• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - Leveling

They next evening Arc, dressed in his finest clothes, stands in his room in Canterlot Castle looking out a window. Rarity enters with Twilight and approaches him.

“Applejack is… nearly ready.”

Arc nods but does not turn around. Good.”

Twilight sighs. “Arc, I need to apologize for what Princess Celestia is putting you through with this.”

Arc shrugs. “I was planning to go out with all of you eventually. She just sped up the timetable a bit.”

Rarity frowns. “Well, I for one don’t like this one bit!”

Twilight groans. “Neither do I.”

“It’s fine. I agreed to it, after all.”

Rarity sighs. “Although I still don’t understand why you did that, Arc.”

Arc chuckles as he turns to her. “To call her out.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Celestia was challenging me.”

Twilight bows her head. “That she was.”

“However, when I unexpectedly accepted the terms she set forth it was like I challenged her challenge.”

“I still don’t get your meaning, Arc.”

“Think about it this way, Twilight. When she suggested a date, I’m assuming Celestia was trying to make me say ‘no’. That would have made it look like I was afraid of her finding out… something or other. But by me calling her bluff it forced her to either backpedal on the whole idea, which would have made HER look bad, or accept it in an attempt to prove she was correct.”

Rarity puts a hoof to her forehead. “This is a bit complicated.”

“Yeah, I know. Sorry but I can’t really think of any other way to explain it.”

Twilight groans. “Well, I’ll be glad when this is over.”

Rarity nods. “So will I.”

Arc chuckles. “Oh really? You don’t want to see whether or not I’m hiding something though?”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “But you’re not.”

“I know that. But Celestia is convinced that I’m leading all of you on.”

Rarity frowns. “Not sure where she got THAT idea from though.”

Twilight rolls her eyes. “Human stereotypes say that they’re masters of deception though. Doing and saying whatever it takes to get what they want.”

Arc nods soberly. “And Celestia believes that.”

Rarity scoffs. “It certainly sounds like it.”

“Can’t say as I blame her though. After all, she was held hostage for over a year on Earth by some of the worst humanity has to offer.”

Twilight furrows her brow. “Well, that’s no excuse for this kind of…!”

She is cut off as a knock rings out. Twilight and Rarity look at the door together before turning to Arc.

“That’s Applejack now!”

“She’s a bit early though!”

Rarity trots in place nervously. “Like I said, she was almost ready when I left her!”

Twilight grimaces. “What are we going to do?!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Uh… you two do realize that I’m ready, right?”

“Oh… right.”

Rarity looks around. “Well, we should make ourselves scarce then.”

Twilight smiles. “Good idea. The two of us will greet Applejack along with Arc, look the dress and her mane over one more time, and then let the happy couple get underway as we part ways.”

Rarity nods. “Right.”

“Let’s get started.”

Heading for the door, Arc takes a deep breath and turns the knob. Opening it he finds Scootaloo standing there with Auriel.

“Um… hi?”

“Hey there, Big Brother.”

Auriel sighs. “We’re sorry for coming at this time, but we needed to tell you something.”

Twilight steps forward. “Is there a problem with Applejack?”

Scootaloo sighs. “Kinda.”

Rarity gasps. “Wardrobe malfunction?!”

Twilight grimaces. “Mane trouble?!”

Auriel looks away nervously. “Not… exactly.”

Arc frowns. “Then what’s the problem?”

“Princess Celestia wanted us to come here and… tell you that Applejack’s going to be… late.”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “Late?”

Scootaloo nods. “Right. She asked me to come tell you that as she left Applejack’s room with Auriel.”

Twilight appears relieved. “Princess Celestia probably just wanted to talk to Applejack first. Make sure she was okay with this whole thing.”

Auriel groans. “That’s only part of it.”

Arc sighs. “What’s the rest?”

Scootaloo looks down at the floor. “She… told us not to say.”

Rarity gasps. “Why not?!”

Auriel frowns. “Because she thinks it would ruin the experiment.”

“This whole thing is just getting weirder and weirder, Big Brother.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Agreed. I’m sure she wouldn’t hurt Applejack. However I don’t like how this date is starting.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Neither do I. But there’s nothing we can do about it.”

He turns to Auriel before continuing.

“How late will Applejack be?”

“She said about half an hour before returning to the room.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Princess Celestia went back to see Applejack again?”

Scootaloo nods. “It’s all so mysterious.”

Arc frowns as he motions to the couches. “Well… all we can do is wait, I suppose.”

Sitting down, Arc and company wait patiently. Eventually there is a knock at the door. Twilight stands up quickly.

“That HAS to be her!”

Rarity’s eyes grow wide. “Right!”

Scootaloo looks to Auriel nervously. “Um… should we still be here?”

“I don’t think so, no.”

She turns to Arc before continuing.

“Think we could get a quick portal out of here?”

“Sure. But where…?”

Rarity raises a hoof. “How about my room?”

Twilight turns to her friend and raises an eyebrow. “But there’s no sigil in your…”

Rarity interrupts her. “It’s... under the rug.”

Auriel giggles. “Oh my!”

Arc chuckles. “I don’t know why you’re laughing, Auriel. There’s one in your room too.”

Twilight frowns. “Hey! Why not mine?!”

Arc grimaces as he calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal. “Because Celestia would have my head for something like that. Now off you all go.”

They call out to Arc before walking through.

“Have fun, Big Brother.”

Rarity winks. “Don’t stay out too late now.”

Twilight narrows her eyes as she passes. “We’ll talk about the sigil situation later.”

Auriel stops and turns to him before speaking.

“Oh! Princess Cadance wanted me to give you this!”

