• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 10 - The Aviary Extravaganza

As the sun sets over Griffonstone, Arc looks out over the horizon from the Observation Deck. Hearing the clip clopping of hooves behind him, he waits for them to join him before turning his head to see whom it is. Surprisingly enough, he spies Celestia herself standing next to him as he speaks.

“This is certainly a surprise.”

Celestia nods as she looks out over the sunset. “An unwelcome one?”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “I didn’t say that.”

Celestia sighs. “I suppose not.”

“How’s Natalya?”

“Doing just fine. I’m confident that she’ll do well tonight.”

Arc turns to look forward again. “That’s good to hear.”

Celestia nods soberly. “She has the relatively easy role of mostly just staying silent. With any luck, she won’t have to speak more than a simple greeting to anypony all night.”

Arc frowns. “I don’t like this.”

“Well, I would like to point out that it was your idea.”

“No, no. I mean the way that the Griffon Kingdom treats situations like this.”

Celestia shrugs. “Such are their ways.”

Arc scoffs. “When someone has to marry a foreign diplomat, after being enslaved to them no less, just to protect their siblings from being chained to an estate, there’s a serious problem.”

“I don’t disagree with your analysis of the situation. However, we can’t change how other nations do things. At least not directly.”

“Yes, I know. But that doesn’t change my feelings on the matter.”

“In any case, Luna and Natalya will be ready soon.”

She looks him over before continuing.

“And it appears you are as well.”

Arc shrugs. “Takes less time for me. No mane or tail to style.”

“Yes, I suppose there are some advantages to being a… a non-pony.”

They are silent for a time. Eventually Arc turns to Celestia.

“I get the feeling you didn’t come here just to make small talk.”

“You would be correct, yes.”

“Then just say what you want to.”

“Very well.”

She takes a deep breath before continuing.

“In truth, I... just wanted to tell you that I... I respect what you’re trying to do here.”

“Is this in regards to Natalya and her father’s estate?”

Celestia nods. “It’s not just anypony whom would turn down the chance to become fabulously wealthy overnight, you know.”

Arc shrugs. “Rich, yes. Powerful, yes. But alone.”

Celestia turns to him, confused. “Alone?”

“All of those whom I care about would still be across the ocean in Equestria. And I can’t exactly ask them to just casually uproot the lives they’ve made for themselves in Equestria and move to the Griffon Kingdom with me.”

Celestia bows her head. “They would though, I assume.”

“Probably. But I don’t want to do that to them.”

“Friends and their well-being over extreme wealth and power. Very interesting.”

“Sounds kinda strange coming from someone like you.”


“You already have wealth, power, and friends.”

Celestia sighs. “Less than you think.”

“Well, there is such a thing as quality over quantity as far as friends go.”

Celestia shakes her head. “It’s really just Twilight whom fills that role for me these days.”

Arc raises an eyebrow as he turns to her. “Really? You don’t have anyone else in your life?”

“Nopony, no. Everypony else just sees the crown and starts bowing and scraping.”

“I do understand that.”

Celestia looks to him out of the corner of her eye. “Do you now?”

Arc nods. “When I was Lord Regent there were innumerable ponies whom wanted to kiss my boots. But no one, other than my original friends that is, actually wanted to get to know me for whom I was over my position.”

“Heavy is the crown, after all.”

“Your head must feel much lighter then since... you know.”

“Since you relieved me from my duties, you mean?”

Arc nods soberly. “It had to be done.”

Celestia sighs. “I suppose so. But that doesn’t really help me right now.”

“Equestria still has Twilight, Luna, and Cadance to lead it.”

“That fact is the only thing that allows me to sleep at night since that fateful day. But in any case, I wish you the very best of luck tonight.

“Thank you. And I... um...”


“I just wanted to... apologize.”

Celestia appears confused. “Whatever for?”

“What I did back in the changeling hive... looking back at it, I... I really messed up.”

“Regarding what was going to happen to Twilight, Lieutenant Hammer, and myself?”

Arc nods. “While I certainly wasn’t going to allow anything bad to actually happen to any of you, I still let you three believe that great harm was coming.”

Celestia grimaces. “I was very upset with you regarding that fact, yes.”

“And it was indeed justified.”

“However, looking back at that time, I suppose I really shouldn’t have been angry.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Why not?”

Celestia facehoofs. “Because... you ultimately got the idea from me.”

“I did?”

“Loosely, yes. Do you recall your date with Applejack?”

“Within the Celestial Realm, yes.”

“As you did while within the hive, I watched everything the two of you did very closely. Were you to do anything to harm young Applejack, or try to force yourself on her, I was fully prepared to forcefully intervene and save her.”

“That was my plan too. Watch and wait.”

Celestia bows her head sadly. “It didn’t actually occur to me until much, MUCH later that I had inadvertently put that young mare into a position where she could have very easily been raped.”

Arc turns to her, confused. “But I thought you were planning to step in if I did that.”

Celestia nods. “I was, yes. However, you have to understand that a mare doesn’t actually need to be penetrated to be raped. Had you sexually assaulted her, she would have remembered that moment for the rest of her life. And I would have been the one to blame for it.”

“Just like what I did.”

“I was fully willing to take Twilight’s place during that time and be forcefully impregnated. Back then, I had wanted to scream out for them to allow her and the lieutenant to go free. To take out their revenge on me, and me alone.”

“The reason I let it go on for so long was to gain time to come up with some sort of plan.”

“And what did you come up with?”

“Chrysalis announced that she was willing to allow Twilight to have some privacy before they began. I knew that would be the best time to free all of you, as the extra drones would be gone.”

Celestia frowns. “Then why didn’t you stop the process immediately after they left?”

Arc sighs. “Because I needed the remaining drones to be properly distracted before doing that. And them preparing to... do the deed to you was all the distraction I needed.”

“Then you knocked them out and released us.”


Celestia snorts. “I hope you do realize that both Twilight and the lieutenant were absolutely terrified the entire time.”

“Twilight was, yes. Hammer not as much.”

“Believe me, she was.”

“How could you tell?”

“Her voice. I could hear it.”

Arc sighs. “I really should sit down with them and apologize then.”

“That would be for the best, yes.”

“And you too.”

Celestia appears confused. “Me?”

Arc nods. “Remember, I put you in the position to be molested along with the others.”

Turning to Celestia, he continues.

“And for that, I am truly sorry.”

Celestia steps back, clearly surprised. “I... I’m speechless!”

“Is that a bad thing?”

“Not at all. I just... never expected to hear such a thing from you. And I... I’m sorry for what I did... after we returned to our forces.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, that was justified.”

“In any case, I still apologize for my actions back then.”

“Apology accepted.”

Turning to face her, Arc extends a hand. Celestia puts her hoof in it and the pair shake hands/hooves for a moment. As they step back, Luna enters the room with Natalya and Ashe behind her. All three are outfitted to the nines in their finest dresses. Ashe looks to Arc as she approaches him and speaks.

“Sorry for keeping you waiting.”

Arc chuckles. “It’s fine. I’m sure getting ready isn’t a quick and easy process.”

Luna gestures to the Hoof Maidens behind them. “We had plenty of help though.”

Natalya smiles nervously as she looks down at the floor. “H-how do I look, sir?”

“Very nice, Natalya.”

Natalya appears relieved. “Good! I really don’t want to make you look bad tonight!”

