean Skies gasps. “It’s all the way across the country though, Tempest!”

Twilight sighs. “And it’s already been cleared.”

Arc nods. “Right. There’s nothing there anymore.”

Tempest turns to Fire Streak. “Standard procedure is to photograph the scene, is it not?”

Fire Streak nods. “Yes, ma’am.”

“I need to see the photos of the victim whom this notebook was taken from.”

“That’s up to the Hero of Light, miss.”

Arc nods. “Go ahead.”

Reaching out, the stallion picks up a folder. Opening it, he flips through a number of pictures before pulling out two and laying them on the table.

“The notebook was found underneath this body.”

“Was it of a male or female?”

Fire Streak looks over his papers. “The skeleton was of a male.”

Cerulean Skies puts a hoof on her sister’s shoulder. “Is that important?”

Tempest nods as she grits her teeth. “The day we left to go play in the forest… I remember our father having it in his hooves. He was going to look over my homework later that morning.”

She looks to the pictures and touches it with a hoof before bowing her head.

“This… may very well have been him.”

Turning to Arc, she continues.

“But there is one way to know for sure.”


“I need to examine the body myself.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You need to… what?!”

“Show me the actual skeleton!”

Cerulean Skies shakes her head. “Sister, I don’t see how that could possibly…”

“Trust me!”

Fire Streak looks to Arc for guidance. Sighing, the young man nods silently.

“Go ahead. But you may not touch the body itself, Tempest.”

“I understand.”

Leading her toward the door, Arc and Tempest walk with the procession down the corridor and to the castle Infirmary. Finding Doctor Whooves going over a body with a forensics team in the back, Arc speaks.

“Doctor Whooves, a word.”

The doctor puts down his tools and removes his ‘gloves’ before approaching Arc and company.

“Yes sir, what can I do for you?”

“I need to see one of the victim’s bodies.”

Arc gestures to Fire Streak before continuing.

“He has the identification number.”

Fire Streak reads it off his clipboard as the doctor writes it down on a piece of paper.

“Very well. Please follow me.”

Arc turns to the others as he heads for the back. “Tempest and I will do this alone.”

Following the doctor to the back room, they are led over to a wall of large drawers. Looking over the labels for a few moments, Doctor Whooves pulls one open slowly to reveal the remains of the a fore mentioned stallion as he speaks.

“We’ve laid the bones out as best we are able. This is for study purpose.”

Arc turns to Tempest. “What did you want to see?”

Tempest points a hoof. “The front left femur.”

The doctor carefully lifts the bone up with his magic. Holding it up for Tempest, she looks it over for a few moments before looking to the doctor.

“Can you do an x-ray of this bone?”

“Yes, I can. But it doesn’t appear to be broken or even fractured.”

“I know that. However, I want to know if there are any signs of it being broken anywhere in the past.”

Arc looks to the doctor. “Is that even… possible?”

Doctor Whooves nods. “Yes there is, sir. But not with an x-ray machine, no. We can use a bit of powder though.”

“How would that…?”

“I’ll show you.”

Heading back to the other room, the doctor returns a short time later with a container. Putting the bone in a tray, he liberally douses it in powder. Picking up something akin to a makeup brush, he carefully dusts away the powder. Setting down the brush, he follows up with a large magnifying glass and looks it over very carefully before turning to Tempest and speaking.

“There we are. Three fractures on the top and one near the middle.”

Arc leans in. “That’s incredible! How does that powder work?!”

“It’s actually just baby powder. You see, when a pony’s bone breaks, even if it heals properly, there will always be a very, VERY small line left behind which can be found by using the method I just demonstrated.”

Arc puts a hand on his chin thoughtfully. “Interesting. I’m pretty sure humans don’t have that.”

The doctor raises an eyebrow. “Sir?”

“As in once a bone has healed no sign of the break remains.”

Arc looks to Tempest before continuing.

“But what does this have to do with anything?”

Tempest grimaces. “When I was a filly, my father had a bad fall while fixing our house’s roof. He broke his leg in three places.”

She points to the leg bone before continuing.

“And those were the places where it broke.”

Doctor Whooves nods soberly. “So you’re certain that this is your father, ma’am?”

Tempest sighs. “Yes, it is.”

“Then the mare in the cage next to him could have been his wife.”

The doctor taps a clipboard before continuing.

