• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - Gathering Information

Arc and his friends read the book together. Sometime later there is a knock at the door. Ember moves to answer it. Sereb stands aside as she opens the door to see Natalya pushing a food cart containing several large covered dishes.


“Lord Arc’s lunch.”

Ember steps back to allow the griffon to enter the room. She smiles as Natalya passes her!

“I could smell that cart coming down the hallway!”

Flash Sentry steps toward the table. “As could I!”

Natalya looks around the room as she sets the plates on the table. “Where is Lord Arc?”

Flash Sentry points a hoof in the direction of the bathroom. “He wanted to clean himself up before eating.”

“If I may, who is guarding him in there?”

Ember shakes her head. “No one.”

“Begging your pardon, but isn’t that rather dangerous?!”

“That’s his policy. I don’t fully understand it myself.”

Flash Sentry nods. “He told me once showering helps him think. Not sure how, but it seems to work for him.”

Arc emerges from the bathroom fully clad in Eidolon’s Ward.

“I thought I heard you out here, Natalya.”

He looks toward the table.

“Something smells good!”

Natalya uncovers the serving platter to reveal several very large fish-based dishes. “Forgive me, but I wasn’t sure what exactly your species eats, Lord Arc.”

Arc walks over to the table. “This will do nicely!”

“I… also brought some vegetables in case you ate those!”

Arc looks to his guard as she sets down the dish. “That will do nicely for Flash Sentry here.”

Flash Sentry nods as he sits down. “Ponies don’t eat meat, I’m afraid.”

Natalya nods. “I will remember that, but… if I may, what are you doing?”

The lieutenant looks confused as he takes his place next to Arc. “What do you mean?”

Arc looks over to her. “It is customary for my Honor Guards to eat with me.”

Natalya frowns. “If I may ask, why sir? No disrespect intended, but they are certainly beneath you!”

“While it’s true that I may be higher in station, I rather dislike eating alone.”

She nods. “Very well, sir. Shall I serve them at mealtime as well?”


Natalya approaches with two empty plates for Flash Sentry and Ember. Arc picks up some meat with a fork and puts it on a plate for Sereb. She looks nervously at him as he approaches and begins to eat.

“I… think he likes it.”

Arc nods. “That he does.”

Natalya bows and walks quickly toward the door. “Well I should let you eat then!”

Arc looks up at her. “You can stay if you want.”

Natalya looks to him, confused. “Oh? I thought the Hero of Light’s identity was supposed to be some big secret.”

Flash Sentry nods. “Normally it is. However, as Lord Arc is the only one of his kind in our land, he felt a secret identity would be impossible to maintain.”

Ember nods as she sits down to eat. “He doesn’t look much like a pony after all!”

Arc nods and removes his helmet to look Natalya in the eye. He carefully sets it down on the table before him. “That we can all agree on.”

Natalya steps back and replies in a frightened tone. “Who… what ARE you?!”

Arc picks up his silverware. “A human.”

“What?! But… but they’re supposed to be a fairy tale!”

He chuckles as he recalls the rest of his armor. “Yet here I stand! Life’s full of surprises!”

“Forgive me, Lord Arc! But your appearance is not exactly what I was expecting!”

Ember nods. “He gets that a lot!”

Flash Sentry turns to him. “Do you ever get used to that, sir?”

“After the first dozen times, yes! As I said earlier, you are free to join us, Natalya.”

She shakes her head, wide-eyed! “No sir! That simply wouldn’t be proper! I’ll eat alone later!”

Ember turns to her. “What do griffons eat anyways?”

“It’s mostly dependent on your position in society. The council and the king eat similarly to that set before you.”

Arc nods. “And the common citizens?”

Natalya sighs. “Brown bread and soup mostly. Those with money can afford to eat better, of course!”

Flash Sentry looks over to her. “What about a lieutenant?”

“Tastier bread and soup made with better ingredients. Sometimes desserts such as cake on special occasions.”

Arc frowns. “What about cupcakes?”

“My apologies, Lord Arc, but I’ve never heard of them.”

Arc’s pupils shrink! Ember laughs!

“I think something in Arc just broke!”

Flash Sentry smiles. “He’ll get over it.”

Natalya looks over at Ember with a strange look on her face.