Ashe puts a talon on her shoulder. “Believe me, with all the coaching you received this afternoon, everything will be just fine.”

Luna nods. “With any luck, I will be able to field any questioned levied at us.”

Arc turns to Luna. “Thanks for agreeing to do this. It means a lot to me.”

Luna smiles sheepishly. “Considering what I started on our last visit, it seemed the least I could do.”

Natalya turns to Luna “Your highness?”

Luna bows her head. “I told the king during a dinner at the Aviary that Arc and I were romantically involved.”

Arc sighs. “And I went along with it.”

“Just to keep me safe from his advances though.”

Ashe clears her throat loudly. “In any case, don’t forget what we taught you regarding how you address the princess, Natalya.”

Natalya sighs. “That’s going to be a tough one for me.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “I don’t understand.”

Ashe gestures to Luna and Natalya. “In order to avoid suspicion tonight, Natalya needs to remember to refer to Princess Luna as simply ‘Luna’.”

Luna turns to her. “It’s alright. Just for tonight, that is.”

Natalya nods nervously. “Yes, Princess Luna.”

Ashe groans. “No, no! Not ‘princess’! Just Luna!”

“I’ll try to get it right.”

Celestia steps forward. “In any case, it would appear that everypony here is ready to go.”

Ashe nods. “Yes, we’ve done all we can. Now the only thing left to do is to figure out how to get there.”

Arc shrugs. “Chariot or carriage?

Luna groans. “While I would rather take the enclosed carriage, I don’t think our dresses would enjoy the seats.”

Natalya nods. “I’m fine with whatever everyone decides on.”

Ashe turns to the princess. “The public would certainly enjoy seeing you again, Princess Luna.”

Celestia looks out the window as she speaks. “I imagine it would be the high point of the evening for the commoners, Luna. From where I stand, it appears that the whole city is out in the streets to celebrate this event.”

Ashe nods. “That’s normal, yes. Since they can’t attend the Aviary Extravaganza directly, everyone in the city just kinda makes their own fun in the streets.”

Arc shrugs. “Well, we still need a mode of transportation. So what’s it going to be, Luna?”

“I suppose we could take the open air chariot. That is, if the commoners would like it that much.”

Ashe smiles at Luna. “That would be for the best, yes.”

Arc gestures toward the door. “Then I suppose we should make our way to the Cargo Hold.”

Celestia waves a hoof as they turn to leave. “Have a nice time!”

Walking down the corridor, Natalya looks to Arc.

“I’ll do my very best for you, sir.”

Arc smiles at her. “Thank you. It’s appreciated.”

Luna nods soberly. “Just let me do all the talking and this will be over before you know it.”

Ashe looks over her shoulder as they walk. “Right. You don’t have to do much of anything on this trip other than stay by Lord Arc’s side and look pretty.”

Natalya blushes at this compliment. “That’s not something I’m used to being, mind you. Pretty, I mean.”

Luna looks her over. “You wear that dress well. So do not worry about that.”

Arriving at the Cargo Hold, they spot Hammer and a number of Royal Guards waiting for them. They come to attention as the group enters. Hammer is the first to speak.

“Good evening, Princess Luna. Hero of Light.”

Luna nods. “Are the preparations complete, lieutenant?”

“Yes, your highness. We’ve made ready both the carriage and open air chariot for your group tonight. Which will you be taking?”

“We’ve decided to ride in the open air chariot.”

“Very well.”

Turning to the guards, she continues.

“You all heard the princess! Hitch up and make ready to move out!”

They guards hurry to comply as Hammer returns her gaze to the group.

“Let’s get all of you seated.”

Nodding, they board the chariot. Luna sits down in front as Ashe takes her place behind her. Arc and Natalya take up a spot in the rear together as the guards finish hitching up. As the door is opened, Hammer takes her place in front of the guards hitched to the chariot. Luna turns to look at those behind her.

“Here we go again.”

Ashe nods as they begin to move. “Yes, your highness.”

She turns her head to look at Arc and Natalya before continuing.

“Um... aren’t you two forgetting something?”

Arc appears confused. “What are you talking about?”

“You’re supposed to be engaged! Look like it!”

Natalya appears confused. “But how?”

“Sit closer for starters.”

Arc and Natalya scootch closer to one another as Ashe watches.


They do so.

Ashe groans. “Closer!”

Natalya’s hip bumps Arc’s. She gasps and blushes.

“F-forgive me, sir!”

Arc moves away slightly. “It’s okay.”

Ashe shakes her head. “No, no! Stay that way!”

Natalya gasps. “But...!”

Ashe interrupts her. “Fiancées are supposed to be as close to one another as possible. Hugging, kissing, petting... all that mushy stuff.”

Arc sighs. “I don’t think either of us would be comfortable doing that stuff though.”

Natalya looks down. “Go ahead, sir.”


“Do whatever you have to do in order to make this believable.”

“Um... okay.”

He puts an arm around her and pulls her close. Natalya leans toward him as Ashe nods approvingly.

“Much better.”

Arc looks to Ashe. “Any other suggestions?”

“Well... it would be more convincing if you two were to start making out when we reached the city.”

Natalya appears confused. “Making out?”

Arc turns to her. “Kissing, touching, and whatnot.”

“Oh! Um... well I guess... that would be okay with me. Given these circumstances, I mean.”

Arc frowns. “That’s going a bit too far in my book.”

“If it would help maintain the illusion, sir, I’m willing to submit to whatever you wish to do to me.”

“Let’s just stick to what we’re doing now. Sitting close with my arm around you.”

“How about if Natalya put her head on your shoulder?”

Arc shrugs. “That’s up to her.”

“Alright. How’s this?”

Leaning her head against Arc, Natalya looks to Ashe whom nods approvingly.

“Good. But don’t forget to smile.”

Natalya sighs. “I’ll try.”

As they leave the Skyport and enter the city, Arc and company are greeted by innumerable griffons reveling in the streets. Hammer calls out loudly.


They quickly part as Luna begins smiling and waving. Looking to Ashe, she grimaces.

“I’ve never been very good at this sort of thing.”

“You’re doing just fine, your highness.”

Luna groans. “We should have brought Twilight for this.”

Ashe shakes her head. “She’s needed in Canterlot to take care of your duties though.”

Luna sighs. “Yes, I know. Wishful thinking on my part, I suppose. It’s just that... she’s more of a positive figurehead to these griffons.”

“As are you, Princess Luna. Remember, it was you whom signed the treaty between our nations and helped usher in a new age of prosperity for all.”

Luna bows her head. “I suppose that is true, yes. However, Twilight and my sister are much more... how do I say this... likeable.”

Arc chuckles. “Don’t sell yourself short, Luna.”

Natalya nods. “Yes, your highness. I think you’re a very nice individual.”

Luna sighs as she goes back to smiling and waving. “Thank you. But I still don’t think I’m cut out for this sort of thing.”

Sometime later they arrive at the Aviary. The area is heavily decorated with beautiful lamps and shining decals to give the whole area a very festive look. As the chariot is pulled through the gates, they see innumerable carriages parked inside with guards and drivers alike mingling. Natalya whispers in Arc’s ear.

“This is a bigger event than I originally thought!”

Arc looks around. “That it is. Much more so than the parties I’ve attended in the past at various estates.”

Natalya grimaces. “Every noble house in the country must be here!”

“That many, eh?”

