• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Preface - Volume 41 - Homefront

In our previous volume, Arc wakes up next to Hammer and Ember in Tempest’s house. Their hostess reveals to him that she broke him out of prison as a personal favor in return to all he did for her. Asking her to join them, Tempest refuses. Returning to The Equinox, Arc finds Derpy and Dinky waiting for him in his room. Embracing them for a time, Hammer takes Ember and Dinky to the Kitchen to get breakfast going as Arc showers. Finishing, he finds Derpy sitting on the couch looking outside. Joining her, she reveals her thoughts of a time after his retirement. How she wishes to bear him a foal in human form if need be and her total trust in him as well.

Arriving in Abyssinia, they lead Arc to the New Ponyville Town Hall. Finding the Mane Six there, Arc brings them up to speed on what happened after he faced Celestia. Informing them that Sunset Shimmer killed the warden and how the soldiers butchered the escaped prisoners he breaks the news of him being framed for everything. Deciding that they must act, Arc hatches a plan to enter Luna Bay Prison again to retrieve his magic ring. Twilight holds onto the Dagger of Eternal Slumber as a sign of good faith from Arc as he goes over his tentative plans with the group.

The Equinox takes off and begins its very roundabout flight to Luna Bay Prison. On the way Wrangler calls for Arc to examine a suspicious crate. Opening it, Arc finds Rarity inside. Confessing that she stowed away, Arc allows her to stay. Asking to speak to him and Hammer privately, they head back to his room and sit down on the couch. Hammer voices her desire to learn more about the herd idea. They speak about a building a large house in which to cohabitate before officially forming the herd. In the course of the conversation Arc is asked why exactly he’s interested in all of them. Pointing out their good points as well at their flaws, Arc ends with a self-examination of himself.

A few days later Ember approaches the guards on duty outside the prison. Identifying herself, she presents Arc as her prisoner and orders the bounty be paid to her. Unable to immediately do so due to a lack of bits, the guards escort her inside and to the new warden, Spitfire. She informs her that Decimus himself is on his way with her reward money to take him into custody. Insisting to stay with Arc until she’s been paid, she accompanies him to ‘The Hole’ where she and Spitfire lock him up. Handing over a knife, Ember tells Spitfire that it has magical properties and that she should lock it up securely. Following the mare back to the office, Spitfire opens a hidden safe and puts the knife inside. Leaving with Ember, Hammer decloaks and opens the safe to retrieve Arc’s property. After planning plastic explosives, she returns to Ember and gives her the ring. At the proper time Hammer detonates the explosives to get everyone to look away for a moment. Dropping the ring down to Arc, she waits for Spitfire to leave with many of her guards. Helping Arc up to the bars, she watches as he dispatches the guards and takes her hostage. Walking them down the corridor, Arc demands the release of Aloe and Vera along with their files. Handing them over, Arc opens a portal and orders the mares taken through as he keeps Ember hostage and escapes along with her.

Returning to The Equinox, Arc has Hugh pick Aloe and Vera’s shackle locks before dismissing the squad. The others part ways as he escorts the mares to a posh suite. Informing them that they are still prisoners, he orders Wrangler to place guards outside their doors to escort them around the ship as they desire. Returning to his room, Arc looks out the window for a few minutes before opening a portal to the Crystal Hospital. Spotting the Hammers finishing their breakfast he inquires how they are doing. Silver Hammer tells him of her lower body paralysis and her husband’s long recovery time. Platinum Valve points out Decimus’ likely next move… a mind control crystal in a statue being erected in Manehattan. Needing expert help with the task, Platinum Valve volunteers to accompany him in this task. Her parents wish her well as she and Arc return to The Equinox.

Sometime later Arc, Platinum Valve, and the others discuss their mission to stop the mind control device under construction. They end their meeting with the task of trying to decide on a name for Arc’s new armor. Not hearing anything he really likes, Arc pulls out Cherry’s pendant and asks the hologram of his grandfather if he named the armor. Telling his grandson that the armor is called ‘Lionheart’, Daniel informs him that it is the last anti-magic armor in Equestria. Going outside to test that theory, the armor disperses a magical attack by Hammer. Ember, being much more powerful, is able to knock Arc to the ground with her own magic attack. Getting up, Arc asks her to do the same again. However this time he smacks the spell with a gauntlet, more or less shattering it. Twilight explains how the armor works as Rainbow Dash monologues about her future sexual antics with Arc. Heading for the ship with Ember, Hammer, Platinum Valve, and Rarity, the others return to the Town Hall.

