• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 7 - Blink!

Arc returns to the living room. Derpy looks to him nervously.

“Everything alright?”

“Yeah. That was Fluttershy.”

Dinky gasps. “She went all the way to Redemption Village to call you?”

“Looks like it.”

Hammer appears confused. “Fluttershy? Redemption Village? Is that code for someone in New Jersey, or something?”

Arc chuckles. “She’s someone from the other country.”

Hammer grins. “Another lover?”



“She’s another one of the mares whom wants to form a herd with me.”

Scootaloo puts a hand to her forehead. “This is very confusing.”

Hammer nods as she frowns. “Yeah. How many other horses are you seeing?!”

“It’s… complicated.”

Dinky looks to Sereb. “Is it?”


Hammer grunts. “Come on! Give me a number at least!”


Arc takes a deep breath before continuing.

“Two Unicorns, three Pegasi, two Earth Ponies, one demoness, and a dragon.”

Cherry calls out to them. “Three Earth Ponies if I was still alive.”

Dinky frowns. “What about Miss Lily?”

“I don’t think she’d want to be part of a herd, no.”

Hammer grins. “Well, I do!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Really?”

Derpy giggles. “We’d be sister wives!”

Scootaloo frowns. “I want to get to know these individuals better before my Big Brother gets too close to anypony!”

Dinky nods. “Me too. But I would love to be sisters with my two best friends back home.”

Arc sighs. “We all need to do a lot of thinking, learning, and planning before doing anything about this.”

Hammer looks down at her belly. “Yeah! Like who gets to make babies first!”

Arc groans. “And that’s my cue to table this discussion.”

Hammer puts her hands on her hips. “You know I have the body for it.”

The phone rings. Arc hurries to answer it as Cherry giggles.

“Perfect timing.”

“I couldn’t agree more, Cherry.”

Picking up the receiver, Arc puts it to his ear.


“Good day, my friend.”


“Tis I.”

“What’s up?”

“We’ve been quite busy on this end. Today’s big event was getting this landline installed. You’re our first call.”

“That’s good news. Sounds like you’re doing well over there.”

“Yes, indeed. How are things with your household?”

“Dinky has a bit of a cold at the moment.”

“Oh my! Will she be alright?!”

“Oh, yes. She’s lying on the couch resting right now. While her mother and I look over her.”

Hammer calls out. “What about Sereb and I?!”

Scootaloo grins. “Don’t forget about me!”

Frank frowns. “Sounds like you have a full house over there, Arc. But we must be having a bad connection.”

“Sounds good on this end.”

“Yes, well… I thought for a moment that I heard Hammer’s voice over there.”

“Uh… you did.”

Frank narrows his eyes. “You can’t be serious.”

“I am. You see…”

The line suddenly goes dead.

“Hello? Frank?”

A magical backwash is felt as Frank Blinks into the room. Turning his gaze to Hammer, he stretches out a hand and casts a powerful Telekinesis Spell at the young woman. Lifting her off the couch as he glares at her.

“Don’t resist, worm!”

Arc calls out. “Frank, stop!”

Frank does not take his eyes off the woman before him as he begins to choke her. “You don’t know what she did to my boys in that base, Arc!”

“I know she was partially responsible, yes! But she’s changed!”

Sereb growls. “If Arc desires you to release her, I highly recommend you comply.”

Frank looks Hammer in the eyes as she struggles to breathe. Arc puts a hand on his shoulder and squeezes firmly.

“Release her.”

Grunting, Frank complies. Hammer takes a sudden breath as she falls back onto the couch. Glaring at him, she clenches a fist and closes the distance between them.

“What’s the big idea?!”

Frank grits his teeth. “I could ask the same of you, traitor!”

Arc pushes the pair apart. “Please, both of you. Mistakes were made on all sides, yes. But this bickering won’t solve anything.”

“What is she DOING here, Arc?!”

Hammer grits her teeth. “I’m living here! You got a problem with that?!”

“Indeed I do!”

Arc sighs. “Hammer doesn’t have anywhere to go right now.”