Natalya groans. “I won’t fit in though!”

“Sure you will. Remember, you’re still the daughter of Lord Goldstone.”

“Whom is a disgraced noble I might point out!”

“And does that mean you’re disgraced too?”

“Legally, no. But that doesn’t mean that they won’t be upset with me.”

Arc shrugs. “The court of public opinion.”

“While I highly doubt anyone would try to come after me, especially with so much security here, it’s still a bit overwhelming.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll be by your side the entire time.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Arc shakes his head. “Remember, you shouldn’t call me that while we’re here. First names only.”

Natalya groans. “Sorry. I think that’s the military training.”

Ashe frowns. “Probably.”

Looking to Arc, she continues.

“Everyone whom joins our nation’s military is taught to refer to everyone by their proper title above all else.”

Natalya nods. “Out of respect, of course.”

Arc sighs. “Well, that’s something you can’t really do here.”

Luna looks back at them. “How about if she calls you something else then, Arc?”

“Like what?”

Luna shrugs. “A pet name of some kind.”

Ashe smiles. “That’s a good idea. Natalya could just call you that instead of saying your actual name, Lord Arc.”

Luna puts a hoof to her chin as she thinks. “How about simply ‘dear’?”

Ashe nods. “So instead of saying ‘that’s a very interesting idea, Arc’, she would say ‘that’s a very interesting idea, dear’.”

Arc turns to Natalya. “Would that make you feel better?”

Natalya nods nervously. “Y-yes, I think it would, sir.”

Ashe looks to her. “Then try answering him again using the proper term.”

Natalya takes a deep breath and looks to Arc.

“That would be fine... dear.”

Arc smiles at her. “Good.”

Ashe turns her attention to Arc. “You should also respond in kind, Lord Arc.”


“Griffons in love are very... passionate about each other. If you don’t want to fawn all over Natalya, which is understandable given the situation, then I recommend using a pet name for her as well.”

“Like what?”

Ashe shrugs. “Anything really. It just needs to sound cute.”

Luna looks Natalya over. “How about referring to her as a flower?”

Natalya appears confused. “Um... what?”

Luna points a hoof. “I mean no offense, but the feathers on top of a griffon’s head always looked like flower petals to me.”

Arc turns to Natalya. “What do you think?”

“That’s fine.”

Ashe taps her beak with a talon as she thinks. “It needs something else though, as just ‘flower’ doesn’t really do it.”

Arc looks to his date. “How about ‘little flower’ since Natalya is smaller than I am?”

Luna nods approvingly. “I like it, yes. Natalya?”

Natalya smiles and blushes slightly. “That does sound very nice, yes.”

“Alright then. Shall I try it out?”

“Yes, dear.”


Looking her over, Arc continues.

“You look very nice tonight, my little flower.”

Natalya giggles. “So do you, my dear!”

Ashe grins. “Very nice, Natalya. That sounded very natural.”

Luna gestures with a wave of her hoof. “Agreed. However, it would appear that we are out of time for practice.”

Looking ahead, they see a griffon guard directing their chariot toward the main entrance. Stopping at the foot of a large and ornate stone staircase, Hammer jumps over the side of the chariot and hurries over to lower the built in steps. She bows respectfully at the waist as Luna descends and steps down onto the red carpet below. The others follow her lead as she begins ascending the stairs. Arc turns to Hammer and lowers his voice.

“You sure you’re okay acting as our bodyguard for the evening?”

Hammer nods. “Sure. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Sorry, I just thought you might be a bit... put off by Natalya and I acting like an engaged couple.”

Hammer shrugs. “I know it’s all just an act. But thanks for asking.”

Natalya motions to Luna and Ashe halfway up the stairs. “We should catch up to the others now, dear. Don’t want to be left behind.”

“Yes, I suppose you’re right, my little flower.”

Hammer motions to the stallions to drive on as she falls into step behind Arc and Natalya. Entering the Aviary, they are escorted to the Grand Ballroom by numerous guards. Approaching the doors, a phone stands next to a stuffy looking but well-dressed griffon. Luna approaches him and speaks.

“Princess Luna of Equestria.”

Nodding, he picks up the phone and repeats the message. A few moments later he speaks.

“Please enter, your majesty.”

Luna does so with Hammer in tow. As she walks into the ballroom another griffon calls out in a loud voice.


Excited murmurs ring out as Ashe walks up to the griffon and states her name. Turning to Arc and Natalya, she smiles and gestures to the doorway.

“See you two inside.”

Arc chuckles. “We’ll be along directly.”

After being given the go ahead by the griffon, Ashe enters and is announced. Arc looks down at Natalya and smiles.

“Are you ready?”

Natalya nods nervously. “As ready as I can be, yes.”

Arc extends his arm to her. “Then let’s go, my little flower.”

Natalya smiles. “Yes, dear.”

Walking up to the griffon, Arc identifies them. A few moments later the griffon nods.

“Please enter, sir.”

“Thank you.”

Walking toward the door, the pair enter and are announced.


All eyes turn to the pair. Arc taps Natalya’s side and motions to her talon. Taking his hand, she steps forward with him as they approach Luna and Ashe. Rejoining their companions, Arc looks to Ashe.

“So far, so good.”

Ashe nods. “Yes indeed.”

Luna lowers her voice and turns to Ashe. “Should we mingle at this point, ambassador?”

Hammer looks around. “Plenty of other guests to do that with.”

Ashe shakes her head. “As I said back on the ship, not with the normal nobles. Just those on the princess’ level.”

Arc chuckles. “Lords and royalty?”

Ashe nods. “Yes. One moment.”

Looking around, she scans the griffons around her before stopping and gesturing with a nod.

“There’s my father over there with the rest of the Council of Lords.”

Luna takes a deep breath. “Then I suppose we should join them.”

Ashe leads the group over to her father. Upon seeing her, he smiles warmly and steps toward her. They embrace as he speaks.

“Glad to see you could make it, ambassador.”

Ashe giggles. “I wouldn’t miss this for the world, father.”

She gestures to Luna before continuing.

“May I present Princess Luna of Equestria.”

Gestal bows at the waist respectfully. “A pleasure to see you again, your highness.”

“Likewise, Lord Gestal.”

Ashe gestures to Natalya. “And may I also present Lord Arc’s fiancée, Lady Natalya.”

Natalya nods cordially as Gestal addresses her.

“It is good to see you again, my dear. My condolences regarding your father’s fate.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Weller steps over to talk. “We had heard that you emigrated to Equestria around the time of the treaty signing with our new allies.”

Arc nods. “Yes, it was a difficult time back then. For all of us, that is.”

Adalbert folds his talons over his chest. “Tell us, what made you decide to make such a move, Lady Natalya?”

Natalya looks away nervously. “I... uh... decided to follow Lord Arc to Equestria to... learn more about the mysterious land of the equines across the sea.”

Gestal nods soberly. “So the relocation was successful?”

Arc chimes in. “That it was, Lord Gestal. Natalya was able to secure a position at the Little Hooves Orphanage overseeing the foals and younglings there.”

Adalbert grunts. “We’ve read Ambassador Ashe’s reports regarding the facility.”

Weller smiles warmly at Ashe. “A glowing review, I might add. However, I don’t recall reading anything about Lady Natalya being employed there.”

“I only reported on the facility itself and the curriculum of the schooling. Not the staff individually, as I felt that doing such a thing would have negatively interfered with their ability to educate the little ones.”

