• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 6 - Bed Talks

Later that evening, as the sun sets, Arc sits up from the bed. Hammer looks to him longingly.

"Just five more minutes?”

Arc chuckles. “You said that half an hour ago.”


Arc stands. “Sorry.”

Hammer sighs. “Yeah, I know.”

“Need to keep this ball rolling, after all.”

“Say ‘hi’ to the others for me, will you?”

“Sure. And... are you really going to be okay?”

Hammer grins as she kicks the covers off to expose her naked body again. “Oh yeah, I’m fine.”

Leaving the room together, Hammer heads to the spare bedroom to get some clothes while Arc makes his way downstairs. The others sit in front of the television watching a movie as he does so. Max mutes it and stands up.

“We saved you some pizza, sir.”

Xenos grins. “Yeah. Want us to heat it up for you?”

Arc shakes his head as he pulls the flash drive out of his ring. “No thanks. I need to head back to Equestria and get this information back to Doctor Knowles.”

Auriel giggles. “I’ll come with you.”

“Thanks. I’m sure your mother will like the company.”

He turns back to the others before continuing.

“You guys want to come back or stay here?”

Hugh shrugs. “I think we’ll stay here, sir.”

Xenos nods. “Yeah. After all, we need to be ready to act.”

Viktor points a thumb at the television. “And finish the movie.”

Max chuckles. “We’ll keep a candle burning for you, sir.”

Arc grins. “Thanks.”

He and Auriel head down to the basement together. Reaching the bottom Auriel turns to Arc.

“Can I assume Hammer’s okay?”

“Yeah. She just wanted to get a couple things off her chest.”


“Um... I assume this goes without saying, but you didn’t tell the others what happened in Rieper’s lab, did you?”

Auriel shakes her head. “Not a word. But considering she was naked when we faced Stingray I’m pretty sure they got the general idea.”

“Let’s just not bring it up again, shall we?”


Reaching for his ring, Arc pulls out the Rainbow of Light. Channeling his power into it a portal forms. Stepping through, the pair find themselves in Arc’s room in Canterlot Castle. Motioning to the door they head out and down the corridor. Arriving at Auriel’s room they enter together. Auriel’s parents lie on the bed together. Both appear to be reading and look up as the pair approach.

“We’re back!”

Maria looks over. “Are you alright, my dear?!”

Auriel nods as she does a little twirl. “Yes, mother. Not a scratch.”

Malevolence chuckles. “See my dear. I told you that Arc would come through in this matter.”

Arc pulls out the flash drive. “Auriel is safe and sound in addition to getting a complete copy of Rieper’s archived files.”

Maria smiles at him as he hands it over. “Very good. Now then, I just need some way to view these files.”

Auriel grins. “Arc’s already thought of that, mother.”

Malevolence raises an eyebrow. “Has he now?”

Nodding, Arc reaches into his ring. Pulling out a laptop he hands it to Maria.

“This should allow you to look over the files even while in bed.”

Maria smiles as she accepts the device. “Thank you. But there’s still the matter of electricity.”

Auriel looks to her mother. “Hard Hat and I... he’s a construction pony... developed an adapter for that, mother.”

Reaching into the bedside drawer Auriel pulls out a small device as she continues.

“Simply put the Earth plug end here and this into the wall socket.”

Maria appears impressed. “You’ve done well, Auriel.”

“Thank you, mother. Now then, might I be allowed to help you go over these files?”

“You’re versed in such things, my dear?”

“Not really. But I’d love to learn.”

Maria pats her daughter’s hand. “Then I’d love to teach you.”

Malevolence grins. “It’s good to see you two bonding so well.”

“Would you like to join us, father?”

“Perhaps later. I need to go over some paperwork first.”

Arc looks to Maria. “Well, I’ll let you two get on with it. Um... how long do you think it’ll take?”

“Sadly there’s no way to know for sure. It could be an hour... or a month.”

