• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - Dialogue

Arc and Luna walk down the corridor together.

“Are you certain Flash Sentry and Rose can handle her, Arc?”

“Yes. That and she IS restrained.”

Luna sighs. “I suppose so. Guess I’m just being paranoid.”

“Nothing wrong with a bit of caution. Now, what is it you wanted to show me?”

“The effects of that young griffon’s actions.”

She leads him to her room. The Royal Guards part as they approach. Luna turns to Arc as she puts a hoof on the door.

“Tell me, what do you remember of your encounter with her?”

Arc puts a hand to his forehead. “Not much. What happened?”

“Let me show you.”

Luna pushes open the door and the pair enter the room. Looking around they see quite the mess before them.

“Did… did we really do all THIS?!”

Luna nods as she approaches a smashed cupboard and taps it with her hoof. “Yes.”

“But I don’t even…!”

“You may have no memory of this time. However it certainly happened!”

Arc walks over to the crushed crossbow and picks it up as he looks around. “I really did a number on this place.”

“Yes, you two certainly did. But I don’t hold it against you. After all, you were attacked were you not?”

Arc nods. “That much I do remember.”

He looks down at the crossbow before gazing at the several bolts around the room.

“She… she shot at me several times.”

He looks around. Spotting a bolt embedded in the wall he carefully pulls it out and examines the head.


Luna walks over to him. “What do you have there?”

“This bolt. It’s not like the one we pulled out of Cherry’s pendant OR my hand.”

“What does that prove?”

“Nothing by itself. But I can’t help but wonder why she choose this type.”


“Look at it. This isn’t that same strange material that gave me a shot of Sanguine Azolla.”

“You’re right!”

Arc points to another bolt near the bed.

“That one she must have shot at me from above.”

He picks up the bolt and looks it over.

“Just a normal looking bolt. Nothing special or interesting about it.”

Luna frowns. “That’s strange. I would have thought the leader of the rebels would have better equipment.”

Arc shrugs. “Maybe they’re quite expensive to make.”

“Or possibly she didn’t want to be caught with them.”

“While I don’t think Lady Ashe would have to worry about any guards stopping her, it is possible.”

Luna taps a hoof on her chin. “There is one other bit from the night of the attack.”

“What’s that?”

“Assuming she really is the leader of the rebels, there should also be a very nasty knife wound on her right side.”

Arc frowns. “From our battle?!”

Luna nods as she points a hoof at the knife lying on the floor. “Yes. You stabbed her with the Dagger of Eternal Slumber.”

“I did?!”

“Yes. As I said, in her right side.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Why didn’t Nurse Redheart say anything about it?”

Luna shrugs. “Well, we did interrupt her several times. Then Ashe woke up. Perhaps she merely didn’t get around to it.”

“Wait a minute! If she IS the leader, then SHE’LL have that wound!”

Luna looks confused. “That’s what I just said.”

“No, no! Don’t you see?! That would mean Natalya was telling the truth!”

“You’re right! We have to check Ashe’s body right away!”

The pair quickly return to the Infirmary. Redheart is resting on a nearby hospital bed as Rose and Flash Sentry stand guard. She stands up quickly as Arc and Luna enter.

“Forgive me, your highness. I had a rather late night.”

Luna nods. “I understand. Tell me, did our visitor here have a knife wound on her?”

“Yes, your highness. My apologies for not mentioning it sooner.”

Arc sighs. “Yes, well… we weren’t exactly the best listeners back there.”

He turns to Rose and Flash Sentry.

“Did she give you two any trouble.”

“No sir.”

Rose looks at the prisoner. “She really can’t, being restrained like that.”

Luna looks to Ashe.

“I would like to see this wound for myself.”

Redheart gestures to the bed. “Yes, your highness. Right this way.”

She walks over to the prisoner’s side with the others and gently lifts the sheet. Ashe glares at them.

“Wha-what are you DOING?!”

Redheart looks to Ashe. “Please don’t squirm, miss. We only want to have a look at your side.”

Ashe continues to struggle. “It feels FINE!”

Redheart points a hoof at a bandaged wound before turning her gaze back to Ashe.

“Did you seek proper medical attention for this knife wound miss?”

“How could I?! The doctors would ask where it came from!”

Arc frowns. “So who took care of it then?”

