• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 7 - Meetings About Meetings

The next morning Arc awakens early. He looks out the window across the room at the first rays of dawn shining in.

“Today’s the day.”

A voice rings out nearby.

“That it is.”

Arc looks down to see Ember’s face on his chest.

“Good morning, Ember.”

“Sleep well?”

“Very. Thanks to you I might add.”

“I hope you and Cherry had a nice chat.”

Arc nods as he sits up. “That we did.”

Ember looks up at him sheepishly. “You’re not mad… are you?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Cherry told me it was her idea.”

Ember breathes a sigh of relief. “That’s good! Truth be told I was a bit nervous you might be.”

Arc reaches down and takes Ember’s arm and smiles at her as he pulls her up. “You should know me better than that, Ember.”

He wraps his arms around her as she rests her head on his shoulder. Ember smiles as her body is pressed up against his.

“This feels nice. Now I know why Cherry wanted some alone time with…”

A knock rings out and the door opens. Xenos pokes his head in and looks toward the bed.

“Sir, it’s time to…”

He stops talking as he sees the position his superior officer is in with Ember and grins.

“Sorry to interrupt, sir. I can come back later when you’re not so busy.”

Arc rolls toward the edge of the bed. “No, no. What is it?”

“You told us to wake you up at this time from now on.”

“I did?”

Ember frowns. “Yeah. Why I don’t know! It’s WAYYYYYY too early for anyone to be up!”

Xenos nods. “Yes, well… you’ve been rising early to do research lately, sir.”

Arc nods as he stands. “I’ve been so preoccupied with my work lately that I don’t even remember telling you to do that, Xenos.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Trust me, you did.”

“Well, you have a couple hours before the next window back to Equestria, sir. Shall we make you something to eat?”

Arc walks over to his dresser for clean clothes. “No thanks. You guys can go back to bed if you want.”


“You feeling alright, Arc?”

Arc nods. “Yeah. I kinda feel like having a bite at Shelly’s this morning.”

Xenos grins. “Their cheeseburgers are quite good.”

“You guys can come too if you want.”

“No thank you, sir. I’m sure the others would like to get some more sleep.”

Ember nods. “Especially with all the hours you boys have been putting into this.”

Arc heads for the door. “Right. You can go back to sleep now, Ember.”

Ember jumps up. “You’re going out, I’m coming with you!”

Xenos nods soberly. “Probably for the best, sir. After all that’s happened to you it’s not really a good idea for you to go out alone.”

“Fine, Ember. Get dressed and I’ll see you downstairs.”

Ember hurries toward the Guest Room. “Don’t take too long!”

Xenos follows Arc toward the Bathroom. “There is one more thing, sir. Rose has been busy all night searching the Internet.”

“Really? What for?”

“I’m not really sure. She won’t tell anyone what she’s looking for.”

“Strange. I’ll ask her about it later.”

“You don’t suppose she’s up to something, do you sir?”

“Nah. But I’d like to help if I can.”

“She’s always willing to talk to you, sir. Maybe you can get to the bottom of this.”

Arc nods as he walks into the Bathroom. “Yeah. I think I’ll take a quick shower before heading out though. Let Ember know when she gets out here.”

“Yes sir.”

Xenos smiles to himself as the door closes.

“The commander’s a lucky guy. Ember’s even prettier in her human form. I do hope they enjoyed themselves last night.”

Meanwhile, Arc steps into the shower and turns on the faucet. A moment later he recoils as icy cold water hits his skin.

“ARGH! What the…?!”

Cherry calls out. “Arc?! Are you okay?!”

“Yeah. Just feeling a little foolish. I forgot to let it warm up first. Must still be half asleep.”

“Sorry. I guess I should have warned you.”

Arc chuckles as the water warms. “Nah. I just need to watch what I’m doing.”

“I know you were preoccupied.”

“How did you…? Oh… in my head.”

“You want to go say goodbye to Shelly and Lily for the sake of more than just mere manners, I believe.”

Arc sighs. “You’re right. I just… I just feel so bad keeping this secret from them. We’ve never kept secrets before!”

“Arc, you can’t tell them about who you really are now. They’ll do nothing but worry about your safety.”

Arc rests his head against the tile wall. “I know, Cherry. That’s why I haven’t said anything so far.”

“But you’re worried just how long you can keep that up.”

“They have to know something’s up.”

“Then why haven’t they said anything?”

“Because they trust me.”

A short time later Arc walks downstairs. Ember is waiting for him on the couch.

“How long did you plan on keeping me waiting?!”

“Sorry. Just… had to get cleaned up for Shelly and Lily.”

Embers expression suddenly softens. “I understand. Sorry for blowing up.”