“Pardon me, but… what exactly are you, miss? You don’t look like a pony either!”

Ember looks up at her as she momentarily stops eating. “I’m a dragon.”

Natalya takes an unsteady step backwards! “There are DRAGONS outside of the Dragon Lands?!”

Arc shrugs. “Just a couple that I know of. That reminds me! I never actually introduced you to my guards, Natalya!”

He gestures to Flash Sentry.

“This is Lieutenant Flash Sentry, my personal aide.”

Flash Sentry smiles at her. A pleasure! Sorry about earlier! I hope I didn’t hurt you!”

“I… I’m fine!”

Arc then gestures to Ember. “And this is Ember. A dragon I befriended in Tartarus some time ago.”

“Sup! “

“Tartarus! How?!”

Arc takes a drink. “We were both prisoners at the time.”

Natalya looks at him, her beak agape! “YOU spent time in TARTARUS?!”

Ember shrugs. “We were both wrongly imprisoned for crimes we didn’t commit.”

“How did you escape?!”

“A friend of mine broke into Tartarus and came looking for me.”

Ember nods. “There was a big battle, and a lot of the innocent victims were finally able to escape back to Equestria. After Arc here took out the demon army, that is!

“I didn’t do that alone, Ember!”

“Oh? I didn’t see anyone other than the Demon King himself moving after you blasted them!”

Flash Sentry nods. “I do wish I could have been there to see it! That must have been a sight to see!”

Ember chuckles. “It was! Considering what the demons had put us through in the past, it was great to see them lying unconscious at Arc’s feet!”

“Forgive me, Lord Arc, but how does one go from the most secure prison ever to exist to one of the highest offices in the land?!”

Arc sighs. “That’s… complicated!”

Ember looks at Natalya. “You sure do ask a lot of questions.”

“I’m sorry! It’s just… I’ve never met a pegasus, dragon or a human before! No one to the best of my knowledge has!”

Arc nods. “It’s fine. Please sit down though, as there is something I want you to help me with.”

Natalya nervously sits down across from Arc. He slides what’s left of his meal across the table


“I am, but it’s against regulations for Footpads to eat their better’s food!”

“Well, General Blackbeak did say you were to serve me, correct?”

“Yes, sir.”

“I want to learn more about griffons and their culture. Right now, I would like to see how griffons eat.“

Flash Sentry nods. “Think of it more like a research project!”

Natalya nods and quickly begins to eat! “Very well, sir!”

Ember looks impressed! “Someone was hungry!”

Flash Sentry chuckles. “I’ll say! You’d think she hadn’t eaten in days!”

Arc nods. “How is it, Natalya?”

“Delicious! I’ve never had such amazing food before!”

Arc stands and walks over to the couch where the book is lying. Picking it up, he walks back to his seat. “When you’re finished eating, I’d like your help with this book.”

Natalya nods as she polishes off the rest of the fish. “Yes sir! Thank you for that! It really hit the spot! Much better than what I’m used to! What can I help you with?!”

He moves his chair closer to Natalya. “This might take some time, but I want you to help me learn how to act more like a griffon.”

Ember looks at him, confused. “Why? So you can push others around like the general?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. To better communicate with them.”

Flash Sentry turns to Ember. “Those the commander deals with will be more at ease if he knows how to properly address and speak to them.”


Natalya and Arc spend the rest of the afternoon practicing his speech and mannerisms. After a particularly riveting mock conversation Arc looks to Natalya.

“Like that?”

Natalya shakes her head. “You need to be more arrogant, Lord Arc. Griffons, especially those who are higher up the food chain, usually act more… intense than they really are.”

Flash Sentry looks over to them. “No offense, miss, but what about your display at the Gladiator’s Arena?”

Natalya sighs. “Not one of my prouder moments, I admit. I had worked so hard to get where I was, and it was all taken away from me in moments!”

Arc sighs. “Sorry about that.”

“It’s my fault for being weak, sir!”

Ember folds her claws over her chest, angrily! “No, it’s your society’s fault for having such dumb rules and customs!”

Flash Sentry frowns! “Ember?!”

Arc turns to his friend. “One might also say the same for parts of The Dragon Code.”

“That’s different!”

“Yes it is. But different cultures have different views… different customs. To say that one way is inferior to another is extremely rude!”