Scootaloo nods. “Right. She betrayed her sisters to help Big Brother recently.”

“She can’t be trusted!”

“Says you!”

Sereb shrugs. “Both speak the truth!”

Derpy grimaces. “Can we please talk about this like civilized individuals?!”

Dinky puts a hand to her forehead and grimaces. “Yeah. That and all this noise is starting to hurt my head.”

Hammer glares at him. “Quit causing a fuss, Fontaine!”

Frank points a finger. “This woman…!”

Arc looks to them angrily. “Both of you stop, NOW!”

There is a tense silence as Arc looks between the pair.

“There’s been wrongs done to both of you, by one another. No one here would argue that point. However, for you two to fight over it here and now would be a meaningless gesture at best. Now then… there’s nothing to be done about the past, so let’s just work on the present for a more amicable future.”

Hammer sighs. “Fine.”

Frank lowers his hands. “Very well. But I want to go on record as saying that I do not trust this woman.”

“Duly noted. “

Hammer turns to leave the room. “I’m gonna go write a letter to my sisters.”

Frank gasps. “Wait…!”

“She does that every day, Frank. Let her go.”

Frank seethes as Hammer heads for the basement. Arc clears his throat in an effort to change the subject.

“As long as you’re here, how are things back at the base?”

“We’re doing well enough, I suppose. The training of the other members in the arte of magic is slow, but sure.”

“I’m more interested in knowing that they’re learning to respect their powers too.”

Scootaloo appears confused. “Respect… power?”

Sereb nods. “Those whom do not keep their abilities in check can succumb to lording it over others.”

Derpy frowns. “How?”

Arc clenches a fist. “Taking what they want and thinking they’re in charge by default.”

Frank nods. “I’ve done everything in my power to instill that mentality. Everyone agrees that to misuse this power is to stand in direct opposition to everything the Shards stand for.”

He glances at Dinky and lowers his voice.

“Might I speak with your privately, my friend?”

“Sure. Where would you like to go?”

“Perhaps Shelly’s Kitchen would be a good place. After all, it has been quite some time since I saw our old friends.”

Arc turns to Dinky. “How do you feel, sweetheart?”

“Not too good. But I’m okay.”

Derpy puts a hand on Dinky’s forehead. “Sereb and I will stay with her.”


“Alright. Want me to drive, Frank?”

“That will not be necessary. Blink?”


Putting a hand on Arc’s shoulder, he concentrates and Blinks the pair to their destination. Lily walks over to them nervously.

“Is everything okay?”

Arc nods. “Yes, Lily. We’re both fine.”

“Good morning, Lily. Arc and I have come for a bite to eat over a friendly conversation.”

“Would you like your regulars?”

“Yes please.”

“Me too.”

Lily sighs. “I’ll get that right in. Shouldn’t take long as slow as we are. This kind of weather always does that.”

Frank smiles at her. “No rush, my friend.”

Lily heads back toward the kitchen as the pair head for a booth together. Frank turns to Arc.

“We really should do this more often.”

“Agreed. Um… dare I ask why Lily wasn’t concerned with you Blinking in here like this?”

“Because she’s fully aware of, and accepts, that I have magical powers. Not to worry though. I didn’t tell her of your own powers.”

“I appreciate that.”

“However, you should do that yourself.”

Arc sighs. “While I’d like to, I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”


“What could that knowledge do other than to make her and Shelly worry about me? That is assuming they believed me at all.”

Frank nods. “They would. Of that I am certain. Although I do understand where you’re coming from in your intent to keep that knowledge a secret.”

“I don’t like it either. Hopefully when this is all over we can sit down and tell them everything from start to finish.”


Arc nods. “About me being the Hero of Light, who Derpy and Dinky really are, Equestria’s existence, and even how and why I originally left town for a year or so.”

Lily returns a short time later with their food. Setting it down on the table she smiles at them.

“Here you are.”

Frank grins. “Thank you. How’s Shelly today?”

“Pretty good. If you’d like to head upstairs and see her, I’m sure she’d like that.”

