• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 6 - Stalked

The next morning Shadow opens the barn door and walks inside. Spotting Arc lying on the floor he walks over to him and frowns.


Arc’s eyes fly open as he quickly gets to his feet. Pain shoots through his body as he does so, causing him to quickly fall to one knee.

“What the…?”

“Come on, now! You’ve had plenty of time to rest! Time for you to start earning your keep and make me some money!”

Snowflake sits up and rubs her eyes.


“You too, lazy bones. Get inside and wash up for breakfast.”

“Yes sir.”

She hurries out the barn door as Shadow turns to call out after her.

“And be sure to feed your pet!”

Arc appears surprised. “She has a pet?”

Shadow rolls his eyes. “That’s you, stupid.”


“I think I’ll have Snowflake give you a bath when we get back. “

Shadow wrinkles his nose as he turns to leave the barn.

“On second thought, before might work better. I don’t want to have to smell you all the way there and back.”

“Um… I can clean myself up.”

“Fine. There’s a pump behind the barn. Just be quick about it.”

Arc walks slowly around the barn until he comes to a large basin next to an ancient looking hand pump. Grabbing the handle, he pulls it several times to start the flow. The basin fills quickly enough with cold but relatively clean water. Sighing, Arc removes his makeshift clothes and tosses them aside as he steps into the small tub and kneels down. The cool water washes over his body as it carries away the dirt and grime of the past few days. Looking over at the clothes lying on the ground makes him sigh.

“I’ll have to wash these later. They’re almost as rank as I am right now.”

Scrubbing his scalp vigorously, Arc dunks his head under the water in an effort to remove the dirt therein. Nearly finished, he suddenly feels a small hoof poke his back. Quickly raising his head he turns to see Snowflake standing there with a ratty looking towel in her mouth.


She giggles as she spits out the towel next to the basin. “You look a lot different without coverings. What’s with those gems in your chest? And your forehead?”

“Can I have a little privacy, please?!”

“What’s that?”

“Alone time to take care of… washing my parts! I don’t want someone to watch!”

“You mean like when somepony’s using the bathroom?”


Snowflake makes a face. “Wait! You’re PEEING in there?!”


Snowflake takes a step back as she frowns. “So your pooping then?! Gross!”

“I’m not doing either!”

“Then what’s the problem?”

“It’s just…! Look, why don’t you just go to breakfast and I’ll wait for you in the barn?”

“Um… okay. By the way, I left you some oats in there.”

“Thank you.”

Arc breathes a sigh of relief as Snowflake disappears around the side of the barn. Rubbing his face with his hands, he groans.

“I sure hope her dad didn’t hear that.”

Getting out of the basin, Arc tips it over to allow the dirty water to flow across the ground. Grabbing his makeshift clothes he begrudgingly puts them back on and heads for the barn. Stepping inside he spots the bowl of oats sitting in the center of the floor. Sighing, he picks it up and sits down against the wall.

“Everything just feels… wrong here. My head… the answers are in there somewhere. I just have to find them.”

A short time later Shadow and Snowflake emerge from the cottage and head for the barn. Snowflake turns to her father as he finishes latching up his leather armor.

“Are you sure this is a good idea, dad? I mean, he’s still pretty messed up.”

“He’s well enough to be walking and talking. Time for my investment to start paying off.”

Reaching the barn, Shadow tosses Arc a satchel and a staff.

“You know how to use this?”

“I… don’t know.”

“Well, if you’re lucky, you won’t have to.”

Turning, Shadow leaves the barn. Snowflake motions for Arc to follow her. They head out the barn door as Arc turns to her.

“So… what are we doing now?”

“Foraging. We’re going into the forest to look for stuff to sell in the shop.”

“Like what?”

“The most high priority stuff are the herbs my mom uses to make her various salves and tinctures.”

Shadow chuckles. “And the most profitable.”

Snowflake sighs. “Next on the priority list would be hunting game. My dad can use the hides to make leather which my mom can make into armor.”

She gestures to her father’s gear.

“It’s used to ward off Crimson’s fangs and other dangerous beasts.”

Arc looks down at the filly. “Why aren’t you wearing any then, Snowflake?”

“I am.”

She lifts the corner of her cloak to reveal a very well made suit of leather armor.

Arc motions to the cloak. “Then what’s with the…”

“I don’t want to talk about that.”

“Uh… okay. Anything else I should know?”

“Yeah. If my dad says to do something, just do it and don’t ask questions. Your life may depend on it.”

Shadow nods. “Also, bigger animals mean bigger hides which means bigger profits.”

Snowflake shudders. “And bigger teeth.”

“We take those too.”

Arc groans. “What have I gotten myself into?”

“Nothing yet. Stick with Snowflake and you’ll probably make it back to the barn in one piece.”