Ashe rolls her eyes. “If you must know, I did!”


“A needle and thread! At least it stopped the bleeding! It wasn’t even that bad!”

Redheart shakes her head. “You are incorrect. That wound was quite serious.”

Ashe scoffs at her. “Come now! Like I said, it doesn’t even hurt that much anymore!”

“Yes. Thanks to that bottle.”

The nurse points a hoof at a hanging IV bottle next to the bed. Arc looks at the label.

“I get the feeling you’d change your mind without those painkillers.”

Ashe shakes her head. “I’ll be fine!”

Luna turns to Redheart soberly. “Nurse, close the valve.”

“But your highness! She’ll be in unbelievable pain if I do that!”

Arc shrugs. “You heard Lady Ashe, nurse. She doesn’t need them.”

Redheart sighs. “Very well…”

She turns the valve off on the IV drip. Arc looks to Redheart.

“Why don’t you get some sleep, nurse? You’ve been up for quite some time now.”

Redheart yawns. “Thank you. I think I’ll just lie down in my office. Call if you need me.”

Redheart heads to her office and closes the door as Luna turns to Ash.

“Now then, where did you get this wound?”

Ashe again rolls her eyes at their questions. “You should know! You were THERE!”

Arc frowns. “So you admit to being the leader of the rebels?!”

“What if I am?! No one else seems to be willing to do anything to help!”

“We are!”

“HA! Equestria is just going to be another tool in our king’s bag!”

Luna frowns. “You complain that nopony helps. Yet when we do, you attack us!”

Ashe shakes her head. “You wouldn’t have been harmed! We’re not killers!”

Arc glares at her. “Tell that to the noble your fellow rebel killed the other day.”

“They didn’t follow directions! Had they done what we said…!”

Arc interrupts. “Everyone would have walked away safely?”


Flash Sentry frowns. “Tell that to their family.”

“I will! When our land is free of tyranny everyone will see that the steps the rebels had to take were necessary to our land’s survival!”

Luna walks over to stand over Ashe. She looks the griffon in the face, angrily. “Listen to me! I have lived a long time, and made many mistakes! One of which was doing EXACTLY what you are now! And it cost my land DEARLY!”

Ashe looks away. “I admit, mistakes were made…”

Luna grabs Ashe’s face with her hooves and turns it toward her, angrily. “Ponies DIED!!!”

“Really? Your land is nothing but peaceful! Why would you…?”

“Because I was trying to ‘save’ everypony from my sister! At least that’s what I told myself at the time.”

“Oh really?”

Luna sighs. “In truth, I just wanted attention.”

Arc puts a hand on Luna’s shoulder. “None of us are perfect, Luna.”

Ashe frowns. “Look, I know what we’re doing is hurting a few. But they have to look at the big picture!”

Rose shakes her head. “So do you.”


“Someone once showed me that you need to care for everyone. No matter who they are.”

Rose smiles at Arc.

“It’s the only reason I’m still functioning.”

Ashe turns to Arc. “That mindset will one day ruin your land! It can only lead your citizens to their doom!”

“Doubtful. I care for each and every one of them. They’re not pawns to be sacrificed on a whim.”

Ashe smirks. “The needs of the many…”

Luna interrupts her. “…outweigh the needs of the few! That line has haunted me my entire reign! Someday I will have to make the hard choices for my land! That thought keeps me awake at night!”

Ashe laughs. “I can handle it!”

Arc frowns. “Oh? And what IS your endgame in this?”

“Freedom for the Griffon Kingdom, you dolt!”

“Really? Who’s going to lead with the council and king out of the way?”

“I will! Don’t worry. I’m not planning on invading anyone!”

“I see. And if someone doesn’t like your policies?”

Ashe turns her beak up. “They will! I’ll be just and fair!”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “You’ll just be another tyrant.”

Rose nods. “Right! Your citizens will band together to form another rebel faction.”

Luna nods. “And the cycle will continue.”

“I’ll handle it!”

Luna roughly pushes her hoof into Ashe’s wound. “Yes, you’re doing wonderfully in that regard.”

Ashe winces. “Ow! Watch it! That’s kinda tender!”

Luna nods stoically. “Remember this pain. It’s a dull one, is it not?”


“Every ruler has such thorns in their side. Some more than others.”