Arc grins. “Sounds good. Frank?”

“Let’s do that, yes.”

Picking up their food and drinks Arc and Frank head for the stairs. Entering the small upstairs apartment they find Shelly shuffling weakly toward the kitchen. Her eyes light up as they enter, even though her voice is hoarse.

“Arc! Frank!”

Frank smiles. “Hello, my dear.”

“We’ve come to keep you company.”

“How are you feeling?”

“Better now that you two are here! You’re just in time for breakfast!”

Arc points to the door. “Want me to head downstairs and get you something? It sounds like you need to get over a bit of a cold.”

Frank sighs. “That will not be necessary, my friend.”


Shelly nods sadly. “He’s right. I have my food right here in the refrigerator.”

Frank nods soberly. “I’ll fetch it for you.”

Heading for the refrigerator Frank pulls out a gallon of distilled water as Shelly sets a large glass on the kitchen table. Opening another bottle she fills the glass about a quarter of the way with a syrupy liquid. Frank steps over to her and tops the glass with the water before returning it to the refrigerator. Arc eyes it, confused.

“What is it?”

“My breakfast.”

Frank nods as he stands behind Shelly’s chair. “That it is. Shelly’s condition has been deteriorating for some time now, as we all know.”

“While the cause is still unknown, my organs are slowly shutting down. Now my stomach is unable to digest normal food, hence this specialized nutrition drink. It’s independent of the cold I have right now though.”

Arc gasps. “You can’t eat ANY normal food?!”

Shelly shakes her head. “No. Just this.”

Frank sighs. “It contains enzymes and proteins her body needs, but is no longer producing.”

“That’s why I’ve had such… trouble in the bathroom lately.”

“So it’s your muscles, lungs, heart, nervous system, and now the stomach?”

Frank nods. “The entire digestive system actually.”

“Right. These drinks are much easier for my intestines to handle. Nutrients aren’t being properly absorbed anymore either.”

Arc puts a hand to his forehead. “And they can’t fix it, can they?”

Shelly sighs. “Just treat the symptoms, really.”

“I’ve been coming by as often as I can to look in on her. Mostly on days my boys have off, that is.”

Shelly nods sadly. “While I really don’t want to be more of a burden to anyone, most days I can’t be alone.”

“My boys working here allows Lily to stay upstairs more often. She knows Shelly’s condition better than anyone, after all, and can help her with bathing, eating, and going to the bathroom.”

Arc groans. “I didn’t know it was this bad!”

Shelly weakly picks up the glass. “It’s slowly but steadily worsening. Fortunately due to the slow moving nature of my condition I’ve been able to deal with whatever my body throws at me.”

“Is there anything we can do for you?”

Shelly smiles and takes his hand. “Just keep doing what you’ve always done, Arc. Be a good friend to me and Lily.”

Frank grins. “We will.”


Arc picks at his food as Shelly slowly drinks her breakfast. Frank frowns at him.

“You should eat before it gets cold, my friend.”

“I’m… not really all that hungry right now.”

Shelly appears concerned. “Are you feeling ill too, Arc?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Daisy isn’t great, but I’m… okay in that regard.”

“Oh my! Is she alright?!”

“Yeah. Dawn and Scarlet along with… another friend are with her on the couch right now.”

Frank nods. “I think she just needs some rest.”

“That’s good.”

They continue their meal. Frank and Shelly talk, but Arc hardly hears them. Thoughts fly through his mind at lightspeed. Eventually Cherry calls out to him telepathically.

“If you want to say something, now’s the time.”

“I do. But…”

“You’re afraid of the consequences.”


Cherry sighs. “Shelly isn’t going to bite you, Arc. She might be upset, of course. But she’s one of your oldest friends.”

“That’s why this is so hard.”

“I don’t understand.”

“If she was just an acquaintance this would be easy. I could just come right out and say something.”

“Then do that.”

“But Shelly’s different. If I were to confess what I’ve really been up to, I’d also be admitting to lying to both her and Lily all this time about a great deal of things.”