“So I just watch her back?”

Shadow rolls his eyes. “If anything, she’s watching yours. Unless you know something about combat, that is.”

“I don’t think I do. At least I don’t feel like a warrior.”

Shadow eyes him. “Don’t look like one either.”

Snowflake giggles. “Remember what he did to that Crimson though.”

“Beginner’s luck. Next time he won’t have that secure cage to keep him safe. You just keep an eye open for herbs and I’ll watch for anything sentient.”

Arc shrugs. “Fair division of labor, I suppose. What exactly do you want me to do?”

“You’re the mule. Harvest and carry whatever Snowflake points out to you. Think you can handle that?”

“I’ll give it a try.”

For several hours Snowflake points at strange colored plants, moss, and fungi. Arc does his best to keep up with her discoveries.

“You’re pretty good at this, Snowflake.”

“I’ve had lots of practice.”

Shadow chuckles. “It also helps that she’s low to the ground.”

Snowflake grunts indignantly as her father turns and throws his knife. A wet thump rings out as it disappears into a bush. Walking over to it, Shadow retrieves his knife as he pulls out a dead bird.

“What did you find, dad?”

“Just a cockatrice.”

Arc looks at the bird for a moment before putting a hand to his forehead.


Snowflake turns to him. “Did you remember something?”

“A mare… cooked this for me.”

“Friend of yours?”

“I don’t know. Her face…”

Shadow taps a rock with his hoof. “Let’s stay focused here. You can stand there slack-jawed and mindless when the job’s done.”

They continue on. Eventually the trio comes to a creek running through a small but beatifically scenic meadow. Shadow sits down and removes his pack as Snowflake walks over to him.

“So what did mom pack us for lunch today?”

“Looks like Dandelion Sandwiches and Radish Salad.”


She looks back to Arc as he takes a drink from the stream.

“But what about him?”

Shadow shrugs. “Nothing in here but a small bag of oats. But why don’t we just give him the Cockatrice?”

Snowflake makes a face. “Ew! Why would he want…?!”

“You heard what he said earlier. A mare made it for him and he ate it.”

Snowflake shakes her head vehemently. “That must just be fragmented memories crossing, or something!”

“Oh? You didn’t see that look on his face as he said it? There was hunger in his eyes.”

“Only because we aren’t feeding him enough!”

“First of all, I think we’ve been rather generous with the rations going to him thus far.”

“But he’s so much bigger than we are! He HAS to eat more!”

Shadow shrugs as he takes a bite of his sandwich. “So gather him more food to eat then. He’s YOUR responsibility after all.”

“That would be a full time job in and of itself for me!”

“Then what’s the only other logical response to this problem?”

Snowflake gasps. “You don’t mean we should turn him into leather, do you dad?!”

Shadow rolls his eyes. “No way! He cost me WAY too much money to go and do THAT! I meant that you should try to teach pea-brain over there how to hunt and forage for himself.”

“I… guess that makes sense.”

“That way he won’t need to be fed at all.”

Snowflake sighs. “I knew there had to be more to your reasoning.”

Shadow chuckles. “One doesn’t get ahead in this world by looking out for others. At the end of the day you need to remember to always look out for yourself first.”

“What about the village though?”

Shadow shakes his head. “If things ever really got bad, you can bet that everypony there would be crawling all over each other to get to safety.”

Snowflake turns to Arc. “What do you think? Can you hunt?”

Arc shrugs. “No idea. But if it means more food I’d be willing to…”

A low growl rings out nearby. Shadow pulls his knife and looks all around as Snowflake runs to hide behind Arc.

“Stay sharp!”

Snowflake shudders. “Tha… that sounded like a… a…!”

“A manticore, Snowflake! Now make yourself useful, beast!”

Arc raises his staff. “Uh… what should I…?”

“Try to make sure Snowflake doesn’t get herself eaten for starters. Get her somewhere safe, then get back here to help me.”

Arc grabs Snowflake and runs. Heading into the woods he spots a wide branch some distance off the ground.

“Get ready to fly, Snowflake!”

“What are you…?!”

Tossing the filly upward she lands neatly on the branch. She cries out frantically.

“I’m afraid of heights!”

“Well, stay up there anyways! You should be safe!”

“I g-g-guess.”

“Good. Now I need to head back and help your dad.”



“Stay here where it’s safe! Better yet, climb up here with me!”

The sounds of battle reverberate through the brush. A roar rings out as Arc turns toward it.

“I’ll be back for you in a bit! Just hang tight!”

Running back the way he came, Arc spots Shadow swinging his blade masterfully at an enraged manticore. Arc runs over and plows into the side of the furious beast, knocking it into the brush.

“You okay?!”

