• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 6 - Expect the Unexpected

Arc, Sereb, Ember, and Dinky walk down a corridor in Canterlot Castle together. Cherry calls out to Dinky.

“I’m sorry your mother couldn’t come with us.”

Ember nods. “Yeah, she really liked Earth the last time she was there.”

Dinky smiles. “Yes, well… I understand her reasoning behind it. Miss Pommel needs the extra help. Also, Dad and I really need to spend more time together.”

Sereb turns to Arc. “You don’t think she’ll get lonely, do you?”

“Nah. Derpy’s going to be staying at the orphanage while Dinky and I are gone.”

Cherry calls out. “That does make sense. After all, there’s not much at home that she doesn’t have there.”

Dinky shrugs. “Nothing I can think of. Other than her mat, that is.”

Ember grins. “I saw her rolling it up as we were leaving, so I’m guessing she took it with her.”

Arc smiles. “Next time we’ll bring her along for sure, okay Dinky?”


Ember frowns. “What about Frank?”

Arc chuckles. “He said he wanted to help out at the orphanage too.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “That’s surprising.”

Ember nods. “Yeah. As worried as he was about his gang, I would have thought he’d be begging to come back.”

Arc turns to his friend. “Well, Frank understands he wouldn’t have anything to do. That would have just given him a lot of time to worry about them.”

Cherry sighs. “Keeping your mind off of troubling thoughts is easy when you have other things to do.”

They approach Princess Celestia’s room. Arc looks down at his daughter.

“You won’t be homesick without your mother, will you sweetheart?”

Dinky shakes her head. “No, dad. Remember, I was okay when I… never mind.”

Ember frowns. “When you followed Arc through the portal the first time?”

Dinky nods sheepishly. “Yes. But I promised I wouldn’t ever do that again!”

Arc pats her head. “I believe you, sweetheart.”

Coming to the doors, Sereb pushes them open with his magic before allowing the others to enter first. Sunburst looks over from the S.P.E.A.R, confused.

“You’re taking a filly with you this time, sir?”

“Yes. Is there a problem?”

“N-no sir. I’ll make sure to give all of you as smooth a ride as possible. Shall I enable the transformation sigil?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, we’ll be doing that here.”

Sunburst gestures to a corner of the room that has a large vanity screen covering it.

“As requested, I’ve set up a makeshift changing area back there for your female companions, sir.”

“Good. Dinky, you’ll find an outfit back there that should fit you.”

Sereb frowns. “What about Ember?”

Ember shrugs. “I left some clothes here last time. Just in case.”

Dinky giggles and grabs her father’s hand as she pulls him toward the screen.

“Come on, dad! You can help change me back into a little human filly!”

“Um… that probably isn’t a good idea.”

Dinky looks confused. “Why not, dad? I can’t change myself into a human without you!”

Ember grins. “She’s right, Arc. The spell requires a target creature.”

He sighs. “I suppose that’s true. Well, let’s get to it then.”

Arc, Ember, and Dinky step behind the screen. Ember and Dinky put on their respective robes as Sereb walks over.

“Are we ready to begin?”

Ember grins. “Sure are!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Tie your sash first, Ember.”


Arc looks over to her as he kneels down next to Dinky to tie hers. “You know why.”

Ember sighs. “Fine.”

Arc nods as he straightens up. “Go ahead, Sereb.”

Sereb’s horn glows as he casts the spell. In a few moments Ember and Dinky go through their transformation. Dinky giggles as she wiggles her fingers and toes happily.

“I sure missed these!”

Ember looks down the front of her robe, grinning. “And I missed having these.”

Dinky turns to her father. “What did Ember mean by that, dad?”

Arc frowns at Ember. “I’ll let her explain it.”

“N-nothing! It was… just a joke!”

Arc stands and turns to leave. “Sereb and I will let you two have some privacy so you can put on your clothes.”

Ember calls out after him. “You don’t have to…”

He shoots her a withering glance.

“Never mind.”

Arc motions for Sereb to follow him. Ember sighs as Dinky runs over to the hook on the wall. Removing her small robe, she hangs it up neatly before hurrying over to Ember with outstretched arms as the young woman removes her own robe.