Meanwhile, Decimus and Gaston learn of The Equinox’s approach to Equestria’s shores from a messenger. Heading to Celestia’s room, they are immediately told of a letter Twilight sent to Celestia. Reading it they learn that Twilight is working with Arc to overthrow Celestia. Leading their ruler through a portal to Light’s Hope, Decimus informs her that it is a fallback position to protect her from Arc and his forces. After parting with Celestia, Decimus picks up a phone and tells someone on the other end to begin the operation. Informing Gaston of his desire to Arc to follow a specific path, they continue on their way to finish preparations. As they do so Arc and Rarity stand on the Bridge of The Equinox overlooking Baltimare on the horizon. She tells him of her desire to one day open a shop there as Lemon Hearts calls out a general alarm. Telling him of the trouble in the city, Arc orders a transmission sent to Mayor Duke Carleon. Offering his aid, the duke begrudgingly accepts it. Arc orders his forces to the deck as they land and sends them on their way with Hammer and Ember commanding them. He himself stays to coordinate the rescue operation at ground zero. Helping dig out innumerable ponies, Arc rests an Rarity gives him a flask of water. Transforming into his Crimson form, Arc hears something some distance away. Digging, he finds a mare and stallion buried under debris, dead. Pushing them aside Arc finds a young filly whom is still alive. Rarity runs to get help as Arc helps her drink some water. Asking him to take care of her teddy bear, she closes her eyes to rest. As Redheart examines her, she announces Toola Roola’s death. Picking her up, Arc carries the filly to the hospital Morgue personally.

Lying on his bed the next day with Rarity, Arc’s squad along with his friends come to report to him. Informing Arc that the rubble has been cleared of ponies, he is told that Duke Carleon wishes to speak to him. Making the walk to the Town Hall they enter the office together. The duke apologizes for his earlier statement to Arc and thanks him for his help. Passing on High Justice Gavel’s desire to speak with him, they walk to the courthouse. Meeting with Gavel, she informs Arc that his own appointment to Hero of Light was indeed legitimate. However, as Celestia unilaterally appointed Decimus, his rank was in violation of Celestia’s own law. Heading to the records room to see Cerulean Skies, Arc runs into Tempest there. Furious, he begins strangling her. Cerulean Skies exits the bathroom and stops him, telling Arc that her sister came to tell what she knew. Accusing the Griffon Kingdom of being behind the terrorist attacks, Tempest agrees to investigate the matter herself before leaving. Cerulean Skies, noticing the bear in Arc’s hand, advises him not to let his anger over what happened consume him. Lemon Hearts calls Arc on his earring to inform him that an invasion force has been detected crossing the ocean from the east. He orders The Equinox to take off and make for the Crystal Empire in an effort to beat the invaders there and prepare a proper defense.

Traveling to the Crystal Empire via his only sigil in that land, Arc reappears in the Hammer’s hospital room. Giving them a quick rundown before Blinking outside, Arc teleports to the castle and makes his way to the Throne Room. Entering, Cadance and Shining Armor show him Celestia’s terms for surrender, which are unconditional. Refusing to give up, Arc, Shining Armor, Cadance, and Flash Sentry formulate a plan amongst themselves before splitting up to implement it. Meanwhile, Arc and Flash Sentry head down the hall to speak to Raven together. Admitting that her case is stalled for the moment, Arc reaffirms his commitment to see her receive justice before warning her of the incoming invasion. Taking a portal back to The Equinox, Flash Sentry does his best to reassure Raven that everything will be alright.

Approaching the oncoming griffon fleet, Arc makes contact with their commanding officer, Lord Adalbert. Hearing that they were summoned by Celestia as she cited their new treaty, Arc fumes over their willingness to allow the innocent to suffer. Refusing to let the ships pass, Arc is challenged to a battle to sate Adalbert’s bloodlust. Blinking his forces from The Equinox’s deck to the griffon command ship, he orders the Pegasi and Unicorns to hold the deck while he and the Earth Ponies charge inside. Ordering them to take Engineering, Arc heads for the deck. Forcing his way inside (and taking the opportunity to make an 80’s reference) Arc storms the Bridge. Attempting to get Adalbert to surrender, he is unsurprised with the elderly griffon turns to him with armor and weapons. The pair head to the deck to fight things out before Arc deftly defeats him. Giving up, Adalbert announces his intention to continue on to the Crystal Empire to aid in the attack. Unable to convince him to cease his invasion plans, Arc orders his Earth Pony forces to kill the engine. Using the ship going down to convince Adalbert to order his forces back to the Griffon Kingdom, he returns power to the ship which allows it to level off. Arc orders his forces to withdraw as Adalbert does the same.