Shadow nods as he waits for the beast to return. “Just dandy! Stay alert!”

“Uh… I’m almost afraid to ask, but… what’s a manticore?”


He points his knife at the brush as the sound of paws running toward them increases. The Manticore bursts through the foliage and rushes toward them. Shadow grins.

“Just another day.”

As the manticore’s gaze focuses on Arc it suddenly screeches to a stop. Growling, the beast takes a step back. Arc turns to Shadow.

“Um… what’s…?”

“I think it might be afraid of you. Never seen one act this way before.”

Arc points his staff at the beast and takes a few steps forward warily. The manticore steps back to maintain its distance from Arc. A few moments later in bounds back into the forest. Shadow turns to Arc.

“Good work, I guess.”

“Thanks. I…”

A high pitched scream rings out some distance away.

“That sounded like Snowflake! Where did you leave her?!”

“Up in a tree! This way!”

The pair run through the brush together. Coming to their destination they see a group of Timberwolves pacing around the tree Snowflake is in. She cries out, clearly terrified.

“Somepony, help!”

Shadow rushes toward the tree, his knife at the ready.

“Get away from her!”

He looks back to see Arc on his knees holding his head.

“What are you DOING?!”

Snowflake gasps. “Get up or you’ll be killed!”

Arc mutters. “Wooden… wolves…?”

Growling, the Timberwolves walk over to Arc and surround him. Shadow motions for Snowflake to jump down. She does so as he catches her.

“Let’s go!”

Snowflake points a hoof. “What about him?!”

“He isn’t going to be of much use to us if he freezes up every time he sees…!”

As they pounce Arc suddenly swings his staff in a wide arc. Three of the wolves fall to pieces as the other six are knocked away from the force of their companion’s remains hitting them. Snowflake gasps as she turns to her father.


Shadow nods soberly. “He’s pretty good.”

“Better than you, dad?”

Shadow chuckles. “Nopony’s better than me.”

The pieces of the Timberwolves reassemble themselves and snarl as they looks to Arc. He frowns and backs away.

“What the heck…?”

Snowflake calls out to him. “They’ll always put themselves back together!”

“Well then how do we stop em?!”

Shadow grins. “With this.”

He reaches into his saddlebag and pulls out an unlit torch. Snowflake fishes around in her own pack and pulls out two rocks. Smacking them together, a few sparks spring forth and fall on the torch, igniting it. Shadow runs toward the timberwolves swinging it as they step back. He turns to Arc.

“Can you get me one of their legs?!”

“I’ll try!”

Turning, Arc charges at one of the wolves. Swinging at it with his staff he knocks the beast to pieces. Grabbing one of the legs, he runs it over to Shadow.

“Here you go!”

“Thanks. Watch this.”

Lighting the leg with his torch he drops it on the ground. As it is pulled back to the Timberwolf it came from, the flames spread to the rest of the beast. It runs away screaming. Seeing such a sight, the rest of the wolves retreat as well. Shadow sheathes his knife and nods at Arc approvingly.

“Not bad for your first time out here.”

Snowflake grins. “Better than my first anyways.”

Shadow chuckles. “I remember that day.”

“Oh? What happened?”

“About the same thing I did in your cage the other night.”

Shadow sniffs the air. “And just now it would seem. Let’s head back, shall we? Snowflake, lead the way.”

Grunting, Snowflake does as she is told. An hour’s walk later the trio finds themselves emerging from the woods with the cottage in sight. Walking over to an outbuilding Shadow pulls a key from his pack and unlocks it. A terrible stench wafts forth as he opens the door. Arc grimaces.

“What is IN there?!”

“Dead rotting corpses.”

Snowflake nods. “My dad makes some of the beast’s hides into leather.”


He tosses the dead cockatrice onto a nearby table.

“This one’s feathers can be used to make quills. It’s a low value item, of course. But waste not, want not.”

“What do you do with the rest of the bird?”

“Fertilizer for some of the herbs my wife grows inside. After it’s composted, that is.”

Snowflake looks hopeful. “Can he have it?”

“When I’m done with it, yes. Until then I have something else I want you to do, beast.”

“What is it?”

“Take Snowflake behind the barn and give her and that cloak a bath.”

Snowflake frowns. “I can clean myself up, dad.”

“Not very well you can’t. You know your mother has to thoroughly wash you whenever you do that. But since she’s not here, he’ll have to substitute.”

Arc sighs. “Okay.”

Snowflake groans as she and Arc head outside. Walking behind the barn Arc looks up at the hot afternoon sun overhead.

“It sure warmed up.”

“I guess.”

“Want me to fill up the tub for you, Snowflake?”

“Not really. But that’s the best way to get clean around here.”