Ember looks to Natalya and speaks in an apologetic tone. “I’m sorry for blowing up like that.”

“It’s okay, Ember. To tell you the truth, there are those in my land that agree with you.”

Flash Sentry nods. “Every land has groups with differing opinions.”

Arc looks to her. “How deep does this run?”

“Very! The higher ups refer to them as ‘malcontents’ most of the time. However they’re unofficially known as the Griffon Liberation Army.”

Ember’s eyes grow wide! “A real army?!”

Natalya shakes her head. “No. Just a bunch of griffons with big ideas and loud mouths mostly.”

Arc nods. “Do you agree with them?”

“No! I mean, our system may not be perfect, but it’s the way we’ve lived for thousands of years! It’s how things are DONE!”

“I’m not a huge fan of ‘liberation armies’ and whatnot. We’ve had such things on Earth where I come from. The only thing that usually comes from such internal fighting is the citizens being harmed!”

Natalya looks confused. “Can you elaborate, sir?”

“Say the rebels were to take over Griffonstone. Would they make things better?”

“They claim to want to, yes.”

Arc nods. “Well, would the ousted leadership just walk away quietly?”

“Definitely not! They would rally their loyalist forces and try to force their opponents from power!”

Flash Sentry grimaces. “I’m sure the rebels would see that coming!”

“Right! They would most likely spend most of their time planning their battle strategy, fighting amongst themselves and diverting supplies to their efforts. Meanwhile, those who can’t fight would mostly be left to fend for themselves!”

Ember frowns. “That doesn’t sound good!”

Flash Sentry sighs. “It does not. Equestria had such problems before the three pony races were united under the princess’ leadership. A leader of any faction stayed in power only until somepony a little smarter, stronger or with a bigger following came along! Let’s just say it’s not the brightest page of our history! A lot of innocents died in those days needlessly!”

Natalya nods. “I wouldn’t want to see that happen here!”

“Neither do I! But enough doom and gloom. Let’s get back to practicing.”

“Yes sir!”

They continue late into the evening. Ember looks over to Arc as he flips back to an earlier chapter in the book.

“You know, there is such a thing as being TOO prepared!”

Arc does not look up. “Another hour or so and I’ll be ready.”

Flash Sentry looks at the wall clock. “Another hour or so and it will be tomorrow!”

There is a knock at the door. Ember stands up to answer it.

“Who could that be at this hour?!”

Arc reads over the pages again. “Probably Natalya. I sent her to the Royal Library for some more research materials.”

Ember opens the door to see a rather tired looking Natalya with a large cartload of books. She wearily enters the room.

“I brought all the books I could find on the subjects you requested, Lord Arc.”

“Good work! Have a seat on the couch and rest. I’ll be with you in a moment.”

Natalya does so as Ember and Flash Sentry look over the books on the cart.

“Arc? Why so many books on history?”

Flash Sentry holds up a few books. “The law books I understand, but…”

“Knowledge is power you two.”

Ember drops onto the couch. “Knowledge is exhausting!”

Flash Sentry sits down on the couch next to Ember. “You’re not the only one whose thinks that.”

He points a hoof at Natalya. She has fallen asleep where she sits. Arc looks over at the sleeping griffon.

“I guess we should follow suit and get some rest.”

Sereb nods as Flash Sentry stretches out on the adjoining couch. Ember looks to Arc.

“Should we sleep in shifts?”

Arc shakes his head as he takes a couple blankets out of a nearby closet and covers Natalya. “I think we’re safe here.”

Flash Sentry looks to her as Arc hands him the second blanket. “I’m a rather light sleeper, Ember. Anypony comes in here and I’ll wake up.”

Arc picks up his helmet and sets it on the nightstand to face the bed. “Well, let’s hit the hay for the night. It’s going to be a busy day tomorrow.”

Ember frowns. “It is?”

“We have quite a bit more studying to do, lessons to learn and plans to make.”

Flash Sentry looks confused. “Plans?”

Arc nods. “At some point I’d like to use what I’ve learned to address the Griffon Council of Lords. Perhaps they can arrange an audience with their king for me.”

“What for, Arc?

Flash Sentry nods approvingly. “As the first dignitary to visit in generations, he really should have an audience with the king. If only to greet him and extend well wishes!”

