• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 1 - The Morning After

Twilight awakens to the sound of a door opening and hoofsteps walking toward her.

“Your highness, it’s time for your…”

Opening one eye a crack, Twilight sees the unmistakably large form of Luna. Her massive head laying neatly on Twilight’s head. Panicking, Twilight screams.


The Hoof Maiden stumbles backwards, terrified. Luna’s eyes fly open as Twilight jumps to her hooves and looks around.


The Hoof Maiden gets up and hurries back to the bedside. “Are you not well, miss?”

“Forgive my lover’s outburst. She regularly suffers from nightmares.”

Luna turns to her.

“That’s what happened, was it not?”

Twilight nods weakly. “Y-yes, L-L-Luna.”

Luna takes Twilight in her hooves and holds her close as the pets her mane. “There, there, my dear. It’s going to be okay.”

She turns to the Hoof Maiden.

“Are the others waiting outside?”

“Yes, your highness. And as per your orders we’ve assigned two extra sets of hooves to see to your… um… special friend here.”

“Very good. Bring them in.”

The Hood Maiden bows and returns to the door. Opening it she beckons the others to enter. Two of them pour cups of tea when the other pair hurry into the bathroom. The sound of running water fills the room as does the smell of lavender. Luna stands and looks to Twilight.

“Come along, my dear.”

Shakily, Twilight walks over to the table with Luna. A Hoof Maiden offers her a tray of cookies as the other does the same for Luna.

“None for me, thank you.”

Luna giggles as she munches on a cookie. “You should try them, Twilight. They’re quite good. My sister’s own recipe.”

Twilight sighs. “I’m just… not very hungry at the moment.”

Luna sips her tea. “Well, I hope a nice bath will help put you back in the spirit of things. One must look their best for the day ahead.”

A short time later the Hoof Maidens emerge from the bathroom.

“We are ready for you, Princess Luna.”

Luna stands up. “Good. This is my favorite part of the day.”

Twilight forces a smile. “Have a nice time.”

Luna turns back to Twilight, confused. “But you’re coming with me.”

“I… I am?”

“Yes silly! After all, you and I share everything.”


Twilight nervously follows the princess into her large and luxurious bathroom. Several lavender scented candles burn around the room and a bowl of large bath bombs sits next to the tub along with a tray of sweets. She watches as Luna steps into the massive shower. Sitting down on a rubber mat with a contented smile, Twilight observes two Hoof Maidens approach and remove one of two nozzles from their places on the wall. One sprays a gentle mist of water over Luna’s body as the other works up a lather between her hooves and begins working it into her coat. Luna smiles and moans slightly as they work. As she watches, Twilight feels a light tap on her shoulder. Turning, she spots the other pair of Hoof Maidens behind her.

“Right this way, Miss Twilight.”

Taking her by the hoof, Twilight is led to a spot in the shower across from Luna. As they grab the other nozzle from the wall, Twilight squeezes her eyes shut. A moment later she feels the warm water cascading across her coat. Sighing, she allows the mares to continue their work. Twilight sits there silently as she feels gentle hooves rubbing soap all over her body. A short time later they rinse the shampoo from her coat as gently as it has been applied. Opening her eyes, she spies Luna with a maneful of shampoo. The Hoof Maidens turn to Twilight.

“Miss Twilight?”


“Please close your eyes.”

Twilight does so. The feeling of her mane being lathered overcomes her and she hums happily. A slight tingling runs across her scalp and down her back as another bottle’s contents are applied in copious amounts. After a thorough rinse Twilight opens her eyes to see Luna looking her over.

“Much better, my dear.”

She turns to the Hoof Maidens.

“We are ready.”

Nodding, one of them rolls out a long narrow mat that leads to the bathtub as another drops a bath bomb into the hot water. Following the mat, Luna walks over to the tub. Stepping into the truly massive vessel she sits down on her haunches and lays back, leaving only her head exposed. Turning, she smiles at Twilight.

“Come on, Twilight. There’s plenty of room.”

“There… there is? Are you sure?”

“Yes. Come in. You’ll love this.”