“That couldn’t have been helped and you know it, Arc.”

“Maybe not. But I can’t stop thinking about what would have happened if I had just been honest with Shelly and Lily from the start.”

Cherry groans. “They would have worried about you non-stop. Especially when you went back to Equestria for extended periods of time.”

Arc sighs. “Exactly what I’ve been telling myself. But… we aren’t kids anymore. Could they have handled the truth? Was I wrong to keep it from them?”

“Whatever you decided to do in the past is over and done with, Arc. All you can do now is deal with what you have.”

“Yeah. But what I have now is a terminally ill friend along with a guy who suddenly woke up with magic.”

“And nothing will change those things. So do yourself a favor and do what needs to be done.”

“Which is…?”

“Making sure both Shelly and Lily know the truth before it’s too late. Like Shelly said… this will probably be her last Christmas. And judging from how fast she’s deteriorating, I’d say she’s right.”

“I know. But it isn’t easy to say.”

“Easier than it is for her.”

“But she’s strong. Shelly’s never been afraid of dying to this thing. She always known it was coming, after all.”

“I get the feeling she’s only acting that way for those around her.”


“You, Lily, Frank… all of you would be devastated if she started showing her pain. Shelly’s been holding it in for a long time.”

“How can you tell though?”

“I can’t.”

“Then how do you know…?”

“Think of it more like a mare’s intuition. Humans… ponies… demons and even dragons. We all feel the same things the same way.”

“In any case, I still wish there was something I could do for her.”

“You can.”


“Just be there for her to the end.”

“I’ll do my best.”

“I know you will, Arc.”

There is a knock at the door. It opens to Jackal carrying a tray.

“Me bring yous all some more juice and milk.”

Frank nods approvingly. “Thank you, Jackal. Tell us, how are things going downstairs?”

“Everything running smoothly, sir. Snake taking orders and Wolf taking care of the cash register.”

“Very good. All of you do your best now.”

Jackal grins. “Yes sir! Working here fun!”

Shelly smiles at him. “Thank you for all your hard work.”

“You’re welcome, Miss Shelly. Me go back downstairs now though. Have to get back to helping Miss Lily in kitchen.”

He hurries downstairs as Shelly turns to Frank.

“He and the others really are doing very well.”

Arc forces a smile. “That’s good. Um… can I ask you something, Shelly?”

“What is it?”

“If you could have one wish, what would it be?”



Shelly smiles weakly and ponders the question.

“I wish to have a very special Christmas this year.”

Frank raises an eyebrow. “In what way?”

“Do the things I wish I could have done as a little girl. Write a letter to Santa. Build gingerbread houses. Make homemade eggnog even.”

Arc grins. “We could do that.”


Frank nods. “Sure. We spend the holidays together anyways. No reason we can alter our traditions a bit to accommodate.”

Shelly appears nervous. “You two don’t think it’s childish, do you?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not at all. Besides, Daisy and Scarlet would probably like that. After all, they don’t have those traditions back in their homeland.”

Shelly smiles. “It would be like we’re a real family!”

Frank nods. “That would be nice. After all, we’ve all been friends long enough to be family.”

“Then its settled. Frank and I will make sure we all have a bunch of fun with this, Shelly.”

Shelly claps her hands together happily. “I can’t wait for Christmas to come now! Lily will be excited too!”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “There’s just one thing. I don’t think this will fit into just one day.”

Frank snaps his fingers. “We could spread it out over a week or so if you wanted to.”

Shelly smiles. “Sure! I’d even be willing to close the restaurant that week so Lily could join us!”

Frank looks around the room. “That would give my boys time to fix up a few things around here as well as practice with their magic.”

Arc nods. “Sounds like we have ourselves a plan.”

“A plan, eh? That gives me an idea.”

Shelly appears confused. “What is it?”

Frank chuckles. “I’m not sure yet how to pull it off. But I’ll figure it out. In the meantime we’ll go back to figuring out how to give you the best Christmas ever, Shelly.”

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