“It’s okay. We should get moving though.”

They walk out the back door and climb into Arc’s Jeep.

“Arc, is everything okay?”

“I just want to see my friends before we leave.”

“Is that really all?”

Arc sighs as he pulls the Jeep onto the road. “I hate having to leave all the time. Shelly’s condition as it is and all.”

Ember sighs. “She always just looks so fragile! Can’t we do SOMETHING for her?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Afraid not. All we can do is make her comfortable and try to alleviate the pain.”

Ember frowns. “I HATE THIS!!!”

“I hate it more, Ember. As does Lily. Ironically the only one who’s always taken this the best was Shelly herself.”


“She’s not afraid.”

“Of what?!”

“Her death.”

A few minutes later the pair arrive at Shelly’s Kitchen. Arc parks the Jeep and the pair walk into the building. Lily greets them at the door and leans in to give Arc a hug.

“Good morning you two. You’re up early.”

Arc smiles as he returns the embrace. “We, uh… have an early morning.”

“Arc wanted to have a good breakfast before we got moving.”

“Well, let me show you to your table.”

Lily leads the pair over to their customary table. They sit down.

“Shelly’s having a really good day today. She’s even able to run the kitchen.”

“That’s good to hear.”

Ember looks around the restaurant. “No customers?”

“None that sit down to eat this early. Usually the shop owners call in an order the day before and pick it up on the way to their businesses. How about I get Shelly? She’ll want to say good morning too.”

Arc nods. “Sounds good.”

Lily walks quickly to the kitchen. She returns a few minutes later with Shelly on her arm. Arc hurries over to help his friend to the table.

“It’s good to see you again, Arc!”

“You too, Shelly.”

Shelly looks toward the table. “I see you have Ember with you today.”

“Good morning, ma’am.”

“Yes. I… we’re going on a bit of a trip.”

Lily looks worried. “Oh? Where to?”

“Back to Dawn and Daisy’s hometown.”

“Is anything wrong?”

“Oh no. I’m sure they’re doing just fine.”

Ember nods. “Daisy just needs her father.”


Shelly smiles and nods. “That she does. Now Arc, you bring her and her mother back one of these days.”

“I will.”

Ember chuckles. “We just didn’t want to leave town without saying goodbye.”

Lily smiles. “Well, thank you for that.”

Shelly looks back to the Kitchen. “I’ll get your regulars in right away.”

Lily nods. “Right. Can’t have you two driving on an empty stomach.”


The pair head back to the Kitchen. Arc and Ember sit down.

Cherry giggles. “You really wanted to tell them, didn’t you?”

“Yeah. I hate keeping secrets. Especially from them.”

Ember looks down. “So do I.”

A short time later the pair emerge from the back with a tray. They carry the food over and set it before their hungry guests. Lily turns to Arc.

“There you are! A cheeseburger and fries with a Coke for both of you!”


Ember grins. “This looks great!”

Arc looks over to Shelly. “The guys will be staying at my place here in town. Give them a call if you need anything while I’m gone.”

Lily smiles happily. “Thanks, Arc. They come in here for breakfast every few days.”

Ember looks up. “Do they now?”

Shelly nods. “Oh yes. A couple times they even helped with the morning rush.”

Arc smiles. “Glad to see business is picking up.”

Lily looks relieved. “Me too!”

Ember points to a menu. “By the way, I’ve been meaning to ask you two something. What’s a milkshake?”

Arc turns to Shelly. “Think you can make that two?”

Shelly nods and smiles at the pair. “Coming right up!”

A hour or so later Arc and Ember walk back to the Jeep.

“That was a meal and a half!”

Ember opens her mouth to speak, but instead belches and blushes.

“That it was, Arc! But I don’t understand how those things are made with MILK!”

Arc chuckles as they get into the Jeep. “Well, there’re a few other ingredients I’m sure. How did you like vanilla?”

“It was great! But next time I want to try chocolate!”

Arc laughs. “You got it!”

Cherry giggles. “It was nice to see Shelly looking so well.”

Arc nods as he turns out of the parking lot. “That it is. But she’s still in quite a bit of pain.”

“Really? She didn’t look like it.”

“Trust me. She is.”

Cherry sighs. “Does it ever stop?”

Arc shakes his head. “No.”

A short time later arrive back at Arc’s house and walk up to the back door.

“There’s a whole world of different foods to try, Ember. Why stick with cheeseburgers and pizza?”

Ember shrugs. “I know what I like. Besides, I tried a milkshake didn’t I?”

Arc opens the back door and walks into the kitchen. “Yes. But I wouldn’t exactly call that expanding your culinary horizons.”

“But you admit it’s a start, right?”