Arc pulls the lever and the tub begins to fill. Snowflake turns to him as he works.

“I’ll be right back.”

She hurries off to the house as Arc muses to himself.

“Maybe she wants a bath toy, or something.”

A few minutes later Snowflake returns with a small, round ball. She waits for the tub to fill before tossing it in. The water begins to bubble violently as steam escapes its surface.

“It’s a little something my mom came up with. She calls them ‘thermal bulbs’. They heat water up really quick as well as get really nasty smells out of fur.”

Arc puts a finger in the water. “It really is warm! How does it work?!”

Snowflake shrugs. “I dunno. We sell a lot of these in our shop though. After all, nopony wants to take a cold bath, even in summer.”

“Myself included.”

Snowflake giggles. “Sorry about that. I should’ve brought you one when you took a bath earlier. But my dad doesn’t like giving away stuff we could sell.”

“Want me to help you out of that robe?”

Snowflake shakes her head. “No! I mean… I usually keep it on when I bathe. After all, it needs a good washing too. Just help me in.”

Reaching down, Arc picks the filly up and carefully lowers her into the tub. Her hooves touch the bottom leaving only the hood of her cloak sticking out.

“You okay?”

“Fine. I just needed to get wet first.”

“Anything I can do to help?

“There’s a bar of soap on the shelf as well. Make some lather with a rag and it’ll foam up.”

Arc does as he is told. Rubbing the soap and rag together Arc gets a lather going. Snowflake nods approvingly.

“Now just rub it on my robe and it’ll clean it right up.”

Doing so, the robe is quickly covered in soap. Snowflake looks herself over for a few moments before turning to Arc.

“Now I’ll rinse off.”

Taking a deep breath she momentarily submerges. A few seconds later she pops up and looks to Arc.

“Let me see the soap. I still need to wash my mane.”

“Need help with that?”

“No, I can do that myself.”

Arc hands over the block. Taking it, the filly pulls it inside her robe as she lathers it in her mane before tossing it back to Arc.

“Now to rinse.”

Taking a deep breath, she submerges again, this time for significantly longer. Suds float to the surface as the soap does its thing. Almost a full minute later Snowflake resurfaces with a gasp.

“You okay?!”

Snowflake nods, breathing heavily. “Y-yeah, fine.”

“All clean now?”

“I think so. Help me out?”


Reaching in, he wraps his arms around the filly’s midsection and pulls her out of the tub. Setting her down carefully on the ground she stands there dripping.

“Want me to get you a towel?”

“Nah. I’ll dry shortly.”

She looks him up and down.

“But you might need one.”

“I think the sun will take care of that.”

“Follow me.”

They walk around the barn to a large rock. Snowflake hops up onto it and lays down on her stomach.

“This’ll help me get dry faster.”

She sighs.

“As you can probably tell, it’s a process.”

“Yeah. Um… does this happen often?”

“Kinda. Truth be told, that’s why my dad calls me ‘Snowflake’.”

Arc looks to her, confused. “But isn’t that just your name?”

“Yeah. But he says it has a double meaning.”


“Snow is a really fragile thing. It doesn’t take much for it to be messed up. That and it has a tendency to make things unpleasantly… wet.”

Snowflake sighs before continuing.

“I’ve always been kinda… sensitive. And when things go wrong, I… just kinda lose bladder control.”

“Well, I guess everyone’s afraid of something. Those timberwolves certainly weren’t friendly looking.”

“Yeah, but I do that all the time. You’d think eventually I’d just kinda stallion-up and be braver.”

“Not everyone is meant to fight, I suppose.”

Snowflake sighs. “Like you did?”

“I didn’t do that much.”

“Maybe not. But you didn’t seem to be too scared of either that manticore or the timberwolves. Are you sure you’ve never fought before?”

Arc shrugs. “Who knows? Maybe I’m a soldier, or something.”

“From the way you fight along with you demeanor, I wouldn’t be surprised if that was true.”

She thinks for a moment before continuing.

“Maybe you’re part of the Earth Pony Kingdom.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Well… you’re really strong like they are. It would make sense that you’d be with them.”

“I guess so.”

Snowflake sighs. “Well, that doesn’t really help you now. After all, you’re stuck here with the rest of us.”

“Has anyone ever gotten away?”

“Not really. At least we don’t think so.”


“Anypony that leaves is never heard from again.”

“You think they get eaten?”

Snowflake shudders as she nods. “Probably. After all, there’s any number of creatures in the forest whom could eat a whole pony. That and we wouldn’t even know which way to travel to escape the forest.”

“There has to be a way.”

“You just stay with us. I know my dad may be a bit… harsh. But he’s the best at what he does. You’ll be safe here.”

Arc frowns. “As it stands, I don’t think I have much of a choice.”

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