• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,571 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 5 - Tedious Talks

Sometime later Twilight slowly raises her head. Looking around, clearly confused, she gazes up at Arc as he pats her cheek.

“Have a nice nap?”

Twilight puts a hoof to her forehead. “How... how long was I out?”

“A couple hours.”


Arc raises an eyebrow. “Something wrong with that?”

“I’m so sorry, Arc! You must’ve been so bored!”

“Not really, no. In fact, at one point I lay my own head back and just kinda zoned out petting you.”

Twilight blushes slightly. “Sorry that my mane isn’t the softest.”

“I think it’s fine.”

“Um... Arc, I...”

A chirp rings out from Arc’s earring. Frowning, he touches it.

“Arc here.”

“Sir, this is Lemon Hearts. We’ve just spotted a very strange looking carriage coming toward the ship.”


“One minute, sir.”

“Any advanced word from the Griffon Kingdom?”

“Nothing through official or civilian channels, no.”

Twilight grimaces nervously. “The guards outside will stop them though, right?”

Arc nods at Twilight. “They will if they follow their orders. However we should still evaluate this situation as it unfolds.”

Clearing his throat, he speaks again.

Lemon Hearts, have General Shining Armor take some of our guards stationed outside the ship, along with Ambassador Ashe, and confront this newcomer. I’ll head over there myself in a few minutes.”

“Yes sir. What level of force is authorized?”

“I’ll leave that up to the general. Arc out.”

Touching his earring Arc severs the connection. Sighing, he looks down at Twilight.

“Sorry. Looks like our time together is being cut short again.”

Twilight nods sadly. “Yes. You go do what you have to.”

Arc wraps his arms around her and pulls her close. Whispering in her ear he smiles.

“Thank you for your time, princess.”

Twilight giggles as a small smile spreads across her face. “I did enjoy the nap though. Thank you for holding me as well.”

Arc chuckles as he stands with her in his arms. “We’ll have to do this again soon.”

Setting her down on a nearby mat, Arc pulls a towel off of a nearby shelf and wraps it around Twilight’s shoulders. Taking a second one, he begins drying himself before quickly dressing in his royal raiments again. Hurrying toward the door he turns and calls out as he leaves.

“Want me to call for your Hoof Maidens?”

Twilight shakes her head. “I can manage.”

Nodding, Arc leaves the bathroom and opens the door to the corridor. As he does so an alarm klaxon goes off. All the soldiers draw their weapons and stand at attention. Arc frowns as his earring chirps again.

“Lemon Hearts here, sir! We have a confirmed red alert situation outside the ship!”

Arc calls forth his armor and frowns. “Details!”

“None as of yet! The guards outside have engaged whomever was in that carriage and called out the alarm!”

“I’ll head out there and see what’s going on! Arc out!”

Turning to the guards he calls out.

“All of you will defend Princess Twilight with your lives until I return!”

They salute as one as Arc turns and hurries down the corridor. Calling forth the Spear of Righteousness as he approaches the Main Hatch Arc frowns.

“Goldstone must’ve gotten wind of what we’re trying to do to him.”

Running across the deck and down the gangplank Arc spies a group of pony soldiers pointing their spears at the griffons hitched up to a very bizarre looking carriage. Turning his head Arc spies several more griffon guards holding someone to the ground face down. Shining Armor is yelling at them.


The griffon says nothing as he continues.


Arc walks over to Shining Armor. “Um... excuse me, general.”

“Don’t worry, sir! We’ve got this under control!”

“Have they said anything?”

“Not yet, sir!”

“General, I get the feeling this isn’t what it looks like.”

Shining Armor points a hoof at the scene before them. “This carriage drove up, completely ignoring the guard’s orders to stop, and when our forces pulled them from the vehicle they tried to get away! There is clearly something nefarious going on here, sir!”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Well, I think you may have overlooked something.”

“This individual is clearly...!”

Ashe flies over from the ship breathlessly.

“Sorry I’m late! What...?!”

Arc interrupts her. “Do you smell something, general?”

Shining Armor sniffs the air. “Actually, yes. Could it be...?”

Arc facepalms. “Yes. It would appear that your captive has urinated themselves.”

Ashe frowns. “Captive?! But this is a youngling!”

Shining Armor nods matter-of-factly. “He could still be dangerous!”

Arc kneels down and turns the youngling’s face toward himself. “You mean ‘she’, general.”

“How can you tell from that... uh... end, sir?”

“The eyelashes are more pronounced on a female griffon.”

“Regardless of their sex they still violated the security of The Equinox!”

Shining Armor points a hoof at the griffon entourage pulling the carriage before continuing.

“And they also refused to answer any questions!”

Ashe rolls her eyes and groans. “That’s because it’s against the law for griffons pulling a carriage to speak unless absolutely necessary!”

Arc sighs as he motions to the spears that the guards have aimed at the griffons. “Yes, I can see how they would want to keep quiet at a time like this.”

Ashe turns to the ensemble. “I’m Lady Ashe, the Griffon Kingdom’s ambassador to Equestria. What is the meaning of this intrusion?”