Gestal chuckles. “A wise choice, my dear.”

He turns back to Natalya before continuing.

“However, perhaps you could tell us your thoughts on the rest of the staff.”

Natalya thinks for a moment. “Well... Miss Peachbottom teaches the very young foals and newly arrived younglings, sir.”

Adalbert raises an eyebrow. “In the same classroom?”

“Yes sir. They have only two, after all.”

Weller sighs. “And the instructor is qualified for their job?”

Arc nods. “That they are, Lord Weller. In fact, several of the first group of younglings have graduated up to the second class.”

Ashe looks to her father. “Of which the teacher, a Miss Cheerilee, is fully qualified to educate them further.”

“That is good to know.”

Weller gestures to the niceties around them. “In any case, I do hope that all of you are enjoying our hospitality.”

Luna nods. “While we’ve only just arrived, I could smell the delicacies all the way from the main gates.”

Gestal frowns. “You don’t have a drink yet, Princess Luna?”

Adalbert motions to a servant. “Let’s fix that, shall we?”

A griffon walks over with a tray of glasses containing sparkling champagne. They each take a glass as Gestal speaks.

“To Equestria, and our guest’s health.”

Everyone clinks their glasses together before drinking. Luna nods in approval of the drink in her hoof.

“A very nice vintage, I must say.”

Gestal swishes the contents of his glass around as he speaks. “The king spares no expense for the Aviary Extravaganza.”

Adalbert turns to Luna. “How about sampling some of our nation’s fine cuisine now, your highness?”

Weller quickly interjects. “That which would agree with your... constitution, that is.”

Luna waves a hoof dismissively. “No, no. I would be honored to sample whatever it is that you have to share. Regardless of its origin.”

Gestal waves over a number of servants each carrying a tray of delicious looking morsels. They each take a serving of spiced hams, cheeses, and pasties (not a misspelling). Munching on them, Gestal turns to Luna.

“Would you and your group like to join us at our table, your highness?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Table?”

Ashe turns to Arc sheepishly. “My apologies, Lord Arc. I don’t think I ever got around to telling you that this is a dinner party.”

“No, I don’t think you did. However, that is a welcome piece of news indeed.”

Gestal gestures with a talon. “Then let us adjourn to the Banquet Hall.”

Arc turns to Natalya. “That sounds good. Are you hungry, my little flower?”

Natalya nods. “Yes, I am dear.”

Following Lord Gestal, the group eventually comes to a large round table. Sitting down, they are immediately served steaming hot platters of various meats and vegetables. Gestal turns to Luna as her plate is set before her.

“I ordered the kitchen to prepare for you a more palatable meal, your highness.”

“Thank you, this is lovely.”

Luna picks up her silverware and takes a bite. Chewing slowly and swallowing, Luna nods approvingly.

“Very flavorful!”

Weller smiles at her. “We’re so glad you like it, Princess Luna.”

Adalbert chuckles. “It’s all in the spices.”

Hammer fills the glass with water before Luna. “Here you are, your highness.”

“Thank you, lieutenant.”

Ashe looks to Hammer. “Would you like to join us, lieutenant?”

Hammer shakes her head. “Thank you, ambassador. But I’m on duty right now.”

Adalbert raises an eyebrow. “On duty?”

Arc holds up his glass of champagne. “She’s the princess’ bodyguard for the night. Mine too, I suppose.”

Weller smiles warmly. “I do believe we are quite safe here.”

Adalbert holds up a glass. “Yes, have a seat and enjoy the festivities!”

Looking to Arc, he nods. Taking a seat next on the other side of Arc, she grins.

“Thanks. Don’t mind if I do then.”

Gestal looks Hammer over. “You are the same species as Lord Arc, I presume?”

Hammer nods. “Yes sir. We’re both humans from Earth.”

Arc makes a sweeping motion with his hand. “Indeed. From far beyond the transdimensional barrier.”

Adalbert frowns. “Transdimensional what?”

Weller looks to Arc. “Yes, I too am curious about that term.”

Ashe chimes in. “I did put a summary of where Lord Arc is from in one of my reports if I recall correctly.”

Gestal nods. “You did, yes. However, we were unable to figure out definitively what exactly much of that meant.”

Arc shrugs. “It is rather complicated, admittedly.”

Luna sighs. “While I am loathe to admit it, even I don’t really understand such magic.”

Hammer grins. “Mio explained it to me a while back. Maybe I can show you the example she used.”

Suddenly remembering her place, Hammer looks to Luna nervously.

“Um... that is, if it’s okay with you, Princess Luna.”

Luna nods. “Please do.”

“Alright. It’s like this.”

Hammer picks up an empty plate and sets it in the middle of the table.

“So let’s say that this here is the world.”

Grabbing two rolls, Hammer lays them on either side of the plate.

“Think of these as Equestria on the left and the Griffon Kingdom on the right. We could use boats or airships to reach any spot on this plate, er world.”

Setting another plate about six inches away from the first, she puts a number of rolls on it before continuing.

“Think of this other plate as Earth. Our country is here.”

Tapping two rolls on Earth, she gestures with a hand.

“Just like here in Equestria, we have ships and airplanes that can take us anywhere in our own land.”

Patting the roll representing Equestria, Hammer chuckles.

“But no matter how far the airships fly, whether high or low, they can’t reach the other world.”

Picking up a butter knife, Hammer lays it over the edge of both plates.

“However, if one is able to create a magical bridge, travel then becomes possible.”

Weller looks to Hammer, clearly interested. “And how does one create this bridge?”

Adalbert chuckles. “I’m guessing not with timber or stone.”

Hammer nods. “Right. That’s where magic comes into play.”

Arc puts a finger on either side of the plates. “Continuing with the earlier analogy, each side of the bridge has to be anchored in its respective world. Once that’s done, a portal can be opened to allow us to travel from one world to the other.”

Gestal nods. “A simplified version of what I would assume is very complicated topic.”

“That it is.”

Ashe looks to Arc. “And it requires a special item of sorts to create such a portal bridge.”

Arc removes something from his ring and sets it on the table. “This.”

Weller gasps. “Exquisite craftsmanship!”

Gestal nods approvingly. “A masterpiece, to be sure!”

Luna gestures to it with a hoof. “In addition to being of the highest quality, it is also capable of opening a portal between our worlds.”

Arc nods as he puts it back in his ring. “Right. We call it the ‘Rainbow of Light’.”

Hammer taps the knife connecting the two plates. “It’s our bridge.”

Ashe looks to Arc. “Perhaps one day we could mount a joint expedition to Earth. Purely from the aspect of gaining knowledge, of course.”

Arc shrugs. “I wouldn’t be opposed to it at some point in the future.”

A number of trumpets blow as everyone stops talking and stands. They turn to the main entrance and bow. King Guto enters to an elaborate fanfare of musicians and applause. Looking out over the crowd before him, he speaks.

“Welcome to this year’s Aviary Extravaganza! Eat, drink, and be happy as we have much to be thankful for!”

The king gestures to Arc’s party before continuing.

“It would appear that our allies from across the sea have joined us for a bit of merriment! I look forward to continuing to deepen our relationship with the Equestrians and hope that we can one day be as brothers and sisters!”

Those assembled applaud excitedly as the king descends the stairs. His guards escort him to the table and pull a chair out for him. Arc and company sit down as he does. Guto looks to Luna and smiles widely.