Auriel quickly chimes in. “But we’ll do our best.”

Arc nods as he turns to leave. “Thanks. That’s all I can ask for.”

Walking down the corridor, he heads back to his room. Stepping onto the sigil Arc calls forth his gauntlet and powers it up. Reappearing inside Derpy’s new house he sees both her and Dinky sitting on the couch together. They grin as he appears.



Running over to him, Arc embraces the pair as they hold onto him for dear life. Derpy is the first to speak.

“We were starting to worry.”

“You’re late, dad.”

“Sorry about that. I needed to spend a little extra time with Hammer after what happened on the mission.”

Derpy gasps. “Oh my!”

“Is she okay?!”

Arc nods. “She wasn’t injured, no. But I’d rather not talk about the details there. It’d be embarrassing for her.”

“Very well, Arc.”

“You and mom should get some rest then, dad.”

Derpy smiles. “Yes. That is, if you’re tired.”

“I am, yes.”

Standing, Derpy motions for Dinky to follow her. Leading the filly into Arc’s room she motions to the bed. Dinky hops up onto it as her parents pull the covers up to her chin. Derpy pats her head and smiles.

"Good night, sweetie."

“See you in the morning, sweetheart.”

Dinky nods sleepily. “Good night. I love you both.”

Derpy steps back to allow Arc to approach the bed. Leaning down he kisses Dinky’s small forehead and strokes her mane.

“And we love you too.”

Leaving the room with Derpy he motions to the master bedroom.

“Shall we?”

“Yes! Let’s!”

Walking into the bedroom together Derpy hops up onto the bed as Arc sits down. Looking out the window he sighs as Derpy turns to him, clearly worried.



“Is something wrong?”

“I just... what happened to Hammer... I just keep wondering to myself just how far I’m willing to go to help Shelly.”

“As far as it takes would be my guess.”

“Yes, I’m willing to do that. But how about others?”

“Risking them, you mean?”

“No one was hurt and Rieper did know what he was doing medically. However that couldn’t have been a good experience for Hammer.”

“Have you talked to her about it?”

Arc nods. “I did, yes. Like I said, that’s why I was late.”

“And what did she say?”

“That’s something I can’t really talk about.”

“Understood. So only you know what happened then?”

“Auriel and I were both there.”

“Did you snuggle with her?”

“Auriel or Hammer?”


“I did, yes.”

“Then I suppose you’ve done all you can, Arc.”

“I guess so. But I just can’t get over what I led her into.”

“If that’s true then you should be talking to either her or Emerald Dream about it, Arc.”

“Yeah, well... that’d be up to Hammer.”

“For now then how about I talk to you about a certain issue that’s been on my mind?”

“What’s that?”

Derpy giggles as she pushes him down onto the pillows. “You.”


“Yes you, silly!”


Derpy smiles as she nuzzles his chest. “I couldn’t remember if I thanked you or not for our special time together back on Earth.”

Arc begins stroking her mane. “Honestly neither do I. But I did have a great time with you too.”

“To be completely frank with you, I... really liked lying with you as a human woman. Skin on skin just felt right.”

“Yeah. You were really beautiful back there too.”

Derpy blushes slightly. “Bare?”

“In truth I actually meant in your dress. But yes to both if you want me to be Honest.”

“I wish we could do that again.”

“Probably shouldn’t though.”

Derpy gasps. “But why not?”

“In case Dinky runs in here to wake us up. I don’t want her seeing that.”

“Ah! That does make sense. However Hard Hat had the solution.”

She points to the door before continuing.

“He installed a lock on our door.”

“Well, I suppose we could then. That is, if you want to.”

Derpy nods happily. “I would!”

Reaching over to turn the latch with a Telekinesis Spell, Arc pulls his shirt over his head as Derpy grabs his pantleg with her teeth. Grinning, Arc chuckles at this.

“You’re pretty anxious to get me bare.”