Twilight nods and steps over to the tub. As she moves to get in she loses her footing and slips. Falling into the water face first Twilight emerges a few seconds later coughing and sputtering. As her vision clears she sees herself sitting directly in front of Luna. The larger mare giggles and bats her eyelashes seductively.

“That’s one way to get close to me, Twilight.”

She turns to the Hoof Maidens.

“Leave us. I want some alone time with my lover.”

They bow and quickly leave the room, closing the door behind them. Luna turns to Twilight.

“You can step back now.”

Twilight quickly does so and whispers apologetically.


“No need to whisper. I cast a Sound Dampening Spell when we entered.”

“Oh… okay. But won’t that make your Hoof Maiden’s suspicious?”

Luna shakes her head. “Not in the least. Lately I’ve had guards in my room at times. I’ll do my best to stifle it today, but I sometimes let out some very… unladylike sounds when being oiled. No reason to give nameless guards a show, after all.”

Twilight appears confused. “Oiled?”

“You’ll see in a bit. Right now we’re in the middle of my morning soak.”

“Sorry for messing that up with me… um… falling in. And… sorry for tumbling into your lap.”

“It’s fine Twilight. Truth be told, I originally thought you did that on purpose.”

“That was an accident, I swear!”

Luna giggles. “Very well. But it certainly helped make our relationship more… interesting for the Hoof Maidens.”

“How so?”

“They’ve seen you in my fetlocks twice now.”

Twilight appears hopeful. “So I’m… doing well?”

“I suppose ‘well’ might be going a bit far. I would say ‘passable’.”

“What can I do to improve?”

“Try being more affectionate to me. It would help them believe this is real and get them talking.”

Twilight blushes. “I’m… not sure I can do that.”

“This is your first relationship, even if it is fake. You just need to overcome your fears and inhibitions.”

“Can I have some time to… get used to this? I’m really in uncharted territory here.”

“Very well, Twilight. Just do the best you can for now. Oh! And I… um… I’m… sorry for this morning.”


Luna sighs. “I made you scream.”

“Oh! N-no, Princess Luna! I was actually…!”


“Sorry… Luna. But waking up in another mare’s fetlocks was really new to me.”

“Ah! I see. Truthfully, I thought it was something else entirely.”

“Like a bad dream?”

Luna shakes her head. “No. That was just my efforts to give you an ‘out’.”

“A what?”

“Giving you a way to recover from a mistake.”

“I see. Um… why did you… um… think I screamed?”

Luna blushes slightly. “Bear in mind I’m only telling you this because I’m sorry, but… when I woke up with my head on top of yours, I immediately realized I had accidently… drooled in your mane.”

“You did?”

“Yes. I’m sure the Hoof Maidens noticed it and properly cleaned you though. They’re pretty good about that. Normally I just drool in my own.”

“I hadn’t actually noticed.”

Luna looks away nervously. “Oh… well, in that case, I’d like to remove myself from this highly embarrassing conversation.”

“Yes, Luna.”

They are silent for a time. Eventually Twilight breaks it.

“Can I ask you something?”

“What is it?”

“Why do you shower and then bathe? It just seems rather… counterproductive.”

“You will see shortly.”

A few minutes later the Hoof Maidens knock and enter the bathroom.

“Are you ready to be oiled, Princess Luna?”

Luna nods. “Yes.”

She stands and steps out of the tub. Two Hoof Maidens pat her dry while the others do the same to Twilight. Luna walks around a corner to what appears to be a large massage table. Lying down face first Luna stretches out and relaxes. She motions to a similar table next to her.

“Join me, Twilight.”

Nervously, Twilight does so. She turns her head to watch Luna, but finds the mare has turned her attention out the window. A Hoof Maiden pours a sweet smelling oil over Luna’s back while another carefully rubs it in with slow circular motions as a third carefully holds her mane to one side. Twilight tightens up as the same is done to her. The servants are careful to allow her an unobstructed view of Luna the entire time. Whether out of respect or from sensing her own fear Twilight is uncertain. Finishing, Luna turns over onto her back as the table elevates her head and upper body.

“Are you doing alright over there, Twilight?”

“Oh yes! This feels really nice! Tell me, Luna, do you do this every day?!”

Luna nods as the Hoof Maidens get to work oiling her chest. “I do. It helps keep my coat hydrated. After all, a princess must keep up appearances. As do you now, my dear.”