“According to the report here, when the skeletons were found these two were reaching out toward one another as if they were trying to hold hooves.

“That sure sounds like something they would do. Might I see her body please?”

Doctor Whooves stands. “Of course.”

Walking over to another drawer, he pulls it open to reveal another skeleton. Tempest looks it over for a few moments before nodding and pointing a hoof.

“That’s her, yes.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “How can you be so sure?”

“Two things stand out. One, the horn color. It matches my mother’s. Second, there’s slight chip near the base. She tripped and hit her head on a rock one winter when her hoof caught some unseen ice.”

Doctor Whooves writes on his clipboard. “I’ll record their names and deaths for the public record. But I’ll need some information from you first, miss.”

“Sure. One second.”

Turning to Arc, Tempest continues.

“Could you please go back to the front and ask Cerulean Skies if she’d like to see our parents one last time?”

Arc nods. “Sure. I’ll meet you in the corridor when you’re done with the doctor.”

Turning, he leaves the back room. Spotting Cerulean Skies standing with Twilight and Fire Streak he moves to join them. Walking over to her, he bows his head.

“Your sister has confirmed that both of your parents were among the bodies found.”

Cerulean Skies groans. “I knew it.”

“Tempest is helping Doctor Whooves fill out the official reports now. But she wanted me to come out here and ask if you wanted to see them one last time.”

Cerulean Skies shakes her head. “No thank you, sir. While I don’t remember much about them, I don’t want the most vivid memory to be of them like that.”

Twilight puts a hoof on Cerulean Skies’ shoulder. “That’s probably for the best.”

Fire Streak turns to her. “Some ponies need to see the bodies for cloture. Like your sister, for example.”

“Tempest always liked to say ‘I’ll believe it when I see it’ when we were little. Guess she just had to know for certain.”

A short time later Tempest and Doctor Whooves emerge from the back room together. Tempest looks to her sister.

“It’s done.”

Cerulean Skies bows her head. “Thank you, Tempest.”

Doctor Whooves nods. “Fire Streak and I will start with your parents next so as to expedite this process.”

Fire Streak sighs. “Their examination should conclude by this evening, I would imagine.”

“After that point, their remains will be released for transfer in whatever method of tending you desire.”

Tempest sighs. “Good. I’ll…”

Cerulean Skies interrupts. “Might I be allowed to do that, Tempest?”

“Cerulean Skies?”

“I just… really would like to take care of them. Just this once. Like they did for me in what few memories of them that I do have.”

“Sure. Just let me know if you need help with anything.”

Turning to Arc, Tempest frowns.

“But at the moment, I need to take care of somepony else.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Who?”

Tempest grits her teeth as she calls forth Light’s Bane. “Chrysalis! Whom else?!”

Arc appears hopeful. “Do you know where she is?!”

Tempest turns and heads for the corridor as she seethes. “No! But I do know who would!”

Walking over to the center of the hallway, Tempest makes a slicing motion with Light’s Bane. A portal opens and she heads for it. Cerulean Skies gasps and calls out.

“Tempest! What is this?!”

Tempest looks over her shoulder. “A portal to the Council of Shadows’ headquarters.”

Twilight gasps. “What?!”

“I’m going to see the Dark One. He has to know where to find Chrysalis.”

Arc steps forward. “Want some company?”

Tempest scoffs. “Company?”

“I wouldn’t mind talking to him again myself.”

Tempest frowns. “You do realize that I’m going to the council’s innermost sanctum, right? You’d be at his mercy should he decide to end you right then and there.”

“A risk I’m willing to take.”

Twilight gasps. “But why, Arc?!”

“Because I want to know where Chrysalis is too. And how the changeling’s antics were part of their plan.”

Tempest sighs. “Fine. But if you make him angry, you’re on your own.”


Calling forth his armor, Arc turns to Twilight and playfully salutes her.

“Be back in a bit, your highness.”

He and Tempest enter the portal as Twilight waves a hoof nervously. As it closes, Cerulean Skies turns to her.

“Why did you let him go, your highness?”

Twilight bows her head. “I can’t actually force Arc to do anything.”

Sighing, she sits down and leans against the wall before continuing.

“That… and when he sets his mind to do something, nothing will change it.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Tempest reappear in a dark cave. Arc looks around as he speaks.

“Where are we?”

Tempest rolls her eyes. “Our hideout. Like I said a few moments ago.”

“And that is…?”