The head of the griffons speaks. “We simply drove the mistress where she told us to, ma’am.”

“You did you job well then. However you must’ve known this was a secure area due to the heavy guard presence.”

“Yes, ambassador.”

Shining Armor grits his teeth at this. “Then why did you come here?! You had to have known that such could have resulted in your imprisonment!”

The griffon points to the youngling. “Because it would have been worth it to get away from the mistress!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Um... that seems a bit extreme.”

Ashe groans. “We’re not getting anywhere here, Lord Arc. Might I suggest taking the youngling into protective custody?”

Shining Armor shakes his head. “That would be a severe breach of the ship’s security though!”

Arc shrugs. “I suppose it would be. But our only other option would be to let her lie here in her own...”

Shining Armor interrupts. “But she could be here to hurt the princess!”

Ashe scoffs. “A youngling?”

“The security of Princess Twilight is my main concern!”

Arc sighs. “Fine, general. Restrain the youngling and have some guards take her aboard.”

Ashe motions for two griffon soldiers to grab the youngling. Doing so, Arc motions to the ship.

“Take her to the Infirmary and see to it Redheart looks her over at once.”

Shining Armor calls out after the guards. “She is to be guarded and restrained at all times though!”

He turns to Arc and salutes before following the guards toward the ship.

“I’ll personally watch her until we get to the bottom of this mess, sir.”

Arc nods. “Very well, general. She’s all yours.”

Ashe frowns as she calls out after Shining Armor. “This youngling is still owed griffon counsel!”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “Agreed. However I’d rather she speaks to someone else before you take her statement, Ashe.”

“Who though?”


“Why him?”

“He’s got a knack for talking to younglings.”

“That’s because he’s not yet fully grown.”

Arc shrugs as they follow the procession into The Equinox. “Then we need to use that to our advantage here.”

Looking to a stallion, he continues.

“Hold the carriage and the griffon’s that are pulling it until we figure out what’s going on here.”

They wordlessly salute as Arc continues on toward The Equinox. A short time later they arrive at the Infirmary with the prisoners. Shining Armor watches closely as the guards strap her wrists and ankles to a bed. Redheart walks over and looks to Arc.

“What happened here, sir?”

“This griffon violated the perimeter and had to be taken down. I need you to make sure she’s going to be okay.”

Turning to Ashe, Arc continues.

“Would you please bring Gallus here? I want him around in case she wakes up.”

Ashe nods. “Sure.”

As she leaves the room Redheart begins her examination. Part way through, Ashe returns with Gallus. Arc walks over to him as the guards maintain their vigil. Gallus is the first to speak.

“You wanted to see me, sir?”

“I did, yes. A young female griffon refused to respect the perimeter and had to be stopped by the guards.”

Gallus looks behind Arc at the obscured bed. “Defined ‘stopped’, sir.”

“Admittedly it would appear that the guards used a bit more force than was actually necessary, as she’s unconscious.”

Redheart calls out from the bed. “She appears to be relatively unharmed though.”

Gallus looks back to Arc. “So what did you need of me, sir?”

“Since you did so well with the other younglings, I was hoping you could help us interview her when she wakes up.”

Ashe nods. “All you have to do is be the first one she sees when she comes around.”

“I suppose I could do that.”

Arc steps aside. “Thank you. Go ahead and approach the bed.”

Shining Armor motions to the guards. They back away slowly as Gallus approaches. However as the youngling comes into view he gasps.

“It... it CAN’T BE!”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “Do you know this individual?”

Gallus nods as he groans. “It’s my little sister, Gabby.”

Arc frowns. “Your sister?!”

Shining Armor turns to Gallus. “Any reason she’d want to come here?!”

“Yes. She’s obsessed with Equestria and its customs.”

Ashe facepalms. “Are you saying that she only wanted to see ponies?”


Arc sighs. “Sorry about the rough treatment she received.”

Gallus waves a talon dismissively. “Don’t be. She probably deserved it.”

Shining Armor appears confused. “What do you mean?”

“Gabby’s always been one to act before thinking. Doing whatever it takes to get what she wants.”

Ashe frowns. “Not sure if that’s an admirable trait or not.”

Gallus shakes his head. “Believe me, it’s not.”


“Once she gets an idea in her head there’s just no getting it out of her. Like one time when she found out that griffons come from eggs, she took all the breakfast eggs out of the refrigerator and tried to hatch them under a warm lamp. Then she freaked out when they rotted and started to smell bad.”

The youngling begins to stir. Opening her eyes she looks over at Gallus. Grinning sheepishly, she calls out to him.

“Um... hi?”

Gallus glares down at her. “Yeah, ‘hi’ yourself, Gabby.”

“Did I do something wrong?”

“Are you serious?!”

Ashe steps forward. “Miss, I’m Ambassador Ashe. A representative for the Griffon Kingdom. I’m sorry for the rough treatment the guards gave you earlier. However...”

Gabby cuts her off. “Treatment?”