“Hello again, Princess Luna. I hope you are doing well.”

“Oh! Um... very well, yes.”

Looking to Natalya, the king continues.

“And whom might this young griffon be?”

Ashe gestures with a talon. “Lady Natalya. Daughter of the late Lord Goldstone and fiancée to Lord Arc, King Guto.”

Natalya bows her head respectfully as she smiles and batts her eyelashes.

“Ah, yes. I had heard of you coming back to the Griffon Kingdom to claim your inheritance, young one.”

Gestal bows his head soberly. “That is complicated by the fact she is currently owned by Lord Arc, sire.”

Guto sighs. “Yes, an unfortunate matter. However, I’m told that a compromise has been reached.”

Weller nods. “Lord Arc has voluntarily agreed to legally wed Lady Natalya in order to nullify her status as a slave, my lord. As per the new law that was put forth, of course.”

Adalbert smirks. “That and the estate of Lord Goldstone will be liquidated with the vast bulk of the money remaining within the kingdom.”

Arc looks to the king. “Yes, that’s right. After all, we don’t want to cause undue strain on your nation’s economy.”

Ashe smiles. “The paperwork for this matter is still pending, of course. However, the couple has come to a very interesting decision on what to do with Lord Goldstone’s personal estate.”

Guto folds his talons, clearly interested. “Oh? Do tell.”

Arc puts a hand on Natalya’s shoulder. “My future bride and I would like to be allowed to donate the manor, and it’s attached land, to Equestria for the purpose of transforming it into the future Equestrian Embassy.”

Ashe nods. “Such does make sense, as their nation’s factories are popping up everywhere.”

Gestal looks to the king. “They will at some point require representation, naturally.”

Luna smiles. “And it wouldn’t do to wait until a problem arises to appoint an Equestrian ambassador.”

Guto puts a talon to his beak thoughtfully. “I must admit that the notion is indeed sound. However, I question whether or not a facility of such a grand size is truly needed for such a purpose.”

Weller turns to Arc’s party. “The Goldstone Estate is well known here in the Griffon Kingdom for being the largest and most luxurious of all manors in the land.”

Adalbert frowns. “Turning it over to a foreign power would seem a bit... problematic from a political standpoint.”

Gestal turns to the king. “While I do agree that this matter could be politicized, doesn’t the law state that a noble has the right to do with their property as they see fit?”

Ashe nods. “I believe it does, yes. And with Lord Arc marrying Lady Natalya, he is allowed to do with the estate what he wishes.”

Guto gestures to Adalbert and Weller. “That is most certainly true under normal circumstances. However, my two lords here do raise valid concerns as to what the rest of the nation will see with such a proposal. And such a large transfer of assets would require approval of the government.”

Luna chimes in. “If you are worried that such a thing would cause your nation some kind of political blowback, we would most certainly do all in our power to alleviate such a thing.”

Arc smiles. “Yes, of course. After all, it wouldn’t do to cause harm to one of our allies.”

Guto looks to Natalya. “What do you think, Lady Natalya?”

“I, ah... don’t really want to cause trouble for either of our nations. After all, the point of our gift was merely to help solidify relations with both lands. Not drive a wedge between us through this.”

“Then might I offer you an alternative solution?”

“By all means, yes sire.”

“I’m familiar with the geographical location of the Goldstone Estate and would like to point out that it’s not exactly in the best place for use as an embassy. Such a facility should be in a spot that is easily accessible to all citizens. Not just the aristocracy.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “So you are suggesting a completely different venue, King Guto?”

“I am, yes. There is an old, vacant building near the Skyport on a large parcel of land. It could easily be demolished to make way for a proper embassy.”

Weller nods. “The building in question is certainly in a prime spot for the a fore mentioned purpose. Accessible to both the commoners and nobles alike.”

Adalbert grins. “And it’s on a route that is properly patrolled for the Skyport’s own security purposes.”

Hammer looks to Luna. “Such would be necessary to protect the building and its occupants.”

Luna puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “That does sound like a better location for our nation’s embassy, yes. If the Griffon Kingdom would be willing to send over official survey documentation as well as pricing I will forward it to the proper branch of the Equestrian government.”

Guto smiles warmly at her. “Certainly, Princess Luna. I will personally see to it any plans you have drawn up are fast tracked through the approval process for maximum expediency. However, that does still leave the matter of what to do with the Goldstone Estate.”

Gestal nods. “An estate is generally not permitted to be left vacant for extended periods of time, after all.”

Ashe looks to Arc. “It’s to maintain the integrity of the surrounding property values.”

“That’s understandable. However, my future bride and I don’t have any plans to live there at any point.”

Natalya turns to Arc. “Dear, might I make a suggestion?”

“Of course, my little flower. What did you have in mind?”

“If the estate wouldn’t be an ideal place for the embassy, what if we were to trade it to the government in exchange for the proposed parcel of land?”

“That’s fine with me if you’re okay with it.”

Natalya nods. “I am, dear.”

Gestal looks to Natalya. “Very generous of you. However, the Goldstone Estate is worth exponentially more than that parcel near the Skyport ever will be.”

Weller frowns. “With or without the building already on it.”

Adalbert shrugs. “As it stands we have a very lopsided deal on our talons, Lord Arc.”

Luna taps the table in front of them with a hoof. “Then perhaps we could agree to something a bit more... even.”

Guto looks to Luna intently. “Of course, Princess Luna. What could we do to make this more fair to you?”

“Have the Goldstone Estate appraised to determine its fair market value along with the parcel mentioned earlier. Subtract the cost of the proposed land from the estate and send the difference to Lord Arc’s ship.”

Gestal nods approvingly. “He could then use the money to purchase a piece of property back in Equestria wherever he so chooses.”

Weller sighs. “What of the estate’s contents though?”

Adalbert smirks. “Yes, I’m sure Lord Goldstone amassed a fortune in gems, fine art, precious metals, and any number of other means within his personal estate.”

Natalya gestures to her future husband. “What Lord Arc and I don’t want can be sold at auction and the money used to build the new embassy.”

Luna smiles. “Very generous of you, Lady Natalya.”

“Thank you, Luna. But I only wish to be allowed to give something back to both countries. The one of my youth as well as the one which I now call home.”

Ashe giggles. “A gift to all one could say.”

Gestal turns to the king. “What do you say, your majesty?”

“It is a very fair deal for all concerned. However, I must point out that Lord Goldstone was known to collect many priceless artifacts and treasures that cannot leave the Griffon Kingdom due to them having great cultural significance.”

Weller turns to the king. “Our historians and appraisers could be of help determining what is important and what is merely valuable from a monetary standpoint, sire.”

Adalbert waves a talon dismissively. “Seems like a waste of time to me. Let them take what they will and leave the rest for the auction block.”

Arc looks to the monarch. “I do understand your position in this matter, King Guto. You wish to maintain your national treasures and I can respect such a thing. Now then, if Lady Natalya and I were agree to your terms as set forth, would you be willing to make an exemption for a single room?”

Guto appears confused. “A room? One… room?”

Ashe chimes in. “I believe what Lord Arc is saying is that he wants to make the contents of a single room exempt.”

Arc nods. “Yes, that’s right.”

“It would depend what that room is and what it contains, Lord Arc.”

