• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 6 - Forceful Meals

The following night Mio stands out front of her apartment. She is clad in a black cloak and looks around nervously. At exactly midnight a gray dog runs up to her happily. Mio looks down at it, confused.

“What the heck…? This feeling…!”

The dog turns and runs away.

“Hey! Wait!”

Chasing after him down the street, Mio follows him into a nearby alley. He runs to the dead end and stops before looking back at his pursuer and wags his tail playfully as Mio slowly approaches him.

“It’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you. You’re just going to take a quick trip to a nice doctor’s office. You’ll get a warm meal and a place to…”

Before she can react, Mio finds herself pushed violently into a wall. A hand claps itself over her mouth as Arc whispers in her ear.

“Don’t scream, don’t move, and close your eyes.”

Mio nods fearfully as Arc holds out his gauntlet to open a portal. He turns back to her and continues whispering.

“We’re going to take a little walk now. I’ll steer.”

Putting a hand on her shoulder, Arc turns Mio around and pushes her forward gently. Sereb bounds into the portal ahead of them as the pair slowly walk forward. Passing thought they find themselves in a dimly lit room.

“Open your eyes.”

Mio slowly does so. They grow wide as she looks around. A pizza sits under a heat lamp keeping warm as a two liter of Coke rests in an ice bucket.

“Wha… what’s all this?”

“Just a little midnight snack. After all, I want us both to be comfortable while we talk.”

Leading Mio over to the table Arc motions for her to sit down. She gulps nervously but does as she is told. He gestures to the cheese pizza.

“There’s no meat on this. I hope that’s alright.”

“It’s… um…”

“You’re a vegetarian, right?”

Mio gasps. “How did you…?!”

“Hammer told me.”

Mio sighs. “Of course she did.”

“Although she didn’t say if you ate dairy products or not. I did also request a salad. After all, I didn’t want to eat alone.”

Arc walks over to the buffet and picks up the pizza and a salad nearby. Returning to the table he sets it down and takes his seat. Taking a slice of pizza, he begins to eat. Mio appears confused.


Arc looks up. “Something wrong?”

“What… is it?”

“What’s what?”

“This food.”


Mio eyes it suspiciously. “Is this what Hammer was going on about?!”

Arc nods. “Yeah, I was a bit confused by that too. You mean you three haven’t had pizza before?!”

Mio shakes her head. “No. At least nothing like this.”

“To be honest with you, I originally thought she was making that up.”

“Are you saying Hammer’s a liar?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. She was genuinely confused by it. Kinda like you are now.”

“If it’s all the same to you, I think I’ll just sit here.”

“Fine. I’ll enjoy it myself then.”

Arc begins to eat. Pouring himself a glass of soda, he begins to speak.


“Why would I be?”

“Because you’re sensing something you can’t put your finger on.”

Mio frowns. “How do you…?!”

“And you’re shaking slightly.”

Mio glares at him. “I have just been, for all intents and purposes, kidnapped and taken to an unknown location. So forgive me if I’m not all smiles and laughter.”

“Yeah, I’m sorry about the rough treatment earlier. Oh, and feel free to ask your questions now.”


Arc nods as he takes another slice of pizza. “I know you can feel them.”

“Yes, I sensed that dog’s magical aptitude as soon as I saw him.”

“And why do you suppose that is?”

“It must’ve been a mistake. After all, there aren’t any animals outside of… in any case, he can’t really have…”


“You said it, I didn’t.”

Arc shrugs. “Maybe he was made by the Organization.”

Mio gasps slightly. “How do you…?!”

“Oh, I know lots of things.”

“Like what?!”

“There was quite the news story some time back regarding Damocles Base and the ruckus that went on there. I wonder how the media knew to be there.”

Mio appears uncomfortable as Arc continues.

“The security over there isn’t the greatest, after all. Maybe he escaped?”

Mio shakes her head. “That isn’t possible! Doctor Rieper disposed of all the…!”

Her hands fly to her mouth as she blushes and stops talking. Arc chuckles.

“Relax. You didn’t say anything I don’t already know.”

“Where did you get him then?!”

Arc motions to a dark corner of the room as Sereb approaches him. “Damocles Base isn’t the only source of magical creatures, you know.”

“There’s others?!”