Ashe nods. “You must’ve been very frightened. After all, you appear to have wet yourself during your apprehension.”

“I actually did that earlier!”

Gallus gasps. “How?!”

“When I saw the pony guards, I... I got a bit excited and just lost control.”

Gallus facepalms. “Why am I not surprised?”

Ashe frowns. “You don’t remember being pinned to the ground during your arrest, miss?”

“No. But I do remember getting light headed and passing out when the pony guards charged forward. They just looked so... so COOL!”

Redheart looks over. “My findings do corroborate that theory. No concussions or other blows to the head were evident.”

Gallus frowns. “Yeah well... what’s the story this time, Gabby?”

“I just wanted to see a princess!”

Ashe folds her talons over her chest. “This is a secure vessel under the jurisdiction of Equestria. No one can just approach it without the proper clearance.”

“I know! But I was kinda hoping I might just see a royal through the windows!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “They’re tinted though.”

Gabby appears confused. “Tinted?”

Gallus points to a window. “It means you can’t look from the outside in!”

Gabby appears suddenly impressed. “HOW?!”

Gallus groans. “I don’t know! It’s just something Equestria does to its windows on airships, I guess!”

“Can we find out?!”

Shining Armor steps forward. “This ship is not a...!”

Gabby gasps. “A pony!”

Tugging at her restraints, she continues to call out.

“What’s your name?! When’d you get here?! Where’d you get your armor?! Why’d you come to our country?! How do you...?!”

Gallus cries out. “Gabby!”

“What is it?!”

“Look, you do realize you’re in a lot of trouble here, right?”

“For what?”

Ashe facepalms. “This isn’t getting us anywhere.”

She turns to Arc before continuing.

“Any idea’s, Lord Arc?”

Gabby gasps as she turns her head. “Lord Arc’s here too?!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Yes. But how didn’t you notice me until now?”

Gallus sighs. “Like I told you, sir. She only focuses on whatever’s right in front of her.”

Gabby frowns. “DO NOT!”

Gallus picks up an instrument from a nearby tray. Turning back to Gabby he speaks.

“Hey, Gabby. Did you know Equestrians have magical tools like this?”

Gabby grins. “They do?! What are they made of?! Who makes them?! How is it used?! Are they expensive?!”

Redheart raises an eyebrow. “That’s for checking reflexes. It’s just normal rubber, miss.”

Gabby frowns at her brother. “Gallus!”

Gallus shrugs as he sets down the tool. “I rest my case.”

Arc sighs. “In any case, I suppose we can release her bonds now.”

He motions to Shining Armor. The stallion steps forward and removes the binds holding the young griffon to the bed. She looks hopeful as she speaks.

Gabby looks to Ashe. “Can I see the ship now?!”

Ashe rolls her eyes. “Didn’t I say that this is a secure ship just a few moments ago?!”

Gabby shrugs. “I dunno. Did you?”

Arc sighs. “Pretty sure she did, yes.”

Gabby gasps. “I believe you, Lord Arc!”

Gallus shakes his head. “Good. Because you’re going home right now!”


“I’m going to get Natalya and together we’re going to make sure that you...!”

“Can’t I stay?!”

Shining Armor shakes his head. “No! Princess Twilight needs...!”

Gabby bursts into fresh exclamations. “So she IS here!”

Arc sighs as he turns to Gallus. “Just go get your sister.”

“Alright. Be right back.”

As he leaves the room, Arc turns to Shining Armor.

“Have some griffon soldiers help Natalya and Gallus take their sibling home. I’ll report to Twilight what going on.”

Shining Armor salutes as Arc turns and walks out of the room. Stepping down the corridor he motions for the guards to stand aside. Doing so they allow him entrance. Finding Twilight sitting on the couch nervously he closes the door and walks quickly over to her.

“Sorry for taking so long. Everything’s more or less resolved now.”

“What happened?”

“A youngling tried to get aboard.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “All that trouble over one youngling?”

Arc nods. “She refused to stop when ordered to and had to be taken into custody.”

“Oh my!”

“The surprising part was that she’s actually Gallus and Natalya’s younger sister.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Then why is she being forced to leave?”

“To maintain the security of the vessel.”

“But I would have thought she’d be welcome to stay with her siblings.”

Arc groans. “Believe me, Twilight, this youngling has the energy of a hyperactive rabbit on a sugar rush.”


“She talks a mile a minute, doesn’t really listen or pay attention to that which is around her, and just thinks she can go wherever she wants.”

“What’s her name?”

“Gabby. And she certainly earns it.”

“I wouldn’t mind her sticking around.”

“Having someone like her around isn’t good for your mental health right now.”


Arc interrupts her. “Trust me on this one, Twilight. You need to be able to get all the rest you can while we wait for our time to come.”

Twilight sighs. “Fine. I just wish I could have met her.”


“Other than Natalya, Gallus, and Ashe, I haven’t met any other griffons.”

Arc chuckles. “Well, personable ones anyway.”

