• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 6 - Drastic Measures

A few days pass. Ember, Sereb, Rose, Arc, and his squad look over the papers on the basement table. Arc frowns.

“Nothing adds up.”

Ember sighs. “If Diva was using the Shards to build an army, why did she leave them to die in that mine?”

Rose looks up from her papers. “They may have simply been loose ends to her.”

Sereb nods. “Right. Perhaps to keep the secret of the serum’s existence from the prying eyes of the authorities.”

Max walks over from the computer. “That’s certainly a very real possibility.”

Cherry sighs. “Yes. But what could she have done with it on her own?”

Hugh tosses a stack of papers into the waste basket. “She still has Stingray, Hammer and Mio though.”

Viktor nods. “True. But an army of four can’t do much. They would still need larger numbers to accomplish anything major.”

Xenos looks to Ember. “Like accomplishing Frank’s goal?”

“They couldn’t care less about what he thinks!”

Arc frowns. “I suppose not. After all, they did kidnap and imprison him. But I can’t help but think Diva was telling the truth at that farmhouse.”

Max sighs. “About her organization?”

Sereb growls. “But she’s left the Shards. None of them have seen her since that day.”

Arc nods. “True. But who’s to say that was the organization she was talking about?”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “You think she’s got another gang out there somewhere?!”

Hugh shudders. “That’s a chilling thought.”

Cherry calls out. “At the very least, it can’t be as big as the Shards were.”

Max nods. “Yeah. Big groups have a hard time staying hidden.”

Arc taps his fingers on the table thoughtfully. “Unless they’re hiding in plain sight.”

Rose nods. “Sometimes that’s the best place to hide something.”

Ember grimaces. “Where though, Arc?”

“No idea. But let’s look at the whole picture here. The Shards were working on not one but two factories. The equipment in that mine wasn’t cheap, cobbled together junk. It was state of the art and looked new.”

Hugh nods soberly. “They may have been thugs with a lot of resources, but there’s no way they could’ve come up with all that stuff themselves.”

Ember chuckles. “None of them have the brains to do all that.”

Arc sighs. “Not even Frank.”

Cherry clears her throat. “How about that formula we discovered? That would have taken quite a bit of scientific know-how to create.”

Max looks toward the stack of papers liberated from the bank. “So the Shards were simply strong backs and weak minds?”

Viktor nods. “Sounds like it.”

Sereb sighs. “Diva certainly didn’t have any qualms about tossing them away.”

Xenos grins. “But without the factory she won’t be able to get any more of that serum.”

Hugh looks to Arc, nervously. “Maybe they’d already made enough. I mean, it was really chugging along from what I could see from the footage you brought back, sir.”

Rose nods. “Judging from what was in the video feed, I’d say several truckloads of vials could have been produced per week with a steady flow of base materials.”

Arc clenches a fist. “Yeah. And who knows just how long they operated before we got there?”

Ember nods soberly. “Right! What about your conversation with Sunburst, Arc? Did he come up with anything?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Apparently finding a way to give a non-unicorn magic has been the holy grail of magical science for thousands of years.”

Sereb narrows his eyes. “It would certainly have given the Earth Ponies and Pegasi an edge during their war many years ago.”

Cherry sighs. “Yes, well… perhaps it’s for the best nopony ever figured it out.”

Viktor grins. “It would be really cool to be able to move things with our minds though.”

Xenos flexes. “And use it to become super strong as well.”

Arc shrugs. “That may be. But I think it would just be something else to fight over. Whomever controlled that formula would have unimaginable power after all.”

Ember nods. “So no one was EVER able to figure it out, huh?”

Arc shakes his head. “Nope. Not even Star Swirl the Bearded. Or at the very least if he did, he never told anyone.”

Max snaps his fingers. “Wait a minute! He HAD to know! After all, he created the princesses and gave them their Alicorn Magic, right?!”

Hugh puts a hand to his chin. “I guess that makes sense. Do you think Sunburst intentionally lied to you, sir?”