“Something like that.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “What else could you have to say to him?!”

“Not sure. But I’ll think of something.”

Arc puts a hand to his temples. Ember smiles at him.

“Finally feeling it?”

“Yeah. Sleep suddenly sounds good.”

Arc climbs into the bed and turns off the lights. A few moments later Ember recalls her armor and climbs in next to him before rolling over to face him.

“Someone has to watch your back at all times, wouldn’t you agree?”

Arc rolls over to face the nightstand. “Good night, Ember.”

She snuggles up to his back, quietly. “I’ve missed this.”

“Did you say something, Ember?”

“Nothing. Good night.”

They sleep peacefully through the night. Shortly after dawn Natalya stirs. Sitting up groggily, she rubs her forehead with a talon.

“What? Where… am I…?”

She looks up to see Flash Sentry sit up slowly and look out the window.

“Morning already?”

Wide-eyed, Natalya jumps up and throws the blanket off her! “What?! Morning?!”

She rushes over to the bed and gently shakes Arc!

“L-Lord Arc? You wanted me to wake you up at first light!”

Arc groggily raises his head and looks at her, still half asleep.

“Cherry? Is that you?!”

Natalya steps back, confused. “Sir?”

He shakes his head and looks again.

“Sorry, Natalya. It was just a dream.”

“Sorry for waking you up later than you requested! Please forgive me!”

There is movement in the bed behind Arc as Ember pokes her head up.

“Can you two please keep it down! Some of us are still trying to sleep!”

Natalya turns a deep shade of red and turns away from the bed, clearly flustered!

“I-I’m so sorry for… interrupting, Lord Arc!”

Flash Sentry walks over to the side of the bed. “Ember? What are you doing in there?!”

Ember puts her claws on Arc’s shoulder with a sly smile. “Watching Lord Arc’s back.”

Arc sighs as he sits up. “I told you I would be fine!”

“Well, I worry, okay!”

He swings his legs over the side of the bed and stands up. “Well, in any case, let’s get this day started.”

Flash Sentry nods. “Good idea, sir!”

Natalya shuffles toward the door, nervously. “Um… shall I fetch your breakfast, Lord Arc?”

“Yes. But take your time. I need to shower and make myself presentable.”

“Yes sir! At once!”

Ember turns to Arc as she closes the door. “What’s the matter with her?”

Flash Sentry rolls his eyes. “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe it had something to do with her finding the two of you in bed together?!”

Ember shrugs. “We do this all the time, Flash Sentry!”

“YOU do! I’m usually asleep at the time!”

Flash Sentry sighs. “Sir, whom you choose to share your bed with is none of my business. However, please think of Miss Cherry’s feelings on the matter!”

Ember turns to Arc. “I told him the whole story. That was okay, right?”

“Yes, Ember.”

He turns to Flash Sentry.

“She’s actually okay with it.”


“Cherry watches over me as I sleep from my helmet. She… actually wants me to find someone to…”

Ember looks to him as his voice trails off. “To what, Arc?”

“To… replace her.”

Cherry’s voice emanates from the helmet on the night stand. “It’s true! Somepony else needs to be there for Arc in the future!”

Flash Sentry looks toward the night stand. “That’s… a little creepy, miss.”

“Creepy or not, she’s part of my team… now and forever.”

“I’m sorry, sir. I meant no disrespect.”

Arc nods as he heads for the bathroom. “I know. “

He quickly showers and emerges just as Natalya returns with a food cart. She sets the dishes on the table and steps back respectfully as Arc picks up his helmet and walks it over to the table.

“Didn’t you bring yourself anything to eat, Natalya?”

“No sir. I was planning to pick my food up from the cafeteria after I returned the cart.”

Arc nods. “I want you to do that now.”

Natalya looks at him confused. “Sir?”

“Bring your own food back here so I can see what the lower class eats.”

“Yes sir!”

Ember looks to him as the door closes behind Natalya. “You’re really not leaving any stone unturned on this mission, huh Arc?”

He sighs. “The debriefing after this might take days!”

Sereb smiles. “I am certain Lead Sage Sunburst will want to know every detail.”

Flash Sentry nods. “That he will. Although I’m not sure just how much of what we learn here with be of comfort to the public.”

Ember frowns. “What do you mean?”