“I would like the entire contents of Lord Goldstone’s personal study. However, that will be limited only to his books. Not the financial records or any other paperwork contained within.”

Adalbert raises an eyebrow. “You just want... his books, Lord Arc?”


Guto leans forward. “That would be acceptable, yes. But just so we’re in full understand here, you’re only referring to the physical books themselves. Not the shelves nor the furniture or any other object found within the study?”

Arc nods. “Yes, your majesty.”

“Might I inquire as to why you want such a thing, Lord Arc?”

Luna smiles. “I believe that I may be able to explain that. You see, Princess Twilight is fascinated with books. The older the better.”

Arc chuckles. “Right. She can’t get enough of them.”

Natalya giggles. “It sounds as though Lord Arc wishes to present them to her as a gift of sorts.”

Luna nods. “Such would make her very happy indeed.”

Guto leans back in his chair. “Very well. I’ll grant your proposal pending the official appraisals mentioned earlier.”

Hammer clear her throat. “Begging the king’s pardon, but that will make Princess Twilight very happy.”

Arc nods. “Yes, I’m looking forward to presenting them to her.”

Natalya looks to the king. “Might we be allowed to do so soon?”

Guto nods. “Yes, Lady Natalya. As a show of goodwill, I will allow you to take the books to your ship and back to Equestria as soon as you’d like.”

“Thank you, sire.”

King Guto returns his gaze to Arc before continuing.

“So can I assume that we have a deal, Lord Arc?”

Arc nods. “Yes, your highness. My fiancée and I will sign over the estate as soon as the papers can be drawn up.”

Ashe turns to him. “I’ll send in a request for the proper forms when we return to the ship later tonight.”

Gestal smiles at his daughter. “Thank you, ambassador. However, I must remind you that no transfer of property can legally be made until after the marriage ceremony is complete.”

“Of course. But I’m sure that the king will want to complete the transaction as soon as it is feasibly possible.”

Guto gestures with a talon. “Yes, as will Princess Luna I would imagine.”

Luna shrugs. “A brief wait is just fine with me. After all, there is much work that needs to be done in the interim. Surveys, drawing up blueprints, and sourcing materials.”

Arc nods. “One shouldn’t rush such things. Like a good relationship, slow and steady wins out over fast and furious.”

Guto puts a talon to his beak thoughtfully. “An interesting way of looking at it, Lord Arc. Might I inquire further into your way of thinking regarding this?”

“Of course, your majesty.”

“You compared this transaction to a relationship. While I don’t disagree with your analysis of the situation, I do find it a bit strange that you are moving very quickly to cement a permanent relationship with Lady Natalya.”

Arc shrugs. “Well, I have known her for quite some time, your majesty. And her character is that of loyalty and grace. She’s quite the young griffon, after all.”

Luna smiles at them. “Yes, I agree. Lady Natalya and Lord Arc do make a very nice couple.”

Guto looks to Luna. “And you, princess?”

“Your highness?”

“How do you feel about this... how shall I put this... this change of events?”

“I am very happy for both of them.”

Guto appears confused. “That is quite surprising. Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t you and Lord Arc seeing one another?”

Arc nods. “Yes we are, King Guto. However, humans historically have had multiple partners.”

Luna puts a hoof on Arc’s hand. “Indeed. Perhaps one day I too shall join these two in matrimony.”

Guto puts a talon to his beak thoughtfully. “Multiple wives. An interesting concept.”

Gestal looks to the king. “Such used to be the way of our land according to the history books.”

Weller shrugs. “But it became too complicated after the Griffon Kingdom was officially formed and was summarily outlawed.”

Adalbert nods. “Right. These days citizens of the Griffon Kingdom are limited to a single spouse.”

Luna sighs. “Such is the way of Equestria as well. Traditionally speaking, of course.”

Arc looks to the king. “I’m an exception to the rule due to my species and unique position in Equestria.”

Guto nods soberly. “Yes, well... perhaps there is more we can learn about the humans as well as the Equestrians.”

Gestal appears confused. “Sire?”

“I think I’ll order an examination of the concept of multiple spouses.”

Luna frowns. “Such is certainly very difficult, as everypony involved must agree to the relationship and be compatible with one another.”

Guto smiles at her. “Of course, Princess Luna. My inquiries are purely for the sake of knowledge alone at this point. But they may spread into implementation if the right individuals were to… come together.”

Arc quickly chimes in. “An experiment of sorts?”

“You could call it that, Lord Arc.”

Ashe raises her glass. “Then I hope there is success in such an endeavor, your highness.”

Gestal nods. “Indeed.”

A servant approaches with a vast platter of food for the king. As he is served they all go back to eating. Looking to Natalya, Guto speaks.

“Lady Natalya?”

“Yes, your highness?”

“I am sorry for what happened to your father.”

Natalya sighs. “Justice was certainly done on that day, your majesty.”

Gestal bows his head. “While it is not usually easy, we must always strive to see to it that those guilty of a crime are properly punished for their actions.”

Weller nods soberly. “No matter their position of power.”

Adalbert grins as he holds up his glass. “I’ll drink to that!”

Guto clears his throat. “In any case, I’d like to assure you that the Griffon Kingdom does not hold your father’s crimes against you or your family as a whole.”

“Thank you, your majesty. My siblings and I were just as mortified to learn of such things as the rest of the nation was.”

Guto continues. “However, I’d also like to point out that should you, or your family, cause any legal problems here in the Griffon Kingdom that your name will not protect you.”

“Yes, sire. I understand.”

Ashe looks to the king. “I think you’ll be happy to hear that Lady Natalya has found her place in life within the borders of Equestria, your highness.”

“Is that so?”

Natalya nods. “Yes sire. I plan to return there with Lord... with my husband to remain in Equestria indefinitely.”

Guto puts a talon to his beak. “I see. So you and Princess Luna, along with Lord Arc, will take up permanent residence within Canterlot Castle?”

Arc shakes his head. “We haven’t actually decided where we’re going to live yet. But I don’t think it will be Canterlot, no.”

Ashe leans forward. “Lord Arc is very fond of a small town to the south of the capital known as ‘Ponyville’.”

Guto nods. “Where the orphanage is located?”

Arc gestures toward a window with his hand. “Yes, your majesty. It’s a small, out of the way town. Very close knit.”

Guto looks to Luna. “And you, Princess Luna? Will you reside there is well should you and Lord Arc also be wed?”

“Perhaps at times. As I’m sure you understand, my duties to Equestria will require me to remain in the capital most of the time.”

“That sounds like it would make for a very... hard long distance relationship.”

Arc nods. “I am confident that we can make it work though.”

He pats Natalya’s talon and smiles at her before continuing.

“Right, my little flower?”

Natalya nods happily. “Of course, dear.”

Sometime later they finish their meal. Gestal wipes the side of his beak with a napkin as he speaks.

“Another wonderful meal.”

Weller smiles. “Yes, I too enjoyed it.”

Adalbert chuckles. “Haven’t had a bad one yet at the Aviary.”

Luna nods. “Yes. A fine meal and fine company.”

Ashe turns to Luna. “We should have another peace summit at some point, your highness.”

“That does sound nice, yes.”

Gestal chuckles. “One that allows us to see more of your land than just Lord Arc’s base though, I hope.”

Weller frowns. “That would be quite the security risk though.”

Adalbert waves a talon dismissively. “Bah! Live a little once in a while, Weller!”