“I doubt it. Something that dangerous was probably never written down in books available to the public.”

Ember turns to Arc. “How about the Canterlot Armory? Maybe one of those books has something on the subject.”

“I’ll have to ask the princesses when I go back tomorrow.”

Rose looks to him sheepishly. “May I accompany you?”

“If you want to, sure. You coming too, Ember?”

“I really should. After all, you remember what happened last time I didn’t join you?”

“The whole assassination attempt thing?”

Ember blushes. “There was that too, yes.”

“Oh… that.”

Sereb clears his throat loudly. “Shall I accompany you as well, Arc?”

“Please do.”

Max nods. “That’s probably for the best.”

Xenos grins. “Yeah. Who knows what could happen to the commander over there?!”

Hugh nods. “Hopefully nothing.”

Arc frowns. “I second that.”

Viktor turns back to his computer. “Yes. But it will be nice to know you’ll be well defended, sir.”

Ember turn to him. “What do you suppose the princesses want to speak to you about, Arc?”

“I’m not really sure. But Luna sounded pretty nervous about whatever’s happening over there.”

Rose’s eyes grow wide. “You don’t suppose mother is in danger, do you?!”

Sereb shakes his head. “Unlikely. Were the land in real danger I’m sure Arc would have been notified of the situation at once.”

“Right. It probably has something to do with one of my more clandestine operations.”

Ember frowns. “Like what?!”

Sereb rolls his eyes. “Ember, I believe that’s what Arc means by ‘clandestine’.”


Rose giggles. “It means secret.”

“I knew that!”

Arc chuckles. “Sure, Ember. Whatever you say.”

Cherry sighs. “Arc? Are you sure you’re fully recovered?”

“Sure I’m sure. A couple good night’s sleep would have brought anyone around. Why?”

“Oh, um… no reason. Just… worried about you, that’s all!”

Sereb frowns. “Are you certain, Arc?”

“What are you talking about? I’m fine!”

Ember puts a hand under her chin. “I think I see it too, Arc.”

“See what?”

“Those bags under your eyes.”


Arc walks over to the basement bathroom and looks in the mirror before turning back to the others.

“I don’t see anything.”

Max frowns. “Maybe you should turn in early, sir.”

Hugh nods. “You’ll want to be at your best when seeing the princesses after all.”

“Uh, I see them all the time. This isn’t really a big deal for me or them.”

Viktor looks him up and down. “Still, it would be wise to be well rested for whatever problem needs solving back in Equestria.”

Ember takes Arc’s hand and leads him out of the bathroom. “Come one. Let’s get you to bed.”

Arc frowns as the pair heads for the stairs. “This just seems so unnecessary!”

Sereb looks to Arc. “I will wake you in plenty of time for your wormhole.”

“Fine. See you in the morning.”

Ember leads Arc upstairs. His squad grins at one another as Rose turns to Max.

“I did not detect any abnormalities in Arc’s vitals, nor did he appear fatigued to me.”

Max chuckles. “Trust us, Rose. The commander really does need some rest.”

Hugh nods. “Yeah! He’s really in need of some R and R.”

“I’m not sure what you four are basing that assumption on.”

Sereb walks over to her. “They are correct, Rose.”

“Maybe you can explain it to me then.”

“Ember was trying to get Arc upstairs for Miss Cherry’s sake.”


Xenos sighs. “The commander’s been really focused on our research these past few days.”

Viktor frowns. “He hasn’t really had much time for her.”

Hugh looks to Max. “We know he’s doing this for the greater good of both our worlds. But Miss Cherry needs more time with him.”

Max smiles. “And he with her.”

Rose looks to the stairs. “What about Ember?”

Sereb appears confused. “What about her?”

“If this is supposed to be a special time for Arc and Miss Cherry, why is Ember there?”

Sereb chuckles. “The relationship between those three is a complicated one at best. While I am unsure of human traditions, I believe they have some kind of synergy.”