Tempest holds out Light’s Bane to light the way. “A secret.”

She begins walking with Arc by her side. A few moments later they emerge into a massive inner cavern. A large table stands before them covered in papers, maps, and writing utensils. Tempest walks over to a small gong and taps it with her spear. Arc covers his ears as she does so before calling out.

“What the heck was that for?!”

Tempest frowns. “To call an assembly of whomever is here. Think of it like our doorbell.”

“Next time let’s just knock then.”

A few minutes later the sound of hooves walking toward them echoes out. Emerging from a dimly lit corridor, the Dark One makes his way over to the table to stand opposite of Tempest and Arc. He snorts as he points a hoof toward Arc.

“What… is he doing here?”

Tempest shrugs. “The Hero of Light just wanted to… tag along.”

Arc folds his gauntlets over his chest. “Right. We need to talk.”

“Regarding what exactly?”

“Chrysalis’ role in your little organization. How does she fit in here?”

“She provides, or I suppose ‘provided’ would be the correct term, information to us.”

Tempest frowns. “Changelings make decent enough scouts, I suppose.”

Arc clenches a fist. “And her attack on the Crystal Empire?”

“Not part of my plan, no.”

Arc glares at him. “You really expect me to believe that?!”

“We have simple rules here, Arc. You give us what we ask for and in return the council allows you to do whatever it is you want.”

Tempest looks to Arc. “It was probably part of her larger plan to take down the Equestrian government.”

“Maybe. But we need to ask her ourselves.”

Tempest nods as she again faces forward. “Where is she, Dark One?!”

The Dark One scoffs. “Do you really believe that I know? You were here when she departed after failing to convince us to help her retake her hive.”

“Yes, I was here. And I know that you don’t leave anything to chance. Or… loose ends.”

“That is true. However, I’ve only kept tabs on her when she was in the area.”

Arc appears hopeful. “So she’s still nearby?!”

“Correct. I can sense her unique magical powers over a fairly large distance.”

“Then tell us where to find her!”


Tempest seethes. “WHAT?!”

“There is no reason for you to go after her, Tempest. In fact, she may still be of some use to us one day.”

Tempest stomps a hoof angrily. “She needs to go down!”

“You seek revenge.”

Arc frowns. “How…?”

The Dark One chuckles darkly. “I can sense the feelings of sadness and rage from within her.”

“Then you can sense my desire to rip her apart!”

“Yes. However, you must remember that the oath we all took was to aide and support the cause without directly interfering with other member’s activities.”

Tempest sputters angrily. “She killed my parents!”

“Unfortunate, but ultimately not part of the grander plan, Tempest.”

“Neither is a former member that flies off!”

“Still… it would be best if she were left alive. That is… unless you could replace her with someone far more… useful.”

He looks to Arc and smirks before again addressing Tempest.

“Was that your plan in bringing Arc here?”

Tempest rolls her eyes. “Believe me, that’s not an option with him.”

Arc nods. “Right.”

The Dark One shrugs. “Then it appears that we have nothing more to talk about.”

Turning, he begins walking away. Tempest seethes and calls out after him.

“Where do you think you’re going?!”

“Back to what I was doing. Actual work that benefits the cause.”

Tempest jumps up on top of the table. “Not before you tell me where to find Chrysalis!”

“Make me.”

Screaming out in a rage, Tempest charges toward the Dark One with Light’s Bane at the ready. However, as she swings at him, the Dark One effortlessly stops her blow with a fetlock to prevent the blade from hitting him. With a quick motion, he wraps the other fetlock around the scythe’s shaft and pulls it from Tempest’s grasp. Tossing it aside, he blasts her in the face, stunning the mare. Using the momentum, the Dark One pulls a blade from his cloak and stabs Tempest in the chest with it. Her eyes wide, she gasps before falling to the ground. Arc runs over to her and presses against the wound as Tempest gasps and writhes on the ground.

“Can’t… breath…!”

Arc picks her up. “Don’t worry! I’ve got you!”

Raising his gauntlet, Arc looks over his shoulder as the portal forms.

“This conversation isn’t over, Dark One!”

Running through the swirling energies, Arc vanishes from sight as his portal closes behind him. Turning, the Dark One picks up Light’s Bane and slings it over his shoulder. As he turns to walk away he chuckles and mutters to himself.

“You are indeed correct, young Arc. This is matter is not yet over.”

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