“The griffons appear very… cruel and set in their ways. If our citizens knew that such creatures lived just beyond our borders…”

Ember interrupts. “To tell you the truth, they kinda remind me of dragons!”

Arc nods. “Agreed. We should reserve judgment until we have more information.”

“Very well, sir.”

Ember chuckles as she returns to eating. “You should probably get started on your meal before it gets cold, Arc!”

Sereb nods as he looks up from his own plate. “Indeed. This food is quite tasty.”

“I’m just waiting for Natalya to get back.”

A short time later Natalya returns with a plate of “food” consisting of bread and vile looking soup. Ember wrinkles her nose at the smell.

“Is that… edible?”

Natalya sets the plate on the table. “This is what we of the lower classes eat every day.”

Flash Sentry eyes the plate suspiciously. “Even cadets at the Royal Academy eat better than this!”

Arc nods. “Bring me your food, Natalya. I wish to inspect it more closely.”

She does so as Arc pushes his own plate away. He dips a spoon into the soup and stirs it.

“It’s certainly… thick.”

The sludge appears to be the consistency of glue as it adheres to the spoon before sliding back into the bowl from whence it came. The bread appears more like a large crouton than something one would actually eat.

“I wish to try some of this.”

“I don’t think you’ll like it, Lord Arc. It… tastes about as good as it smells!”

Arc takes a bite. His mouth puckers as he does so!

“It’s… so salty!”

“Be happy that it is! Before the extra salt, it was almost inedible!”

Arc dips the bread into the soup in an effort to soften it. The bread appears unwilling to absorb the soup in any capacity! Natalya slides him a glass of water.

“This should help.”

After a few moments being submerged, the bread softens somewhat. Arc takes a bite.

“It’s… flavorless.”

Natalya nods. “No flavor is better than bad flavor! Trust me!”

With great effort Arc finishes the food before him.

“That… was… AWFUL!!!”

Ember looks at Arc, clearly concerned for his health. “You going to be okay over there?!”

Flash Sentry grimaces. “The general said they have medical facilities here. Perhaps we should visit them.”

Arc stands up weakly. “I… I think I need to lie down for a bit.”

He pushes his own breakfast toward Natalya.

“But sir, I couldn’t possibly…!”

Arc interrupts her. “I couldn’t eat it now even if I wanted to. Don’t let it go to waste. That and I DID eat all of your food.”

“Th-thank you, sir.”

Ember helps Arc to the bed.

“Easy does it! Honestly, what were you thinking?!”

Arc looks a bit green as he holds his stomach. “It was… certainly a learning experience.”

The others finish their meal as Arc nurses his aching gut.

“N-Natalya? How… how do you eat such food every day?”

She sighs. “We really don’t have any choice. It’s either that or starve!”

Ember frowns. “Doesn’t the Griffon Kingdom supply food to some of the neighboring countries?”

Flash Sentry sighs. “You would think with such a surplus of food everypony would be eating quite well!”

Natalya looks at Ember a bit confused. “We supply food to other nations? That’s news to me! Are you certain?!”

Arc nods. “That’s what the King and Queen of Abyssinia told me when I visited them a while back.”

“We heard about your visit there! The rumors say you took out an entire base of pirates single handedly!”

“It… wasn’t quite that simple.”

“Forgive me, Lord Arc! I’ve overstepped!”

Arc sits up. “It’s okay. In any case, the throbbing in my stomach appears to be lessening.”

Ember chuckles. “And here I thought you could eat anything!”

Flash Sentry nods. “As did I!”

Natalya looks over to him. “Is there anything I could get you that would help, sir?”

“How about some fresh air? Could we perhaps tour the city?”

She looks nervous. “I’m… not sure that’s a good idea, Lord Arc.”

Ember frowns. “Is it dangerous?”

“Not… really. There just isn’t much to see around here. Griffons aren’t much for maintaining their landmarks. Natural or otherwise.”

“How about a park then? I assume the young griffons must have somewhere they go to play!”

“Griffons aren’t much for playing these days. You remember the Gladiator’s Arena from yesterday? That used to be our Boffyball Stadium in years past!”

Ember looks confused. “Boffyball?”

Natalya sighs. “When the king returned, he had it remodeled to the building it is today.