“I’ll take that for you!”


Dinky takes the robe but pauses to look Ember over.

“Is… something wrong, Dinky?”

“I don’t know. How come you’re shaped differently than I am?”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “What are you talking about?”

Dinky looks down at her own naked body. “You have those two big bumps on your chest, and I don’t.”

“Yeah, I suppose.”

“Why’s that?”

Ember shrugs. “I guess it’s because I’m an adult and you’re a child.”

“But my dad doesn’t have them.”

“That’s true. Honestly, I’m not sure why not. You’ll have to ask him yourself about it. But for now we should get dressed.”


Dinky and Ember dress and step out from behind the screen. They see Arc talking to Auriel, whom had arrived while they changed. Dinky runs over to her.

“Hi, Miss Auriel!”

“Who are… D-Dinky?!”

Dinky grins. “Yup!”

Ember gives the demoness a thumbs up. “Me too.”

Auriel gasps. “Ember?! You look so… different than before!”

Ember tugs at her leather jacket. “It’s the clothes.”

Arc looks to Sunburst. “Is there time for Auriel to change?”

“Yes sir.”

Arc motions to Auriel.

“Right this way.”

“What for?”

Ember turns to Auriel. “Sereb needs to turn you into a human before we leave. Don’t worry. It doesn’t hurt.”

Dinky takes the young demon’s hand. “Come on, Miss Auriel! I bet you’ll be a very pretty human mare!”

They enter the screened off area again. Dinky picks up a robe from the hooks on the wall and hands it to Auriel.

“Here you go!”

“Can’t I just wear my lab coat?”

Dinky shakes her head. “I don’t think it would fit you afterwards. The robe has plenty of room to expand.”

Auriel sighs. “Very well.”

She disrobes and hands her lab coat to Dinky whom puts it dutifully on an empty hook. Turning back to Auriel, Dinky looks the now bare demoness up and down.

“You look kinda like Ember without your lab coat on.”

“Is that a good thing?”

“I think so. But you should put that robe on so Sereb can come in.”

Auriel does so. Dinky steps to the entrance and peeks out.

“We’re ready, Mister Sereb!”

Sereb walks over and follows Dinky over to Auriel.

“Please stand side by side.”

Dinky does so as Auriel appears suddenly nervous.

“Do I really have to do this?!”

Sereb nods. “Yes.”

Dinky looks up at her. “Do you want me to hold your hand, Miss Auriel?”

Auriel nervously nods. Dinky slips her small hand into the demoness’ claws before turning to Sereb.


Sereb’s horn glows as he casts the spell. A moment later Auriel the human stands before him.

“I’ll let you get changed.”

Auriel appears confused. “Changed?”

Sereb sighs. “You… don’t have anything to wear, do you?”

Auriel picks up her lab coat and sighs.

“There’s no way this will fit me now.”

Sereb nods. “You are a bit… bigger now, yes.”

“Let me ask my dad what we should do.”

She and Sereb step out from the screen. Dinky hurries over to her father who is talking to Sunburst, and tugs on his tunic.

“Yes, Dinky?”

“Do we have any more clothes, dad? Auriel…”

Arc facepalms. “I completely forgot!”

Ember shrugs. “What’s the problem? She has a robe on, right?”


“Yeah, dad. She’s covered. But…”

Sereb sighs. “Is something wrong?”

Dinky frowns. “Her chest is a bit smaller than Ember’s. Is there something wrong with her and I?”

Arc blushes. “Dinky, I… um… think you and I need to have a talk later.”

Dinky looks nervous. “Am I in trouble?”

“No, no. It’s just… there’s a few things you need to know about human females, okay?”


“Let me go talk to Auriel right now though.”

Arc steps over to the screen. He spots Auriel sitting in a chair, looking nervous. She stands as he walks over.

“Do… do I look okay?”

Arc nods. “Just fine. Now, uh… I’m sorry, but I kinda forget to get you anything to wear. We have clothes that will fit you at my house on Earth, but… um… you’ll have to go there in a robe.”

Auriel does her best to cover herself as the robe shifts slightly. “I… I can manage that long.”

“I think I have an idea.”