“Maybe she could have helped me understand the brighter, youngling side of their society. I mean... she has to be able to sit still for at least a few minutes, right?”

“Imagine Pinkie Pie as a griffon.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “That really is hyperactive!”


“Well, if she comes back, I would like the opportunity to at least meet her.”

“Very well, Twilight. I’ll pass that along to the others. But are you alright?”

Twilight rubs her forehead. “I am a bit tired. However that’s normal.”

“How so?”

“This is about the time that morning audiences end and I get a break. Usually I quickly eat and take a short nap.”

Arc looks at a nearby clock. “Lunch and a nap does sound good about now. Want some company for that?”

Twilight nods. “I would like to eat with the others, yes.”

“Shall we head to the Cafeteria then?”

Twilight stands and nods. “Yes. Just let me brush my mane and tail first.”

Arc chuckles. “I would have thought you’d have done that already.”

“Well, I didn’t think I would be leaving my room again so soon.”

Sometime later Twilight finishes making herself look presentable. Walking over to the door, Arc opens it and leads Twilight outside to the corridor. Making the walk downstairs to their destination they find Shining Armor and Ashe sitting at a table eating together. Arc motions for the guards to return to their posts as the enter the Cafeteria together. The pair stands as they approach. Shining Armor is the first to speak.

“Hey Twilight.”

Ashe smiles at her. “Shall we get you something to eat?”

Twilight shakes her head. “A servant will do that.”

She motions to one standing near the kitchen door. He quickly approaches, bows, and looks Twilight in the eye.

“Yes, Princess Twilight.”

“I’m ready for lunch.”

“What would you like to eat, your highness?”

“Just whatever Saffron has made for others. No need to make a special dish for me.”

“Right away, your highness.”

He hurries away as Arc turns to Twilight.

“Are you really okay?”

“I am, yes.”

Ashe appears skeptical. “Are you certain? After all, you were in quite the state not that long ago.”

Twilight giggles as she glances over to Arc. “All I needed was a bit of rest and relaxation. With a good friend.”

Shining Armor raises an eyebrow. “And that helped... stabilize you?”

Twilight nods. “That it did.”

Arc smiles at her. “I’ll try to stay by your side as much as possible then while we’re here in the Griffon Kingdom.”

“Thank you, Arc. That is appreciated.”

A short time later Saffron emerges from the Kitchen with a plate of salad for Twilight.

“Here you are, your highness. Your favorite.”

Twilight smiles. “How did you know I would be coming though?”

Shining Armor rolls his eyes. “Um... you had to come here eventually for lunch, Twilight.”

“Oh... right.”

Saffron turns to Arc as she levitates a large silver platter over to the table. “And I have something special for you and Ambassador Ashe, sir.”

Uncovering the platter she exposes two perfectly cooked steaks. Arc grins.

“That looks great!”

Ashe nods nervously. “I agree. But we really shouldn’t be eating things like this in front of the princess.”

Twilight waves a hoof dismissively. “No, no. I told Saffron to make you two meat dishes as required by your diets.”

Arc smirks. “That was very kind of you, Twilight.”

Ashe nods. “Yes, this is appreciated.”

Shining Armor grimaces slightly at the sight of the red liquid pooled around the meat. “I... agree.”

Saffron turns to him. “Are you ready for lunch as well, general?”

“Not... right now, no.”

Arc’s earring chirps. Touching it, he speaks and begins cutting his meat.

“Arc here.”

“Sir, this is Lemon Hearts. We’ve just received a message from Lord Gestal of the Council of Lords. Shall I tell it to you here or transfer this to your office?”

Arc takes a bite. “Here’s fine.”

Lemon Hearts continues. “Lord Gestal sends his greetings and wishes you and Princess Twilight to know that he has spoken to King Guto regarding Equestrian methodology.”

Twilight appears suddenly nervous. “I hope we didn’t offend him or his king.”

“Quite the opposite, your highness. He’s asked to be allowed to come see her royal majesty regarding a certain request from the king.”

“Oh? What’s that?”

“Lord Gestal didn’t say any more than that, I’m afraid.”

Shining Armor frowns. “When does he want to come?”

“As soon as possible, general.”

Twilight looks to Arc. “What do you think?”

“More talking won’t hurt anything. That and Lord Gestal’s always been fair with me.”

Ashe nods. “He is known among the aristocracy for being the glue that holds the Council of Lords together.”

Twilight looks to the earring and speaks. “Send a response telling Lord Gestal that he is welcome here anytime.”

“Yes, Princess Twilight.”

Arc calls out. “Let us know his response as soon as possible too.”

“I’ll see to it, sir.”

“Very good. Arc out.”

Touching his earring, Arc cuts the feed and turns to Twilight.

“Now then... back to our meal.”

Twilight smiles as she levitates a fork to her mouth. “Uh huh.”

A few minutes later Arc’s earring chirps again. Frowning, he touches it.

“Arc here.”

“Sir, this is Lemon Hearts. Forgive me for disturbing you again, but we’ve just received a response from Lord Gestal.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Already?”