Handing Arc a small black satchel she smiles and winks before hurrying through the portal. Arc closes it as another knock rings out from the door.


Recalling his gauntlet, Arc glances at himself in the mirror before walking to the door. Taking a few seconds to mentally prepare himself Arc takes a deep breath and opens the door. However as he spies whom is on the other side, he frowns.


Celestia narrows her eyes. “That is ‘princess’ to you, Hero of Light.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Fine… whatever, princess.”

Celestia motions with a wave of her hoof. “Aren’t you going to invite me in?”

“Wasn’t planning on it, no.”


“The guards and staff have enough to gossip about without seeing the... universally loved and admired Princess of the Sun coming and going from my quarters.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow and smirks. “Interesting.”

“Um… what?”

“I just gave you the perfect opportunity and you didn’t take it.”

“To do what?!”

“Kill me.”

Arc frowns. “Don’t tempt me.”

“I just did.”

“Can you please get to the point of your visit? I’m kinda waiting for someone.”

“Yes, I know. Remember, this whole thing was my idea.”

Arc moves his hand in a circular motion. “So… I do hope you came here for more than just to test my desire to end your life.”

Celestia nods. “I have. But first I must congratulate you on passing the first test.”

Arc facepalms. “Hooray for me.”

“My earlier predictions said that you would invite me in, kill me with your dagger, and then dispose of my body.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “I’m sorry, what?”

“No loose ends that way.”

“Are you crazy, or just plain suicidal?!”

Celestia smiles slyly. “Neither, as you would not have succeeded.”

“Let’s not test that theory.”

“Very well. Moving on to brighter subjects… I’ve also come here to tell you that your date is ready and waiting for you.”

“Uh… but Applejack said she would meet me here.”

Celestia giggles. “A bit of a change on my part.”

“A… change?”

“This isn’t the best place for you to meet. Therefore I’ve ordered her to wait for you under the castle garden’s only apple tree.”

“In the Royal Gardens?”

Celestia nods. “Correct. I personally oversaw my Hoof Maiden’s undertaking their task to made her presentable for tonight before I escorted her to the a fore mentioned location. All we need to do is go meet her.”

Arc sighs. “Why do I get the feeling you’re up to no good?”

“Nonsense. I only wish to know what’s in that human heart of yours.”

“Forgive me if I don’t believe you.”

Celestia smirks. “Believe what you will. But you shouldn’t keep young Applejack waiting.”

“That’s on you though.”

“True, I suppose. Therefore I shall let you get on with your part of the experiment.”

She motions with a hoof down the corridor.

“Shall we?”


“I’m going to escort you to your date.”

“Yeah, well… I think I can find my way.”

“While I’m certain you could I will still accompany you.”

Arc rolls his eyes as they begin walking. “Why am I suddenly even more suspicious of your actions?”

Celestia feigns ignorance. “Whatever do you mean by that?”

“I think you already know.”

“Enlighten me then.”

“For all I know YOU’RE trying to get me alone and take ME out!”

Celestia shakes her head as she smiles. “Believe me, that is the furthest thought from my mind right now.”

Arc frowns. “Forgive me if I don’t believe you.

Celestia stops. Arc turns to look over his shoulder at her as she speaks.

“I… understand that position. Really, I do. After all, it’s not every day that I’m… coerced into nearly killing somepony.”

“That didn’t tickle, you know.”

“Such is only something I could attempt to imagine. But I want you to know this. The reason you still stand before me is because of Twilight.”

“You finally starting to believe her?”

Celestia narrows her eyes. “You misunderstand me. I still believe you to be a master manipulator.”

“Then why…?”

“Because if anything were to happen to you, Twilight… she… she’d never recover.”

Arc turns to face Celestia again. “I think she’d find a way. After all, she’s a lot stronger than you think.”

“Perhaps. But I’d rather not see her upset.”

“You care about her, don’t you?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Same as me.”

Celestia frowns. “No. Very… VERY differently!”

Stepping forward slowly, Celestia stops only a foot or so from Arc. Looking into his eyes for a moment before continuing.

“Twilight trusts you. I do not. However, I am willing to give you the chance she asked for. But there is one thing I need to say to you here and now.”


“You’ll be watched VERY closely from now on. If I find that you’ve done ANYTHING to one of my little ponies… that you’ve coerced them to do certain things for you… that you’ve harmed in ANY WAY even ONE of them…”

Celestia narrows her eyes and slowly walks forward as she speaks.

“…there is no corner of this land you can find refuge. There is no mountain tall enough, nor valley low enough to hide you from me. No distance is too great nor any transdimensional barrier too hard to crack. Laws and statutes will not save you from my wrath, nor will your weapons and armor. If you betray what little trust I have in you I will HUNT… YOU… DOWN!!!”

Celestia’s nose presses into Arc’s as she speaks the last word. Stepping back, she looks to him evenly.

“That is all I wanted to say. Any questions?”

Arc shakes his head soberly. “No. Just a statement.”

“And what is that?”

“It’s in regards to what you said about… hurting anyone.”

Celestia grits her teeth. “I’m sure you understood what I meant.”

“That I did. You have my word that I have not in the past forced anyone to do anything they don’t want to do. Save for potentially the troops under my command, that is.”


They look at each other silently for a long moment. Eventually Arc breaks it.

“I need to get moving. So if you’re going to follow me…”

Celestia nods and steps forward. “This way.”

Leaving the castle, Celestia leads Arc down the heavily manicured cobblestone paths. Rounding a corner he spots someone in the dim sunset lighting standing silently under an apple tree waiting patiently. However as Arc approaches he sees whom his date really is and stops dead in his tracks.

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