“I wouldn’t go that far.”

Ember frowns as they walk into the Living Room. “Well, I don’t see you trying gems anytime soon.”

Arc shakes his head and smiles after his friend as he takes off his coat and tosses it onto the kitchen table. Ember calls out to him urgently from the other room.

“Arc, get over here!”

Tossing his keys on the table Arc hurries to Ember’s side.

“What is it?!”

Ember silently points a finger to the couch. There is a strange looking scroll sitting on a cushion. Arc walks over to it and frowns.

“What the heck? How did this get here?”

“I’m sure it wasn’t there before we left! Is it from Spike, or something?”

Arc picks it up and looks at the seal. “I don’t think so. Twilight usually stamps hers with a horseshoe imprint. These are totally different looking.”

“Whose seal is it?”

“I don’t know. But it looks ominous.”

“Why don’t you open it and find out then?”

“Guess I’d better.”

With a tug the seal breaks and the scroll opens. Arc unrolls it and begins to read as Ember waits and taps her foot.

“So, who’s it from?”

Arc shakes his head and frowns. “Just a minute.”

Ember taps her foot impatiently as Arc continues to read.

“I’m not getting any younger over here!”

Arc rolls up the scroll and sighs.

“We need to sit down.”

Ember looks confused. “Alright.”

The pair sit down on the couch together. Arc turns to Ember.

“So are you going to tell me what this is all about?”

“Yes. But please try to stay calm.”

Ember chuckles. “Who, me? I’m always calm.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Right.”

“I mean, how bad can it be?”

Arc holds up the scroll. “This is from the Council of Shadows.”

Ember grabs the scroll from him. “WHAT?! TEMPEST’S GROUP!!!”

Arc chuckles as Ember reads, her brow furrowed. “Glad to see you calm and collected.”

“I AM CALM!!!”

She reads the scroll several times before turning to Arc.

“She wants a meeting! A MEETING?!”

“That what she said.”

“Nothing good can come from this!”

“Maybe. But think about it this way. This might have something to do with her parents and Stableton.”

“Or she could be calling you in to finish you off!”

“I suppose so.”

He takes the scroll from Ember and looks it over a moment before rolling it back up.

“Sure glad I said goodbye to Shelly and Lily.”

“We should bring the guys with us! You need protection!”

“And what could they do against Tempest? Other than get killed, that is.”

Ember grits her teeth. “The same thing I’m going to do. Stab Tempest until there’s nothing left but SOUP!”

Arc puts the scroll in his ring. “They’re staying here and that’s final.”



She is silent for a time.

“I’m still coming with you.”

“I knew you’d say that.”

Ember forces a smile. “You know me. Always ready for a fight.”

Let’s just hope it doesn’t come to that.”

A couple hours later Arc and Ember descend the basement steps together. Max looks at the clock.

“Sir, there’s about five minutes until the window.”

“Thanks, Max.”

Ember turns and frowns at Arc. “You sure you want to go back now?”

“I am.”

“Fine. Your funeral.”

Rose approaches the pair.

“I am ready to go, Arc.”


“Something is wrong.”

Ember does not look over. “How can you tell?”

“Your body language and tone for starters, Ember.”

Arc sighs. “We just had a bit of a disagreement. But tell me something. Did anyone other than us come into the house this morning while Ember and I were gone?”

“Someone else?”

Arc nods. “Yes. Anyone at all.”

Rose shakes her head. “My sensors didn’t detect anyone coming inside after you left, no.”

Ember thinks for a moment. “What about magical energies?”

“There was a brief spike in transdimensional energies. However I just assumed it was feedback from the approaching window.”

Xenos walks over. “Sir? Are you suggesting someone broke in here earlier?!”

Sereb growls. “I did not smell anyone enter.”

Arc pulls the scroll out and holds it up. “Well, someone must’ve magically sent me a message then. This was on the couch when Ember and I got back.”

Viktor looks over from the computer. “What?!”

Hugh raises an eyebrow. “How did Sunburst DO that?!”

Ember frowns. “It wasn’t sent by him.”

Arc nods “Right.”

Sereb looks confused. “Who else is able to pierce the transdimensional barrier though if not the Lead Sage of Canterlot?”


Arc’s earring chirps. He touches his earring in response.

“Arc here.”

“Sir, you can now safely return. I expect a smooth ride for you and your friends.”

“Good. I’ll see you in a bit. Arc out.”

Arc touches his earring and turns to the others.

“Max, call me if something comes up.”

“We will, sir.”

Ember nods. “That and you should go to Shelly’s Kitchen more often.”

Xenos looks confused. “Ember?”

Arc nods. “That would be nice.”