Rose tilts her head to one side. “You mean he has multiple mates?”

Sereb chuckles. “Perhaps. Together they can meet his total needs.”

Max looks confused. “What do you mean?”

“Miss Cherry is there for emotional support with her kind spirit. And Ember, while brash and straight-forward, is quite taken with Arc. She, unlike Miss Cherry, can satisfy Arc’s physical needs.”

Xenos grins. “Maybe you’re right. I mean, they do sleep together pretty much every night.”

Hugh blushes slightly. “Yes, well… the thought of one stallion having multiple partners is a rather… new concept to us.”

Viktor chuckles. “That may be true. But the commander deserves the absolute best in every facet of life. The best food. The best lodgings. And the best companions.”

Rose looks confused. “From what I have seen in both Equestria and Earth, there are no shortage of human girls and mares whom would enjoy an evening with him.”

Sereb looks to her. “Does that make you jealous?”

“I wouldn’t use that word, no. But I must say I have enjoyed our nights together. Should I head upstairs to join them?”

Max shakes his head. “That might be pushing it, Rose.”

Xenos grins. “Three mares at once would blow anyone’s mind!”

Meanwhile, Arc and Ember head up to his parent’s room.

“What’s up all of a sudden, Ember?”

Ember closes the door behind them. “You need to rest!”

“But I’m not even that tired!”

He points out the window.

“I know we had an early supper, and all. But the sun’s just begun to set. Why… are…”

Arc’s eyelids grow heavy as he turns to Ember. He sees her outstretches hand casting a familiar spell as he falls to his knees. Ember kneels over Arc and gives him a small smile.

“Sorry, Arc. But this is for Cherry.”

Arc loses consciousness. Ember helps him up and carries him to the bed. Lying him down carefully she stands back and smiles.

“He’s all yours, Cherry. Enjoy.”

Meanwhile, Arc opens his eyes to the customary sunset overlooking Cherry Hill Ranch.

“Huh? Why did Ember…?”

The screen door opens and Cherry walks out. Her hooves making small clops with every step she makes toward the swing.

“Because… I asked her to.”

Arc looks confused. “You did? Why?”

“You’ve been so busy these past few days. We haven’t had time to do anything other than exchange single sentences.”

Arc looks away. “Oh. Sorry about that, Cherry.”

Cherry giggles as she walks over to him and puts her hooves in his lap. “All is forgiven.”

Arc smiles down at her as he puts his hands around her furry waist and picks her up. Cherry wraps her hooves around Arc’s neck as he sets her down in his lap. She lays her head over his shoulder as they share an embrace.

“I’ve missed this time together.”

Arc nods and replies softly. “So have I.”

They sit there motionless for a time just holding one another. Eventually Cherry breaks the embrace and slides onto the swing next to Arc.

“You’re not to mad about this, are you?”

“No, Cherry.”


Arc sighs. “If anything I should be apologizing to you, my love. You deserve better than to be put on the back burner like that.”

“Thank you for understanding, Arc. Please don’t be mad at Ember for my suggestion. But I just really needed to talk to you about something.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I… I realized that I never got to apologize for my actions the other day.”

“Your actions?”

“Choosing to stay with Minerva. My place really was by your side, Arc.”

Arc shakes his head. “She’s your friend and she needed help. There’s nothing to apologize for. By the way, how’s she doing?”

“After you left she… um… threw everything up.”

“Maybe it was a bit much for her stomach at the time.”

“Probably. Her fever came back a bit after that. I carried her to the shower and helped her get cleaned up.”

“I hope it wasn’t too gross for you. Human vomit smells terrible!”

“Oh I didn’t mind. After all, I don’t have a nose anymore, dear.”

“Oh… right.”

“But I have to say. Human mares are a bit… different than ponies.”

“How so?”

“Well, for starters, their mammary glands are much higher than…”

Arc interrupts as he blushes fervently. “OH! That kind of different! I thought you were talking about the lack of fur, or something.”