Luna pushes harder.

“As your reign goes on, there will be more and more whom dislike you and your policies. The thorn will grow and grow… and GROW!”

Ashe grimaces. “S-stop it! That hurts!”

Luna leans in close to Ashe. “Then one day, when the populace can take no more…”

She quickly twists her hoof. Ashe screams.

“…that thorn will become the blade that ends your life!”

Arc puts a hand on Luna’s hoof. “I think you’ve made your point.”

Luna pulls back. “I certainly hope so.”

Ashe breathes heavily. “If… if that’s the case… you… your own reign… will one day… come… to an end!”

Luna turns around to walk away. “Most likely.”

“Then why…?”

Luna stops and turns her head toward Ashe. “Just trying to keep you from repeating my mistakes. It may be your destiny to rule. But be sure you’re ready before you take up such a mantle.”

The princess storms out of the Infirmary as Arc turns back to Ashe.

“She’s… very dedicated to her job.”

Ashe nods, still gasping in pain. “I… can see that.”

“She wasn’t wrong though. So many wish to lead. But very few want the responsibility that comes with it.”

Ashe grimaces. “Like the Griffon Kingdom’s current ruler?!”

“You would know more about that than I.”

Ashe glares at him

“You were there! You SAW the poverty and helplessness!”

Arc sighs. “Yes, I saw them. I even partook of a certain Footpad’s food.”

Flash Sentry shudders. “That wasn’t pretty.”

Ashe glares at Arc. “Then why did you seek a treaty?!”

“Partially in hopes of making lives better for your orphans.”

Ashe sighs. “Yes. Little is done for them.”

Her body tightens up.

“W-why is the pain not subsiding?!”

Rose looks to the bottle. “I believe your painkillers are wearing off.”

Arc glances down at the wound. “I’m certain the princess’ hoof protectors didn’t help matters any. Should I call the nurse to restart your IV?”

“N-NO! Just… can you please untie me?!”

Flash Sentry frowns. “Not happening.”

Rose nods with conviction. “Yeah! You hurt Arc yesterday!”

Arc shrugs. “It’s fine with me.”

Flash Sentry and Rose speak in tandem. “WHAT?!”

“Look, I don’t think she’s much of a threat as things are.”

Ashe narrows her eyes. “I nearly took you out yesterday!”

Arc scoffs. “Hardly. If your fellow rebel hadn’t poisoned me…”

“What are you talking about?!”

Flash Sentry points a hoof at Ashe angrily. “Don’t play dumb! You poisoned the commander when you shot him at the royal banquet!”

“Are you insane?! We don’t use poisoned bolts! They’re far too dangerous!”

“Tell that to my hand!”

“I’m telling you, I have no clue what you’re talking about! Now are you going to let me up or not?!”

Arc nods. “Fine. But no trouble, or I’m punching you in the face AND putting you right back in restraints!”

“Very well.”

Arc carefully unties the griffon and helps her sit up. Ashe squeezes her eyes shut in agony as the tears begin to flow.

“Why does this hurt so much?!”

Flash Sentry rolls his eyes. “You have a hole in you for starters.”

Rose nods. “Several actually.”

Arc pats the IV bottle. “Are you sure you don’t want this?”

Ashe nods. Her voice breaking from the excruciating pain.


“Very well.”

Arc turns the valve to allow the IV drip to start again. A few moments later Ashe is able to regain her composure.

“Much better!”

Arc frowns. “You’re welcome. Now that you’re feeling better, I’d like to show you something. Rose grab that IV stand and follow me.”


Arc carefully pushes the bed over to a window with Rose and Flash Sentry behind them. Ashe looks out the window at the terrain below. She appears confused.

“What… where are…?”

Flash Sentry grins. “That is Canterlot, Lady Ashe.”

Her eyes remain glued to the sight below.

“It’s glorious! This is your capital city?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. We’re heading for the castle now.”

Ashe sighs. “And the dungeon, I suppose.”

“I can take you there if you want. However, you belong back with your father in Griffonstone.”

Ashe turns to Arc. Her eyes narrowed.

“What’s the catch?”

“You do me a favor, I do you one in return.”

Ashe grimaces skeptically. “What do you want?”