Hugh smiles. “We’ll do that, sir.”


Rose walks over to the return pad and presses the button. A portal forms as she turns to the others.

“We should be off.”

Arc nods. “Right. Let’s go.”

Arc, Ember, Rose and Sereb walk into the portal and vanish. Max turns to the pad and pushes the button as Xenos turns to Viktor.

“What do you suppose that was all about?”

“Which part?”

Hugh sighs. “Any of it.”

Max shrugs as he puts the return pad away. “Checking in on Shelly and Lily is understandable. He’s worried about them.”

Xenos nods. “Yeah. But there’s that weird looking scroll. Do you think the princesses sent it?”

Viktor shakes his head. “I doubt it. The stationary wasn’t the normal castle variety.”

Hugh frowns. “Who could it have been then?”

Max stands and walks back to the table. “No clue. But the commander didn’t tell us, and we should respect that.”

The others nod in agreement and return to their duties. Meanwhile, Arc and company arrive back in Princess Celestia’s room. Sunburst hurries over to them.

“The princesses are in the Meeting Room awaiting your return, sir.”

“I’ll go see them right away.”

“Please do. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen Princess Luna quite so nervous.”

Ember frowns. “Any idea what this is about?”

Sunburst looks away. “This matter is very… delicate. You shouldn’t hear about it from me though.”

“Okay. Let’s go then.”

Arc and Ember head for the door together. Rose calls out.



Sereb chuckles. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

“Um… I don’t think so.”

Rose giggles. “You’re still in your human form.”

Ember looks down at herself. “I suppose I am. It’s just, I guess I feel more like myself as a human.”

Arc chuckles. “Well, we should change you back. It wouldn’t do for your father to hear about your new form.”

Ember sighs. “You’re right.”

Sereb’s small horn glows. A few moments later Ember’s familiar dragon body can be seen. She removes her clothes and sets them aside.

“Guess I don’t need these anymore.”

Arc nods. “Nope. But we should get moving. Mustn’t keep the princesses waiting now.”

Ember and Sereb nod as the group heads quickly down the corridor. Rose turns to Sereb.

“That was strange.”

“Indeed. There is much secrecy in the air.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Can you smell that too?”

“No. Tension mostly.”

Arc looks to Sereb. “Really?”

“Think of it as a sixth-sense.”

Cherry sighs. “Even I’m worried about this!”

“Then let’s not keep them waiting.”

Ember looks to Arc’s ring. “What about that scroll?”

“I think we have bigger problems right now.”

They arrive at the Meeting Room. The corridor is empty except for the stallion in charge. He salutes as Arc approaches.

“Sir! The princesses will see you at once.”

“Good. What about my friends?”

“They may enter as well.”

Ember frowns. “Good. I’m not liking this so far.”

“Lead the way, commander.”

Nodding, the stallion pushes the doors open and leads them into the Meeting Room. Inside are Luna, Cadance, Shining Armor, and Trixie. All of them look rather haggard and have bags under their eyes. Arc walks quickly over with the others.

“We came as soon as we could.”

Luna nods. “I’m sure you did, Arc. Thank you.”

Shining Armor sighs. “We should all sit down, your highnesses.”

“Yes. Trixie knows there is much to do and not much time.”

Everyone takes a seat. Shining Armor and Trixie takes their places on either side of the princesses.

“Would you like a bit of refreshment, Princess Luna?”

Luna nods. “I would.”

Shining Armor pours her a glass from a nearby pitcher. He carefully sets it in front of her. Luna looks down at it and casts a Telekinesis Spell to pick it up as she turns to Cadance..

“Ice water.”

She takes a small sip before throwing the remainder in her own face. Arc frowns.

“Are you okay, Princess Luna?!”

“That does help a bit, yes.”

Cadance turns to Shining Armor. “I’d like a glass too please.”

Trixie fetches her one. Cadance repeats Luna’s actions. Ember raises an eyebrow.

“Um… now that we have that out of the way, can we get started?”

Sereb frowns. “Ember, please. You are in the presence of royalty.”

Luna sighs. “Truthfully, it is we who should apologize. For you see, this is yet another task that is well outside your duties.”

Cadance nods. “Yes. However it seems we are in need of your help once again.”

“I’ll do what I can. What’s the situation?”

Luna frowns. “This is by far going to be the most delicate operation we’ve faced to date.”

Ember looks nervous. “More than the Griffon Kingdom peace treaty?”


Shining Armor speaks up. “And the stakes are much higher this time, sir. Should we fail, all of Equestria may be destroyed!”

“Trixie is not sure how the threat is that much more than last time. But she believes it nonetheless.”

Luna sighs. “Yes, well… I shall have to start at the beginning.”

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