Hammer looks to Luna. “He is right. But we could probably organize something aboard The Equinox if you wanted us to.”

“That sounds good. You and Ambassador Ashe should look into coming up with some kind of an itinerary.”

Guto grins. “I’d very much like to be included in these plans.”

Gestal turns to the king, confused. “Sire?”

Weller raises an eyebrow. “You... you wish to travel to Equestria for a tour of sorts?”

Guto nods. “I would indeed.”

The king looks to Luna before continuing.

“That and I would look forward to learning more about Equestria from their princesses... personally.”

Luna smiles nervously. “We would... love to have you, King Guto. And your Council of Lords too, of course.”

Adalbert frowns. “We probably all shouldn’t leave the country at once though, sire.”

Weller nods. “For security’s sake as well.”

Guto shrugs. “Very well. I’ll go while you three run the country.”

Gestal bows his head. “Whatever you desire, sire.”

Guto chuckles as he turns to Ashe. “Keep me appraised of what you come up with, ambassador.”

“Yes, your highness.”

Looking over his shoulder at the ballroom dance floor, King Guto turns to Luna as he stands and extends a talon to her.

“Princess Luna. Might I have a dance?”

“I... suppose that would be fine, yes.”

She stands as the king leads her toward the dance floor. Gestal looks to Ashe and chuckles.

“It’s nice to see the king loosening up for once.”

Ashe shrugs. “I suppose so. But how about we have a dance as well, father?”

Gestal slowly stands. “As long as you don’t mind a slow, old griffon for a partner.”

Ashe smiles at him. “You’re no such thing, father! Now come on!”

The pair leave together as Weller and Adalbert stand.

“Well, we should probably mingle with some of the other guests.”

Adalbert groans. “Yes, I suppose we should.”

Arc playfully salutes. “I understand. Duty calls.”

As the pair walk away, Hammer leans over and whispers in Arc’s ear.

“I’m gonna keep an eye on Princess Luna and the king.”

“Probably a good idea. She’s quite the target for assassins.”

Hammer frowns. “And the king.”

Arc sighs. “That too. Just don’t intervene unless absolutely necessary. We don’t want to embarrass Luna or our host.”

Nodding, Hammer makes her way over to a column and watches the royal pair as they dance. Meanwhile, Natalya turns to Arc and smiles nervously.

“Um... dear?”


“Would you... care to dance with me?”

“I would, yes.”

Standing, he extends his arm to Natalya and leads her onto the dance floor. Finding a spot, she puts a talon in Arc’s hand as he puts his other on her hip. The music slows, as does the speed of everyone dancing. Natalya leans in close and rests her chin on Arc’s shoulder.

“This is... new to me.”

Arc chuckles. “Never been dancing before?”

Natalya shakes her head. “No, never. Always too busy with the military.”

“How about growing up?”

“There were several dances in my latter years of schooling, yes. However, no one knew my lineage so I was an unknown.”

“A what?”

“Griffons tend to befriend and fall in love with those within their social means. No one knew what my background was, so they didn’t want to take a chance on dating me.”

Arc shakes his head. “They wouldn’t have believed you even if you told them, I imagine.”

“Probably not.”

She sighs before continuing.

“Um... dear?”

“Yes, my little flower?”

“Thank you for dancing with me.”

“You’re welcome.”

Natalya smiles. “This is a dream come true for me.”

Arc chuckles. “I guess you must really like dancing.”

Natalya grimaces. “There’s... a bit more to it than that though.”


“When I was a youngling, every year the school I attended would have what’s called a ‘daddy/daughter dance’. Everyone would show up with their fathers and have a good time.”

Sighing, she continues.

“Everyone... but me.”

“Goldstone was always too busy?”

Natalya nods sadly. “Every year I would stand against the wall in my prettiest dress and watch the door hoping he would come. And every year he would stand me up.”

“Every time?”

“Yes. So in all honesty you really are giving me my very first dance.”

Arc smiles. “Hope I’m doing okay.”

“Very well, yes. Not that I would know, I guess. But I’m enjoying it nonetheless.”

Meanwhile, across the room, Luna and Guto share a dance of their own. Guto looks to his partner with a smile.

“Thank you for coming tonight, Princess Luna.”

“Thank you for having us, King Guto.”

Guto looks around. “Most years this is the most colossal of bores to me.”

“I feel the same way about a similar event we have back in Equestria.”

“You have an Extravaganza too?”

“We call it the ‘Grand Galloping Gala’. But it’s roughly the same thing as this.”

“The rich and powerful come together in order to sip champagne and eat hors d'oeuvres while listening to classical music there too?”

Luna groans. “Please don’t remind me.”

Guto chuckles. “My apologies for bringing up such painful memories for you.”

Luna smiles. “I just found it extremely boring.”

“Well, I invited you to my Extravaganza. So it’s only fair that I be forced to suffer through your version of it too.”

“I’ll... send an invitation through Ambassador Ashe.”

“Looking forward to it.”

“Might I ask you something, your highness?”

“Please. Just call me ‘Guto’.”

“Um... alright then. I just wanted to know, from one ruler to another, how it’s like to rule your nation alone?”

Guto chuckles. “I do have the help of the Council of Lords, you know.”

“Yes, but no other royals that I know of. Is that not the case?”

Guto sighs. “You are correct. I am the only heir to the throne currently alive. But to answer your question, it is a bit lonely much of the time. While I have innumerable servants and officials, all of them see me as just the ruler of the Griffon Kingdom.”

“That much I do understand, yes.”

Guto smiles. “But at least you have your sister. An equal.”

“Yes, and Twilight. Cadance as well.”

“And the Hero of Light too I would imagine.”

“”He’s... a very special friend.

Guto grins. “Just a friend?”

Luna groans. “That... came out wrong.”

“I can imagine.”

“Arc is... very important to me.”

“And you two care for one another?”

Luna nods. “Very much so, yes. He’s... been able to pull things out of me that nopony else could. Gotten me to talk about subjects I once thought to be ancient history. Been there for me in ways I can’t even begin to explain.”

“Well, when compared to such an individual I don’t really see how I could compare.”

“It’s not that, King...”

Guto interrupts her. “Ah, ah, ah! Guto, remember?”

“Right... Guto. What I mean is that there really a competition here for whom is the best at... whatever.”


“And that there isn’t a limit on the number of those whom we can talk to. And trust.”

“I would very much like such a thing. To earn your trust, I mean.”

“As would I.”

“Then how about we start?”

Luna appears confused. “How?”

“A correspondence exchange.”


Guto chuckles. “I’ll write to you and you write to me. No limits on whom or what we can talk about. Economic policy, audiences with nobles, or even just the weather. Just use me as an outlet for your feelings. Things you can’t or don’t want to tell others.”

Luna sighs and looks away. “I... don’t think you’d really want to hear about things like that. My inner most thoughts aren’t exactly pretty.”

Guto puts a talon on Luna’s mane. “With all due respect, princess... I would relish the opportunity to be allowed to make that decision for myself.”

“Alright. When I return to Equestria I’ll try to send you a note when I can.”

Guto nods happily. “And I shall do my best to write you daily. Well, that is as long as you don’t mind me going off on tangents. I tend to ramble sometimes when I get fixated on a subject that I greatly enjoy or that displeases me.”

Luna nods. “Fair enough. But don’t feel as though you have to write every day just for my sake. After all, I’m sure that you have innumerable other things to take care of.”