“I’ve been wanting this since you and I were uncovered together.”

As Derpy gets his pants off Arc removes his undergarments and tosses them aside. Derpy crawls over him and lays down on Arc’s stomach. Closing her eyes she smiles happily.


Arc chuckles. “Yeah, it is.”

Derpy appears confused. “What’s so funny?”

“Nothing really. It’s just... um... your coat is kinda tickling me.”

“Oh! I’m sorry! Should I stop?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No, no. If anything I should just get used to it. After all, I’m going to be doing a lot more sleeping with mares in the future, right?”

“I suppose you are, yes.”

“Especially a certain gray coated one.”

Derpy sighs. “That you are.”



“Something bothering you?”


“What is it?”

“Well... you just referred to my coat as gray.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “I suppose I did. Something wrong with that?”

“Sort of. You see, it’s kind of a cultural thing here in Equestria. Ponies come in all different colors, shades, and hues. They can be very diverse as far as coat and mane color or colors even.”

Arc nods. “Yes, I have noticed that.”

“But one coat color is kinda looked down on.”



Arc frowns. “What? Why?”

“It’s kinda seen as being... plain. Fortunately it’s fairly rare for a foal to be born with that particular color.”

“But I don’t see how that’s a problem.”

“Nopony here in Ponyville has ever said anything to me about it. However back in Trottingham I used to get made fun of when I went out as a filly.”

“Well, if it makes you feel any better, I think your gray coat and blonde mane look very nice.”


“Yeah. They really bring out your eyes.”

“Thank you, Arc.”

“Just being Honest.”

“I know. But I’ve never understood one thing.”

“What’s that?”

“Why would anypony make fun of somepony else for something they couldn’t control? Like their coat’s color?”

“We actually have something like that back on Earth.”

“But humans don’t have coats.”

“Right. However some people judge others by the color of their skin.”

Derpy raises an eyebrow. “But that doesn’t matter, does it?”

“Not really. You see, some humans have light skin while others have very dark skin. That and there’s any number of shades in between. A human’s skin color is determined by the concentration of a substance called ‘melanin’ in their skin. Higher concentrations make for darker complexions.”

“Anything else different about those with less melanin versus more?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not at all. Our bodies all work the same as do our minds and hearts. However that pigmentation has been used in the past to identify people as somehow being inferior to those with lighter skin in some countries.”

“Why would they be thought of as inferior?”

“Because they’re different.”

“I don’t get it. Everypony on Earth is a human though, right?”

“Correct. But think about it this way. Back before Unification the three pony races all fought each other thinking the others were inferior. Why?”

“Um... I’m not sure.”

“Because they were different.”

“I kinda see what you’re saying now. But it still seems like a really silly way to judge others.”

“Agreed. Which is why I don’t really care what color a pony’s coat is.”

Derpy giggles as she lays her head on his chest again. “Oh, Arc. You always know just what to say to make me feel better.”

“Just being Honest.”

“That’s one of the things I love about you. You make me feel like an equal.”

“And you are.”

Derpy sighs. “Not really. I’m still really far behind in terms of intelligence and general knowledge.”

“It’s okay though, Derpy. With as hard as you’re working I’m sure you’ll do just fine in life.”

“As long as I can raise Dinky to be strong, happy, and smart I’ll be satisfied.”

“And you’re doing that and more.”

Derpy turns to look Arc in the eye. “I... need to tell you something.”

“What is it?”

“Lately I’ve been thinking that I should be professionally tutored. So I could catch up to other mares in terms of intellect.”

“If that’s what you want...”

Derpy interrupts him. “I do, yes. However it’s not that simple. My job keeps me really busy. It’s a lot of work keeping so many foals and younglings fed three times a day. As it stands I don’t have time for tutoring... or anything else outside of the orphanage.”

“So when were you looking to fit in studies?”

“That’s just it. I can’t. Doing this would require me to quit my job at the orphanage entirely.”