Returning to The Equinox, Arc and his forces set a course back to the Crystal Empire. After contacting Cadance to inform her of the griffon fleet’s retreat, Arc heads to his room to rest. Contacting Scootaloo, he learns that she is, more or less, in command of Canterlot Castle due to a lack of officers. As they arrive at their destination Arc orders his troops to the deck. Sereb meets them there and ferries Arc to the city walls facing the enemy advance. Arc makes a speech to the gathered Crystal Guards to rally them before calling for their mechanical defenses. Hammer and Auriel drive up to the base of the wall in the Charger while Sunburst and Stellar Flare do the same with the second vehicle. Rose joins Arc on the wall as he orders a channel opened to connect all command forces. Finding everyone in position, the channel is hijacked by Sunset Shimmer aboard her new prototype airship. She announces herself and gives them one last chance to surrender. Ignoring her request, Arc tells Cadance and Shining Armor to begin their part of the plan.

Combining their power, Shining Armor and Cadance channel their magic into the Crystal Heart and use it to create a barrier around the city. Releasing her changeling army from the ships, Diva orders them to dig underneath. Transforming into large moles, they do so. Massing just inside the barrier, Arc orders The Equinox to fire upon them. Forcing the changelings to either flee or advance they charge forward into the Charger’s range. Hammer and Auriel fire their artillery shells next to Sunburst and Stellar Flare as the forces close in on the wall. Trixie order the troops to fire when given the word by Flash Sentry. Holding them back, Diva orders her smaller ships to hit the barrier together. Doing so, it shatters along with the Crystal Heart itself. Cadance and Shining Armor pick up the pieces to keep them from the enemy as Arc and Sereb jump off the wall to help the Charger pilots. After pulling out Sunburst and Stellar Flare, whom are fine, they move to do the same to the other machine. Hammer falls out bruised but otherwise fine. However Auriel is badly injured. Taking her to a medical tent behind their lines, Arc turns Auriel over to a doctor for treatment before returning to the wall to fight. Seeing that their defeat is inevitable as it stands, Arc finds Cadance and Shining Armor. Together they Blink over to the enemy command ship and break in. Making their way to the Bridge they find Diva standing there alone. She locks the navigation computer before escaping, leaving the ship on a crash course with the Crystal Castle. Not wanting to see the citizen harmed, the trio head for the Engine Room. Shutting of the flow of magic to the engines they escape the ship just before it slams into the ground. Returning to the wall again they find the changelings being routed by an army of yaks. Ember rides over to them on their commander as the last of the enemy is chased away. Lemon Hearts calls out to Arc to inform him that an unidentified informant, Scootaloo, has sent a message telling of the orders by Decimus for the citizens there to stay in their homes at all time. Furious at this, Arc orders his forces back to The Equinox and tell Cadance of his plans to fly to Canterlot to take out Decimus again.

After giving Flash Sentry permission to come with him, Arc asks for Raven to also come. Returning to The Equinox with his friends, Arc asked everyone to leave the room so he can talk with Cadance in private. She tells him how much she loves her aunt in addition to sharing Celestia’s love for Equestria. Asking him to do his duty she asks only for Arc to make it quick. Moving on to brighter matters, Cadance offers Arc and his future wives amnesty in the Crystal Empire should their herd not be accepted in Equestria. Escorting her to the door, Arc watches her leave with Shining Armor and Trixie. Ember gets his attention as he zones out. Heading inside his room with Rarity, Ember and Hammer have a girls only talk about Arc. Rarity leaves the room and asks the pair for a personal favor. Getting into the shower Arc is a bit miffed that Rarity did not want to join him. Hearing her enter, he smiles as she puts her hands on his shoulders. Listening to him for a time, Ember eventually reveals that she is not Rarity. Forcing Arc down she tells him her feelings of true love for him and her desire to join the herd regardless of her status as Dragon Lord. Arc agrees much to the surprise of Ember. Getting out of the shower she asks if they can sleep naked. However Arc tells her she looks better in a t-shirt and shorts.