“Yes, of course. However, most of them can be handled by my staff and council if need be.”

“Delegation. A skill I so seldom make use of.”

“Then that shall be the subject of my first letter, Princess Luna. A basic description of the duties I’ve seen fit to delegate to others.”

“Very well. I look forward to reading it, K... Guto.”

“Hopefully this is the start of a long and lasting friendship, Princess Luna.”

“Just one thing though.”


Luna smiles at him. “Please... call me Luna.”

Sometime later the song ends. Those on the dance floor along with the spectators clap and return to their seats. Guto turns to Luna and smiles.

“Would you like to take a walk, Princess Luna?”

Luna nods. “Actually, yes. I could use a bit of air.”

Guto gestures with a talon. “Right this way then.”

Leading her toward the door, Hammer falls into step behind Luna. As they walk down the corridor together King Guto turns to Luna.

“Forgive me if I made you feel uncomfortable at the dinner table earlier.”

Luna appears confused. “Uncomfortable?”

“My comments regarding you and Lord Arc’s relationship.”

“It’s alright. I know we have a very... unique bond.”

“Then may I inquire as to how you came into such a situation?”

Luna sighs. “It is very... difficult to explain.”

“Please try.”

“Well... I suppose it all started shortly after Lord Arc’s official appointment as our nation’s Hero of Light. He had some... issues regarding the newly built base over which he had been given command over. I traveled there personally in order to see for myself the problems he claimed were present. As we talked, I felt that I was very able to speak to him. Seemingly about anything.”

“Were you familiar with Lord Arc prior to this?”

Luna shakes her head. “I knew of him, yes. However, other than his name, I didn’t know anything about him.”

“Then how did you know that you could trust him with what I’m assuming to be sensitive personal information?”

Luna sighs. “Honestly, I don’t have an answer to that. I can only surmise that I was in a weakened mental state at the time due to ruling the nation without my sister.”

Guto frowns. “It almost sounds as if you’re saying that he took advantage of you, Princess Luna.”

“Quite the opposite actually. Lord Arc put me at ease and allowed me to speak at my own pace as well as drive the conversation.”

“Such things aren’t exactly new concepts for a ruling monarch though. Some days that’s all I do when passing judgment.”

“Agreed. However, he didn’t respond as my other subjects would have. Instead, he spoke to me as if he and I were equals. And while technically we are on somewhat even footing, I was addressed as if I were a normal mare.”

Guto raises an eyebrow. “But why would any ruler want such a thing? We’re to be looked up to. Respected. Sometimes feared.”

“I cannot disagree with that, Guto. However, I found it to be a very... grounding experience for me. And in return for it, I spoke to him about some very old matters. Things long forgotten by all but myself and Celestia.”

“Equestrian history?”

“In a sense, yes. My past before ascending to the throne.”

“Certainly quite a tale I would imagine.”

“A bit less so than one would imagine. But important to Celestia and I nonetheless.”


Luna appears confused. “Guto?”

“In life, everything boils down to it. You trusted Lord Arc with the secrets of you and your sister’s past. Can I assume that he kept any sensitive information to himself?”

“That he did, yes.”

“So you’ve seen fit to increase you trust in him since that point.”

Luna nods. “Exponentially, yes. Lord Arc has roundly shown that he can be trusted with any information, task, relic, or whatnot that we may wish to share with him.”

She smiles at Guto before continuing.

“As you yourself have done.”

“Have I?”

Luna nods. “Yes, Guto. Remember, you told me earlier that you’ve seen fit to delegate some of your responsibilities to various officials. Can I assume that they were selected for such roles based on the amount of trust placed in them?”

“They were indeed, Luna. And as that trust grows so does their position within my government.”

He sighs before continuing.

“However, I have yet to find anyone to whom I can confide in regarding personal matters.”

“What about your Council of Lords?”

“Each of them are experts in their respective fields. Capable of leading those sectors in the way they should go. But even so, I cannot bring myself to confide personal matters with them.”

“That sounds... rather lonely to me.”

“It is, Luna. However, I am at a loss on what to do.”

“Perhaps you should get to know them better.”

Guto shakes his head. “I don’t believe that is possible. After all, I have full records on each of them.”

“When I said that you should get to know them, I didn’t mean them as leaders. But them as griffons. Friends even.”

“But that would require me to open myself up to betrayal!”

“That is certainly a possibility. However, the alternative is a lifetime of loneliness and heartache.”

Luna looks up at the moon through a window as they pass. Sighing, she turns back to Guto.

“And believe me... that is indeed a subject that can say that I fully understand.”

“It still sounds like a double edged sword to me.”

“Or you could look at it this way, Guto. A trusted friend is much less likely to stab you in the back than an unknown official.”

Guto nods as he smiles. “It appears you have given me much to think about, Luna.”

“Just doing my best to improve our relationship.”

“Perhaps one day you and I will share a bond of trust.”

“We are currently building the foundation of one, yes.”

Guto chuckles. “Brick by brick.”

“A good analogy, yes.”

“Then might I add a few to the pile.”

“Of course.”

“I personally believe that the griffons and the ponies will one day be the closest of friends. Not just economically, but personally as well.”

Luna nods. “It will take a long time, of course. Years even. But if all sides are willing to come together there’s no telling what we could accomplish.”

Guto smiles. “That I agree with. However, such things in life are certainly worth the effort. And the wait.”

Sometime later the pair return to the Ballroom together. They spot Arc with Natalya and move to join them. Luna is the first to speak.

“I do hope you two had a nice dance.”

Arc nods. “Oh, yes. It was very nice.”

Natalya smiles. “The music just kinda washed over us as we danced.”

Guto gestures to the band. “That’s not surprising. Only the finest musicians are invited to play at the Aviary Extravaganza, after all.”

Arc’s earring chirps. Touching it, he speaks.

“Arc here.”

“Sir, this is Lemon Hearts. We’ve just received word from Ponyville Hospital that the patient you brought there is beginning to regain consciousness. Doctor Horse has requested that you return there at once.”

“Tell him I’ll be there as soon as I can. Arc out.”

Touching his earring, Arc severs the connection. Turning to the king, Arc speaks.

“It would appear that duty once again calls, sir.”

Guto chuckles. “Such is the life of a leader, Lord Arc.”

Turning to Natalya, the king smiles as he continues.

“It was very good to meet you, Lady Natalya. I want to formally wish both you and Lord Arc the best in your upcoming nuptials.”

“Thank you, King Guto. I believe that we’ll be very happy together.”

Arc nods. “Indeed. But we need to get moving.”

He looks to Luna.

“Would you like a portal back to The Equinox, Princess Luna?”

Luna shakes her head. “No, thank you. I would like to stay here and enjoy the festivities some more.”

Hammer salutes. “I’ll continue watching over the princess in your absence, sir.”

“Good. Please enjoy yourself tonight and I’ll catch up with you at the ship when I can.”

Luna nods soberly. “Hopefully things go well at the hospital.”

Arc grimaces as he opens a portal. “Agreed.”

He and Natalya step through and vanish from sight as Guto turns to Luna and extends a talon.

“Might I interest you in a light drink and some more conversation, Luna?”

Luna nods as she puts her hoof in his talon. “Yes, I’d like that, Guto.”

Hammer frowns as she dutifully follows the pair over to their table.

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