Shining Armor appears impressed. “That was fast.”

Ashe smiles. “What was the message?”

“That he will come at once.”

Twilight gasps. “So he’s on his way?!”

“Yes, Princess Twilight.”

Arc groans as he stands, picks up his plate, and hands it to a servant nearby. “I’ll have to take a rain check on this.”

Ashe sighs as she pushes back her own dish. “Indeed.”

The servant calls out after them. “I’ll have them put them in the refrigerator.”

Shining Armor looks to his sister as they hurry down the corridor. “We need to get you back to your room, Twilight. I’ll call for the Hoof Maidens.”

Twilight nods soberly. “Here we go again.”

Arc points. “I’ll go meet him on deck.”

Ashe smiles understandingly. “We’ll try to slow him down.”

Shining Armor appears relieved. “Thanks. The Hoof Maiden’s work fast, but not that fast.”

Parting ways, Shining Armor and Twilight go one direction as Arc and Ashe go the other. He turns to her as they walk.

“Any idea what this could be about, Ashe?”

“Not a clue. But whatever it is comes directly from the king.”

“What makes you say that?”

“As far as griffon manners go, it’s rather bad form to invite oneself to another’s residence. Less so as this is a foreign royal.”

“So you think the king told him to do this?”

Ashe nods. “I guarantee it.”

Arriving at the Main Hatch, the pair exit and make their way across the deck. Coming to the gangplank the stop and wait. It doesn’t take long for them to spy a carriage approaching the ship. Ashe calls out loudly.


The soldiers comply and form ranks as the carriage nears. Stopping at the bottom of the gangplank, the door opens and Lord Gestal steps out. Arc moves to advance and call out to him but Ashe grabs his arm as she hisses in his ear.

“It’s proper for us to wait for him to come to us.”

“What about security?”

Ashe frowns. “We watch his back and he watches ours.”


Ascending the gangplank, Gestal extends a talon to Arc.

“Thank you for seeing me so quickly, Lord Arc.”

Arc smiles as they shake. “It’s no trouble, Lord Gestal.”

Ashe motions to the ship. “Why don’t we head inside though, father? Security, and all that.”

Arc nods and gestures to the Main Hatch. “Indeed. This way please, sir.”

Entering the ship, Arc closes the hatch behind them. Turning to Gestal, he speaks.

“Welcome aboard The Equinox. Can we offer you a drink or light snack, sir?”

Gestal shakes his head. “Thank you, but no. My king has given me a task that must be completed as soon as possible.”

“What is it, father?”

“Forgive me, Ashe, but I cannot divulge that at this time.”

Gestal turns to Arc before continuing.

“My king’s personal wishes in addition to expediency.”

“I understand your position, Lord Gestal. However, Princess Twilight is currently readying herself to see you.”

Ashe nods. “Yes, father. One cannot rush beauty.”

“I... suppose not.”

Arc gestures down the corridor. “Then why don’t we have a seat in the Observation Lounge while we wait?”

“Yes, father. It gives a very nice view of the city.”

Gestal nods. “Very well.”

Leading her father down the corridor, Arc stays behind and touches his earring.

“Arc to Shining Armor.”

“Shining Armor here, sir.”

“Lord Gestal has arrived and is heading to the Observation Lounge. How are things coming with Twilight?”

“I’ll check, sir. One moment.”

The sound of knocking rings out along with a door opening. A few hushed moments later Shining Armor responds.

“Twilight will be ready in just a few moments actually. Shall we meet you at the Observation Lounge, sir?”

Arc nods. “Yes. And quickly too. For some reason Lord Gestal appears to be in a hurry. That’s something I’ve never seen from him before.”

“Yes sir. I’ll escort her there personally.”

“Good. And leave the guards behind too. This upcoming conversation could have sensitive information divulged.”

“I’ll have them continue guarding her quarters then.”

“Good. We’ll see you in a bit. Arc out.”

Turning, Arc heads to the Observation Lounge. Spying Gestal and Ashe sitting together at a table he joins them. Sitting, Arc turns to Gestal.

“Princess Twilight will be here shortly.”

Gestal nods stoically. “Thank you, Lord Arc. Again, I apologize for the timing and lack of notice.”

“This must be quite important for you to go to all these lengths, father.”

“It is indeed, Ashe. However, I cannot say any more until Princess Twilight arrives.”

A short time later Twilight and Shining Armor walk quickly into the room. Gestal stands along with Ashe and Arc. He bows respectfully as she extends a hoof to him cordially.

“Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, your highness.”

Twilight smiles. “It’s no problem, sir. What you have to say must be very urgent, after all.”

Gestal nods. “It is, yes.”

Shining Armor gestures to the table. “Why don’t we all sit down?”

They do so. Twilight looks to Gestal as she speaks.

“I’ll hear you now.”

“Thank you, your highness.”

Clearing his throat, Gestal continues.

“As I informed you earlier today, I planned to report your statement to King Guto regarding Equestrian culture.”

Arc smiles nervously. “And he was upset?”