Reaching into his ring Arc pulls out the navy blue magic cloak. He hands it to Auriel.

“This should do a better job of covering you up.”

Auriel looks relieved. “Thank you! I’ll change and be right out.”

Arc nods and leaves. A minute later Auriel follows in the robe. Sunburst looks up from his controls.

“It’s time, sir.”

Auriel steps back nervously. Arc notices this and turns to the others.

“Go on ahead. I’ll be there in a minute.”

Ember looks to Dinky and extends a hand to the little girl.

“Shall we go?”

Dinky nods happily. “Uh huh!”

The pair walk through the portal together. Sereb returns to his cub form and follows them as Arc looks to Auriel.


Auriel nods. “I… I’ve never done anything like this before!”

“Admittedly the first time is kinda scary. But it doesn’t hurt, or anything.”

Sunburst looks over. “The ride should be very mild this time.”

“This time?!”

Sunburst nods. “Sometimes there’s turbulence.”

Arc sighs. “Not helping.”

“Oh… my apologies, sir.”

“Look Auriel. You don’t have to come if you REALLY don’t want to.”

“I… I would like to, yes. Going to another world is something no demon has EVER done before!”

Arc takes her hand and gently leads her toward the portal. “Just don’t let go of my hand, okay?”

Auriel smiles sheepishly and nods. She squeezes her eyes shut as they enter the portal together. A few moments later they step out onto Arc’s back lawn. As she feels the grass under her bare feet Auriel slowly opens her eyes.

“Arc… is this really…?!”

Dinky giggles. “Yeah, Miss Auriel! This is Earth!”

Ember grins. “It takes a little getting used to.”

Sereb looks around a few moments before speaking. “Arc, should your friend have a new name?”

Auriel looks confused. “A what?”

Cherry calls out. “Arc told Derpy and Dinky they had to go by some other names while they were here.”

Dinky grins. “Dad told everyone my name was ‘Daisy’.”

Sereb chuckles. “Yes. And Dinky’s mother was called ‘Dawn’.”

Auriel smiles. “I’d be willing to temporarily adopt a new name if you think I need one, Arc.”

“You could probably get away with using ‘Auriel’. While it’s certainly not a common name, it’s not going to raise any suspicious.”

“Oh… okay.”

Dinky tugs on her father’s tunic.

“Uh… d… dad?!”

“Yes, sweetheart?”

“I… um… I REALLY have to go to the bathroom!”

“Oh! Well, let’s go!”

Leading the group toward the house he catches sight of his Jeep parked in the driveway.

“That’s strange. What are they doing back here?”

Shrugging, Arc hurries to the door and unlocks it. Dinky runs past him toward the upstairs bathroom. Arc lets Ember and Auriel inside before bringing up the rear with Sereb.

“I will be inside momentarily.”

Arc chuckles as he looks down at the pup. “What? Do you have to go as well?”

“Just a bit of alone time, yes.”


He closes the back door and turns to Auriel.

“Welcome to my home. It’s not much, but you’re welcome here.”

“Thank you, Arc.”

She looks suddenly uncomfortable.

“Um… might you direct me to the restroom as well?”

Arc points to the basement door. “There’s one down there. Bottom of the steps and to the right.”

“Thank you.”

“Ember and I will head upstairs and find you something a bit nicer to wear.”

They part ways. Arc and Ember reach the top of the stairs just in time to hear an ear piercing scream.

“What the…?!”

Ember gasps. “That sounded like Auriel!”

“Come on!”

They run downstairs and into the Kitchen. The sound of men yelling can be heard as they open the door. Rushing downstairs, they find Auriel lying face down on the floor naked. Xenos sits on top of her, his knee buried painfully in her back as he holds her wrists. Viktor stands nearby with the tip of his spear touching her neck. Xenos screams at her.

“What are you doing here, witch?!”

Viktor seethes. “Never mind that! How did you find us?!”

They both look up as Arc comes into view.

“Commander! Thank Celestia you’re here!”

“She’s found us, sir!”

Arc’s glares at them. “What the…?! Get off her, Xenos!”

“But sir…!”


Xenos slowly stands, but maintains his grip on her wrists. Ember glares at the pair.