Arc nods. “So… your national pastime is…”

“Gladiator matches at the Arena. It’s used for a few other things such as town meetings and whatnot. But its main purpose is for promotion ceremonies.”

Flash Sentry nods. “I’m guessing that means earning your promotions.”

“Right. You see, to be promoted you have to defeat your current rank’s trainer. Griffons come from all over the country to watch the show!”

Ember grins! “A spectator sport?! Count me in!”

Natalya sighs “It happens a few times a year.”

“Is that how you were promoted?”

Natalya suddenly looks downcast. “Yes… that is, before…”

Flash Sentry sighs. “We’re sorry.”

Natalya shakes her head. “What’s done is done.”

She walks over to the window and looks out.

“If you want, I can show you a few of the sights. They’re not much, though.”

Arc nods. “Thank you. I’d like that.”

He waves Sereb over and mounts him as he extends a hand to Natalya.

“Care for a ride?”

“No thank you sir! It wouldn’t be proper for a griffon of my rank to sit in the saddle with you!”

“I understand. Lead on then.”

Ember and Flash Sentry don their armor. Natalya then leads them out of the room as Flash Sentry and Ember flank Arc. She leads them to the Arena.

“As you saw yesterday, this is the Gladiator’s Arena. “

Natalya points to a number of symbols around the perimeter of the arena floor.

“These are the various ranks from Footpad all the way up to General!”

Arc nods. “So how often can someone be promoted?”

“Any time there is a promotion ceremony. All you have to do is stand in front of your rank’s symbol and wait for a Trainer to call your name. If you beat them, you’re promoted to the next rank.”

Flash Sentry looks around. “Who are the Trainers?”

“They’re just griffons from the next highest rank. For example, a Footpad like me who wants to be promoted to sergeant would have to defeat a trainer who IS a sergeant! We have to beat those which we hope to become!”

Ember nods. “How high can you go?”

“As high as you have strength! Theoretically anyone could become a general!”

Flash Sentry frowns. “But…”

“But the trainers that high up are legends! General Blackbeak was the first to earn his position through combat!”

Arc turns to Natalya. “Are the Trainers generals as well?

Natalya shakes her head. “No. To become a general you must fight valiantly against Arbiter Ghaleon.”

Flash Sentry looks confused. “Arbiter? You mean there’s a rank above general?”

“That’s complicated. You see, the Council doesn’t always agree on everything. So they created the rank of Arbiter to settle… high profile disputes.”

Ember looks over. “How many Arbiters are there?”

“There can be only one Arbiter serving at any given time.”

Flash Sentry narrows his eyes. “How much authority do they have?”

“Their judgment is final and their power over everyone is well known! The only higher power would be the king himself! In fact, should a general ever go awry, it would be the Arbiter’s job to step in and stop them!”

Ember looks over to Arc. “That sounds an awful lot like Equestria’s Hero of Light.”

Arc nods. “That it does! Can I meet the Arbiter?”

“Normally, no. He’s always quite busy keeping the peace throughout the realm!”

“Perhaps one day then.”

Natalya nods. “One never knows, sir. How about I show you around town now? There isn’t much, but I’ll show you what I can. That is, if you’re feeling up to it.”

“I am. Lead on!”

Natalya leads them out of the Gladiator’s Arena and into town. Every griffon they encounter on the street hides at their advance!

Ember looks around. “What’s going on?”

Arc sighs. “They’ve never seen a human before. Been there, done this!”

Natalya clears her throat. “Yes, well… we’ve all heard the stories of the Hero of Light’s activities abroad and domestically! They know of your immense power, and that you’re a force to be reckoned with!”

The group proceeds down the street toward a ruined building.

“This used to be our nation’s greatest public library.”

Arc looks at the building. “Was there some kind of natural disaster?”

Natalya shakes her head. “No. It just hasn’t been very well… maintained! King Guto isn’t much for higher learning.”

Ember frowns. “Why not?!”

“He says learning takes time away from training, and that we all need to be prepared to defend the kingdom from its enemies.”

Flash Sentry sighs. “So… who would lead the military in the event of invasion?”

“General Blackbeak would handle defense of the homeland while Arbiter Ghaleon would see to our counterattack.”

Flash Sentry nods. “And they are smart enough to do so?”