“There was that too. But I didn’t feel strange or anything as I cleaned her up. Nor did she seem to be embarrassed that I saw her without coverings.”

“That’s because you’re both girls.”

“I’m still unsure why that’s a big deal to you, Arc.”

“Well, guys are about the same in that regard. We don’t mind showering together at the gym or pool.”

“Why is that?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Probably because we all have the same… equipment.”

Cherry looks confused. “Equipment?”

Arc blushes. “Genitals.”

“But stallions and mares back in Equestria see each other’s genitals all the time. Nopony’s ever said anything about it.”

Arc sighs. “I guess the only thing I can say about that it’s a cultural difference. That and stallions back there do keep themselves… uh… sheathed, I guess would be the word.”

Cherry nods. “Yes, I suppose they do. But female ponies don’t keep their mare parts hidden. After all, a tail can only cover so much.”

Cherry’s eyes suddenly grow wide as she moves to cover her flank better with her tail.

“Am I making you feel uncomfortable?! I can put on a dress or something if it would help!”

Arc smiles at Cherry and shakes his head. “That’s okay. Truth be told, I’ve gotten used to seeing things like that.”

“How long did that take?”

“A couple months. When I first came to Equestria I lived with Twilight, after all.”

“I do remember you telling me that much.”

“Whenever she would turn around I’d find some excuse to look in another direction. Or bury my nose in one of her books.”

“Was it really that bad for you?”

“Kinda. At that time, Twilight was a stranger to me though. I mean, I’ve seen my friend Shelly naked plenty of times. So it’s not like I’ve never seen a vagina, or anything.”

Cherry giggles. “Yes, I remember you dressing her to go to the hospital to see Frank.”

Arc chuckles. “I thought you were going to say something about that when I helped her up from the toilet.”

“From what I saw, she honestly couldn’t do it alone. But she didn’t appear bothered that you saw her nether regions when you pulled up her undergarments.”

“I’ve had to do that quite a few times in the past. Before Lily aged out of the orphanage, that is.”

“Yes, Arc. I’ve seen all that in your memories of the past. Forgive me for all the questions, but I truly just don’t understand the problem. How did you get over it with Twilight?”

“Well… one day she went out to see Applejack about something or other. I sat down with Spike and asked him about it. After all, he’s really at eye level there, if you get my meaning.”

“Makes sense. What did he say?”

“He just looked at me kinda funny and asked what the big deal was.”

Cherry giggles. “He’s quite an innocent little dragon!”

“Yes, he is. I told him it was customary for humans to cover themselves, and not to see others without clothes on.”

“Then he said something to the effect of ‘everyone’s got something’. Right?”

Arc nods. “Yeah. That was when he ran over to a nearby shelf and pulled a book off. Handing it to me he said it would explain a few things.”

“And did it?”

“Yes. It was a book about manners for foals. Looking back I guess that made sense. You certainly wouldn’t want a filly or colt to start pointing and asking loudly about no-no parts in public.”

“No-no parts?”

Arc chuckles. “Sorry. That’s what the book called them though. Other than that, ponies and humans are pretty similar.”

Cherry leans against Arc and smiles. “Yes, we are.”

They are silent for a time as they watch the sunset.

“You’re a bit nervous about tomorrow, aren’t you Arc?”

“A little.”

“As powerful as you are, I wouldn’t think there was anything in our world or any other that could frighten you.”

“You would think so. But I wouldn’t call it fear as much as… apprehension.”

“What’s the difference?”

“I’m not scared of what the princesses want to talk to me about. But I am nervous about the ramifications of whatever’s wrong.”

Cherry frowns. “Now I’m nervous too.”


“And here I was trying to help. But I think I made it worse.”

Arc puts his arm around Cherry as he looks out toward the sunset again. “Just stay with me. It’ll be enough.”

Cherry nods. “We’ll get through this together.

“That we will, Cherry. That we will.”

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