Twilight looks over as the other Hoof Maidens carefully roll her over. “Must I?”

“Yes. After all, you wouldn’t want to hurt my image, would you, Twilight?”

“Not at all! I’ll do whatever it takes to… make this work.”


The Hoof Maiden’s continue their task. They slowly work their way from the mare’s necks, to their chests and down to their bellies. Twilight smiles contentedly as one of the Hoof Maiden’s taps her shoulder.

“Miss, this next part may be a bit jarring. We’ll be as gentle as possible, what with this being your first time.”

Twilight nods happily. “Okay. Um… what’s next anyways?”

Luna looks over. “Your flank.”


“It’s just part of the process. No need to be scared, my dear.”

“But, I… um… I’ve never been…! Look, can’t we just skip that part?!”

Luna sighs. “I suppose so. But it’s necessary to maintain an even coat. Think of it like leaving a single spot unwashed every day. Eventually it would be quite noticeable. Would it make you feel better if I went first?”

“I… don’t know. Maybe.”


She nods to the Hoof Maidens at the end of the table. They motion to someone around the corner. Another mare walks in levitating a different bottle of oil. Carefully pouring it on the princess’ flank she gets to work. Gently, she moves her hooves in a circular motion to rub in the oil. Luna’s breathing increases as the mare carefully works. In but a few moments she completes her task as Luna lets out a low moan. As the mare turns to wash her hooves Luna returns her gaze back to the purple unicorn next to her.

“Are you ready, Twilight?”

“Um… I guess.”

“Don’t worry. It doesn’t hurt.”


Luna motions for the mare to carry out her task. As she does so Twilight begins to feel faint as the top of her head tingles. The world goes dark for an indeterminate amount of time. Twilight feels a hoof gently pat her cheek.

“Miss Twilight? Are you alright?”

Opening her eyes, Twilight spots the mares attending them previously washing their hooves at a nearby sink.

“I… think so. What happened?”

Luna giggles as she stands up. “I think you fell asleep. But you were making the cutest little sounds.”

“Sorry. Um… are we done?”

Luna nods. “Yes. At least with this part.”

Twilight gasps. “There’s more?!”

“Just one. A proper brushing.”

Twilight appears relieved. “That sounds nice.”

The Hoof Maidens lead them over to two vanities nearby. Luna motions to Twilight to sit down as the Hoof Maidens get to work. For the next hour they brush the pair’s coat, tail, and mane. One works on Twilight, while the other three attend to Luna. Eventually they step back, bow, and leave the room. Luna stands up and looks herself over in the mirror.


Twilight looks Luna over. “Passable?! Luna your coat and mane look amazing!”

Luna giggles. “Thank you. It’s the oil.”

“Sorry about… you know.”

“Perfectly normal for your first time. I’m sure commoners don’t pay so much attention to their backsides. But you yourself look very nice now as well.”

“Thank you. And I suppose we don’t do much… down there. But might I ask you something?”

“What is it?”

“That mare whom did… the last part for you. I saw her in the castle infirmary some time back.”

Luna nods. “She’s actually a nurse.”

“I see. Well, I suppose it’s for the best a healthcare provider takes care of those parts of our anatomy. What was in that bottle she used on you?

Luna blushes slightly. “It was a medicated version of the previous oil. I have certain… embarrassing problems down there.”

“Oh. Well… I wouldn’t have known just by looking at it. I MEAN YOU! LOOKING AT YOU!”

Luna rolls her eyes. “I know what you meant, Twilight.”

“What do we do now?”

“The Hoof Maidens will have picked up the tea dishes and other offerings from this morning and left breakfast in its place. Are you hungry?”

“A bit, yes.”

“Follow me.”

Luna leads Twilight out of the bathroom and over to the table. Two dishes with silver covers over them are waiting for them. They sit down and begin to eat as Twilight hums happily.

“This is wonderful!”

“I’m glad you like it.”

“Do you have a busy schedule today?”

Luna sighs. “No, I don’t.”

“I’ll help with whatever you need done.”

“You don’t understand. Since my sister retook her place on the throne, I literally have NOTHING to do.”

“Oh… well… what did you do before she disappeared?”