Gestal shakes his head. “Quite the opposite actually. The king was very interested in such things.”

Shining Armor raises an eyebrow. “And you wished to inform Princess Twilight of this... development?”

“Yes. However I was also ordered to pass on a message.”

Ashe gasps. “From the king, father?!”

“Indeed. He wanted to officially request that Equestria send one of its princesses to meet with him regarding an exchange of cultural knowledge”.

Arc appears confused. “Meaning that we tell him about how our land does things?”

Gestal nods. “Exactly, Lord Arc. However I’d like to point out that, from our point of view, your nation already has someone in its midst that fills such a role for Equestria.”

He gestures to his daughter before continuing.


“Me, father?!”

“You are present in Canterlot Castle to advise Equestria regarding matters involving the Griffon Kingdom and its customs. King Guto simply wants to expand on his own knowledge as it pertains to Equestria.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Well... I’m not sure how much help I could be to him in this regard. However I would be willing to have a meeting with your king at his earliest convenience.”

Gestal smiles nervously. “Forgive me, Princess Twilight, but our king actually had a different idea in mind.”


“He wished to speak to Princess Luna.”

Shining Armor frowns. “But she’s not here.”

“I understand that. However, our ruler expressed a great interest in meeting specifically with her.”

Arc looks to Gestal. “Why Princess Luna though, if I may ask?”

“Apparently she had an intense impact on his perception of equines when the two met for the signing of the treaty some time ago.”

He turns to Twilight before continuing.

“Please do not take this as a slight against you though, your highness.”

Twilight smiles. “None taken. And I have to admit, Luna would be the better choice for this due to her years of experience ruling.”

Gestal bows his head, clearly relieved. “Thank you for understanding, your highness. It will be a standing invitation, but King Guto did ask that she come as soon as possible.”

Shining Armor groans. “Princess Luna is very busy ruling Equestria though. She can’t just get up and leave at the drop of a hat.”

“We should give them time to speak to her, father. Perhaps some headway could be made in that regard.”

Twilight nods. “Yes, I will contact her immediately and ask for a potential timetable.”

Gestal again appears apprehensive. “Again I must beg your forgiveness, Princess Twilight, but I did tell our king about Lord Arc’s ability to travel via portals over long distances.”

Shining Armor raises an eyebrow. “Why would that require an apology though, sir?”

“King Guto wanted me to pass on a dinner invitation to Princess Luna.”

“That is still not cause for...”

Gestal continues. “For tonight.”

Arc frowns. “It’s very short notice, sir.”

“And again I apologize. However, my king was very interested in seeing your Princess Luna again.”

Twilight stands. “I will call her immediately then.”

Arc rises as well. “Would you like to use the phone in my office, Twilight?”

“Yes, please.”

She turns to Gestal before continuing.

“In the meantime I shall leave you two in the care of General Shining Armor.”

Ashe smiles. “Yes, Princess Twilight.”

Gestal nods. “I shall wait patiently for your return, your highness.”

Arc motions for Twilight to follow him. Ashe looks to her father as they leave.

“What is the king thinking?!”

Gestal shrugs. “That is unknown to me, Ashe. He did seem rather apathetic to much of my report.”

Shining Armor looks to the lord. “Might I ask when that changed?”

“When I suggested we might learn more from contact with another Equestrian.”

Ashe narrows her eyes. “While Princess Luna is indeed the logical choice for such a thing, might I ask what exactly they will talk about?”

“I can only assume it will be in regards to diplomacy, trade, and Equestrian cultural norms.”

Ashe frowns. “There must be more to it than that though.”

“He did act a bit... strange at the treaty signing admittedly. However, it may have just been due to the situation before him.”

Shining Armor clears his throat. “Well, I do hope we can learn from one another. Remember, Equestria is a place of freedom and happiness. I’d very much like to see those things rub off on the king.”

Gestal smiles. “As would I, general. As would I.”

Twilight and Arc return a short time later. They approach Gestal together as Twilight speaks.

“Princess Luna would be delighted to meet with King Guto, Lord Gestal.”

Gestal appears hopeful. “Did she mention a date and time frame?”

Arc nods. “This evening after supper would work for her.”

“How about FOR supper?”

Twilight gasps. “With the king?!”

Gestal nods. “I know he would approve, your highness. Meals and meetings are his favorite combination, after all.”

Arc chuckles. “Then that will be the plan.”

Shining Armor frowns. “Forgive me, Lord Gestal, but I’ll need to verify the security of the Dining Room before tonight.”

Gestal shakes his head. “The king would not approve of such things.”

Twilight appears confused. “Sir?”

“He’s a bit... paranoid about the Aviary’s security. Letting outsiders study it would certainly lead to a conniption for him.”

“The general is responsible for her safety though, father.”

Gestal sighs. “I understand that, Ashe. However this is out of my control.”

Shining Armor puts a hoof on the table as he speaks. “Perhaps I could accompany her with a contingent of guards then.”

“It is unlikely he would go for that. King Guto made certain I understood that he wishes for this meeting to be a very personal matter.”