“How would you pay the bills then?”

“I’ve already checked with the bank and my income from my father’s business is enough to allow me to live comfortably without a secondary paycheck. In fact, shortly before we had to flee to Abyssinia I told Miss Pommel that I wanted to go down to just a volunteer.”

“So you haven’t been getting paid?”

Derpy shakes her head. “It will allow her to be able to hire a full-time maintenance pony to care for the building. Up until now we’ve just all been pitching in to keep things looking nice. And while she didn’t have time to look for one before the incident, now she has both the time and funds to do so.”

Arc puts a hand on Derpy’s head. “You’re amazing.”

“I am?”

“Yeah. You cared enough about the orphans to keep working without pay.”

“But I love my job. It lets me give a fair amount of time doing what I love. Spending time with Dinky.”

“Any other reasons?”

“That and I really do love the orphans. They’re all just so... so sweet and kind. Even though life wasn’t very nice for them beforehoof they aren’t letting it keep them down.”

“Like you, Derpy.”

“I see myself in them sometimes. And I wonder... what would become of them if we weren’t there for them?”

“We both know the answer to that.”

Derpy shudders. “The younglings told me about Griffon’s Gate. I can’t imagine such sweet little things forced to live like that.”

“That’s why I brought them here. To give them a shot at life.”

“Like you did for Dinky and I.”

“Kinda. You and the younglings were both in pretty dire straits when I found you.”

“But you didn’t abandon us to our fate. You set out to help us and that’s what you did.”

“Anyone would have done the same, Derpy.”

“I have to disagree, Arc. Nopony helped the younglings and nopony helped me. That is until you came along.”

“And you feel that leaving your job would be akin to abandoning the orphans?”

“Kinda. I know somepony else could do my job. Gallus and Natalya do just that when I’m not there. However that takes them away from their tutoring jobs. And the younglings that come over from the Griffon Kingdom need that extra help more than you know.”

“So what are you going to do?”

Derpy sighs. “I have no idea. In truth I was kinda hoping you could tell me the best course to take.”

“Something like this... is a very personal choice though, Derpy. Both choices would be beneficial, naturally. However they both have pros and cons.”

“It’s not something I can figure out on my own though. I want to be there for the orphans. But at the same time I want to be a mare that you and Dinky can be proud of.”


“Yes, Arc?”

“I already am proud of you.”

“You are?”

Arc nods. “Yes. And I want you to know that whichever choice you decide on I’ll stand behind you one-hundred percent.”

Derpy smiles. “Thank you, Arc. It means a lot to me to hear you say that. But it doesn’t help me figure this out.”

“Have you talked to Dinky about it?”

“She said that I should talk to you. That led me to this point but no closer to an answer.”

“How about Coco Pommel? Have you spoken to her yet?”

Derpy nods. “Yes. She told me to do what’s best for me and that they’d manage without me if they had to.”

“How about our friends?”

“Half thought I should get the tutoring while the other half said I should stay where I’m happiest.”

Arc sighs. “No help there.”

“I’m sorry to bother you with this, Arc. But as you can see I’m really at my wit’s end here.”

“It’s fine, Derpy. After all, this is one of the things a spouse is for. To listen to and give advice in times of need.”

“But I still don’t know what to do.”

“Neither do I actually. Sorry.”

Derpy smiles. “Thanks for trying though. I do appreciate the effort you’re putting into helping me. And the whole herd idea.”

“We’re all in this together. Well, you, Applejack, and Rarity that is.”

“At least Dinky and her friends will be happy.”

“They’ll be sisters one day.”

“And we’ll be wives together.”

“Yup. No idea when, but one day yes.”

Derpy sighs contentedly as she rolls off of Arc’s chest. “I can wait.”

“Sorry for the delays.”

Derpy giggles as she presses her body against Arc’s side and snuggles up to him. “Don’t be, Arc. After all... somepony like you is worth it.”

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