“Yes. Generals, Lords, and the Arbiter have all shown great mental aptitude. They’re probably the brightest and the best among us!”

Arc dismounts Sereb and walks over to a book lying in the mud. As he moves to pick it up it falls apart in his hands!

“Twilight would be heartbroken at the state of this library.”


He turns back to Natalya. “A friend of mine back in Equestria. She loves books and reading!”

Arc walks back to Sereb, mounts him and turns to walk on with the others. A strong breeze blows the damp pages of the book carrying several of them away. Natalya leads them to the edge of town. Ahead of them stretches a large chasm.

“This is the Abysmal Abyss. It’s probably the biggest landmark we have.”

Ember chuckles. “And it doesn’t even require maintenance!”

Flash Sentry looks around. “What’s so important about this place. Looks kinda ominous to me.”

“There’s an old legend that’s been told throughout the ages about it. Supposedly this is where the pride of our nation was displayed.”

Arc looks confused. “Displayed?”

“The Idol of Boreas was put on display before our nation somewhere around here by a young griffon named Grover. With it, he inspired our entire nation to greatness!”


“They say the idol was the source of generations of griffon’s pride! He used it to unite the griffons of the Griffon Kingdom and led them as our nation’s first official king!”

Arc nods and looks around. “So… where is this idol now?”

Natalya sighs. “Supposedly it was stolen one stormy night many years ago! The legend I just told is all that’s left of it! In fact our current ruler, King Guto, spent many long years searching the kingdom for the idol.”

Ember frowns. “Not trying to belittle him, but isn’t that a rather poor use of time? I mean, it sounds like a wild goose chase looking for something that may or may not still exist!”

Natalya gestures to the city nearby.

“You’ve seen the condition of Griffonstone! King Guto had hoped to find the idol and use it to restore our nation to its former glory!”

Arc smiles. “Your king is holding out hope for a brighter future, Natalya. At least he hasn’t given up on his kingdom!”

“I guess not, Lord Arc. Since he came back, things have been different though.”

Flash Sentry looks confused. “How so?”

“Things used to be peaceful and beautiful here, or so I’ve been told. Although no one alive remembers those days. Rather than fun and games, now everything is about power, strength, combat and so forth.”

She shakes her head.

“I don’t know what happened to him out there. But the military is his primary focus now! Right now everyone is on edge, as the future of our kingdom is uncertain.”

She appears suddenly nervous as she draws close to Arc and lowers her voice.

“Please don’t tell General Blackbeak I said that! It’s… um… treasonous.”

Arc nods. “I won’t let him know you told us about that. Promise. Thank you for letting us know, though!”

Natalya breathes a sigh of relief! “Thanks!”

They continue on their way. Natalya turns to Arc.

“You’ve been all over the world, right Lord Arc?”

“I’ve seen quite a few places, yes. Why?”

She looks to him, hopeful. “I… don’t suppose you’ve heard any rumors about the location of our idol.”

Arc shakes his head. “Sadly, no. This is the first I’ve heard of it.”

“Oh… it was a long shot, I guess.”

A short time later they arrive at the Train Station. Flash Sentry looks around.

“This place has seen better days!”

Ember turns to Natalya. “Is it still used?”

“Not in years! “

Arc nods. “I suppose a nation full of winged residents wouldn’t really need trains.”

Natalya shakes her head. “They were more for pleasure than getting around! However, these days griffons don’t often travel. The military notwithstanding!”

Ember looks surprised. “Why not?”

“We… don’t really feel like it. Sorry, but I can’t really explain it any better than that.”

She looks a bit embarrassed.

“Sorry, but that’s really all there is to see around Griffonstone.”

Arc nods. “Thank you for the tour.”

“It was my pleasure, Lord Arc! Are you feeling any better?”

“I am! The fresh air helped me beat the last of my nausea!”

Ember looks up at the sun. “Looks like it’s almost lunch time, Arc. You feeling up for it?”

“That I am!”

“I’ll lead the way back to the Grand Aviary! Please follow me!”

The group makes their way back toward the heart of the city and the Grand Aviary. Meanwhile a mysterious figure in a dark blue cloak watches them from a distance.

“You’ve done well, Arc. Not just here in Equestria, but on Earth as well. Stay to the path and it will lead you to your eventual destination.”

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