“What do you idiots think you’re DOING?!”

Viktor points. “Sir, Diva’s found us!”

Arc frowns. “That’s not Diva! It’s Auriel!”

Xenos gasps. “Wha-what?!”

Viktor stammers. B-b-but…!”

“Both of you stand down right now!”

The pair hurry to comply. Arc kneels down to the young woman and puts a hand on her back.

“It’s okay, Auriel. I’m right here.”

Ember hurries to grab a blanket off a nearby bunk as Arc helps her sit up. She drapes it over Auriel’s naked form as Arc picks the still shaking woman up and heads upstairs. Ember glowers at them.

“What is WRONG with you two?!”

Xenos wrings his hands. “I… we… she…”

Viktor hangs his head. “We’re very sorry.”

Ember groans. “You two really are a couple of screw-ups.”

She looks over to the navy blue cloak lying on the floor nearby and sighs.

“Well, I’m going upstairs to explain this to Arc and Auriel.”

Xenos steps forward. “We should do that.”

Ember shakes her head. “No way! She’s scared enough as it is!”

Viktor grimaces. “But…!”

Ember turns and heads for the stairs. “You two clowns get this mess cleaned up.”

Xenos appears confused. “Mess?”

Ember rolls her eyes as she speaks from halfway up the stairs. “You don’t smell that?”

Viktor looks at the spot Auriel had been lying to see a large puddle on the carpet. Xenos hangs his head in shame.

“We really messed this one up.”

“Yes, we did.”

“Now what?”

Viktor heads for the bathroom. “I’ll get some washcloths and cleaner.”

Meanwhile, Arc carries Auriel to the couch and sits down with her in his lap.

“It’s okay, Auriel! You’re safe!”

Auriel sobs. “I… I didn’t DO anything!”

“I believe you. Trust me, I’ll get to the bottom of this.”

Dinky runs down the stairs as Ember enters the Living Room.

“Miss Auriel?! What happened?!”

Arc frowns. “That’s what I’d like to know!”

Ember sighs as she sits down next to Arc. “It was just a big misunderstanding.”


“They honestly thought Auriel was Diva.”

“Maybe it was the cloak?”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Or those two are just idiots!”

Dinky frowns. “Miss Ember! That’s not very nice!”

Arc sighs. “Well… they really messed up this time.”

He looks down at Auriel. Her face is buried in his chest as she continues to sniffle.

“Why don’t we get you upstairs and into some clothes, Auriel?”

She nods silently. Arc picks her up and carries the young woman upstairs to his parent’s room. Ember and Dinky follow. Setting Auriel down on the bed he turns to Ember.

“Think she can fit into some of your clothes?”

“Probably. I’ll go get her something.”

Dinky grins. “Me too!”

The pair leave the room as Arc turns to Auriel.

“You going to be okay?”

Auriel nods sadly. “Y-yes. It was just so frightening being thrown and held down!”

“It sounds like an honest case of mistaken identity. But we’ll get their points of view when you’re dressed.”

Auriel nods and adjusts the blanket. Ember returns with an outfit as Dinky walks over to Auriel with some undergarments. Arc stands and heads for the door.

“I’ll step outside so you can get dressed.”

Auriel calls out in a worried tone. “You… you’re leaving?!”

“Just out into the hall.”

Auriel smiles and blushes slightly. “I’d… really like it if you stayed.”

Dinky looks worried. “That’s not a very good idea, Miss Auriel.”

Ember chuckles. “Yeah. Arc might just faint.”

“Oh… um… okay.”

Arc steps outside. “I’ll be just outside.”

The door shuts as Dinky hops up onto the bed. She pulls the blanket away to expose the young woman’s bare form. Ember shows her how to put on the undergarments. Auriel frowns.

“I don’t really understand why I need to wear these.”

Ember sighs. “You don’t want them sagging. Trust me.”

Dinky looks at Auriel’s chest. “I don’t think there’s much chance of that happening, Miss Ember.”

Auriel looks worried. “Is that bad?”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Which part?”

“My chest being smaller than yours.”

Ember shrugs. “I don’t think so, no.”