Arc shrugs as he tosses Sereb a wad of cheese. “Of course.”


“Sorry. Professional secret.”

Mio looks toward the corner Sereb came from. “You have another animal back there?”

“Not an animal. But certainly not a human either.”

Looking to the corner again, Arc nods. The sounds of footsteps ring out in the otherwise silent room as a small figure in a black cloak approaches. Mio gasps.

“What… is this thing?!”

“A friends of mine. And please don’t refer to her as a ‘thing’ again. She has feelings too, after all.”

Scootaloo nods. “Right.”

“This thing talks?!”

Arc frowns. “What did I JUST say about not calling her a ‘thing’?!”

“Where did you get HER?!”

“Like I said, the Organization isn’t the only place to find…”

Mio slams her hands down on the table as she stands. “Stop beating around the bush!”

“Stop denying what I already know then.”

Mio frowns. “I can’t tell you anything about the Organization!”

Arc chuckles. “Can’t or won’t?”


Mio clenches her fists as she gestures to Scootaloo. “It’s obvious what you’ve done! You used your relationship with Hammer to get sensitive data on our experiments! This… CREATURE was the result!”

“So you’ve created something like her then?”

“I didn’t say that!”

Arc smiles wickedly. “Oh, but you did. Remember, you said that I copied data from the Organization to bring about my friend here. If that’s true, you must’ve already had the same technology for me to steal.”

“How DARE you use Hammer like that! She’s a kind but simple-minded woman with simple minded pleasures!”

Seizing the knife from next to her plate, Mio brings her hand back to stab Arc. Lunging forward Sereb knocks her over as Scootaloo grabs her wrist. The sudden movement causes the girl’s hood to fly back. Mio gasps as she looks into Scootaloo’s face to see her pale skin, red eyes, and fangs.

“What… what are you?!”

Scootaloo looks the woman in the eye angrily. “Drop it!”

Arc peeks over the table at the young woman on the floor. “You should listen to her. As I’m sure you’ve already noticed, she’s much stronger than you are.”

Scootaloo gives Mio’s wrist a firm squeeze. Wincing in pain, she let’s go of the knife as Sereb swoops in to grab it in his mouth.

“Now then, are you willing to cooperate? Or should I let my little friend make a meal out of you?”

Scootaloo grins and licks her fangs hungrily. Mio turns away and squeezes her eyes shut fearfully.

“Y-yes! Please, just call her off!”

Arc nods to Scootaloo. She stands and takes a step back as Sereb growls at Mio.

“Now then, please sit back down and refrain from doing anything else that might provoke my two friends here.”

Mio sets her chair back up and sits down. A look of resentment crosses her face as Arc turns to Scootaloo.



“Why don’t you eat Mio’s salad. That is unless she wants it.”

Mio shakes her head vehemently as she pushes the food toward the little girl. “What is it you want from me?!”

Arc folds his hands and chuckles. “Quite a bit actually. But I’d like to start with the most important topic.”

“Which is…?”


Mio narrows her eyes. “You stay away from my sister! Do you hear me?!”

“That isn’t a problem. In all honesty that’s something I want to make right.”

“Oh really?”

“Yeah. I… kinda bailed on her.”

“For the next job, huh?”

“Something like that.”

Mio looks down her nose at him. “How’d that work out for you?”

Arc shrugs. “I’ve had better outcomes. But I came back to Angel Grove partially to check in on her.”

“I don’t believe that.”

“Think what you want. Now then, how is she?”

“Not the greatest after you left town.”

“She was pretty attached to me.”

Mio sighs. “Like peas in a pod, as Hammer once said.”

“It’s been a few months now. Didn’t she get over me?”

Mio shakes her head. “Not really, no.”


“Hammer’s really on edge all the time. She’ll randomly bail out of conversations, and is constantly muttering to herself.”

“What about?”

“No idea. It’s all under her breath. All I’ve seen are her lips moving.”

“Anything else?”

“She’s started… hiding things from us.”

“Her comings and goings?”

Mio shakes her head. “No. Literally hiding things. Hammer has this old toolbox that she’s always claimed was lucky. Stingray and I never really thought much of it until recently though.”


“Now she carries that thing EVERYWHERE!”

“I didn’t notice it when I saw you three at the library.”