Awakening sometime later Arc and Ember rise together. Stripping, Ember calls for Sereb whom turns her back into her dragon form. Arc orders the ship brought up to combat readiness before heading for the Cafeteria to address the troops. Telling them like it is, he is able to convince every one of them to remain loyal to him and Twilight. Heading for the Bridge, Arc is surprised to hear that Tight Ship is commanding the fleet before them. Piloting the experimental airship, he attempts to chase The Equinox away. However, Soarin orders the ship fired up in order to protect Twilight and their mission. They do so as Tight Ship asks them to protect the princess. His ship destroyed, The Equinox turns its attention back to the griffon fleet. Being hailed, Arc learns that General Blackbeak is leading the fleet. Deciding that the battle is nothing more than an out of control civil war, he leads his ships away from the capital, giving Arc’s forces a clear path.

Landing outside the city, Arc disembarks along with his forces and friends. After securing the deck and surrounding area he motions for Twilight to step out of the ship. Doing so in her mithril armor, Twilight nervously allows the soldiers to surround her. Making their way to the castle they spy numerous citizens peeking at them through their windows. Arriving at the castle, Twilight opens the gates with a spell to give them access to the grounds. Seeing the drawbridge down, Arc calls out to Scootaloo telepathically. She finds the controls to let them in before heading to the Audience Chamber to stand by Decimus’ side. Entering the castle interior Rose and Sereb are unable to detect anyone. However Rose admits that she is unable to scan certain room. Walking the corridors, they come to the Audience Chamber doors. Spotting a lone mare dressed in a tight blue jumpsuit Arc orders his forces to stop. Calling out to her, Arc recognizes her as Lieutenant Spitfire. Wanting the chance to martyr herself to further hurt Arc’s reputation, she lunges forward. Arc grabs her spear and uses it to propel her into a solid stone wall. Rolling over she sees him approaching her. Closing her eyes, Spitfire asks Arc to end her life. Impaling her spear into the floor next to her, Arc refused to kill her. Swearing to follow him, Arc tells the mare that he did not kill General Virtuous Lance before punching the mare in the face. As she loses consciousness Arc opens a portal and tosses her through. Admitting to sending her to what’s left of Ponyville, they head for the Audience Chamber doors. Pushing them open violently, Arc leads his forces inside where Decimus and innumerable soldiers are waiting. Asking Decimus to stand down and surrender, Arc is not surprised to learn Decimus will not do so. As he and the others prepare to fight, Twilight steps forward to address the soldiers. After asking them to do the right thing, Decimus orders them to kill everyone and take Twilight prisoner. Refusing to do so, they stand there as Decimus grabs a spear and lunges at Twilight. As Arc and his friends move to protect her Ashe drops down from the ceiling and kills Decimus with a spear to the skull. Flabbergasted, Arc asks Ashe why she did such a thing. Telling him that she saw Canterlot turning into the Griffon Kingdom in regards to how they conduct business, Ashe confesses her love for Equestria and her loyalty to its population. Arc orders the troops to go through the city and tell everyone that a new leader will be appointed soon on Celestia’s balcony. As they leave Arc and Twilight alone in the Audience Chamber she turns to him. Admitting that she cannot lead the nation, Arc tells her that no one is ever truly ready. Sometime later he walks across the balcony along with the Element Bearers in his royal raiments. As the doors are opened, Twilight walks across the balcony to stand before the citizens. Spike brings forth the Element of Magic on a velvet pillow. Arc picks it up and places it on Twilight’s head as he declares her the legitimate ruler of Equestria. As he does do Decimus and Sunset Shimmer watch from a nearby tower. Admitting that their plan does not revolve around whom leads the nation, the pair leave together via magical portal.

However, many questions remain unanswered. How long can Tempest turn a blind eye to the wicked deeds perpetrated by Decimus and the Council of Shadows? Seriously, why leave the dagger with Twilight? How would Arc and his fiancée’s handle living together? Why can’t all of Arc’s plans go as smoothly as the Luna Bay Prison escapade? Is it really a good idea to bring a filly on a mission such as this? No… but we’re doing it anyways. What will Arc do when he next sees Decimus (nothing good, I assure you)? Was the Griffon Liberation Army really behind the terrorist attacks on Baltimare? What the heck is Celestia THINKING?! Similarly, what was Adalbert THINKING?! Why does Arc have such an aversion to sleeping naked? Why, Tight Ship? Just… why? Will Twilight be able to hold the nation together while hunting for Celestia and Decimus?

Time will tell. Sooner of later… time will tell.

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