A short time later the ship touches down in Canterlot Castle’s Hanger. Arc and Luna step out onto the deck together. Luna turns to him nervously.
“Are you sure about this plan? We could still secretly keep her under wraps for now.”

“That would just be kicking the can down the proverbial road. We need to get her back to Lord Gestal A.S.A.P. after all.”

Luna sighs. “Very well. I’ll leave this matter to you then.”

“Thank you. I won’t let you down.”

“I know you won’t.”

Doctor Whooves walks up the gangplank with the flask from Zecora.

“Glad to see you made it back safe and sound, sir.”

He notices the bandages on Arc’s hand.

“You ARE alright, are you not?”

Arc shrugs. “More or less. I’m looking forward to putting this whole matter behind me though.”

Doctor Whooves gives Arc the flask. He takes a swig before recorking the bottle and giving it back to him.

“Thanks. The fuzzy feeling in my mind is already diminishing.”

Luna looks him over. “I’d like the doctor to examine you before the ship takes off, Arc.”

“Good idea. But would it be alright to use the Infirmary aboard ship?”

Doctor Whooves nods. “That’s fine with me. Whatever for though?”

“We… have a guest there I’d like to keep an eye on at the moment.”

Arc turns to Luna.

“I’ll let you know how this turns out.”

“Thank you. Do be careful over there.”

“I will.”

Arc and the doctor head to the Infirmary as Luna is escorted by a group of Royal Guards to the Audience Chamber. The doctor turns to Arc.

“Can I assume the trip went well?”

Arc sighs. “Kinda. Let’s just say it certainly didn’t go according to plan. But we did get a treaty signed.”

“That’s the important thing.”

“While you’re here, maybe you could look in on our other patient.”

“Certainly. Where is Chief Medical Officer Redheart though?”

“Sleeping at the moment. She had a late night surgery.”

Doctor Whooves nods. “I’ll take a look then.”

The pair arrive at the Infirmary. Ashe continues to look out the window at the various ponies scurrying about restocking the Lunar Destiny. Arc lies down on a nearby cot as Flash Sentry and Rose approach.

“Nothing to report, sir.”

“All’s well, Arc.”

“Good. Lieutenant, get some rest now. You’ve certainly earned it.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Flash Sentry leaves the Infirmary as Rose continues her vigil over Ashe. Doctor Whooves opens a drawer and pulls out a stethoscope.

“Let’s take a look at you, sir.”

“I certainly feel better. But considering the events of the past few days, we’d better make sure I’m running on all cylinders.”

Fifteen minutes later the doctor finishes.

“Everything checks out normally, sir.”

Arc stands up. “Thank you doctor. That’s a load off my mind.”

They walk over to Ashe.

“Lady Ashe?”

She turns around, clearly confused.


“This is Doctor Whooves, the Royal Physician. He’d like to take a look at you before we get underway.”

“Very well.”

Arc hands the doctor her chart. He looks it over and begins his examination.

“Feeling any pain, miss?”

Ashe shakes her head. “No. Thanks to the painkillers.”

“How about your neck? It says here you just had a tumor removed.”

“A little stiff, but manageable.”

Doctor Whooves continues with his examination before stepping back and writing on the chart. Ashe appears nervous.

“Doctor? Will I really be okay?”

He looks up and nods. “Yes, ma’am. Just take it easy in the hospital for a week and see your own doctor when you return to your homeland.”

“How long will I need painkillers?”

“A few more days at least. The hospital should slowly start to wean you off of them as the need for them diminishes.”

Arc nods. “Thank you, Doctor Whooves.”

“It was my pleasure, sir.”

The doctor turns to Ashe.

“It was a pleasure to meet you, miss. I hope you feel better soon.”

“Th-thank you.”

The doctor turns to leave. Ashe suddenly calls to him.



“I was just wondering… do you enjoy doing what you do?”

The doctor looks confused. “Ma’am?”

“I mean, do you like serving as Royal Physician?”

Doctor Whooves nods. “It has been the greatest joy of my life to serve the princesses in this capacity.”

“If you had a choice, would you do anything else?”

“No, ma’am. I’m very happy in my current position.”

Ashe nods as she turns her head to look out the window. “I see. Thank you, doctor.”

Doctor Whooves nods and turns to Arc.

“If you have any more problems see Nurse Redheart at once, sir.”

“I will. Thank you, doctor.”

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