Arc raises a hand. “How about just I go with Luna then?”

Ashe looks to him. “You, Lord Arc?”

“I’m already known to the king and could effectively guard Luna during the meeting.”

Twilight chimes in quickly. “Not that she would need such a thing while inside the castle, mind you.”

Gestal puts a talon to his chin. “I would need some reason for the additional member to be present though.”

Ashe smirks. “Then tell the king that Princess Luna requires Lord Arc’s presence due to her own anxiety being an issue.”

“Yes... yes, that he would understand.”

Arc smiles. “Then it’s settled?”

Gestal nods. “That it is. Shall I ask the king to expect you and Princess Luna around seven?”

“I believe that would work, yes.”

Shining Armor gestures with a hoof toward the window. “My forces and I shall escort Lord Arc and Princess Luna to the castle via carriage.”

Ashe frowns. “But they’re needed here to safeguard the security of the ship.”

Arc nods. “My own squad will escort us then.”

“Very well. They, as well as you Lord Arc, will have full authority to defend yourselves from anyone foolish enough to try anything.”

Shining Armor nods soberly. “While it’s unlikely anything will happen, it’s always a good idea to be prepared.”

Twilight clears her throat. “Agreed. Now then, I need to notify Princess Luna of this slight change of plans..”

Gestal stands. “I’ll leave you to it then, Princess Twilight. Thank you for your prompt attention in this matter.”

Bowing, he is escorted back to the deck by Shining Armor and Ashe as Arc returns to Twilight’s room with her. Closing the door behind them he turns to see Twilight flop face first onto the bed and groan as she speaks.

“That was exhausting!”

“True. But it went well, right?”

Twilight rolls over to stare at the ceiling. “I guess so. But do you really think Luna will go for the whole dinner idea?”

“She will if I go with her.”

Twilight sighs. “You’re probably right.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Something wrong with that?”

“Not really, no. I’m just a bit... jealous of your ability to handle a situation by just being there.”

Arc shrugs. “We all do what we’re good at.”

Twilight shudders. “I just hope Rainbow Dash doesn’t find out about it.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Rainbow Dash find out about what?”

“She was really worked up a while back regarding Luna.”

“Yes, that was mentioned to me. I mean, does she think we’re seeing each other, or something?”



Twilight groans. “Well, that’s not completely true.”

“Maybe you’d better tell me about it then.”

“Rainbow Dash thinks Luna is trying to take you for herself.”


Twilight nods. “Yes.”

“But... what is she basing that on? I mean, Luna and I just have a working relationship. She’s nice, and all. But we’re just friends.”

“I told her that. However she has it in her mind that Luna must’ve done certain... things in her room when you took her out for dinner some time back.”

“Nothing happened. I just saw to it she got back safely.”

“And the rest of us believe you, Arc. Rainbow Dash is alone in her assumption that something is going on.”

“I’d better have a talk with her when we get back to Equestria. Set the record straight.”

“That might be kinda hard. I mean... once she has an idea in her head...”

Arc interrupts her. “Well, I have to try. But for now we should focus on talking this over with Luna.”

“Alright. Ready to head back to your office?”

Arc points to the telephone on the nightstand. “Or we could do it right here.”

Twilight giggles as Arc sits down on the side of the bed. “Perfect idea.”

Touching his earring, Arc speaks.

“Arc to Lemon Hearts.”

“Lemon Hearts here, sir.”

“I need to speak to Princess Luna at once. Hail the castle regarding this and have the call sent to Twilight’s room.”

“Yes sir. I’ll get right on it. Shouldn’t take too long.”

“Thank you. Arc out.”

He touches his earring again, severing the connection as he turns to Twilight.

“As long as we have a few minutes to spare, I do want to say something.”


Arc smiles at her widely. “It’s something I’ve been holding in for a while now.”

Twilight blushes slightly. “Have you?”

“Something I just really need to get out in the open.”

“This is rather sudden.”

“Something I’ve wanted to say for a long time.”

He takes Twilight’s face in his hands and smiles at her.

“You look really cute in a dress.”

Twilight giggles as Arc flops down on the bed next to her. They lie there for a few moments before Twilight turns to him.

“And I have to admit that you look amazing in your raiments.”

“Thanks. But truth be told I’m not a big fan of them.”

“Why not?”

“Because it makes me look better than others.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “You are though.”

“On the social ladder, yes. However I’d rather be happy than powerful.”

“Humility is one of your more endearing qualities, Arc. I mean... if you weren’t, I don’t think the others and I...”

She is cut off as the phone rings. Pressing a button Arc turns on the speakerphone.


“Arc, this is Luna. Is everything alright over there?”

“I suppose so, yes.”

“How’s Twilight doing?”

Twilight calls out. “I’m right here, Luna.”

“How are you holding up?”

“Had a bit of a panic attack earlier actually.”

Arc chimes in. “Sensory deprivation from an enclosed and soundproof carriage.”