“I was the one whom raised the moon and safeguarded ponies dreams.”

Twilight gasps. “Wait! You can enter dreams!?”

Luna raises an eyebrow, confused. “Yes. Why do you ask?”

“I just always assumed that such an ability was merely a legend!”

“No. Just very rare.”

“Can I watch?!”

“Um… I suppose so. However, it’s a very tiring experience.”

“How so? Aren’t you asleep?”

Luna shakes her head. “No. Just those whom I visit are. I’m fully awake when I delve.”

“Do you think we could delve together?”

“Entirely possible. But you might see things that frighten or… um… sicken you.”

“Like what?”

Luna sighs. “Not all dreams are good or lucid. Some are frightening beyond measure. However a small percentage are… well… less than desirable to witness.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Some ponies dream of doing… certain things with others.”

Twilight appears confused. “What exactly do they...”


The pair are silent for a time as Luna composes herself before continuing.

“I’m sorry for blowing up like that.”

“It’s okay. I was pressing the issue pretty hard. But different types of magic intrigue me. Are you okay?”

“Yes. Why do you…?”

Twilight points. “You’re hooves are shaking.”

“I… um…”

Luna sighs before continuing.

“What I said about those sexual dreams… they’re actually fairly common.”

“So you’re tired of seeing them?”

“No. I… I mean yes, but… look its more than the dreams. It’s… um…”

Twilight appears concerned. “This is really bothering you, isn’t it?”

“For many years, yes.”

Twilight smiles. “Well, I’ve found that if I can talk to somepony when something’s bothering me it makes things a lot easier.”

“With whom?”

“A trusted friend or my parents.”

Luna sighs. “I don’t have either of those.”

“Well, how about me then?”

“You? But we hardly…!”

“I won’t tell anypony if you don’t want me to. Now what’s the problem?”

Luna groans. “Alright then. The issue is that in a good number of those dreams, the ponies in question are…”

Luna takes a deep breath and closes her eyes.

“…are having sex with my sister!”

Twilight gasps. “With Princess Celestia?!”


“And she ALLOWS it?!”

Luna shakes her head vehemently. “No, no! It’s just a dream, so it isn’t REALLY my sister. Just their mental image of her.”

“What does she have to say about this?”

“I’ve never told her.”

“She should know if others are thinking those sort of things about her. What do you normally do about it?”

“Move on to the next dream and let it play out.”

Luna is silent for a time before looking Twilight in the eye.

“It used to make me angry. But… not in a long time.”

“What changed? Did you accept it as nothing more than a dream?”

Luna sighs and shakes her head. “No. I bottled it up inside and… just held it there.”

“Your anger?”

“No. My… jealousy.”

Twilight gasps. “Jealousy?! You mean… you WANT stallions to think of you that way?!”

“Not really. But after seeing my sister in other’s dreams so many times, I began to notice that through all of it nopony ever… dreamed about me.”



“You might actually want to talk to Princess Celestia about this.”

“I… I did.”

“Really? When?”

“Over a thousand years ago.”

“And what did she say?”

Luna sighs. “Celestia merely told me that if I wanted stallions to looks are me the same way I should take better care of my outward appearance. Remember those treatments you and I underwent earlier in the bathroom this morning?”

Twilight blushes. “How could I forget?”

“They were what she used to stay beautiful. That’s why there’s two separate shower nozzles, massage tables, and vanity mirrors. We used to do that every day… together.”

“To make you more beautiful?”

“Yes. But it didn’t work. In the end that was what caused me to become Nightmare Moon. Jealousy of my sister.”

Twilight gasps. “I don’t understand. The history books say it was because everypony slept through your beautiful night.”

“That’s a lie perpetuated by my sister in an effort to salvage what was left of my reputation. After all, who would respect a princess whom tries to dethrone her sister over something as silly as stallions fantasizing about bedding them?”

“And Princess Celestia just sat on this all these years?”

Luna nods. “Yes. It was very noble of her. More so than I deserved.”

“I never knew.”

“Nopony does. Just her… me… and now you.”

Luna smiles.

“You were right, Twilight.”

“I was? About what?”

Luna looks out the window happily. “It does feel good to talk about this.”

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