“We were somehow able to convince her to leave it in the vehicle for the first time since you left her.”

“And you don’t know what’s in it?”

“No. And please don’t tell me to find out. Hammer’s emotionally fragile enough as it is without her having to worry about me going through her treasure.”

Arc sighs. “Not to worry. I already know what’s in there.”

“You do?”

“A pretty good guess anyways. Believe me when I say that you don’t want to know.”

Mio gulps as Scootaloo looks up from the salad.

“This is pretty good!”

Arc smiles at her. “Want some pizza?


“Help yourself.”

Scootaloo does so as Arc puts a slice on a plate for Sereb. Mio frowns.

“What are you doing?”

“My friends need to eat too. That and it shouldn’t go to waste.”

“Dogs don’t eat pizza!”

“They do if they want to. And he’s not a dog.”

Mio groans. “I should’ve guessed.”

“There’s still time for you to have some before we eat it all.”

“Thanks, but I’ll abstain.”

“Fine. Shall we move on then?”

“To what?”

“Your favorite subject.”

“Which is…?”

“Magic. I know you, Hammer, and Stingray all have it.”

Mio sighs. “You know that much.”

“Where did you get it from? I’m assuming your weren’t born with it.”

“We were not.”

“Still don’t want to talk, huh?”

“It’s top secret!”

“So is what you’ve already told me, I’m sure.”


“How about a deal then?”

Mio frowns. “What kind of deal?”

“Tell me, how much do you love Hammer?”

Mio sneers at him. “If you lay one finger on her, I swear I’ll…!”

“Calm down. I didn’t mean it like that. Now answer my question.”

Mio sighs and attempts to compose herself before continuing.

“We have our disagreements, of course. But I truly do love both of my sisters, and want what’s best for them.”

“And you’d like Hammer to recover from my disappearance too, right?”

“Of course. But at the same time I don’t want you trying to rekindle that flame.”

“I might be able to help her through this without getting back together. What would that be worth to you?”

Mio narrows her eyes. “Why would you be willing to do that?”

“Because I really do like her.”

“Is that the only reason?!”

Arc sighs. “That and her current state is completely my fault.”

“And you want to make that right?”


“I don’t believe you.”

“Believe what you want. But I can’t do this without your help.”

Mio rolls her eyes. “The all-seeing detective needs help from me?”

“I do. Now are you going to help me, or not?”

Mio nods sadly. “Yes. But it’s not like I really have a choice. You have those pictures and negatives, after all.”

“That I do. But I’d rather that you agree to this willingly.”

“You’re not getting that.”

Scootaloo looks to Arc. “I guess we’ll have to take what we can get.”

“Agreed, little one. Now, how was the salad?”

“Really good!”

She looks to Mio and grins.

“Your loss.”

“It could have been poisoned!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Oh, yes. I always let my friends eat poisoned food alongside me.”

“Look, it’s obvious you’re several steps ahead of everyone. For all I know you could have used something the three of you are immune to.”

“Or you could look at it this way. It makes no sense for me to poison the sister of the woman I’m trying to help.”

“Maybe if it furthered your needs.”

Arc frowns. “I’m trying to help Hammer. Do you think losing you would help that along, or hinder it?”

Mio is silent for a time before responding.

“I still don’t trust you.”

“And I don’t trust you.”

Scootaloo giggles. “Then you’re both in agreement on something. But remember, he could have just ordered me to bite you. You’d have become my willing thrall whom would have answered all our questions.”

Mio gasps. “Why didn’t you?!”

Arc chuckles. “As a show of good faith I did not give her permission to do that. We’re not your enemies, Mio. Nor do we want to harm you.

“I don’t have any assurances that what you’ve told me is true.”

“No, I suppose you don’t. But you need only remember two things.”


Arc holds up a finger. “One… that I’m trying to fix the problems I created.”


“Two… you don’t really have much choice.”

Mio sighs. “Fine. What do you want me to do?”

“Meet me in that same alley exactly one week from today.”

“Like you said, I don’t have much choice. But why?”

“I’m going to try something. But I need someone to tell me how the plan is going.”

“You want me to be your mole?”

Arc nods. “To put it negatively, yes.”

“Fine. I’ll do this for you. But only because I have to.”

“Good. Now then, there is one last thing I need from you.”

“I’m listening.”

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