Dinky think for a moment. “There was a show on TV where all the stallions were looking at this mare with a really big chest. A much prettier mare with smaller lumps was standing nearby. Nopony even looked at her though.”

Auriel frowns. “Why not?”

Dinky shrugs. “I dunno.”

Ember puts a finger to her chin thoughtfully. “So human males like big chests, huh?”

“It looks like it, yes. But maybe not.”

Auriel turns to the little girl. “What do you mean, Dinky?”

“Well… when my mom was a human mare, she had really big mounds. My dad didn’t treat her any different than when she was a pony though.”

Ember shrugs. “Yeah, I suppose that’s true.”

She frowns as she looks down at her own sizable chest.

“That and she’s bigger than I am.”

A few minutes later Dinky opens the bedroom door.

“She’s ready, dad.”

“Good. Let’s have a look.”

Stepping into the room he sees Auriel standing there nervously looking down at her feet. She is wearing a pair of jeans and a button down shirt.

“Do I… look okay?”

Arc nods. “You look very nice, Auriel. How do you feel?”

“A bit… hemmed in.”

Ember clears her throat. “She’s not used to wearing undergarments, Arc.”

Dinky nods. “It does take some getting used to.”

“I suppose so. Now then, if you’ll excuse me, I need to head downstairs and punch Xenos and Viktor in the mouth.”

“Dad, you’re not really going to do that, are you?”

Arc sighs. “No, even though they kinda deserve it. Why don’t you three head downstairs and wait for me on the couch? I need to go talk to my guys.”

Nodding, they head downstairs as Arc returns to the basement. Xenos and Viktor are waiting for him.

“What the heck were you guys THINKING?!”

“We’re really sorry, sir.”

“Is Auriel okay?”

Arc glares at them. “She’s calmed down quite a bit. Honestly, of all the people to do that to and you pick AURIEL?!”

Cherry sighs. “She’s already a very nervous individual.”

“Right! And why did you two STRIP her?!”

Viktor hangs his head. “So she couldn’t cloak and get the jump on us, sir.”

Xenos nods as he blushes. “We had no idea she was naked under there.”

Arc sniffs the air and frowns.

“Is that what I think it is?”

Viktor nods. “Yes sir. We did our best to clean it up, but the smell…”

Xenos sighs. “She must’ve been pretty scared.”

“Oh yeah. Now then, I’m going to march you two up there right now so you can apologize.”

“Yes sir.”

“We’re really sorry.”

Arc points up the stairs. “Save it.”

They head upstairs and into the Living Room. Auriel shudders as they come into view. Xenos and Viktor hang their heads in shame.

“We’re very sorry, ma’am.”

“Yeah. It won’t happen again.”

Auriel shrinks back. “Why though? Why did you DO that?!”

Viktor mumbles. “In that cloak you looked like one of the commander’s enemies.”

Dinky looks confused. “Who?”

Xenos sighs. “A magic user known as Diva.”

Arc looks at Auriel. “Hm…”

“Arc? Is something wrong?”

“I kinda see it now.”

Ember gasps. “Yeah, me too.”

“Dinky, would you go downstairs and get that cloak, please?”

“Okay, dad.”

She runs downstairs but returns a few moments later with the cloak.

“Here you go, dad.”

“Thank you, sweetheart.”

He looks to Auriel.

“Would you please put this on again?”

“Oh… okay.”

Standing, Auriel quickly pushes her jeans down exposing her panties. Arc, Xenos, and Viktor blush heavily as Arc quickly calls out.

“I… I meant over your clothes!”

“Ah! I can do that.”

Pulling her pants back up, Auriel wastes no time slipping into the robe before turning to the others. Arc nods.

“I can see it.”

Ember grins. “Yeah.”

Auriel looks to them nervously. “Is something wrong?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. But would you do me a favor?”

“What is it?”

“Make a face.”

Auriel appears confused. “Excuse me?”

“Smile for me.”

Auriel folds her hands and smiles warmly. Arc shakes his head.

“No, no. Um… how do I put this? Look more… angry.”

“But I don’t…”

Ember cuts in. “How about the face your father makes when he’s about to kill someone?”

Auriel narrows her eyes and smiles wickedly. Dinky jumps back.


Arc nods. “Perfect.”

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