“I’m thinking I’ll need the open air carriage if I’m to ride again without Arc by my side.”

Luna giggles. “Feel free to borrow it if need be. We’re certainly not using it much this time of year.”

Twilight breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Luna.”

“Now then, is that what you called to ask, Twilight?”

“Not exactly. You’ve been invited to dinner at the Aviary with King Guto.”

“Very good. When did he say?”

Arc grimaces. “That’s the thing. It’s tonight.”

There is a slight pause before Luna speaks.

“Are you serious, Arc?”


Twilight smiles nervously. “We’re sorry it’s such short notice, Luna. But Lord Gestal was very insistent that the king wanted to see you as soon as possible.”

“While that is... encouraging, I fail to see why such urgency is required.”

Arc sighs. “Agreed. But I’ve volunteered to accompany you to dinner. That is, if you’d like me to come.”

Luna sounds relieved. “That would be a great comfort to me, Arc.”

“I’ll come get you around six this evening then.”

“Very well.”

Twilight looks over at the clock. “That only gives you a few hours to get ready then, Luna.”

“I shall forgo my normal duties in lieu of preparing for my diplomatic dinner date tonight then.”

Arc nods approvingly. “We won’t keep you then, Luna.”

“Let me know if something changes.”

Twilight grins. “We will.”

Arc sits up. “Goodbye, Luna.”

“See you two tonight.”

Arc presses a button to hang up the phone before turning to Twilight.

“Um... just for the record, you aren’t upset that Luna called it a ‘date’, right?”

Twilight shakes her head. “Not at all. I knew it was just a figure of speech.”

“Yes, well... after what you told me about Rainbow Dash’s feelings, I just wanted to make sure you knew it was purely business in my eyes.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “What brought this on though?”

“A guy getting all dressed up to go to dinner with a different female than the one he was dating would upset a lot of women back home.”

“I believe and trust you though, Arc.”

“And the others? Would they be okay with this?”

Twilight nods. “With Luna, yes.”

“What about Rainbow Dash?”

Twilight sighs. “Believe me when I say that she does trust you, Arc. It’s Luna she’s suspicious of right now.”

“I’ll have to have a sit down talk with her about this.”

“One on one though, right?”

Arc nods. “Yeah. That way it’ll seem more personal. I’ll see to it after this mess is figured out.”

“Please do. However in the meantime you should have your best suit looked over by the royal tailor.”

“That might be a bit of a problem.”


“Remember, Luna’s dress probably also needs some work done on it. And they can’t do two super rush jobs.”

“How about Rarity then? She could get it done in a flash.”

Arc grimaces. “I suppose so. But I don’t feel good about that.”

Twilight giggles. “Don’t worry about it. She’s never too busy for you. That and it’s probably just a pressing that’s needed.”

“The scheduling isn’t the biggest problem though.”


Arc sighs. “It just feels wrong to show up out of nowhere and ask her to look over a suit that I’ll be wearing to go out with someone that’s not part of the herd.”

“If it bothers you that much I could have my Hoof Maidens go over it for you.”

Arc appears relieved. “Oh, would you?!”

Twilight nods. “They’re not seamstresses, of course. But they do have experience helping royals look their best.”

“Luckily I put it in my closet aboard ship before we left.”

“Good idea you had there.”

Arc groans. “Actually it was Rarity whom convinced me I should bring it. Which makes me feel bad about this again.”

Twilight sighs as she puts a hoof on Arc’s hand. “Trust me. This is fine.”

“Thanks for the reassurance, Twilight.”

Twilight giggles. “What are friends for?”

Arc puts a hand on her cheek. “Hopefully more than friends soon.”

“We’d have to go out first. See if it’d work between us.”

“Agreed. And I do hope that’s soon.”

Twilight sighs as she points to her crown on a stand across the room. “I’d have to give the reins back to Princess Celestia first.”

“That and I’d have to reappoint her.”

“All in due time, Arc. Like our own relationship it needs to be done, yes. But only when everypony involved is ready.”

“Sounds like you’re learning how to be a royal.”

Twilight appears confused. “I am?”

Arc nods. “Thinking of the big picture. Not just the short term.”

“But you DO think that Princess Celestia will one day rule again, right?”

“That’s up to her.”

Twilight sighs. “I hope so. After all, it would be terrible if I couldn’t be by her side like I’ve always wanted.”

“Then you’ll have to do your best to help her heal.”

“I will. But we’d both best start making dinner preparations, Arc.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Both?”

Twilight nods. “You’re going out tonight with Luna, and I’m going to help.”

“But how?”

“By making sure you both look your absolute BEST for tonight!”

Twilight motions for Arc to follow her to the door. Turning to her, Arc speaks.

“Um... where are we going?”

“Back to your room to get your black suit. I’ll call for the Hoof Maidens from there. That and they’ll work on making you look your best.”

Arc sighs as he puts a hand on the knob. “I still feel like a heel for making you do all of this, Twilight.”

Twilight smiles at him as he opens the door. “But that just shows how much I truly trust you in this regard, Arc.”

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